Customs Union Research Papers - (original) (raw)

La Cassazione, con la sentenza n. 5482 del 28 febbraio 2020, ha chiarito che, ai fini dell’applicazione del regime fiscale dell’esenzione previsto per le “provviste di bordo”, la nozione di "nave in partenza dai porti dello Stato" di cui... more

La Cassazione, con la sentenza n. 5482 del 28 febbraio 2020, ha chiarito che, ai fini dell’applicazione del regime fiscale dell’esenzione previsto per le “provviste di bordo”, la nozione di "nave in partenza dai porti dello Stato" di cui all'art. 254, primo comma del TULD postula una situazione oggettivamente accertabile che compete al Giudice di merito valutare con un’analisi in concreto, da operare mediante un giudizio ex ante, che non si limiti ad accertare l'attitudine tecnico-fisica a salpare della nave ma che verifichi anche l’assenza di vincoli in grado di precluderne la partenza.

The development of information technology has a significant impact on global distribution channels. In recent years, e-commerce has grown steadily in terms of both volume and value. As part of the supply chains, the customs... more

The development of information technology has a significant impact on global distribution channels. In recent years, e-commerce has grown steadily in terms of both volume and value. As part of the supply chains, the customs administrations of the EU Member States face a number of challenges and problems, the solving of which is a prerequisite for the effective implementation of the assigned functions, goals and tasks. This report looks at the impact of e-commerce on customs controls in the European Union and, in particular, on the manifestation of its three main functions: fiscal, protective and economic. Although customs regimes and procedures can be mentioned as the main instrument of customs control, they should also be seen as the primary tool for the implementation of its functions. Functions can determine what is intended by applying a control action, and then analyze whether the prescribed mechanisms for resolving, running, and ending it lead to the desired goal and effectiveness.

The paper examines the currently existing VAT and customs control mechanisms stipulated in the EU and international legislation and assesses to what extent they effectively tackle fraud and evasion in the context of e-commerce, while at... more

The paper examines the currently existing VAT and customs control mechanisms stipulated in the EU and international legislation and assesses to what extent they effectively tackle fraud and evasion in the context of e-commerce, while at the same time not hampering international trade flows. To that end, the paper explores the most notable problems of illicit trade and other fraudulent activities in the context of e-commerce and the related customs and import VAT Union rules. Insights are given into what are the main changes proposed by the VAT e-commerce package and other future initiatives and in particular, what is their impact on the VAT and customs controls. On the top of that, the existing and forthcoming VAT and customs controls rules are assessed against the requirements of the following benchmark principles – neutrality, effectiveness, simplicity and prohibition of fraud. Finally, the paper attempts to provide recommendations on how the VAT and customs control mechanisms should be designed in order to meet the standards set by the benchmarks.

This study analyzes the determinants of Turkish agricultural exports to the European Union (EU) by estimating the gravity model for the panel of 23 trading partners in the EU covering the period 1996-2004. We find that Turkish... more

This study analyzes the determinants of Turkish agricultural exports to the European Union (EU) by estimating the gravity model for the panel of 23 trading partners in the EU covering the period 1996-2004. We find that Turkish agricultural exports to the EU are positively correlated with the size of the economy, the importer population, the Turkish population living in the EU countries, the non-Mediterranean climatic environment, and the membership to the EU-Turkey Customs Union Agreement while they are negatively correlated with agricultural arable land of the EU countries and geographical distance between Turkey and the EU countries. This paper was presented at the 18th International Conference of the International Trade and Finance Association, May 22, 2008, meeting at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal.Keywords: Gravity model, panel data, Turkish agricultural exports, the EU. JEL Classification: C23, F14.

