Functional Form Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Page 1. Are School Uniforms a Good Fit? Results From the ECLS-K and the NELS Ryan Yeung Syracuse University, New York ... Paliokas and Rist (1996) suggested that other factors associated with the treatment may explain the stark results... more

Page 1. Are School Uniforms a Good Fit? Results From the ECLS-K and the NELS Ryan Yeung Syracuse University, New York ... Paliokas and Rist (1996) suggested that other factors associated with the treatment may explain the stark results seen in Long Beach. ...

The way urbanization unfolds over the next few decades in the developing countries of Asia will have profound implications for sustainability. One of the more important opportunities is to guide urbanization along pathways that begin to... more

The way urbanization unfolds over the next few decades in the developing countries of Asia will have profound implications for sustainability. One of the more important opportunities is to guide urbanization along pathways that begin to uncouple these gains in well-being from rising levels of energy use. Increasing energy use for transport, construction, climate control in houses and offices, and industrial processes is often accompanied by increasing levels of atmospheric emissions that impact human health, ecosystem functions, and the climate system. Agriculture, forestry, and animal husbandry alter carbon stocks and fluxes as carbon dioxide, methane, and black carbon. In this article we explore how carbon management could be integrated into the development strategies of cities and urbanizing regions. In particular, we explore how changes in urban form, functions, and roles might alter the timing, aggregation, spatial distribution, and composition of carbon emissions. Our emphasis is on identifying system linkages and points of leverage. The study draws primarily on emission inventories and regional development histories carried out in the regions around the cities of Manila, Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh City, New Delhi, and Chiang Mai. We find that how urban functions, such as mobility, shelter, and food, are provided has major implications for carbon emissions, and that each function is influenced by urban form and role in distinct ways. Our case studies highlight the need for major “U-turns” in urban policy.

A hybrid Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes/Large-Eddy Simulation (RANS/LES) methodology has received considerable attention in recent years, especially in its application to wall-bounded flows at high-Reynolds numbers. In the conventional... more

A hybrid Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes/Large-Eddy Simulation (RANS/LES) methodology has received considerable attention in recent years, especially in its application to wall-bounded flows at high-Reynolds numbers. In the conventional zonal hybrid approach, eddy-viscosity-type RANS and subgrid scale models are applied in the RANS and LES zones, respectively. In contrast, the non-zonal hybrid approach uses only a generalized turbulence model, which provides a unified simulation approach that spans the continuous spectrum of modeling/simulation schemes from RANS to LES. A particular realization of the non-zonal approach, known as partially resolved numerical simulation (PRNS), uses a generalized turbulence model obtained from a rescaling of a conventional RANS model through the introduction of a resolution control function F R , where F R is used to characterize the degree of modeling required to represent the unresolved scales of turbulent motion. A new generalized functional form ...

The hybrid meta density functionals M05-2X and M06-2X have been shown to provide broad accuracy for main group chemistry. In the present article we make the functional form more flexible and improve the self-interaction term in the... more

The hybrid meta density functionals M05-2X and M06-2X have been shown to provide broad accuracy for main group chemistry. In the present article we make the functional form more flexible and improve the self-interaction term in the correlation functional to improve its self ...

This paper extends the Integrated Conditional Moment (ICM) test for the functional form of nonlinear regression models to tests for para- metric conditional distributions. This test is formed on the basis of the integrated squared... more

This paper extends the Integrated Conditional Moment (ICM) test for the functional form of nonlinear regression models to tests for para- metric conditional distributions. This test is formed on the basis of the integrated squared difference between the empirical characteristic function of the actual data and the characteristic function implied by the model. This test is consistent, and has nontrivial

Large sets of elements interacting locally and producing specific architectures reliably form a category that transcends the usual dividing line between biological and engineered systems. We propose to call them morphogenetically... more

Large sets of elements interacting locally and producing specific architectures reliably form a category that transcends the usual dividing line between biological and engineered systems. We propose to call them morphogenetically architected complex systems (MACS). While taking the emergence of properties seriously, the notion of MACS enables at the same time the design (or “meta-design”) of operational means that allow controlling and even, paradoxically, programming this emergence. To demonstrate our claim, we first show that among all the self-organized systems studied in the field of Artificial Life, the specificity of MACS essentially lies in the close relation between their emergent properties and functional properties. Second, we argue that to be a MACS a system does not need to display more than weak emergent properties. Third, since the notion of weak emergence is based on the possibility of simulation, whether computational or mechanistic via machines, we see MACS as good candidates to help design artificial self-architected systems (such as robotic swarms) but also harness and redesign living ones (such as synthetic bacterial films).

