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Recent papers in Controls

This paper 2 extends a proposed theory on information security using pilot data to further refine and elaborate. We argue that the goal of information security is imperfectly understood and aim to bring about an altered understanding of... more

This paper 2 extends a proposed theory on information security using pilot data to further refine and elaborate. We argue that the goal of information security is imperfectly understood and aim to bring about an altered understanding of why efforts are made to engage in information security. The goal of information security is widely recognized as the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information however we argue that the goal is actually to create business resources. This paper responds to calls for more theory in information systems and challenges our thinking. In a phenomenological grounded theory study, this paper identifies the core concepts of information security, and describes the relationships between these concepts. The paper provides the theoretical base for understanding why information is protected, in addition to theoretical and practical implications, and future research suggestions.

L'articolo, dopo l'inquadramento teorico della funzione di controllo pubblico sui soggetti privati, analizza il tema dei controlli sui privati come potenziale occasione di corruzione amministrativa. In questa prospettiva, dopo un'analisi... more

L'articolo, dopo l'inquadramento teorico della funzione di controllo pubblico sui soggetti privati, analizza il tema dei controlli sui privati come potenziale occasione di corruzione amministrativa. In questa prospettiva, dopo un'analisi dei più recenti tentativi di riforma dei controlli sui privati nella prospettiva della riduzione degli oneri delle imprese, si prospetta una distinzione tra diverse tipologie di controllo sui privati in ragione della diversa rilevanza che esse assumono anche dal punto di vista della prevenzione della corruzione e della riduzione delle occasioni di corruzione. Nello specifico si analizzano i controlli puntuali sul rispetto di obblighi generali, i controlli successivi all'attribuzione di utilità pubbliche e i controlli i in funzione di vigilanza e regolazione di settore. Nelle conclusioni si prospetta l'utilità di una strategia integrata di riforma del settore pubblico (e anche del sistema dei controlli) per il contrasto della corruzione.

Gordon, C., Baatjies, V., Johannes, L., Samaai, S., Sonto, J., Smit, Y. & Bruwer, J-P. 2014. The control environment of fast food micro and very small entities in the Cape Metropole. Topclass Journal of Business Management, 1(2): pp.... more

In northern Ghana, the most famous and preferred locally made beverages are tiger nuts drink, sobolo and zimkom. The main problem associated with these products however, is their short shelf-life when they are kept at ordinary air/ room... more

In northern Ghana, the most famous and preferred locally made beverages are tiger nuts drink, sobolo and zimkom. The main problem associated with these products however, is their short shelf-life when they are kept at ordinary air/ room temperatures as a result of activities of microorganisms which actions are facilitated by conducive atmosphere of the region. The

Abstract From history we learn that when a company needs to expand and the local market is saturated it is time to venture into the international market. This can be observed from the ancient days when caravans moved from town to town... more

From history we learn that when a company needs to expand and the local market is saturated it is time to venture into the international market. This can be observed from the ancient days when caravans moved from town to town selling their wares. Even on matters that are spiritual missionaries have moved out to expand their religion. The extent of ‘abroad’ depended on the time it was used, political boundaries set and the available technology. In the present, the world has become a global village given the technology advancement in the communication industry which has made the world borderless and the faster modes of transport.
In this paper we will conduct a qualitative research to examine the expansion of Kenya Airways and explore the different approaches it adopted to counter the risks and uncertainties as it entered the international market. We will identify, categorize and prioritize the risks and uncertainties it faces in the host country and find out how it currently hedges itself against the risks and propose sustainability strategies for risk management by the company.
Keywords: saturated, international market, risk, uncertainties, hedges, risk management

This paper presents a series-resonant inverter (SRI) with an extended topology using a pulse-density modulation (PDM) control method. Theoretical analysis shows that the use of the SRI with extended topology and the PDM control (extended... more

This paper presents a series-resonant inverter (SRI) with an extended topology using a pulse-density modulation (PDM) control method. Theoretical analysis shows that the use of the SRI with extended topology and the PDM control (extended PDM-SRI) allows reducing the fluctuation of the SRI output current by more than 40% at the quality factor of 5 compared to a conventional SRI with the traditional PDM control. To eliminate drawbacks of the extended PDM-SRI, specificities of PDM switching sequences to ensure the zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) operation are discussed in detail, and a solution to the voltage imbalance across the capacitors of the extended topology is proposed. Simulation analysis of the extended PDM-SRI confirmed the effectiveness of using the proposed solutions to eliminate the drawbacks. The feasibility of the proposed SRI is confirmed by testing on a 2.2 kW experimental setup.

