Gravity Model Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The paper investigates the effects of the institutional determinants on trade in agricultural and food products among the OECD countries using a gravity model approach. We focus on the impact of the quality of governance and the... more

The paper investigates the effects of the institutional determinants on trade in agricultural and food products among the OECD countries using a gravity model approach. We focus on the impact of the quality of governance and the similarity of institutions in explaining variation in bilateral agricultural and food trade patterns. Results confirmed the separate effects for the institutional similarity and the institutional quality on trade patterns. The institutional similarity has positive and significant impact on trade in a similar institutional framework for agricultural, but less for food products. The institutional quality has significant positive impact on trade in both agricultural and food products for importing countries.

In this paper, we develop an econometric analysis of the intra- and interregional trade flows of the accommodation, restaurant industry, and travel agency sectors in Spain by means of several specifications of the gravity model and three... more

In this paper, we develop an econometric analysis of the intra- and interregional trade flows of the accommodation, restaurant industry, and travel agency sectors in Spain by means of several specifications of the gravity model and three alternative databases containing the monetary flows for 2001 and 2007. The results obtained show the existence of an important border effect in favour of the intraregional trade of tourism, and verify a minor elasticity of the trade flows in some characteristic tourism sectors in relation to distance. Finally, the two main typologies of flows – tourist establishments and second homes – are modelled separately, identifying specific factors for explaining each category.

We used gravity mapping observations from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) to detect, characterize and validate the presence of large impact craters buried beneath the lunar maria. In this paper we focus on two... more

We used gravity mapping observations from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) to detect, characterize and validate the presence of large impact craters buried beneath the lunar maria. In this paper we focus on two prominent anomalies detected in the GRAIL data using the gravity gradiom-etry technique. Our detection strategy is applied to both free-air and Bouguer gravity field observations to identify gravitational signatures that are similar to those observed over buried craters. The presence of buried craters is further supported by individual analysis of regional free-air gravity anomalies, Bouguer gravity anomaly maps, and forward modeling. Our best candidate, for which we propose the informal name of Earhart Crater, is approximately 200 km in diameter and forms part of the northwestern rim of Lacus Somniorum, The other candidate, for which we propose the informal name of Ashoka Anomaly, is approximately 160 km in diameter and lies completely buried beneath Mare Tranquillitatis. Other large, still unrecognized, craters undoubtedly underlie other portions of the Moon's vast mare lavas.

I proposed a new expansion force to explain the flat rotation curves of plane galaxies, in a Newtonian approach in 2016. This force is validated here in General Relativity for an inhomogeneous radially symmetrical universe. It can be... more

I proposed a new expansion force to explain the flat rotation curves of plane galaxies, in a Newtonian approach in 2016. This force is validated here in General Relativity for an inhomogeneous radially symmetrical universe. It can be deduced from the solution of Einstein's equation with a cosmological constant. A pseudo-Schwarzschild "twin-potential" metric is considered, with two different potentials for the space and time dimensions. The expansion force results as a repulsive dual gravity. Negative masses are needed. The necessary mass repartitions are computed, in connection with the radial dynamics and the expansion rate's evolution. A linear model and a quadratic model are studied, connected with the observation representations of a universe in accelerated expansion. It is a first step towards a better representation of an inhomogeneous universe. The framework can be applied to deduce the universe mass repartition form the measured values of the expansion rate variation. Résumé J'ai proposé en 2016 une nouvelle force d'expansion pour expliquer les courbes de rotation plates des galaxies spirales dans une approche Newtonienne. Cette force est validée ici dans le cadre de la Relativité Générale pour un univers inhomogène à symétrie radiale. On peut la déduire comme solution de l'équation d'Einstein avec Constante Cosmologique. On considère une métrique à « potentiels jumelés », avec deux potentiels différents pour les dimensions spatiales et temporelles. Il en résulte une force d'expansion agissant comme une gravité duale répulsive. Il faut des masses négatives. On calcule les répartitions de masses nécessaires, en liaison avec la dynamique radiale et l'évolution du taux d'expansion. On étudie un modèle linéaire et un modèle quadratique, en lien avec les représentations d'un univers observé en expansion accélérée. Il s'agit là d'une première étape vers une meilleure représentation d'un univers inhomogène. Ce cadre peut être appliqué pour déduire la répartition de masses de l'univers à partir des valeurs mesurées du taux d'expansion.

