Energy Saving Strategies Research Papers (original) (raw)

To live in a healthy, comfortable and safe environment is a right for all human beings, yet the sustainability of this habitat requires proper utilization of natural resources. There are many concepts in architecture that take into... more

To live in a healthy, comfortable and safe environment is a right for all human beings, yet the sustainability of this habitat requires proper utilization of natural resources. There are many concepts in architecture that take into account this basic assumption including; nearly zero energy, solar, green, sustainable, integrated, intelligent and zero carbon. In addition, there are many national and international directives and initiatives that promote and require constructions with a lower impact on the environment; however this is not the only issue in architectural design. Some of the other essential topics in architecture are structural soundness, affordability, aesthetics, ease of construction, the ability to deal with natural disasters etc. Therefore the design and construction of a building requires a team of professionals and customers to work together. This paper investigates the state of the art architectural technologies in net zero energy houses of the future by looking at the built examples from the Decathlon 2015 Competition, which are designed to be net zero energy as well as dealing with all the aforementioned topics. The methodology involves determination of architectural characteristics, other energy efficiency solutions and comparison studies between houses. The architectural characteristics, building elements, passive strategies, active strategies, solar energy, and other strategies are detailed for six competition houses that took the highest points in the " Energy Balance " category by measured results. Furthermore, state of the art technologies, which were integrated into the buildings, are also discussed in light of the measured energy efficiency of the houses. In conclusion, the common characteristics and individual technologies of the successful and not so successful net zero houses are given so that they can help light the way to more energy efficient constructions.

Se presenta el plan de manejo ambientalmente amigable, de la Unidad de Manejo Ambiental El Tepez. Es un programa integral, para las 42 hectáreas (420,000 metros cuadrados) de gran diversidad biótica, cuyo centro es un zoocriadero de... more

Se presenta el plan de manejo ambientalmente amigable, de la Unidad de Manejo Ambiental El Tepez. Es un programa integral, para las 42 hectáreas (420,000 metros cuadrados) de gran diversidad biótica, cuyo centro es un zoocriadero de tepezcuintle (agouti paca). El Ejido Ursulo Galvan es la sede de la UMA, ubicado en el Municipio de Othón P. Blanco, Estado Libre y Soberano de Quintana Roo, Estados Unidos Mexicanos.

Educational buildings in Europe account for around 20% of the entire non-residential floor space where good indoor comfort and air quality are essential for correct educational development. Directive 2010/31/UE upholds that the public... more

Educational buildings in Europe account for around 20% of the entire non-residential floor space where good indoor comfort and air quality are essential for correct educational development. Directive 2010/31/UE upholds that the public administration should promote the transformation of its buildings towards Net Zero Energy Buildings. In Spain, it is particularly important to act on the existing building stock since the construction of new buildings has been considerably reduced as a result of the bursting of the property bubble following the frenzied building activity over the last few decades.
This article proposes a method to define and assess strategies to achieve NZEB in university buildings based on student comfort analysis under real conditions. A questionnaire and monitoring campaign was conducted in a typical spring week in the Architecture Faculty in San Sebastian(Spain). User preferences have been considered as an energy saving opportunity. The analysis revealed that students prefer lower indoor temperatures (20-22-5ºC) than stated by theoretical comfort models.
This was the starting point to analyze in detail strategies to reduce the energy consumption of the building and above all, to prioritize these strategies by impact and significance. The principal measures that make it possible to achieve comfort conditions work together with energy saving strategies, which can be achieved through effective interventions in the building. Retrofitting strategies for the winter period are: eliminating thermal bridges, using air-to-air heat recovery systems and improving the windows in the north façade of the building. The results show a potential energy saving of up to 62% and a reduction of two months in the heating period for the Faculty of Architecture.
Furthermore, overheating problems reported by users in summer and shoulder seasons could be solved by using 4 ACH day and night time ventilative cooling, avoiding the installation of air-conditioning systems and all the associated environmental impacts.
Finally, acting on the existing building stock implies necessarily understanding user needs in order to define most adequate energy saving strategies.