As an Official Article Contributor, and this Article entitled, "Importance of Remote Sensing & Monitoring in Engineering Projects" contribution for the CEAI VIEWPOINT Journal March 2019 Edition. The article paper tackled about the... more

As an Official Article Contributor, and this Article entitled, "Importance of Remote Sensing & Monitoring in Engineering Projects" contribution for the CEAI VIEWPOINT Journal March 2019 Edition. The article paper tackled about the importance of the Remote Sensing and Remote Monitoring that has an implication in the building physic strategy and within the building management through design optimization of the building envelope and consequently the passive energy saving gained from the building which enhances energy conversion. It’s only through analysis and an iterative process that examines the real estate needs of a building and the proposed architectural, and engineering design can be the most appropriate solution. The Remote Monitoring is being designed to control the astronomical or complex facilities of factories & towers, power plants, network operations centers, airports, and spacecraft, which involves automation. The passive remote sensing system defines as the naturally radiated or reflected energy from the earth’s surface features which are measured by the sensors operating in different selected spectral bands on board the air-borne/space-borne platforms. However, the objective is to support the science, art, and practice of the technological aspect of the building services engineering controls and monitoring for the facility management that is a specialized form of building controls and engineering concerned.

"The paper presents the maturation of a full potential flow solver whose primitive form [1] was developed in the Brite-Euram project HELISHAPE, and aiming at a robust and fast aerodynamic system, ready for industrial applications. In... more

"The paper presents the maturation of a full potential flow solver whose primitive form [1] was
developed in the Brite-Euram project HELISHAPE, and aiming at a robust and fast aerodynamic
system, ready for industrial applications.
In particular the modelling of blade boundary layers, the modelling of the vortex wake system, the
inviscid potential flow solver methodology and the grid generator are described.
The resulting system is able to carry out the viscous non-linear aerodynamic analysis of rotorcraft
blade configurations in realistic hover and forward flight conditions.
Calculated results are presented for 2D airfoils, 3D wings and isolated rotors."

A novel 9-axis micro-machine is presented. The machine has three linear motor driven major axes and a magnetically levitated rotary table with six degrees of freedom. The table can rotate freely with pitch, roll, and yaw and three linear... more

A novel 9-axis micro-machine is presented. The machine has three linear motor driven major axes and a magnetically levitated rotary table with six degrees of freedom. The table can rotate freely with pitch, roll, and yaw and three linear short stroke motions. The major drives bring the tool to the vicinity of target location while the magnetically levitated table positions the machine accurately. All nine drives are controlled simultaneously by considering the redundant kinematics of the machine without saturating the stroke limits. Simulation and experiments show the generated reference commands do not violate the limits of the feed drives, and is sufficiently accurate.

"The aero-elastic simulation tool AESIM-BASIC18 has been applied in EADS Deutschland GmbH Military Aircraft in the past years for aero-elastic simulations on a modern fighter. The main intention of the application was to validate the tool... more

"The aero-elastic simulation tool AESIM-BASIC18 has been applied in EADS Deutschland GmbH Military Aircraft in the past years for aero-elastic simulations on a modern fighter. The main intention of the application was to validate the tool for industrial aero-elastic applications, i.e. for steady aero-elastic calculations, deformation simulation, aerodynamic data set elastification purposes, for the generation of unsteady aerodynamic forces due to oscillating control surfaces, for the generation of generalised aerodynamic forces for flutter and gust analysis at subsonic, transonic and supersonic Mach numbers and finally for the simulation of flutter.
Results of the validation exercises are presented and discussed. In detail the validation with respect to steady aerodynamic simulations of a rigid wing alone and a complete rigid aircraft, as well as the validation of steady aerodynamic and steady aero-elastic simulations for the deformation of a flexible wing alone and a complete flexible aircraft have been carried out. The aero-elastic simulation of complete flexible aircraft has been validated. Validations of unsteady aerodynamic simulations of wings with oscillating control surfaces and with simulations of normal modes have been performed. Flutter and gust simulations have been validated using results from classical tools.
In all the applications the full potential model has been used only, although AESIM-BASIC has also other more, as well as less advanced possibilities for simulations.
The paper will focus on the demonstration of the industrial application of the NLR AESIM-BASIC tool through a critical overview of the detailed studies performed.

