Graduate Education Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This chapter discusses both theoretical and practical dimensions of transdisciplinary education that fosters the stated aim of doctoral studies, namely the capacity to do original research. Despite this definition, few if any doctoral... more

This chapter discusses both theoretical and practical dimensions of transdisciplinary education that fosters the stated aim of doctoral studies, namely the capacity to do original research. Despite this definition, few if any doctoral programs explicitly address the creative dimension of scholarship. Here I outline the design of a transdisciplinary Ph.D. program (started in 2005) that places creativity at the heart of doctoral studies. The doctoral degree is also explicitly transdisciplinary, addressing issues from the perspective of pertinent knowledge rather than the framework provide by a single discipline.

Page 1. A SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR ETHNIC MINORITY GRADUATE STUDENTS Nabil Hassan El-Ghoroury State University of New York at Binghamton Diana Salvador Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey The Graduate School of Applied and Professional... more

Page 1. A SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR ETHNIC MINORITY GRADUATE STUDENTS Nabil Hassan El-Ghoroury State University of New York at Binghamton Diana Salvador Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey The Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology ...

A nivel de posgrado se espera que los alumnos gradualmente comiencen a tomar parte en las conversaciones disciplinares. Las tesis y trabajos finales que se requieren como instancias de evaluacion y acreditacion en especializaciones,... more

A nivel de posgrado se espera que los alumnos gradualmente comiencen a tomar parte en las conversaciones disciplinares. Las tesis y trabajos finales que se requieren como instancias de evaluacion y acreditacion en especializaciones, maestrias y doctorados implican la tarea de llevar adelante una revision de la literatura. Esta actividad, por lo comun, genera bastante ansiedad en los doctorandos (Crowley, 2007; Kamler & Thomson, 2006a) ya que implica no solo reconocer, comprender y aplicar conceptos, categorias y autores considerados fundamentales en determinadas disciplinas, sino tambien organizar y relacionar estos saberes en funcion del proyecto de investigacion propio. En esta ponencia, compartimos una secuencia didactica llevada a cabo en un seminario de posgrado con el objetivo de introducir a los alumnos al uso de la documentacion en la redaccion academica y ayudarlos a comenzar a llevar adelante una revision de la literatura. Palabras clave: revision de la literatura – escrit...

It is generally accepted that the undergraduate cumulative point average (UCPA) is associated with graduate performance of the same discipline. Less known, however, is how good the UCPA at predicting graduate performance in a different... more

It is generally accepted that the undergraduate cumulative point average (UCPA) is associated with graduate performance of the same discipline. Less known, however, is how good the UCPA at predicting graduate performance in a different discipline. This paper discusses a study on the relationship between UCPA, undergraduate program of study, and graduate performance – operationalised as graduate CPA (GCPA) – in a Master in Technical and Vocational Education program (MTVE). Data were gathered on UCPA, their undergraduate program of study, gender and previous university of 612 MTVE students using their application forms and academic records. The large number of programs of study was reduced to five groups of disciplines namely, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Business and Management, and Others. Descriptive statistics and linear regression were used to analyse the data. The results showed that both undergraduate program of study and UCPA are predictor...

Utilization of online instruction continues to increase at universities, placing more emphasis on the nontraditional student engagement in online courses. The goals of the study are to enhance student focus, attention and interaction.... more

Utilization of online instruction continues to increase at universities, placing more emphasis on the nontraditional student engagement in online courses. The goals of the study are to enhance student focus, attention and interaction. Findings suggest that interactivity seems to be a key in keeping students involved engaging students is worthwhile and results in greater course satisfaction and academic effort.

In programming it is often necessary to split a string into pieces for processing. Often a long numeric value is entered and it may be necessary to separate each digit or the decimal portion from the whole portion for processing. Using... more

In programming it is often necessary to split a string into pieces for processing. Often a long numeric value is entered and it may be necessary to separate each digit or the decimal portion from the whole portion for processing. Using the Java split method it is possible to split a string value into it's individual components. This is a demonstration of the Java .split method.

The following paper was written as a presentation, originally, for incoming undergraduate students at Shawnee State University as a guide for effective research for term papers. It was later expanded as a possible presentation for... more

The following paper was written as a presentation, originally, for incoming undergraduate students at Shawnee State University as a guide for effective research for term papers. It was later expanded as a possible presentation for graduate students to demonstrate a more effective means of building one’s body of research.

In Nigeria, there is paucity of information on the IPV burden and experience among young women in courtship and dating relationships. This study assesses the prevalence and correlates of IPV in female undergraduate and postgraduate... more

In Nigeria, there is paucity of information on the IPV burden and experience among young women in courtship and dating relationships. This study assesses the prevalence and correlates of IPV in female undergraduate and postgraduate students in a tertiary institution. The study was a cross-sectional survey. A four-stage sampling technique was used to select 1,100 undergraduate and 255 postgraduate female students from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Data was collected using a 43-item self-administered structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and multivariate analyses were carried out at 0.05 level of significance. The life-time prevalence of IPV was 42.3% (postgraduate: 34.5%, undergraduate: 44.1%; P < 0.05). Lifetime experience of psychological, physical and sexual IPV were 41.8%, 7.9% and 6.6% respectively. Recent experience (within the previous 12 months) of violence was also more frequently reported by respondents who had a previous history of physical (62.5%) (OR =...

