Green Technology Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The opportunities to grow the ‘organic pie’ are substantial for both China and Australia. However the challenges and the opportunities are far from identical, although the goals of growing the production area, increasing the market... more

The opportunities to grow the ‘organic pie’ are substantial for both China and Australia. However the challenges and the opportunities are far from identical, although the goals of growing the production area, increasing the market awareness, fostering consumer confidence in certification and labeling, broadening the product offering and availability, and increasing sales are shared issues. Some of the aspects of organics opportunity and challenge are examined in this book chapter. Comparative statistics between Australia and China are presented in Table 3.1.

Green roofs present a viable solution for increasing rainwater retention while improving the energy performance of both new and existing buildings. Considering the widespread occurrence of existing buildings, it is worthwhile to conduct... more

Green roofs present a viable solution for increasing rainwater retention while improving the energy performance of both new and existing buildings. Considering the widespread occurrence of existing buildings, it is worthwhile to conduct an in-depth analysis of green roof feasibility for retrofitting these buildings. In such cases, the first constraint is related to structural compatibility. Therefore, the use of lightweight systems should be prioritized to minimize overloading of the existing roof. Another possible constraint concerns the viability of green roofs. The main advantages of green roofs are their energy savings and environmental benefits. In this study, different green roof solutions were evaluated and their performance was compared against the findings of previous studies. The analysis was carried out in the Mediterranean city of Catania, and the results show that only green roof solutions with a load limit of 1.46 kN/m 2 are suitable for retrofitting existing buildings. As regards the energy savings, energy consumption for cooling was reduced by 31–35%, and during winter, energy consumption for heating decreased by 2–10%. The environmental benefits were quantified during summer and compared to those of non-vegetated roofs. The results show removals of 1.35 kg m-2 ·y −1 of CO 2 and 0.03 kg m-2 ·y −1 of NO 2. Finally, the economic analysis indicates that the discounted payback time of the investment varies from 13 to 18 years depending on the substrates and vegetation used on the green roof.

Thrust of computing was initially on faster analysis and speedier calculations and solving of mare complex problems but in the recent past another focus has got immense importance and that is achievement of energy efficiency, minimization... more

Thrust of computing was initially on faster analysis and speedier calculations and solving of mare complex problems but in the recent past another focus has got immense importance and that is achievement of energy efficiency, minimization consumption of e-equipment‘s. It has also given utmost attention to minimization of e-waste and use of non-toxic materials in preparation of e-equipment. World leaders have also taken move towards this by following some principles. Now it is the time for the end users community to follow some rules of thumb to achieve partly benefit of ―Green Computing ‖. In India, the implement -ability of principle of ― Green Computing is facing a dilemma due to many socio -economic matters and those are linked to be soughed out to pull India in the mainstream movement of ― Green Computing.

Phyto-remediation technology is a low energy, low maintenance and natural approach to treat domestic sewage. The process is a clean, economic and eco-friendly method used as an alternative to conventional systems. Phyto-remediation System... more

Phyto-remediation technology is a low energy, low maintenance and natural approach to treat domestic sewage. The process is a
clean, economic and eco-friendly method used as an alternative to conventional systems. Phyto-remediation System uses ecological
principles, which simulate the natural processes for treatment of wastewater. It is a live, self-cleaning biological filter. It removes
disease organisms, nutrients, organic loads and a range of other polluting compounds. The breakdown of contaminants and the
treatment of wastewater are achieved by the controlled seepage of the waterborne pollutants through a root-zone of plants. Organic
pollutants are broken down as a food source for the extraordinary variety of microorganisms that are present in the soil and plants.
Other contaminants like heavy metals are fixed in humic acid and cation exchange bonds in the soil or mineral substrate in which
these plants are rooted. The complexity of microbial life forms and the powerful reaction in the Root zone of the plants result in
cleansing capacity that adapts to change in a very dynamic way.

The automotive industry is at a crossroad. Electric Vehicles (EV) now pose an existential threat to the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE). In some Northern European nations over 50% of new cars sold are EVs, owing in large part to... more

The automotive industry is at a crossroad. Electric Vehicles (EV) now pose an existential threat to the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE). In some Northern European nations over 50% of new cars sold are EVs, owing in large part to substantial financial incentives to buy and own an EV, such as tax discounts when purchasing an EV, fuel savings, and preferential use of transportation infrastructure. These countries have pledged to cease all imports of non-EVs by 2035. On the other end of the spectrum are Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, where EVs account for less than 1 percent of vehicles on the road, due in large part to financial and non-financial impediments to buying and owning an EV. In addition, the price per kilometer driven in the GCC is considerably lower with gasoline than with electricity, which contradicts the European experience where cost savings from electricity versus gasoline can be around 8 to 1. Furthermore, as there is an absence of purchase and ownership/utilization taxation of vehicles in the GCC, no tax discount can be levied, in contrast to the EV tax incentives common in Europe. This paper explores which qualities of driving and owning an EV in the GCC are necessary to persuade certain kinds of new automobile consumers to pay a higher purchasing price for owning an EV as opposed to an ICE, in spite of higher costs for electricity compared to gasoline per kilometer driven. This pilot study attempts to provide an insight to new car purchasing behavior among consumers in Kuwait via a qualitative innovative approach known as 'Q Methodology'. Interestingly, the factors that emerged from the research represent three subjective perspectives of new car purchase in Kuwait which were labeled as Factor 1, 'Value Seeker'; Factor 2, 'Safety Seeker'; and Factor 3, 'Performance Seeker'. The study concludes that given financial constraints, the 'Value Seeker' group is not likely to become an early adopter of EVs in the GCC region. Conversely, the 'Performance Seeker', which includes mainly younger men who are more likely to view the fast acceleration of EVs as a deciding factor, and the 'Safety Seekers', who are mainly younger women who would value the environmental aspects of EVs as well as the quiet driving experience and low maintenance requirements are determining factors for EV adoption in the GCC region in the future.

