Gastarbeiter Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Vielen nicht-muslimischen aber auch muslimischen Akteuren sind die Entwicklung und der aktuelle Stand der muslimischen Institutionalisierung in Deutschland wenig bekannt. Die Namen mancher Organisationen kennt man zwar mehr oder weniger,... more

Vielen nicht-muslimischen aber auch muslimischen Akteuren sind die Entwicklung und der aktuelle Stand der muslimischen Institutionalisierung in Deutschland wenig bekannt. Die Namen mancher Organisationen kennt man zwar mehr oder weniger, doch selbst vielen Muslimen ist nicht bewusst, wie diese Institutionen entstanden sind. In diesem Beitrag soll zum einen ein Einblick in die historische Entwicklung der muslimischen Gemeinschaften gegeben werden, zudem der aktuelle Status Quo aufgegriffen und schließlich ein Blick in eine mögliche und wahrscheinliche Zukunft der muslimischen Institutionalisierung in Deutschland geworfen werden.

The paper focuses on the (re)emergence in the late twentieth century of a specific form of cross-border labour migration--viz. guest-work or circular/managed migration--that is designed to keep migrants from settling in receiving... more

The paper focuses on the (re)emergence in the late twentieth century of a specific form of cross-border labour migration--viz. guest-work or circular/managed migration--that is designed to keep migrants from settling in receiving countries. The paper is part of a larger project that situates this form of transnational work-mobility regimes within the larger historical debates over the slippery line between free labour and forced labour. Specifically, it traces the genealogy of guest-work, and makes some preliminary observations about the specificity of contemporary circular / managed migration as it becomes incrementally normalized as a desirable policy tool across the world.

This thesis deals with the experiences, the everyday life and the attitudes towards life of Turkish women in Linz and neighbouring cities, a group considered by the autochthonous population with prejudices. For decades, historically grown... more

This thesis deals with the experiences, the everyday life and the attitudes towards life of Turkish women in Linz and neighbouring cities, a group considered by the autochthonous population with prejudices. For decades, historically grown cultural identities, narratives and clichés have been instrumentalized and cultivated on both sides in a problematic way by politics, media and society. This tends to drive ideological wedges between Turkish women, descendants of guest workers and Turkish women still arriving in Austria and the Austrian population.
The present study explores the heterogeneity of Turkish women in Linz in a synchronous comparison and thus also establishes a confrontation between the first generation and the subsequent generations. The theory and its existing stereotypes were examined in the empirical-qualitative part by means of oral history in the still neglected subjective perspective with ten different interviews to make comparisons of images of life and with existing statistics. Due to the enormous complexity of the topic, however, the study does not include a survey of representatives of the Austrian population and does not claim to represent the Turkish community.
As a result, there is a very diverse and individual stratum of society, which also corresponds to the heterogeneity in Turkey, even though the religion practiced in Europe, such as Islam or Alevism, can develop their own momentum. Also, political commitment can depend heavily on the level of education. Experiences and perceptions of discrimination vary according to their individual careers, and the atmosphere in politics and the media, which sometimes amplifies Austrian hostility to the Turks, is also perceived to be different. Friendships are mostly confined to women from the own cultural or international background, and closer contact with Austrians happens mainly in the educational or professional context. The memory of Turkish women born in Austria focus less on the behaviour of their parents or on institutional hurdles and more on the role of teachers or Austrian neighbours when it comes to find causes for possibly missed or successful steps and activities of integration.
These two concerned sides of the Austrian society have a difficult relationship due to problematic identity politics. Even the quite common marriage practice in Turkish culture combined with the “standstill agreement” of the Association Agreement of 1963 still has a significant impact on successor generations and their integration. Up-to-date political arrangements on the one hand and a reflected approach with historical narratives and topics such as identity formation in education on the other hand are required more than ever.

& Raoul Motika and Michael Ursinus (eds.)