While a wealth of resources is available for teaching research writing of traditional IMRD research papers, instructors have little to draw on when working with graduate students in mathematics. The present study offers insight into... more

While a wealth of resources is available for teaching research writing of traditional IMRD research papers, instructors have little to draw on when working with graduate students in mathematics. The present study offers insight into recent mathematical research articles through an exploration guided by phrase-frames, recurring multiword units with a variable slot or blank. The paper introduces the concept of key phrase-frames. In doing so, the potential of phrase-frames for understanding subregisters and for teaching is shown. The starting point of this exploration is a 2,289,670-word corpus of 128 recent mathematics research articles collected from eight scholarly mathematics journals. Five-and six-gram phrase-frames were generated in KfNgram. Key phrase frames are identified as those with an occurrence of at least 20 per million words, occurring across 75% of journals and with a sMAPE of 1.95 cut off or higher when compared to the academic section of the Corpus of Contemporary American English as a reference. The 180 resulting frames were coded for open slot position and common pattern before being consolidated and functionally grouped. Core functions related to the aboutness, coherence and moves of the text. The discussion centers on how these groups reveal different aspects of mathematical texts

This paper intents to present some of the most relevant institutional traits of Brazilian graduate education, to explore some facets of its history and explore the link between graduate education and the research enterprise in the... more

This paper intents to present some of the most relevant institutional traits of Brazilian graduate education, to explore some
facets of its history and explore the link between graduate education and the research enterprise in the Brazilian experience. For the last part, we will use the data produced by a survey on the Brazilian academic profession from 2007, as part of the international project
“The changing academic profession” (the CAP project).

In South Africa, doctoral education is usually organized in a traditional supervision model, but the practice of supervision differs across academic units and supervisors. In her comparison of PhD experiences in British universities,... more

In South Africa, doctoral education is usually organized in a traditional supervision model, but the practice of supervision differs across academic units and supervisors. In her comparison of PhD experiences in British universities, Chiang identified two research training structures: Teamwork and Individualist. These different structures affected the research environment, the relationships between supervisor and supervisee, and the experience of doctoral study. Can such differences be observed in South African universities?
In a qualitative study of four academic units from different disciplines, I was able to detect four patterns of practice in the ways in which doctoral supervision and research activities were organised. This paper characterizes these patterns of practice and discusses their impact on the doctoral experience.

In this essay I examine the racial achievement gap in American education in terms of an impaired psychosocial developmental process. I argue that the well-documented academic underperformance of certain minority groups may stem from the... more

In this essay I examine the racial achievement gap in American education in terms of an impaired psychosocial developmental process. I argue that the well-documented academic underperformance of certain minority groups may stem from the unfavorable resolution of a key developmental crisis in constituent members’ early scholastic experience. I go on to suggest that individual educators can play an important role in eliminating the achievement gap by changing the way they teach in their own classrooms. In part, they may do so by adopting a "transcultural" pedagogy or teaching style, according to which both teachers and their minority students develop (at minimum) transcultural proficiencies and (at maximum) transcultural identities, as a promising way to achieve two important ends. First, the fostering of an academically-industrious self-concept in members of historically underachieving minority groups and hence, second, the closing of the achievement gap "from the bottom up"—one classroom at a time.

Creative Inquiry frames learning and education as a larger manifestation of the creative impulse rather than as the fundamentally instrumental acquisition, retention, and reproduction of information, or Reproductive Learning. Montuori, A.... more

Creative Inquiry frames learning and education as a larger manifestation
of the creative impulse rather than as the fundamentally instrumental acquisition, retention, and reproduction of information, or Reproductive Learning.
Montuori, A. (2011). Creative inquiry. In N. M. Seel (Ed.), The encyclopedia of the sciences of learning. Heidelberg: Springer.