"This article presents strategies and models to efciently perform aero-elastic analysis according to most recent experiences with aero-elastic tools and discusses applications of the multiple input multiple output based (MIMOCLASS)... more

"This article presents strategies and models to efciently perform aero-elastic analysis according to
most recent experiences with aero-elastic tools and discusses applications of the multiple input
multiple output based (MIMOCLASS) identication which allows instantaneous ph utter analysis
during coupled simulations.
Details of models which are suitable candidates for improving efciency of aero-elastic methodologies
are presented. Especially attention is given to: i) the MIMO CLASS models; ii) improved
warping models (hybrid and trilinear volume spline, implicit lters, fuzzy splines et cetera );
iii) a novel concept (reduced order method) for grid deformation and iv) MIMO CLASS spectral

"The paper discusses and demonstrates novel planar and non-planar interpolation techniques which have been put forward by Hounjet. They are based on the extension of the surface spline method and on the application of integral... more

"The paper discusses and demonstrates novel
planar and non-planar interpolation techniques which
have been put forward by Hounjet. They are
based on the extension of the surface spline method
and on the application of integral equation methods
for the Laplace equation. The most promising one
is the so-called volume spline technique which is a
very simple method not requiring any additional logic
and which can be applied straightforwardly to any 3-D
data set, without drifting to far away from the origi-
nal data, even when the original data is non-smooth."

The main financial challenge facing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is access to affordable credit over a reasonable period. Despite the financial reforms aimed at improving SMEs, access to finance to improve their performance and... more

The main financial challenge facing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is access to affordable credit over a reasonable period. Despite the financial reforms aimed at improving SMEs, access to finance to improve their performance and growth, access to finance for SMEs remains a recurrent problem. This is even more pronounced for commercial loan financing and as long as banks apply the same lending
principles to SMEs as to big firms, small businesses will be deprived of key access to finance. The
structure and management of majority of SMEs is less developed with weak internal controls making
the availability of information for risk analysis by the banks and micro-finance lenders inadequate. This
research therefore led to an argument that the inherent weaknesses in the internal control structures of
SMEs deny them access to commercial loan financing. SMEs in Uganda, suffer from constraints that
lower their resilience to risk and prevent them from growing. Findings of the study indicated that the
soundness of the various internal controls was a significant predictor for access to commercial loan
financing. More specifically firms with sound asset control and an independent review stood a better
chance of accessing funding. It was thus recommended that; SMEs work on setting up or improving
their preventive and detective internal controls and risk management systems while ensuring that the
installed systems are appropriate to their size and organizational complexity in order to improve their
chances of accessing the much desired capital.

Pressure flaking has been considered to be an Upper Paleolithic innovation dating to ~20,000 years ago (20 ka). Replication experiments show that pressure flaking best explains the morphology of lithic artifacts recovered from the ~75-ka... more

Pressure flaking has been considered to be an Upper Paleolithic innovation dating to ~20,000 years ago (20 ka). Replication experiments show that pressure flaking best explains the morphology of lithic artifacts recovered from the ~75-ka Middle Stone Age levels at Blombos Cave, South Africa. The technique was used during the final shaping of Still Bay bifacial points made on heat-treated silcrete. Application of this innovative technique allowed for a high degree of control during the detachment of individual flakes, resulting in thinner, narrower, and sharper tips on bifacial points. This technology may have been first invented and used sporadically in Africa before its later widespread adoption.

