Giovanni Arrighi Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Esta não é propriamente uma resenha do texto de Giovanni Arrighi, mas, uma análise das resenhas do livro 'Adam Smith em Pequim' feitas no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos, de modo a se poder colocar uma interpretação das diferentes... more
Esta não é propriamente uma resenha do texto de Giovanni Arrighi, mas, uma análise das resenhas do livro 'Adam Smith em Pequim' feitas no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos, de modo a se poder colocar uma interpretação das diferentes apropriações do pensamento de Arrighi feitas em cada país.
Land expropriation and peasant resistance in China have been widely noted, but the many cases in which peasants consent to give up land have drawn less attention. This paper conceptualizes and examines an alternative development practice:... more
Land expropriation and peasant resistance in China have been widely noted, but the many cases in which peasants consent to give up land have drawn less attention. This paper conceptualizes and examines an alternative development practice: accumulation without dispossession (AWD), a concept first developed by Gillian Hart and Giovanni Arrighi. AWD may arise if accumulation takes place without (completely) depriving rural producers of the right to assets and benefits. The paper examines multiple forms of AWD and makes two main arguments. First, land expropriation does not necessarily lead to dispossession if peasants are compensated with valuable flats, commercial venues, and/or secure jobs. Due to its positive effects on social equality and livelihood security, AWD may offer an alternative vision in the era of neoliberal dispossession. Second, the outcome of land expropriation in China has varied substantially across space and time. In general, there has been a shift away from AWD in the 1980s following the neoliberal reform in the 1990s, but in the recent decade, there has been some movement back towards AWD due to peasant protests, though only to a limited degree. Nevertheless , the majority of peasants losing land have not received compensation sufficient to sustain a secure livelihood.
Realist fiction has been an object of fascinated suspicion since the late-nineteenth century: modernists, structuralists, poststructuralists, and Marxists are among those to have characterized the realist novel as aesthetically bland... more
Realist fiction has been an object of fascinated suspicion since the late-nineteenth century: modernists, structuralists, poststructuralists, and Marxists are among those to have characterized the realist novel as aesthetically bland and/or ideologically reactionary. But realist fiction—in dialogue with the realisms of photography, film, television, and other media—has lived to tell another tale. Scholars in various fields have begun to hold that while realist narrative responds to capitalist permutations across space and time, it is—for that very reason—a transnational medium shot through with aesthetic possibility. The essays in this special issue reject the reflex to prejudge realist art and expand the category to include the realisms of late-Victorian theater, postcolonial fiction from African, Egyptian, and Indian milieus; and photojournalistic experiments wrought in response to revolution in Latin America. What is constant throughout is the certainty of realism’s aesthetic flexibility, historical variability, and irreducibility to any single genre, period, technique, or national project. Realist art is both constitutively worlded (in taking the material world for its premise) and worlding (in making new ways of seeing, knowing, thinking, and being palpable to those worlds). After providing a brief survey of realism’s critical reception and some postulates for future scholarship, this introduction lays out the arc of the special issue.
In Adam Smith in Beijing, Giovanni Arrighi attempts to outline the possible consequences of the growth of China through a rereading of the work of Adam Smith and a critique of Marx. This article analyses and sheds light on the limits of... more
In Adam Smith in Beijing, Giovanni Arrighi attempts to outline the possible consequences of the growth of China through a rereading of the work of Adam Smith and a critique of Marx. This article analyses and sheds light on the limits of this reading, upon which Arrighi bases his prediction of a possible peaceful growth in collaboration amongst the various nations within the world-market. It also seeks to identify what makes Marx’s work so timely for the
understanding of the contemporary phase of capitalist globalisation, with its escalation of the exploitation of ever more globalised labour-power, and of international competition.
