Tactical Urbanism Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

In the context of the fourth industrial revolution, not all regions have the same access to technology for project development. These technological limitations do not necessarily result in worst projects and, on the contrary, can... more

In the context of the fourth industrial revolution, not all regions have the same access to technology for project development. These technological limitations do not necessarily result in worst projects and, on the contrary, can stimulate creativity and human intervention to overcome these shortcomings. We report here the design of a small pavilion with scarce budget and an ambitious goal to qualify a space through tactical urbanism. We develop the project in a multidisciplinary partnership between academy and industry, designing, manufacturing and assembling Tornado Pavilion, a complex structure using combined HIGH-LOW technologies, combining visual programming with analog manufacture and assembly. The design strategy uses SIMPLEXITY with ruled surfaces strategy to achieve a complex geometry. Due to the lack of automated mechanical cutting or assembly, we used human expanded abilities for the construction; instead of a swarm of robots, we had a motivated and synchronized swarm of ...

The city of Piacenza hosts a significant portion of newcomers compared to the number of residents. However, the lack of communication between the two is also straightforward in the urban context. In this regard, an abandoned place near to... more

The city of Piacenza hosts a significant portion of newcomers compared to the number of residents. However, the lack of communication between the two is also straightforward in the urban context. In this regard, an abandoned place near to the train station of Piacenza has been chosen in order apply a tactical urbanism project whose primary aim is an improved social cohesion in Pia-cenza. High financial costs and yet unsatisfactory end products slow down many design projects and even cause the denial of them. However, employing tactical urbanism perspective, the project aims to foresee the success likelihood of a complete urban design project without requiring a significant budget. Preliminarily proposed idea is to provide a gathering space for the residents of Piacenza in a vacant space. By doing so, the project area has been analyzed and the project that responsive to the problems of the area is introduced in order to give a reference for further applications on a larger scale.

‘Do It Yourself’ (DIY) urbanism is usually initiated by community members using a grassroots approach to change urban areas. Community planning involves making decisions about urban areas. This paper examines topics regarding DIY urbanism... more

‘Do It Yourself’ (DIY) urbanism is usually initiated by community members using a
grassroots approach to change urban areas. Community planning involves making decisions about urban areas. This paper examines topics regarding DIY urbanism and community planning. Community engagement, neoliberalism and municipal support are key influences of DIY urbanism related to planning. DIY urbanism impacts the planner’s role as well as the relationships between planners, communities and municipalities. Three Canadian examples of DIY urbanism are introduced, including the Urban Repair Squad, PARK(ing) Day, and CITYlab. Discussion focuses on the opportunities and potential challenges of DIY urbanism for planners to consider. Potential challenges include public safety and municipal liability. Recommendations for planners regarding DIY urbanism are provided. DIY urbanism can be beneficial if planners work collaboratively and focus on small scale, low cost improvements.

Unsanctioned, unscripted, and seemingly “undesirable” activities have long appropriated urban spaces in routine and sometimes unexpected ways, bringing new meanings and unforeseen functions to those places. In the last decade or so, such... more

Unsanctioned, unscripted, and seemingly “undesirable” activities have long appropriated urban spaces in routine and sometimes unexpected ways, bringing new meanings and unforeseen functions to those places. In the last decade or so, such practices have inspired a growing movement under the banner of DIY and tactical urbanisms. The growing acceptance of these practices creates important openings in the formalized planning systems for greater flexibility and expedient change. Yet, the institutionalization of previously informal and even subversive acts has resulted in concerns regarding co-optation and de-politicization. This special issue seeks to pivot a refocus towards these unsanctioned and unscripted urban activities as a form of counter-hegemonic spatial practices, distinct from its professionalized and institutionalized counterpart. A range of cases is examined here sharing similar characteristics as challenges against the prevailing social and political paradigm. Key findings include the scalability of guerrilla actions, the fluid shift between overt and covert actions, and the linkage between everyday struggles and organized resistance. This special issue is intended to advance our understanding of urban design by situating it in a broader social, economic, and political praxis that encompasses both formal and informal practices performed by a wide variety of individual and collective actors.