Countries around the world, with the glaring exception of the US under President Donald Trump, are increasingly acknowledging the shift that’s needed from a fossil fuel-driven economy to one that is sustainable, green and attempts to... more

Countries around the world, with the glaring exception of the US under President Donald Trump, are increasingly acknowledging the shift that’s needed from a fossil fuel-driven economy to one that is sustainable, green and attempts to mitigate climate change.

Mechanical properties were evaluated for pulp delignified by four deep eutectic solvents (DES). The DES systems were based on choline chloride and lactic acid (1:9), oxalic acid:dihydrate (1:1), malic acid (1:1), and the system... more

Mechanical properties were evaluated for pulp delignified by four deep eutectic solvents (DES). The DES systems were based on choline chloride and lactic acid (1:9), oxalic acid:dihydrate (1:1), malic acid (1:1), and the system alanine:lactic acid (1:9). The results indicated that the type of DES system used influenced the delignified pulp's mechanical properties including tensile, burst and tear indexes, tensile length, and stiffness. The most suitable DES systems were choline chloride:malic acid (1:1) and alanine:lactic acid (1:9), which achieved the best aforementioned mechanical properties compared to the other DES systems. The weakest performance in the process of pulp delignification was the system with choline chloride and oxalic acid dihydrate (1:1).

The United Nations proposed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to foster sustainable development, including tackling environmental challenges and adopting cleaner production practices worldwide. Green technology is crucial for the... more

The United Nations proposed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to foster sustainable development, including tackling environmental challenges and adopting cleaner production practices worldwide. Green technology is crucial for the implementation of the SDGs. Currently, there is an urgent need to form a long-term sustainable investment mechanism for screening, evaluation, and promotion of appropriate green technology. Therefore, this study develops an integrated green technology framework to fill a gap in the literature by prioritizing green technologies' most critical attributes in Pakistan. Initially, we focus on eight leading green technology indicators: Environmental Quality, Resource Utilization, Agriculture & forestry, Green building, Energy utilization, Green Transport, Life Health, and Ecology Safety with the help of the fuzzy Delphi method. Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) is employed to find primary and sub-indicators relative importance. Results reveal that Energy Utilization and agriculture & forestry are significant indicators. Supply chain and sustainable food security, Energy Recycling and Eco-Farming obtained the highest weight scores and are seen as essential among 43 sub-criteria. This study is among the first to assess the green technology indicators for cleaner production and sustainable investment to achieve sustainable development. This study's outcomes can help scholars, managers, government agencies, and decision-makers understand the importance of green technologies to achieve SDGs while simultaneously improving sustainability practices.

Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) contamination has gained interest from regulatory authorities due to its high toxicity and carcinogenicity. Different approaches have been applied for the remediation of Cr(VI) from aquatic media, with... more

Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) contamination has gained interest from regulatory authorities due to its high toxicity and carcinogenicity. Different approaches have been applied for the remediation of Cr(VI) from aquatic media, with adsorption being the most common method. Biochar has gained popularity in recent years as a costeffective and greener adsorbent for remediation of heavy metals (HMs) via different mechanisms, including complexation, electrostatic or ionic interactions, and precipitation. Owing to its facile synthesis methods and excellent physico-chemical properties, biochar has been applied extensively for the removal of Cr(VI) from different matrices. However, very few studies have targeted the elimination of Cr(VI) from real polluted environmental matrices, such as soil or water. Therefore, this review comprehensively discussed the potential application of modified biochar in remediation of Cr(VI) from different environmental matrices, starting with its toxicology impacts on flora and fauna. Furthermore, this review has provided a comprehensive state-of-the-art analysis of biochar tailoring technology, modification methods, various adsorption mechanisms, and factors which influence the adsorption of Cr(VI) from different environmental matrices, along with regeneration and reuse of spent adsorbents. Finally, current work focuses on the major gaps in the literature and areas in which further research should be pursued in addition to the effective application of biochar as adsorbent for the remediation of Cr(VI).

Green jobs are places of employment that contribute to preserve or restore the environment, applied in traditional sectors such as manufacturing and construction, or in new, emerging sectors such as renewable energy and energy efficiency.... more

Green jobs are places of employment that contribute to preserve or restore the environment, applied in traditional sectors such as manufacturing and construction, or in new, emerging sectors such as renewable energy and energy efficiency. Green jobs are a solution for young, unemployed people, who not only can find employment but can become entrepreneurs in this sector of economy. Green jobs can also influence the European integration by programmes of international cooperation and knowledge exchange which aim to reduce youth unemployment and protect the environment. One of the examples of such programs is the Danube-Oder-Elbe (DOE) water corridor project. The article analyses the current situation of young people in the green jobs sector of labour markets in Poland, Austria, Czech Republic and Germany. The aim of article is to discuss the potential future of youth unemployment in the European integration context in these four chosen countries after having concluded the DOE water corridor project.