This paper investigates several actions for the energy refurbishment of some buildings of the University Hospital Federico II of Naples. The analysis focuses on a specific lot of 4 buildings, representative of the whole district hospital.... more

This paper investigates several actions for the energy refurbishment of some buildings of the University Hospital Federico II of Naples. The analysis focuses on a specific lot of 4 buildings, representative of the whole district hospital. For those structures, sustainable energy savings actions are investigated. They regard the installation of: i) roofs thermal insulation; ii) a substation climatic 3-way valve; iii) radiators thermostatic valves; iv) AHU (air handling unit) time-programmable regulation. This paper aims at presenting an investigation methodology, useful for designers and other stakeholders involved in hospital energy refurbishments, based on an integrated approach which combines dynamic energy performance simulations and experimental campaigns. In order to measure all the simulations' missing input parameters, a suitable experimental analysis, including measurements of temperature, humidity, flow rate and density of construction materials, is performed. A thermographic investigation is also performed for investigating the building envelope performance. This analysis showed that significant savings can be achieved especially by adopting radiators thermostatic valves and AHU regulations.
Coherently, the installation of a 3-way valve in the substation does not determine significant additional savings when radiators thermostatic valves are already installed. For high-rise buildings, roofs insulation returns only marginal reductions of space heating and cooling demands.

In subtropical southeast Queensland, a common to improving thermal comfort in existing school classrooms is to use air-conditioners. However, increasing reliance on air-conditioners in schools adds to energy costs and increases carbon... more

In subtropical southeast Queensland, a common to improving thermal comfort in existing school classrooms is to use air-conditioners. However, increasing reliance on air-conditioners in schools adds to energy costs and increases carbon emissions. Greater understanding of low energy approaches to improving thermal comfort is needed to address this problem. The purpose of this research was to firstly, evaluate the impact of four passive cooling strategies retrofitted to existing classroom buildings and their immediate surrounds in a Brisbane school. The retrofitted interventions were: 1) stack ventilation, 2) cool roof, 3) shade sails over courtyards, and 4) schoolyard greening. Secondly, the research explored the adaptive behaviour of teachers during times of perceived over-heating in classrooms. The research used a case study methodology that combined quantitative (temperature) and qualitative (perceptions of teachers) data gathering within an overarching systems framework. Classroom temperatures were collected before and after interventions from 2012 to 2015. Teachers participated in an online questionnaire and semi-structured interviews in 2015.
Results indicate that the duration of high classroom temperatures decreased following each intervention. However, the reduction in classroom temperature was not enough to be within an acceptable comfort range for summer months, particularly during hot and humid weather. Common adaptive behaviours exhibited by teachers included the use of windows and ceiling fans to increase air movement, and scheduling more intense teaching in the cooler, morning session. The research identified times in the school year when classrooms with passive, retrofitted interventions were within an acceptable comfort range. However, a significant finding was that air-conditioning some classrooms and not others was seen to be an equity issue. The research makes an important contribution to the information available to schools on low energy approaches to improving thermal comfort. These approaches include reducing heat load in existing classrooms by retrofitting passive cooling strategies and increasing awareness amongst teachers of the potential for adaptive behaviours to decrease the use of mechanical cooling and heating.

Phase change materials (PCMs) have been widely used in building applications as a thermal storage medium for passive thermal regulation and for increasing the efficiency of HVAC systems. Both applications have shown great potential in... more

Phase change materials (PCMs) have been widely used in building applications as a thermal storage medium for passive thermal regulation and for increasing the efficiency of HVAC systems. Both applications have shown great potential in reducing energy demand or peak loads for both heating and cooling in buildings. Literature shows different ways to incorporate PCMs in the building envelope. This review focuses on the use of PCMs as an additive or replacement material in typical concrete mixtures for building applications. Literature shows that organic paraffin and non-paraffins are the most suitable PCMs for incorporation into concrete mixtures, as they have suitable melting points that match human comfort temperature, high heat capacity, low volume changes during phase change transition, and good chemical and thermal stability. To avoid PCM leakage from the concrete, indirect methods of PCM incorporation in concrete are highlighted, such as encapsulation methods and vacuum impregnation techniques combined with macro-encapsulation methods. Updated information related to the influence of the type of PCM and different incorporation methods on the physical, mechanical and thermal properties of fresh and hardened concrete is presented. Literature shows that by adding PCM to the concrete mixture the heat storage capacity of concrete is generally increased. However, various studies showed that PCMs also have some negative impacts on the physical and mechanical properties of concrete. New relationships between the quantity of PCM and the change in both the thermal and mechanical properties of the concrete are provided. From the reviewed literature, it can be concluded that the potential of using PCM in concrete still requires further research, to study solutions that allow increasing the amount of PCM that is effectively incorporated into concrete and to develop standard testing procedures for measuring the thermal properties of inhomogeneous materials such as PCM-concrete composites.

