Maritime Law Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This paper will discuss the political and legal aspects of the maritime disputes in the Eastern Mediterranean and the factors relevant to their conciliation. The first part of the paper introduces the Mediterranean Sea and the relevance... more

This paper will discuss the political and legal aspects of the maritime disputes in the Eastern Mediterranean and the factors relevant to their conciliation. The first part of the paper introduces the Mediterranean Sea and the relevance of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) regime in its basins. Subsequently, the author summarizes relevant historical cleavages in the Levant Basin, with a focus on relevant modern Lebanese-Israeli, Lebanese-Syrian and inter-Cypriot events. Part III will discuss the increasing interest in EEZ delimitation over the past decade due to hydrocarbon prospects in the Eastern Mediterranean and the geopolitical and maritime challenges that have since taken shape. Finally, based on the Law of the Sea and previous examples from around the world, the author discusses relevant legal avenues for achieving balanced solutions to maritime tensions in the region and presents the most relevant criteria in delimiting maritime boundaries.

L’immagine più diffusa della pirateria è forse quella legata ai romanzi di Emilio Salgari o di Robert Louis Stevenson, ed in tempi più recenti a pellicole e serie televisive americane di grande successo. Denominatore comune, sono le... more

L’immagine più diffusa della pirateria è forse quella legata ai
romanzi di Emilio Salgari o di Robert Louis Stevenson, ed in
tempi più recenti a pellicole e serie televisive americane di
grande successo. Denominatore comune, sono le avventure in terre lontane ed esotiche e la sostanziale simpatia nutrita dal lettore o spettatore nei confronti dei personaggi di queste opere, quasi sempre
fuorilegge, ma (spesso), pure paladini della giustizia (seppur con tendenze anarcoidi e ribellistiche).
Vero è, che tale fenomeno è stato invece per lungo tempo endemico nel Mediterraneo ed ha interessato per oltre un millennio il nostro Mezzogiorno, ed è ancora (purtroppo), estremamente attuale in altre aree del pianeta a noi contigue o prossime.

The Indo-Pacific region stretches from the eastern Indian Ocean shores of Africa and West Asia to the littoral countries of the western Pacific. The region constitutes the ‘maritime underbelly’ of Asia, and is the fastest growing region... more

The Indo-Pacific region stretches from the eastern Indian Ocean shores of Africa and West Asia to the littoral countries of the western Pacific. The region constitutes the ‘maritime underbelly’ of Asia, and is the fastest growing region in the world; and in a few decades, is likely to witness what may be referred to as ‘Renaissance 2.0’. The region is, therefore, ripe with enormous opportunities, not only for regional countries, but also for the rest of the global community. And yet, the region is beset with equally colossal security risks that emanate from inter alia the rise of China - that is not satisfied with ‘status quo’ in the global order including established international law and norms; strategic rivalries and the attendant security dilemma and arms race; issues of governance including maritime jurisdictions; the proliferation of malevolent non-state actors involved in maritime crimes and terrorism; and so on. The book is a collation of commentaries that analyse the trends with regard to the geopolitical and maritime security environment, along with the naval developments, in the Indo-Pacific in the past half-decade or so.

Artykuł analizuje orzecznictwo Międzynarodowego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości w sprawach dotyczących delimitacji stref morskich, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem szelfu kontynentalnego. An analysis of the ICJ's jurisprudence in the field of... more

Artykuł analizuje orzecznictwo Międzynarodowego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości w sprawach dotyczących delimitacji stref morskich, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem szelfu kontynentalnego.
An analysis of the ICJ's jurisprudence in the field of maritime delimitation with special regard to the delimitation of the continental shelf.

A variety of international, European and national rules apply to the different national maritime zones and, in some cases, to the high seas including the Adriatic and Ionian Seas. As the existing rules do not cover all spaces and practice... more

A variety of international, European and national rules apply to the different national maritime zones and, in some cases, to the high seas including the Adriatic and Ionian Seas. As the existing rules do
not cover all spaces and practice often reveals the inadequacy of the international and national compliance systems, this paper will propose some observations on the high degree of legal fragmentation, the international cooperation on the protection of the marine environment, and the existence of certain security gaps in the offshore platforms regulations.