Die deutsche Erzählung über „Gastarbeiter“ lautet, dass diese heimtückisch von der deutschen Industrie angeheuert wurden, dann (überraschende Wendung) in Deutschland das gelobte Land sahen, hier bleiben wollten, jedoch auf eine... more

Die deutsche Erzählung über „Gastarbeiter“ lautet, dass diese heimtückisch von der deutschen Industrie angeheuert wurden, dann (überraschende Wendung) in Deutschland das gelobte Land sahen, hier bleiben wollten, jedoch auf eine ausländerfeindliche Bevölkerung stießen, sich schließlich aber doch gegen alle Widerstände ansiedelten. Mit einem Blick auf Diskurse über Arbeitsmigranten, bezeichnen wir dieses Narrativ als „Opfer-Plot“. Er ist nicht nur blind für die transnationalen Verwicklungen des Migrationsprozesses, sondern er entmündigt auch die Migrantinnen und Migranten, denn diese ließen sich keineswegs nativ nach Deutschland locken. Die Mehrheit der Arbeitsmigranten erhoffte sich schnelles Geld für einen sozialen Aufstieg in der Heimat – und zeigte sich empört, wenn jemand erwartete, dass sie länger als geplant in Deutschland bleiben sollte. Tatsächlich kehrten von 14 Millionen eingereisten Arbeitsmigranten 12 Millionen wieder zurück. Bis heute prägen der Opfer-Plot und die Konzentration auf die Integration die Diskussion über Ausländer und verbiegen die Perspektive. Am Beispiel der italienischen Arbeitsmigranten in Wolfsburg lässt sich zeigen, wie sich selbst unter idealen Bedingungen die Integration schwierig gestaltete, teilweise weil die Integration schlicht nicht in das Lebenskonzept der Arbeitsmigranten passte.

U knjizi se objavljuju dokumenti koji otkrivaju metode rada Službe državne sigurnosti (SDS), razmjere obavještajne i protuobavještajne djelatnosti prema gastarbajerima iz Hrvatske, ali i iz drugih jugoslavenskih republika u razdoblju od... more

U knjizi se objavljuju dokumenti koji otkrivaju metode rada Službe državne sigurnosti (SDS), razmjere obavještajne i protuobavještajne djelatnosti prema gastarbajerima iz Hrvatske, ali i iz drugih jugoslavenskih republika u razdoblju od 1963. do 1977. godine. Početkom šezdesetih godina, a posebno 1963. godine, bilježi se znatan porast zahtjeva za odlazak na rad u inozemstvo, koji je nastavljen i u idućim godinama, posebno nakon liberalizacije postupka izdavanja putnih isprava. U to vrijeme nastaju i prve opsežnije analize SDS-a o toj problematici. Donošenje novih jugoslavenskih propisa o zapošljavanju u inozemstvu 1973. i 1974. godine, poklopilo se sa zaustavljanjem masovnog zapošljavanja radnika u zemljama zapadne Europe nakon naftne krize potkraj 1973. godine. Uvrštavanjem dokumenata do 1977. godine nastoji se ilustrirati na koji su način SDS i druge službe unutrašnjih poslova postupale prema gastarbajterima i procjenjivale sigurnosnu situaciju u zemlji u neposrednim godinama nakon toga. U kontekstu tadašnjih sukoba na Bliskome istoku, SDS je procjenjivao da bi politička emigracija mogla pojačati svoje aktivnosti i korištenje veza među gastarbajterima s ciljem djelovanja protiv SFRJ. Odabrani su dokumenti grupirani u dvije veće tematske cjeline. Prva se odnosi na skupne analize, planove mjera i druge materijale o sigurnosnim i obavještajnim aspektima emigriranja radnika (ilegalno iseljavanje, utjecaj političke emigracije na gastarbajtere, emigriranje kvalificiranih i visokokvalificiranih radnika, boravak vojnih obveznika na radu u inozemstvu, mjere pripravnosti i poslovi službi unutrašnjih poslova u vezi s prihvatom radnika iz inozemstva u slučaju ratne opasnosti ili rata). Druga se cjelina odnosi na materijale o operativnoj akciji „Odmor” koja se najintenzivnije provodila u mjesecima kada je znatan broj gastarbajtera dolazio na odmor u zemlju. Zastupljeni su materijali prikupljeni ili nastali radom svih organizacijskih razina SDS-a (ispostave, područni centri, republička i savezna Služba). Uz uvodnu studiju na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku, svrha je takvog odabira dati uvid i putokaz za temeljitija istraživanja te problematike.

