Traffic Accident Research Papers - (original) (raw)
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- Psychology, Algorithms, Road safety, Australia
The OPTIMA project or the “Optimisation of traffic accident statistics”, initiated by the DWTC1, is part of a strategy to obtain the necessary means to establish a traffic safety policy. A policy on traffic safety should be a reliable and... more
The OPTIMA project or the “Optimisation of traffic accident statistics”, initiated by the DWTC1, is part of a strategy to obtain the necessary means to establish a traffic safety policy. A policy on traffic safety should be a reliable and representative reflection of safety issues. This makes traffic accident data an essential element in making policy decisions on traffic safety. In this sense, the availability of reliable and representative statistical material is the basis upon which traffic safety policy must be founded. The project objective is to obtain more complete and more representative traffic accident statistics by linking hospital records with existing police records and comparing the hospital data with available police information. Part 1 of the project, the description of the existing situation, goes through a series of steps. The introductory text explores the problem of the current incom-pleteness of recorded data in Belgium. This is followed by an international inve...
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- Engineering, Social Sciences, USA, Sweden
Based on a sample of drivers in Brasilia’s streets, this article investigates whether distraction explains traffic accidents. A probit model is estimated to determine the predictive power of several variables on traffic accidents. The... more
Based on a sample of drivers in Brasilia’s streets, this article investigates whether distraction explains traffic accidents. A probit model is estimated to determine the predictive power of several variables on traffic accidents. The main conclusion drawn from this study is that the proxies used to measure distraction, such as the use of cell phones and cigarette smoking in a moving vehicle, are significant factors in determining traffic accidents. We are thankful to an anonymous referee for comments and suggestions.
A lynx recovery programme started in Switzerland in 1970. From 1970-76. at least 14 lynx were translocated from the Carpathian Mountains into the Swiss Alps. Another re-introduction took place in the Jura Mountains, but no corridors exist... more
A lynx recovery programme started in Switzerland in 1970. From 1970-76. at least 14 lynx were translocated from the Carpathian Mountains into the Swiss Alps. Another re-introduction took place in the Jura Mountains, but no corridors exist as a connection between these two popula- tions in Switzerland. The devclopmcnt of the populations was not monitored at first. In 1980 sys-
30.1.2016 se je na slovenski avtocesti zgodila najhujša množična prometna nesreča v samostojnosti Slovenije. Nesreča se je pripetila na avtocesti A1 iz smeri Ljubljana proti Kopru, na Golem vrhu okoli 14. ure popoldne. Manjše tovorno... more
30.1.2016 se je na slovenski avtocesti zgodila najhujša množična prometna nesreča v samostojnosti Slovenije. Nesreča se je pripetila na avtocesti A1 iz smeri Ljubljana proti Kopru, na Golem vrhu okoli 14. ure popoldne. Manjše tovorno vozilo je na Golem vrhu trčilo v težje špedicijsko vozilo, ki ga je upravljal ukrajinski voznik. Bosanski voznik manjšega tovornega vozila ni prilagodil hitrosti razmeram na cesti, namreč odsek je bil v megli z vidljivostjo manjšo od 50m in cestišče je bilo mokro, tako je trčil v spredaj vozeče tovorno špedicijsko vozilo, ki se je iz počasnega pasa, namenjenega tovornim in počasnim vozilom priključevalo na počasni pas, saj se na vrhu Golega vrha pas za tovorna vozila konča. Bosanskega voznika je nato vrglo iz vozila in tako je ta voznik utrpel tako hude poškodbe, da je na kraju prometne nesreče umrl.
Geometric design deficiencies on existing roads would lead to a potential accident, such as an accident happens at the sharp curves, layered pavement conditions, and slippery pavement surface. Road traffic accident has been increasing in... more
Geometric design deficiencies on existing roads would lead to a potential accident, such as an accident happens at the sharp curves, layered pavement conditions, and slippery pavement surface. Road traffic accident has been increasing in the Southern Region of Tigray, of which this area was shown to have alarming rates. According to the Southern Tigray Regional Police, the high figure of road traffic accidents was recorded in Alamata, Mehoni and Hewane districts. This research study focused on the analysis of traffic accidents related to geometric design parameters of the existing asphalt road. While the data for the analysis covered route data, traffic accident report from the police station containing some injuries, crashes, and damage to properties, as well as interviews and questionnaire surveys to people who are directly involved in road travels, are considered. The primary data have mainly covered the geometry of the road which was measured during the site survey, road safety ...