В последнее время достаточно много упоминается, что экологическое состояние морской среды европейского региона находится под угрозой. Несомненно это требует эффективных действий от государств и народов. Охрана природоресурсного базиса... more

В последнее время достаточно много упоминается, что экологическое состояние морской среды европейского региона находится под угрозой. Несомненно это требует эффективных действий от государств и народов. Охрана природоресурсного базиса является предварительным условием для достижения устойчивого благосостояния, а также обеспечивает занятость на океанах, морях и соответственно улучшение качества жизни. В связи с тем, что Европейское Сообщество стремится восстановить и оживить свою экономику, эффективная защита морской среды может быть значимым вкладом в данном случае 1. В частности, Морская политика Европейского Союза (далее-ЕС) нацелена «содействовать устойчивому использованию морей и охранять морскую экосистему» 2. Необходимость в таком изложении морской политики происходит из экономической, социальной и экологической значимости морских пространств в Европе...

Планируемое уменьшение ледового покрова в Арктике ведет к изменению геополитического статуса этого морского региона: он становится более открытым для осуществления различных видов морехозяйственной деятельности. Приход в Арктику всех... more

Планируемое уменьшение ледового покрова в Арктике ведет к изменению геополитического статуса этого морского региона: он становится более открытым для осуществления различных видов морехозяйственной деятельности. Приход в Арктику всех заинтересованных игроков несет с собой существенный рост рисков и угроз, прежде всего невоенного характера. Особую важ-ность приобретает проблема обеспечения экологической безопасности – защиты и сохранения морской среды и ее биоразнообразия. Противодействие этим видам угроз требует как индивиду-альных усилий стран арктической пятерки, так и принятия коллективных мер. Ключевые слова: Арктика, Арктический совет, арктические проливы, Северный морской путь, Конвенция ООН по морскому праву, морская безопасность, " мягкая " безопасность, экологическая безопасность, морской терроризм, пиратство.

General average as a type of claim in marine insurance is usual for the hull & machinery and cargo insurance. The aim of a general average act is to protect the property involved in a marine adventure, and therefore it benefits the... more

General average as a type of claim in marine insurance is usual for the hull & machinery and cargo insurance. The aim of a general average act is to protect the property involved in a marine adventure, and therefore it benefits the insurers of that property. However, in case of a marine accident it is sometimes difficult to separate the measures and expenses undertaken to protect the property involved in a marine adventure and those that contribute to the prevention or minimization of marine pollution. Often, the sacrifices and expenditures admitted in general average contribute to the protection of environment. Therefore, the measures of pollution prevention automatically contributing to the avoidance of the shipowner’s pollution liabilities enter the domain of the marine property insurance, although by their nature they should fall under the typical P&I cover. The various sorts of measures and expenditures admitted in general average as a type of claim in hull & machinery and cargo insurance are analysed whilst the distinction and the possible overlap in relation to P&I insurance, i. e. the insurance of shipowner’s liability, is clarified. The analysis and the discussion are based on the concepts adopted by the York-Antwerp Rules in the context of the standard clauses for the insurance of ships and cargo, i. e. the Institute Clauses, and the usual rules of the P&I clubs.

This paper deals with the concept of marina operator berthing contracts from the comparative perspectives of Spanish, Italian, Croatian and US law. The focus is on the legal nature of the contracts and on the marina operator's liability... more

This paper deals with the concept of marina operator berthing contracts from the comparative perspectives of Spanish, Italian, Croatian and US law. The focus is on the legal nature of the contracts and on the marina operator's liability arising from them. The authors analyse the relevant legal framework, private regulation, judicial practice and legal doctrine, and discuss the salient features of the contracts and the most prominent issues arising in relation to their practical application. A comparative law analysis shows the similarity of the questions raised in the judicial practice and legal doctrine in all four observed jurisdictions. The discussion revolves around the central problem of determining the legal nature of this innominate atypical contract. The positions are divided into two main lines of argument: one treats the contract primarily as a contract for the use of a safe berth (locatio conductio rei), while the other is based on the concept that the contract contains vital elements of a contract of deposit (depositum), whereby the vessel is entrusted to the marina for safe­ keeping.

