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Genomics of the Iberian Peninsula Ancient DNA studies have begun to help us understand the genetic history and movements of people across the globe. Focusing on the Iberian Peninsula, Olalde et al. report genome-wide data from 271 ancient... more

Genomics of the Iberian Peninsula Ancient DNA studies have begun to help us understand the genetic history and movements of people across the globe. Focusing on the Iberian Peninsula, Olalde et al. report genome-wide data from 271 ancient individuals from Iberia (see the Perspective by Vander Linden). The findings provide a comprehensive genetic time transect of the region. Linguistics analysis and genetic analysis of archaeological human remains dating from about 7000 years ago to the present elucidate the genetic impact of prehistoric and historic migrations from Europe and North Africa. Science , this issue p. 1230 ; see also p. 1153

<서울역><부산행><반도>로 이어진 연상호의 좀비 3부작은 한국적 로컬리티를 글로벌화하는 스케일의 확장 속에 ‘좀비 아포칼립스’의 장르 문법을 강화하며 답습해가는 한편, 이 장르 자체의 발달사와 함께 다른 장르들의 좀비적 출현을 시사하기도 한다. <부산행>이 할리우드식 ‘좀비 포맷’을 주류 감수성으로 국지화하면서 신자유주의 체제가 배태한 ‘유동적 공포’를 날렵하게 포착했다면, <서울역>은 이 공포를 통제하며 체화하는 한국... more

<서울역><부산행><반도>로 이어진 연상호의 좀비 3부작은 한국적 로컬리티를 글로벌화하는 스케일의 확장 속에 ‘좀비 아포칼립스’의 장르 문법을 강화하며 답습해가는 한편, 이 장르 자체의 발달사와 함께 다른 장르들의 좀비적 출현을 시사하기도 한다. <부산행>이 할리우드식 ‘좀비 포맷’을 주류 감수성으로 국지화하면서 신자유주의 체제가 배태한 ‘유동적 공포’를 날렵하게 포착했다면, <서울역>은 이 공포를 통제하며 체화하는 한국 공권력과 계급적 착취 및 이에 대한 저항적 아나키즘으로서의 ‘좀비-되기’를 통해 이명박-박근혜 시대에 대한 직설적 사회 비판을 리얼리스트 애니매이션의 외피에 씌워 좀비 포맷을 뒤튼 바 있다. 반면 <반도>는 이미 퇴락한 문명의 잔여에서 재가동되는 원시 공동체가 자연화된 좀비를 사육하며 구축하는 초법적 주권의 원형을 디스토피아 SF 혹은 <매드 맥스>류의 포스트-아포칼립스 영화처럼 그려낸다. 이런 관점에서 3부작은 좀비 아포칼립스적 세계의 과거, 현재, 미래를 예시하는 가운데, 국가의 몰락과 유사 국가의 탄생을 매개하는 좀비를 통해 문명의 (악)순환을 환기한다. 사회적 바이러스로 등장하는 이 존재론적 타자에 대한 전염과 방역의 드라마는 그렇게 쳇바퀴 도는 문명의 부산물과 악전 고투를 벌이는 인간의 궁극적 가치가 무엇인지 되묻게 한다.

Agriculture first reached the Iberian Peninsula around 5700 BCE. However, little is known about the genetic structure and changes of prehistoric populations in different geographic areas of Iberia. In our study, we focused on the maternal... more

Agriculture first reached the Iberian Peninsula around 5700 BCE. However, little is known about the genetic structure and changes of prehistoric populations in different geographic areas of Iberia. In our study, we focused on the maternal genetic makeup of the Neolithic (~ 5500-3000 BCE), Chalcolithic (~ 3000-2200 BCE) and Early Bronze Age (~ 2200-1500 BCE). We report ancient mitochondrial DNA results of 213 individuals (151 HVS-I sequences) from the northeast, central, southeast and southwest regions and thus on the largest archaeogenetic dataset from the Peninsula to date. Similar to other parts of Europe, we observe a discontinuity between hunter-gatherers and the first farmers of the Neolithic. During the subsequent periods, we detect regional continuity of Early Neolithic lineages across Iberia, however the genetic contribution of hunter-gatherers is generally higher than in other parts of Europe and varies regionally. In contrast to ancient DNA findings from Central Europe, we...