Sind die teils massiven Integrationsprobleme der Arbeitsmigranten nur die Folge falschen Zögerns der Bundesregierungen, Deutschland schon in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren zum Einwanderungsland zu erklären? Gegen den in der Ideologisierung... more

Sind die teils massiven Integrationsprobleme der Arbeitsmigranten nur die Folge falschen
Zögerns der Bundesregierungen, Deutschland schon in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren zum Einwanderungsland zu erklären? Gegen den in der Ideologisierung nach 1968 entstandenen „Opfer-Plot“ von der kapitalistischen Ausbeutung der Migranten wenden sich Hedwig und Ralf Richter. Auf der Basis ihrer Studien über italienische Gastarbeiter im Wolfsburger VW-Werk plädieren
die Autoren dafür, die Mitverantwortung der Migranten für das Geschehen stärker zu berücksichtigen und auf diachrone Vergleiche mit der Fremdarbeiterpolitik der
NS-Zeit besser zu verzichten.

Étienne Balibar, Nous, citoyens d’Europe ? Les frontières, l’État, le peuple (Paris, La Découverte, 2001)

Abstract The Return is a 1972 movie directed and co-starred by Türkan Şoray (and Kadir İnanır) is set in a village of Anatolia. The movie is mainly about the problems of women and migration. In 1973, it was given the special award in... more

The Return is a 1972 movie directed and co-starred by Türkan Şoray (and Kadir İnanır) is set in a village of Anatolia. The movie is mainly about the problems of women and migration. In 1973, it was given the special award in Moskova Film Festival and it was the mostly watched film of the year in Turkey. One of the reasons of its popularity might stem from the fact that the film gives a voice to the thousand gastarbeiters (who immigrate from Turkey to Germany), whose problems are mostly ignored and neglected in the motion pictures. With this movie, underprivileged groups such as women and working class people had a chance to be seen and recognized in cinema and their problems are acknowledged. In other words, topics like immigration, identity and sense of belonging are scrutinized. Thus, in this study, the women issue, the immigrant5 issue and the identity issue will be explored with reference to the theories of cultural studies theorists by giving examples from the movie, The Return.
Key Words: Women, Immigration, Identity, Türkan Şoray, Kadir İnanır, Türk Sineması.
Başrollerini Türkan Şoray ve Kadir İnanır’ın paylaştığı 1972 yapımı Dönüş filmi, Türkiye’de kadın ve göç sorununu ele almaktadır. Türkan Şoray’ın ilk yönetmenlik ürünü olan ve 1973 Moskova Film Festivali’nde özel ödüle layık görülen Dönüş filmi aynı zamanda aynı yıl en çok hasılat elde eden film olmuştur. Filmin bu başarısının altında Türkiye’den Almanya’ya, Avrupa’ya gastarbeiter (misafir işçi) olarak giden binlerce insanın sorunlarına ayna tutması ve o zamana kadar beyazperdede çok önemsenmeyen, göz ardı edilen işçi sınıfının ve kadınların sorunlarına ses vererek, kimlik, göç, göçmenlik, arafta kalma gibi birçok temaya değinmesi önemli bir etken olabilir diye düşünüyoruz. Bu çalışmada, kültür teorisyenlerinin teorilerine değinerek ve Dönüş filmi üzerinden örneklemelerle “kadın, göç ve kimlik sorunu” incelenecektir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Kadın, Göç, Kimlik, Türkan Şoray, Kadir İnanır, Turkish Cinema, Gastarbeiters.

