Demographic Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Although longitudinal experimental community health research is crucial to testing hypotheses about the demographic impact of health technologies, longitudinal demographic research field stations are rare, owing to the complexity and high... more
Although longitudinal experimental community health research is crucial to testing hypotheses about the demographic impact of health technologies, longitudinal demographic research field stations are rare, owing to the complexity and high cost of developing requisite computer software systems. This paper describes the Household Registration System (HRS), a software package that has been used for the rapid development of eleven surveillance systems in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Features of the HRS automate software generation for a family of surveillance applications, obviating the need for new and complex computer software systems for each new longitudinal demographic study.
- by Dennis Trewin and +1
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- Political Economy, Publishing, Project Management, Productivity
Pension and social insurance programs that prevent a substantial loss in consumption resulting from old age, disability, or death are an integral part of any social protection system. The dual objectives of such programs are to allow for... more
Pension and social insurance programs that prevent a substantial loss in consumption resulting from old age, disability, or death are an integral part of any social protection system. The dual objectives of such programs are to allow for the prevention of a sharp decline in income when these life-cycle events take place and protection against poverty in old age. This background paper reviews the World Bank's conceptual framework for the analysis of pension programs and defines the major challenges facing low and middle income countries, namely, coverage, adequacy and sustainability. The paper proposes a broad, forward-looking strategy to help address these challenges.
The Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) is one of the two pillars of the Generations and Gender Programme designed to improve understanding of demographic and social development and of the factors that influence these developments. This... more
The Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) is one of the two pillars of the Generations and Gender Programme designed to improve understanding of demographic and social development and of the factors that influence these developments. This article describes how the theoretical perspectives applied in the survey, the survey design and the questionnaire are related to this objective.
- by Andres Vikat and +2
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- Demography, Life course, Comparative Research, Residential Mobility
- by Rafidi Shi3y
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- Cultural, Demographic
A question of interest in the demographic and actuarial fields is the estimation of the age-specific mortality pattern when data are given in age groups. Data can be provided in such a form usually because of systematic fluctuations... more
A question of interest in the demographic and actuarial fields is the estimation of the age-specific mortality pattern when data are given in age groups. Data can be provided in such a form usually because of systematic fluctuations caused by age heaping. This is a phenomenon usual to vital registrations related to age misstatements, usually preferences of ages ending in multiples five. Several techniques for expanding an abridged life table to a complete one are proposed in the literature. Although many of these techniques are considered accurate and are more or less extensively used, they have never been simultaneously evaluated. This work provides a critical presentation, an evaluation and a comparison of the performance of these techniques. For that purpose, we consider empirical data sets for several populations with reliable analytical documentation. Departing from the complete sets of q x -values, we form the abridged ones. Then we apply each one of the expanding techniques considered to these abridged data sets and finally we compare the results with the corresponding complete empirical values.
Pirámide poblacional: definición y características
All rights reserved 1 2 3 4 14 13 12 11 This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this volume do not... more
All rights reserved 1 2 3 4 14 13 12 11 This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this volume do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries.
The Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) is one of the two pillars of the Generations and Gender Programme designed to improve understanding of demographic and social development and of the factors that influence these developments. This... more
The Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) is one of the two pillars of the Generations and Gender Programme designed to improve understanding of demographic and social development and of the factors that influence these developments. This article describes how the theoretical perspectives applied in the survey, the survey design and the questionnaire are related to this objective.
- by Gerda Neyer
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- Demography, Values, Fertility, Life course
Play is essential to growth and development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children and youth. Play also offers an ideal opportunity of parents to engage fully with their children.... more
Play is essential to growth and development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children and youth. Play also offers an ideal opportunity of parents to engage fully with their children. Play is so important to optimal child growth development that it has been recognized by the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights as a right of every child. Today more than ever before, manufactures of toys and play equipment emphasize the educational value of their products. Similarly it is important to the parents also to know the importance of play.
Objective: To assess the knowledge of mothers on different types of play and it’s important for children.
Methodology: A descriptive study was under taken to assess the knowledge regarding Play Therapy and its importance among mothers with children age group of 0-12 years at Periyakalapet, Puducherry. A sample of 20 mothers with children was selected by convenient sampling technique. The interview schedule was used to assess the knowledge of the mother regarding play therapy and its importance. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.