Se presentan documentos originales que atañen a la gestión en 19 casos de exitosa conclusión de proyectos de ahorro y uso eficiente de energía, emprendidos por personal de Visión EnerGtiK S. de R.L. MI. Estas documentos son para apoyar... more

Se presentan documentos originales que atañen a la gestión en 19 casos de exitosa conclusión de proyectos de ahorro y uso eficiente de energía, emprendidos por personal de Visión EnerGtiK S. de R.L. MI. Estas documentos son para apoyar procesos de entrenamiento sobre el trabajo, para la administración de proyectos orientados al ahorro y eficiencia eergética, en El Caribe Mexicano. Este paquete es complemento de otros dos: Gamboa Rocha, Ricardo Xavier et al: i)“Entrenamiento en gestión de proyectos de ahorro y uso eficiente de energía: Materiales de apoyo, para la formulación de propuestas” ( y ii)“Gestión de la operación de proyectos para uso eficiente de energía. Antología de apoyo a entrenamiento en el trabajo” ( )”. Ambos, en Cuadernos Metodológicos en Línea, respectivamente números 9 (2 de octubre) y 10 (13 de noviembre) del 2016. Ambos números forman parte de la serie: Formación en el manejo de la componente tecnológica desarrollada. La editorial es: Ciencia y Tecnología Aplicada en Línea CITALI. CEPROS AC , Chetumal, Quintana Roo, México.

En el ámbito arquitectónico y urbano, los temas de sustentabilidad y ahorro energético no solamente se han convertido en temas de investigación recurrente en los últimos años, sino que son una prioridad en la aplicación, por lo que toda... more

En el ámbito arquitectónico y urbano, los temas de sustentabilidad y ahorro energético no solamente se han convertido en temas de investigación recurrente en los últimos años, sino que son una prioridad en la aplicación, por lo que toda práctica sustentable y con potencial de conservación o reducción del gasto energético debería considerarse como una opción prioritaria al momento de la toma de decisiones. Este artículo presenta una serie de reflexiones e información importante en torno a las posibilidades de reciclaje o reúso creativo que tienen los espacios, estructuras e inmuebles subutilizados o abandonados para, a partir de ellos, lograr reactivar sectores urbanos constituyendo una infraestructura detonadora favorecedora de procesos de resiliencia urbana. La intención es hacer reflexionar sobre las ventajas de la aplicación de esta práctica de reciclaje arquitectónico y urbano y resaltar los logros que ésta ha alcanzado.

More than 40% of the overall energy consumption and 36% of the overall CO2 emissions are produced by buildings in Europe. Looking through the European building stock, only 1%-1.5% of it is the newly built each year. An important... more

More than 40% of the overall energy consumption and 36% of the overall CO2 emissions are produced by buildings in Europe. Looking through the European building stock, only 1%-1.5% of it is the newly built each year. An important adaptation strategy to comply with future legislation to an economically viable approach is to adapt the building stock to future energy standards. In refurbishment projects high energy savings and reductions of greenhouse gases can be achieved by using multifunctional facade systems. One of their main applications is for fast thermal refurbishment of the existing building stock. They provide high thermal requirements and make use of the advantages of prefabrication. Avoiding thermal bridges, achieving high air tightness targets, and its compactness are its outshine specifications on energy efficiency. Also, Large-scale innovative renewable energy sources can be integrated. Another focus lies in considering different technical solutions and integration of new " smart-materials " which subsumes solar comb also. This paper investigates multifunctional facade systems whose smart material is used as solar comb. Some applied examples are also examined to understand effectiveness of these systems. In conclusion role of multifunctional façade system on refurbishments and energy save rates of them are discussed and evaluated.

The presentation is focused on the technologies used with Sopharam-Litex Towesr, Sofia and the achieved energy efficient savings for the last 3.5 years since the project is finished. The presentation is one overview of the basic... more

The presentation is focused on the technologies used with Sopharam-Litex Towesr, Sofia and the achieved energy efficient savings for the last 3.5 years since the project is finished.
The presentation is one overview of the basic principals used with the project of the daylighting and post effects as results from the usage of advanced adaptive facade concept.
Also, the complex is still under monitoring, but general basic energy consumption is already normalized, known and stabile for the last 2 years.
The project has been nominated 2013 as on of the nZEB samples for Europe from Glass for Europe trade association for Europe's manufacturers and has been shown successfully on many regional end European conferences last 3 years.

Cloud data centers consume enormous amounts of energy that resulting in high operating costs and carbon dioxide emissions. The goal is to improve the utilization of computing resources and reduce energy consumption by a method of VM... more

Cloud data centers consume enormous amounts of energy that resulting in high operating costs and carbon dioxide emissions. The goal is to improve the utilization of computing resources and reduce energy consumption by a method of VM migration management. In this Paper a new heuristic selection policy based on the dynamic VM consolidation technique proposed to reduce energy consumption and number of VM migrations, this policy is combined with other allocation policies to select the appropriate virtual machines. It is shown by the simulation and using that all the five composite policies give a significant energy consumption reduction and number of VM migration when compared with the previously proposed policies VM consolidation quality (QVM) and Run-time selection algorithm coefficient of variation (CV), are two new metrics presented as important features of this research to measuring the SLAV in an IaaS environment.