This paper explores Drago’s Trumbetaš collection of drawings called "Gastarbeiter Series" from an anthropological perspective. Dragutin Trumbetaš (1937–2018) was a Croatian self-taught artist who spent a major part of his life working... more

This paper explores Drago’s Trumbetaš collection of drawings called "Gastarbeiter Series" from an anthropological perspective. Dragutin Trumbetaš (1937–2018) was a Croatian self-taught artist who spent a major part of his life working various jobs as a guest worker in Germany. His Gastarbeiter drawings that are based on his personal experience as a migrant realistically depict the hardship and everyday practices of the first wave immigrants who came as temporary labor workers to Western Europe in the ’60s. His artworks could serve as an important material for researching the attitudes, values, and experiences of migrants, and ultimately shed a light on their process of acculturation to a new cultural and social environment.

This paper is about labor migration in Austria and Vorarlberg. The paper includes a definition of the essential concepts of migration. In the following chapters the Austrian and Vorarlberg migration history, the government regulated... more

This paper is about labor migration in Austria and Vorarlberg. The paper includes a definition of the essential concepts of migration. In the following chapters the Austrian and Vorarlberg migration history, the government regulated recruitment of Turkish guest-workers and their historical and economic importance will be displayed. The focus of this paper is to show which historical developments have caused recruitment of foreign workers and which positive and negative effects this political move had for Austria and also for the migrants themselves.

This article analyses the phenomena of political and trade union mobilization which arose amongst Spanish emigrants in the Federal Republic of Germany during the dictatorship of General Franco. Starting with the examination of the rise of... more

This article analyses the phenomena of political and trade union mobilization which arose amongst Spanish emigrants in the Federal Republic of Germany during the dictatorship of General Franco. Starting with the examination of the rise of emigrant associations in that country, we continue by analysing the different trends and organisations, political and trade-unionist, active amongst Spanish emigrants. After a chronological tour through the development of the main Spanish anti-Francoist activities and social and labour demandings in Germany, we finally approach the analysis of the various policies adopted by the Spanish and German states in response to the phenomena of this mobilization.

Auch wenn sich in den letzten Jahren auf politischer wie gesellschaftlicher Ebene zunehmend ein Selbstverständnis Deutschlands als Migrationsgesellschaft etabliert hat, wird zugleich deutlich, dass die legitime Zugehörigkeit neu... more

Auch wenn sich in den letzten Jahren auf politischer wie gesellschaftlicher Ebene zunehmend ein Selbstverständnis Deutschlands als Migrationsgesellschaft etabliert hat, wird zugleich deutlich, dass die legitime Zugehörigkeit neu Migrierter und seit Jahrzehnten in Deutschland lebender Menschen mit (zugeschriebener) Migrationsgeschichte nicht selbstverständlich ist. In gesellschaftlichen wie politischen Debatten lässt sich nach wie vor eine Haltung ausmachen, die Migrationsbewegungen nach Deutschland lediglich dann befürwortet, wenn ‚Migrant_innen‘ einen wirtschaftlichen und/oder arbeitsmarktpolitischen (Mehr-)Wert versprechen. Über die Analyse der sogenannten Gastarbeit bis zu gegenwärtigen asyl- und integrationspolitischen Umgangsweisen mit Migration erörtern wir das spannungsreiche und dis-kontinuierliche Verhältnis von rassistischen Ein- und Ausschlüssen migrierter Menschen angesichts ökonomistischer Diskurse in der bundesdeutschen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart.

Between 1953 and 1973, emigration depleted the Modern Greek state by roughly one fifth of its total population. A significant number of those migrants relocated to Germany, which since 1960, has been home to a sizeable community of former... more

Between 1953 and 1973, emigration depleted the Modern Greek state by roughly one fifth of its total population. A significant number of those migrants relocated to Germany, which since 1960, has been home to a sizeable community of former Gastarbeiter (guest-workers) and their descendants. Following three decades of European Integration and relative prosperity, the 2009 Greek sovereign debt crisis initiated a new wave of Greek emigration, analogous, yet different to that of the postwar era. Germany remains an attractive destination for Greek expatriates, but in contrast to guest-workers from the 1960s, "neo-migrants" are typically skilled or highlyskilled persons who relocate individually. This paper examines the qualitative attributes of Greek expatriates and "neo-migrants" in Germany and compares them to those of former guest-workers; furthermore, this paper compares the narratives of Gastarbeiter to those of European expatriates. Finally, the perceptions of Greek expatriates for the established Greek community in Germany are looked into, as well as the individual and collective efforts of the Greek community and institutions to help and ease their socioeconomic integration.