During the Bronze Age, in many Western Mediterranean areas (Spain, France, Italian peninsula, islands), we can observe the development of a series of fortified centers and structures, often on high places, aimed to the defense of... more

During the Bronze Age, in many Western Mediterranean areas (Spain, France, Italian peninsula, islands), we can observe the development of a series of fortified centers and structures, often on high places, aimed to the defense of strategic locations and resources. These fortifications, which began to be built from the Copper Age, are the answer to a need for possession and control of the territory linked to a greater degree of social complexity, with an ever-increasing hierarchy and the rise to power of persons or groups who very often show the possession of weapons and, consequently, can be related to warlike activities. In Sardinia, Nuragic phenomenon developed during Protohistoy: an extraordinary culture ranging from the Middle to Late Bronze Age (XVIII-XII centuries BC), some of whose features could last from Final Bronze Age until the beginnings of Iron Age (XI-VIII centuries BC), characterized by the building of great monuments, especially nuraghi, cyclopean-type constructions...

Genomics of the Iberian Peninsula Ancient DNA studies have begun to help us understand the genetic history and movements of people across the globe. Focusing on the Iberian Peninsula, Olalde et al. report genome-wide data from 271 ancient... more

Genomics of the Iberian Peninsula Ancient DNA studies have begun to help us understand the genetic history and movements of people across the globe. Focusing on the Iberian Peninsula, Olalde et al. report genome-wide data from 271 ancient individuals from Iberia (see the Perspective by Vander Linden). The findings provide a comprehensive genetic time transect of the region. Linguistics analysis and genetic analysis of archaeological human remains dating from about 7000 years ago to the present elucidate the genetic impact of prehistoric and historic migrations from Europe and North Africa. Science , this issue p. 1230 ; see also p. 1153

We assembled genome-wide data from 271 ancient Iberians, of whom 176 are from the largely unsampled period after 2000 BCE, thereby providing a high-resolution time transect of the Iberian Peninsula. We document high genetic substructure... more

We assembled genome-wide data from 271 ancient Iberians, of whom 176 are from the largely unsampled period after 2000 BCE, thereby providing a high-resolution time transect of the Iberian Peninsula. We document high genetic substructure between northwestern and southeastern hunter-gatherers before the spread of farming. We reveal sporadic contacts between Iberia and North Africa by ~2500 BCE and, by ~2000 BCE, the replacement of 40% of Iberia’s ancestry and nearly 100% of its Y-chromosomes by people with Steppe ancestry. We show that, in the Iron Age, Steppe ancestry had spread not only into Indo-European–speaking regions but also into non-Indo-European–speaking ones, and we reveal that present-day Basques are best described as a typical Iron Age population without the admixture events that later affected the rest of Iberia. Additionally, we document how, beginning at least in the Roman period, the ancestry of the peninsula was transformed by gene flow from North Africa and the east...

The practice of child burials underneath house floors in the Late Prehistory has been considered a characteristic trait of the Iberian religion. However, this custom has also been documented in different archaeological sites both in the... more

The practice of child burials underneath house floors in the Late Prehistory has been considered a characteristic trait of the Iberian religion. However, this custom has also been documented in different archaeological sites both in the Mediterranean and Central Europe as well as Celtic areas of the Iberian Peninsula, so we can explain this funerary practice by an Indo-European origin. We report the archeotanatological and osteoarcheological study of 10 subadults found in the Iron Age site of Monte Bernorio oppidum, the first archeological site in the western and central Cantabrian region with this funerary rite documented. It is the confirmation of both, the survival of an ancient funerary ritual, widely extended in all Europe, and its presence in the north of the Iberian Peninsula. We also review all the archeological sites in the Iberian Peninsula with similar archeological contexts and analyse the rite from the bioarcheology of the care.

Karaiyar (lit.: karai = 'shore'; yar = 'people') is an indigenous Tamil speaking fishing caste inhabiting both on the coastal belt of Jaffna peninsula in Sri Lanka and Coromandel coast of Tamilnadu in South India. They... more

Karaiyar (lit.: karai = 'shore'; yar = 'people') is an indigenous Tamil speaking fishing caste inhabiting both on the coastal belt of Jaffna peninsula in Sri Lanka and Coromandel coast of Tamilnadu in South India. They share a common ethnohistory and cultural relations over several centuries; yet exhibit distinctive features of local history and cultural identity in their own terms. This study attempts to trace how Karaiyars remember, narrate, cherish and transmit their historical consciousness in terms of folk or social history. This paper also tries to bring out ethnohistorically the embedded nature of single universal system, though they are divided by Bay of Bengal. As Romila Thapar (2000; 137-38) distinguishes two types of historical consciousness: (1) the embedded history, normally found among lineage based societies (2) the externalized history, normally found in state-based systems, Karaiyars inhabiting in two different nations share both these histories. The...