Base-metal slag deposits at the Penn Mine in Calaveras County, California, are a source of environmental contamination through leaching of potentially toxic elements. Historical Cu smelting at Penn Mine (1865–1919) generated approximately... more

Base-metal slag deposits at the Penn Mine in Calaveras County, California, are a source of environmental contamination through leaching of potentially toxic elements. Historical Cu smelting at Penn Mine (1865–1919) generated approximately 200,000 m3 of slag. The slag deposits, which are flooded annually by a reservoir used for drinking water and irrigation, also may be in contact with acidic ground

The study combines the research domains of strategic management and corporate innovation by examining the impact of strategic management practices on entrepreneurial orientation (EO). Recognising the importance of internal business... more

The study combines the research domains of strategic management and corporate innovation by examining the impact of strategic management practices on entrepreneurial orientation (EO). Recognising the importance of internal business processes that enable firm entrepreneurial behaviour, it is hypothesised that higher levels of EO are positively associated with the strategic management practices of (1) locus of planning, (2) scanning intensity, (3) planning flexibility, (4) planning horizon, and (5) strategy and financial control attributes. Empirical testing takes place in an under-researched emerging market context on a sample of 219 financial and business services firms. The results provide support for the positive impact that the different strategic management practices have on EO. A practical consideration is for managers to leverage the strategic management practices so that the firm's position on the conservative-entrepreneurial continuum is increased by its propensity to be...

Aircraft landing gear supports the entire weight of an aircraft during landing and ground operations. They are attached to primary structural members of the aircraft. The type of gear depends on the aircraft design and its intended use.... more

Aircraft landing gear supports the entire weight of an aircraft during landing and ground operations. They are attached to primary structural members of the aircraft. The type of gear depends on the aircraft design and its intended use. Most landing gear has wheels to facilitate operation to and from hard surfaces, such as airport runways. Other gear feature skids for this purpose, such as those found on helicopters, balloon gondolas, and in the tail area of some tail dragger aircraft. Aircraft that operate to and from frozen lakes and snowy areas may be equipped with landing gear that have skis. Aircraft that operate to and from the surface of water have pontoon-type landing gear. Regardless of the type of landing gear utilized, shock absorbing equipment, brakes, retraction mechanisms, controls, warning devices, cowling, fairings, and structural members necessary to attach the gear to the aircraft are considered parts of the landing gear system. Thus we are making them smooth and e...

This paper presents a novel roll mechanism and an efficient control strategy for the roll and pitch of internally actuated autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) including most underwater gliders (UGs). The proposed design and approach... more

This paper presents a novel roll mechanism and an efficient control strategy for the roll and pitch of internally actuated autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) including most underwater gliders (UGs). The proposed design and approach increases maneuverability which is essential for operating in shallow water or crowded harbors. The design is implemented on Michigan Tech's research UG ROUGHIE (Research Oriented Underwater Glider for Hands-on Investigative Engineering) and the performance is validated. The experimental results demonstrate that ROUGHIE is capable of tight turn radii down to approximately twice the vehicle length in shallow water.

In this study, development and evaluation of buoyant river plumes under the influence of the coastal currents and the guidance of topography in the south eastern Black Sea coast (Solakli and Surmene) rivers were analyzed. For simulation,... more

In this study, development and evaluation of buoyant river plumes under the influence of the coastal currents and the guidance of topography in the south eastern Black Sea coast (Solakli and Surmene) rivers were analyzed. For simulation, the rivers are inputted as source of zero salinity in computer based simulation model CARDINAL, which uses depth averaged shallow water equation for two-dimensional conditions and the equations of non-steady boundary layer for three- dimensional conditions. The river plumes are examined with realistic topography and idealized wind conditions. In order to check accuracy of the simulation, temperature, salinity, current speed and directions were measured in 22 stations and then density was calculated by using UNESCO formulae. Comparison of the measurements and modeling of currents showed good agreement. When both buoyancy and wind are employed as external forcing, the circulation is influenced by the opposing tendencies for stratification. The present...

This paper proposes a theory on information security. We argue that information security is imperfectly understood and aim to bring about an altered understanding of why efforts are made to engage in information security. The goal of... more

This paper proposes a theory on information security. We argue that information security is imperfectly understood and aim to bring about an altered understanding of why efforts are made to engage in information security. The goal of information security is widely recognised as the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information however we argue that the goal is actually to simply create resources. This paper responds to calls for more theory in information systems, places the discussion in philosophical context and compares various definitions. It then identifies the key concepts of information security, describes the relationships between these concepts, as well as scope and causal explanations. The paper provides the theoretical base for understanding why information is protected, in addition to theoretical and practical implications and suggestions for future research.