Este artículo presenta la cartografía afectiva de Río de Janeiro, dedicada al mapeo de acciones temporales y tácticas realizadas en los espacios públicos, como apropiaciones espontáneas, intervenciones de arte público y fiestas locales.... more

Este artículo presenta la cartografía afectiva de Río de Janeiro, dedicada al mapeo de acciones temporales y tácticas realizadas en los espacios públicos, como apropiaciones espontáneas, intervenciones de arte público y fiestas locales. La cartografía presenta la memoria reciente de los espacios públicos cariocas, constantemente apropiados y reconquistados, tratando de representar la ciudad no desde sus estructuras oficialmente reconocidas, sino por el seguimiento de sus movimientos y procesos, visibilizando transformaciones hechas desde la contribución e innovación ciudadana. ¿Qué espacios son apropiados y reconquistados por las personas? ¿Qué cualidades tienen? ¿Cómo son usados? Desde la identificación de las transformaciones temporales de la ciudad cotidiana, motivadas por el afecto, es posible imaginar espacios
de vida más significativos. El método de acción dialoga con el carácter
procesual del objeto, por medio de la identificación, análisis, interpretación, mapeo y cruce de datos de las intervenciones, estructurando informaciones de la observación de la ciudad de forma coherente con el soporte digital adoptado, que permite constante crecimiento y upload colectivo, distinguiéndose del mapa físico estático convencional. La plataforma ofrece múltiples entradas de investigación, articulando gran cantidad de información de naturalezas física, temporal y social. No se trata de un simple repositorio de informaciones autónomas disponible virtualmente, sino de una potente estrategia para revelar lo todavía no visto, surgido del cruce de informaciones de naturalezas distintas, permitiendo múltiples interpretaciones de la realidad. El resultado es abierto, ya que cada combinación puede generar una lectura personal. Esperamos que las intervenciones mapeadas no sirvan solamente como registros históricos, sino como fuentes de inspiración para futuras acciones de reconquista del espacio público.

Urban Studies Placebo Urban Interventions. Provincializing the Smart City Model in Santiago, Chile. Abstract The implementation of the Smart City (SC) model in Santiago, Chile has not heralded any significant interventions in terms of... more

Urban Studies Placebo Urban Interventions. Provincializing the Smart City Model in Santiago, Chile. Abstract The implementation of the Smart City (SC) model in Santiago, Chile has not heralded any significant interventions in terms of scale, urban impact, amount invested, technological innovation or architectural design. Instead, material interventions have been small and have had little more than a superficial impact upon the perceptions of citizens. The significance of observing 'Smart' interventions in Santiago involves analysing its implementation under a provincializing lens (Leitner & Sheppard, 2016) in order to observe the way local experience transforms monist ways of thinking about smart cities. Based on ethnographic observation of an SC intervention (Paseo Bandera in Santiago de Chile), four principles of intervention were identified: democratisation of the city, spatial appropriation by citizens, social and technological innovation, and local and territorialised interventions. These principles help to identify the intervention as an urban placebo, which the paper argues works through the fictions of effective interventions and urban image improvement that seek to participate in worlding (Roy & Ong, 2011) practices while, in reality, very little is being improved or effectively addressed in the city. It presents a narrative of modern, sustainable, and technologically advanced urban planning in the form of specific material interventions, when in reality it involves very little modernity, sustainability or technology, and is little more than a continuation and evolution of the neoliberal urban model that exists in Chile.

Thesis. M.U.D. American University of Beirut. Department of Architecture and Design , 2016. ET:6451.

O livro Urbanismo Tático: X ações para transformar cidades analisa os processos pelos quais o urbanismo tático tem sido incorporado na criação de políticas de recuperação e ativação de espaços públicos no cenário contemporâneo,... more

O livro Urbanismo Tático: X ações para transformar cidades analisa os processos pelos quais o urbanismo tático tem sido incorporado na criação de políticas de recuperação e ativação de espaços públicos no cenário contemporâneo, apresentando nove casos em metrópoles brasileiras (Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Fortaleza) e estrangeiras (Nova York, Barcelona e Santiago), além de um caso especial sobre as adaptações emergenciais de espaços públicos no contexto da Covid-19, em metrópoles dos cinco continentes.

PARACITY Magazine presenting the modular organic parasitic urban structure developed for flooding, tsunami-risk, post-industrial and slum areas. Presented in the China Central Academy of Fine Arts CAFAM Biennale 2014. Casagrande... more

PARACITY Magazine presenting the modular organic parasitic urban structure developed for flooding, tsunami-risk, post-industrial and slum areas. Presented in the China Central Academy of Fine Arts CAFAM Biennale 2014. Casagrande Laboratory Center of Urban Research CURE.