LiDAR, typically used as an acronym for "'light detection and ranging'", is essentially a sonar that uses pulsed laser waves to map the distance to surrounding objects. It is used by a large number of autonomous vehicles to navigate... more
LiDAR, typically used as an acronym for "'light detection and ranging'", is essentially a sonar that uses pulsed laser waves to map the distance to surrounding objects. It is used by a large number of autonomous vehicles to navigate environments in real time. Its advantages include impressively accurate depth perception, which allows LiDAR to know the distance to an object to within a few centimetres, up to 60 metres away. It's also highly suitable for 3D mapping, which means returning vehicles can then navigate the environment predictably-a significant benefit for most self-driving technologies. One of the key strengths of LiDAR is the number of areas that show potential for improvement. These include solid-state sensors, which could reduce its cost tenfold, sensor range increases of up to 200m, and 4-dimensional LiDAR, which senses the velocity of an object as well as its position in 3-D space. However, despite these exciting advances, LiDAR is still hindered by a key factor; its significant cost. LiDAR is not the only self-driving detection technology, with cameras as the major rival, championed by Tesla as the best way forward. Elon Musk has described LiDAR as "a fool's errand" and "unnecessary". The argument runs that humans drive based only on ambient visible light, so robots should equally be able to. A camera is significantly smaller and cheaper than LiDAR (although more of them are needed), and has the advantage of seeing in better resolution and in colour, meaning it can read traffic lights and signs. However, cameras have a wide host of characteristics that make them tricky to use in common driving conditions. Whereas LiDAR uses near infra-red light, cameras use visible light, and are thus more susceptible to issues when faced with rain, fog, or even some textures. In addition, LiDARs do not depend on ambient light, generating their own light pulses, whereas cameras are more sensitive to sudden light changes, direct sunlight and even raindrops.
Accompanying appendix to presentation July 2013 to the National Academy of Forensic Engineers Advanced Accident Reconstruction Special Seminar. Appendix demonstrates methodology presented, calculation methods and statistical evaluation of... more
Accompanying appendix to presentation July 2013 to the National Academy of Forensic Engineers Advanced Accident Reconstruction Special Seminar. Appendix demonstrates methodology presented, calculation methods and statistical evaluation of methodology to actual collision tests.
Aktuell existieren multivariate Verfahren, welche auf mikroskopischer Ebene die Unfallauffälligkeit einer Kreuzung oder eines Streckenabschnitts bewerten können. Jedoch fehlen diese Instrumentarien bisher auf der makroskopischen Ebene,... more
Aktuell existieren multivariate Verfahren, welche auf mikroskopischer Ebene die Unfallauffälligkeit einer
Kreuzung oder eines Streckenabschnitts bewerten können. Jedoch fehlen diese Instrumentarien bisher auf
der makroskopischen Ebene, wie bspw. statistischen Gemeinden. Das Ziel der Machbarkeitsstudie bestand
darin die Verkehrssicherheit auf makroskopischer Ebene zu evaluieren und dabei u. a. deren verkehrlichen,
topografischen oder ökonomischen Unterschiede einzubeziehen.
In einer Literaturrecherche wurden bisher bekannte Einflüsse auf das Unfallgeschehen auf makroskopischer
Ebene zusammengetragen. Anschließend wurden zu diesen Einflüssen geeignete Datenquellen mit der
entsprechenden Aggregierungsstufe recherchiert. Im Ergebnis entstand ein erster Grunddatensatz, welcher
für die einzelnen statistischen Kreise sowohl die Unfall- und Verletztenhäufigkeiten als auch die potenziellen
Einflussgrößen auflistet und im Anschluss als Basis für die Modellerstellung dient.
In Vorbereitung der Modellerstellung wurden zunächst die Korrelationen zwischen den potenziellen
Einflussgrößen untersucht. Diese Analyse dient der Vermeidung von zu stark korrelierenden Einflussgrößen
in einem Modell und somit der Vermeidung von fehlerhaft signifikanten Einflussgrößen oder fehlerhaft
bestimmten Koeffizienten. Zudem verdeutlicht die Korrelationsanalyse Zusammenhänge zwischen
einzelnen potenziellen Einflussgrößen.
