Teachers Practices Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

This research aims to examine the practices of university English Language (EL) teachers in e-learning and to explore perspectives on the challenges and prospects of e-learning. It is an exploratory study which adopts a pragmatic paradigm... more

This research aims to examine the practices of university English Language (EL) teachers in e-learning and to explore perspectives on the challenges and prospects of e-learning. It is an exploratory study which adopts a pragmatic paradigm and a mixed method approach to inquiry. A survey design and a phenomenological design are used in this research to investigate the use of technology by the teachers of EL at Umm AlQura University (UQU) in Saudi Arabia (SA) and to explore their lived experiences as well as their views in relation to the challenges and prospects of e-learning implementation. It uses both quantitative data taken from a closed-ended survey (N=43) and qualitative data taken from a Focus Group (FG) with ten university EL teachers who teach English for Specific Purposes (ESP, i.e. medical purposes) in a country where English is used as a foreign language. The research seeks to examine the university EL teachers' practices of e-learning in their teaching and to explore their perspectives on the challenges and prospects of the implementation of e-learning.

Introduction: in Africa and developing countries, cervical cancer is the leading cancer in women. Objectives: Assess knowledge, attitudes and practices of health care professionals as regards cervical cancer in Parakou in 2016. Framework... more

Introduction: in Africa and developing countries, cervical cancer is the leading cancer in women. Objectives: Assess knowledge, attitudes and practices of health care professionals as regards cervical cancer in Parakou in 2016. Framework and methodology: This was a descriptive cross-sectional knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) study among health workers in the city of Parakou in northern Benin. It covered a period of 3 months from March 1, 2016 to June 1, 2016. Results: In total 133 health workers were involved in the survey. The average age was 36 years ± 8 years with extremes of 19 years and 70 years. The risk factors were known by 1.5% of the study population. Sixty-six-point two percent (66.2%) of respondents were unaware of the existence of HPV vaccines. On the whole, they had average knowledge of cervical cancer (71.4%). For 98.5% cervical cancer is a severe disease and 81.2% think that the screening of this cancer is poorly organized in Benin. Overall, only 27.8% of the workers had a right attitude as regards cervical cancer. Seventy-eightpoint nine percent (78.9%) of respondents practiced screening for this cancer; 71.4% among them performed VIA/ VILI and 14.3% cervical smear but only 1.5% of the surveyed had a suitable attitude as regards cervical cancer. In total, only 5 workers out of 133 (3.8%) had a good overall KAP score. Conclusion: These results bring to the fore the need for continuing training for healthcare professionals including paramedics as regards cervical cancer.

The pivot from a hybrid learning environment to a fully online one brings to the fore questions of fairness and equity for marginalized individuals and groups of students at our minority-majority university. Because effective distance... more

The pivot from a hybrid learning environment to a fully online one brings to the fore questions of fairness and equity for marginalized individuals and groups of students at our minority-majority university. Because effective distance education requires adjustments to instruction at all levels, the shift to remote teaching raises questions about effective preparation of in-service and preservice teachers who work with students from diverse cultural, linguistic, and ability backgrounds. In this paper I address some of the difficulties faced by students, teachers, and families in New Mexico during the sudden transition to remote education. I outline educator perspectives related to the graduate and undergraduate technology integration courses I teach, emphasizing the need to support students from diverse linguistic, sociocultural, and ability backgrounds, particularly those living in geographically isolated communities.
Available at:

Esta investigación busca analizar los factores que incidieron en la percepción de ansiedad académica manifestada por docentes de instituciones de educación superior en Iberoamérica, durante las primeras semanas de confinamiento a causa de... more

Esta investigación busca analizar los factores que incidieron en la percepción de ansiedad académica manifestada por docentes de instituciones de educación superior en Iberoamérica, durante las primeras semanas de confinamiento a causa de la Covid-19. Se trata de un estudio exploratorio en el que se empleó una encuesta online disponible del 6 al 24 de abril de 2020, a la que respondieron 251 docentes (n=251, 1-α=95% y e=6,2) vinculados a instituciones de educación superior de 6 países de Iberoamérica (Argentina, Colombia, Chile, España, México y Puerto Rico). Los resultados principales apuntan a una mayor percepción de ansiedad entre los profesores y profesoras de instituciones con modalidad de estudio pre-confinamiento presencial y de instituciones públicas, con una percepción institucional negativa, y percepción de mayor riesgo de contagio por la COVID-19. Se reafirma la necesidad de repensar la formación docente a nivel psicosocial, para que ayude a la gestión emocional y afrontamiento activo de escenarios inciertos y exigentes como los vividos durante el período estudiado.

