Reconfigurable Hardware Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Evolvable hardware (EHW) refers to self-reconfiguration hardware design, where the configuration is under the control of an evolutionary algorithm (EA). One of the main difficulties in using EHW to solve real-world problems is... more

Evolvable hardware (EHW) refers to self-reconfiguration hardware design, where the configuration is under the control of an evolutionary algorithm (EA). One of the main difficulties in using EHW to solve real-world problems is scalability, which limits the size of the circuit that may be evolved. This paper outlines a new type of decomposition strategy for EHW, the "generalized disjunction decomposition" (GDD), which allows the evolution of large circuits. The proposed method has been extensively tested, not only with multipliers and parity bit problems traditionally used in the EHW community, but also with logic circuits taken from the Microelectronics Center of North Carolina (MCNC) benchmark library and randomly generated circuits. In order to achieve statistically relevant results, each analyzed logic circuit has been evolved 100 times, and the average of these results is presented and compared with other EHW techniques. This approach is necessary because of the probabilistic nature of EA; the same logic circuit may not be solved in the same way if tested several times. The proposed method has been examined in an extrinsic EHW system using the (1 + lambda) evolution strategy. The results obtained demonstrate that GDD significantly improves the evolution of logic circuits in terms of the number of generations, reduces computational time as it is able to reduce the required time for a single iteration of the EA, and enables the evolution of larger circuits never before evolved. In addition to the proposed method, a short overview of EHW systems together with the most recent applications in electrical circuit design is provided.

Evolvable Hardware (EHW) refers to HW design and self reconfiguration using evolutionary/genetic mechanisms. The paper presents an overview of some key concepts of EHW, describing also a set of selected applications. A fine-grained Field... more

Evolvable Hardware (EHW) refers to HW design and self reconfiguration using evolutionary/genetic mechanisms. The paper presents an overview of some key concepts of EHW, describing also a set of selected applications. A fine-grained Field Programmable Transistor Array (FPTA) architecture for reconfigurable hardware is presented as an example of an initial effort toward evolution-oriented devices. Evolutionary experiments in simulations and with a FPTA chip in-the-loop demonstrate automatic synthesis of electronic circuits. Unconventional circuits, for which there are no textbook design guidelines, are particularly appealing to evolvable hardware. To illustrate this situation, one demonstrates here the evolution of circuits implementing parametrical connectives for fuzzy logics. In addition to synthesizing circuits for new functions, evolvable hardware can be used to preserve existing functions and achieve fault-tolerance, determining circuit configurations that circumvent the faults. In addition, we illustrate with an example how evolution can recover functionality lost due to an increase in temperature. In the particular case of space applications, these characteristics are extremely important for enabling spacecraft to survive harsh environments and to have long life

In this paper, we present the results of the first phase of a project aimed at implementing a full suite of IPSec cryptographic transformations in reconfigurable hardware. Full implementations of the new Advanced Encryption Standard,... more

In this paper, we present the results of the first phase of a project aimed at implementing a full suite of IPSec cryptographic transformations in reconfigurable hardware. Full implementations of the new Advanced Encryption Standard, Rijndael, and the older American federal standard, Triple DES, were developed and experimentally tested using the SLAAC-1V FPGA accelerator board, based on Xilinx Virtex 1000 devices. The experimental clock frequencies were equal to 91 MHz for Triple DES, and 52 MHz for Rijndael. This translates to the throughputs of 116 Mbit/s for Triple DES, and 577, 488, and 423 Mbit/s for Rijndael with 128-, 192-, and 256-bit keys respectively. We also demonstrate a capability to enhance our circuit to handle the encryption and decryption throughputs of over 1 Gbit/s regardless of the chosen algorithm. Our estimates show that this gigabit-rate, double-algorithm, encryption/ decryption circuit will fit in one Virtex 1000 FPGA taking approximately 80% of the area.

Scalability and connectivity are two key challenges in designing neuromorphic hardware that can match biological levels. In this paper, we describe a neuromorphic system architecture design that addresses an approach to meet these... more

Scalability and connectivity are two key challenges in designing neuromorphic hardware that can match biological levels. In this paper, we describe a neuromorphic system architecture design that addresses an approach to meet these challenges using traditional complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) hardware. A key requirement in realizing such neural architectures in hardware is the ability to automatically configure the hardware to emulate any neural architecture or model. The focus for this paper is to describe the details of such a programmable front-end. This programmable front-end is composed of a neuromorphic compiler and a digital memory, and is designed based on the concept of synaptic time-multiplexing (STM). The neuromorphic compiler automatically translates any given neural architecture to hardware switch states and these states are stored in digital memory to enable desired neural architectures. STM enables our proposed architecture to address scalability and conn...

Nowadays a lot of multimedia applications are emerging on portable appliances. However these applications require both the flexibility of upgradable devices (typically software based) and a powerful computing engine (typically hardware).... more

Nowadays a lot of multimedia applications are emerging on portable appliances. However these applications require both the flexibility of upgradable devices (typically software based) and a powerful computing engine (typically hardware). This application domain is therefore a ...