Findings: The findings of the study showed that the ages of the mothers were between 26-36 years and majority had two children. With regards to their knowledge on play therapy majority of mothers got satisfactory knowledge on introduction (i.e. 75%) but with other items of play therapy they had poor knowledge in advantages of play (i.e. 47.85%). There was a need for health education regarding play and its importance among mothers.
e estimate mortality rates by a measure of socio-economic status in a very large sample of male German pensioners aged~65 or older. Our analysis is entirely nonparametric. Furthermore, the data enable us to compare mortality experiences... more
e estimate mortality rates by a measure of socio-economic status in a very large sample of male German pensioners aged~65 or older. Our analysis is entirely nonparametric. Furthermore, the data enable us to compare mortality experiences in eastern and western Germany conditional on socio-economic status. As a simple summary measure, we compute period life expectancies at age~65. Our findings show
Interdisciplinary studies that draw on long-term, global population projections often make limited use of projection results, due at least in part to the historically opaque nature of the projection process. We present a guide to such... more
Interdisciplinary studies that draw on long-term, global population projections often make limited use of projection results, due at least in part to the historically opaque nature of the projection process. We present a guide to such projections aimed at researchers and educators who would benefit from putting them to greater use. Drawing on new practices and new thinking on uncertainty, methodology, and the likely future courses of fertility and life expectancy, we discuss who makes projections and how, and the key assumptions upon which they are based. We also compare methodology and recent results from prominent institutions and provide a guide to other sources of demographic information, pointers to projection results, and an entry point to key literature in the field.
This paper describes and evaluates the first demographic surveillance system (DSS) in Malawi, covering a rural population of 30,000. Unlike others, the Karonga DSS relies on trained village informants using formatted registers for the... more
This paper describes and evaluates the first demographic surveillance system (DSS) in Malawi, covering a rural population of 30,000. Unlike others, the Karonga DSS relies on trained village informants using formatted registers for the primary notification of vital events and migrations. Seven project enumerators subsequently collect detailed data on events notified by the village informants, using stringent identification procedures for households and individuals. Internal movements are traced systematically to augment event registration and data quality. Continuous evaluation of data collection is built into the methods. A re-census conducted after 2 years indicated that the routine system had registered 97% of 1,588 births, 99% of 521 deaths and 92% of 13,168 movements. Jahn et al.: Evaluation of a village-informant driven demographic surveillance system 222
- by Elenaus Mwaiyeghele and +1
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- Demography, Data Quality, Data Collection, Demographic
The purpose of this study is to explore students ’ demographic and academic characteristics that are associated with students ’ academic performance during their undergraduate studies. Demographic and academic characteristic such as age,... more
The purpose of this study is to explore students ’ demographic and academic characteristics that are associated with students ’ academic performance during their undergraduate studies. Demographic and academic characteristic such as age, gender, nationality, high school major and high school GPA were studied as potential determinants of academic performance. A sample of 700 students from the College of Business Studies at the Public Authority for Applied Education was examined. Descriptive statistics, T-test and multiple regressions were used. The results of the study reveal that students ’ age, gender, high school major and high school GPA are significantly related to students ’ academic performance. Our research has some implications. The findings reveal that student’s age, gender, high school major and high school GPA are significantly related to business students’ academic performance. Interestingly, the findings highlight the positive and significant influence of science backgr...
This paper describes the recent reforms of pension policies adopted by Argentina and Chile. The structural reforms in the 1980s and 90s were targeted on improving the long term fiscal sustainability of the system and their institutional... more
This paper describes the recent reforms of pension policies adopted by Argentina and Chile. The structural reforms in the 1980s and 90s were targeted on improving the long term fiscal sustainability of the system and their institutional design, while transferring part of the economic and social risks from the State to participants. However, in recent years authorities in both countries coincided on identifying insufficient coverage among the elderly and adequacy of benefits as the most critical problems. As a result of differences in political economy and institutional constraints, responses were different. In Chile, a long and participatory process resulted in a large reform that focuses on impacts on the medium term, through a carefully calibrated adjustment. In Argentina, instead, reforms were adopted through a large number of successive normative corrections, with little public debate about their implications, and immediate impacts on coverage and fiscal demands.