The present study utilized a latent variable modeling approach to examine the Simple View of Reading in a sample of students from 3rd, 7th, and 10th grades (N = 215, 188, and 180, respectively). Latent interaction modeling and other... more

The present study utilized a latent variable modeling approach to examine the Simple View of Reading in a sample of students from 3rd, 7th, and 10th grades (N = 215, 188, and 180, respectively). Latent interaction modeling and other latent variable models were employed to investigate (a) the functional form of the relationship between decoding and linguistic comprehension in third grade, (b) the contribution of these predictors as children progress through school, and (c) the contribution of passage fluency, working memory, and performance IQ to a model of reading for all grades. Results did not support the Simple View of Reading for students in grades 3, 7 and 10. Additionally, it was found that passage fluency significantly predicted reading comprehension after controlling for decoding and linguistic comprehension for students in grades 7 and 10. Likewise performance IQ was found to be a significant predictor of reading comprehension for students in third grade.

Nowadays, business globalization, complex consumer requirements, and high technology development have led to vigorous business competition and market uncertainty. In new product design, it is increasingly important to put more emphasis on... more

Nowadays, business globalization, complex consumer requirements, and high technology development have led to vigorous business competition and market uncertainty. In new product design, it is increasingly important to put more emphasis on innovative concerns than quality and speed of production. Providing unique, innovative and value-added products becomes a crucial strategy for success. This study aims to develop a new product design process that concentrates on radical innovations. Visioning thinking, TRIZ, Image Scale, and Morphological Analysis are integrated for developing designs with a balance of rational/logical analyses and intuitive/creative thinking. The proposed process fulfills the need for radical innovation through enriching heuristic thinking. It is a useful methodology that adds value to products in terms of technological functions, form perceptions, and holistic usability. A proposal of therapy bike design for cerebral palsy children is demonstrated using the new process. Through case demonstration, designers could enhance products with human-centered values while coping with market uncertainty effectively. The applicability of the vision-oriented approach for innovative product design is verified.

This paper analyses the demand for petroleum products in India. For this purpose, econometric models based on time series data are generated for individual products so as to capture product specific factors affecting demand. The models... more

This paper analyses the demand for petroleum products in India. For this purpose, econometric models based on time series data are generated for individual products so as to capture product specific factors affecting demand. The models generated follow the non-homothetic translog functional form. The models are validated against historical data by testing them for ex post forecast accuracy. Demand forecasts till the year 2010 are obtained for the various petroleum products using these models. The forecasts indicate a high rate of growth in demand for motor gasoline, high speed diesel oil, kerosene, liquid petroleum gas and aviation turbine fuel. However, the demand for fuel oils, light diesel oil, naphtha and lube oils is expected to grow at a relatively lower rate. To arrive at an optimal refinery process configuration, an analysis of alternative means of satisfying the demand, which include product import options and domestic refining options with alternative process configurations, need to be done. Thus, investment plans for augmenting domestic refining capacity will have to take into account the future pattern of demand, to arrive at an optimal product mix. Forecasting demand forms a crucial aspect in the overall policy analysis of the oil and gas sector.

The Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) concept holds the promise of seamlessly integrating all the information produced throughout all phases of a product's life cycle to everyone in an organization at every managerial and technical... more

The Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) concept holds the promise of seamlessly integrating all the information produced throughout all phases of a product's life cycle to everyone in an organization at every managerial and technical level, along with key suppliers and customers. PLM systems are tools that implement the PLM concept. As such, they need the capability to serve up the information referred to above, and they need to ensure the cohesion and traceability of product data.We describe a product information-modeling framework that we believe can support the full range of PLM information needs. The framework is based on the NIST Core Product Model (CPM) and its extensions, the Open Assembly Model (OAM), the Design-Analysis Integration model (DAIM) and the Product Family Evolution Model (PFEM). These are abstract models with general semantics, with the specific semantics about a particular domain to be embedded within the usage of the models for that domain. CPM represents the product's function, form and behavior, its physical and functional decompositions, and the relationships among these concepts. An extension of CPM provides a way to associate design rationale with the product. OAM defines a system level conceptual model and the associated hierarchical assembly relationships. DAIM defines a Master Model of the product and a series of abstractions called Functional Models—one for each domain-specific aspect of the product—and two transformations, called idealization and mapping, between the master model and each functional model. PFEM extends the representation to families of products and their components; it also extends design rationale to the capture of the rationale for the evolution of the families.The framework is intended to: (1) capture product, design rationale, assembly, and tolerance information from the earliest conceptual design stage—where designers deal with the function and performance of products—to the full lifecycle; (2) facilitate the semantic interoperability of next-generation CAD/CAE/CAM systems; and (3) capture the evolution of products and product families. The relevance of our framework to PLM systems is that any data component in the framework can be accessed directly by a PLM system, providing fine-grained access to the product's description and design rationale.