Energy transitions in the Global South are typically said to sit somewhere between autocratic mega-projects with considerable fallout for local communities on the one hand, and promissory projects to foster a better, sustainable and more... more

Energy transitions in the Global South are typically said to sit somewhere between autocratic mega-projects with considerable fallout for local communities on the one hand, and promissory projects to foster a better, sustainable and more inclusive future on the other. Morocco's ambitious energy strategy entails the construction of 20 concentrated solar power (CSP) plants across the country and aims to provide energy security and position Morocco as an exporter of green energy. While energy transitions usually reflect existing power hierarchies, this article focuses on the dynamics Morocco's energy transition plan has set in motion at the local level in affected communities. Based on fieldwork in the province of Tata, where two CSP plants are planned, the article argues that the promising yet elusive vision of solar energy has created a space for political articulation and agency at the grassroots level. Morocco's energy transition is conceptualised in terms of an imaginary of 'green modernisation' that operates in two diverging dimensions: as an ideological glue legitimising and reproducing the regime's existing power by 'greening' its political-economic system; and as a site for novel forms of activism to problematise power structures and articulate demands for political participation, inclusion and public infrastructural investments.

Soil properties of landslide prone slopes on tea growing areas in, Passara, Matugama and Deniyaya in Sri Lanka were analyzed. Those areas are densely populated and several landslides have been reporting. Due to landslide hazard during the... more

Soil properties of landslide prone slopes on tea growing areas in, Passara, Matugama and Deniyaya in Sri Lanka were analyzed. Those areas are densely populated and several landslides have been reporting. Due to landslide hazard during the extreme rainfall events of 2014 in Passara area with numerous fatalities and property damages and several landslide warning in 2013 and 2014 respectively for Matugama and Deniyaya areas attention has been received to this phenomenon. Slopes located at Passara, Matugama and Deniyaya areas which are, categorized as landslide prone slopes according to National Building Research Organization database. In order to test the hypothesis that “Soils at particular slopes in Passara, Matugama and Deniyaya slopes are particularly ‘problematic soils’ and susceptible to landslides” the following analyses were conducted. Particle size distribution, Atterberg limits, shear strength and factor of safety (Fs) have analyzed in soil sample of Passara, Matugama and Deniyaya slopes. Soils at the Matugama and Passara site showed expansive potential, owing to clay contents well above 20%. A clay content which exceeding 32% was identified at the Deniyaya site implying an extremely high expansive potential of the soil. High liquid limits (LLs) at Matugama (30%) and Passara (27.5%) meant that the soils susceptible to landslides. High plasticity index (PIs) (averaging 33%) also confirmed that the unstable nature of soils at the Deniyaya site. Whereas the value of Fs <1 for the Matugama site signifies an naturally unstable slope, Deniyaya and Passara slopes were hypothetically stable slopes (Fs>1). Despite this finding, the stable sites could be described as only conditionally stable because of the interplay of various physical, topographical and anthropogenic factors. The results pointed to the fact that soils at the landslide sites are inherently ‘problem soils’ where slope failure can occur even without human intervention. Therefore, the hypothesis of “Soils at particular slopes
in Passara, Matugama and Deniyaya slopes are particularly ‘problematic soils’ and susceptible to landslides”, is accepted.
Key words: Atterberg Limits; Liquid Limits; Plasticity Index; Expansive Potential; Landslide

The objective of this work was to evaluate properties of experimental particleboard panels manufactured from oil palm (Elais guineensis) trunks and Acacia mangium. Samples were made having five different ratios of two types of raw... more

The objective of this work was to evaluate properties of experimental particleboard panels manufactured from oil palm (Elais guineensis) trunks and Acacia mangium. Samples were made having five different ratios of two types of raw materials without using any adhesives. Both physical and mechanical properties of the specimens were evaluated based on Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS). Panels made with 100% oil palm particles had the highest modulus of rupture and internal bond strength values of 22.91% MPa and 0.59 MPa, respectively. Addition of A. mangium particles in the panels adversely influenced their mechanical properties while improved both thickness swelling and water absorption of the specimens. All panels made in this work met minimum strength requirements stated in JIS. Based on the findings in this work it appears that both types of underutilized species could have a potential to be used as raw material to manufacture binderless value-added panels.

Society, at large, has to realise the gravity of environmental degradation and participate fully in the mitigation of environmental problems. This article discusses the Indian initiatives and the important milestones in the path of... more

Society, at large, has to realise the gravity of environmental degradation and participate fully in the mitigation of environmental problems. This article discusses the Indian initiatives and the important milestones in the path of environmental protection and pollution abatement. The commitment of the Indian Government to the cause of public awareness of environment conservation is reflected in its outreach and educational programmes involving its ministries, environmental monitoring agencies,NGOs, academic and research institutions. The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF)has played a leading role in the national priority programmes of environmental monitoring, assessment and pollution control.All the stake holders have succeeded to some extent in creating public interest in environmental issues but much more needs to be done. National level institutions like NEERI,NIO and TERI are actively involved in research to find feasible solutions to our environmental problems and in ...

