Traffic Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Ce modèle présente un aspect très concret des mathématiques que sont les Equations aux Dérivées Partielles, donc on s'intéresse dans ce article a analyser ce modèle a travers la résolution analytique qui fait intervenir les... more

Ce modèle présente un aspect très concret des mathématiques que sont les Equations aux Dérivées Partielles, donc on s'intéresse dans ce article a analyser ce modèle a travers la résolution analytique qui fait intervenir les caractéristiques dans un diagramme fondamental en débit et la résolution numérique par discrétisation temporelle après montrer la la méthode utiliser de ce modèle ou la méthodologie de ce modèle et qui utilise l'équation de type hyperbolique de la conservation

Informing the users about their environment is of extreme importance for their full and independent functioning in the traffic system. Today's development of technology provides the user the access to information about their... more

Informing the users about their environment is of extreme importance for their full and independent functioning in the traffic system. Today's development of technology provides the user the access to information about their environment by using the smartphone device at any moment if there is a defined applicative solution. For this, it is necessary to define the user's environment according to the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) concept, which understands adequate technology of gathering, processing and distribution of information. This paper presents the proposal of the solution for informing the traffic network users about the environment for the defined group of users based on the beacon technology. The mentioned solution is based on the results of two separate studies about the needs of users who move along a part of the traffic network. The aim of the proposed solution is to provide the user with precise and real-time information and to raise the level of safety during m...

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Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have relevant positive and negative impacts on environmental sustainability on various levels: First-order effects such as increasing electronic waste streams; second-order effects such as... more

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have relevant positive and negative impacts on environmental sustainability on various levels: First-order effects such as increasing electronic waste streams; second-order effects such as improved energy-efficiency of production; third-order effects such as a product-to-service shift in consumption or rebound effects in transport. In the simulation study described in this article, all known relevant effects on all three levels were modeled using a System Dynamics approach in combination with scenario techniques and expert consultations. The prospective study for the European Union with a time-horizon until 2020 revealed great potential for ICT-supported energy management and for a structural change towards a less material-intensive economy, but strong rebound effects in the transport sector whenever ICT applications lead to time or cost savings for transport.

Istanbul is Europe's most populous metropolis. The population of the city has increased sevenfold in the last 50 years and the usage of the area has increased threefold. As a result of this extreme growth, the most important problem... more

Istanbul is Europe's most populous metropolis. The population of the city has increased sevenfold in the last 50 years and the usage of the area has increased threefold. As a result of this extreme growth, the most important problem of Istanbul today becomes traffic. Therefore, transportation investments are the most important part of the city budget. There are different solution propositions and theories of experts on this problem. Within the scope of the study, 3 different workshops were carried out in order to reflect the opinions of the experts. In these workshops, flexible methods, traffic planning, strategic planning, socioeconomic interaction and intra-urban transportation systems and environmental impacts are discussed in tired transportation planning. More than 200 invited experts attended the workshops. The article summarizes the views that stand out in these workshops. It has been found that safe journey, speed, quality of service, comfort and low cost are all in the first place in terms of both passengers' public transportation view criteria and management's public transportation planning criteria.

Background: Drivers play a crucial role in accidents. By paying attention to brake lights, a driver may find out about danger and react adequately. Rear-end collision accidents are caused by the driver's inattention or slow reaction. This... more

Background: Drivers play a crucial role in accidents. By paying attention to brake lights, a driver may find out about danger and react adequately. Rear-end collision accidents are caused by the driver's inattention or slow reaction. This study aimed to determine the effect of dynamic flashing brake lights (7 Hz) on drivers' brake reaction time using the driving simulator. Materials and Methods: This experimental study was done on 46 volunteer drivers (10 females and 36 males). After verification of drivers' vision health by an optometrist (10/10 complete and non-color blindness) and responding to a demographic questionnaire, the participants were subjected to drive for an hour during day and night using a driving simulator system with the standard and dynamic flashing brake lights. Results: The results indicated that for each 1 year increase in the drivers' age, the brake reaction time decreased 11.585 ms. Women had slower brake reaction time than men (75.52 ms). No significant relationship was found between the driving condition and brake reaction time. Computer driving gamers had shorter mean reaction time compared with non-game players. The time elapsed since taking a driving license had no significant effect on reaction time. Using flashing brake lights reduced the brake reaction time of drivers (323.42 ms; P<0.001). Conclusion: The current research using dynamic flashing brake lights with a flashing frequency of 7 Hz showed that flashing brake lights significantly reduced the brake reaction time. This reduction was equivalent to 10.78 m at a speed of about 120 km/h or 7.19 m at 80 km/h.