This article aims to present on the changes regarding Bimco Supplytime 2005 contract standard which was revised after twelve years of the latest version. In some aspects, the 2005 version was interpreted on the market as more favorable to... more

This article aims to present on the changes regarding Bimco Supplytime 2005 contract standard which was revised after twelve years of the latest version. In some aspects, the 2005 version was interpreted on the market as more favorable to shipowners so one of the objectives of the new Supplytime 2017 was to enable a better balance between the charterer and the shipowner by reinforcing the knock for knock concept and to provide a more practical and modern approach, considering the reality of the oil and gas and maritime industry. Hence, it will be presented the main impacts and objectives of the amendments done, some points of concern and general recommendations as to the applicability of this model of contract. Keywords: Maritime Support. Offshore Support Vessel. Bimco. Supplytime. 2017. Contracts. Maritime Law. Liability. Risk. Knock-for-knock.
Este artigo visa apresentar sobre as mudanças do modelo de contrato da Bimco Supplytime 2005, o qual foi revisado após doze anos da última versão. Em alguns aspectos, a versão 2005 era interpretada no mercado como mais favorável aos proprietários das embarcações, logo um dos objetivos do novo Supplytime 2017 foi possibilitar um maior equilíbrio entre o afretador e o shipowner, através do reforço do conceito knock for knock, além de tornar um documento mais prático e moderno, considerando a realidade da indústria de óleo e gás e marítima. Nesse sentido, serão demonstrados os principais impactos e objetivos das modificações realizadas, alguns pontos de atenção e recomendações gerais quanto a aplicabilidade deste modelo de contrato. Palavras-chave: Apoio marítimo. Embarcações de apoio. Offshore. Bimco. Supplytime. 2017. Contratos. Direito marítimo. Maritime Law. Responsabilidade. Risco. Knock-for-knock.

Podrtine i potonule stvari koje su napuštene, ili izgubljene, ili im je vlasnik nepoznat, ili ih ovlaštena osoba ne namjerava vaditi, su predmeti podvrgnuti posebnom stvarnopravnom uređenju. Pomorski zakonik (PZ) služi kao pravni temelj... more

Podrtine i potonule stvari koje su napuštene, ili izgubljene, ili im je vlasnik nepoznat, ili ih ovlaštena osoba ne namjerava vaditi, su predmeti podvrgnuti posebnom stvarnopravnom uređenju. Pomorski zakonik (PZ) služi kao pravni temelj stjecanja prava vlasništva na podrtinama i potonulim stvarima za slučajeve za koje opće stvarno pravo to ne predviđa. To su: nalaz stvari u moru i stjecanje vlasništva u korist Republike Hrvatske na podrtinama i potonulim stvarima koje vlasnici nisu izvadili u roku od dvije godine od kada su potonuli ili se nasukali. Dodatne specifičnosti odnose se na podrtine i potonule stvari koje imaju kulturni značaj. One uživaju posebnu zaštitu po propisima o zaštiti i očuvanju kulturnih dobara. Analizira se uloga posebnog stvarnopravnog uređenja za prestanak i stjecanje prava vlasništva na podrtinama i potonulim stvarima kao i međusobni odnos posebnih pravila za podrtine i potonule stvari sadržanih u PZ-u i općih pravila stvarnog prava. Detaljno se proučavaju i prikazuju sve pojedinosti stjecanja i prestanka prava vlasništva na podrtinama i potonulim stvarima. Rad pruža opširan komentar zakonskih odredbi noveliranog PZ-a iz 2013. godine i smjernice za njihovo tumačenje u praksi. Novo stvarnopravno uređenje za prestanak i stjecanje prava vlasništva na podrtinama i potonulim stvarima ocjenjuje se vrlo korisnom i važnom novinom u hrvatskom pomorskom pravu. Ključne riječi: podrtine; potonule stvari; pomorsko pravo; stvarno pravo; pravo vlasništva; Pomorski zakonik; nalaz stvari.

The Lagos State Land Use Charge is a consolidation of all property and land based rates and charges erstwhile payable under land rates, neighborhood improvement charge and tenement rates laws of Lagos State. The Land Use Charge as the... more

The Lagos State Land Use Charge is a consolidation of all property and land based rates and charges erstwhile payable under land rates, neighborhood improvement charge and tenement rates laws of Lagos State. The Land Use Charge as the name implies is a novel imposition on the owner of a property for the use and enjoyment of the property with the primary aim of improving the internally generated revenue of the State. This is especially instructive in the light of the steady population growth of the State and decline in the funds allocation from the federation account. However, notwithstanding its laudable objectives, the Land Use Charge Law has engendered controversies since its enactment especially as relates to its implementation and enforcement. Some of these contentions range from the capricious determination of the capital values of a property without recourse to any identifiable and tested scientific method, to arguments on the constitutionality of a State government to usurp the powers of a Local Council to impose and collect tenement rates. It is amidst these festering controversies that the Land Use Charge Amendment Law 2018 was enacted.