A number of studies show that premarital cohabitation is associated with an increased risk of subsequent marital dissolution. Some argue that this is a consequence of selection effects and that once these are controlled for premarital... more
A number of studies show that premarital cohabitation is associated with an increased risk of subsequent marital dissolution. Some argue that this is a consequence of selection effects and that once these are controlled for premarital cohabitation has no effect on dissolution. We examine the effect of premarital cohabitation on subsequent marital dissolution by using rich retrospective life-history data from Austria. We model union formation and dissolution jointly to control for unobserved selectivity of cohabiters and non-cohabiters. Our results show that those who cohabit prior to marriage have a higher risk of marital dissolution. However, once observed and unobserved characteristics are controlled for, the risks of marital dissolution for those who cohabit prior to marriage are significantly lower than for those who marry directly. The finding that premarital cohabitation decreases the risk of marital separation provides support for the "trial marriage" theory.
Desde mediados del siglo XX, paulatinamente, se han ido introduciendo novedades en el proceso de valoración, reconocimiento y ampliación del concepto de patrimonio cultural. En este proceso han intervenido decisivamente las disposiciones... more
Desde mediados del siglo XX, paulatinamente, se han ido introduciendo novedades en el
proceso de valoración, reconocimiento y ampliación del concepto de patrimonio cultural. En este
proceso han intervenido decisivamente las disposiciones jurídico-administrativas y las políticas
culturales, la incorporación de nuevas disciplinas y profesionales, y la sensibilización y demandas
sociales en la protección y gestión del patrimonio cultural.
En este contexto, la aprobación de la Convención de la UNESCO para la Salvaguardia del
Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial (2003) ha impulsado las iniciativas estatales encaminadas a
reconocer conocimientos, técnicas, representaciones, ritos festivos y expresiones culturales. Y ha
logrado impulsar desde los colectivos sociales una autoestima y un deseo por mostrar las
peculiaridades de sus prácticas culturales. Además, este marco normativo-jurídico y sociocultural
favorece la realización de inventarios, estudios, programas y proyectos de promoción, que están
favoreciendo una visión más real de la pluralidad y la diversidad cultural.
En el caso del presente trabajo, su autor, por propia iniciativa, ha emprendido acciones de
documentación y estudio del patrimonio cultural inmaterial local, como primera medida para, a
partir de su conocimiento, poder establecer otras intervenciones que favorezcan el reconocimiento
interno y externo, y posibiliten su transmisión y continuidad, de acuerdo con los intereses de los
colectivos sociales que lo detentan.
Ahora bien, si a este tipo de inestimables manifestaciones socioculturales/socioambientales
/ecoculturales no se le facilitan las vías para su salvaguarda y para su respeto, desaparecerán en
breve, ya que muchas de las prácticas sociales como los conocimientos y vivencias son más
vulnerables, al no cumplir ya las funciones tradicionales que justificaban su perpetuación.
Así, esta investigación ha constatado que en el caso del valioso patrimonio etnológico que
constituyen los Ramos Cantados, en los pequeños pueblos de la Tierra de Valdebecedas, en la
comarca abulense de El Barco (Castilla y León, España), se encuentra actualmente en trance de
extinción ante la virulencia del proceso de despoblación rural, el cual ha dejado a este envejecido
territorio rural y montañoso castellano y leonés al borde del despoblamiento y el agotamiento
demográfico definitivo.
This research was conducted to adapt the chemistry self efficacy belief (CSEB) scale using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFI) and to examine pre service teachers’ CSEB in terms of some demographic features. This descriptive study was... more
This research was conducted to adapt the chemistry self efficacy belief (CSEB) scale using Confirmatory Factor
Analysis (CFI) and to examine pre service teachers’ CSEB in terms of some demographic features. This descriptive
study was carried out Dokuz Eylul University in 2008-2010 academic years. Firstly, for validity and reliability, the scale
was administered to 123 prospective chemistry teachers. In order to determine CSEB according to some variables
which are gender, class level, type of high school, and giving lecture, the scale was implemented 116 prospective
chemistry teachers. LISREL 8,71 and SPSS statistical programs were utilized to analyze the collected data. It was
confirmed whether CSEB scale has two factors or not by calculating fit indexes. Independent and ANOVA t-tests
were used to outline if there was a significant difference between self efficacies of prospective teachers according to
gender, class level, type of high school and giving lecture. The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that fit
indexes values were found high and verified structure of the scale with two factors. According to the results of second
research question, there was no significant difference between gender and class levels, but there was a significant
difference between type of high school in favor of Anatolian teacher high school.