For green technology firms, government&#39;s shifting preference for sustainable products and services is likely to become an increasingly important market factor. Green technology firms are thus in an excellent position to respond to... more

For green technology firms, government&#39;s shifting preference for sustainable products and services is likely to become an increasingly important market factor. Green technology firms are thus in an excellent position to respond to greater calls for environmentally friendly products and services and derive market advantages from doing so. Moreover, green technology firms possess the knowledge, expertise, and experience that can increase local governments&#39; SPP adoption and implementation success. Drawing from the results of two recent studies, this paper presents five reasons why green technology firms should care about local governments&#39; recent trend toward SPP adoption.

One of the primary challenges with stock selection is the identification of the best stock features to use for the selection of winning stocks. Typically, there are easily more than 50 variables that can be used for stock selection. Many... more

One of the primary challenges with stock selection is the identification of the best stock features to use for the selection of winning stocks. Typically, there are easily more than 50 variables that can be used for stock selection. Many stock investors prefer to keep stock selection as simple as possible and therefore are interested in identifying a few stock variables to use for the identification of winning stocks. Principal Component Analysis is a statistical technique that reduces a large number of inputs of data to a few factors. Once the factors are established, they are displayed in a perceptual map. The perceptual map provides a clear picture of the winning stocks that should be selected for trading.

The world today is almost working on machines which are releasing hazardous gases & cloud is mainly working on the machine environment. Cloud Computing is the talk of the day and used by every person now a day. Almost all the domains are... more

The world today is almost working on machines which are releasing hazardous gases & cloud is mainly working on the machine environment. Cloud Computing is the talk of the day and used by every person now a day. Almost all the domains are making using of this technology which on the back-end uses SAN (Storage Area Network) Technology. Through this service data, application & other resources can be accessed using internet. Cloud uses a large number of high-end machines which is resulting in the release of hazardous gases in the environment which has a negative impact on the environment around us. So, we need to look for aspects which can result in making cloud energy-efficient. In this paper, we have put forward some of the techniques which can be used to make cloud computing more energy-efficient.

ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT This study examines reverse supply chains in the electronics industry. The analysis characterizes the flow of resources among firms in a reverse supply chain in the Norwegian electronics industry. The study... more

ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT This study examines reverse supply chains in the electronics industry. The analysis characterizes the flow of resources among firms in a reverse supply chain in the Norwegian electronics industry. The study subsequently examines influences of governance mechanisms and culture on the social, ecological, and economic performance in the supply chain. ßased on principal-agency theory, the authors implicate collaboration, monitoring, and specific assets as determinants of the interfirm culture operating in the reverse supply chain. The interfirm culture and collaboration serve as antecedents to triple bottom line performance. Data collected with Norwegian electronics collectors indicate that collaboration and interfirm culture influence ecological, economic, and relational components of sustainable performance.

The coastal Isthmus of Tehuantepec region of Oaxaca, Mexico – known locally as the Istmo – is regarded as one of the best wind energy generating sites in the world. Marketed as a preeminent solution to mitigating climate change, wind... more

The coastal Isthmus of Tehuantepec region of Oaxaca, Mexico – known locally as the Istmo – is regarded as one of the best wind energy generating sites in the world. Marketed as a preeminent solution to mitigating climate change, wind energy is now applying increasing pressure on indigenous groups in the region. The article begins by outlining a definition of colonialism that assists in identifying the temporal continuity of the colonial project to understand its relationship with wind energy development. The next section briefly reviews colonial genocide studies, discussing disciplinary debates between liberal and post-liberal genocide scholars, the relevance of self-management within colonial systems, the genocide-ecocide nexus and the ‘intent’ of destructive development projects. This leads into reviewing the claims and findings that emerged from fieldwork in the Istmo, which is divided into the north and south to show the different, yet similar dynamics taking place in the region. Finally, the article concludes that wind energy development as a ‘solution’ to climate change not only distracts from its dependence on fossil fuels and mining, but renews and continues a slow industrial genocide, assimilating and targeting (indigenous) people who continue to value their land, sea and cultural relationships.

Africa and other developing countries have for long borne the blunt of continued environmental pollution despite the fact that the carbon footprint of these economies has comparatively been low. However, statistics today predict a steady... more

Africa and other developing countries have for long borne the blunt of continued environmental pollution despite the fact that the carbon footprint of these economies has comparatively been low. However, statistics today predict a steady growth in economic development in Africa driven by an accelerated growth in the construction sector and migration from rural to urban centers. With this, the Carbon footprint of these countries is expected to steadily increasing the environmental burden for an environment that is already torn apart. This is because the construction industry alone has been blamed for a third of the global environmental pollution. However, prior research by academia, global environmental bodies and governments has shown that sustainable green approaches can be adopted within the construction industry to reduce its carbon footprint and to enhance savings on the environment. Moreover, these environmental savings have been considered not just as enhancing savings for the environment but also their capability to bring greater financial benefits for the organizations as well as increased quality of life for occupants of these buildings and to the society at large. This research analyzes the green technological innovations that can be leveraged for sustainable economic development in developing economies. The research considers two green building cases (the United Nations green building in Nairobi and the Eastgate center in Harare, Zimbabwe) to draw its conclusions. The result of this study is a framework for sustainable building and construction in developing economies.