- by Lucia Pradella
- •
- Marxism, Colonialism, Capitalism, China
Un piccolo articolo su Immanuel Wallerstein in occasione della sua morte
In South Africa, the scale of rural-urban resettlement after apartheid continues to overwhelm the capacity of the government to house city dwellers in need of shelter. But the legitimacy of the postapartheid government rests on its... more
In South Africa, the scale of rural-urban resettlement after apartheid continues to overwhelm the capacity of the government to house city dwellers in need of shelter. But the legitimacy of the postapartheid government rests on its ability to secure the rights of citizens who enjoy constitutional guarantees, including the right to housing. Because the government cannot simply repress this unhoused surplus population, it seeks instead to delegitimize some portion of it. It does so by developing a number of moralizing discourses, the subject of this paper, which distinguish between patient, deserving citizens, and unruly queue jumpers perceived to threaten the democratic project itself. Housing officials misrecognize squatters as a cause, rather than a consequence, of the state's failure to deliver, policing new land occupations with a draconian severity. They justify such repression in the name of protecting the democratic order, which is assumed to require waiting instead of improvisation.
Traducción al español de entrevista realizada por Kevan Harris a Giovanni Arrighi
Giovanni Arrighi’s The Long Twentieth Century is an almost unfathomably ambitious and complex work. Its monumentality derives from Arrighi’s conviction that the best way to handicap the possible futures of the world capitalist geo-economy... more
Giovanni Arrighi’s The Long Twentieth Century is an almost unfathomably ambitious and complex work. Its monumentality derives from Arrighi’s conviction that the best way to handicap the possible futures of the world capitalist geo-economy is to analyze the structural evolution of this global system, an evolution spanning more than five centuries; the genius of the work rests in the distinctive approach that Arrighi takes. At the core of his approach is the identification of those long-term trends and accreted characteristics – one might call them “systemic contradictions” – that promise to send the world capitalist geo-economy in a radically different developmental direction as US hegemony wanes. Arrighi’s assessment of these contradictions compel him to make a provocative suggestion: in all likelihood, no singular concentration of state and economic power possesses the territorial scale or the organizational capacities required to lead the global system through another round of restructuring and expansion. Properly framed, this illuminating insight could serve as the starting point for a theoretical exploration of the socio-ecological constraints to global capitalist reproduction, but such is a journey (mostly) not taken by Arrighi in The Long Twentieth Century. In fact, to the degree that he subsequently contemplates the prospect of a China-centered reconstitution of the world geo-economy, Arrighi marginalizes the question of global systemic contradictions altogether.
A constituição de um pensamento brasileiro em Economia Política Internacional (EPI) teve início na década de 80 (século XX) com o objetivo de buscar uma visão crítica e autônoma com relação à matriz anglo-saxônica dominante. Com base no... more
A constituição de um pensamento brasileiro em Economia Política Internacional (EPI) teve início na década de 80 (século XX) com o objetivo de buscar uma visão crítica e autônoma com relação à matriz anglo-saxônica dominante. Com base no diálogo entre a História e a EPI, este artigo propõe uma chave de leitura comparada entre as formulações teóricas em EPI dos seguintes autores: Immanuel Wallerstein, Giovanni Arrighi e José Luis Fiori. Ainda que guardem semelhanças, suas teorias apresentam importantes distinções do ponto de vista da leitura histórica do capitalismo.
E se invece di “New York” oggi avessimo “Nuova Pechino”? Secondo gli studi e le ricerche fatte da Gavin Menzies (2002) è stata avanzata l’ipotesi che fu in realtà una spedizione cinese, sotto il comando dell’ammiraglio Zheng He, a... more
E se invece di “New York” oggi avessimo “Nuova Pechino”? Secondo gli studi e le ricerche fatte da Gavin Menzies (2002) è stata avanzata l’ipotesi che fu in realtà una spedizione cinese, sotto il comando dell’ammiraglio Zheng He, a raggiungere nel 1421 per la prima volta l’America e non le caravelle di Cristoforo Colombo nel 1492. Era nei progetti dell’imperatore Zhu Di scoprire il mondo intero e portarlo sotto l’egemonia del Celeste Impero ma secondo le fonti ritrovate non ci riuscì perché cadde nella disperazione a causa della morte della sua concubina preferita, rimasta uccisa dalle fiamme, provocate da un fulmine, che distrussero la Città Proibita (Weber, 2006). E se l’ambizioso sogno dell’imperatore, la cui disgrazia mise in profonda crisi la dinastia, si stesse realizzando oggi? Scopo di questo lavoro è analizzare gli indizi storici che potrebbero suggerire una transizione dall’egemonia statunitense a quella cinese, spostando la supremazia da Occidente dopo circa cinque secoli.