This paper follows the principles of Tactical Urbanism. It presents an approach to solving problems of vendors in Cairo. The core issue revolving around: "make a relative balance in the application of the principles of Tactical Urbanism... more

This paper follows the principles of Tactical Urbanism. It presents an approach to solving problems of vendors in Cairo. The core issue revolving around: "make a relative balance in the application of the principles of Tactical Urbanism taking into account the achievement of the urban design dimensions especially the behavioral one to accommodate the change and robustness in human needs and rights.” The research structure depends on three objectives. First, it interprets the concepts of Tactical Urbanism and Place theory. Second, it analysises the current scene in selected case study. Third, the paper designs an approach to open a wide dispensary to solve the vending problem. The contribution of the approach is to deal with the general problem in the Egyptian context caused by vendors. Finally, the paper tests the principles and the approach of tactical urbanism in informal sectors in the Egyptian urban fabric.

The publication deals with the issue of evaluating the effects of the currently followed urban policies, especially in reference to the so-called nightmare of participation. The book is part of a debate concerned with phenomena such as... more

The publication deals with the issue of evaluating the effects of the currently followed urban policies, especially in reference to the so-called nightmare of participation. The book is part of a debate concerned with phenomena such as urban social conflicts, the revitalization of urban space, urban planning and housing policies. The author analyses the problem of gentrification in Poland and its links to revitalization programmes. The publication in based on the author’s research on the bottom-up production of space in Warsaw, New York, and Istanbul.

Devido à valorização dos transportes motorizados individuais ao longo do século XX, os espaços urbanos mudaram de configuração afetando a oferta de espaços de qualidade para as pessoas, e, consequentemente, a importância do pedestre nas... more

Devido à valorização dos transportes motorizados individuais ao longo do século XX, os espaços urbanos mudaram de configuração afetando a oferta de espaços de qualidade para as pessoas, e, consequentemente, a importância do pedestre nas cidades. Além dos impactos ambientais negativos decorrentes do uso massivo de automóveis, as ruas, palco da vida urbana e de encontro das pessoas, têm se tornado cenário para tráfego e estacionamento de veículos diariamente. Mais ainda, observam-se nas cidades contemporâneas situações de vazios urbanos, fenômeno que evidencia o estado de abandono e a subutilização do solo urbano. A subutilização de espaços urbanos decorrente da valorização massiva de automóveis merece atenção especial, uma vez que reduz oportunidades de troca entre pessoas e convívio social. Como forma de enfrentar essas questões, a abordagem emergente do Urbanismo Tático se desafia a manter cidades ativas através de iniciativas de pequena escala, rápidas e de fácil execução para evidenciar possibilidades de transformação do espaço urbano. Ações táticas têm representado uma importante prática de ressignificação dos espaços públicos e reforçam a visão da cidade como laboratório, na medida em que incentivam as atuações flexíveis, temporárias e sustentáveis nos espaços públicos. Esse artigo visa explorar o potencial do Urbanismo Tático em ativar ruas, recuperar espaços subutilizados e fomentar a participação social na manutenção de cidades vivas e inclusivas. Pretende-se investigar iniciativas táticas temporárias e flexíveis que demonstrem a importância de espaços voltados para as pessoas e da integração entre sociedade civil e poder público, além de apresentar como algumas delas repercutem em políticas públicas.
Palavras-chave: Urbanismo Tático, sustentabilidade

Projects like the ones in Savda Ghevra brings to light the fact that to create functional cities as a positive environment for all kinds of citizens, there is a need to move away from the existing approach of simplifying it into a single... more

Projects like the ones in Savda Ghevra brings to light the fact that to create functional cities as a positive environment for all kinds of citizens, there is a need to move away from the existing approach of simplifying it into a single module that fits all. A city is made up of diverse groups each with their own needs and demands. And as long as the government cannot set aside its assumptions and treat them as mere faceless statistics to be designed for, it will continue creating communities like Savda Ghevra. Hence instead of evicting citizens to another place where they lie in wait to face similar issues as their previous site, what the city need is to empower its citizens to make their own choices regarding their homes and engage with the stakeholders to make affordable housing accessible to the urban poor

In an era rocked by climate change and other disruptions, our cities must be resilient to survive and thrive. But what does that mean, exactly? How can we address the problems facing cities today—poverty, job loss, crumbling... more

In an era rocked by climate change and other disruptions, our cities
must be resilient to survive and thrive. But what does that mean, exactly?
How can we address the problems facing cities today—poverty, job loss,
crumbling infrastructure, pollution—while preparing for an uncertain
tomorrow? To help answer those questions, Island Press launched the Urban Resilience Project, with support from The Kresge Foundation and The JPB Foundation. We began by reaching out to a diverse group of thinkers— activists, academics, architects and many others. And we asked them to help envision the sustainable, equitable, resilient cities of the future. In 2015, those thinkers produced a wide-ranging series of articles, blogs and op-eds, which are collected in this volume.