Foundation. This paper was prepared for the National Academy of Education (NAEd) to inform and support the work of the steering committee for Evaluating and Improving Teacher Preparation Programs, including the consensus report. The... more

Foundation. This paper was prepared for the National Academy of Education (NAEd) to inform and support the work of the steering committee for Evaluating and Improving Teacher Preparation Programs, including the consensus report. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NAEd or the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Il tema dell’autovalutazione nel quadro del dibattito educativo e della ricerca educativa è principalmente affrontato nel contesto dei processi valutativi degli studenti e secondo le prospettive dell’ Educational Evaluation Research di... more

Il tema dell’autovalutazione nel quadro del dibattito
educativo e della ricerca educativa è principalmente
affrontato nel contesto dei processi valutativi degli
studenti e secondo le prospettive dell’ Educational
Evaluation Research di coloro che si trovano ad
affrontare processi apprenditivi.
L’autovalutazione è, quindi, un pattern poco associato al
docente inteso come soggetto partecipante, se non in
riferimento a paradigmi riflessivi entro i quali gli stessi
soggetti prendono coscienza e consapevolezza in termini
meta-cognitivi dei propri processi di acquisizione e
modificazione del pensiero.

El trabajo parte de la necesidad de todo profesional de la educación de constituirse en analista educativo. Resume y explica una serie de categorías de análisis que permiten abordar los fenómenos educacionales desde una perspectiva... more

El trabajo parte de la necesidad de todo profesional de la educación de constituirse en analista educativo. Resume y explica una serie de categorías de análisis que permiten abordar los fenómenos educacionales desde una perspectiva cognitiva. Esta organizado a partir de una introducción general acerca de la cognición y diferentes líneas desde las que se la puede abordar. Luego se describen los procesos inferiores y los superiores. Se espera que la tipología de procesos proporcionada constituya una herramienta valiosa para el análisis de situaciones de enseñanza.

In April 2021, the 3rd wave of the covid-19 pandemic hit the whole country of Thailand. The majority of the schools decided to change from face-to-face learning to online learning. The abrupt closure of schools is mandated, and students... more

In April 2021, the 3rd wave of the covid-19 pandemic hit the whole country of Thailand. The majority of the schools decided to change from face-to-face learning to online learning. The abrupt closure of schools is mandated, and students are missing the time for playing with friends, social interaction for learning and development, and their daily routine of discipline in school. Parents automatically became vital learning agents at home, facilitating and assisting students in understanding how to continue learning, how to use digital tools, and how to maintain and support students in this manner. This study was a design of the parental support at home, the technicalities using distance learning of the parents and teachers, and other accessible online avenues. This qualitative method was purposely to explore and investigate further the experiences of parents, students, and teachers about distance learning and management during the Covid-19 pandemic era to obtain valuable insight and understanding of real-life experiences in varying situations and circumstances. A purposive sampling technique was used for data collection. Data were collected from seventy (70) Primary Thai parents and thirty-six (36) Foreign teachers falling in the inclusion criteria. Considering the COVID-19 restrictions, the data were collected via Google Forms and online interviews. The analysis of the obtained data focused on two (2) themes: (A) The digital problems encountered by Thai parents and Foreign teachers during online learning and (B) The influence of Thai parents on their children's academics during online learning. The findings of this study highlighted the areas in digital technology that Thai parents and Foreign teachers found difficulties during online learning. Internet connection and lack of knowledge on using platforms were found to be the top problems among Foreign teachers. The same problem was found among parents; having and giving all the other things concerning juggling around may help parents and children develop a sense of solidarity and comfort. The undertaking may seem overwhelming and daunting because families are experiencing pressures with additional financial stress and employment flux. However, the findings on the influence of parents on students during online learning were promising. Parents believe that their involvement at home responsibility is needed and significant. Among the good parental practices were expecting their children to do well in online learning and following up their children's classwork by asking what they had learned.

