Dam Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Slit-check dams are widely employed in mountain river control. However an analysis of their performance in the field is still lacking. In the present work a field verification to evaluate the interaction between solid discharge regime and... more

Slit-check dams are widely employed in mountain river control. However an analysis of their performance in the field is still lacking. In the present work a field verification to evaluate the interaction between solid discharge regime and four slit-check dams built in two subcatchments of ...

The Tabarak Abad Dam on the river Tabarak, a branch of Atrak river, is located about 25 km of northeast of Quchan city in the northeast of Iran. The dam is now under construction and will be completed in 2002. The Tabarak Abad Dam has... more

The Tabarak Abad Dam on the river Tabarak, a branch of Atrak river, is located about 25 km of northeast of Quchan city in the northeast of Iran. The dam is now under construction and will be completed in 2002. The Tabarak Abad Dam has been designed as an earthfill dam ...

The water resources of the Incomati river basin, shared between South Africa, Swaziland and Mozambique, are intensively used. Moreover, the basin is situated in a part of Africa that over the last 40 years has experienced a dynamic,... more

The water resources of the Incomati river basin, shared between South Africa, Swaziland and Mozambique, are intensively used. Moreover, the basin is situated in a part of Africa that over the last 40 years has experienced a dynamic, sometimes turbulent and volatile, political history. Both ingredients might have been sufficient for the emergence of confrontations over water. Tensions between Mozambique, South Africa and Swaziland over Incomati waters existed but never escalated. This case study attempts to explain why cooperation prevailed, by presenting information about the natural characteristics of the basin, its political history, water developments and the negotiations that took place during the period 1967–2002. The paper provides four explanations why tensions did not escalate and cooperation prevailed. It is concluded that the developments in the Incomati basin support the hypothesis that water drives peoples and countries towards cooperation. Increased water use has indeed...

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is one of the most influential development institutions in the Greater Mekong sub-region in the push to build large-scale infrastructure including hydroelectric dams. Controversies over big dams in Asia... more

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is one of the most influential development institutions in the Greater Mekong sub-region in the push to build large-scale infrastructure including hydroelectric dams. Controversies over big dams in Asia have unveiled the lack of effective governance mechanisms through which all stakeholder interests can be taken into account in resource management decision making. In the case of the Theun-Hinboun hydropower project in Lao PDR, the actions of the ADB have showed inadequacies regarding the project decision making and implementation processes although the project has been economically successful and the ADB has enhanced the country's capacity build-up. The aim of the article is to review the history of the Theun-Hinboun project and identify areas that need to be strengthened recognizing future planning needs, and to identify important future lines of study at Theun-Hinboun. Good governance can be enhanced by institutionalizing participation at the p...

Floating mats are locally known as phumdis. They are a heterogeneous mass of soil, vegetation and organic matter at various stages of decomposition. Phumdis play an important role in the ecological processes and functions of the lake... more

Floating mats are locally known as phumdis. They are a heterogeneous mass of soil, vegetation and organic matter at various stages of decomposition. Phumdis play an important role in the ecological processes and functions of the lake ecosystem. The presence of phumdis is the characteristic feature of the Loktak lake, the largest freshwater wetland located in the north-eastern part of India about 38 km from Imphal city of Manipur. Phumdis cover nearly 50% of the lake. In this paper, an attempt has been made to examine the changes in phumdi area, analyse the factors causing its proliferation and the resultant impacts on the environment. The study is based on remotely sensed data of 1989 and 2002. To examine the factors causing its proliferation, field surveys were conducted and data covered eight villages and 377 households. The results showed that the phumdi area has increased from 1989 to 2002. The main causes for phumdi proliferation were the construction of the Ithai Barrage Dam, increase in athaphum fishing, pollution, growth of settlements on phumdis, etc. It was the human pressure that has aided in the growth of phumdis.