A crise financeira que eclodiu em 2008 acentuou uma tendência de declínio relativo do poder hegemônico dos Estados Unidos da América (EUA) no moderno sistema mundial. Na estratégica região do Oriente Médio a China vem aumentando sua... more
A crise financeira que eclodiu em 2008 acentuou uma tendência de declínio relativo do poder hegemônico dos Estados Unidos da América (EUA) no moderno sistema mundial. Na estratégica região do Oriente Médio a China vem aumentando sua presença, ao mesmo tempo em que Washington perde a sua importância. Tendo essa conjuntura como base e a partir da metodologia de revisão bibliográfica, o objetivo do artigo é discutir a natureza desse contexto, analisando o aumento da presença chinesa no Oriente Médio, sobretudo as relações comerciais, em detrimento dos EUA. Amparado nas considerações teóricas arrighianas sobre hegemonia e ciclos sistêmicos de acumulação, procurar-se identificar se o referido cenário pode, de fato, contribuir para um possível declínio hegemônico estadunidense. Conclui-se que apesar do enfraquecimento político de Washington e a perda de sua supremacia comercial junto ao Oriente Médio frente Pequim, esta aparenta não ter pretensões hegemônicas na região a curto prazo. Palavras-chave: Oriente Médio. China. EUA. Hegemonia.
in: Eva Geulen/Claude Haas (Hg.), Formen des Ganzen, Göttingen 2022, S. 47-53.
This article analyses how periods of geopolitical conflict and violence have affected the development of capitalism and class formation in Turkey. We argue that all major episodes of conflict, violence and war-from forced displacement and... more
This article analyses how periods of geopolitical conflict and violence have affected the development of capitalism and class formation in Turkey. We argue that all major episodes of conflict, violence and war-from forced displacement and ethnic cleansing of the non-Muslims in the late 19th and the early 20th century, to Kurdish secessionist warfare in the 1990s and the Syrian Civil War-have become major historical turning points in the development of historical capitalism in Turkey. These "hostile conjunctures" transformed capitalism through their direct and indirect effects on dispossession, class formation, and capital accumulation. Although each of these conflicts produced a violent dispossession process, none of them resembled the rural dispossession process in England. To make sense of Turkey's experience, we turn our attention to what we call the "Castilian/Spanish road," and what Lenin called the "Junker/Prussian road" and the "farmers/American road." Our analysis shows that these differential paths of dispossession, class formation, and capital accumulation have produced highly variegated rather than uniform outcomes. We conclude that we are living in a new "hostile conjuncture," which is pregnant to a major structural crisis and is generating the preconditions of another historical transformation in the way capitalism operates.
Il contesto è quello del dibattito sulle nozioni di "teologia politica" e "katéchon", in rapporto all'attuale fase di crisi economica e sociale che colpisce o tallona paesi un tempo ricchi come quelli europei. Molti vedono questo come uno... more
Il contesto è quello del dibattito sulle nozioni di "teologia politica" e "katéchon", in rapporto all'attuale fase di crisi economica e sociale che colpisce o tallona paesi un tempo ricchi come quelli europei. Molti vedono questo come uno scenario apocalittico di corruzione non solo economica, ma generale. La domanda è: si tratta di un'apocalisse globale? Investe dunque anche il cosiddetto "Oriente"? Dalla risposta a questa domanda si può capire non solo la situazione "orientale", ma si possono forse vedere meglio anche i limiti dell'impostazione teologico-politica occidentale.