Public space is still one of the most complex architectural and urban planning programs due to the fact that it is compelled to adapt and meet the increasingly specific needs of a high diversity of users. The purpose of this paper is to... more

Public space is still one of the most complex architectural and urban planning programs due to the
fact that it is compelled to adapt and meet the increasingly specific needs of a high diversity of users. The
purpose of this paper is to show how the principles of design and intervention in public space evolve with the
shifting needs and expectations of its users. Therefore the first part summarizes the basic principles
developed by specialists in public space starting from William Holly Whyte's studies to the latest publication of
Jan Gehl. In order to adapt to the current context of public spaces in a shifting period, three major trends in
development and design of these places, namely: ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) Pop-Up
Urbanism and Tactical Urbanism, are presented. The last part of the article briefly describes and evaluates the
University Square as public space. To illustrate the potential of new trends, this final segment shows how PopUp
interventions or ICT can significantly improve the quality of a representative public space.

Transitoire, éphémère, temporaire, la pratique de l'aménagement et de l'urbanisme s'enrichit depuis maintenant plusieurs années d'un nouveau vocabulaire. Celui-ci vise à décrire l’importance que prennent certaines actions de court terme... more

Transitoire, éphémère, temporaire, la pratique de l'aménagement et de l'urbanisme s'enrichit depuis maintenant plusieurs années d'un nouveau vocabulaire. Celui-ci vise à décrire l’importance que prennent certaines actions de court terme concernant l’occupation et l’aménagement des bâtiments et des espaces dans les logiques de la fabrique de la ville.
L’objet de cet article est de proposer un système de définitions couvrant le spectre de ces actions intermédiaires, de court et moyen terme. Il parait important de bien nommer ces différentes actions tant elles questionnent l’urbanisme traditionnel dans ses approches planificatrices et de long terme tout en se présentant comme de nouveaux outils aux formes et aux objectifs multiples.

This paper follows the principles of Tactical Urbanism. It presents an approach to solve problems of vendors in Cairo. The core issue revolving around: "make a relative balance in the application of the principles of Tactical Urbanism... more

This paper follows the principles of Tactical Urbanism. It presents an approach to solve problems of vendors in Cairo. The core issue revolving around: "make a relative balance in the application of the principles of Tactical Urbanism taking into account the achievement of the urban design dimensions especially the behavioral one to accommodate the change and robustness in human needs and rights.” The research structure depends on three objectives. First, it interprets the concepts of Tactical Urbanism and Place theory. Second, it analysises the current scene in selected case study. Third, the paper designs an approach to open a wide dispensary to solve the vending problem. The contribution of the approach is to deal with the general problem in the Egyptian context caused by vendors. Finally, the paper tests the principles and the approach of tactical urbanism in informal sectors in the Egyptian urban fabric.

This dissertation explores how we can both imaginatively and practically build another world, another future. Infrastructures of the imagination means using imaginative techniques to design new cities that are sustainable, pluralistic,... more