Innerhalb der Modellerstellung wurde zunächst geprüft, ob hierfür die auf mikroskopischer Ebene zur
Anwendung kommenden verallgemeinerten linearen Modelle mit der Annahme negativ-binomial-verteilter
Unfall- bzw. Verletztenhäufigkeiten auch auf makroskopischer Ebene angewandt werden können. Es
entstanden Modelle zur Beschreibung der Häufigkeit von Unfällen mit Personenschaden, von
unfallbeteiligten Verkehrsteilnehmerarten (PKW, LKW; Radfahrer, Fußgänger, motorisierte Zweiräder) und
von unterschiedlichen Verletzungsarten (Getötete, Schwerverletzte, Leichtverletzte).
Im Ergebnis konnte festgestellt werden, dass mit Hilfe der verallgemeinerten linearen Modelle und der
Annahme negativ-binomial-verteilter Unfall- bzw. Verletztenhäufigkeiten große Anteile der Varianzen
Unfallgeschehen der statistischen Gemeinden erklärt werden können. Für den Großteil der Modelle konnten
Erklärungsanteile von über 90 % erreicht werden. Eine Ausnahme bildeten jedoch das „Modell LKW“ und
die zwei Modelle zur Getötetenhäufigkeit, in denen nahezu eine Äquidispersion vorliegt. Daher sind
zukünftig Modelle zur Beschreibung der Getötetenhäufigkeit unter Verwendung anderer Modellansätze zu
modellieren. Für das „Modell LKW“ konnte hingegen anhand der geografischen Analyse der Residuen
festgestellt werden, dass die Nähe einer Gemeinde zu Transitstrecken mit betrachtet werden muss.
Für jede Zielgröße (Unfälle mit Personenschaden, unfallbeteiligte Verkehrsteilnehmerarten und
Verletzungsarten) konnte die Einwohneranzahl einer Gemeinde als am stärkste erklärende Einflussgröße
gefunden werden. Jedoch wirkt sich die Einwohnerzahl mit Ausnahme der Modelle zu unfallbeteiligten
LKW bzw. Radfahrer tendenziell eher degressiv auf das Unfallgeschehen aus. In der Folge werden bei
steigender Einwohnerzahl der Kreise die Abweichungen zwischen dem Belastungsansatz und den Modellen
größer bzw. die Vorhersagen des Belastungsansatzes ungenauer.
Ein in den Modellen häufig auftauchender Einfluss und in der Literatur wenig betrachteter Einflussfaktor ist
der Tourismus. In den Modellen zur Häufigkeit der Unfallbeteiligung einzelner Verkehrsteilnehmerarten,
wurde diese Einflussgröße mit Ausnahme des „Modell LKW“ in jedem Modell als signifikante Einflussgröße
gefunden. Ebenso wirkten sich in einer Vielzahl der Modelle die Witterung in Form der durchschnittlichen
Anzahl sommerlicher bzw. regnerischer Tage auf die Häufigkeit der Unfallbeteiligung der einzelnen
Verkehrsteilnehmerarten aus.
Darüber hinaus konnten ebenfalls Einflussfaktoren identifiziert werden, welche sich spezifisch auf das
Unfallgeschehen einzelner Verkehrsteilnehmerarten oder Verletzungsschweren auswirken bzw. stärker
At present, the traffic problem is a problem that the government attaches great importance to. Many papers also put forward their own visualization models for traffic problems. This research focused on the Map-matching and Spatialtemporal... more
At present, the traffic problem is a problem that the government attaches great importance to. Many papers also put forward their own visualization models for traffic problems. This research focused on the Map-matching and Spatialtemporal Visualization of Expressway Traffic Accident Information and improves the original two-dimensional visual model of accident rate into a three-dimensional model. The goal is to represent more attributes in a visual model and make them easier to compare, so as to provide users with more intuitive visual information.