The purpose of the study is to define a relationship between microfinance loan default rate (risk of loan repayment) and certain key socioeconomic and demographic variables. By conventional thinking, we are prone to assume that loan... more
The purpose of the study is to define a relationship between microfinance loan default rate (risk of loan repayment) and certain key socioeconomic and demographic variables. By conventional thinking, we are prone to assume that loan default rate in microfinance institution is likely to outpace the default rate in commercial banks. This assumption rest on the less stringent minimum risk acceptance criteria in lending, and the traditional in-built weaker control mechanisms and lax lending practices in microfinance institutions to accommodate the less privilegeand promote financial inclusion. The socioeconomic and demographic profile of the average customer of the microfinance institution is markedly different from the clients of the Commercial banks. Surprisingly, the early experience of the modern Father of microfinance, Prof. muhammad Yunus, indicates that microfinance default rate is statistically insignificant, and repayment culture may vary from one country to the other as influenced by endogenous factors or exogenous factors like government interference.The paper explores whether default rate can be explained by the endogenous factors(independent variables) in a selected microfinance institution in Nigeria. Advanced Multivariate statistical methods of factor analysis and discriminant analysis are employed to facilitate the handling of the multiple socioeconomic and demographic factors that might influence microfinance loan default rate.
Excellent book is always being the best friend for spending little time in your office, night time, bus, and everywhere. It will be a good way to just look, open, and read the book while in that time. As known, experience and skill don't... more
Excellent book is always being the best friend for spending little time in your office, night time, bus, and everywhere. It will be a good way to just look, open, and read the book while in that time. As known, experience and skill don't always come with the much money to acquire them. Reading this book with the PDF rethinking evidence rethinking evidence will let you know more things. As known, adventure and experience about lesson, entertainment, and knowledge can be gained by only reading a book. Even it is not directly done, you can know more about this life, about the world. We offer you this proper and easy way to gain those all. We offer many book collections from fictions to science at all. One of them is this rethinking evidence rethinking evidence that can be your partner.
This article tests the assumption that cohabitation makes a difference in the allocation of childcare responsibilities within couples. It has often been assumed that cohabiting individuals are less likely to adhere to traditional gender... more
This article tests the assumption that cohabitation makes a difference in the allocation of childcare responsibilities within couples. It has often been assumed that cohabiting individuals are less likely to adhere to traditional gender ideologies than married people, because they tend to have a lower tolerance for poorly functioning relationships, to assign more value to individual freedom, and to base their relationships on egalitarian individualism, rather than on the joint utility maximisation of married couples. So far, however, most studies have focused on the determinants and consequences of being in cohabitation, and have overlooked the gender implications of this living arrangement.
The World Bank's conceptual framework to assess pension systems and reform options evaluates initial conditions and the capacity to improve the enabling environment, then focuses on how best to work within these to achieve the core... more
The World Bank's conceptual framework to assess pension systems and reform options evaluates initial conditions and the capacity to improve the enabling environment, then focuses on how best to work within these to achieve the core objectives of pension systems--protection against the risk of poverty in old age and smoothing consumption from one's work life into retirement. The Bank applies a multi-pillared approach towards pension system modalities to address the needs of target populations including: (i) a non-contributory "zero pillar" extending some level of old-age income security to all of the elderly; (ii) an appropriately sized mandatory "first pillar" with the objective of replacing some portion of lifetime pre-retirement income through contributions linked to earnings; (iii) a funded mandatory defined-contribution "second pillar" that typically provides privately-managed individual savings accounts; (iv) a funded voluntary "third-pillar;" and (v) a non-financial "fourth pillar." The primary evaluation criteria are the ability of the system to maintain adequacy, affordability, sustainability, equity, predictability and robustness. The secondary evaluation criteria are the system's capacity to: minimize labor market distortions; contribute to savings mobilization; and contribute to financial market development. Because pension benefits are claims against future economic output, it is essential that over time pension systems contribute to growth and output to support the promised benefits. Going forward, the Bank is focusing on strengthening its support in: (a) establishing a clearer results framework to assess pension systems and reforms; (b) enhancing knowledge management, including research and learning; and (c) improving implementation capacity. JEL Classification: H55, J14, J26
Fertility levels have fallen drastically in most industrialized countries. Diverse theoretical and empirical frameworks have had difficulty explaining these unprecedented low levels of fertility. More recently, however, attention has... more
Fertility levels have fallen drastically in most industrialized countries. Diverse theoretical and empirical frameworks have had difficulty explaining these unprecedented low levels of fertility. More recently, however, attention has turned from classic explanations, such as women's increased labour market participation, to gender equity as the essential link to understand this phenomenon. Increases in women's labour market participation did not prompt a rise in men's domestic duties, often referred to as women's 'dual burden' or 'second shift'. Beyond the household, institutions and policies within countries facilitate or constrain the combination of women's employment with fertility. This paper provides an empirical test of gender equity theory by examining whether the unequal division of household labour leads to lower fertility intentions of women within different institutional contexts. Italy constitutes a case of low gender equity, low female labour market participation and the lowest-low fertility. The Netherlands has moderate to high gender equity, high part-time female labour market participation and comparatively higher fertility. Using data from the 2003 Italian Multipurpose Survey -Family and Social Actors and the Dutch sample from the 2004/5 European Social Survey, a series of logistic regression models test this theory. A central finding is that an unequal division of household labour only significantly impacts women's fertility intentions when they already bear a heavy load (more work hours, children), a finding that is particularly salient for working women in Italy.