El avance del proyecto fue presentado el 13 de octubre del2013, a la Asambea General del Ejido Ursulo Galván, Quintana Roo, en forma de tabla de doble entrada. Las celdas contienen: nombre completo, telefono, email, actividad... more

El avance del proyecto fue presentado el 13 de octubre del2013, a la Asambea General del Ejido Ursulo Galván, Quintana Roo, en forma de tabla de doble entrada. Las celdas contienen: nombre completo, telefono, email, actividad específica de turismo alternativo realizado y categoría ( o "tipo") en que se inscribe. Es una especie de "Who's Who" .

An industrial sector uses more energy than any other end-use sectors and currently this sector is consuming about 37% of the world’s total delivered energy. Energy is consumed in the industrial sector by a diverse group of industries... more

An industrial sector uses more energy than any other end-use sectors and currently this sector is consuming about 37% of the world’s total delivered energy. Energy is consumed in the industrial sector by a diverse group of industries including manufacturing, agriculture,mining, and construction and for a wide range of activities, such as processing and assembly, space conditioning, and lighting. This paper presents a comprehensive literature review about industrial energy saving by management, technologies and policies. Latest literatures in terms of thesis (MS and PhD), journal articles, conference proceedings, web materials, reports, books, handbooks on industrial energy management, policies and energy savings strategies have been compiled. Energy saving by management including energy audit, training programs and housekeeping beside some energy management practices in the world has been reviewed. Energy saving technologies, such as use of high efficiency motors (HEMs), variable sp...

به‌دلیل محروم بودن بسیاری از روستاها از امکانات و تجهیزات مدرن شهری و محدود بودن منابع مالی روستائیان، مسکن روستایی یکی از مهم‌ترین مساکن نیازمند کنترل مصرف انرژی است. متأسفانه در سال‌های اخیر با تدوین قوانین حمایتی از ساخت مسکن روستایی... more

به‌دلیل محروم بودن بسیاری از روستاها از امکانات و تجهیزات مدرن شهری و محدود بودن منابع مالی روستائیان، مسکن روستایی یکی از مهم‌ترین مساکن نیازمند کنترل مصرف انرژی است. متأسفانه در سال‌های اخیر با تدوین قوانین حمایتی از ساخت مسکن روستایی به روش جدید و با مصالح جدید، مسکن بومی مورد بی‌مهری واقع شده و ساخت‌و‌سازهای جدید تبدیل به عاملی بازدارنده در تمایل به ساخت مسکن به شیوه بومی در روستاها شده است. این امر از یک سو موجب مخدوش شدن سیما و هویت بومی روستاها شده و از سوی دیگر به‌دلیل عدم هماهنگی ساخت و سازهای جدید با شرایط محیطی و اقلیمی، افزایش هزینه ساخت‌و‌ساز و افزایش مصرف انرژی در بخش مسکن روستایی را در پی داشته است.
در این مقاله تلاش شده تا با دقت و موشکافی در راهکارهای به‌کار رفته در مسکن روستایی بومی، شگردهای معمارانه صرفه‌جویی در مصرف انرژی که حاصل همسازی بنا با محیط و اقلیم پیرامون آن است، شناسایی و معرفی شود. در این راستا به کمک آمار 18 ایستگاه هواشناسی استان، مهم‌ترین پهنه‌های اقلیمی با توجه به توپوگرافی منطقه شناسایی شد. سپس با انجام تحقیقات میدانی و کسب اطلاعات مورد نیاز از روستاهای منتخب که شامل 24 روستای مطالعه شده توسط بنیاد مسکن و 40 روستای تکمیلی توسط تیم تحقیق بود، مرز بین پهنه‌های اقلیمی تعیین گردید.
نتیجه این مطالعه نشان می‌دهد که استان سمنان با توجه به توپوگرافی متنوع آن، واقع بین کوه‌های البرز و دشت کویر، دارای سه پهنه اقلیمی کوهپایه‌ای، دشتی و کویری است که تفاوت‌های اقلیمی آن منجر به شکل‌گیری معماری خاص در هر پهنه شده است. ویژگی‌های طراحی کالبدی خانه‌های روستایی، مصالح و روش‌های اجرایی به‌کار رفته در آن‌ها، موجب شده تا علاوه بر استفاده از انرژی‌‌های طبیعی برای تأمین آسایش حرارتی، با شرایط نامطلوب اقلیمی نیز مقابله شود. این مقاله ضمن معرفی شگردهای معمارانه به‌کار رفته در معماری بومی پهنه‌های مختلف استان، به ارائه معیارهای طراحی مسکن روستایی همساز با اقلیم در هر پهنه می‌پردازد.