پوستون در این مقاله به بحث پیرامون سه اثر مهم از رابرت برنر، جیووانی آریگی و دیوید هاروی میپردازد که در آنها این سه مؤلف تلاش میکنند تا دگرگونیهای جهانی طی دهههای اخیر را درون چارچوب یک نظریه انتقادی در باب سرمایهداری تبیین کنند. وی... more
پوستون در این مقاله به بحث پیرامون سه اثر مهم از رابرت برنر، جیووانی آریگی و دیوید هاروی میپردازد که در آنها این سه مؤلف تلاش میکنند تا دگرگونیهای جهانی طی دهههای اخیر را درون چارچوب یک نظریه انتقادی در باب سرمایهداری تبیین کنند. وی نشان میدهد که رویکردهای متفاوتِ فرمولبندیشده توسط برنر، آریگی و هاروی، علیرغم همهی نقاط قوتشان، در تبیین تمام و کمال هستهی تاریخی سرمایه بهطریقی که معطوف به امکان الغای تاریخی آن باشد ناکام میمانند.
بنا به نظر پوستون، در غیاب تحلیلی پیرامون سرمایه که محدود به شیوه توزیع نباشد بلکه بتواند محرکهای رهاییبخشِ تجلییافته توسط مارکسیسم سنتی از یکسو و پستمدرنیسم از سوی دیگر را مدنظر قرار دهد، مفاهیم ما از رهایی همچنان بین یک کلیت همگونساز (که خواه از طریق بازار یا از طریق دولت عمل میکند) و جزئینگری در نوسان خواهد بود؛ نوسانی که بازتاب خودِ شکلهای دوگانهی کالا و سرمایه است.
Scholars of agrarian change have long debated the nature of capitalist transition in the countryside, including whether the deepened interlinking of local, national, and transna-tional economic activities make past trajectories of... more
Scholars of agrarian change have long debated the nature of capitalist transition in the countryside, including whether the deepened interlinking of local, national, and transna-tional economic activities make past trajectories of agrarian transformation unlikely to reoccur in the present. This essay makes the case that Giovanni Arrighi's work has much to add to our understanding of the agrarian question in global historical perspective. We focus in particular on Arrighi's research on trajectories of change in the Calabrian region of southern Italy, and his essay "Capitalist Development in Hostile Environments." In this piece, Arrighi and co-author Fortunata Piselli develop two key insights. The first is that the pathways to capitalism are diverse, non-linear, and historically contingent such that within one country-or, in the case of Italy, a single subnational region-multiple tra-jectories can be found. The second is that the outcomes of capitalist transition vary based on a country's position in the international hierarchy of wealth, meaning that agrarian transformation is compatible with both economic development and underdevelopment. We describe the three methodological principles that enabled Arrighi to develop his analysis of capitalist transition and explain how the papers collected in this special issue reflect and extend the Arrighian approach to agrarian political economy.
A következőkben a világrendszer-elemzés fogalmait, állításait és érveit valamelyest leegyszerűsítően mutatom be: nem térek ki részletesen a világrendszer-elemzésen belüli nézetkülönbségekre, mint ahogyan azokat a fontos, és a... more
A következőkben a világrendszer-elemzés fogalmait, állításait és érveit valamelyest leegyszerűsítően mutatom be: nem térek ki részletesen a világrendszer-elemzésen belüli nézetkülönbségekre, mint ahogyan azokat a fontos, és a világrendszer-elemzést jelentősen befolyásoló vitákat sem ismertetem részletesen, amelyeket a világrendszer-elemzés képviselői egymással, illetve a velük szimpatizáló, vagy velük szemben kifejezetten ellenséges szerzőkkel és iskolákkal folytattak. Az alábbi kép tehát a ténylegesnél óhatatlanul egységesebbnek láttatja a világrendszer-elemzés álláspontját. A vitakérdéseket, ahol szükséges, röviden, lábjegyzetben jelzem.