Geographical and environmental conditions were two of the most important factors on the design and construction of traditional architecture. Traditional earthen architecture is found throughout the Iberian Peninsula in numerous... more

Geographical and environmental conditions were two of the most important factors on the design and construction of traditional architecture. Traditional earthen architecture is found throughout the Iberian Peninsula in numerous constructive techniques and variants, most notably rammed-earth, adobe and half-timber. The varied morphology, climate, geology and culture of the Iberian Peninsula, together with its immediate surroundings, have a direct effect on the development and the properties of traditional architecture. Thus, the objective of this research is to establish the relationship between the geographical characteristics and the distribution of the earthen techniques. For that purpose, the authors of this text have carried out a thorough data collection throughout the whole of the Iberian Peninsula in order to identify the main characteristics of this architecture in each location and to produce maps featuring the locations for each technique. This mapping of numerous techniqu...

Organic material from the Noordhoek area on the western margin of the Cape Peninsula, South Africa, was obtained from a ~ 50 m-long drill-core dominated by fluvio-lacustrine siliciclastic sediments. The aim of this study is to constrain... more

Organic material from the Noordhoek area on the western margin of the Cape Peninsula, South Africa, was obtained from a ~ 50 m-long drill-core dominated by fluvio-lacustrine siliciclastic sediments. The aim of this study is to constrain fluctuations in climate and the decline of tropical vegetation elements along the southwestern coast and the Cape Peninsula of South Africa, during the Late Cenozoic phase, when the Benguela upwelling system was established. The approach was to combine palynological, biogeochemical (tetraether lipids) and stable isotope (C, N) studies of the organic-bearing record from the Noordhoek area on the western margin of the Cape Peninsula. Bulk C and N isotope data of sediment organic matter, point to a predominantly C3 higher plant source vegetation. Mean annual air temperature (MAT) from the analyses of tetraether lipids (MBT′–CBT index) was compared with palynomorphs from partly unpublished data of a previously drilled core adjacent to the study site. The palynomorphs are of subtropical affinities, and suggest that an open riparian forest would have existed in the early to middle Miocene of the southwestern coast of South Africa. Together these data sources allow vegetation and climate reconstructions of subtropical conditions during the early to middle Miocene, which comprised fluctuating open riparian forest and swamp vegetation. Temperatures rose in the middle Miocene and were higher than those of the present day.

Livestock farming was one of the major economic activities during the early Middle Ages. The exploitation of livestock resources became very important since the Visigothic period (C. 415–711 AD), although our knowledge is still... more

Livestock farming was one of the major economic activities during the early Middle Ages. The exploitation of livestock resources became very important since the Visigothic period (C. 415–711 AD), although our knowledge is still considerably limited for the central regions of Iberia. Some historiographical works about stockbreeding during the Middle Ages as well as zooarcheological analyses exist; however, few researchers have focused on the study of farming during the early Middle Ages. We present here a taphonomical and zooarcheological analysis of several archeological sites, in order to illustrate the range of farming strategies developed in the center of the Iberian Peninsula during the VIII–XI centuries (Andalusian period). This study explores the economic exploitation and management strategies of domesticates such as Bos taurus, Ovis aries, Capra hircus, and other, less frequent animals, such as Sus domesticus, Equus ferus caballus, Equus africanus asinus, and Canis familiaris, in addition to wild species. Our results indicate that Ovis/Capra (caprines) were the most represented species at these sites, even though some animals, such as pigs, were more frequent than what we would expect in the Muslim world. Together, these lines of evidence allow us to discuss not only the economics of everyday life in the early Middle Ages, but also the nature of the changes that Iberian populations experienced with the arrival of Christian conquerors.