Colleges and universities that can withstand the fallout of the COVID-19 crisis will need to redouble their efforts to engage students in the kinds of intellectual and social experiences that cannot be attained remotely or in isolation.... more

Colleges and universities that can withstand the fallout of the COVID-19 crisis will need to redouble their efforts to engage students in the kinds of intellectual and social experiences that cannot be attained remotely or in isolation. Public humanities, which promotes collaboration , civic and community engagement, and inter-institutional alliances, can be one such reparative force for the reconstructed university. This essay describes the work of graduate student researchers in an interdisciplinary public humanities seminar at Emory University who partnered with a large regional theater on a project involving dramaturgy and audience engagement for a spring 2020 production of Lynn Nottage's play Sweat (first performed in 2015). The graduate seminar and the project-both before and in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak-offer a compelling model for critical humanistic pedagogy and research that counteracts the isolation and insularity exacerbated by the pandemic. The four men, uneasy in their bodies, await the next moment in a fractured togetherness.-Concluding stage direction of Lynn Nottage, Sweat (2018) We picked a hell of a time to tr y to break the humanities out of their quarantine. In Spring 2020, Emory University piloted an interdisciplinary graduate seminar in public humanities. At the center of this course were four collaborative research projects that teams of humanities graduate students conducted with partner organizations throughout Atlanta. The goal of each project was to activate humanistic research skills, habits of mind, theoretical paradigms, and bodies of knowledge in untraditional contexts and situations, such as a large regional theater or a local nonprofit devoted to community

Apresenta-se, a partir deste relato, uma análise dos projetos pedagógicos de 2013, 2014 e 2015 do Curso de Licenciatura em Música da Universidade Federal de Roraima. O estudo tem como objetivo discutir os resultados do processo formativo... more

Apresenta-se, a partir deste relato, uma análise dos projetos pedagógicos de 2013, 2014 e 2015 do Curso de Licenciatura em Música da Universidade Federal de Roraima. O estudo tem como objetivo discutir os resultados do processo formativo desde a implementação do curso. Para tanto, foi realizada uma análise comparativa dos três documentos, associada à aplicação de um questionário para identificar a percepção dos alunos formandos e calouros em relação ao curso. O cotejo das informações obtidas pelos dois procedimentos indicados viabilizou a discussão sobre os aspectos satisfatórios e as fragilidades do curso e auxiliou no processo de reestruturação do projeto pedagógico atual.

The premise of this book is simple: if the chapter writers could go back in time and talk with themselves when they began their studies, what advice would they give? Isn’t hindsight a bonus? Each chapter will offer this hindsight. The... more

The premise of this book is simple: if the chapter writers could go back in time and talk with themselves when they began their studies, what advice would they give? Isn’t hindsight a bonus? Each chapter will offer this hindsight. The chapters will not be their personal stories, but useful lessons learned through their experiences. Those lessons will be offered to aspiring and current graduate students to help ensure that their studies are successful. Chapters contain contributions from a range of academics and academic-practitioners, from those getting established in their careers to those that are more novice and emergent. Its contributors include scholars from many universities throughout the United States. Contributors cover essential aspects of graduate study, such as writing and publishing, relationships with supervisors, utilizing rejection and critique, and becoming a researcher. Contributors write of studying for higher degrees and coping with family, illness, disability, and distance. Culture is bridged between Hispanic scholars and their colleagues in mainstream academia, and international students offer advice to those coming to these shores to study. This volume provides indispensable advice that every graduate student could utilize and follows on from the successful publication of Postgraduate Study in Aotearoa New Zealand: Surviving and Succeeding (McMaster & Murphy, 2014). The US edition will be part of an international ‘survive and succeed’ series currently being produced in Australia, the UK and South Africa.

This manual provides an overview of statistical concepts learned in the Masters' in Public Policy methods sequence at Oregon State University. Tutorials provide applications of these concepts to data using the regression software program... more

This manual provides an overview of statistical concepts learned in the Masters' in Public Policy methods sequence at Oregon State University. Tutorials provide applications of these concepts to data using the regression software program STATA,

In The Global Auction (2011) we describe why the global skills race needs to be rethought as emerging economies including China and India entered the competition for high skilled work, drawing on a significant cost advantage alongside an... more

In The Global Auction (2011) we describe why the global skills race needs to be rethought as emerging economies including China and India entered the competition for high skilled work, drawing on a significant cost advantage alongside an expanding supply of highly qualified workers. It also highlighted the role of transnational companies (TNCs) in shaping the future of global competition. This analysis was also reported in a UKCES Praxis report Skills Are Not Enough (2010), which generated considerable policy interest with presentations in over twenty countries, including the World Bank in New York, European Commission in Brussels, and International Labour Office (ILO) in Geneva. This briefing extends our analysis, drawing on a recent study of corporate global value chains funded by the Centre for Skills, Performance and Productivity (Institute of Adult Learning/Workforce Development Agency), in Singapore.

In May 2020, Arizona State University’s history department offered its first remote, digital internship to graduate students. Students completed a 180-hour internship between May and August 2020. The internship involved weekly meetings,... more

In May 2020, Arizona State University’s history department offered its first remote, digital internship to graduate students. Students completed a 180-hour internship between May and August 2020. The internship involved weekly meetings, curation, collecting, journaling, and marketing. Over the summer, the interns worked to identify a silence in the archive and address it by creating a collection plan targeting the perceived silence. The interns drew on their own networks to build the collection, created a collection plan, conducted oral history interviews, wrote a blog post, and completed a final portfolio.

Provides graduate students with an overview of a histiography section of a project.