›Gastarbeit‹ ist keine abgeschlossene Episode der deutschen Migrationsgeschichte, sondern wirkt bis heute nach. In ihrer rassismustheoretischen Analyse entwickelt Veronika Kourabas die heuristischen Konzepte Ge-Brauch und Ver-Brauch, um... more

›Gastarbeit‹ ist keine abgeschlossene Episode der deutschen Migrationsgeschichte, sondern wirkt bis heute nach. In ihrer rassismustheoretischen Analyse entwickelt Veronika Kourabas die heuristischen Konzepte Ge-Brauch und Ver-Brauch, um Rassismus als paradoxes Ungleichheitsverhältnis zu erfassen. ›Gastarbeit‹ wird dadurch als Ge-Brauchsverhältnis greifbar, das Migrationsandere ökonomisch einbezieht, aber über rassistisch vermittelte Diskurse zugleich ausschließt. Mit diesen Ansätzen sowie der Rekonstruktion widerständiger Praktiken wird nicht nur die Analyse und Kritik vergangener, sondern auch gegenwärtig dominanter Diskurse über Flucht und Migration eröffnet.

Between 1953 and 1973, emigration depleted the Modern Greek state by roughly one fifth of its total population. A significant number of those migrants relocated to Germany, which since 1960, has been home to a sizeable community of... more

Between 1953 and 1973, emigration depleted the Modern Greek state by roughly one
fifth of its total population. A significant number of those migrants relocated to
Germany, which since 1960, has been home to a sizeable community of former
Gastarbeiter (guest-workers) and their descendants. Following three decades of
European Integration and relative prosperity, the 2009 Greek sovereign debt crisis
initiated a new wave of Greek emigration, analogous, yet different to that of the post-war era. Germany remains an attractive destination for Greek expatriates, but in
contrast to guest-workers from the 1960s, "neo-migrants" are typically skilled or highly-skilled persons who relocate individually. This paper examines the qualitative attributes of Greek expatriates and "neo-migrants" in Germany and compares them to those of former guest-workers; furthermore, this paper compares the narratives of Gastarbeiter to those of European expatriates. Finally, the perceptions of Greek expatriates for the established Greek community in Germany are looked into, as well as the individual and collective efforts of the Greek community and institutions to help and ease their socioeconomic integration.

Since the late 1980s, a steady stream of literature has been emerging from circles of the Turkish minority in the Netherlands. The article offers a survey of this literature, characterises its main themes and concerns, and demonstrates... more

Since the late 1980s, a steady stream of literature has been emerging from circles of the Turkish minority in the Netherlands. The article offers a survey of this literature, characterises its main themes and concerns, and demonstrates how successive phases in this literature reflect ...

This paper is about the children of Greek labour migrants in Germany. We focus on two life-stages of ‘return’ for this second generation: as young children brought to Greece on holidays or sent back for longer periods, and as young adults... more

This paper is about the children of Greek labour migrants in Germany. We focus on two life-stages of ‘return’ for this second generation: as young children brought to Greece on holidays or sent back for longer periods, and as young adults exercising an independent ‘return’ migration. We draw both on literature and on our own field interviews with 50 first- and second-generation Greek-Germans. We find the practise of sending young children back to Greece to have been surprisingly widespread yet little documented. Adult relocation to the parental homeland takes place for five reasons: (i) a ‘search for self’; (ii) attraction of the Greek way of life; (iii) the actualisation of the ‘family narrative of return’ by the second, rather than the first, generation; (iv) life-stage events such as going to university or marrying a Greek; (v) escape from a traumatic event or oppressive family situation. Yet the return often brings difficulties, disillusionment, identity reappraisal, and a re-ev...