This dissertation explores how we can both imaginatively and practically build another world, another future. Infrastructures of the imagination means using imaginative techniques to design new cities that are sustainable, pluralistic, and democratic. It also involves building better infrastructures for everyday citizens to collaboratively participate in the process of envisioning, designing, testing, and implementing the future. By working directly with everyday citizens and urban residents, designers not only gain novel ideas but also develop a diversity of conceptual models for development. The chapters within this dissertation lay out an interdisciplinary theory and history of media arts, technologies, and urban designs related to the collaborative creation of alternative futures, utopic impulses, and political interventions. The analyses showcase a spectrum of forms, from time-based media (film, games, and VR) to place-based designs (mobile media, community art, and urbanism), in order to reveal a range of complementary and overlapping strategies. In addition to historical examples, I weave in my own ongoing community-driven speculative design projects in order to ground the more theoretical discussions and provide pragmatic methodologies and lessons learned. The final dissertation research stems from six years of community engagement work in South Los Angeles, in the historic African-American music and arts neighborhood of Leimert Park. My co-researchers and I have facilitated teams of community members and university students to create a range of real and speculative urban designs tied to local culture. In the final chapter, I provide a methodological and theoretical framework for “anticipatory design” in order for other practitioners and researchers to gain insights for their own ongoing and future projects. Infrastructures of the imagination is not about imagination in a pure whimsical sense, but is rooted in real-world issues and wicked problems, problems such as gentrification, affordability, and sustainability. These problems are multifaceted and require a diverse collaboration across disciplines, generations, cultures, and ethnicities. By working in conjunction, we are able to bring unique insights and expertise that complement one another and create more holistic solutions for building a better future.

Proceedings of 10th INU STUDY DAY on “Crisis and Rebirth of Cities”, Naples

In recent years, there has been an unprecedented exodus of persons displaced from conflict torn regions to Europe. In the third quarter of 2016, about 183,000 people were granted protection status by the European Union member states... more

In recent years, there has been an unprecedented exodus of persons displaced from conflict torn
regions to Europe. In the third quarter of 2016, about 183,000 people were granted protection status
by the European Union member states (Eurostat, 2017) that allowed them to become refugees. This
is by far the most significant influx of people the European continent has experienced since WWII. So
far, current European public urban management, planning models, urban and architectural design
methodologies have proven to be unable to give creative, dynamic and sustainable responses to this
complex and rapidly evolving crisis. In this context, it is crucial to reframe the role of architecture and
spatial practices, as agents of social and spatial inclusion and regeneration at different scales. We are
interested in analysing how participatory design strategies might facilitate a collective engagement of
diverse communities in the reactivation of historic urban landscapes and how this foster the
production of local social capital (Gaunlett 2011), nurturing empathetic communities and delivering
‘collaborative inclusion’ (Manzini, 2015) as a mean to assert their civic identity.
This paper explores the potential that tactical urbanism and tactical placemaking have in articulating
inclusive processes of spatial production in the public realm that might enable migrants, refugees and
locals in risk of social and spatial exclusion, to participate in the (re)definition and (co)production of
social space, fostering their active participation as an agent of their own resilient empowerment.

Systems, demography and life in Indian cities is facing complex transformation. Rapid urbanization has put forth the demand for a new thinking process of planned development. In recent past, small scale attempts to improve urban areas,... more

Systems, demography and life in Indian cities is facing complex transformation. Rapid urbanization has put forth the demand for a new thinking process of planned development. In recent past, small scale attempts to improve urban areas, referred a stactical urbanism, have inspired planners around the world to consider low-cost, experimental and incremental projects as a means to sustainable urban development. The momentum of tactical urbanism has been in creasing; however, the role of planners and the importance of such experiments in professional planning exercises, especially in India, remain undefined. The research investigates how tactical projects allow citizens to participate in urban change, and give planners a chance to develop inclusive, acceptable and sustainable planning policies over a period of time. Drawing satisfactory evidence on tactical approach to urban planning, findings of the research suggest that if our cities require big plans and policies, they also require small tactics, and the momentum of huge visionary policies can also be collectively attained by smaller tactical projects and schemes.

Özet Bu çalışmanın konusu, taktiksel kentçiliğin, kuramsal altyapısı, nedenleri, kapsamı, farklı yöntemleri ve güncel örnekleri ile birlikte ele alınarak, incelenmesidir. Taktiksel kentçilik (Tactical Urbanism), Bricolage, Urban... more