Marine Isotopic Stage 5 is associated with wetter climatic conditions in the Saharo-Arabian deserts. This stage also corresponds to the establishment of Middle Paleolithic hominins and their associated material culture in two geographical... more

Marine Isotopic Stage 5 is associated with wetter climatic conditions in the Saharo-Arabian deserts. This stage also corresponds to the establishment of Middle Paleolithic hominins and their associated material culture in two geographical provinces in southwest Asia—the Eastern Mediterranean woodland and the Arabian Peninsula desert. The lithic industry of the Eastern Mediterranean is characterized by the centripetal Levallois method, whereas the Nubian Levallois method characterizes the populations of the Arabian desert. The Negev Desert, situated between these regions is a key area to comprehend population movement in correlation to climatic zones. This investigation addresses the nature of the Middle Paleolithic settlement in the Negev Desert during MIS 5 by studying the site of Nahal Aqev. High resolution chronological results based on luminescence dating and cryptotephra show the site was occupied from MIS 5e to MIS 5d. The lithic industries at Nahal Aqev are dominated by centr...

El Rebollosillo es una pequeña cueva kárstica situada en el centro de la Península Ibérica utilizada para la disposición de enterramientos secundarios en la mitad del III milenio AC. Presentamos resultados bioantropológicos, isotópicos... more

El Rebollosillo es una pequeña cueva kárstica situada en el centro de la Península Ibérica utilizada para la disposición de enterramientos secundarios en la mitad del III milenio AC. Presentamos resultados bioantropológicos, isotópicos (87Sr/86Sr, δ13C y δ18O) y 16 dataciones radiocarbónicas de los restos humanos, una descripción cuantificada de los 43 fragmentos cerámicos y de caracterización mineralógica de 6 cuentas recuperadas durante la excavación de 1989, cuatro de las cuales probablemente proceden de Palazuelo de las Cuevas (Zamora). El análisis bioantropológico indica un mínimo de 21 individuos con todos los rangos de edad y sexo. Se han detectado bajos porcentajes de patologías, mayoritariamente cálculo dental y caries, con casos puntuales de cribra orbitalia, periostosis y artrosis. La disposición de los restos sugiere que sólo los adultos recibieron un tratamiento claramente individualizado, quizás acorde con un estatus adquirido con la edad. Proponemos que el registro re...

Recent investigations within Cathole Cave have revealed several rock engravings that date from the Upper Palaeolithic including a stylised cervid, possibly a reindeer and, as yet indistinguishable engravings above and below the cervid. In... more

Recent investigations within Cathole Cave have revealed several rock engravings that date from the Upper Palaeolithic including a stylised cervid, possibly a reindeer and, as yet indistinguishable engravings above and below the cervid. In advance of the erection of a protective steel grille in 2014, several archaeological trenches revealed evidence of anthropogenic and palaeozoomorphic activity which probably dates from a period when much of the northern and western parts of the British Isles was covered by ice. In November 2010, one of the authors (GHN) discovered the presence of a possible haematite (Fe203) spread that occupied a small section of the western wall of the main gallery of the cave. This spread was either the result of natural secretion from the substrate or it was applied via human agency. No other possible haematite spreads existed within this particular cave, although haematite is common throughout the limestone caves of the Gower Peninsula. In 2015 the Welsh herit...

The post-revolutionary ejido was defined, by one of the lawyers who most reflected on this form of land-tenure, as sui generis . The recognition of individual entitlements with characteristics similar to privateproperty within the... more

The post-revolutionary ejido was defined, by one of the lawyers who most reflected on this form of land-tenure, as sui generis . The recognition of individual entitlements with characteristics similar to privateproperty within the corporate ownership of the land was its main peculiarity.The constitutional reforms of 1992 have given the ejido evenmore peculiar traits that deny the principles that were the justificationfor its creation. This paper presents the genesis and evolution of post-revolutionaryejido as a legal form of land-tenure. The intention is to show the contentious nature of any legal framework that has enabled wide margins of law interpretation and application.