efficient heat recovery from waste water with less than 500 kWh energy input per year

El documento describe puntualmente los avances en dos años de incubación de una microempresa de base tecnológica, ambientalmente amigable, en el giro de deporte y turismo alternativo. Las actividades descritas son MUY diferentes a las... more

El documento describe puntualmente los avances en dos años de incubación de una microempresa de base tecnológica, ambientalmente amigable, en el giro de deporte y turismo alternativo. Las actividades descritas son MUY diferentes a las comunmente realizadas, por ejemplo, en las incubadoras universitarias de empresas. El documento tiene forma de guión de una presentación de avances, efectuado a los superiores de un centro de incubación, por los participantes en el proyecto.

Se presenta memoria fotografica de avaces logrados durante el primer bimestre de ejecución del proyecto "Reconversión inmobiliara para dotar a la vivienda unifamiliar de espacios externos multiuso, ambientlamente amigables. Caso... more

Se presenta memoria fotografica de avaces logrados durante el primer bimestre de ejecución del proyecto "Reconversión inmobiliara para dotar a la vivienda unifamiliar de espacios externos multiuso, ambientlamente amigables. Caso Chetumal". Iniciado el 16 de septiembre del 2016, el es al 19 de noviembre del 2016. Ubicación del inmueble objeto de esta reconversión puntual: 2ndo Retorno de Carranza 566 (frente a Notaría 54), Fcto. Framboyanes, Chetumal, Quintana Roo, CP 77034, México.

In this paper, we propose a traffic engineering based adaptive approach to dynamically reconfigure the computing-plus-communication resources of networked data centers which support in real-time the service requirements of mobile clients... more

In this paper, we propose a traffic engineering based adaptive approach to dynamically reconfigure the computing-plus-communication resources of networked data centers which support in real-time the service requirements of mobile clients connected by TCP/IP energy-limited wireless backbones. The goal is to maximize the energy-efficiency, while meeting hard QoS requirements on the delivered transmission rate and processing delay. In order to cope with the (possibly, unpredictable) fluctuations of the offered workload, the proposed optimal cross-layer resource controller is adaptive. It jointly performs: i) the balanced control and dispatching of the admitted workload; ii) the dynamic reconfiguration of the Virtual Machines (VMs) instantiated onto the parallel computing platform at the data center; and iii) the rate control of the traffic injected into the wireless backbone for delivering the service to the requiring clients. Performance of the proposed joint scheduler is evaluated and compared with two existing ones.
Energy-Saving Adaptive Computing and Traffic Engineering for Real-Time-Service Data Centers.

District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned... more

District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned through the heat sales. Due to the changed climate conditions and building renovation policies, heat demand in the future could decrease, prolonging the investment return period. The main scope of this paper is to assess the feasibility of using the heat demand – outdoor temperature function for heat demand forecast. The district of Alvalade, located in Lisbon (Portugal), was used as a case study. The district is consisted of 665 buildings that vary in both construction period and typology. Three weather scenarios (low, medium, high) and three district renovation scenarios were developed (shallow, intermediate, deep). To estimate the error, obtained heat demand values were compared with results from a dynamic heat demand model, previously developed and validated by the authors. The results showed that when only weather change is considered, the margin of error could be acceptable for some applications (the error in annual demand was lower than 20% for all weather scenarios considered). However, after introducing renovation scenarios, the error value increased up to 59.5% (depending on the weather and renovation scenarios combination considered). The value of slope coefficient increased on average within the range of 3.8% up to 8% per decade, that corresponds to the decrease in the number of heating hours of 22-139h during the heating season (depending on the combination of weather and renovation scenarios considered). On the other hand, function intercept increased for 7.8-12.7% per decade (depending on the coupled scenarios). The values suggested could be used to modify the function parameters for the scenarios considered, and improve the accuracy of heat demand estimations. Abstract It has been globally recognized as necessary to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for mitigating the adverse effects of global warming on earth. Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage (CCS) technologies can play a critical role to achieve these reductions. Current CCS technologies use several different approaches including adsorption, membrane separation, physical and chemical absorption to separate CO2 from flue gases. This study aims to evaluate the performance and energy savings of CO2 capture system based on chemical absorption by installing an intercooler in the system. Monoethanolamine (MEA) was used as the absorption solvent and Aspen HYSYS (ver. 9) was used to simulate the CO2 capturing model. The positioning of the intercooler was studied in 10 different cases and compared with the base case 0 without intercooling. It was found that the installation of the intercooler improved the overall efficiency of CO2 recovery in the designed system for all 1-10 cases. Intercooler case 9 was found to be the best case in providing the highest recovery of CO2 (92.68%), together with MEA solvent savings of 2.51%. Furthermore, energy savings of 16 GJ/h was estimated from the absorber column alone, that would increase many folds for the entire CO2 capture plant. The intercooling system, thus showed improved CO2 recovery performance and potential of significant savings in MEA solvent loading and energy requirements, essential for the development of economical and optimized CO2 capturing technology.