Para entender la sucesión de cisnes negros que se suceden en los últimos años: desde la victoria de Trump al Brexit, pasando por la guerra comercial entre China y EEUU o por los giros en la guerra de Siria, es necesario levantar la mirada... more
Para entender la sucesión de cisnes negros que se suceden en los últimos años: desde la victoria de Trump al Brexit, pasando por la guerra comercial entre China y EEUU o por los giros en la guerra de Siria, es necesario levantar la mirada y tomar perspectiva, más allá de las explicaciones particulares que se centran en el supuesto carácter convulso de dirigentes o poblaciones. De esta forma, partiendo de un enfoque holístico es posible afirmar que en el año 2008 el sistema-mundo ha iniciado una etapa de caos sistémico, esto es, el modelo hegemónico global liderado por EEUU después de la II Guerra Mundial ha entrado en una profunda crisis que afecta de forma directa a toda la estructura económica, política, social y cultural del planeta. Para entender esto, es necesario analizar la etapa de liderazgo estadounidense (1945-2007) y las crisis que se derivan desde ese momento.
This conference is timed to mark the 30th anniversary of the publication of Giovanni Arrighi and Fortunata Piselli's "Capitalist Development in Hostile Environments: Feuds, Class Struggles and Migrations in a Peripheral Region of Southern... more
This conference is timed to mark the 30th anniversary of the publication of Giovanni Arrighi and Fortunata Piselli's "Capitalist Development in Hostile Environments: Feuds, Class Struggles and Migrations in a Peripheral Region of Southern Italy". Published in 1987, the essay confronts the question of capitalist (under) development in Calabria in the 19th and 20th centuries; in the process, it also makes a major intervention into debates about the origins and dynamics of capitalism. "Capitalist Development in Hostile Environments" puts forward the thesis that three different developmental paths emerged side-by-side within Calabria: the "Junker" Road with large latifundia and intense class conflict (in the Crotonese), the "American" or Farmer Road with strong feuds (in the Piana di Gioia Tauro), and the "Swiss" Road, where mass migration went hand-in-hand with a decline in both class conflicts and feuds (in the Cosentino). While these three paths led to core status elsewhere (Prussia, the United States, Switzerland), in Calabria all three paths were associated with peripheralization. At the same time, however, these three roads produced very different outcomes in terms of human welfare. To mark both, the 30th anniversary of the English language version and the release of the Italian publication, the University of Calabria will host an international conference, which will take place from June 6 to 8, 2017. The goal of the conference is to stimulate critical reflection on the theoretical, conceptual and methodological contributions of the essay, as well as the key questions and debates that it confronts.
L’espansione degli spazi democratici, con l'ingresso delle masse nell'arena produttiva e politica a partire dall'età della rivoluzione di fine XVIII secolo, segna un elemento di discontinuità nella successione dei cicli sistemici di... more
L’espansione degli spazi democratici, con l'ingresso delle masse nell'arena produttiva e politica a partire dall'età della rivoluzione di fine XVIII secolo, segna un elemento di discontinuità nella successione dei cicli sistemici di accumulazione, non adeguatamente colto o valorizzato nell'opera di Giovanni Arrighi. Se questo è vero, ne consegue la necessità di ripensare il concetto di egemonia per la fase del capitalismo anteriore all'industrializzazione e una riconsiderazione di aspetti non secondari della costruzione teorica di Arrighi, per es. per quanto riguarda l'indebolimento dello stato nazione nel succedersi dei cicli sistemici.