Her ne kadar son zamanlarda çok hızlı gelişen siyasi olayların gölgesinde kalmış olsa da halen dünyadaki en büyük ekonomik gündem konusu AB-ABD arasında görüşmeleri devam eden serbest ticaret anlaşmasıdır. Dünya hâsılasının yaklaşık... more

Her ne kadar son zamanlarda çok hızlı gelişen siyasi olayların gölgesinde kalmış olsa da halen dünyadaki en büyük ekonomik gündem konusu AB-ABD arasında görüşmeleri devam eden serbest ticaret anlaşmasıdır.
Dünya hâsılasının yaklaşık yarısını, küresel ticaretin ise neredeyse üçte birini teşkil eden bu iki büyük bloğun birbirleri ile yapacakları serbest ticaret anlaşmasının mevcut ekonomik dengeleri kökünden değiştireceği açıktır. Ülkemiz açısından bakıldığında ise, gerek AB gerekse ABD ile olan büyük dış ticaret hacmi ve AB ile olan gümrük birliği sebebiyle Türkiye’nin böyle bir anlaşmadan en çok etkilenecek ülkelerin başında geleceği öngörülmektedir.
Bu nedenle hemen her platformda hummalı çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Sanayicilerimiz başta olmak üzere devlet kurumlarımız, sivil toplum kuruluşları ve üniversiteler; toplantılar, seminerler, çalıştaylar, konferanslar düzenlemektedir. Sayın Ekonomi Bakanımız ve son zamanlarda da Sayın AB Bakanımız hemen her konuşmalarında Transatlantik Ticaret ve Yatırım Ortaklığı (TTIP)’nin önemini vurgulayarak, Türkiye’nin de sürece dâhil edilmesi gerektiğinden bahsetmektedir.
Adından da anlaşılacağı üzere TTIP klasik bir serbest ticaret anlaşmasının ötesindedir ve bir ekonomik ortaklık ve hatta ekonomik entegrasyon olarak değerlendirilmelidir. Bunun sebebi anlaşma müzakerelerinin karşılıklı gümrük tarifelerinin düşürülmesinin yanında çok kapsamlı ortaklık hükümleri içermesidir.
Bu çalışmamızda Gümrük Birliği - TTIP ilişkisi ve TTIP’nin ülkemiz üzerindeki muhtemel etkileri genel olarak değerlendirilmiştir.

Profili di responsabilità dell'importatore europeo

1990’ların başından itibaren,Türkiye-AB ilişkilerinin içeriği,ekonomiden siyasete doğru evrilmeye doğru bir değişim göstermektedir.Bu durumu yansıtan gelişmeler,Avrupa’daki politik değişikliklerle doğru orantılıdır.Ekim 1990’da Doğu ve... more

1990’ların başından itibaren,Türkiye-AB ilişkilerinin içeriği,ekonomiden siyasete doğru evrilmeye doğru bir değişim göstermektedir.Bu durumu yansıtan gelişmeler,Avrupa’daki politik değişikliklerle doğru orantılıdır.Ekim 1990’da Doğu ve Batı Almanya birleşmiş,Aralık 1991’de Sovyetler Birliği dağılmış ve Bağımsız Devletler Topluluğu kurulmuştur.1991 yılının sonunda Maastricht Antlaşması imzalanmış ve AT üyesi devletler,Avrupa Birliği’ni kurmuşlardır.Antlaşma,Avrupa Topluluğu teriminin yerine Avrupa Birliği teriminin gelmesini sağlamıştır.Böylece,Avrupa Birliği’ni ekonomik perspektiften siyasi perspektife sürükleyecek dönem başlamıştır.Bu perspektifi yansıtmak amacıyla,Ortak ve Dış Güvenlik Politikası,birliğin temel politikası haline gelmiştir.Bu durum,Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetler Birliği(SSCB)’nin yıkılmasyla birlikte ortaya çıkan bir sonuçtur.

Her ne kadar son zamanlarda çok hızlı gelişen siyasi olayların gölgesinde kalmış olsa da halen dünyadaki en büyük ekonomik gündem konusu AB-ABD arasında görüşmeleri devam eden serbest ticaret anlaşmasıdır. Dünya hâsılasının yaklaşık... more