Özet Bu çalışmanın konusu, taktiksel kentçiliğin, kuramsal altyapısı, nedenleri, kapsamı, farklı yöntemleri ve güncel örnekleri ile birlikte ele alınarak, incelenmesidir. Taktiksel kentçilik (Tactical Urbanism), Bricolage, Urban Acupuncture, ve Urban First Aid gibi kavramsal yaklaşımların, ortak eylem biçimi olarak tanımlanmıştır. Çalışmada taktiksel kentçilik pratiklerinin, anafikirlerin elde ediliş ortamları ve yaygınlaşma ortamlarına göre sınıflandırılması amaçlanmış; bulgular sanat/zanaat ve gündelik taktik/ kentsel strateji kavram çiftleri ile tartışılmıştır. Taktiksel kentçilik, anti-modernist, eleştirel, teorik bir zemine oturduğu ve taktiksel nitelikte bir anafikir kentse müdahalenin başlangıç koşulu olduğu için bir sanat formudur. Kentlileri harekete geçirmesi açısından kentlilik bilincinin yeni formlarını ortaya çıkartan bir vernaküler sanat, kentsel zanaattır. Taktiksel kentçilik pratikleri, gündelik hayatın anti-otoriter karakterinde oldukları için disipliner, denetleyici pratiklere, stratejilere ve kuramsal yaklaşımlara dönüştürülemezler. Ancak, taktiksel kentselcilik hareketi, meşru ve formal kentsel stratejilere dönüştürülmekte hatta akademik çevrelerce de bir kentsel tasarım yöntemi olarak meşrulaştırılmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: gündelik hayat, mikro-mekansal kentsel pratikler, taktiksel kentçilik, Michel De Certeau Abstract This study aims to analyze tactical urbanism, by handling it with its theoretical framework, causes, extent, various methods and current examples. Tactical Urbanism is defined as the common action method of varied conceptual approaches such as Guerrilla Urbanism,, Urban Bricolage, Urban Acupuncture, and Urban First Aid. Tactical Urbanism is categorized into its production areas and dissemination areas and discussed with daily tactics/urban strategy, art/craft dualities. Tactical Urbanism is an art form since it upholds an anti-modernist theoretical intellectual ground and a creative thought forms an initial condition for experimental study. It is a vernacular art, even an urban craft that reveals new forms of urbanity awareness in regard to bringing citizens into action. Tactical urbanism practices have a structure that can't be transformed into theoretical approaches that are in use and design methods. However tactical urbanism movement that is adopted and put into action also by public institutions, is being legalized as urban formal strategies and even being legitimized as an urban design method by academia.

This thesis explores the history and current practice of Intersection-Repair-style street paintings in Seattle, WA and Portland, OR. It assesses relationships between functions street paintings perform and reasons people want to paint,... more

This thesis explores the history and current practice of Intersection-Repair-style street paintings in Seattle, WA and Portland, OR. It assesses relationships between functions street paintings perform and reasons people want to paint, and suggests that the better these factors align, the greater the likelihood of successful street painting projects that can contribute to city livability and sustainability goals. Street painting history was gathered via archival research, site visits, and interviews with city officials in Portland and Seattle and people from the City Repair Project in Portland. Seattle street painting organizers and participants shared their motivations and experiences via interviews and an online survey. After assessing street painting processes and outcomes in Seattle and comparing municipal guidance to that in Portland where the street painting phenomenon originated, this thesis suggests ways to improve Seattle’s messaging and municipal rules and guidance to support better alignment between street painters’ motivations and painting functions.

Transient, ephemeral, temporary, the practice of planning and urban development has been enriched with a new vocabulary for several years now. The purpose of this article is to describe the importance that certain short-term actions... more

Transient, ephemeral, temporary, the practice of planning and urban development has been enriched with a new vocabulary for several years now. The purpose of this article is to describe the importance that certain short-term actions concerning the occupation and development of buildings and spaces are taking on in the logic of the city’s making. Studies and press articles on the subject are multiplying, a market is being formed with specialized actors (collectives, companies, associations), procedures are being structured within local authorities and development actors (landlords, promoters, developers): it goes from dedicated job offers for project management assistants in transitional urban planning or temporary development to calls for expressions of interest concerning the occupation of buildings or temporary occupation proposals in urban requalification projects, etc. The purpose of this article is to propose a system of definitions covering the spectrum of these different actions as they question traditional urban planning in its long-term approaches and present themselves as new tools with multiple forms and objectives. But a little step backwards is necessary beforehand.