This work presents some updates on the design of the European Asteroid Impact Mission. In particular, the landing trajectory of MASCOT-2 is investigated and analyzed into detail during close-proximity operations at the binary asteroid... more

This work presents some updates on the design of the European Asteroid Impact Mission. In particular, the landing trajectory of MASCOT-2 is investigated and analyzed into detail during close-proximity operations at the binary asteroid 65803 Didymos. Design opportunities are investigated using a three-body approach to model the dynamical system in the close proximity of the asteroid couple. Landing requirements, applicable to the mission scenario under study, are presented and a suitable strategy is selected, by conveniently exploiting three-body dynamics. Uncertainties in release and touch down conditions are modeled and successful landing probability is assessed.

This study examines whether trade agreements promoted under the ASEAN+6 over the period 2007-2017 supported trade creation and/or trade diversion effects within three export product groups, namely, manufactured goods, primary products,... more

This study examines whether trade agreements promoted under the ASEAN+6 over the period 2007-2017 supported trade creation and/or trade diversion effects within three export product groups, namely, manufactured goods, primary products, and natural resources-based goods. Using a gravity model, we note that primary products offer pure trade creation (greater intra-bloc and extra-bloc trade). Manufactured products experienced trade creation in intra-bloc and extrabloc exports, while natural resources-based goods show trade creation in intraregional exports and trade creation in imports from extra-bloc.

This paper study the relation between International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the world economy. First we study the prob- lem in a multiple-network perspective, showing that the two networks are strongly correlated... more

This paper study the relation between International Trade and Foreign
Direct Investment (FDI) in the world economy. First we study the prob-
lem in a multiple-network perspective, showing that the two networks
are strongly correlated and that such correlation can be mostly explained by country economic/demographic size and geographical distance. Then, using the Heckman selection model with a gravity equation, we con rm this result and also nd that the industry position in the Global Supply Chain (GSC) and countries distance give rise to non-linear corrections: in particular we nd that the more goods are downstream or countries are further away, the more trade and FDI tend to be complements. Next we investigate the e ects of Regional Trade Agreements and the special case of Asian countries. Finally we distinguish the cases of the three main economic macro-sectors, nding that trade and FDI are complements in manufacturing, but substitutes in services.

In this paper we will illustrate how to constrain unavoidable Kähler corrections for N = 1 supergravity (SUGRA) inflation from the recent Planck data. We will show that the non-renormalizable Kähler operators will induce in general... more

In this paper we will illustrate how to constrain unavoidable Kähler corrections for N = 1 supergravity (SUGRA) inflation from the recent Planck data. We will show that the non-renormalizable Kähler operators will induce in general non-minimal kinetic term for the inflaton field, and two types of SUGRA corrections in the potential — the Hubbleinduced mass (cH), and the Hubble-induced A-term (aH) correction. The entire SUGRA inflationary framework can now be constrained from (i) the speed of sound, cs, and (ii) from the upper bound on the tensor to scalar ratio, r⋆. We will illustrate this by considering a heavy scalar degree of freedom at a scale, Ms, and a light inflationary field which is responsible for a slow-roll inflation. We will compute the corrections to the kinetic term and the potential for the light field explicitly. As an example, we will consider a visible sector inflationary model of inflation where inflation occurs at the point of inflection, which can match the dens...

Gravity seems to fail at large distances, and observed matter can only explain about 5% of the gravitational force involved in the galaxies’ motion. Science has thus invoked the presence of dark matter and dark energy to correspondingly... more

This paper discusses models for the impact on patient referral flows from homes to hospitals of reconfigurations of emergency hospital services. Such system change might involve new hospital sites, or expanded bed numbers at some sites,... more

This paper discusses models for the impact on patient referral flows from homes to hospitals of reconfigurations of emergency hospital services. Such system change might involve new hospital sites, or expanded bed numbers at some sites, together with possible closure of emergency units at other hospitals. In terms of a gravity model for the flows of patients, this corresponds to removing a destination or adding a new one. While retaining a gravity type approach to this problem, the relevance of supply weighting by distance within the broader accessibility concept is stressed since the independence from irrelevant alternatives property is generally inapplicable. This accessibility based approach may be implemented as a general linear model, with a Poisson outcome, and a Bayesian estimation and predictive approach is adopted. In the context of patient hospitalisations, this facilitates prediction of new patient flows following hospital reconfiguration. A UK based case study of small r...