Today built heritage conservation should consider constantly changing needs of users. In particular, recent problems related to the economic crisis and to environmental pollution make issues related to consumption reduction and... more

Today built heritage conservation should consider constantly changing needs of users. In particular, recent problems related to the economic crisis and to environmental pollution make issues related to consumption reduction and environmental impact particularly important.
Even if historical buildings have many sustainable features in terms of embodied energy and land consumption, they don’t perfectly meet current standards and impose many restraints from a constructive and typological/functional point of view.
In recent years a new approach to preservation has been derived from the theory of “care of monuments” by Ruskin: a preventive and constant maintenance, interpreted as less destructive and cheaper intervention and management of the continual becoming. Besides a lifecycle approach leads to reconsider management and to rethink the intervention putting in place a balance between positive and negative contributions in the long term.
The LCA mantra “from cradle to grave” is usually applied to new products taking into account all components, from the extraction/production of raw materials to the disposal of constructive elements. Since the main goal of historical buildings' conservation is to shift to infinity their dismissal time, this study aims to lay the foundations for an innovative approach for sustainability assessment of existing buildings that should consider the resources savings and doesn’t set a time limit for the building’s life.
The paper focuses on “minor” built heritage, the most exposed to abandonment and decay.

This 1992 paper reports on work in progress in 'Design for Energy Efficiency,' one of fifteen task areas of the U.S. Department of Energy sponsored Energy Efficient Industrialized Housing research program. In this task, design studies... more

This 1992 paper reports on work in progress in 'Design for Energy Efficiency,' one of fifteen task areas of the U.S. Department of Energy sponsored Energy Efficient Industrialized Housing research program. In this task, design studies establish visions of energy efficient housing systems and technologies for the year 2030 from which shorter term research activities can be defined. One study for a 'Multifamily Concrete Panel House in a Hot-Arid Climate,' a primarily passive solar design, responds to trends anticipating demand for small, minimum cost multi-family houses in sun-belt suburbs, diversifying household composition, declining wood resources, advancing concrete technology, increasing site density, and competition for cooling energy. Task background and progress is presented with an emphasis on passive solar systems and goals.

Hotel companies can adopt so many green practices as preventative measures to save unnecessary costs. Those practices are like Pollution prevention, wise waste disposal, justified energy consumption and recycling. To name some other... more

Hotel companies can adopt so many green practices
as preventative measures to save unnecessary costs. Those
practices are like Pollution prevention, wise waste disposal,
justified energy consumption and recycling. To name some
other popular cost cutting measures for the short-, mid- and
long-term are use of compact fluorescent lights for saving
energy, reuse of linens which saves water, detergent, energy
and greenhouse gases, Low-flow shower systems saving water
and energy, use of local products which save transportation
costs, installation of green roofs for saving energy, Installation
of solar heaters or other renewable energy sources for saving
energy and so on. The hospitality industry is grappling with
issues of competition, tighter profit margins, discerning guests
and reduced disposable income among patrons. In such a
scenario, hotels are employing lean management principles,
making business decisions with long term perspective and of
course keeping costs in check, green technology, is thus an
inevitable choice for sustainability.

Green technologies play an essential role in designing and developing sustainable and environmental strategies at a country level. With a growing emphasis on green technology strategies in strategic decision making, there is an... more

Green technologies play an essential role in designing and developing sustainable and environmental strategies at a country level. With a growing emphasis on green technology strategies in strategic decision making, there is an opportunity for developing and implementing strategies to accelerate green technologies in developing economies. Therefore, this study develops an integrated strategic framework based on Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) for effective green technology planning. The SWOT approach scans internal and external factors and sub-factors essential for green technology planning in Pakistan. Subsequently, the Grey Analytical Hierarchical Process (GAHP) method is employed to compute weights of twenty-one subfactors. Finally, Grey Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution (GTOPSIS) is used to prioritize eighteen strategies developed for sustainable green technology planning. Results reveal that high productivity potential in the agriculture sector, less foreign investment due to terrorism and security issues, decreasing the cost of green technologies, and the opportunity to build a positive image are key sub-factors for strategic green technology planning. In contrast, improving the security situation in the country to attract foreign direct investment, fewer taxes and duties on import of green technology and lenient rules for local business in transition, and plans and programs to promote green technology in the agriculture sector are observed as optimal strategies. This study is the first to propose a systematic, integrated framework for sustainable green technology planning in Pakistan. Our study fills a gap in the strategic planning and implementation process and provides pathways for policymakers in addressing impediments when implementing green technology planning.

If the growth of communication systems’ energy consumption continues at the present pace, it will endanger ambitious plans to reduce CO2 emissions and tackle climate change. Increasing the energy efficiency of such systems is thus clearly... more

If the growth of communication systems’ energy consumption continues at the present pace, it will endanger ambitious plans to reduce CO2 emissions and tackle climate change. Increasing the energy efficiency of such systems is thus clearly a major challenge. Green computing seeks to offer energy efficient solutions to Communication systems. This paper presents a brief overview of the application of green technology in wireless communication industries.