Ce guide pratique sur l'étude et la mise en oeuvre des projets temporaires, a été conçu pour l'Union Sociale de L'Habitat à l'attention des organismes Hlm. Il renseigne les questions importantes à se poser à toutes les étapes d'un projet... more

Ce guide pratique sur l'étude et la mise en oeuvre des projets temporaires, a été conçu pour l'Union Sociale de L'Habitat à l'attention des organismes Hlm. Il renseigne les questions importantes à se poser à toutes les étapes d'un projet temporaire : définition, montage, mise en oeuvre, réalisation, gestion de site, animation, préparation et fin du projet. Les principaux enseignements des projets sont abordés sous différents angles : volet économique et financier, gouvernance, gestion de site et vie locale, participation des usagers... Le premier chapitre brosse le portrait des différents types de projets temporaires et de leur utilité pour un bailleur dans un projet urbain et dans un territoire. Le second chapitre énumère les conditions importantes à prendre en compte pour lancer un projet temporaire et les implications pour un organisme Hlm. Le troisième chapitre aborde la mise en oeuvre opérationnelle de tels projets. Le quatrième chapitre synthétise les grandes étapes d'un projet tempo-raire, d'un point de vue méthodologique. w Le document s'accompagne de 11 fiches de retours d'expérience sur des projets aux thématiques diverses : aménagements temporaires d'espaces extérieurs, jardins et nature en ville, activités économiques dans des locaux vacants, commerces et services de proximité, interventions artistiques et culturelles. Une boîte à outils constituée de modèles de documents opérationnels (appel à manifestation d'intérêt, cahier des charges, conventions, etc.), directement mobilisables pour conduire un projet.

This discussion of participatory urbanism will describe the context from which it emerged in the United States, define the term and its current manifestation, and describe an early example of participatory urbanism seeded by digital... more

This discussion of participatory urbanism will
describe the context from which it emerged in
the United States, define the term and its current
manifestation, and describe an early example of
participatory urbanism seeded by digital tools, in
order to raise questions about the role of participatory
urbanism in the making of place in the
twenty-first century.

The overvaluation of the use of automobile has detrimentally affected the importance of pedestrians within the city and consequently its public spaces. As a way of treating contemporary urban paradigms, Tactical Urbanism aims to recover... more

The overvaluation of the use of automobile has detrimentally affected the importance of pedestrians within the city and consequently its public spaces. As a way of treating contemporary urban paradigms, Tactical Urbanism aims to recover and activate spaces through fast and easily-applied actions that demonstrate the possibility of large-scale and long-term changes in cities. Tactical interventions have represented an important practice of redefining public spaces and urban mobility. The concept of Active Transportation coheres with the idea of sustainable urban mobility, characterizing the means of transportation through human propulsion, such as walking and cycling. This paper aims to debate the potential of Tactical Urbanism in promoting Active Transportation by revealing opportunities of transformation in the urban space of contemporary cities through initiatives that promote the protection and valorization of the presence of pedestrians and cyclists in cities, and that subvert the importance of motorized vehicles. In this paper, we present the character of these actions in two different ways: when they are used as tests for permanent interventions and when they have pre-defined start and end periods. Using recent initiatives to illustrate, we aim to discuss the role of small-scale actions in promoting and incentivizing a more active, healthy, sustainable and responsive urban way of life, presenting how some of them have developed through public policies. For that, we will present some examples of tactical actions that illustrate the encouragement of Active Transportation and trials to balance the urban opportunities for pedestrians and cyclists. These include temporary closure of streets, the creation of new alternatives and more comfortable areas for walking and cycling, and the subversion of uses in public spaces where the usage of cars are predominant.

This paper proposes a reflection on the tactical modes of production and consumption of spatial structures from the study of urban situations located in the center and the periphery. The argument is based on the critique of political... more

This paper proposes a reflection on the tactical modes of production and consumption of spatial structures from the study of urban situations located in the center and the periphery. The argument is based on the critique of political economy applied to the social production of space, as discussed by Michel de Certeau, David Harvey, and Neil Brenner. The Marxist concept of estrangement (Entfremdung) is the basis for the presentation of Tactical Urbanism as an alternative to Neoliberal Urbanism, as it reveals the dialectics between production and consumption. Suppose the human condition depends on work, production, and consumption. In that case, the critique must be about the modes of producing and consuming and about the processes of objectification, subjectification, and material appropriation. I recognize the everyday life importance of tactical practices, and I identify the contradictions inherent in the approach by presenting four examples. They were selected according to their position concerning the center on a global and a local scale: the "Central Line Party" in London (United Kingdom), located in the center of a city in the Global North; the "Station Beach" in Belo Horizonte (Brazil), in a central neighborhood in the South; the "Park (ing) Day" in San Francisco (United States), in a peripheral region in the North; and "Nego's Playground" in Esmeraldas (Brazil), on the outskirts of a peripheral city in the Global South. These cases reveal the different material conditions of neoliberal cooptation. The tactical practices of the periphery reveal other possibilities of disruption of the neoliberal strategic planning system.