Современная теоретическая физика использует большое число систем единиц, отличающихся друг от друга выбором основных единиц, размерностями физических величин, что приводит к различному написанию уравнений для одного и того же. Только... more

Современная теоретическая физика использует большое число систем единиц, отличающихся друг от друга выбором основных единиц, размерностями физических величин, что приводит к различному написанию уравнений для одного и того же. Только общепринятых систем более десяти, но многие авторы предпочитают свою систему, что увеличивает их количество до нескольких десятков.
При использовании различных систем единиц в электрических и магнитных явлениях, возникает много сложностей. Например, в гауссовской системе имеют одинаковую размерность следующие четыре величины: напряженность электрического поля, напряженность магнитного поля, электрическое смещение и магнитная индукция. Такие физические величины, как электрический заряд, магнитная масса, поток электрического смещения, магнитный поток в гауссовской система также имеют одинаковую размерность.
Фривольность в построении систем приводит к тому, что имеет место не-обоснованное придание величине ε (диэлектрическая проницаемость) и величине μ (магнитная проницаемость) нулевой размерности в законах Кулона, т. е. выбрасывание символа ε из системы СГСЭ и символа μ из системы СГСМ. Это приводит к искажению физического смысла уравнений в этих системах. Таким образом получается, что электромагнитные величины в системах СГСЭ и СГСМ имеют разную размерность.

This article provides an assessment of the nineteenth century trade globalization based on a systematic collection of bilateral trade statistics. Drawing on a new data set of more than 1.9 million bilateral trade observations for the... more

This article provides an assessment of the nineteenth century trade globalization based on a systematic collection of bilateral trade statistics. Drawing on a new data set of more than 1.9 million bilateral trade observations for the 1827-2014 period, we show that international trade costs fell more rapidly than intra-national trade costs from the 1840s until the eve of World War I. This finding questions the role played by late nineteenth century improvements in transportation and liberal trade policies in sparking this First Globalization. We use a theory-grounded measure to assess bilateral relative trade costs. Those trade costs are then aggregated to obtain world indices as well as indices along various trade routes, which show that the fall of trade costs began in Europe before extending to the rest of the world. We further explore the geographical heterogeneity of trade cost dynamics by estimating a border effect and a distance effect. We find a dramatic rise in the distance ...

Abstract: This paper builds on Freund and Weinhold (2000) to show that the results of that paper can be applied to the case of Bolivia. We review the implications of the Freund and Weinhold model, emphasizing the effects of the Internet... more

Abstract: This paper builds on Freund and Weinhold (2000) to show that the results of that paper can be applied to the case of Bolivia. We review the implications of the Freund and Weinhold model, emphasizing the effects of the Internet on increasing trade and lessening the ...

We always find ourselves at the present time, which occupies only one moment. This moment is the state of rest and we can observe motion only with the help our memory, that is, by experience. If motion were absolute, then we could be in... more

We always find ourselves at the present time, which occupies only one moment. This moment is the state of rest and we can observe motion only with the help our memory, that is, by experience. If motion were absolute, then we could be in the past, present, and future, we could travel in time. In reality, we compare what was before with what is now and thus comprehend the change, which we interpret as movement. If we did not have memory, we would not be able to comprehend change, we would always see the present image. Once again, it all depends on which angle we consider the given phenomenon. From the point of view of the present time, there is always a state of rest; from the point of view of experience – there is motion. The state of rest and motion occur simultaneously. The Universe just exists; it exists always at the present time and always takes all its places.