Dairy farming plays a vital role in the social and economic livelihood of the farmer households and cooperatives in the Cagayan Valley. For the adoption of new technologies such as greening technology in dairy production, profiling of the... more

Dairy farming plays a vital role in the social and economic livelihood of the farmer households and cooperatives in the Cagayan Valley. For the adoption of new technologies such as greening technology in dairy production, profiling of the dairy farm is an important factor in developing the assessment of the viability of the green tech to be adopted by the farmers as a means to increase their productivity and efficiency in farming. By considering this aspect, the study was undertaken in the Cagayan Valley and the respondents were purposively selected. There were four cooperatives that represented the region, while 10 farmer households were also randomly selected. The data was collected using a predesigned interview schedule on-farm/site. Key informant interviews (KII) and focus group discussion (FGD) will be the means of gathering relevant information. The collected data was analysed using basic descriptive statistical methods such as frequency, percentage, proportions, average, and rating. The results indicate that the majority of the dairy farmers in the Cagayan Valley belonged to the aged group, with an average age of 54 and above, with a degree in college, and a high income of up to P15,001-above/monthly, which represents the large and medium-sized families. The majority of dairy farmers had at least 5 years of experience using green technology, and 60% of them had both cattle and carabao as dairy farm animals. The adoption rate of green technology using vermicomposting and using solar panels by both categories of respondents reveals that there is a potential market expansion for the implementation of green technology for the dairy farming industry and for further improvement of the socio-economic status of the farmers and their stakeholders, which may lead to their embracing green tech culture. Adequate research and a contribution from the NGO’s and government in this sector are essential to improve the living conditions of the farmers in Cagayan Valley.

ER DET blitt slik at man er mer opptatt av korrekte holdninger og symboler for å redde klima og baerekraft enn faktisk å gjøre noe med det? Mange er kanskje lei av å lytte til at klima er mer et spørsmål om moral og symboler enn en aktiv... more

ER DET blitt slik at man er mer opptatt av korrekte holdninger og symboler for å redde klima og baerekraft enn faktisk å gjøre noe med det? Mange er kanskje lei av å lytte til at klima er mer et spørsmål om moral og symboler enn en aktiv handling? I en forskningsar-tikkel fant vi nemlig at den symbolske og nedlatende pekefingermoralismen kan få motsatte effekter enn det vi faktisk ønsker å oppnå (Biong mfl., 2010). Vi ser også at mange sprer dystopier som skaper frykt og frustra-sjon rundt kommende klimaendringer. Dette fører til apati-det motsatte av det entreprenørskapet vi nå trenger for å fikse klimaforandringene. Noen hevder at baerekraft bare er en form for oppor-tunisme for å tilegne seg makt og ressurser. Vi ser stadig at det beste presenteres som det godes verste fiende. Det er en lang prosess å få til et baerekraftig samfunn. Men akkurat som Roma ikke ble bygget på én dag, vil det å skape baerekraftig endring vaere en dynamisk prosess der både teknologisk innovasjon og entreprenørskap kan skape positive endringer som kommer alle for-brukere til gode. Vi ønsker bedre produkter og bedre løsninger. Baerekraft er et Kinder-egg som gir oss dette. I den nye boken Grønn markedsføringsledelse-om baerekraftig entreprenørskap, strategi og markedsføring er mitt mål å gi redskaper til de virkelige aktivistene som har kapasitet og kunnskap til å gjennomføre det grønne skiftet-nemlig ledere i naeringslivet, organisasjoner og forvaltning. Naeringslivets oppgave blir da å skape bedre produkter som forbrukerne vil ha. Grunnen til at Tesla har de mest lojale kundene, er jo nettopp at Tesla-kundene er mer tilfredse enn andre bilkjøpere. Dette er de fordi bilen har en raskere akselerasjon, bedre trygg-het, flottere design, lavere støynivå, mindre utslipp og bedre kjøreegenskaper enn andre biler i samme klasse. Både akselerasjon og forbruk er direkte konsekvenser av en baerekraftig teknologi. Tesla-gründer Elon Musk sier at elektriske biler må se spennende ut, slik at kun-dene virkelig ønsker dem, og ikke bare kjøper dem fordi de må eller bør. For at naeringslivet skal lyktes med det grønne skiftet, trenger moderne ledere å knekke Musks Kinder-egg ved bruk av verktøy som blant annet: • grønne delingsøkonomi-modeller for økt baerekraft • nudging (grønn dulting) for å endre automatisk adferd i retning av baerekraft • blockchain-teknologi for å utkonkurrere ikke-baere-kraftige produkter (såkalte lemons) • grønn SWOT-analyse for strategisk endring i retning av baerekraft • grønn BCG-analyse for å strukturrasjonalisere egen produktportefølje i retning av baerekraft • sirkulaere økonomimodeller for å snu avfallspyra-miden • grønn prisstrategi (insentivsystemer) • grønn produktstrategi (innovasjonsbasert grønt entreprenørskap) • grønn distribusjonsstrategi • grønn kommunikasjonsstrategi (unngå grønnvas-king og treffe LOHAS, grønne segmenter i markeder) • kontroll av økoopportunisme • interessentanalyser og strategier Utfordringene er å snu koplingen mellom økonomisk vekst og økende miljøproblemer (figur 1). Dette er en utvikling som krever kunnskap der en må implementere sirkulaere forretningsmodeller i retning av baerekraftig, økonomisk vekst. Det grønne skiftet er en grunnleg-gende og gjennomgripende (disruptiv) endring som drives frem gjennom både teknologiske og markeds-messige drivkrefter (figur 2) (Christensen & Overdorf, 2000). Bedriftsøkonomisk innsikt i hvordan ledelsen kan møte denne utviklingen, er derfor kritisk viktig ARNE NYGAARD er professor ved Institutt for markedsføring, økonomi og innovasjon ved Høyskolen Kristiania.