Electroporation-mediated delivery of molecules is a procedure widely used for transfecting complementary DNA in bacteria, mammalian and plant cells. This technique has proven very efficient for the introduction of macromolecules into... more

Electroporation-mediated delivery of molecules is a procedure widely used for transfecting complementary DNA in bacteria, mammalian and plant cells. This technique has proven very efficient for the introduction of macromolecules into cells in suspension culture and even into cells in their native tissue environment, e.g. retina and embryonic tissues. However, in spite of several attempts to date, there are no well-established procedures to electroporate polarized epithelial cells adhering to a tissue culture substrate (glass, plastic or filter). We report here the development of a simple procedure that uses available commercial equipment and works efficiently and reproducibly for a variety of epithelial cell lines in culture.

30.1.2016 se je na slovenski avtocesti zgodila najhujša množična prometna nesreča v samostojnosti Slovenije. Nesreča se je pripetila na avtocesti A1 iz smeri Ljubljana proti Kopru, na Golem vrhu okoli 14. ure popoldne. Manjše tovorno... more

30.1.2016 se je na slovenski avtocesti zgodila najhujša množična prometna nesreča v samostojnosti Slovenije. Nesreča se je pripetila na avtocesti A1 iz smeri Ljubljana proti Kopru, na Golem vrhu okoli 14. ure popoldne. Manjše tovorno vozilo je na Golem vrhu trčilo v težje špedicijsko vozilo, ki ga je upravljal ukrajinski voznik. Bosanski voznik manjšega tovornega vozila ni prilagodil hitrosti razmeram na cesti, namreč odsek je bil v megli z vidljivostjo manjšo od 50m in cestišče je bilo mokro, tako je trčil v spredaj vozeče tovorno špedicijsko vozilo, ki se je iz počasnega pasa, namenjenega tovornim in počasnim vozilom priključevalo na počasni pas, saj se na vrhu Golega vrha pas za tovorna vozila konča. Bosanskega voznika je nato vrglo iz vozila in tako je ta voznik utrpel tako hude poškodbe, da je na kraju prometne nesreče umrl.

A signal timing assignment proposal for urban multi lane signalised roundabouts The relationship between the left-turning traffic volume and the storage area at signalised roundabouts is investigated, and a calculation procedure for... more

A signal timing assignment proposal for urban multi lane signalised roundabouts The relationship between the left-turning traffic volume and the storage area at signalised roundabouts is investigated, and a calculation procedure for signal timing is proposed in this paper. The parameters associated with the developing stages of a new expression/ model are also defined. Four different signal timing scenarios are considered. The results show that the proposed formula can be used for the design of signalised roundabouts. Prijedlog vremenskog usklađenja semafora na gradskim višetračnim semaforiziranim kružnim raskrižjima U radu se ocjenjuje odnos između količine vozila koja skreću lijevo i prostora za čekanje na semaforiziranim kružnim raskrižjima, te se predlaže postupak za izračun vremenskog ciklusa promjene svjetala na semaforima. Definiraju se i parametri vezani za razne korake razvoja novog izraza/modela. Korištena su četiri različita scenarija promjene svjetala. Rezultati pokazuju da se predloženi izraz može koristiti za projektiranje semaforiziranih kružnih raskrižja. Ključne riječi: promet, raskrižje, semaforizirana kružna raskrižja, simulacija, VISSIM Vorherige Mitteilung In der Abhandlung wird das Verhältnis zwischen der Menge der linksabbiegenden Fahrzeuge und des Warteraums an Kreisverkehren mit Ampeln beurteilt, und es wird ein Verfahren zur Berechnung des Zeitzykluses der Ampelumschaltung vorgeschlagen. Definiert werden auch die Parameter in Bezug auf verschiedene Entwicklungsschritte des neuen Modells. Verwendet wurden vier unterschiedliche Szenarien der Ampelumschaltung. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der vorgeschlagene Entwurf für die Projektierung von Kreisverkehren mit Ampeln verwendet werden kann.