This report provides an overview of recent immigration and settlement patterns for the four study countries. The most recent available statistics are used and patterns over the past decade are described. Characteristics of the immigration... more
This report provides an overview of recent immigration and settlement patterns for the four study countries. The most recent available statistics are used and patterns over the past decade are described. Characteristics of the immigration flows (among other origin, age, and gender), as well as, other issues related to settlement (for example nationality and citizenship) are discussed. Different immigration flows, including asylum seekers and refugees, are presented. This part provides as much detail and comparability as possible by using different data sources. Special emphasis is put on migrants coming from Africa and Latin America. We make use of existing data and complement it with material specifically gathered and analyzed for the purpose of this study.
A systematic comparison of the Human Mortality Database and official estimates of populations aged 80+ is presented. We consider statistical series for East and West Germany and also series for Denmark, England and Wales, France, Finland,... more
A systematic comparison of the Human Mortality Database and official estimates of populations aged 80+ is presented. We consider statistical series for East and West Germany and also series for Denmark, England and Wales, France, Finland, Hungary, the Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, and Switzerland. The Human Mortality Database (HMD, methodology relies on the methods of extinct and almost extinct generations. HMD estimates are precise if the quality of death data is high and the migration among the elderly is negligible. The comparisons between the HMD and the official populations are not fully appropriate for the 1990s since the HMD calculations are related to official population estimates. A significant overestimation of the male population aged 80+ and especially 90+ between the censuses of 1970 and 1987 was found in West Germany. The relative surplus of men aged 90+ increased from 5 to 20 percent, which expressed in absolute numbers indicates an increase from 2 to 10 thousand. In 1971-1987 the official death rates have fallen dramatically to implausibly low values. In 1987-88 death rates based on the official populations suddenly jumped to the HMD death rates due to the census reestimation. In the 1990s an accelerated decrease in male death rates has resumed. For other countries, the relative and absolute deviations from the HMD estimates were especially high in Russia, Hungary, and England and Wales. Regression analysis reveals common factors of the relative deviation from the HMD populations. The deviation tends to decrease with time, increase with age, be higher during inter-census periods than in census years, and to decrease after the introduction of population registers.
The objective of the study was to assess the determinant factors of low birth weight among newborns delivered at Mekelle Hospital, northern Ethiopia. A cross-sectional study was employed and cards of 180 mothers who gave birth to... more
The objective of the study was to assess the determinant factors of
low birth weight among newborns delivered at Mekelle Hospital,
northern Ethiopia. A cross-sectional study was employed and cards
of 180 mothers who gave birth to low birth weight babies were
assessed. Data was collected using pre prepared structured checklist
and analyzed using SPSS version 16.00. The association between
dependent and independent variables was assessed and presented
using descriptive statistics, student t-test, and ANOVA test. Out of
the180 mothers, 45% of them fall into the age category of 15-19
years. The study finding showed maternal age, fetal sex, parity,
number of antenatal care, gestational age, birth order, and history of
abortion had significant association with low birth weight (P-value <
0.05). This study depicted that low birth weight is a public health
problem in the study area. Hence, attention should be given to
increase community awareness of antenatal care service, access to
family planning and male involvement, prevention of abortion, and
community mobilization to prevent early pregnancy.