The advancement of the global economy and technology has developed human civilization to a greater extent, it has also caused Massive damage to the global environment. solar energy, hydrogen fuel, and nuclear power are technically complex... more

The advancement of the global economy and technology has developed human civilization to a greater extent, it has also caused Massive damage to the global environment. solar energy, hydrogen fuel, and nuclear power are technically complex and cannot achieve mass production in a short period of time. Electric energy is a feasible energy solution at present, can solve the country's dependence on oil resources to a certain extent. As environment concern increases day by day and introduction of the new BS6 engines in India shows a great step in moving towards creating environment-friendly vehicles. But the problem of moving forwards at this pace in India is about the customer perceptive towards electric vehicles in India. As people are not much aware of the technology is and what is the change that it would bring in to there life and environment around them. We can it can be the lack of knowledge about electric vehicles or the trust that they have on the traditional fossil fuel vehicles. As India is a country with people having different lifestyles, habits, cultures etc…its a tough thing for the government here to quickly shift to electric vehicles. This paper talks exactly about the perceptions and buying behavior of the customer when an electric vehicle is launched in the market. this paper will show us a brief understanding of how people in India have their opinion about owning an electric vehicle and difficulties that they feel which concerns them over buying an electric vehicle over traditional diesel and petrol engine vehicles. So after going through the data that's been collected on this study I was able to find quite a few interesting things that have been affecting consumers buying decision towards electric vehicles not that they are not ready to embrace the new technology that's coming but it's more about the doubtfulness that the people have that can they have this in there society and how much will it impact their society positively and negatively. The study also shows that people are more concerned about its long-lasting feature such limited range as people in India love travelling in there own vehicles and the safety of the car as it runs on a battery which is quite new for the people and its durability. The factors that influences customers in purchasing of electric vehicles are not only about the design and development of electric vehicles that suits customer demands but it also serve as a theoretical idea in which Electric Vehicles can be Maximized and provide a choice for Customers purchase. the government and Automobile manufacturers need to focus on increasing the awareness and give publicity of there electric vehicles and Start launching more attractive battery, infrastructure and charging schemes to attract customers and promote the sustainable Energy development of the automobile industry.

Solar stills of four different capacities were fabricated and tested for water distillation. The distilled water production rate performance (PRP) was analyzed. The highest rate of PRP was recorded between 11.30 am and 12.30 noon in all... more

Solar stills of four different capacities were fabricated and tested for water distillation. The distilled water production rate performance (PRP) was analyzed. The highest rate of PRP was recorded between 11.30 am and 12.30 noon in all the solar stills studied. It was 0.0287 L/m 2 /hr in unit I, 0.0288 L/m 2 /hr in unit II, 0.0279 L/m 2 /hr in unit III and 0.0267 L/m 2 /hr in unit IV. The study reveals that the solar stills. The pH of distilled condensate was 7.0 indicating neutral character. The TS, TDS, TSS, sulphates, phosphates and chlorides were reduced to zero after the solar distillation in all the four solar stills. It insures that the distilled water is 'Pure' water.

Against the global warming that is problem for world in high scale and for Turkey in little scale. Importance of the renewable energy sources that is called green energy has been displayed. Depending on the use of fossil fuels,... more

Against the global warming that is problem for world in high scale and for Turkey in little scale. Importance
of the renewable energy sources that is called green energy has been displayed. Depending
on the use of fossil fuels, countries were reviewed and accelerated their green energy R&D investments
about the effect of increasing greenhouse gas. In Turkey, R&D concept has not been apprehended
enough yet. So, Turkey has dropped back despite including high potential.
The first part of this case, green energy R&D investments of other countries has been analyzed. In
the next part, R&D investments and capacity of Turkey have been analyzed and compared with other
countries. Also, insufficiencies of goverment agenciess’ R&D departments have been analyzed and in
conclusions, some solutions have been offered.

Today, human activities constitute the primary environmental impact on the planet. In this context, commitments to sustainability, or minimization of damage, prove insufficient. To develop regenerative, futuring capabilities,... more

Today, human activities constitute the primary environmental impact on the planet. In this context, commitments to sustainability, or minimization of damage, prove insufficient. To develop regenerative, futuring capabilities, architectural design needs to extend beyond the form and function of things and engage with the management of complex systems. Such systems involve multiple types of dynamic phenomena—biotic and abiotic, technical and cultural—and can be understood as living. Engagement with such living systems implies manipulation of pervasive and unceasing change, irrespective of whether it is valued by design stakeholders or actively managed towards homeostatic or homeorhetic conditions. On one hand, such manipulation of continuity requires holistic and persistent design involvements that are beyond natural capabilities of human designers. On the other hand, practical, political, or creative implications of reliance on automated systems capable of tackling such tasks are as yet underexplored. In response to this challenge, this paper considers an experimental approach that utilized methods of critical making and speculative designing to explore potentials of autonomous architecture. Presented experiments combined knowledge of animal architecture with intelligent behaviors of robotic devices.