- by Velin Daskalov
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- Law, Bulgarian, Traffic, Bulgarian law
Reducing the number of traffic accidents is a declared target of most governments. Since dependence on driver reaction is the main cause of road accidents, it would be advisable to replace the human factor in some driving-related tasks... more
Reducing the number of traffic accidents is a declared target of most governments. Since dependence on driver reaction is the main cause of road accidents, it would be advisable to replace the human factor in some driving-related tasks with automated solutions. To automate a vehicle, it is necessary to control the actuators of a car, i.e., the steering wheel, accelerator, and brake. This paper presents the design and implementation of an electro-hydraulic braking system consisting of a pump and various valves, allowing the control computer to stop the car. It is assembled in conjunction with the original circuit for the sake of robustness and to permit the two systems to halt the car independently. This system was developed for installation in a commercial Citroën C3 Pluriel of the AUTOPIA program. Various tests were carried out to verify its correct operation, and an experiment showing the integration of the system into the longitudinal control of the car is described.
- by Essam Radwan and +1
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- Psychology, Risk, Adolescent, Humans
It is a crucial task to reduce road crashes by performing analyses and taking appropriate countermeasures to save lives. It has been a major issue for many people and government to reduce the amount of road collisions especially in Iran,... more
It is a crucial task to reduce road crashes by performing analyses and taking appropriate countermeasures to save lives. It has been a major issue for many people and government to reduce the amount of road collisions especially in Iran, since it could be a great threat to this country. Identification of crash black-sites is one of the most important fields in road safety studies. Many highway agencies have been using Geographical Information System (GIS) for analyzing crash data. The GIS based application integrates the information collection capabilities with the visualization. In this paper, Incident features like location, date, type of vehicle involved, and number of persons injured or died are imported in the GIS database. Then, Kernel density is to apply on the prepared data. The main objective is to specify road crash black-spots considering all types of traffic crashes based on their severity using Kernel Density through GIS environment. The results show that more severe crashes take place further from the cities than accidents with only property damages. Also, overlaying all crash types using the suggested SI (severity index) method will generate crash black-sites map which policy makers can use to determine accident-prone zones and take appropriate interventions.
Reducing the number of traffic accidents is a declared target of most governments. Since dependence on driver reaction is the main cause of road accidents, it would be advisable to replace the human factor in some driving-related tasks... more
Reducing the number of traffic accidents is a declared target of most governments. Since dependence on driver reaction is the main cause of road accidents, it would be advisable to replace the human factor in some driving-related tasks with automated solutions. To automate a vehicle, it is necessary to control the actuators of a car, i.e., the steering wheel, accelerator, and brake. This paper presents the design and implementation of an electro-hydraulic braking system consisting of a pump and various valves, allowing the control computer to stop the car. It is assembled in conjunction with the original circuit for the sake of robustness and to permit the two systems to halt the car independently. This system was developed for installation in a commercial Citroën C3 Pluriel of the AUTOPIA program. Various tests were carried out to verify its correct operation, and an experiment showing the integration of the system into the longitudinal control of the car is described.
This report presents the results from the research study on applying large scale data mining methods into analysis of traffic accidents on the finnish roads. The data sets collected from traffic fatal accidents are huge, multidimensional,... more
This report presents the results from the research study on applying large scale data mining methods into analysis of traffic accidents on the finnish roads. The data sets collected from traffic fatal accidents are huge, multidimensional, and heterogeneous. Moreover, they may contain incomplete and erroneous values, which make its exploration and understanding a very demanding task. The target data of this study was collected by the finnish road administration datasets. The intention is to investigate the usability of robust clustering, association and frequent itemsets, and visualization methods to the road traffic accident analysis. While the results show that the selected data mining methods are able to produce understandable patterns from the data, finding more fertilized information could be enhanced with more detailed and comprehensive data sets. Machine learning algorithm takes accident frequency count as a parameter to cluster the locations. Then we used association rule mining to characterize these surface condition. The rules revealed different factors associated with road accidents at different drunk and drive with varying accident frequencies. The association rules for high-frequency accident location disclosed that intersections on highways are more dangerous for every type of fatal accidents.