The purpose of this chapter is to examine an elementary-school teacher‟s practices of supporting collaborative inquiry. Instead of portraying the classroom teacher either as a transmitter of knowledge or facilitator of learning, it... more

The purpose of this chapter is to examine an elementary-school teacher‟s practices of supporting collaborative inquiry. Instead of portraying the classroom teacher either as a transmitter of knowledge or facilitator of learning, it appears essential to understand in details the diversity of roles that a teacher may enact and consider appropriate within the varying day-to day activities in a classroom. We argue that the teacher has a crucial role in leading students into collaborative inquiry learning practices; the role of teacher guidance has, however, often remained unexplained. Even when the pedagogical setting is organized towards collaboration and student-driven inquiry, it does not mean that students will, as a matter of course, collaborate and take collective responsibility for their own learning. Deliberate guiding efforts of teacher oriented toward
rooting and cultivating corresponding classroom practices are needed. Getting teachers better involved in designing their own inquiry-oriented curriculum would better capitalize on their
creative potential as well as facilitate deeper engagement in developing their own teaching and pedagogy

Gender Equality is one of the principles of functioning democratic society. It is clear that this principle should be integrated into the education system itself. Georgia, as in the State, has taken on commitment to establishing gender... more

Gender Equality is one of the principles of functioning democratic society. It is clear that this principle should be integrated into the education system itself. Georgia, as in the State, has taken on commitment to establishing gender equality in the education system in recent years. "The Georgian Law on Gender Equality" (Chapter 2, Article 6) separates the equality guarantees in relation with education. "The State Action Plan for Gender Equality" determines the whole spectrum of measures for achieving gender equality in education. However, everyday practice is far from the desirable situation because of not understanding equality principles. The school, as one of the most important institutions of gender socialization, can create the conditions for the development of children of both sexes, as well as it can become the factor of the gender inequality and transmission. Gender inequality within the education system can be seen in the aspects such as education policy and development strategy, institutional aspects, educational programs and content of textbooks, teaching approaches, assessment forms, organizing physical environment, etc. Of course, it is of great importance that the gender-character of formal and informal relations of the subjects involved in the education process, i.e. the specificity of relations among teachers, administration and pupils. The study provides an analysis of teacher behavior, gender attitudes and stereotypes towards the children of different sexes as well as the gender sensitivity of teachers, pupils and parents in Georgian educational space.

The aim of this study was to identify preservice teachers’ opinions regarding instructional design. In order to achieve this goal interviews with the sophomore students, who finished instructional design course, was conducted. Afterwards,... more

The aim of this study was to identify preservice teachers’ opinions regarding instructional design. In order to achieve this goal interviews with the sophomore students, who finished instructional design course, was conducted. Afterwards, interviews were transcribed, categorized and analyzed. Majority of the preservice teachers claimed that instructional design models were not applicable to classroom settings in real life. They also emphasized that technology integration did not included instructional design and there was excessive concentration on technology; and instructional design dimension was overlooked. Participants claimed that Robert Gagne’s approach was the most appropriate instructional design approach in classroom settings. They believe the theorist after Gagne was not very successful and instructional design lost its effectiveness. They underlined that the field required new theorists.

Cet article présente des entretiens menés suite à un dispositif de formation de formateurs proposé aux Conseillers pédagogiques et Inspecteurs de l’académie de Créteil. Au cours de rencontres régulières, ces derniers ont été sensibilisés... more

Cet article présente des entretiens menés suite à un dispositif de formation de formateurs proposé aux Conseillers pédagogiques et Inspecteurs de l’académie de Créteil. Au cours de rencontres régulières, ces derniers ont été sensibilisés à la psychophénoménologie et ont pu expérimenter la démarche de l’entretien d’explicitation. Après deux années de ces échanges, des entretiens ont dégagé comment leur pratique d’accompagnement et leur posture de conseil s’étaient modifiées. Ils se considèrent comme étant plus « réflexifs » sur leur manière de guider, plus pertinents dans leur questionnement et plus conscients de la dimension éthique de leur positionnement.

The aim of this study is to investigate teachers’ perceptions of their practice of values education, and to explore their degree of professionalism in this matter. Qualitative interviews with 13 teachers have been conducted and analysed... more

The aim of this study is to investigate teachers’ perceptions of their practice of values education, and to explore their degree of professionalism in this matter. Qualitative interviews with 13 teachers have been conducted and analysed by a comparative analysis. According to their view, values education is (a) most often reactive and unplanned, (b) embedded in everyday school life with a focus on students’ everyday behaviour in school, and (c) partly or mostly unconsciously performed. Furthermore, professional knowledge appears to be missing in the domain of values education among these teachers.