The use of driver behavior has been considered a complex way to solve road safety complications. Car drivers are usually involved in various risky driving factors which lead to accidents where people are fatally or seriously injured. The... more

The use of driver behavior has been considered a complex way to solve road safety complications. Car drivers are usually involved in various risky driving factors which lead to accidents where people are fatally or seriously injured. The present study aims to dissect and rank the significant driver behavior factors related to road safety by applying an integrated multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) model, which is structured as a hierarchy with at least one 5 5 (or bigger) pairwise comparison matrix (PCM). A real-world, complex decision-making problem was selected to evaluate the possible application of the proposed model (driver behavior preferences related to road safety problems). The application of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) alone, by precluding layman participants, might cause a loss of reliable information in the case of the decision-making systems with big PCMs. Evading this tricky issue, we used the Best Worst Method (BWM) to make the layman's evaluator task easier and timesaving. Therefore, the AHP-BWM model was found to be a suitable integration to evaluate risky driver behavior factors within a designed three-level hierarchical structure. The model results found the most significant driver behavior factors that influence road safety for each level, based on evaluator responses on the driver behavior questionnaire (DBQ). Moreover, the output vector of weights in the integrated model is more consistent, with results for 5 5 PCMs or bigger. The proposed AHP-BWM model can be used for PCMs with scientific data organized by traditional means.

A progressive penalty system encompasses heavier or more far-reaching sanctions being imposed as one commits more offences. A progressive penalty system is often called a progressive fines system if it involves increasingly higher... more

A progressive penalty system encompasses heavier or more far-reaching sanctions being imposed as one commits more offences. A progressive penalty system is often called a progressive fines system if it involves increasingly higher financial penalties (fines), but (other) recidivism schemes such as demerit points systems can also be seen as a progressive penalty systems. The Netherlands has no general demerit points system such as England, France and Germany have, but it does have a demerit points system for novice drivers, a demerit points system for alcohol offenders, a scheme for repeat-offenders and recidivism schemes for various other serious traffic violations. Research shows us that progressive sanctions in the form of demerit points systems have a positive road safety effect with a duration of up to 1.5 years. The road safety effect of progressive (financial) fines has not as such been investigated in Netherlands nor in other countries. Research shows that there is considerable public support for the introduction of a general demerit points system; the public support for a progressive fines system has not been investigated. Under the current Dutch legislation progressive fines system cannot be introduced for traffic violations that fall under the 'Administrative Law enforcement traffic regulations' (Wahv, also called 'Mulder Law') and are dealt with by the Central Fine Collection Agency (CJIB). What are progressive penalty systems? Progressive penalty systems in traffic impose sanctions (educational measures, fines, punishments) of increasing severity each time an offence is repeated (see Figure 1). In brief: the more offences, the heavier or more far-reaching the penalty for later offences. In the case of progressive penalties in the form of increasingly higher financial fines we generally speak of a progressive fines system. However, a progressive penalty system can also be in the form of a recidivism scheme or a demerit points system. In the latter system points are awarded for specific offences and an extra or a higher penalty is given when a certain number of points is reached. Figure 1. In a progressive penalty system the penalty becomes more severe as the offence is committed more frequently.

Prvi kontejnerji so v Luko Koper prispeli že leta 1971, specializirani terminal pa deluje že od leta 1979. Tedaj so se količine na letni ravni približale 40 tisoč TEU. V osemdesetih letih je sledilo obdobje zmerne in stabilne rasti, saj... more

Prvi kontejnerji so v Luko Koper prispeli že leta 1971, specializirani terminal pa deluje že od leta 1979. Tedaj so se količine na letni ravni približale 40 tisoč TEU. V osemdesetih letih je sledilo obdobje zmerne in stabilne rasti, saj se je promet letno višal za približno 6%. V letu 1987 je dosegel skoraj 67 tisoč TEU. Izjemne dosežke je zabeležil kontejnerski promet tik pred osamosvojitvijo Slovenije, ko se je v letih 1988, 1989 in 1990 zelo povečal in pokazal svojo perspektivnost.

Presentation during July 2013 National Academy of Forensic Engineers Advanced Accident Reconstruction Seminar Series. Development of methods for determining the impact speeds and severity levels of minor damage accidents using a specially... more

Presentation during July 2013 National Academy of Forensic Engineers Advanced Accident Reconstruction Seminar Series. Development of methods for determining the impact speeds and severity levels of minor damage accidents using a specially developed Force-Deflection analysis methodology that incorporates impact restitution and tire force contributions into the collision event. Examples to vehicle-to-vehicle testing are provided.

Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more

Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social sciences, and this volume gives readers for the first time a set of studies exemplifying what applied phronesis looks like in practice. The reflexive analysis of values and power gives new meaning to the impact of research on policy and practice. Real Social Science is a major step forward in a novel and thriving field of research. This book will benefit scholars, researchers, and students who want to make a difference in practice, not just in the academy. Its message will make it essential reading for students and academics across the social sciences.