La propuesta persigue ampliar, modernizar y diversificar al Balneario Ejidal, para la consolidación de los proyectos productivos que mantiene en operación y, a su vez, para mejor contribuir al desarrollo integral del Ejido Ursulo Galván... more

La propuesta persigue ampliar, modernizar y diversificar al Balneario Ejidal, para la consolidación de los proyectos productivos que mantiene en operación y, a su vez, para mejor contribuir al desarrollo integral del Ejido Ursulo Galván de que forma parte.

El proyecto busca sustituir, con productos LED desarrollados en Chetumal, las 17,000 luminarias del sistema de alumbrado pùblico en la ciudad de Chetumal, a partir del resultado de mediciones de eficiencia y pruebas piloto convencionales... more

El proyecto busca sustituir, con productos LED desarrollados en Chetumal, las 17,000 luminarias del sistema de alumbrado pùblico en la ciudad de Chetumal, a partir del resultado de mediciones de eficiencia y pruebas piloto convencionales versus LED-innovadas, del montaje y operación del laboratorio de alta tecnología con los recursos humanos capacitados para manufacturar las luminarias LED y del escalamiento prototipo-planta piloto de la tecnología de equipo, proceso y producto necesarios.

The strong dependence of the livestock sector on fossil fuel could be challenged in a matter of decades or sooner, either by rising fossil fuels prices of by the commitments foreseen under carbon emission reduction protocols. In this... more

The strong dependence of the livestock sector on fossil fuel could be challenged in a matter of decades or sooner, either by rising fossil fuels prices of by the commitments foreseen under carbon emission reduction protocols. In this context, it is relevant to assess the energy footprint of animal products and to identify potential strategies for the transition towards a greater reliance on renewable energy.

A design method for pre-swirl stators energy saving devices, using a combined BEM-RANSE approach, is proposed. RANSE calculations, using actuator disks, are employed to provide the required thrust and the effective wake to an unsteady... more

A design method for pre-swirl stators energy saving devices, using a combined BEM-RANSE approach, is proposed. RANSE calculations, using actuator disks, are employed to provide the required thrust and the effective wake to an unsteady Boundary Element Method through which the rate of revolution of the propeller and its averaged performance in self-propulsion are evaluated. An automatic variation of the pre-swirl geometry, driven by an optimization algorithm that operates on the parameters defining the device, realizes an automatic "try-and-error" process, which is used as a design tool for the maximization of the energy saving effect. Results obtained for different numbers of stator fins show outstanding improvements, up to a reduction of the required shaft power of about 8%.

En 72 páginas, se presenta una memoria documental y fotográfica de seis meses de ejecución del proyecto orientado a rehabilitar, en paquete, la infraestructura física de ocho instancias públicas de primer y segundo nivel de atención a la... more

En 72 páginas, se presenta una memoria documental y fotográfica de seis meses de ejecución del proyecto orientado a rehabilitar, en paquete, la infraestructura física de ocho instancias públicas de primer y segundo nivel de atención a la salud en un municipio mexicano: el de Solidaridad, Estado de Quintana Roo. Fueron rehabilitadas, a satisfacción del cliente (La Secretaría de Salud SESA, del Gobierno de Quintana Roo), las siguientes instancias públicas de atención a la salud: Hospital Integral de Playa del Carmen, Centro de Salud Urbano Zazil-Há, Centro de Salud Urbano de la Franja Ejidal de la Ciudad de Playa del Carmen, Centro de Salud de Tulum, Centro de Salud Rural de Chanchén, Centro de Salud Rural de Cobá, Centro de Salud Rural de San Silverio y Centro de Salud Rural de Yalchen.