Esta obra é composta por textos produzidos a partir de leituras e reflexões realizadas na disciplina de Filosofias e artes na educação matemática, ministrada pela professora Angela Guida, no primeiro semestre de 2021, no Programa de... more

Esta obra é composta por textos produzidos a partir de leituras e reflexões realizadas na disciplina de Filosofias e artes na educação matemática, ministrada pela professora Angela Guida, no primeiro semestre de 2021, no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Matemática da UFMS. Os sete capítulos do livro são escritos por mestrandos/as e doutorandos/as que contam suas histórias e dialogam com diferentes interlocutores acerca do ser e do fazer docente inspirados/as em Deleuze e outros filósofos.

Badanie „Zdalne nauczanie a adaptacja do warunków społecznych w czasie epidemii koronawirusa” to badanie ilościowe z komponentem jakościowym. Realizowane było online łącznie w 34 szkołach podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych z całej Polski od... more

Badanie „Zdalne nauczanie a adaptacja do warunków społecznych w czasie epidemii koronawirusa” to badanie ilościowe z komponentem jakościowym. Realizowane było online łącznie w 34 szkołach
podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych z całej Polski od 12 maja do 12 czerwca 2020 roku metodą sondażu diagnostycznego w trzech grupach
funkcjonujących w społeczności szkolnej.
W każdej szkole badani byli:
• Uczniowie klas 6–8 szkół podstawowych oraz uczniowie
szkół ponadpodstawowych (liceów, techników, liceów
zawodowych); (N=1248)
• Rodzice badanych uczniów - przy czym kwestionariusz
badania wypełniał tylko jeden rodzic/opiekun
w gospodarstwie domowym; (N=979)
• Nauczyciele wszystkich przedmiotów prowadzący
zajęcia w klasach badanych uczniów. (N=671)

This report presents the results of RTI International Education’s study on teachers' guides across 13 countries and 19 projects. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, we examine how teachers’ guides across the projects differ and... more

This report presents the results of RTI International Education’s study on teachers' guides across 13 countries and 19 projects. Using quantitative and qualitative methods, we examine how teachers’ guides across the projects differ and find substantial variation in the design and structure of the documents. We develop a scripting index so that the scripting levels of the guides can be compared across projects. The impact results of the programs that use teachers’ guides show significant impacts on learning outcomes, associated with approximately an additional half year of learning, showing that structured teachers’ guides contribute to improved learning outcomes. During observations, we find that teachers make a variety of changes in their classroom instruction from how the guides are written, showing that the utilization of structured teachers’ guides do not create robotic teachers unable to use their own professional skills to teach children. Unfortunately, many changes that teachers make reduce the amount of group work and interactivity that was described in the guides, suggesting that programs should encourage teachers to more heavily utilize the instructional routines designed in the guide. The report includes a set of research-based guidelines that material developers can use to develop teachers’ guides that will support effective instructional practices and help improve learning outcomes. The key takeaway from the report is that structured teachers' guides improve learning outcomes, but that overly scripted teachers' guides are somewhat less effective than simplified teachers' guides that give specific guidance to the teacher but are not written word for word for each lesson in the guide.

This study reports on EFL teachers' personal beliefs regarding motivational strategies, and details how teachers apply motivational strategies in the EFL Saudi classrooms. A discussion is included about the extent to which motivational... more

This study reports on EFL teachers' personal beliefs regarding motivational strategies, and details how teachers apply motivational strategies in the EFL Saudi classrooms. A discussion is included about the extent to which motivational strategies influence EFL learners' attitudes toward language learning, because of the need of using motivational strategies in EFL classrooms at Taif university, this research used a mixed approach research design, and accordingly, the researcher used one questionnaire that was adapted Dornyie & Cheng (2007) to ask about eighteen teachers' beliefs concerning motivational strategies and used a similar questionnaire with 150 first-year students to evaluate how their teachers apply the motivational strategies in the EFL classroom. Students' attitudes toward L2 learning were further measured by another adapted questionnaire of Eshghinejad (2016). Also, 10 students divided to high and low achievement were interviewed to provide in-depth investigation and to seek reliable results. The findings revealed that the EFL teachers believed in and used motivational strategies in their classrooms. In addition, there was a statistically significant correlation between what they believe and what they practice. From the data on learners' attitudes, results reflected that the students have positive attitudes toward language learning especially in the emotional aspects. The interviews revealed that high and low achieving students reported positive attitudes to the behavioral and cognitive aspects, while they showed little to the emotional aspects of language learning.