Neorealists typically suggest that when it comes to matters of international politics, non-state actors (NSAs) count only in so far as they act as agents of nation-states, and that if they are not such agents, then their role is merely... more

Neorealists typically suggest that when it comes to matters of international politics, non-state actors (NSAs) count only in so far as they act as agents of nation-states, and that if they are not such agents, then their role is merely epiphenomenal, so essentially irrelevant. This thesis argues that this is certainly not true when it comes to key areas of concern for international maritime security. NSAs here may employ the traditional tools of advocating and lobbying that leave neorealists unimpressed, but they do more than this. Increasingly they have forced policy changes by assuming roles that states cannot or will not perform at sea. In making this argument, this thesis draws on three different case studies; irregular maritime migration, piracy, and illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. In each of these cases we find that the actions of NSAs at sea have a direct and contributory effect on the way states are or are not responding to the security concerns in international waters. This capacity is clearly bound up with the absence of sovereign control over the high seas. The long-standing ‘freedom of the seas’ doctrine opens a space for conflicts between the state-centric conceptions of security and national interests of states on the one hand, and (human) security, trade and environmental concerns on the other, that NSAs are well placed to fill.

El ensayo analiza el Convenio sobre trabajo marítimo de 2006, y pone de manifiesto su originalidad dentro del marco de las fuentes de la OIT: en primer lugar, el Convenio sistematiza el entonces fragmentado panorama de convenios y... more

El ensayo analiza el Convenio sobre trabajo marítimo de 2006, y pone de manifiesto su originalidad dentro del marco de las fuentes de la OIT: en primer lugar, el Convenio sistematiza el entonces fragmentado panorama de convenios y recomendaciones sobre derechos de los trabajadores marítimos. Además, la intervención normativa de 2006 se caracteriza por su efectividad, sobre todo en lo que se refiere al derecho a la repatriación y a los controles por parte del Estado del Puerto y del Estado del Pabellón, no limitados a los buques que enarbolen bandera de un Estado ratificador. De todas formas, algunas criticidades siguen persistiendo, como la falta de reconocimiento del derecho de huelga y la genericidad del derecho al shore leave.

Los puertos marítimos desarrollan una importante actividad económica y ocupan un papel principal en el comercio internacional, siendo motores de desarrollo económico de las ciudades, regiones y países donde se encuentran. Teniendo en... more

Los puertos marítimos desarrollan una importante actividad económica y ocupan un papel principal en el comercio internacional, siendo motores de desarrollo económico de las ciudades, regiones y países donde se encuentran. Teniendo en cuenta dicha importancia, el presente artículo pretende estudiar la organización y el régimen jurídico de los mismos en la Unión Europea, donde no existe un único modelo portuario sino tres tipos distintos: hanseático, anglosajón y latino. Escogiendo un país que representa a cada modelo (Alemania como máximo exponente del modelo hanseático, Reino Unido del anglosajón e Italia del latino), el artículo analiza las principales características y diferencias entre los tres tipos. Se trata de un estudio de Derecho comparado que ha sido galardonado en el año 2013 con el premio Accésit II Pablo Acero de la Asociación Internacional de Derecho Portuario.

Results of the Repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act

The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is considered as the universal legal regulator towards maritime spaces and resources. However, many states are directly and indirectly violating its basic Articles and... more

The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is considered as the universal legal regulator towards maritime spaces and resources. However, many states are directly and indirectly violating its basic Articles and political practice of. This situation gives background for the main question of this book: has the UNCLOS become a genuine «Constitution» of the Seas; would the regime, generated by it, remain unchanged in the new international conditions?

This is a sample Vessel Sale & Purchase Agreement using a Malaysian format. Important and significant clauses are highlighted and included.

The shipbuilding sector takes great impulse in the technological advances which engineers and yards try to introduce in the ships. These innovations come normally from the fields of industrial inventions and improvements in the... more

The shipbuilding sector takes great impulse in the technological advances which engineers and yards try to introduce in the ships. These innovations come normally from the fields of industrial inventions and improvements in the construction techniques and designs given to certain pieces of the vessels, which can be protected through rights belonging to the Intellectual Property family. Part I of the communication will be dedicated to the aforementioned general ideas.
However, this protection may become an obstacle to the international maritime traffic if patent holders in a port State enforce their rights against a vessel that enters that port. In order to avoid these barriers, the Paris Convention for Intellectual Property established an exception to the patent right regarding the components that are used solely to cover the needs of the vessel (art. 5ter of the Convention). Moreover, the improvements in the vessels do not always access an IP registry (through a patent or a design). Sometimes they are kept secret by the ship builders and, thus, the applicable legislation is that of the industrial secrets. These matters will be treated in Part II of the article.
Finally, a brief mention of the materialization of the aforementioned issues in the more common international contracting forms, regarding the construction of ships, will be made. For its importance, a general comparison of the matter will be focused on the forms NEWBUILDCON, CMAC, SAJ, NSF and AWES FORM (Part III).

