Current Account Deficit Research Papers (original) (raw)

CHAPTER 8 Economic Reforms, Growth, and Governance: The Political Economy Aspects of Bangladesh's Development Surprise Wahiduddin Mahmud, Sadiq Ahmed, and Sandeep Mahajan Bangladesh emerged from its war of independence desperately... more

CHAPTER 8 Economic Reforms, Growth, and Governance: The Political Economy Aspects of Bangladesh's Development Surprise Wahiduddin Mahmud, Sadiq Ahmed, and Sandeep Mahajan Bangladesh emerged from its war of independence desperately poor, overpopulated, and ...

This study presents the significance of the currency crises, discusses the related literature and applies a model of economic vulnerability to Turkey during 1985Q2-2004Q2. The common approach in currency crisis literature is to focus on... more

This study presents the significance of the currency crises, discusses the related literature and applies a model of economic vulnerability to Turkey during 1985Q2-2004Q2. The common approach in currency crisis literature is to focus on the performance of ...

This paper presents estimates of the economic impacts of financing the hosting of the 2010 FIFA World Cup by the government of South Africa. Ex ante analysis using a fiscal social accounting matrix model indicates that hosting of the... more

This paper presents estimates of the economic impacts of financing the hosting of the 2010 FIFA World Cup by the government of South Africa. Ex ante analysis using a fiscal social accounting matrix model indicates that hosting of the event impacts positively ...

Adjacent to public administration, a basic understanding of economics has become of considerable interest among academicians and practitioners. One can track the number of spillovers between these two disciplines, whether it is... more

Adjacent to public administration, a basic understanding of economics has become of considerable interest among academicians and practitioners. One can track the number of spillovers between these two disciplines, whether it is corruption, institutional development, public finance, government provision, etc. In this regard, the Twin Deficit analysis, where the country runs a negative budget and current account balances, is in the spotlight.

Cette étude propose une investigation autour de la véracité et la robustesse de l'hypothèse des déficits jumeaux au Maroc. Celle-ci implique l'existence d'une relation de cause à effet entre le déficit budgétaire et celui du compte... more

Cette étude propose une investigation autour de la véracité et la robustesse de l'hypothèse des déficits jumeaux au Maroc. Celle-ci implique l'existence d'une relation de cause à effet entre le déficit budgétaire et celui du compte courant. Pour ce faire, ce travail présente le cadre analytique et théorique régissant cette hypothèse et recourt à différentes approches analysant la causalité, au sens de Granger et celle simultanée ou encore au sens de Toda et Phillips ou Toda et Yamamoto. Il en ressort l'existence d'une relation de causalité au sens de Granger unilatérale du besoin de financement budgétaire vers le déficit du compte courant. Aussi, l'existence d'une relation de causalité instantanée est-elle rejetée par les tests opérés. De plus, ce travail discute de la portée de la notion de secteur public qui semble être tout aussi déterminante pour la validation ou la réfutation de l'hypothèse des déficits jumeaux. Ainsi, outre l'analyse des corrélations contemporaines et dynamiques, l'analyse en composantes principales permet d'identifier les facteurs clés regroupant la dynamique d'évolution des secteurs institutionnels. Il en ressort notamment que l'évolution du solde de financement des ménages et des sociétés non financières s'avère plus corrélée et plus déterminante pour le déficit du compte courant. En somme, les différents éléments présentés dans ce papier permettent notamment de relativiser l'affirmation des déficits jumeaux et interpellent sur l'efficience et l'efficacité des choix opérés jusque-là en matière de politique économique.
mots clés : Déficits jumeaux ; Maroc ; déficit et besoin de financement budgétaire ; Déficit du compte courant ; Secteur public ; Causalité au sens de Granger

A specific risk of this period is liquidity risk arised from inexistence of adecquted management. A new risk arises from financial measures against the effects of economic worldwide crisis. These measures are dedicated to mitigate the... more

A specific risk of this period is liquidity risk arised from inexistence of adecquted management. A new risk arises from financial measures against the effects of economic worldwide crisis. These measures are dedicated to mitigate the crisis risks but, they may become a real challange for companies and individuals caused by new competence needed. As a conclusion, the topic of

Rainbow papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a genetically engineered (GE) cultivar with resistance to papaya ringspot virus (PRSV). This cultivar currently accounts for about 70% of Hawaii's papaya acreage. The nutritional composition of... more

Rainbow papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a genetically engineered (GE) cultivar with resistance to papaya ringspot virus (PRSV). This cultivar currently accounts for about 70% of Hawaii's papaya acreage. The nutritional composition of Rainbow papaya and a non-transgenic control were analyzed to address GE food safety concerns regarding the potential for altered nutritional composition and altered expression of inherent allergens

The intertemporal approach views the current-account balance as the outcome of forward-looking dynamic saving and investment decisions. This paper, a chapter in the forthcoming third volume of the Handbook of International Economics,... more

The intertemporal approach views the current-account balance as the outcome of forward-looking dynamic saving and investment decisions. This paper, a chapter in the forthcoming third volume of the Handbook of International Economics, surveys the theory and empirical work on the intertemporal approach as it has developed since the early 1980s. After reviewing the basic one-good, representative- consumer model, the paper