İnsanlığın varoluşundan günümüze kadar geçen süreç içerisinde sosyal hayatı düzenleyen ve herkesin kesinlikle uyması gereken bazı kurallar belirlenmiştir. Son yıllarda oldukça önem kazanan bu kurallar arasında öncelikli olarak trafik... more
İnsanlığın varoluşundan günümüze kadar geçen süreç içerisinde sosyal hayatı düzenleyen ve herkesin kesinlikle uyması gereken bazı kurallar belirlenmiştir. Son yıllarda oldukça önem kazanan bu kurallar arasında öncelikli olarak trafik kuralları gelmektedir. Bu kurallar ile gerçekleştirilen düzenlemeler yalnızca trafiği değil, insan yaşamını da sistemli bir hale getirmesi bakımından oldukça önem taşımaktadır. Motorlu araçlar, yirminci yüzyılın toplumsal ve iktisadi hayatını büyük ölçüde farklılaştırarak, medeni ve modern bir hayatın başlamasını sağlamıştır. Motorlu araçların insan hayatına etki etmeye başlamasıyla birlikte; trafik olgusu dünyanın her tarafında olduğu gibi, Türkiye'de de zamanla artan, etkili ve acil çözümler gerektiren bir takım problemler ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu problemler arasında trafik kazaları son derece önemli bir yere sahiptir. Trafik kazaları, neden olduğu maddî zararın yanında, can güvenliğini yok etmesi sebebiyle, tüm insanların dikkatini üzerinde toplayan güncel bir sosyal problem halini almıştır.
- by Yasin Serhat Sen
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- Statistics, Accident, Traffic, Kaza
Methods for reconstructing the speeds of motorcycles from collision events are presented. Methods for using rotational mechanics, motorcycle fork deformation and vehicle damage models, as well as rider ejection trajectories are explored.... more
Methods for reconstructing the speeds of motorcycles from collision events are presented. Methods for using rotational mechanics, motorcycle fork deformation and vehicle damage models, as well as rider ejection trajectories are explored. A hierarchy of of analysis methods is presented. Part of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers Advanced Accident Reconstruction Series presented in 2010. Also has an applied mathematics appendix that can be provided upon request.
Intersections are critical places which experience high levels of accidents due to the availability of vehicle movements from different directions. Therefore, there is a need to understand the factors that significantly contribute to... more
Intersections are critical places which experience high levels of accidents due to the availability of vehicle movements from different directions. Therefore, there is a need to understand the factors that significantly contribute to injuries at such places. These factors can fall under different dimensions in traffic safety such as environmental conditions, road user behavior, traffic police enforcement, road design and crash characteristics. The paper will analyze the factors related to crash characteristics and traffic signal operation that affect the likelihood of accident severity located at intersections. The data for intersection accidents in Abu Dhabi from 2013 to 2016 were used in this analysis. Ordinal logistic model was considered for the analysis to account for the ordinal nature of severity levels. Several diagnostics tests of the model were preformed such as parameters evaluation, overall model evaluation and prediction accuracy. For parameter evaluation, out of 11 independent variables, 6 were non-significant and dropped from the model. Most of the non-significant variables were related to the driver-at-fault details. The results of the final model showed an overall good fit based on a p-value of less than 0.05, as well as a good accuracy of prediction 84.8%. Finally, odds ratios were estimated to interpret the final results of the model.
Since the 1990s, domestic passenger vehicles have been equipped with increasingly more sophisticated supplemental restraint system event data recorders (EDRs) that have become more commonplace in collision analysis. Many collision... more
Since the 1990s, domestic passenger vehicles have been equipped with increasingly more sophisticated supplemental restraint system event data recorders (EDRs) that have become more commonplace in collision analysis. Many collision analysts are aware that most heavy commercial vehicles are likewise equipped with heavy vehicle event data recorders (HVEDRs) that may trigger during a hard braking or sudden deceleration event — or when the driver activates a signal to trigger an event to the system. Some heavy commercial vehicle engine manufacturers even provide an additional record of the last stop of the vehicle. Unfortunately, there are no uniform standards as to the information recorded or even the triggering criteria for an event regarding heavy commercial vehicles. HVEDR records oftentimes provide valuable information that assists the forensic engineer in analyzing collision or failure events. This paper provides the forensic engineer with HVEDR engine manufacturer download coverage and tools needed (as of the presentation of this paper), and explores anomalies in event recording that the forensic engineer should be aware may exist. A case study pertaining to an HVEDR record of a commercial vehicle having a peculiar recording anomaly is presented. This paper outlines the process of how the anomaly was resolved and the process of plotting the sequence of events for courtroom presentation
Public transport in urban areas of the developing world is highly complex, due to the systems involved, the large number of origins and destinations, and the amount and variety of traffic. Istanbul is typical of these issues. Due to... more
Public transport in urban areas of the developing world is highly complex, due to the systems involved, the large number of origins and destinations, and the amount and variety of traffic. Istanbul is typical of these issues. Due to unplanned urbanisation over the past decades, the city is now facing a severe urban transport crisis, such as noise pollution, traffic congestion, traffic accidents, etc. These crises are mainly due to a limited transport infrastructure, a rapid increase in motor vehicle ownership and poor public transport services, etc. This study will analyse the urban transport systems of Istanbul (i.e. minibus and bus) and the extent and cause of the traffic congestion faced by the city. Through a review of the literature, this essay will attempt to clarify the ways in which the city can mitigate the above mentioned issues and improve its public transport.