Berlin Duvarı 1961’de yükseldi. Doğu Berlin’den günübirlik çalışmaya gelen emekçilerin önü birdenbire kesildi. Böylece Türkiye’den göçmenlerin ‘ek’ işgücü olarak çağrılmasıyla sıra dışı bir serüven başladı. Emek göçünün failleriydi onlar.... more

Berlin Duvarı 1961’de yükseldi. Doğu Berlin’den günübirlik çalışmaya gelen emekçilerin önü birdenbire kesildi. Böylece Türkiye’den göçmenlerin ‘ek’ işgücü olarak çağrılmasıyla sıra dışı bir serüven başladı. Emek göçünün failleriydi onlar. Savaş yorgunu, enkaz halindeki Almanya’yı yeniden canlandırabilmek için, yaşamlarını, ailelerini, anılarını, ‘ev’lerini, geride, anavatanda bırakarak, gelecekleri ve aileleri için, umut içinde ama biraz da tedirginlik ve korkuyla, yepyeni bir yaşama doğru yola koyuldular. Sirkeci Garı’ndan davul zurna ile yolcu edilip, Almanya‘da coşkuyla karşılandılar. Misafir işçilerdi onlar: bugün orada, yarın anavatanlarında. Oysa zaman içinde yabancı işçi ve göç kökenli vatandaş oldular. Çoğunun geri dönüş planları, ertelendikçe ertelendi, değişti ve günbegün kalıcılaştılar. Eş, çocuklar, torunlar, yeni nesiller… Derken, bugün Almanya’da dördüncü nesle ulaştılar. Kalıcılaşmayla birlikte, çocukların eğitim sorunları gün yüzüne çıktı. Bunun yanında kimlik, aidiyet ve entegrasyon sorunları da. ‘Arada kalmış’, ‘dejenere olmuş’, ‘kayıp kuşak’, ‘gurbetçi’, ‘Almancı’, ‘parçalanmış kimlikler’, ‘kimlik krizi yaşayanlar’, ‘tutunamayanlar’ olarak nitelendirildiler. Kimlik bunalımı yaşayan, problemli bireyler olarak etiketlendiler/etiketlenmek istendiler. Acaba gerçekten böyle mi? Yoksa onlar diasporik kimlikleri sayesinde çok zengin bir kültüre mi sahipler? Akşam evde Türkiye’yi, sabah okulda Almanya’yı yaşayan öğrencilerin okulda gördükleri tarih, coğrafya ve vatandaşlık eğitimi dersleri onların yaşamları için nasıl çözümler üretiyor ya da gerilim alanları yaratıyor? Almanya’da Kimlik, Aidiyet ve Türkiye Kökenli Öğrenciler kitabı zengin bir kültürel alaşıma ve dinamik, kendilerine özgü bir kimliğe sahip Türkiye kökenli öğrencilerin kimlik inşalarına ve aidiyet gelişimlerine, vatandaşlık eğitimi temelli derslerin katkılarının neler olduğunu belirlemek üzere yazıldı. Bu kitap, bu sürecin nasıl olduğunu, deneyim pratiklerini Almanya’da yine özne olarak Türkiye kökenlilere sorarak ortaya koyuyor.
İrem Pamuk bu kitabın, günümüzde göçmen kökenli tüm bireylerin yaşadığı kimlik problemlerine de farklı bakış açıları katmasını umut ediyor.

Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland und andere westeuropäische Industriestaaten warben von den 1950er bis zu den frühen 1970er Jahren Millionen ausländische Arbeitskräfte an, um ihre nationalen Arbeitsmärkte in Zeiten der Hochkonjunktur zu... more

Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland und andere westeuropäische Industriestaaten warben von den 1950er bis zu den frühen 1970er Jahren Millionen ausländische Arbeitskräfte an, um ihre nationalen Arbeitsmärkte in Zeiten der Hochkonjunktur zu ergänzen. Zahlreiche bilaterale Anwerbeabkommen boten den Rahmen. Bis heute werden die Folgen des "Gastarbeiter"-Systems unter dem Stichwort "Integration" kontrovers diskutiert. Das Sammelwerk bietet aktuelle Ergebnisse der Historischen Migrationsforschung. Dabei werden die Bedingungen und Formen der Anwerbung und deren Auswirkungen für Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik ebenso untersucht wie Aspekte der Integration auf kommunaler und nationaler Ebene. Diese übergreifende Perspektive ermöglicht neue Einblicke in die Geschichte der Arbeitsmigration.