HOTLINE: 090.789.4048 TỔNG QUAN DỰ ÁN CĂN HỘ CONDOTEL PENINSULA NHA TRANG Dự án Căn hộ condotel Peninsula Nha Trang tọa lạc tại khu Đô Thị biển An Viên, Thành phố Nha Trang, tỉnh Khánh Hòa. Với chủ đầu tư uy tín là Công ty CP Đầu Tư Điện... more

HOTLINE: 090.789.4048 TỔNG QUAN DỰ ÁN CĂN HỘ CONDOTEL PENINSULA NHA TRANG Dự án Căn hộ condotel Peninsula Nha Trang tọa lạc tại khu Đô Thị biển An Viên, Thành phố Nha Trang, tỉnh Khánh Hòa. Với chủ đầu tư uy tín là Công ty CP Đầu Tư Điện Lực Hà Nội. Dự án Condotel căn hộ Peninsula Nha Trang gồm 2 khối tháp cao 24 tầng. Đây là khu căn cao cấp có đầy đủ tiện ích phục vụ quý cư dân tại dự án. Vinaconex 2 được chủ đầu tư tín nhiệm lựa chọn làm đơn vị thi công dự án căn hộ condotel Peninsula Nha Trang. Vinaconex 2 sẽ thi công hoàn thiện kết cấu thân, xây trát ngoài trong thời gian 235 ngày với chất lượng, kỹ mỹ thuật tốt nhất để bàn giao cho Chủ đầu tư.

In the last centuries BCE and the early centuries CE, the coastal regions of mainland Southeast Asia were linked to a network of maritime routes. Recent studies based on archaeological inds demonstrated the active contacts between South... more

In the last centuries BCE and the early centuries CE, the coastal regions of mainland Southeast Asia were linked to a network of maritime routes. Recent studies based on archaeological inds demonstrated the active contacts between South Asia and the upper part of the ThaiMalay Peninsula. However, for the sea routes between the coasts of southern China and India, the Thai-Malay Peninsula acts as a huge barrier. In recent years some sites on the western and eastern coast of the Isthmus of Kra area have been receiving more and more attention from archaeologists – but sadly, also from looters, who ind digging for artefacts very proitable. These sites yielded an array of inds imported from several rather distant regions. It appears that different systems of maritime routes were here connected by transpeninsular routes, as had already been concluded from a passage in the annals of the Western Han dynasty (206 BCE-8 CE) describing a sea voyage from the southern Chinese ports in the Gulf of...

Botanic gardens in the Arabian Peninsula and adjacent countries, along with institutions such as museums, universities and research centres, have long played a major role in the exploration, identification and conservation of this... more

Botanic gardens in the Arabian Peninsula and adjacent countries, along with institutions such as museums, universities and research centres, have long played a major role in the exploration, identification and conservation of this region’s flora and vegetation. The primary aim of botanic gardens in the past was to study the plant world from the horticultural point of view and to cultivate plants of economic or medicinal importance. However, at present, particularly in arid regions such as the Arabian Peninsula, the activities of botanic gardens are focused primarily on (i) the study and exploration of the region’s rapidly vanishing flora, thereby safeguarding gene pools of wild species, and (ii) the assessment and preservation of species that may be of importance to humans and animals for food, medicines, fibre and amenity. Recently established botanic gardens in the region, including the proposed King Abdullah International Gardens in Riyadh and Oman Botanic Garden near Muscat, wil...

The Basque population inhabits the Franco-Cantabrian region in southwest Europe where Palaeolithic human groups took refuge during the Last Glacial Maximum. Basques have been an isolated population, largely considered as one of the most... more

The Basque population inhabits the Franco-Cantabrian region in southwest Europe where Palaeolithic human groups took refuge during the Last Glacial Maximum. Basques have been an isolated population, largely considered as one of the most ancient European populations and it is possible that they maintained some pre-Neolithic genetic characteristics. This work shows the results of mitochondrial DNA analysis of seven ancient human remains from the Cave of Santimamiñe in the Basque Country dated from Mesolithic to the Late Roman period. In addition, we compared these data with those obtained from a modern sample of Basque population, 158 individuals that nowadays inhabits next to the cave. The results support the hypothesis that Iberians might have been less affected by the Neolithic mitochondrial lineages carried from the Near East than populations of Central Europe and revealed the unexpected presence of prehistoric maternal lineages such as U5a2a and U3a in the Basque region. Comparis...

This paper analyses data on two aspects of unofficial place-naming or folk toponymy on the Dudley Peninsula, the eastern peninsula of Kangaroo Island, South Australia, namely (1) local unofficial toponyms, and (2) offshore fishing ground... more

This paper analyses data on two aspects of unofficial place-naming or folk toponymy on the Dudley Peninsula, the eastern peninsula of Kangaroo Island, South Australia, namely (1) local unofficial toponyms, and (2) offshore fishing ground names. These place-name categories reflect naming patterns that embody specific local events, history and land use in the island's colourful past, and represent an important element of the collective memory of the area. It argues that a deeper analysis of various taxa of folk toponymy, especially in remote island locations with brief histories, can help toponymists and linguists understand broad principles involved in place-naming. Furthermore, it suggests island toponymy in Australia is an under-researched field, which deserves greater prominence in Australian place-name studies.