Her ne kadar son zamanlarda çok hızlı gelişen siyasi olayların gölgesinde kalmış olsa da halen dünyadaki en büyük ekonomik gündem konusu AB-ABD arasında görüşmeleri devam eden serbest ticaret anlaşmasıdır.
Dünya hâsılasının yaklaşık yarısını, küresel ticaretin ise neredeyse üçte birini teşkil eden bu iki büyük bloğun birbirleri ile yapacakları serbest ticaret anlaşmasının mevcut ekonomik dengeleri kökünden değiştireceği açıktır. Ülkemiz açısından bakıldığında ise, gerek AB gerekse ABD ile olan büyük dış ticaret hacmi ve AB ile olan gümrük birliği sebebiyle Türkiye’nin böyle bir anlaşmadan en çok etkilenecek ülkelerin başında geleceği öngörülmektedir.
Bu nedenle hemen her platformda hummalı çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Sanayicilerimiz başta olmak üzere devlet kurumlarımız, sivil toplum kuruluşları ve üniversiteler; toplantılar, seminerler, çalıştaylar, konferanslar düzenlemektedir. Sayın Ekonomi Bakanımız ve son zamanlarda da Sayın AB Bakanımız hemen her konuşmalarında Transatlantik Ticaret ve Yatırım Ortaklığı (TTIP)’nin önemini vurgulayarak, Türkiye’nin de sürece dâhil edilmesi gerektiğinden bahsetmektedir.
Adından da anlaşılacağı üzere TTIP klasik bir serbest ticaret anlaşmasının ötesindedir ve bir ekonomik ortaklık ve hatta ekonomik entegrasyon olarak değerlendirilmelidir. Bunun sebebi anlaşma müzakerelerinin karşılıklı gümrük tarifelerinin düşürülmesinin yanında çok kapsamlı ortaklık hükümleri içermesidir.
Bu çalışmamızda Gümrük Birliği - TTIP ilişkisi ve TTIP’nin ülkemiz üzerindeki muhtemel etkileri genel olarak değerlendirilmiştir.

Рассматривается история, современное состояние и перспективы развития процесса евразийской интеграции. Дается характеристика основным этапам становления и развития евразийской интеграции. Обращается внимание на объективные сложности и... more

Рассматривается история, современное состояние и перспективы развития процесса евразийской интеграции. Дается характеристика основным этапам становления и развития евразийской интеграции. Обращается внимание на объективные сложности и очевидные проблемы, которые сопровождали и сопровождают этот процесс.
This article examines the history, current issues and prospects of development of the Eurasian integration process. The authors consider the main stages in the development of the Eurasian integration, indicate the objective difficulties and the obvious problems that have accompanied this process create serious obstacles for it.

Agriculture and agricultural foreign trade has been a crucial policy area in overall economy and EU membership process. The purpose of this study is to manifest the structure of Turkish agricultural foreign trade in terms of basic trade... more

Agriculture and agricultural foreign trade has been a crucial policy area in overall economy and EU membership process. The purpose of this study is to manifest the structure of Turkish agricultural foreign trade in terms of basic trade indicators by using trade data classified according to different trade data classifications for 1990-2013 period, and analyse structural situation and problems using indexes composed from this data. Furthermore, there achieved some findings through legislation and literature review to manifest the position of agricultural trade in EU membership process and its effects faced by agricultural trade in this period. The results of this study revealed through performed analysis, are; ( a) classifications used and intra-industry trade are both important issues in evaluations of agricultural foreign trade data; (b) there exists a plant production and processed food based on this production dependent structure in export; (c) there is a substantial level of foreign-source dependency in agricultural inputs and; (d) EU membership process has had limited effect on agricultural foreign trade. This EU Expertise Thesis is prepared in collaboration with EU Expert Seçil Adalet GÖK, as thesis advisor.

This paper analyses the economic effects of the eastern enlargement of the EU both on the existing Member States and the candidate countries using simulation results of a dynamic computable general equilibrium model. In addition to... more

This paper analyses the economic effects of the eastern enlargement of the EU both on the existing Member States and the candidate countries using simulation results of a dynamic computable general equilibrium model. In addition to conventional trade policy impacts such as ...