Few studies have been made of the „return‟ of the second-generation children of migrants to their parental homeland. In this paper we examine this „migration chronotope‟ for German-born children of the Greek labour migrants who moved to... more

Few studies have been made of the „return‟ of the second-generation children of migrants to their parental homeland. In this paper we examine this „migration chronotope‟ for German-born children of the Greek labour migrants who moved to Germany in the early postwar decades, initially as „guestworkers‟, later becoming more-or-less settled immigrant communities. We focus on two life-stages of return: as young children brought back to Greece for annual holidays or sent back for longer periods, usually to stay with grandparents; and as young adults exercising an independent return, usually leaving their parents (the first generation) behind in Germany. Our source material is twofold: a review of the limited German literature of the 1970s and 1980s on Greek migration to and from Germany; and our own recent field research in Berlin, Athens and Thessaloniki where we interviewed 50 first- and second-generation Greek-Germans, the majority of them second-generation. We find the practice of sending young children back to Greece to have been surprisingly widespread yet little documented. Often such family separations and transnational childhoods were disruptive, both for the family unit and for the individual child. Memories of holiday visits, on the other hand, were much more positive. Independent, adult return to the parental homeland takes place for five main reasons, according to our interview evidence: (i) a dream-like „search for self‟ in the „homeland‟; (ii) the attraction of the Greek way of life over the German one; (iii) the actualisation of a „family narrative of return‟ inculcated by the parents but carried out only by the adult children; (iv) life-stage triggers such as going to university in Greece, or marrying a Greek; and (v) return as „escape‟ from a traumatic event or an oppressive family situation. Yet adapting to the Greek way of life, finding satisfactory employment and achieving a settled self-identity in the Greek homeland were, to a greater or lesser extent, challenging objectives for our research participants, some of whom had become quite disillusioned with Greece and re-identified with their „German side‟. Others, on the other hand, were comfortable with their decision to „return‟ to Greece, and were able to manage and reconcile the two elements in their upbringing and residential history. Comparisons are made with other studies of second-generation „return‟, notably in the Caribbean.

Im deutschen Alltag wird italienische Kultur gesucht, gefunden und erfunden. In puncto Lebensstil wollen viele heute möglichst italienisch wirken - nicht mehr möglichst pariserisch oder amerikanisch. Die Deutschen werden, wie die... more

Im deutschen Alltag wird italienische Kultur gesucht, gefunden und erfunden. In puncto Lebensstil wollen viele heute möglichst italienisch wirken - nicht mehr möglichst pariserisch oder amerikanisch. Die Deutschen werden, wie die Italiener, immer mehr zu Weltbürgern; sie gemeinden ehemals Fernes und Fremdes ein, mischen es mit dem Gewohnten und veralltäglichen es. Doch zugleich halten sie auf geradezu romantische Weise fest an dem Wunsch, mit Italienischem Leichtigkeit, Schönheit und Genuss in ihr Leben zu holen.

The project is a comparative research on the living conditions of Greek immigrants in Germany, before and after the 1992 Maastricht Treaty on European Union, aiming to determine if and how this step of European integration impacted on... more

The project is a comparative research on the living conditions of Greek immigrants in Germany, before and after the 1992 Maastricht Treaty on European Union, aiming to determine if and how this step of European integration impacted on their lives. The field research has been conducted entirely in Germany, at the sites of Greek migrant communities in the country. Such research has never been done in the past, and being the first of its kind, without a doubt it will contribute greatly to the field of political science. Starting with the reasons,-other than the obvious financial ones-, that lead to the bilateral agreement for labour recruitment between the two countries in 1960, this research moves on by comparing the migratory regime of Gastarbeiter immigration with that of European expatriation, in terms of differences and similarities, as it also examines how the advanced civil rights secured by the 1992 Treaty on European Union and its subsequent treaties, facilitated an integration friendly environment for European Union nationals living and working in Germany. Further, this research looks into the effects of intra-European low politics, on important aspects of everyday life, such as work and education as well as on the overall concept of European integration.