Se exponen ideas generales de reciclaje de agua jabonosa que articulen aspectos sociales y ambientales; Si la persona, comunidad o grupo que usará el filgrec, esta organizado y es consciente de sus acciones, entenderá con facilidad que:... more

Se exponen ideas generales de reciclaje de agua jabonosa
que articulen aspectos sociales y ambientales; Si la persona, comunidad o grupo que usará el filgrec, esta organizado y es consciente de sus acciones, entenderá con facilidad que: El agua jabonosa favorece el crecimiento de vegetales. Esto es una novedadimportante para la aplicación óptima
del saneamiento ambiental. es la idea que soporta la
transferencia de tecnología innovadora que
recicla agua jabonosa con un fin distinto
al de las plantas de tratamiento, ya que el
agua se obtiene de FILAGREC se destina al riego de vegetales, frutales o plantas de ornato. Al reutilizar y reciclar el agua es
factible aumentar la biomasa vegetal, lo que producirá oxigeno; asimismo, es agua de riego articulada a nuevos patrones de
instalación de huertos familiares.

El recibo se refiere al monto monetario erogado por el Gobierno del Estado de Quintana Roo, por mejora en la Clínica No. 2 de primer nivel de atención, operada en la ciudad de Chetumal por su Secretaría de Salud. El documento forma... more

El recibo se refiere al monto monetario erogado por el Gobierno del Estado de Quintana Roo, por mejora en la Clínica No. 2 de primer nivel de atención, operada en la ciudad de Chetumal por su Secretaría de Salud. El documento forma parte de la carpeta-antología de materiales de apoyo al entrenamiento, sobre el trabajo ("on the job training"), para la administración de proyectos de mejora tecnológica en el campo de ahorro y uso eficiente de energías. Se presenta desglose de conceptos de mejoras infraestructurales realizadas, con respectivos costos (Pesos mexicanos de 14 de marzo del 2007)

La propuesta busca, mediante recursos obtenidos a través de línea de crédito abierta por el FIDE, introducir y operar las innovaciones necesarias para completar las medidas de ahorro tomadas por El Horno Creativo: Biergarten Café del 1º... more

La propuesta busca, mediante recursos obtenidos a través de línea de crédito abierta por el FIDE, introducir y operar las innovaciones necesarias para completar las medidas de ahorro tomadas por El Horno Creativo: Biergarten Café del 1º de septiembre al 31 de diciembre del 2011, y generar energía renovable interconectada a la red CFE, que permita: a)que el consumo de electricidad del bimestre 31 de octubre a 31 de diciembre del 2011 se reduzca entre 90 y 100% para el bimestre noviembre-diciembre del 2012; b) sentar las bases tecnológico-metodológicas para que el sistema de ahorro de energía esté coherentemente incluida en el esquema de franquicia de la matriz Chetumal de El Horno Creativo: Biergarten Café, que será lanzado en febrero del 2013; c)que todo el proyecto funja como prototipo de lo que es posible lograr en un micronegocio gastrónimico y de esparcimiento EN operación en El Caribe mexicano.

El pago para cubrir la facturación mensual de energía elécrtica del último lustro, de las plantas de ZZZZZZZ1 y YYYYYYYY, observa una creciente proporción. Impacta negativamente, cada vez más, los costos globales de XXXXXX SA de CV y... more

El pago para cubrir la facturación mensual de energía elécrtica del último lustro, de las plantas de ZZZZZZZ1 y YYYYYYYY, observa una creciente proporción. Impacta negativamente, cada vez más, los costos globales de XXXXXX SA de CV y obstaculiza la posición de liderazgo de la empresa en el mercado estadounidense americano2. Se requiere establecer estrategias e introducir mejoras puntuales, capaces de ahorrar y eficientar –de manera verificable- los sistemas de energía que actualmente se emplean. A satsisfacer este requerimiento, tomando como punto de partida la planta de ZZZZZZZ, Edomex, es que se orienta la presente propuesta.

Today’s cities are increasingly converging into networked physical spaces experienced by the ‘shared culture’ of the communities. Addressing social and environmental problems through ‘smart,’ ’technological and social innovations’ takes a... more