Traffic growth rate and accidents and air pollution are one of the least addressed issues faced by the Philippine Government. Overall, Cebu City, being second ranked to Metro Manila in derived costs for air pollution was observed that... more

Traffic growth rate and accidents and air pollution are one of the least addressed issues faced by the Philippine Government. Overall, Cebu City, being second ranked to Metro Manila in derived costs for air pollution was observed that there were high percentages of traffic congestion. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) as of 2014, air pollution is to blame for the 3.2M preventable deaths. Moreover, Mojgan Sami(2015), US urban planner, said that traffic congestion in the Philippines means more automobile traffic, rise of obesity and respiratory diseases, destruction of the environment and a dependence on the fossil fuel industry. According to Commuter Pain 2009, road traffic congestion can be describe as a physical phenomenon relating to the manner in which vehicles impede one another progression as demanded for limited road space approaches full capacity. Traffic Congestion then occurs when too many people attempt to use common infrastructure with limited capacity. Furthermore, the level of small dust particles in Cebu's air has gone beyond safe limits as the city continues to experience the smaze – a term coined combining smoke and haze wherein people are advise to wear mask for protection since it can trigger asthma attack or cardio-pulmonary obstructive disease.. Given with these facts, the researchers then ask the question: " Will traffic congestion increase air pollution in the next 15 years? " A context based approach will be conducted to forecast traffic congestion in Cebu City. This paper identified traffic growth rate and the summary of road accidents as variables of Social factors. On the other hand, Air pollution index are strongly linked to the traffic congestion of the Metro Cebu. That was considered as variables of Environmental factor. What will be Cebu City's traffic congestion index in the next 15 years? Observing a lengthy view of the social and environmental dimension-a view from 2015 to 2029, we have found out that there will be an increase traffic congestion volume in the Cebu City in the future that will cause a rise percentage to the increase of air pollution index in 2029. Furthermore, the researchers discovered that air pollution is not just made by heavy traffic congestion but also by other factors as well like the weathers, chemical transformations in the air, and transport of pollutants from outside the Philippines plays a role. This adjustment would mean not just to reduce the social dimension, but also the environmental dimension as well. Finally, the social aspect is increasing at a current state making it whereas possible, that traffic in the country is worst, resulting to feel the worst air quality. However, a double or triple decrease in the social aspect is seen to be the key solution for air pollution index in Cebu City.

The New Mexico Statewide Travel Demand Model (NMSTDM) has served a number of purposes since its initial development, providing support for projects around the state such as traffic projections for engineering design projects and... more

The New Mexico Statewide Travel Demand Model (NMSTDM) has served a number of purposes since its initial development, providing support for projects around the state such as traffic projections for engineering design projects and Intermodal/Inland Port Facilities, and scenario testing project analysis for New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) Districts. The statewide model matters. A national research group forecasts that in 2017, $109 billion in goods will have been shipped to and from New Mexico, predominantly by trucks
(TRIP - A National Transportation Research Group, 2017). The average driver in the Albuquerque area loses 36 hours per year, and the Santa Fe driver about 19 hours due to congestion. New Mexico’s population reached 2.1 million in 2015, which is a 15% increase since 2000. Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) has increased by 16% from 2000 to 2015. For the same period, New Mexico’s gross domestic product increased by 24%, compared to 27% for the US. We expect New Mexico VMT will increase by 20% by 2030 (TRIP - A National Transportation Research Group, 2017). If the NMSTDM is to continue to serve the state’s needs and be able to provide support for planned infrastructure projects, the model must be updated, expanded and enhanced. This report addresses the way we should improve the NMSTDM.
Consultants have supported modeling development and operations at NMDOT since 2008, but most recent support has been by one individual. So it is time to evaluate the state model and its platform. This report evaluates the current model and recommends improvements.
This report reviews national practices for State DOT travel demand models, different modeling platforms, various data sources available, the most common modeling concepts, and evaluates the NMSTDM. It concludes with specific recommendations on how the NMSTDM should be improved.

Two cities. Two people of color fatally shot by those charged with security and law enforcement. Two communities torn apart across racial lines. One city reacts conventionally with criminal charges and court proceedings. The other... more

Two cities. Two people of color fatally shot by those charged with security and law enforcement. Two communities torn apart across racial lines. One city reacts conventionally with criminal charges and court proceedings. The other similarly engages the legal system but additionally engages in a Restorative Circle, a restorative process designed to create conditions for mutual understanding and repair of harm. In this article, the case of Trayvon Martin is juxtaposed with a less well-known case in Seattle involving the death of Native American woodcarver, John T. Williams. The two cases are summarized and examined in terms of their racial dynamics and the subsequent differential impact of the restorative response on the Seattle community.