We analyze a simple bargaining model in which countries form preferential trad- ing arrangements in order to improve their status quo positions during subsequent multilateral negotiations. This model provides a natural interpretation of... more

We analyze a simple bargaining model in which countries form preferential trad- ing arrangements in order to improve their status quo positions during subsequent multilateral negotiations. This model provides a natural interpretation of preferen- tial trading arrangements as building and stumbling blocks, and predicts a novel role for the damage which customs unions inflict on outsiders. Variants on the model

Previous studies have indicated that there may be untapped potential for exports from non-SACU SADC countries to the SACU market. The share of non-SACU markets in exports to the rest of the world has been increasing while the SACU share... more

Previous studies have indicated that there may be untapped potential for exports from non-SACU SADC countries to the SACU market. The share of non-SACU markets in exports to the rest of the world has been increasing while the SACU share has remained the same. Concerns have been raised that the size of the South African economy and the net trade surplus of the Customs Union relative to that of the other SADC members may lead to polarization within the region. The nature of existing trade flows between SADC and SACU is investigated here, with specific reference to the role of intra-industry trade and vertical integration of cross-border supply chains in the region in facilitating regional integration. The sectors where the various SADC countries show a Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) and high intra-industry trade (IIT) have been at the centre of the debate around sensitive products during the SADC Trade Protocol negotiations. IIT indices are calculated for those sectors that show...

The Turkey-EU Customs Union dating back to 1996 is a consequence of Turkey's Association with the Union, based on the 1963 Ankara Agreement. Despite the fact that Turkey was declared a candidate country and started accession negotiations... more

The Turkey-EU Customs Union dating back to 1996 is a consequence of Turkey's Association with the Union, based on the 1963 Ankara Agreement. Despite the fact that Turkey was declared a candidate country and started accession negotiations with the Union, the Customs Union is still one of the most concrete outcomes of Turkey's gradual integration to the EU. However, due to changes in world trade, EU trade policy and Turkey-EU relations, the customs union is in need of a comprehensive revision and update. A lack of effective mechanisms for Turkey's participation in EU trade policy-making, negative and exclusionary effects of a new generation free trade agreements signed by the EU on Turkey, the need for better dispute settlement mechanisms, obstructions and non-tariff barriers resulting from discriminatory practices such as transport quotas, are among the problems experienced in the customs union. In addition, the restricted scope of the customs union brings into perspective the need to expand the bilateral trade relationship to encompass sectors other than industrial goods, such as agriculture, services and public procurement. The article aims to analyze the current working and need for upgrading of the customs union within the overall scope of Turkey and EU relations. The author argues that the customs union is not only about the bilateral trade relationship, and its modernization could bring a breath of fresh air to Turkey-EU relations and reignite the process of Turkey's gradual integration in to the EU which is at a standstill. Introduction:

This survey provides a broad overview of the theory of economic integration from the standpoint of Customs Union theory. It argues that Customs Union theory, as such, lacks integration and that there appears to be no clear possibility... more

This survey provides a broad overview of the theory of economic integration from the standpoint of Customs Union theory. It argues that Customs Union theory, as such, lacks integration and that there appears to be no clear possibility that recent developments in ...

The member countries of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) have agreed to launch a customs union by December 2008. We provide a quantitative assessment of the likely impacts of the formation of a COMESA customs... more

The member countries of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) have agreed to launch a customs union by December 2008. We provide a quantitative assessment of the likely impacts of the formation of a COMESA customs union, specifically of having free trade among COMESA countries while imposing a common external tariff (CET) against third countries. Along with the MIRAGE CGE model, we use an expanded version of the GTAP Data Base that provides more regional disaggregation in Africa. Alternative COMESA customs union scenarios are designed at the detailed HS6 level, combining information on current applied protection from the 2004 MAcMap data base and the COMESA Tariff Nomenclature. Adoption of the COMESA CET will result in significant liberalization for most COMESA countries but some countries will have to increase protection. We find that the customs union will result in expansion of trade and will be beneficial for some but will result in negative real income for ...