Today’s cities are increasingly converging into networked physical spaces experienced by the ‘shared culture’ of the communities. Addressing social and environmental problems through ‘smart,’ ’technological and social innovations’ takes a pivotal role in creating such a society. Among technological innovations, network systems and smart phones emerge as foremost platforms that enable citizens to reinvent cities in accordance with their shared values regarding social, economic and environmental problems in cities. It is generally agreed that one of the most significant problems of many cities, especially megacities, is overdose energy consumption. If innovative ways are not found to create energy-efficient lifestyles, these cities will continue to be resource hungry. Therefore, this paper focuses on ‘individual to community feedback loops’ and in this context, how individuals learn to reduce their energy consumption towards an energy efficient lifestyle with technological innovation tools, in dwelling domain. In this framework, the research is an attempt to propose an operational modeling of individual to community learning feedback mechanism for reduced energy use through a web based platform (CODALoop) which is compatible with smartphones. The platform consists of three main functionalities: individual energy use calculation, a learning mechanism (forum and behavioral questionnaire) and a GIS based mapping tool. Additionally, the neighborhoods in Kadıköy District of Istanbul Metropolitan Area in Turkey provide the test-beds for the platform. Accordingly, a small volunteer group from neighborhoods of Kadıköy is organized for the initial test of the platform, and volunteers have entered their monthly individual energy consumption data and behavioural questionnaire data in dwelling domain through the platform. Then, these two types of data (energy use and behavioral questionnaire data) extracted the platform to analyzing the behavioral patterns of different user groups and designing the user feedback strategy. In the final part of this paper, initial results of the energy use and behavioral questionnaire data are summarized. Preliminary data results regarding with the dwelling energy consumption reveal that most of the energy is spent on heating and cooling in the dwelling units. This result is followed by electrical household appliances and lighting. When the behavioral patterns regarding energy consumption are examined through the questionnaire, it is found out that in reducing individual energy consumption in a dwelling, the users are more significantly influenced by attitudes and self-efficacy dimensions defined in the cognitive model rather than subjective norms dimension.
Since this paper is part of an ongoing research project, future steps are also organized through a comprehensive methodology framework on behavioral change through the design, implementation and assessment of learning feedback loops towards becoming a 'smart citizen and society'.
Acknowledgement: This paper is part of a EU-ERANET Co-fund (Smart City) consortium project titled: Community Data-Loops for energy-efficient urban lifestyles (CODALoop) and supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), 116K011.

Se presenta un tríptico, como modelo base para la promoción presencial de los servicios de una microempresa que actúa en el mercado local de innovación y mejora tecnológica para el ahorro y uso eficiente de energía. El modelo que se... more

Se presenta un tríptico, como modelo base para la promoción presencial de los servicios de una microempresa que actúa en el mercado local de innovación y mejora tecnológica para el ahorro y uso eficiente de energía. El modelo que se presenta se ha tomado del caso 2010, de la pequeña compañía ESCO (siglas de Energy Saving Company) denominada Visión EnerGtiK S. de R.L. MI (VEN).

Educational buildings in Europe account for around 20% of the entire nonresidential floor space where good indoor comfort and air quality are essential for correct educational development. Directive 2010/31/UE upholds that the public... more

Educational buildings in Europe account for around 20% of the entire nonresidential floor space where good indoor comfort and air quality are essential for correct educational development. Directive 2010/31/UE upholds that the public administration should promote the transformation of its buildings towards Net Zero Energy Buildings. In Spain, it is particularly important to act on the existing building stock since the construction of new buildings has been considerably reduced as a result of the bursting of the property bubble following the frenzied building activity over the last few decades. This article proposes a method to define and assess strategies to achieve NZEB in university buildings based on student comfort analysis under real conditions. A questionnaire and monitoring campaign was conducted in a typical spring week in the Architecture Faculty in San Sebastian (Spain). User preferences have been considered as an energy saving opportunity. The analysis revealed that students prefer lower indoor temperatures (20-22-5ºC) than stated by theoretical comfort models. This was the starting point to analyze in detail strategies to reduce the energy consumption of the building and above all, to prioritize these strategies by impact and significance. The principal measures that make it possible to achieve comfort conditions work together with energy saving strategies, which can be achieved through effective interventions in the building. Retrofitting strategies for the winter period are: eliminating thermal bridges, using air-to-air heat recovery systems and improving the windows in the north façade of the building. The results show a potential energy saving of up to 62% and a reduction of two months in the heating period for the Faculty of Architecture. Furthermore, overheating problems reported by users in summer and shoulder seasons could be solved by using 4 ACH day and night time ventilative cooling, avoiding the installation of airconditioning systems and all the associated environmental impacts. Finally, acting on the existing building stock implies necessarily understanding user needs in order to define most adequate energy saving strategies.

Memoria Fotográfica del ANTES, DURANTE y DESPUES de la ejecución 2009-2010 del Proyecto de Incorporacion de bioclimatización, en un paquete tecnológico para reconversión sustentable de inmueble tradicional a negocio de alimentos y... more

Memoria Fotográfica del ANTES, DURANTE y DESPUES de la ejecución 2009-2010 del Proyecto de Incorporacion de bioclimatización, en un paquete tecnológico para reconversión sustentable de inmueble tradicional a negocio de alimentos y bebidas. El inmueble reconvertido se ubica en Avenida Zaragoza Nos. 17 y 19 X Calle Isla Contoy y Blvd Bahia, Col Barrio Bravo, Chetumal Q. Roo. Fue adquirido en diciembre del 2008. El proyecto inició el 15 de mayo del 2009 y concluyó exitosamente el 10 de junio del 2010.