Agriculture first reached the Iberian Peninsula around 5700 BCE. However, little is known about the genetic structure and changes of prehistoric populations in different geographic areas of Iberia. In our study, we focused on the maternal... more

Agriculture first reached the Iberian Peninsula around 5700 BCE. However, little is known about the genetic structure and changes of prehistoric populations in different geographic areas of Iberia. In our study, we focused on the maternal genetic makeup of the Neolithic (~ 5500-3000 BCE), Chalcolithic (~ 3000-2200 BCE) and Early Bronze Age (~ 2200-1500 BCE). We report ancient mitochondrial DNA results of 213 individuals (151 HVS-I sequences) from the northeast, central, southeast and southwest regions and thus on the largest archaeogenetic dataset from the Peninsula to date. Similar to other parts of Europe, we observe a discontinuity between hunter-gatherers and the first farmers of the Neolithic. During the subsequent periods, we detect regional continuity of Early Neolithic lineages across Iberia, however the genetic contribution of hunter-gatherers is generally higher than in other parts of Europe and varies regionally. In contrast to ancient DNA findings from Central Europe, we...

El registro arqueologico de los yacimientos de la Edad del Bronce en la fachada mediterranea evidencia practicas de obtencion, elaboracion, uso y consumo de conchas de origen marino. Su empleo como recurso alimenticio en las zonas... more

El registro arqueologico de los yacimientos de la Edad del Bronce en la fachada mediterranea evidencia practicas de obtencion, elaboracion, uso y consumo de conchas de origen marino. Su empleo como recurso alimenticio en las zonas costeras, como instrumento de trabajo y especialmente como adorno en casi todos los asentamientos, es una constante a lo largo de la Prehistoria reciente, aunque su importancia para la Edad del Bronce todavia no ha sido valorada convenientemente.

One of the most significant events in the evolution of the Antarctic climate and cryosphere was the pronounced glacial erosion in the late Cenozoic that led to the considerable depth and landward sloping profile of the continental shelf,... more

One of the most significant events in the evolution of the Antarctic climate and cryosphere was the pronounced glacial erosion in the late Cenozoic that led to the considerable depth and landward sloping profile of the continental shelf, affecting both ice sheet dynamics and the oceanographic processes that drive circulation on the shelf. Understanding how changes in glacial conditions during the LGM may have led to enhanced glacial erosion, however, requires us to first identify the factors that control the amount and rate of glacier erosion in Antarctica today. The bays and fjords of the Antarctic Peninsula contain a rich history of climate change recorded both in proxy climate data (e.g., forams, oxygen isotopes) and in sediment accumulation rates that reflect changes in glacial erosion and sediment transfer. Prior studies revealed large variations in the rate of sediment accumulation across the Peninsula, with a general trend of decreasing sedimentation from north to south and west to east, attributed to climate-driven differences in glacier dynamics. Little is known to date, however, about the individual dynamics of the glaciers in these fjords, and the variability in their sediment delivery, particularly as many of them start to accelerate and retreat (Cook et al., 2005; Rignot, 1998; Angelis and Skvarca, 2003). As part of a study concerning the factors controlling rates of glacial erosion and sedimentation across climatic regimes, the cross-sectional area at the ELA of 16 tidewater glaciers in the South Shetland Islands and the western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula were measured in April 2007. The cross-section area of each glacier is then combined with the mean surface velocity, measured remotely using SAR interferometry, to reconstruct the contemporary ice flux through these glacier systems. The study area spans almost 4° of latitude and 8° of mean annual temperature, encompassing both sub-polar and polar regimes, from Maxwell Bay, South Shetland Islands (62°10' S) to Beascochea Bay, Graham Coast (65°31' S). For the sub-polar glaciers (2 of 16), where the ELA was significantly above sea level, the cross-sectional area at the ELA was measured using ice-penetrating radar. Velocity stakes were also measured at the ELA of these glaciers to ground-truth the satellite measurements of surface velocity. For the remaining polar glaciers, whose ELAs are at sea-level, multi-beam swath bathymetry was used from aboard the RV/IB Nathaniel B. Palmer together with estimates of ice cliff heights to determine the cross-sectional area of the calving front. The variability in ice flux across the sub-polar and polar climatic regimes of the western Antarctic Peninsula reported here will be compared to bathymetric data and sediment accumulation rates derived from 210-Pb and 14-C chronology in the adjacent fjords, as they become available, to examine the influence of both climate and ice flux on the rate of glacial erosion and sedimentation, and to infer potential changes in sediment delivery to the shelf as the region warms.