The financialization literature tries to make sense of how the world has been changing and continues to do so. There is real potential for financialization to conjoin real-world processes and practices that are conceptually treated as... more
The financialization literature tries to make sense of how the world has been changing and continues to do so. There is real potential for financialization to conjoin real-world processes and practices that are conceptually treated as discrete entities. Financialization is an inherently spatial phenomenon that should be much more central to economic-geographic analysis, explaining how the financialization of the global economy is tied to financialization at other scales as well as to the financialization of the state, economic sectors, individual firms and daily-life.
Este trabalho se propõe a analisar, sob a ótica de perspectivas teóricas antagônicas, as projeções a respeito da hegemonia norte-americana. O objetivo é reunir a posição de quatro autores e discutir a contribuição das suas ideias para o... more
Este trabalho se propõe a analisar, sob a ótica de perspectivas teóricas antagônicas, as projeções a respeito da hegemonia norte-americana. O objetivo é reunir a posição de quatro autores e discutir a contribuição das suas ideias para o estudo acerca dos cenários traçados para as relações internacionais na contemporaneidade. De um lado, utilizaremos os conceitos de Giovanni Arrighi e Immanuel Wallerstein, que apregoam que a presente crise do poder americano é também uma crise de hegemonia e, necessariamente, haverá uma substituição do hegemon. Enquanto Arrighi argumenta que haverá apenas uma troca do hegemon, Wallerstein afirma que a atual crise também marcará o fim do moderno sistema-mundo em suas atuais configurações. Do outro lado, temos os autores Jose Luis Fiori e Fareed Zakaria. Este defende que os Estados Unidos terão de lidar não com o seu declínio, mas com a " ascensão do resto " , e aquele diz que a atual crise, além de não significar qualquer decaída do poder estadunidense, servirá apenas para reconfirmar o status hegemônico norte-americano. Através do entrelaçamento e discussão dessas ideias, espera-se contribuir com o debate teórico acerca das reconfigurações dos polos de poder e os rumos das relações internacionais neste século XXI. Palavras-chave: Hegemonia. Estados Unidos. Teoria. Relações Internacionais.
The paper aims to present some aspects of the debate about the end of the hegemony of the United States, in light of the theories of systemic cycles of accumulation and hegemonic stability. Among the conclusions, the paper shows that the... more
The paper aims to present some aspects of the debate about the end of the hegemony of the United States, in light of the theories of systemic cycles of accumulation and hegemonic stability. Among the conclusions, the paper shows that the North-American hegemony is diminishing not only because of the emergence of new powerful countries, such as China, but because the international system, composed by new powerful actors such as multinational corporations, global cities, religious organizations and transnational terrorist groups, is diminishing the means by which the US has exercised its global power since the mid twentieth century
This paper makes a brief critical review of the different perspectives on the capital, state, and capitalism of Fernand Braudel and Giovanni Arrighi's world systems analysis, Charles Tilly's Weberian-Marxist synthesis, and Robert Brenner... more
This paper makes a brief critical review of the different perspectives on the capital, state, and capitalism of Fernand Braudel and Giovanni Arrighi's world systems analysis, Charles Tilly's Weberian-Marxist synthesis, and Robert Brenner and Ellen Meiksins Wood's Political Marxism. It mainly focuses on the relationships between the territorial logic and capitalist logic, coercion and capital, accumulation of power and capital, and the formation of states and cities. Braudel, Arrighi, and Tilly detected two main historical tendencies. First, capitalist logic of power became powerful enough to transform the territorial logic of power in the longue durée of capitalism. Second, the fusion of the spaces of capital and coercion created the most sustainable resources for war-making and led the nation state to triumph over other state forms. Although the Political Marxist critique is not strong enough to refute the works of these scholars fully, it has significantly contributed to the debates on capitalism by encouraging the construction of a clearer chain of causality on the origins of capitalism.