I use archival evidence to analyze the Czechoslovak-Vietnamese labor exchange program between 1967 and 1989. Using the program as a lens, I examine the changes in the Czechoslovak state’s self-conception qua a state-socialist state and... more

I use archival evidence to analyze the Czechoslovak-Vietnamese labor exchange program between 1967 and 1989. Using the program as a lens, I examine the changes in the Czechoslovak state’s self-conception qua a state-socialist state and provider of care. I find that the status of Vietnamese workers in relation to Czechoslovak state’s conception of welfare changed from that of an object of care in the early phases of the program to that of a means the state used to secure welfare and “social comfort” for its citizens. Crucial to this transformation was a progressive drive toward greater commodification of Vietnamese workers’ labor. Drawing on Michael Burawoy’s argument that the key feature of migrant labor is the separation between the processes of labor’s reproduction and maintenance, each of which takes place in a different nation state, I argue that during the phases when the Czechoslovak state assumed a significant financial and practical responsibility for Vietnamese workers’ education and training (i.e., their reproduction as labor) the degree of their commodification was relatively low and it was further limited by their eligibility for some (though not all) welfare and social services provided to them on the same basis as they were provided to Czechoslovak citizens. When, however, in the last phase of the program, the Czechoslovak state stopped assuming responsibility for Vietnamese workers’ education and training and started valuing them primarily for being a “fully mobile labor force” that could be used to plug the holes in Czechoslovak labor market, the degree of Vietnamese workers’ commodification increased substantially. Concomitantly, the Czechoslovak state’s economic priorities took precedence over the Vietnamese state’s economic and developmental priorities. My last major finding, however, is that both Vietnamese workers and Vietnamese government officials pushed back: the former through strikes and insubordination, and the latter through pressure at the negotiating table. I argue that, contrary to received ideas, the ideology of internationalism and socialism constituted a valuable resource for this pushback because (1) it made the Czechoslovak state politically accountable to its Vietnamese counterpart, and (2) it provided an effective vernacular in which to articulate the non-negotiability of workers’ rights. If interested in reading more, please contact me at

In this article, I analyze changes in the Czechoslovak-Vietnamese labor exchange program between 1967 and 1989, specifically Czechoslovak state’s policies toward pregnant Vietnamese workers. In the program, Czechoslovak state’s... more

In this article, I analyze changes in the Czechoslovak-Vietnamese labor exchange program between 1967 and 1989, specifically Czechoslovak state’s policies toward pregnant Vietnamese workers. In the program, Czechoslovak state’s commitment as welfare provider was confronted with its commitment to socialist internationalism. I argue that the policies toward pregnant Vietnamese workers constituted a part of the process through which the Czechoslovak state was redefining the limits of care it saw itself obligated to provide. I also argue that the conflict between the two states over the appropriate treatment of pregnant Vietnamese workers was an outgrowth of a more general feature of Czechoslovak state socialism: the tension between the pressure to increase/maintain productivity and the pressure to increase fertility. The gradual transformation of the program into a more decentralized and market-exchange-like form shaped the nature of the conflict, the attempts to resolve it, as well as the limited efficacy of the solutions.

„Dem ewigen Deutschtum“ – diese Widmung las ich kürzlich, als ich mal wieder in Deutschland zu Besuch war. Es stand in großen Lettern auf einem Fakultätsgebäude der Freiburger Universität. Ich fand dann heraus, dass dieser Spruch 1936... more

„Dem ewigen Deutschtum“ – diese Widmung las ich kürzlich, als ich mal wieder in Deutschland zu Besuch war. Es stand in großen Lettern auf einem Fakultätsgebäude der Freiburger Universität. Ich fand dann heraus, dass dieser Spruch 1936 dort eingemeißelt wurde und heute als Mahnmal dienen soll. Nach so einem Hinweis hatte ich schon lage gesucht – das Deutschtum ist also ewig.