Throughout the past decades, the legal framework governing Indonesia's maritime regime has experienced various changes. This is apparent during the enactment of the 1957 Djuanda Declaration and the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea... more

Throughout the past decades, the legal framework governing Indonesia's maritime regime has experienced various changes. This is apparent during the enactment of the 1957 Djuanda Declaration and the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) when the novel concept of archipelagic State was introduced. This paper reviewed the historical development of this concept up until the recent issue of designating archipelagic sea lanes (ASL) in Indonesia. Dubbing this issue as the epilogue of Indonesia's journey towards archipelagic statehood, this paper focuses on (1) the importance of designating ASL for archipelagic States, (2) the kind of considerations that pose challenge to its designation and (3) how these challenges have particularly affected Indonesia's reluctance to open ASL routes which are internationally sanctioned, particularly with regards to the East-West route. This paper found that such hardship stems from the lack of clarity in relevant UNCLOS clauses on archipelagic States as well as from the inherent rivalry between flag and coastal States. Security concerns have also been crucial in explaining Indonesia's reluctance to fully abide by international demand. The paper ended with some possible pathways and policy recommendations that Indonesia may take with regards to its ASL regime.

An analysis of the international, regional and domestic anti-trafficking legal and policy mechanisms available for implementation by the Ugandan government. This work also includes assessment of anti-trafficking practice along the 4 ps... more

An analysis of the international, regional and domestic anti-trafficking legal and policy mechanisms available for implementation by the Ugandan government. This work also includes assessment of anti-trafficking practice along the 4 ps -Protection, Prevention, Prosecution ans Partnership- as well as implementation of the developed legal and policy frameworks by the Ugandan government in selected court cases.

General Clause of Good Maritime Practice – an Outline of the Issues. The article outlines the problem of the general clause of good (ordinary) maritime practice, as the statutory reference to the normative system and axiological system... more

General Clause of Good Maritime Practice – an Outline of the Issues.
The article outlines the problem of the general clause of good (ordinary) maritime practice, as the statutory reference to the normative system and axiological system other than law. The Authors present the legal bases which include this clause, especially art. 57 of the Maritime Code, which provides that before and during the journey the captain is obliged to exercise due care that will make the ship seaworthy, and in particular to satisfy the requirements arising from the provisions and principles of good maritime practice concerning the safety, crew selection, appropriate equipment and supplies. The Authors identify eight characteristic features of the clause. Good maritime practice is a set of directives concerning reliable and professional proceedings, which result in efficient operation, due diligence and sense of responsibility for the ship safety. The general clause of good maritime practice is often directly invoked in the decisions of maritime chambers, while in others it is the basis for the assessment of the event, particularly the behavior of its participants. The essence of the article is therefore to draw attention to the major importance of the principles and rules established outside the legal system in the activities of maritime chambers.

On a world thirsty for energy, oil is the cause of numerous international conflicts. For example, take Venezuela and Colombia, states that assert sovereign rights over the Gulf of Venezuela, an area with petroleum potential. Their desire... more

On a world thirsty for energy, oil is the cause of numerous international conflicts. For example, take Venezuela and Colombia, states that assert sovereign rights over the Gulf of Venezuela, an area with petroleum potential. Their desire for the black gold has not only shaped policy decisions on whether to participate in many international treaties, but has also attempted against their diplomatic and economic relations.

There are three key issues that should be addressed in the subject of pecunia traiecticia. First of all, a question whether the Roman concept of sea loan survived in the centuries following the Roman Empire. Secondly, did it inspire any... more

There are three key issues that should be addressed in the subject of pecunia traiecticia. First of all, a question whether the Roman concept of sea loan survived in the centuries following the Roman Empire. Secondly, did it inspire any other legal solution in the Western legal tradition? Finally, can one expect that pecunia traiecticia will return in the future? Answering these can help to find out whether the Roman concept of sea loan is applicable nowadays. The hypothetical revival of an ancient solution is more plausible thanks to the idea of Project Finance and the ongoing process of the decodification of private law.