A new set of empirical equations for prediction of displacement response spectral ordinates from 20 Hz to T = 20 s is illustrated. The coefficients of the equations were obtained by regressing a dataset based on 1,155 tri-axial digital... more

A new set of empirical equations for prediction of displacement response spectral ordinates from 20 Hz to T = 20 s is illustrated. The coefficients of the equations were obtained by regressing a dataset based on 1,155 tri-axial digital and 9 analog accelerometer records from 60 earthquakes worldwide. Long period disturbances in the accelerograms were evaluated and removed using a very recent method, aimed at preserving the long-period spectral content of the records. Analysis of variance has disclosed only little evidence for regional dependence of ground motions, while a carefully conducted evaluation of site effects resulted in clearly differentiated spectral amplification bands associated to the main ground types B, C, and D of Eurocode 8. Spectral ordinates for vibration periods >5 s were found to scale with magnitude quite consistently with theoretical scaling from Brune’s model. On the other hand, comparison of results with those yielded by recent prediction models in Europe and the United States (NGA), indicated that the latter may not be uniformly reliable at long periods. The proposed empirical equations are easily implemented in computer programs for seismic hazard assessment, being characterized by a simple functional form and a restricted number of predictor variables.

The use of growth factor models for trip distribution has given way in the past to the use of more complex synthetic models. Nevertheless growth factor models are still used, for example in modelling external trips, in small area studies,... more

The use of growth factor models for trip distribution has given way in the past to the use of more complex synthetic models. Nevertheless growth factor models are still used, for example in modelling external trips, in small area studies, in input-output analysis, and in category analysis. In this article a particular growth factor model, the Furness, is examined. Its application and functional form are described together with the method of iteration used in its operation. The “expected information” statistic is described and interpreted and it is shown that the Furness model predicts a trip distribution which, when compared with observed trips, has the minimum expected information subject to origin and destination constraints. An equivalent entropy maximising derivation is described and the two methods compared to show how the Furness iteration can be used in gravity models with specified deterrence functions. A trip distribution model explicitly incorporating information from observed trips, is then derived. It is suggested that if consistency is to be maintained between iteration, calibration, and the derivation of gravity models, then expected information should be used as the calibration statistic to measure goodness of fit. The importance of consistency in this respect is often overlooked. Lastly, the limitations of the models are discussed and it is suggested that it may be better to use the Furness iteration rather than any other, since it is more fully understood. In particular its ease of calculation makes it suitable for use in small models computed by hand.

Received 14 May 1996; accepted in revised form 23 August 1996 ... Key words: GNA, insect resistance, lectins, Lepidoptera, potato, transgenic plants ... Insecticidal effects of three plant-derived genes, those encoding snowdrop lectin... more

Received 14 May 1996; accepted in revised form 23 August 1996 ... Key words: GNA, insect resistance, lectins, Lepidoptera, potato, transgenic plants ... Insecticidal effects of three plant-derived genes, those encoding snowdrop lectin (GNA), bean (Phaseolus vul-garis) ...

A meta-regression analysis including 167 farm level technical efficiency (TE) studies of developing and developed countries was undertaken. The econometric results suggest that stochastic frontier models generate lower mean TE (MTE)... more

A meta-regression analysis including 167 farm level technical efficiency (TE) studies of developing and developed countries was undertaken. The econometric results suggest that stochastic frontier models generate lower mean TE (MTE) estimates than non-parametric deterministic models, while parametric deterministic frontier models yield lower estimates than the stochastic approach. The primal approach is the most common technological representation. In addition, frontier models based on cross-sectional data produce lower estimates than those based on panel data whereas the relationship between functional form and MTE is inconclusive. On average, studies for animal production show a higher MTE than crop farming. The results also suggest that the studies for countries in Western Europe and Oceania present, on average, the highest levels of MTE among all regions after accounting for various methodological features. In contrast, studies for Eastern European countries exhibit the lowest estimate followed by those from Asian, African, Latin American, and North American countries. Additional analysis reveals that MTEs are positively and significantly related to the average income of the countries in the data set but this pattern is broken by the upper middle income group which displays the lowest MTE.