The strong recovery of the five crisis-affected countries of East Asia between 1999 and 2000 has revived the debate on the causes of the 1997 financial crisis. Initially there had been an emerging consensus that the crisis had originated... more

The strong recovery of the five crisis-affected countries of East Asia between 1999 and 2000 has revived the debate on the causes of the 1997 financial crisis. Initially there had been an emerging consensus that the crisis had originated from the capital account. However, some analysts see the faster-than-expected recovery as a vindication of IMF policy prescriptions, which tended to

Türkiye ekonomisi 2018 ortalarında bir döviz krizi ile karşı karşıya kalmış, ekonomi yavaşlamaya, enflasyon hızla artmaya ve borç ödemelerinde yaşanan sorunlar yoğunlaşmaya başlamıştır. Bu makalede, yaşanan bu gelişmelerin, 2000'li... more

Türkiye ekonomisi 2018 ortalarında bir döviz krizi ile karşı karşıya kalmış, ekonomi yavaşlamaya, enflasyon hızla artmaya ve borç ödemelerinde yaşanan sorunlar yoğunlaşmaya başlamıştır. Bu makalede, yaşanan bu gelişmelerin, 2000'li yıllarda Türkiye ekonomisine hâkim olan dış sermaye girişlerine bağımlı, borç artışına dayanan, inşaat odaklı büyüme modelinin yapısal bir krizi olduğu öne sürülecek, Türkiye ekonomisinin dış sermaye girişlerine bağımlı yapısı tartışıldıktan sonra, borç artışı ve inşaat odaklı büyüme tercihleri incelenecektir. 2000'li yıllar boyunca dış sermaye girişlerinde yaşanan artışla birlikte ekonominin ani duruş veya çıkışlara karşı kırılganlığını daha da artmıştır. Özel sektörün toplam dış borcundaki artış, hem bankacılık sektörünü hem de finansal olmayan işletmeleri döviz kurlarındaki oynamalara karşı kırılgan hale getirirken yurtiçi borçluluk oranlarındaki artış da ekonomik büyümenin faiz oranları ve kredi genişlemesindeki değişimlere oldukça duyarlı olmasına yol açmıştır. Türk lirasının reel olarak uzun süre değerli seyretmesi, üretimde ithal ara malı kullanımını arttırarak 2000'li yıllarda büyümenin yüksek cari açıklarla birlikte gerçekleşmesine neden olmuştur. Dolayısıyla dış sermaye girişlerine bağımlı, borç artışına dayanan, inşaat odaklı büyüme modeli iç ve dış şartlar olumlu olduğunda ekonomik büyüme yaratırken zaman içerisinde ekonomideki kırılganlıkları arttırmış ve ekonomik istikrarsızlığa zemin hazırlamıştır. Bu şartlar altında ortaya çıkan döviz ve borç krizi sonrası ekonominin seyrinin ana belirleyicisi küresel likidite şartlarındaki gelişmeler olacaktır.

Bir ülkedeki yerleşiklerin diğer ülkelerle belirli bir dönemde -genellikle bir yıl için- gerçekleştirdikleri mal, hizmet, transfer ve varlık işlemlerini içeren tüm iktisadi faaliyetlerin kayıt edildiği tabloya Ödemeler Bilançosu denir.... more

Bir ülkedeki yerleşiklerin diğer ülkelerle belirli bir dönemde -genellikle bir yıl için- gerçekleştirdikleri mal, hizmet, transfer ve varlık işlemlerini içeren tüm iktisadi faaliyetlerin kayıt edildiği tabloya Ödemeler Bilançosu denir. Ödemeler Bilançosu üç kategoriden oluşur: Cari işlemler hesabı, sermaye hesabı ve finansal hesap. Cari işlemler hesabı bir ülkenin diğer ülkelerle olan parasal işlemlerini gösterir. Ülkenin finansman ihtiyacı ve tasarruf eğilimlerini yansıtmasından dolayı önemli bir ekonomik göstergedir. Bu çalışmada cari işlemler hesabının Ödemeler Bilançosu içindeki yeri ve Türkiye’deki gelişimi incelenecektir.

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DOE Scientific and Technical ... Publication Date, 2002 Jun 01. OSTI Identifier, OSTI ID: 802155. Report Number(s), FC26-00NT40937--03. DOE Contract Number, FC26-00NT40937. DOI, 10.2172/802155. Other Number(s), TRN: US200223%%920.... more

DOE Scientific and Technical ... Publication Date, 2002 Jun 01. OSTI Identifier, OSTI ID: 802155. Report Number(s), FC26-00NT40937--03. DOE Contract Number, FC26-00NT40937. DOI, 10.2172/802155. Other Number(s), TRN: US200223%%920. Resource Type, Technical Report ...

The household enterprise sector has a significant role in the Tanzanian economy. It employs a larger share of the urban labor force than wage employment, and is increasingly seen as an alternative to agriculture as a source of additional... more

The household enterprise sector has a significant role in the Tanzanian economy. It employs a larger share of the urban labor force than wage employment, and is increasingly seen as an alternative to agriculture as a source of additional income for rural and urban households. The sector is uniquely placed within the informal sector, where it represents both conditions of