This paper uses computational techniques to assess whether or not var-ious propositions that have been advanced as plausible in the literature on regional trade agreements may actually hold. The idea is to make proba-bilistic statements... more

This paper uses computational techniques to assess whether or not var-ious propositions that have been advanced as plausible in the literature on regional trade agreements may actually hold. The idea is to make proba-bilistic statements as to whether propositions of interest might hold, rather than to restrict assumptions so they unambiguously hold. Our aim is to blend theory and numerical simulation and go beyond the ambiguous ana-lytically derived propositions that dominate the theoretical literature so as to assess the likelihood of propositions holding for particular model speci…-cations. JEL classi…cation codes F10, F13, F15

The paper examines the formation of free trade agreements (FTAs) as a network formation game. We consider a general n-country model in which countries trade differentiated industrial commodities as well as a numeraire good. Countries may... more

The paper examines the formation of free trade agreements (FTAs) as a network formation game. We consider a general n-country model in which countries trade differentiated industrial commodities as well as a numeraire good. Countries may be different in the size of the industrial good industry (measure of firms) and the market size (population size). Their incentives to sign an

The FAPRI 2007 U.S. and World Agricultural Outlook presents projections of world agricultural production, consumption, and trade under average weather patterns, existing farm policy, and policy commitments under current trade agreements... more

The FAPRI 2007 U.S. and World Agricultural Outlook presents projections of world agricultural production, consumption, and trade under average weather patterns, existing farm policy, and policy commitments under current trade agreements and custom unions. The outlook uses a macroeconomic forecast developed by Global Insight.

This paper combines some of the most realistic components of the competitive and strategic trade literature to examine both socially and individually optimal domestic input policies in free trade areas (FTAs). When asymmetries in the... more

This paper combines some of the most realistic components of the competitive and strategic trade literature to examine both socially and individually optimal domestic input policies in free trade areas (FTAs). When asymmetries in the number of firms, in the number of consumers, or in production costs exist across countries, tax harmonization is not optimal and input taxes depend on the shape of the production process and the degree of imperfect competition. The presence of input tax asymmetries in a customs union or FTA does not constitute evidence of strategic behavior at the national level.

New regionalism is redefining core and semi-periphery relations in the world economy. Focusing on Turkey and Mexico and their respective regional agreements, NAFTA and the Customs Union with the European Union, this article claims that... more

New regionalism is redefining core and semi-periphery relations in the world economy. Focusing on Turkey and Mexico and their respective regional agreements, NAFTA and the Customs Union with the European Union, this article claims that barriers to entry into regional blocs increased considerably during the 1990s. While systemic international relations theories explain why both Mexico and Turkey made significant concessions in order to enter into regional agreements, they cannot fully account for the timing and terms of bargaining during regional negotiations. A simultaneous look at both the domestic and international bargaining processes shows that it was the domestic pressures in the United States and the European Union (and the relative absence of such pressures in Mexico and Turkey) that enhanced the terms of bargaining of the existing members against these aspiring countries. A synthetic approach that combines international pressures with domestic dynamics explains why new regionalism in the global economy is becoming a new challenge for such countries.

Turkey is the only pluralist secular democracy in the Moslem world and has always targeted herself as being part of the western world and values. Turkey started to establish close economic relations with Europe by the 1963 Ankara... more

Turkey is the only pluralist secular democracy in the Moslem world and has always targeted herself as being part of the western world and values. Turkey started to establish close economic relations with Europe by the 1963 Ankara Agreement. By 1995, Turkey abolished most of the barriers in her trade through a customs union agreement with the European Union. Customs union is widely discussed in the sense that the terms of trade between the two sides have not evolved in favour of Turkey. However evidence shows that Turkey did not experience any extreme changes in its import figures as were feared before the beginning of the agreement. As a result of customs union, economically Turkey became more advantageous than many other candidate countries despite her unhealthy economic statistics especially in the area of inflation and per capita income. Turkey would have the chance to benefit more from the customs union after it completes its ongoing economic reforms, which would bring more stab...

This study analyzes the trade flows of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) both among its member countries and with the rest of the world for the 1997-2002 and 2003-2007 periods. In this paper, the research question is whether the trade... more

This study analyzes the trade flows of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) both among its member countries and with the rest of the world for the 1997-2002 and 2003-2007 periods. In this paper, the research question is whether the trade flows of the GCC countries with their ...

Over the past few years, Turkey's EU membership prospects have further deteriorated amid intensive political crisis between Brussels and Ankara. The Turkish government and the European Commission have agreed to upgrade the two-decade-old... more

Over the past few years, Turkey's EU membership prospects have further deteriorated amid intensive political crisis between Brussels and Ankara. The Turkish government and the European Commission have agreed to upgrade the two-decade-old Customs Union (CU) between Turkey and the EU, with negotiations likely to begin in 2018. This paper explores the European Commission's CU upgrade scenarios in tandem with European proposals to form a " Privileged Partnership " between the two parties as an alternative to Turkey's membership in the Union. An upgraded agreement would be a significant step toward Privileged Partnership, maximizing Europeans' political and economic benefits from Turkey and eroding any remaining motives for the EU to welcome Turkey as a full member.