Working with the premise that traffic and road congestion is an inevitable outcome of economic improvement, this paper proposes a One Car Policy which aims to regulate car ownership among households and/or other qualified individuals. As... more

Working with the premise that traffic and road congestion is an inevitable outcome of economic improvement, this paper proposes a One Car Policy which aims to regulate car ownership among households and/or other qualified individuals. As the increasing volume of cars, together with parking lot turned parking spaces cause roads to be clogged, this proposed One Car Policy recommends the imposition of tax on the purchase of second and succeeding cars, the requirement of parking space in owning a vehicle, and the conferment of incentives for individuals who observe carpooling. These three foregoing provisions of the proposed One Car Policy, joined together, exert strong pressures to the behavior and decision of individuals toward the acquisition of vehicles through giving incentives and disincentives on car ownership and use. And hence, basing from experience of other countries, this proposed One Car Policy boasts its feasibility and effectiveness.

Decades of political backroom deals of a small political cast has resulted in a political system vulnerable to abuse of office, a weak legal system as well as a very frail anti-corruption framework. Numerous corruption scandals, including... more

Decades of political backroom deals of a small political cast has resulted in a political system vulnerable to abuse of office, a weak legal system as well as a very frail anti-corruption framework. Numerous corruption scandals, including dubious privatisation deals at Austrian Telekom, BUWOG, police radio etc.,scandals at Vienna airport, bank Hypo Alpe Adria and Kurier, as well as the conviction of Mr Strasser, a former minister, on corruption charges, are compounded by strong criticism from GRECO, the Council of Europe's anti-corruption committee.

The number of accidents in Malaysia increases relatively from year to year, although there are many programmes organised by the authority to reduce them. There are several factors that lead to serious accident problems which are human... more

The number of accidents in Malaysia increases relatively from year to year, although there are many programmes organised by the authority to reduce them. There are several factors that lead to serious accident problems which are human behaviour, vehicle’s condition, weather condition, road surface and road alignments (vertical and horizontal curves). This research paper presents an empirical research and presents design consistency models to estimate the 85 th percentile operating speed models for the horizontal and vertical alignments at two-lane rural highways. The speed data were carried out by using a laser gun metre detector to obtain the spot speed data in the selected location along the Lenggong to Sauk two-lane rural highway in Perak. Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to develop the 85 th percentile speed models by combining the operating speed data and geometric elements data from different selected horizontal and vertical alignments. Finally, the horizontal...

Environmental noise remains a complex and fragmented interplay between industrialization, population growth, technological developments, and the living environment. Next to the circulatory diseases and cancer, noise pollution has been... more

Environmental noise remains a complex and fragmented interplay between industrialization, population growth, technological developments, and the living environment. Next to the circulatory diseases and cancer, noise pollution has been cited as the third epidemic cause of psychological and physiological disorders internationally. A reliable and firm relationship between the cumulative health implications with the traffic annoyance and occupational noise has been established. This agenda has called for an integrated, coordinated, and participatory approach to the reliable protection of noise interference. Despite several fragmented policies, legislation and global efforts have been addressed; the noise pollution complaints have been traditionally neglected in developing countries, especially in Malaysia. This paper was undertaken to postulate an initial platform to address the dynamic pressures, gigantic challenges, and tremendous impacts of noise pollution scenario in Malaysia. The emphasis is speculated on the traffic interference and assessment of industrial and occupational noise. The fundamental importance of noise monitoring and modeling is proposed. Additionally, the confronting conservation program and control measure for noise pollution control are laconically elucidated.

As a stochastic, microscopic, time-step, behavior-based model with capabilities to provide application of programming interface (API) and simulation, VISSIM has become one of the most useful and reliable programs utilized by contemporary... more

As a stochastic, microscopic, time-step, behavior-based model with capabilities to provide application of programming interface (API) and simulation, VISSIM has become one of the most useful and reliable programs utilized by contemporary engineers and researchers in the processes of evaluation of control operations and strategies of transportation. In this paper are given 'state of the art' calibration and validation techniques of VISSIM parameters that derive from the need to accurately match the simulations results of the models with the observed field data. In this context, different practices of different traffic control operations that have been done so far in calibration and validation process are overviewed. For each one of them the aim of calibration, developed methodologies, manner in which are identified "best" parameters for calibration, calibration objective functions, criteria, optimization techniques, evaluation of modeling outputs are emphasized. Finally, a prescription of credibility and reliability of calibrated parameters to the related traffic conditions is given.