This paper discusses a contemporary design strategy to deal with urban spaces. In 21st century architecture it is possible to recognize the existence of several projects that consist in doing almost nothing, carrying out only minimal... more

This paper discusses a contemporary design strategy to deal with urban spaces. In 21st century architecture it is possible to recognize the existence of several projects that consist in doing almost nothing, carrying out only minimal modifications to their sites of intervention. In present-day architecture, this approach is considered useful sometimes to respect the surroundings and sometimes to improve them through the smallest and tiniest actions. Doing almost nothing is a strategy that can unfold in many ways. It can mean opting for inaction and thus not modifying a place at all; or designing a temporary project intended to occupy it only for a limited period of time; or also carrying out a particularly small but permanent intervention. Depending on the circumstances, it is an approach that can help architecture protecting a place, reclaiming it or reactivating its latent qualities. This strategy can be implemented both through a single intervention on a specific place, or through a network of coordinated projects in different locations. The purpose of the paper is to present this approach in the context of 21st century urban architecture, through cases studied from the last two decades.

Sustaining participation in design is difficult, especially in neighborhoods that seek change consistent with their cultural values. Participatory Design offers several approaches (e.g. infrastructuring) that help to balance the... more

Sustaining participation in design is difficult, especially in neighborhoods that seek change consistent with their cultural values. Participatory Design offers several approaches (e.g. infrastructuring) that help to balance the sensibilities of urban planning with the immediacies of design. This paper investigates the distinctive value of a "constellation" of participatory activities that sustained engagement throughout the design of an urban plaza, combining physical and digital flows. Based on a three-year collaboration in a historically black South LA neighborhood, this study analyzes the re-invention of urban furniture – payphones, bus benches, newspaper boxes, planters, and public displays – into community interactions. After reviewing the concrete vision of this constellation, the City of Los Angeles decided to fund the implementation of a pedestrian plaza. This paper articulates our methods of infrastructuring, providing techniques that sustain participation over time around physical urban objects that become touch points for fluid groups of designers. More than any one design, the constellation approach provides a platform for horizontal iteration, maintaining focus and participation in imagining a neighborhood's socio-technical future.

A presente dissertação é fruto de uma investigação sobre formas e possibilidades de atuação política na cidade contemporânea. Em contraponto direto à crise de projeto e da representatividade política instaurada na contemporaneidade, as... more

A presente dissertação é fruto de uma investigação sobre formas e possibilidades de atuação política na cidade contemporânea. Em contraponto direto à crise de projeto e da representatividade política instaurada na contemporaneidade, as ações de urbanismo tático pareciam inicialmente responder aos anseios desta investigação. Tratam-se de atos apropriativos e de ativação de espaços da cidade movidos pelas próprias populações. Mas uma análise dos discursos políticos produzidos pelos agentes do caso de urbanismo tático desenvolvido no Largo da Batata (SP), dão a ver a fraqueza de atos baseados na oposição entre sociedade civil e Estado. Explicitamos de que forma estas ações são atravessadas pelo poder biopolítico e pelas estruturas da cidade neoliberal. Mas se a cartografia complexa e microfísica das relações de poder contemporâneo incide sobre os corpos e vidas de todos e de cada um, então uma ação política não necessariamente deve se dar em afronta ao aparelho de Estado. Assim vemos emergir de uma miríade de práticas sua potência micropolítica, dentre elas, a arte no regime estético. Seu caráter eminentemente dissensual produz fissuras na partilha do sensível e, em contato com o espectador emancipado, possibilita a produção de singularidades, a contrapelo das experiências massificantes que predominam nas grandes cidades contemporâneas. Ao final desta dissertação nos debruçamos sobre as relações entre corpo, política e cidade nos trabalhos artísticos do coletivo Opavivará!, apresentados de forma ensaística.

Workshop report on tactical urbanism for Heerenstraat, in Paramaribo's Historic Inner City. A collaboration between TU Delft's European Post-master in Urbanism, the Inter-American Development Bank and Suriname's Ministry of Education in... more

Workshop report on tactical urbanism for Heerenstraat, in Paramaribo's Historic Inner City. A collaboration between TU Delft's European Post-master in Urbanism, the Inter-American Development Bank and Suriname's Ministry of Education in support of the Paramaribo Urban Rehabilitation Program.