We examine the effect of regionalism on unilateral trade liberalization using industry-level data on applied MFN tariffs and bilateral preferences for ten Latin American countries from 1990 to 2001. We find that preferential tariff... more

We examine the effect of regionalism on unilateral trade liberalization using industry-level data on applied MFN tariffs and bilateral preferences for ten Latin American countries from 1990 to 2001. We find that preferential tariff reduction in a given sector leads to a reduction in the external (MFN) tariff in that sector. External liberalization is greater if preferences are granted to important suppliers. However, these "complementarity effects" of preferential liberalization on external liberalization do not arise in customs unions. Overall, our results suggest that concerns about a negative effect of preferential liberalization on external trade liberalization are unfounded.

Türkiye ilaç sektörü ithalatı zaman içerisinde artan bir eğilim göstermekte ve bu sektördeki dış ticaret açığı sürekli artmaktadır. Sektör piyasası ilaçların parasal değerleri açısından incelendiğinde, piyasanın yarısı ithal ilaçlardan... more

Türkiye ilaç sektörü ithalatı zaman içerisinde artan bir eğilim göstermekte ve bu sektördeki dış ticaret açığı sürekli artmaktadır. Sektör piyasası ilaçların parasal değerleri açısından incelendiğinde, piyasanın yarısı ithal ilaçlardan oluşmaktadır. Ayrıca, Türkiye’nin AB ülkeleri ile yaptığı Gümrük Birliği Anlaşması ve son yıllarda sayısı hızla artan serbest ticaret anlaşmaları, imalat sanayi dolayısıyla da ilaç sanayi sektörü ithalatının gümrük vergilerine tabi olmadan yapılmasını sağlamaktadır.
Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’nin yaptığı Gümrük Birliği Anlaşması ve serbest ticaret anlaşmalarının ilaç sektörü ithalatı üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla 2003-2012 yılları arasında Türkiye’nin 33 ülke ile yaptığı ilaç sektörü ithalatı, panel veri analizi yöntemi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular, Türkiye’nin yaptığı Gümrük Birliği Anlaşması ve serbest ticaret anlaşmalarının ilaç sektörü ithalatını arttırıcı yönde bir etkisi olduğunu işaret etmektedir.
Turkey’s imports of pharmaceutical sector shows an increasing trend over time and the foreign trade deficit in this sector is growing continuously. When the market in this sector is analyzed in terms of the monetary value of drugs, the half of the market is consists of imported drugs. Furthermore, Turkey's Customs Union Agreement with the EU countries and the rapidly growing number of free trade agreements in recent years ensure that imports are made without being subject to customs duties on manufacturing industry sector and accordingly pharmaceutical sector production.
In this study, the effects of Customs Union Agreement and free trade agreements on Turkey’s pharmaceutical sector imports are investigated. To this end, Turkey’s pharmaceutical imports from 33 countries during the period 2003-2012 are examined using panel data analysis method. The findings indicate that Customs Union Agreement and free trade agreements have an increasing effect on Turkey’s pharmaceutical sector imports.

Customs Union Agreement between Turkey and European Union (EU) in the area of trade was expected to have a positive impact on Turkish Economy because Turkey is the only candidate country that has an agreement enhancing trade integration.... more

Customs Union Agreement between Turkey and European Union (EU) in the area of trade was expected to have a positive impact on Turkish Economy because Turkey is the only candidate country that has an agreement enhancing trade integration. In this paper, overview, assessment and widening of the agreement in terms of trade will be evaluated. In addition to this, problems caused by the asymmetric nature of customs union (CU) agreement will also be emphasized. Our panel gravity model proved the ineffectiveness of CU on trade flows between Turkey and EU-15. Therefore it would have been better for Turkey to have signed a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the EU and renegotiating an FTA instead of the CU.