Kecelakaan lalu lintas yang menyebabkan kematian sering kali tidak hanya terjadi semata mata hanya karena peran pelaku saja, akan tetapi juga ditemukan bahwa terdapat peran dari pihak lain salah satunya dalam kasus atas nama terdakwa M.... more
Kecelakaan lalu lintas yang menyebabkan kematian sering kali tidak hanya terjadi semata mata hanya karena peran pelaku saja, akan tetapi juga ditemukan bahwa terdapat peran dari pihak lain salah satunya dalam kasus atas nama terdakwa M. Rasyid Amrullahrajasa yang terjadi di Jalan Tol dalam kota arah senayan pada awal tahun 2013 yang menyebabkan korban jiwa sebanyak 2 orang, korban luka berat sebanyak 2 orang. Dari hasil penyidikan ditemukan bahwa mobil Daihatsu Luxio milik Frans Jonar Sirait telah dilakukan modifikasi terhadap kursi belakangnya, yang sebelumnya menghadap kedepan menjadi saling berhadap hadapan, sehingga ketika pintu belakang mobil Daihatsu Luxio terbuka akibat ditabrak oleh BMW X5 yang dikemudikan oleh M. Rasyid Amrullahrajasa maka dengan mudah penumpang yang duduk di kursi belakang mobil Daihatsu Luxio terlempar keluar. Dalam memutus kasus tersebut Majelis Hakim pada Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Timur turut mempertimbangkan peran dari Frans Jonar Sirait selaku pemilik dan pengemudi mobil Daihatsu Luxio yang telah dimodifikasi tersebut dan menjatuhkan hukuman pidana percobaan selama 6 (enam) bulan kepada M. Rasyid Amrullahrajasa. Tujuan penelitian ini pertama: mengetahui apakah Pertimbangan Majelis Hakim yang menyatakan bahwa kematian terhadap 2 orang dalam kasus tersebut juga disebabkan oleh modifikasi kursi belakang yang dilakukan pengemudi terhadap kendaraannya sudah tepat, dan kedua: mengetahui Apakah putusan Majelis Hakim yang menjatuhkan pidana percobaan selama 6 (enam) bulan dengan mempertimbangkan bahwa terdakwa telah bertanggung jawab kepada keluarga korban telah sesuai dengan tujuan pemidanaan.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan studi kasus ini adalah yuridis normatif dan hasil penelitiannya disajikan secara deskriptif analitis yang dilakukan dengan mengkaji dan meneliti data primer berupa Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Timur, data sekunder berupa sumber sumber hukum pidana dan bahan kepustakaan terkait dan wawancara kepada pihak terkait untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis putusan Majelis Hakim pada Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Timur.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa: Pertama, penyebab terdapatnya korban jiwa dalam kecelakaan tersebut tidak semata mata disebabkan kesalahan Terdakwa, akan tetapi terdapat modifikasi terhadap mobil Daihatsu Luxio sehingga keamanannya tidak lagi sesuai standar keamanan, sehingga hal ini menjadi bahan pertimbangan Majelis Hakim. Kedua, Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Timur dalam Putusan nomor: 151/Pid.Sus/2013/PN.JKT.TIM telah menerapkan konsep Restorative Justice dengan mempertimbangkan bahwa terdakwa telah bertanggung jawab kepada keluarga korban dan menjatuhkan pidana percobaan selama 6 bulan guna memberikan efek jera telah sesuai dengan tujuan pemidanaan.