Le present article developpe deux actions, conduites par le Cemagref pour le compte du ministere de l'Amenagement du Territoire et de l'Environnement (MATE), ayant pour objectif commun la securite d'ouvrages hydrauliques,... more

Le present article developpe deux actions, conduites par le Cemagref pour le compte du ministere de l'Amenagement du Territoire et de l'Environnement (MATE), ayant pour objectif commun la securite d'ouvrages hydrauliques, relevant du regime de l'autorisation et dont la rupture pourrait avoir des consequences graves pour les personnes et les biens. Concernant les barrages autorises, une enquete nationale, menee de 1990 a 1994, avait revele des lacunes dans la surveillance (assuree par proprietaire) et dans le controle (relevant du service d'Etat) des ouvrages interessant la securite publique. La convention triennale passee entre le MATE et le Cemagref a permis d'instaurer un dispositif complet a destination des services de controle, base sur la formation des intervenants, sur des expertises de barrage a l'occasion des visites decennales et sur la constitution de bases de donnees pour structurer l'information disponible. Ces diverses actions prolongent ...

Field studies on the sediment dynamics of the two arms of Cambridge Gulf, tropical Western Australia, were undertaken. The system is macro-tidal with 8 m tides. The West Arm is the estuary of the Durack and Pentecost rivers, which are... more

Field studies on the sediment dynamics of the two arms of Cambridge Gulf, tropical Western Australia, were undertaken. The system is macro-tidal with 8 m tides. The West Arm is the estuary of the Durack and Pentecost rivers, which are largely untouched by human activities. The East Arm is the estuary of the Ord River affected by land clearing which started 100 years ago, and by two river dams constructed 30 years ago. Prior to damming of the Ord River, the natural flow in all rivers was highly seasonal, characterized by small, at times negligible, flow during the dry season, which lasts eight months, and occasional river floods during the wet season, which lasts four months. The river flow has been regulated in the East Arm as a result of damming; this resulted in suppressing large river floods. The salinity intrusion length has decreased by about 50% in the East Arm following river damming. The East Arm has silted measurably over the last 30 years, with the stream cross-sectional area decreasing by about 50%. Field and numerical studies suggest that this is due to the dam-induced suppression of large river floods, which has in turn allowed a greater amount of tidal pumping of sediment into the East Arm from Cambridge Gulf. Since tidal pumping is increasing as the system is silting, the East Arm appears to now be geomorphologically unstable as a result of human activities. Numerical studies suggest it may take as little as 100 years for the Ord River to reach a new equilibrium. Modelling suggests that this equilibrium may be characterized by a salinity intrusion length half that before damming, a channel width and depth reduced by 70%, and a much stronger tidal asymmetry characterized by an increasing size of the tidal bore. The West Arm appears to be at equilibrium since there has been no net loss or gain of sediment for the last 111 years. Tidal dynamics and river floods appear responsible for self-scouring this channel.

Resumen: Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la inundación causada por la falla hipotética de la Presa Mulacorral, cuyo embalse está localizado en la cuenca alta del río Ambato en la cota 3831 msnm. La presa está ubicada a 42... more

Time for Development of Internal Erosion and Piping in Embankment Dams. [Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 129, 307 (2003)]. Robin Fell, Chi Fai Wan, John Cyganiewicz, Mark Foster. Abstract. ... Internal Erosion and... more

Time for Development of Internal Erosion and Piping in Embankment Dams. [Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 129, 307 (2003)]. Robin Fell, Chi Fai Wan, John Cyganiewicz, Mark Foster. Abstract. ... Internal Erosion and Piping Process. ...