Actuaries are professionals who apply mathematics to financial problems. They evaluate the financial implications of contingent events, in other words, events that are not certain to occur. They are often involved in managing the risks... more
Actuaries are professionals who apply mathematics to financial problems. They evaluate the financial implications of contingent events, in other words, events that are not certain to occur. They are often involved in managing the risks that can arise from undesirable contingent events. Actuaries evaluate the likelihood of future events. They also design ways to reduce the financial impact of undesirable events that do occur. To do their work, actuaries must have a high level of technical knowledge. For example, they need to understand the nature of insurance, the risks inherent in different types of assets, the ways in which statistical models can be used, and the legal and regulatory constraints that apply to the business. They must also have good business sense, problem solving skills, and the ability to communicate effectively with others. Their work often affects many stakeholders, so they must be able to balance different interests and observe high ethical standards in doing so...
The human footprint is now large in all the Earth's ecosystems, and construction of large dams in major river basins is among the anthropogenic changes that have had the most profound ecological consequences, particularly for migratory... more
The human footprint is now large in all the Earth's ecosystems, and construction of large dams in major river basins is among the anthropogenic changes that have had the most profound ecological consequences, particularly for migratory fishes. In the Columbia River basin of the western USA, considerable effort has been directed toward evaluating demographic effects of dams, yet little attention has been paid to evolutionary responses of migratory salmon to altered selective regimes. Here we make a first attempt to address this information gap. Transformation of the free-flowing Columbia River into a series of slackwater reservoirs has relaxed selection for adults capable of migrating long distances upstream against strong flows; conditions now favour fish capable of migrating through lakes and finding and navigating fish ladders. Juveniles must now be capable of surviving passage through multiple dams or collection and transportation around the dams. River flow patterns deliver some groups of juvenile salmon to the estuary later than is optimal for ocean survival, but countervailing selective pressures might constrain an evolutionary response toward earlier migration timing. Dams have increased the cost of migration, which reduces energy available for sexual selection and favours a nonmigratory life history. Reservoirs are a benign environment for many non-native species that are competitors with or predators on salmon, and evolutionary responses are likely (but undocumented). More research is needed to tease apart the relative importance of evolutionary vs. plastic responses of salmon to these environmental changes; this research is logistically challenging for species with life histories like Pacific salmon, but results should substantially improve our understanding of key processes. If the Columbia River is ever returned to a quasinatural, free-flowing state, remaining populations might face a Darwinian debt (and temporarily reduced fitness) as they struggle to re-evolve historical adaptations.
Referring to the multidisciplinary and multipurpose survey AKeA2, and focusing on family genealogy data on centenarian women and controls, this paper aims to verify the hypothesis that maternal longevity is associated with lower infant... more
Referring to the multidisciplinary and multipurpose survey AKeA2, and focusing on family genealogy data on centenarian women and controls, this paper aims to verify the hypothesis that maternal longevity is associated with lower infant mortality in offspring, after having controlled for fertility characteristics, familial longevity and some contextual variables. METHODS The association between the longevity of a mother and her children's infant mortality level was assessed using a multivariate Poisson Regression Model with robust estimates, which is suitable for estimating consistently and efficiently the relative risk when binary data are used.
The probability of divorce in the U.S. has remained constant for the last two decades at about "half of all marriages." While this estimate is well established, and marked differentials in divorce rates are well known, there are no... more
The probability of divorce in the U.S. has remained constant for the last two decades at about "half of all marriages." While this estimate is well established, and marked differentials in divorce rates are well known, there are no reliable estimates of differences in the lifetime probability of divorce. Using data from the 1990 June CPS, we document very large differentials by race, age at marriage, and education in the probability that recent cohorts of marriage will end in separation or divorce. Then, using data from the 1995 NSFG, we find important increases in differentials in marital dissolution, and especially in all unions, during this period of stable aggregate rates. These results indicate that examining only marital transitions obscures the growth in family instability that has resulted among some groups because an increasing proportion of unions began as cohabitation.