The application of term “recklessly and with knowledge that damage would probably result” before the Croatian courts has not, as of yet, made an impact with regard the loss of right to limit liability in the maritime related cases. The... more

The application of term “recklessly and with knowledge that damage
would probably result” before the Croatian courts has not, as of yet, made an impact with regard the loss of right to limit liability in the maritime related cases. The older case practice (dating to the Yugoslavian jurisprudence) did, however, recognize and apply the term with regard the issue of limitation of liability. The article analyzes older, Yugoslavian case practice, and discusses the impact of that practice on the current Croatian law and practice, especially due to the fact that a number of recent cases, also to be discusses in the article, demonstrate the (negative) impact of the reckless behavior on the loss of marine insurance coverage. The term recklessness is readily interpreted and
employed before the Croatian criminal and minor offences courts (usually applied in cases of the breach of statutory norms in general and the breach of traffic regulation with regard the application of mandatory motor vehicle liability insurance). In relation to the maritime related regulation, the reckless behavior standard is regularly utilized within the Croatian Maritime Code, usually following the ratification and implementation of relevant international law.

This introductory chapter to "Notions of Neutralities" (Lexington, 2019), describes the state of the art of Neutrality Studies in the early twenty-first century and proposes a conceptual framework for the exploration of neutrality across... more

This introductory chapter to "Notions of Neutralities" (Lexington, 2019), describes the state of the art of Neutrality Studies in the early twenty-first century and proposes a conceptual framework for the exploration of neutrality across several periods. It describes the major topics of contemporary research on neutral and nonaligned states and proposes to investigate the topic along four interconnected dimensions; neutrality discourse, neutralities as structural elements, neutralities in use, and neutralities as foreign policies. The chapter argues that no two neutralities are ever the same and that the concept is better thought of in the plural form.

In het verslag over het wetsvoorstel tot invoering van het Belgisch Scheepvaart-wetboek in de Kamer uitgebracht, verklaarde mevrouw Daphné Dumery: "De bestaande wetgeving is niet meer van deze tijd en vooral de verzekeringswereld drong... more

In het verslag over het wetsvoorstel tot invoering van het Belgisch Scheepvaart-wetboek in de Kamer uitgebracht, verklaarde mevrouw Daphné Dumery: "De bestaande wetgeving is niet meer van deze tijd en vooral de verzekeringswereld drong aan op modernisering". 1 Die verklaring verbaast, omdat de verzekeringswe-reld niet gekend werd in het voornemen tot herziening van het zeerecht en-zacht uitgedrukt-daar geen voorstander van was. 2 Het verzekeringswezen is nochtans een centrale speler in de scheepvaart en de havenbedrijvigheid. Daar verzekeraars de risicodragers van de betrokken sectoren zijn, zijn de schadegevallen in de regel vraagstukken die hen onderling aanbelan-gen. Wijzigingen van het zeerecht worden daarom best in het licht van de assuran-tie overwogen en bekeken. Het komt eropaan in het algemeen belang een billijk evenwicht tussen tegenovergestelde verzekerbare en (normaliter) ook verzekerde belangen te bewerkstelligen.  1. Maritieme handel en verzekeringen Alvorens het thema aan te snijden, is een korte schets van de assurantiemarkt nuttig. De zeeverzekering staat voor een relatief kleine en hooggespecialiseerde niche in de assurantiesector. Met de tijd is die branche geëvolueerd omdat de gevaarobjecten en de risico's zowel in omvang als in complexiteit zijn toegeno-men. Containerschepen met een capaciteit van 23.000 TEU en een totale lading-waarde van ruim 1 miljard dollar aan boord illustreren de steeds toenemende 1 Verslag over het wetsvoorstel tot invoering van het Belgisch Scheepvaartwetboek, Parl.St. Kamer 2018-19, nr. 54-3536/004, 8. 2

The author analyzes the legal problem of stowaway at sea from the perspective of the maritime industry in the context of the current migration crisis. It is argued that the regulations of the Convention on Facilitation of International... more

The author analyzes the legal problem of stowaway at sea from the perspective of the maritime industry in the context of the current migration crisis. It is argued that the regulations of the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL) impose a heavy burden on the shipowners and shipmasters, attributing the economic and administrative responsibilities to them (such as maintenance and repatriation of stowaways). It is concluded that such obligations may endanger the safety and security of the vessel, crew, cargo and violate rights humans of seafarers.

In this paper you may find the current Insurance Terms as those used in the Marine Insurance practice and case studies.