This paper presents the "Big Ideas of Science" set as an alternative means of organizing science educational content in an interdisciplinary way that goes beyond the traditional subject-based organizational structures. The "Big Ideas of... more

This paper presents the "Big Ideas of Science" set as an alternative means of organizing science educational content in an interdisciplinary way that goes beyond the traditional subject-based organizational structures. The "Big Ideas of Science" refers to a set of phrases which overarch all science subject domains and briefly describe our world; from the macrocosm to the microcosm. Building upon previous work done in the field, we introduce a set of phrases (eight) which constitute our proposed "Big Ideas of Science". Our team carried out a research with teachers in primary and secondary education, and a small group of stakeholders, so as to examine the degree to which this set of phrases could facilitate science teaching and learning. In our research, we introduced to participants the "Big Ideas of Science" as an organization scheme that promotes interdisciplinary learning and it allows students to build more effectively on their existing knowledge by making connections between concepts and principles taught in different science disciplines. Our results indicate that such an organization scheme could be beneficial to teachers and students, as it can play or act as a backbone structure that promotes interdisciplinary science learning, and enable students to make easy connections between subjects taught. In addition, based on the feedback from stakeholders, the "Big Ideas of Science" could be helpful in promoting interdisciplinary learning, as they can be used to organize science content in schools in a sustainable way that is not affected by curriculum changes..

In this qualitative study, we explore teachers’ perspectives on spatiality, school design and school bullying. The study is part of a larger, ongoing ethnographic research project into the relations between school bullying and the... more

In this qualitative study, we explore teachers’ perspectives on spatiality, school design and school bullying. The study is part of a larger, ongoing ethnographic research project into the relations between school bullying and the institutional context of schooling being conducted in schools in Sweden, focusing on the perspectives of teachers and students from pre-school class up to grade eight. The findings from this particular study are based on participant observations and semi-structured interviews with teachers from pre-school class to grade six (i.e. approx. ages 5-13) at three schools in Sweden. The findings demonstrate that environmental, social and structural elements of school spaces affect both social relations between students and teachers’ ability to prevent school bullying. Taken as a whole, the study highlights the importance of looking beyond the issue of supervision in schools and considering in more detail the ways in which spatiality and school design influence school bullying and preventative work in schools.

It is thought that gains in student learning from the use of digital technologies are more likely to be related to teachers’ practice than the technology itself. In secondary schooling, a key aspect of this is concerned with understanding... more

It is thought that gains in student learning from the use of digital technologies are more likely to be related to teachers’ practice than the technology itself. In secondary schooling, a key aspect of this is concerned with understanding how digital technologies are used to support teaching and learning in specific subject areas. Subject areas have their own conventions and expectations for learning that will influence teachers’ technology use and technology-supported student tasks. The aim of this paper is to present confirmatory factor analysis of a scale considering common technology-related tasks in three subject areas. Data included in the current analysis are teacher questionnaires collected in 2010 (N = 3,624), as part of a large-scale one-to-one laptop initiative in Australia. Results from the 2010 data confirm a five-factor structure revealing significant differences in teachers’ professional and instructional uses of digital technologies among three core subject areas: English, Mathematics and Science. Trends are confirmed through a second teacher data set collected in 2011 for Wave 2 of the same one-on-one laptop initiative. Implications of these findings in relation to understanding and supporting effective technology integration and areas of future research are discussed.

In the CEFR which was issued in 2001, the importance of teaching foreign languages in consideration of multilingual contexts was emphasized. What are the impacts of this development on the practice of foreign language teaching in Germany?... more

In the CEFR which was issued in 2001, the importance of teaching foreign languages in consideration of multilingual contexts was emphasized. What are the impacts of this development on the practice of foreign language teaching in Germany? The objective of this presentation is to explore and discuss the preliminary results of an empirical study which attempts to find out the attitudes and discourses of foreign language teachers in linguistically heterogeneous classroom contexts.