The European Liaison Committee for Social Housing (CECODHAS) CECODHAS, established in 1988, is the European network for the promotion of the right to decent housing for all. In its membership it has 46 regional and... more
The European Liaison Committee for Social Housing (CECODHAS) CECODHAS, established in 1988, is the European network for the promotion of the right to decent housing for all. In its membership it has 46 regional and national federations which together represent over 39.000 public, voluntary and cooperative social housing enterprises in 19 countries. Together they provide over 21 million homes across the European Union. CECODHAS aims at reinforcing the European social model and promoting the values, successes and the vital future role of its members within that model; promoting integrated approaches to sustainable urban development, stressing that the work of social housing providers is the backbone of social cohesion in European cities; and protecting fundamental rights and fight for quality social services, accessible to all. It is funded by membership fees. CECODHAS European Social Housing Observatory The Observatory is the research branch of CECODHAS. Its main aim is to identify and analyse key trends and research needs in the field of housing and social housing at European level. Its role is to support policy work for the delivery of social housing by providing strategic and evidence-based analysis in the field. AVS, Asociación Española de Promotores de Vivienda y Suelo The Spanish Association of Public Housing and Land Promoters was set up in 1988 at the initiative of 28 companies or public bodies promoting housing and land. Today its membership stretches to almost all public companies in Spain, and it is established in all the country's Autonomous Communities. Amongst the aims of AVS are: implementing the constitutional mandate for public authorities to promote the necessary conditions and establish the relevant norms for making effective all Spanish citizens' rights to enjoy fit and appropriate housing; fostering sustainable building and development; encouraging, structuring and extending the public production sector of housing and land; representing members' general interests; encouraging cooperation and exchange between members and also at European level; and promoting and undertaking research and conferences for improving knowledge and solutions in the field. Building and Social Housing Foundation (BSHF) The Building and Social Housing Foundation (BSHF) is an independent research organisation that promotes sustainable development and innovation in housing through collaborative research and knowledge transfer. Established in 1976, BSHF works both in the UK and internationally to identify innovative housing solutions and to foster the exchange of information and good practice. BSHF is committed to promoting housing policy and practice that is people-centred and environmentally responsible. ORGANISERS AND SPONSORS Building and S o cial H ousing F oundation 1/ Key workers are public sector or service employees (e.g. nurses, teachers, policemen, etc.). Housing policies for key workers aim at facilitating access to housing for these groups where they are unable to afford to buy or rent housing locally on the open market. E.g. nurses, teachers, policemen, etc. Source: X.Tafunell and own statistical processing. * Municipalities with more than 5,000 inhabitants. ** (Total increase in population size and housing stock in Spain)
This chapter discusses the concept of the second demographic transition (SDT) and its relevance for explaining the ongoing changes in family and fertility patterns across Europe. It takes a closer look at the shifts in values and... more
This chapter discusses the concept of the second demographic transition (SDT) and its relevance for explaining the ongoing changes in family and fertility patterns across Europe. It takes a closer look at the shifts in values and attitudes related to family, reproduction, and children, and their representation in different chapters in this collection. It reexamines the link between the second demographic transition and fertility, highlights its strong positive association with fertility at later childbearing ages, and suggests that the transition does not necessarily lead to subreplacement fertility levels. Subsequently, it provides an extensive discussion on the progression of the SDT behind the former 'Iron Curtain.' To explain some apparent contradictions in this process, it employs a conceptual model of 'readiness, willingness, and ability' (RWA) advocated by Lesthaeghe and Vanderhoeft (2001). It also explores the multifaceted nature of the second demographic transition between different social groups, and points out an apparent paradox: whereas lowereducated individuals often embrace values that can be characterised as rather traditional, they also frequently manifest family behaviour associated with the transition, such as non-marital childbearing, high partnership instability, and high prevalence of long-term cohabitation. This suggests that there may be two different pathways of the progression of the second demographic transition. The concluding section points out the role of structural constraints for the diffusion of the transition among disadvantaged social strata, highlights the importance of the 'gender revolution' for the SDT trends, and discusses the usefulness of the SDT framework. 3 Lesthaeghe and van de Kaa acknowledge huge crosscountry heterogeneity in the SDT progression. Van de Kaa (2002: 31) concludes, nevertheless, that the persistent differences "are variations on the common themes: major changes in fertility, a redefinition of the model of the family, improvements in mortality, and becoming countries of immigration." He then concludes that "[i]t is our inability to explain these changes as a purely temporary disturbance, which convinces me that describing them as a 'Second Demographic Transition' is warranted." * All overview and country chapters referred to herein are part of Special Collection 7: Childbearing Trends
Extensive research in both developed and developing countries has shown that intentions for future childbearing predict behavior, net of other characteristics. However, the factors that promote or impede correspondence between fertility... more
Extensive research in both developed and developing countries has shown that intentions for future childbearing predict behavior, net of other characteristics. However, the factors that promote or impede correspondence between fertility intentions and behavior are not well understood. This article uses longitudinal data from Mozambique, a country where fertility transition is still in progress, to explore moderators of the intention-behavior
- by Victor Agadjanian and +1
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- Demography, Developing Country, Demographic, Longitudinal data
Although the association between fertility and education is central to several theories of fertility behaviour and is frequently explored in empirical work, educational differentials in childlessness and cohort parity progression have... more
Although the association between fertility and education is central to several theories of fertility behaviour and is frequently explored in empirical work, educational differentials in childlessness and cohort parity progression have been scarcely documented and few cross-country comparisons have been made.