L'agriculture urbaine est visible le long du reseau hydrographique de Ouagadougou, et la plus importante activite de maraichage se rencontre autour des eaux de barrage. En 1989, l'Organisation mondiale de la sante (OMS) a edicte... more

L'agriculture urbaine est visible le long du reseau hydrographique de Ouagadougou, et la plus importante activite de maraichage se rencontre autour des eaux de barrage. En 1989, l'Organisation mondiale de la sante (OMS) a edicte des directives ou des seuils de pollution des eaux d'arrosage ont ete fixes, notamment pour l'arrosage de legumes consommables crus (moins 1E + 03 CF/100 ml, et aucun œuf d'helminthe par litre). Pour evaluer les eaux de barrage utilisees pour arroser des legumes consommables crus dans des contextes saheliens ne depassant pas les seuils de l'OMS, celles de Tanghin et de Boulmiougou, a Ouagadougou, ont fait l'objet d'un suivi microbiologique hebdomadaire durant deux annees consecutives (1994-1995). Les niveaux moyens de pollution bacteriologique (CF/100 ml) ont ete trouves quasiment identiques sur les deux sites (mini

This study discussed conflicts in a large-scale development project realized in an archaeological area. The dam reservoir of Yortanli constructed as a part of a contemporary irrigation project in Western Turkey conflicted with the antique... more

This study discussed conflicts in a large-scale development project realized in an archaeological area. The dam reservoir of Yortanli constructed as a part of a contemporary irrigation project in Western Turkey conflicted with the antique settlement of Allianoi, which had developed in the same area around a natural thermal spring in the 2nd century ad. The aim was to present the protection decisions and implementations related with the archaeological site of Allianoi in the Yortanlı Dam Reservoir so that monitoring and criticism of its consequences can be possible in the future. The tools of the three disciplines, hydraulic engineering, structural engineering and conservation, were emphasized. The following conclusions were derived: The understanding of the protection-development conflict of archaeological heritage-dam relations in the case of Allianoi-Yortanlı necessitates the evaluation of its legal, administrative, technical, and managerial aspects with all related governmental and non-governmental parts. The presented evaluation provides an opportunity for the discussion of the validity of the protection intervention, which is reburial of the remains prior to water retention in the dam, within an international framework. The presentation of the details of the protection process may facilitate the monitoring and criticism of its consequences in the future.

Climate change is expected to result in larger temperature increases (anomalies) at high altitudes compared with surrounding lowlands. In the Andes, this may lead to the accelerated retreat of tropical glaciers, the drying of unique... more

Climate change is expected to result in larger temperature increases (anomalies) at high altitudes compared with surrounding lowlands. In the Andes, this may lead to the accelerated retreat of tropical glaciers, the drying of unique neotropical highmountain wetland ecosystems locally known as páramos or bofedales, as well as increased weather variability and weather extremes, all of which will aff ect water regulation. In turn, these impacts may aff ect ecosystem integrity and the economics of power and water supply in the region. Peru is one of the countries that could be aff ected by these changes: it relies on its mountain basins for the provision of over 50 percent of its power, and discharges from upper basins feed water supply and agricultural systems. The objective of the study is to develop a methodology to assess the net impacts of climate change on the hydrological response in mountainous regions. This is done through a case study in the Peruvian Andes. Having access to an...

Stockholm International Water Institute was contracted by the World Bank in August 2012 to undertake an Independent Evaluation of the Nile Basin Trust Fund (NBTF). The purpose of the evaluation is to identify lessons learned and to help... more

Stockholm International Water Institute was contracted by the World Bank in August 2012 to undertake an Independent Evaluation of the Nile Basin Trust Fund (NBTF). The purpose of the evaluation is to identify lessons learned and to help the Bank and the NBTF partners improve the overall performance of future engagement with the NBI and similar River Basin Organizations. The overall purpose of the NBTF was to assist in the preparation and/or implementation of the NBI Strategic Action Program, which is comprised of the Shared Vision Programme (SVP) and the two Subsidiary Action Programmes (SAPs). Over the NBTF period from January 2003 to December 2012, the ten participating development partners pledged and provided USD 191.74 million to the NBI. A result framework helps measure progress towards strategic objectives as well as to achieve them, but in the case of the NBTF there is no over-all results framework. The Independent Evaluation Team (IE-Team) has based the evaluation on progre...