Resumo: Contextos de ensino são fundamentais para estabelecer relações entre teoria e prática de sala de aula. Uma das etapas desse processo consiste em 'observar' movimentos ocorridos nas escolas, ações realizadas pelos professores e... more

Resumo: Contextos de ensino são fundamentais para estabelecer relações entre teoria e prática de sala de aula. Uma das etapas desse processo consiste em 'observar' movimentos ocorridos nas escolas, ações realizadas pelos professores e atitudes e comportamentos dos alunos diante dos conteúdos trabalhados e as relações estabelecidas. Assim, propusemos a quatro alunos-mestres, após escolherem o contexto com que mais se identificavam e, posteriormente, desenvolveriam a regência, um momento de reflexão quanto ao papel e à importância da fase de observação. Neste artigo, refletimos sobre o lugar daquela etapa do estágio em língua inglesa, considerando os contextos eleitos: ensino de inglês para alunos da Educação Infantil e para alunos portadores de Necessidades Educacionais Especiais. Trechos dos discursos dos alunos-mestres em uma aula na disciplina de Estágio Supervisionado II, no curso de licenciatura Letras/Inglês de uma Universidade do estado do Paraná, foram transcritos e analisados com base nos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo, de que toda produção textual (escrita e/ou oral) insere-se em um contexto sócio-histórico-cultural, que determina o contexto de produção do texto e

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between teachers' assessment practices and students' perceptions of the classroom assessment environment. A total of 1,636 students and 83 science teachers in the ninth grade... more

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between teachers' assessment practices and students' perceptions of the classroom assessment environment. A total of 1,636 students and 83 science teachers in the ninth grade participated in the study. Results from hierarchical linear modeling techniques showed that students' perceptions of the assessment environment were shaped by student characteristics such as self-efficacy, class contextual features such as aggregate perceived assessment environment and self-efficacy levels of the class, and teacher's teaching experience and assessment practices. These results point to a conclusion that each class has an assessment environment that originates from the teacher's assessment practices, and that students develop their perceptions of the classroom assessment environment based in part on their group experiences. Therefore, researchers studying classroom environment may need to consider not only the individual student perception of the assessment environment, but also the aggregate perceptions of students in a class about their classroom assessment practices.

Στη συγκεκριμένη έκδοση, παρουσιάζονται κείμενα μελλοντικών εκπαιδευτικών από εφαρμοσμένες εκπαιδευτικές πρακτικές σε τυπικά και εναλλακτικά πλαίσια εκπαίδευσης με σκοπό να λειτουργήσουν διαλεκτικά με τον αναγνώστη ωθώντας και ενισχύοντας... more

Στη συγκεκριμένη έκδοση, παρουσιάζονται κείμενα μελλοντικών εκπαιδευτικών από εφαρμοσμένες εκπαιδευτικές πρακτικές σε τυπικά και εναλλακτικά πλαίσια εκπαίδευσης με σκοπό να λειτουργήσουν διαλεκτικά με τον αναγνώστη ωθώντας και ενισχύοντας τον αναστοχασμό του.

This article is a literature review on geography teachers' knowledge and perceptions of dyslexia, as well as the teaching methods they decide to use in order to differentiate their teaching in mixed ability classes, including dyslexic... more

This article is a literature review on geography teachers' knowledge and perceptions of dyslexia, as well as the teaching methods they decide to use in order to differentiate their teaching in mixed ability classes, including dyslexic students. The aim of the systematic literature review was to identify: a) Geography teachers' knowledge and perceptions of dyslexia; and b) the teaching strategies that they use to help dyslexic students overcome their difficulties. The research was carried out from October to November 2020. Initially, 1346 articles on dyslexia and teaching methods, generally that were published during the last 20 years (2000-2020) were identified in 5 databases. Findings showed that, despite the very large number of publications on the subject, only a few studies (3) were found to meet our research criteria (dyslexia + geography + teaching methods + teachers' attitudes/knowledge). It is suggested that future studies focused on teaching geography and its impact on dyslexia would contribute to drawing clearer conclusions on the topic.

Learning to teach with online technologies, delivery systems, and modalities presents new demands as well as opportunities. For most teachers, adopting these new ways of planning, teaching, and assessing takes time and will not be smooth.... more

Learning to teach with online technologies, delivery systems, and modalities presents new demands as well as opportunities. For most teachers, adopting these new ways of planning, teaching, and assessing takes time and will not be smooth. Such was the case before the COVID-19 pandemic. The urgency with which schools migrated to emergency remote learning to conduct education over the internet demanded that teachers make these shifts suddenly and under the national and international gaze. In this chapter, we discuss the need for professional learning experiences that prepare practicing teachers for criticism of online learning generally as well as criticism of their specific online teaching practice. Using stories from the popular press and research conducted during the school building closures of 2020, we establish that many parents were critical of the education children were receiving online during the pandemic. Then, we review previous research about parent critiques of teaching, including online teaching and the need to communicate and build relationships with parents. We use those understandings to draw implications for professional learning that sustains practicing teachers by girding them against negative public comments.