- by Jonas Wood
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- Demography, Demographic
This article introduces the updated and expanded version of the Financial Development and Structure Database. The database includes indicators on the size, efficiency, and stability of banks, nonbank financial institutions, and equity and... more
This article introduces the updated and expanded version of the Financial Development and Structure Database. The database includes indicators on the size, efficiency, and stability of banks, nonbank financial institutions, and equity and bond markets over 1960 -2007. It also contains indicators of financial globalization. JEL codes: G1, G2
This paper deals both with the issues of confounding and of control, as the definition of a confounding factor is far from universal and there exist different methodological approaches, ex ante and ex post, for controlling for a... more
This paper deals both with the issues of confounding and of control, as the definition of a confounding factor is far from universal and there exist different methodological approaches, ex ante and ex post, for controlling for a confounding factor. In the first section the paper compares some definitions of a confounder given in the demographic and epidemiological literature with the definition of a confounder as a common cause of both treatment/exposure and response/outcome. In the second section, the paper examines confounder control from the data collection viewpoint and recalls the stratification approach for ex post control. The paper finally raises the issue of controlling for a common cause or for intervening variables, focusing in particular on latent confounders.
This study investigated the extent to which learning approaches can be accounted for by personal factors (i.e., demographics, ability, and personality). The participants were 443 students in a university in mainland China. The Revised... more
This study investigated the extent to which learning approaches can be accounted for by personal factors (i.e., demographics, ability, and personality). The participants were 443 students in a university in mainland China. The Revised Two-factor Study Process Questionnaire, the NEO Five-Factor Inventory-3, and the short form of Raven's Advanced Progress Matrices were respectively applied to test students' learning approaches, personality, and ability. The results of correlations and structural equation modelling indicated that male students were more likely to be deep learners than female students; relative to Year-one students, Year-three students were more likely to use the surface learning approach and less likely to use the deep learning approach. Openness to experience and conscientiousness had strong positive effects on the deep learning approach. Neuroticism had positive effect, whereas conscientiousness had negative effect on the surface learning approach. Approximately 44% of the variance in the deep learning approach and approximately 18% of the variance in the surface learning approach could be explained by the three personal factors. Personality was the strongest predictor of learning approaches, whereas ability was the weakest predictor. The implications of the results were discussed.
- by Lily Zhang and +1
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- Personality, Learning approaches, Ability, Demographic
Ecological comparisons in sub-Saharan Africa show that HIV prevalence is lower where men are generally circumcised than where they are not. Randomized controlled trials have found a 50-60% reduction in HIV acquisition for newly... more
Ecological comparisons in sub-Saharan Africa show that HIV prevalence is lower where men are generally circumcised than where they are not. Randomized controlled trials have found a 50-60% reduction in HIV acquisition for newly circumcised men. Yet in Malawi, HIV prevalence is highest in several districts in the Southern Region, where men are commonly circumcised. We draw upon a population-based sample of ever-married women to explore this unexpected finding. Our data show that in the southern district of Balaka, women with circumcised spouses have a lower probability of HIV infection compared to those with uncircumcised spouses. However, the strength of this effect is conditioned by specific marital histories: among women with circumcised spouses, those with multiple marriages and an absence of spousal coresidence have a higher probability of HIV infection than do those married once and those who have never lived apart from their spouses. The history of marital turnover and female-headed households among the ethnic groups of Balaka offer insight into the district's elevated HIV levels.