El artículo analiza los determinantes de los flujos bilaterales de inversión extranjera directa (IED) en algunos países de América Latina y, con base en la metodología de estimación de un modelo gravitacional de inversión, se incorporaron... more

El artículo analiza los determinantes de los flujos bilaterales de inversión extranjera directa (IED) en algunos países de América Latina y, con base en la metodología de estimación de un modelo gravitacional de inversión, se incorporaron elementos que han sido abordados desde la Nueva Geografía Económica. Se comparó y controló el peso de los factores que están directamente relacionados con la IED; se agregaron al análisis variables que dan cuenta de: (i) inversión potencial, como tamaño del mercado y tamaño comercial de los países y sus socios de inversión; (ii) factores que históricamente han estado arraigados y predeterminados a los países: la distancia geográfica, la existencia de fronteras, el idioma común; y (iii) factores institucionales y gubernamentales, generados mediante variables categóricas que explican las restricciones e incentivos a la inversión como la participación en acuerdos comerciales y de inversión, y el otorgamiento de accesos preferenciales. El principal hal...

This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the competitiveness of Indian agriculture under multilateral and regional trade agreements and the prospects and challenges to uphold food security concerns in a free trade regime. It is... more

This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the competitiveness of Indian agriculture under multilateral and regional trade agreements and the prospects and challenges to uphold food security concerns in a free trade regime. It is based on selected papers presented in a two-day international conference on ‘WTO, Trade and Agriculture: Issues and Challenges for Developing and Least Developed Countries’ organized by the Centre for WTO Studies in New Delhi during 29–30 October 2015. Besides introduction, this volume contains 12 chapters written by eminent agricultural economists, lawyers and research scholars. For precision, the chapters are organized into two broad sections. The first section provides estimates on the comparative advantage in selected agricultural commodities under key regional trade agreements. The second section delves into the impact of trade liberalization on food security and brings forth the importance of biotechnology to augment crop productivity and legislative and institutional interventions to maintain food stocks keeping in view the developments taking place at the global level.

To solve the riddle of gravity it is important to understand quantised fractal spacetime, quantum black holes, fluctuational cosmology and p-adic mathematics. The article builds on this understanding, leading to the resolution of Newton’s... more

To solve the riddle of gravity it is important to understand quantised fractal spacetime, quantum black holes, fluctuational cosmology and p-adic mathematics. The article builds on this understanding, leading to the resolution of Newton’s statement “Gravity must be caused by an agent acting constantly according to certain laws” and to the statement – “What the physicist calls gravity, the chemist calls a bond.”

This paper discusses air pollution mortality in Europe by projecting future incomes and the associated air pollution until 2020. A grav- ity model for transboundary emissions is introduced while the EKC decomposition is utilized to... more

This paper discusses air pollution mortality in Europe by projecting future incomes and the associated air pollution until 2020. A grav- ity model for transboundary emissions is introduced while the EKC decomposition is utilized to calculate emissions in 2020. The deter- minants of air pollution deaths, such as urbanization and technical progress in medicine are evaluated. The results show that

Culturas ancestrales sugieren periodicidad lunar sobre la materia en los cultivos vegetales lo cual durante años fue objeto de controversia en cuanto a sus efectos, sin embargo existe un apreciable número de publicaciones que sustentan la... more

Culturas ancestrales sugieren periodicidad lunar sobre la materia en los cultivos vegetales lo cual durante años fue objeto de controversia en cuanto a sus efectos, sin embargo existe un apreciable número de publicaciones que sustentan la existencia de dicha influencia en algunas especies eucariotas y materia inanimada que en un futuro nos darán mayores respuestas útiles. Se evaluó la influencia de las fases lunares en variables que representen el crecimiento, desarrollo y germinación del Rábano (Raphanus sativus), controlando factores de confusión; no se utilizaron plantas testigo ya que no es posible aislar la fuerza de gravedad lunar. Los resultados muestran que no existe diferencia en el porcentaje de germinación por fase lunar. La variable biomasa subterránea con un valor P=0,015, sugiere mejor calidad en producción del Raphanus sativus si es sembrado en Luna Nueva. Existen factores de confusión por descubrir y queda aún en controversia junto al saber si la periodicidad lunar se expresa o refuerza en presencia de otras variables cósmicas.