A review on the current practices in early intervention services in the Philippines.

Alcanzamos nuestra identidad y la idea de nosotros mismos por el uso de la configuración narrativa, y totalizamos nuestra existencia comprendiéndola como la expresión de una historia simple que se revela. DONALD POLKINGHORNE RESUMEN En... more

Alcanzamos nuestra identidad y la idea de nosotros mismos por el uso de la configuración narrativa, y totalizamos nuestra existencia comprendiéndola como la expresión de una historia simple que se revela. DONALD POLKINGHORNE RESUMEN En este artículo se presentan algunos aspectos sobre el desarrollo de cinco experiencias recientes de formación y actualización de profesores, tanto de nivel básico como medio superior y superior, verificadas en el DF y el estado de Oaxaca. Como producto final de dichas experiencias, se solicitó a los participantes la composición individual de narrativas en las que se explicitara algún episodio particular del quehacer docente, con el propósito de describir su intervención en términos de discurso y acción, para identificar y analizar las motivaciones de dicha intervención. El planteamiento metodológico a partir del cual se trabajó, fue el de la reflexión sobre la práctica, como vía privilegiada para la optimización de la enseñanza. Palabras clave: narrativas, autonarrativa, reflexión sobre la práctica, mejora docente, trayectorias profesionales docentes, ciclos de vida, introspección. ABSTRACT This article presents some aspects about five recent experiences of training and retraining teachers from elementary, medium and higher level, verified in Mexico City and the state of Oaxaca. As the final product of those experiences, the participants composed an individual narrative in which they reported a particular episode of their teaching work, in order to describe their intervention, in terms of their own discourse and action, to identify and analyze the motivations of such intervention. The methodological approach, from which we worked, was the reflection on practice, as a privileged way to improve teaching.

As Proficient Teachers, you are expected to value personal growth and professional development and exhibit high personal regard for the profession. You must actively engage in collaborative learning with the professional community and... more

As Proficient Teachers, you are expected to value personal growth and professional development and exhibit high personal regard for the profession. You must actively engage in collaborative learning with the professional community and other stakeholders for mutual growth and advancement. You also need to assume responsibility for personal growth and professional development for lifelong learning. In this module, you will find authentic and instructive illustrations of practice anchored on the Philippine Standards for Teachers (PPST) intended to help teachers’ current practice.

School education is called to focus on new learning processes that aim at the  1 development of self-directed learning and the provision of motives for the participation of the individuals in a constant learning process throughout their... more

School education is called to focus on new learning processes that aim at the 
development of self-directed learning and the provision of motives for the participation of the individuals in a constant learning process throughout their lives. Τhis presupposes that the operation of school education as well as the knowledge and skills provided should change. In the framework of the new learning environment the characteristics and competencies making up the teacher's profile are redefined. One of the basic changing aspects of the teacher's role is his/her transformation from a simple knowledge provider to a facilitator and organizer of the learning process. This fact became the object of the present research, which aimed to investigate teachers' perceptions of the new dimension of their role. The conceptual structure of the facilitator of the learning process was shaped with the help of elements from Carl Rogers' theory and reports found in texts of European educational policy. The specific structure formed the base for designing and shaping the research tools. The research method selected was based on the combination of the quantitative and qualitative approach.

This study explored teachers’ practices and students’ preferences regarding grammar-centered written corrective feedback (WCF) in an Iranian EFL context. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from 14 teachers and 15... more

This study explored teachers’ practices and students’ preferences regarding grammar-centered written corrective feedback (WCF) in an Iranian EFL context. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from 14 teachers and 15 students, teaching and taking English at different proficiency levels. The data analysis identified three thematic categories in the interview responses: error correctors, amount of WCF, and WCF methods. The findings showed that the teachers mostly provided teacher-generated grammar feedback since they believed that their students preferred this type of correction. Additionally, the students preferred teacher-generated feedback. Also, the teachers mostly gave comprehensive feedback on the grammatical errors, because they thought comprehensive correction was perceived positively by their students. This, similarly, was preferred by the students. Moreover, the teachers stated that their students liked direct grammar feedback; the students also reported their preference for direct WCF. Overall, the teachers were aware of their students’ preferences, so they provided the kind of feedback their students were most likely to effectively engage with.