Canadian political economists Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin have long held that states are not the unwitting stewards of capitalism but key actors in its maintenance and reproduction. With The Making of Global Capitalism: The Political... more
Canadian political economists Leo Panitch and
Sam Gindin have long held that states are not the
unwitting stewards of capitalism but key actors in its
maintenance and reproduction. With The Making
of Global Capitalism: The Political Economy of
American Empire (Verso 2012) they make this case
more explicitly than ever by forensically tracing the
decisive role that the American state has played in establishing
the foundations of the contemporary global
capitalist space economy. Their weighty tome – which
was more than a decade in the making – is a comprehensive
account of the rise of American empire. It
details the proximity between prescriptions devised
and favored in Washington and the shape of contemporary
capitalism. Panitch and Gindin’s crucial
contribution, however, is not simply that they record
the emergence of a Pax Americana but rather their
revelation of the historical uniqueness of this new
form of imperial rule. The authors demonstrate that
the post-war American state was uniquely placed to
“relaunch” global capitalism after the mid-century
bloodletting, but through strategies that were far more
“informal” than those of its predecessors. They show
that in promoting the interests of American capital
and attempting to maintain an accumulation-friendly generalized rule of law the American state took the
lead in “creating the political and juridical conditions
for the general extension and reproduction of capitalism
internationally” (Panitch and Gindin 2012: 6).
Much of the book’s twelve chapters are committed to
telling this story, chronicling the convoluted process
by which the American state became the central force
in the emergence of a truly global post-war capitalism.
O tema principal deste trabalho é a possível relação das teorias do direito de Carl Schmitt e de Hans Kelsen com as mudanças jurídico-políticas no âmbito das soberanias estatais que lhes são contemporâneas. O objetivo da investigação é... more
O tema principal deste trabalho é a possível relação das teorias do direito de Carl Schmitt e de Hans Kelsen com as mudanças jurídico-políticas no âmbito das soberanias estatais que lhes são contemporâneas. O objetivo da investigação é explorar as teorias de ambos os autores partindo da perspectiva de uma narrativa acerca do capitalismo global e da modernidade. Desse modo, a pesquisa consiste em revisão bibliográfica das obras de Schmitt e de Kelsen, a partir de um certo recorte e do estabelecimento de um pano de fundo histórico prévio. O problema que esta investigação busca responder é se seriam as considerações de ambos os autores pertinentes para se abordar, de uma maneira teórica, as consequências jurídicas acarretadas pela gradativa subordinação das soberanias estatais à dinâmica do capitalismo global. Para realizar tal empreitada, este trabalho faz uso do método dedutivo, inferindo conclusões baseadas em seu referencial bibliográfico. Sua estrutura consiste em duas seções, divididas cada uma em três subseções. A primeira seção contém a narrativa a respeito da história da modernidade e do capitalismo global, estruturada, principalmente, a partir das categorias do “espaço de experiências” e do “horizonte de expectativas” de Reinhart Koselleck e dos conceitos de “ciclos sistêmicos de acumulação” e de “intercâmbio político” de Giovanni Arrighi. A partir dessa abordagem, pode-se deduzir não apenas haver uma relação constitutiva entre a formação do capitalismo, os grandes descobrimentos, o surgimento do Estado moderno e a crise, mas também que essa relação tem como pano de fundo a emergência de uma racionalidade que dá azo ao conceito de progresso e, consequentemente, abre um novo horizonte de expectativas a partir do qual o capitalismo global e as subsequentes guerras mundiais e civis têm lugar. A segunda seção contém um recorte teórico das obras de Carl Schmitt e de Hans Kelsen, bem como a síntese do trabalho. Da abordagem feita a partir desse recorte é possível inferir que, apesar de formularem teorias diversas, existe uma percepção comum, por parte de ambos os autores, do caráter formal e performativo do direito, podendo suas teorias serem concatenadas com seus diagnósticos a respeito do Estado e do direito que lhes são contemporâneos, sendo colocadas em perspectiva histórica e complementadas pelos diagnósticos e prognósticos de Giovanni Arrighi, Reinhart Koselleck, Gilberto Bercovici e Paulo Arantes a respeito do presente, sintetizando-se a relação contemporânea entre defasagem do Estado moderno e guerra civil. A conclusão da pesquisa infere não apenas que os diagnósticos de Schmitt e de Kelsen correspondem aos problemas de seu tempo, como também que suas teorias proporcionam as ferramentas para uma investigação do atual estado de exceção permanente.