Este trabajo está centrado en el papel desempeñado por la Iglesia en Yucatán como garante de la paz social, particularmente en el control de la población maya yucateca, durante el período colonial, y las transformaciones que el reformismo... more

Este trabajo está centrado en el papel desempeñado por la Iglesia en Yucatán como garante de la paz social, particularmente en el control de la población maya yucateca, durante el período colonial, y las transformaciones que el reformismo borbónico introdujo a esa misión. El estudio se estructura a partir del análisis de la intervención eclesiástica en momentos de crisis como rebeliones, huidas y persecución de idolatrías.

La vivienda rural en Mexico es una parte esencial de la riqueza con la que cuenta nuestra cultura, ya que es el espejo en el cual se reflejan las actividades tradicionales que cotidianamente realizan sus habitantes, asi como la necesidad... more

La vivienda rural en Mexico es una parte esencial de la riqueza con la que cuenta nuestra cultura, ya que es el espejo en el cual se reflejan las actividades tradicionales que cotidianamente realizan sus habitantes, asi como la necesidad de un refugio y la convivencia con su medio ambiente. Hace ademas patente una actividad constructiva heredada de tiempos muy remotos. La conceptualizacion de la vivienda rural maya requiere de una vision que abarque no solo lo formal (morfologico), sino que realice un analisis antropologico del uso de los espacios, incluyendo las cualidades bioticas que permiten la integracion de la vivienda rural con su medio natural. Asimismo, el estudio morfologico no debe quedarse en el analisis de la estructura habitacional, si no ir mas alla, abordando su relacion con el solar y su habitat, que mantienen estrecha relacion con las actividades agricolas y de convivencia comunitaria. Los usos y costumbres desarrollados en el entorno de la vivienda vernacula estan...

... Archaeological Background One of the more interesting questions in North Pa-cific archaeology is the nature of the prehistoric ... Artifacts more like the Arctic Small Tool tradi-tion than anything seen in the Aleutian region. ...... more

... Archaeological Background One of the more interesting questions in North Pa-cific archaeology is the nature of the prehistoric ... Artifacts more like the Arctic Small Tool tradi-tion than anything seen in the Aleutian region. ... Maschner: Prehistory of the Lower Alaska Peninsula 91 ...

The authors describe rock art dating research in Australia using the oxalate method. While the array of dates obtained (which range from c. 1200 to c. 25 000 BP) show a satisfactory correlation with other archaeological data, there are... more

The authors describe rock art dating research in Australia using the oxalate method. While the array of dates obtained (which range from c. 1200 to c. 25 000 BP) show a satisfactory correlation with other archaeological data, there are mismatches which suggest that some motifs were often imitated by later artists, and/or that the mineral accretions continued to form periodically, perhaps continuously, as a regional phenomenon over a long period of time.

Visitor Site Guidelines are the principal instruments guiding tourist activities and behaviour at intensively visited sites. These instruments attempt to minimize tourist impacts on Antarctic wildlife, including penguins. However, some... more

Visitor Site Guidelines are the principal instruments guiding tourist activities and behaviour at intensively visited sites. These instruments attempt to minimize tourist impacts on Antarctic wildlife, including penguins. However, some recommendations still need to be reinforced by empirical research. Although penguins have enjoyed considerable research attention, a knowledge gap still exists regarding penguins' behavioural responses to realistic tourist activities, including talking sound, viewing distance and movement speed. To fill this gap, we conducted a series of experiments to simulate these activities on two penguin species breeding at an intensively visited site during the 2019–2020 season. We performed 106 replicates of passive and active human presence treatments. Responses varied between species, but active human presence consistently triggered significantly higher responses of strong vigilance behaviour. Our results reinforce Visitor Site Guidelines' recommendat...