Auch wenn in diesem Falle die Länge des Buchtitels im auffallenden Kontrast zum Seitenumfang des kleinen Bändleins steht, so gibt sie immerhin einen Hinweis auf die Vielfältigkeit seines thematischen Inhalts. Es geht in ihm um die... more
Auch wenn in diesem Falle die Länge des Buchtitels im auffallenden Kontrast zum Seitenumfang des kleinen Bändleins steht, so gibt sie immerhin einen Hinweis auf die Vielfältigkeit seines thematischen Inhalts. Es geht in ihm um die verschlungenen Pfade des Kapitals und dessen Verhältnis zur Arbeiterklasse; es geht um Weltgeschichte, Weltpolitik und Weltökonomie; es geht um China, aber auch ganz allgemein um das, was man früher so selbstverständlich die "Dritte Welt" nannte und hier das "Nord-Süd-Verhältnis" genannt wird; es geht um Analysen und um ein Gespräch zwischen zwei herausragenden marxistischen Theoretikern unserer Zeit.
Capitalist-style reforms were an important factor in the economic and social evolution of the Late Ottoman Empire. This research investigates how foreign governments and financiers, and especially Britain, influenced these various... more
Capitalist-style reforms were an important factor in the economic and social evolution of the Late Ottoman Empire. This research investigates how foreign governments and financiers, and especially Britain, influenced these various financial reforms implemented in the Ottoman Empire during the nineteenth century. The chief purpose of such reforms was to integrate the Empire into the capitalist world-economy by imposing, both directly and indirectly, the adoption of rules, institutions, attitudes and procedures amenable to exploitation on the part of foreign and also local capitalists. Drawing on primary sources, mainly from the UK's National Archives, the article argues that foreign pressure for financial reforms was instrumental in the Empire's economic subjection to the rules and norms that regulated the capitalist world-economy, most notably in the field of public finance, banking and the monetary sector. It takes a long-term view and largely adheres to the scholarly evolution of Antonio Gramsci's theory of hegemony and world-systems theory and methodology developed by Fernand Braudel, Immanuel Wallerstein and Giovanni Arrighi, adopting a multidisciplinary and macro-scale perspective. Special attention is paid to the correlation between secondary and primary sources in support of empirical evidence. More broadly, this research contributes to the literature on the capitalist world-economy and brings a set of theoretical frameworks to bear on defining the role of financial reforms induced mainly by Britain in peripheral and semi-peripheral countries.
Capitalismo e imperialismo van de la mano, y a su lado, para su oportuno desarrollo, inevitablemente, también crisis y guerras. Está en su naturaleza. Como lo está la lucha por la hegemonía en el centro del sistema. Ahora, cuando el... more
Capitalismo e imperialismo van de la mano, y a su lado, para su oportuno desarrollo, inevitablemente, también crisis y guerras. Está en su naturaleza. Como lo está la lucha por la hegemonía en el centro del sistema.
Ahora, cuando el declive de la hegemonía estadounidense es evidente, surge la posibilidad de un cambio de imprevisibles consecuencias.
Une pensée critique se caractérise par une contestation globale de l'ordre établi. Les pensées critiques contemporaines ont évolué : héritées du marxisme et du cycle politique des années 1960-1970, elles sont produites par des auteur.e.s... more
Une pensée critique se caractérise par une contestation globale de l'ordre établi. Les pensées critiques contemporaines ont évolué : héritées du marxisme et du cycle politique des années 1960-1970, elles sont produites par des auteur.e.s qui ont séparé théorie et pratique, se situent davantage hors de l'Europe et se renouvellent en intégrant de nouveaux objets.