The authors analyzed the development of the "green hotel" concept, economic and environmental factors affecting the implementation of the "green hotel" concept, proposed an approach to the implementation of the "green hotel" concept,... more

The authors analyzed the development of the "green hotel" concept, economic and environmental factors affecting the implementation of the "green hotel" concept, proposed an approach to the implementation of the "green hotel" concept, taking into account the regional specifics of the Russian hospitality market.

A construction and post construction activity in buildings contributes to environmental degradation, because of the generation of solid waste during construction to the production of carbon dioxide by the occupants during utilization.... more

A construction and post construction activity in
buildings contributes to environmental degradation, because of the
generation of solid waste during construction to the production of
carbon dioxide by the occupants during utilization. These problems
were caused as a result of lack of adopting green building technology
during and after construction. However, this study aims at
conceptualizing the factors that are affecting the adoption of green
building technology with a view to suggest better ways for its
successful adoption in the construction industry through developing a
green building technology model. Thus, the research findings show
that: Economic, Social, Cultural, and Technological progresses are
the factors affecting Green Building Technology Adoption.
Therefore, identifying these factors and developing the model might
help in the successful adoption of green building technology.

From the introduction of commercialized cars till date, the technology used in the cars have given edge to the companies who can provide better solutions and efficient systems that can provide fuel efficiency and better performance. In... more

From the introduction of commercialized cars till date, the technology used in the cars have given edge to the companies who can provide better solutions and efficient systems that can provide fuel efficiency and better performance. In modern world, it has become difficult to survive for those companies who still practicing traditional management tactics and not commencing technological advancements in their designs and manufacturing. The change management concept consists of modification in the actions of the company as well as technologies and methods to obtain the desired goal of the company just as changing the business environment of the company from inside and outside in order to attain high profitability. These changes are associated with the adaptation change, control change and effecting change. In this report, we will examine the business model of Tesla Motors, the journey of the company in terms of introducing novel concept in traditional automotive industry and the change management concept.

The aim of this study is to examine the impact of environmental awareness, green technology usage towards sustainable green practices on the manufacturing SMEs in Bangladesh. Developing countries are more reactive regarding the adaptation... more

The aim of this study is to examine the impact of environmental awareness, green technology usage towards sustainable green practices on the manufacturing SMEs in Bangladesh. Developing countries are more reactive regarding the adaptation of green practices into their businesses than developing countries, mainly due to technical, financial and social reasons. Bangladesh is no exception. The major constraints for adopting those practices are costly green technology and the lack of sound knowledge about ecological footprints. But adopting green technologies can be an effective solution. 220 manufacturing SMEs are surveyed through using a structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed using Smart PLS 3.0. The findings reveal that environmental awareness and environmental technological usages has positive association with sustainable green practices. This study has been inspired the SME manufacturer to foster the environmental sustainable practices.

This paper concerns with an assessment of green motivations in an emerging country like Pakistan. The renewable energy source is one of the most important topics of discussion during these days. The growing world population has increased... more

This paper concerns with an assessment of green motivations in an emerging country like Pakistan. The renewable energy source is one of the most important topics of discussion during these days. The growing world population has increased energy consumption which is responsible for environmental hazards and global warming. Similarly, the dependence on fossil fuels has become a crucial challenge towards the requirement of energy sources. In this scenario, the demand for renewable energy plans has emerged and attracted the researchers and marketers to develop competitive and eco-friendly products. Pakistan is a developing country and facing enormous energy crises since last decade. Government of Pakistan has taken many initiatives but the issue is still not resolved. Therefore, renewable energy is the only feasible solution to overcome this challenge. This paper seeks to identify peoples' perception towards green consumption in Pakistan. Various factors including quality of life, environmental consciousness, quality and price, information and knowledge and awareness have been taken as indicators which influences green consumption. A survey based questionnaire technique is used along with non-probability snowball sampling consisting of 511 responses from the larger cities of Pakistan. The results are quite significant and entails; these factors have positive effect over green product consumption in Pakistan. Further, it is argued that Pakistani market has a great potential and promising future for Green products.

Energy saving glass known as e-saving glass is very popular in the design of windows or walls for modern day building due to their low-emissivity properties. This glass is produced by applying a thin coating of metallic oxide (e.g. silver... more

Energy saving glass known as e-saving glass is very popular in the design of windows or walls for modern day building due to their low-emissivity properties. This glass is produced by applying a thin coating of metallic oxide (e.g. silver oxide or tin oxide) on one side of the float glass. This coating provides good thermal isolation to the building by blocking infrared radiation from outside while almost transparent to the visible light. Marketing an e-saving glass is totally different than market a consumer product that carries little or no risk but e-saving glass cost fortune to the consumers. Therefore, research will be looking particularly on consumers’ acceptance towards consumers purchase decision (CPD) and market transformation (green awareness, E-saving glass knowledge, new product advantage). An investigation will be conducted to assess the market needs in order to ensure that the product meets the market demand and solves the problem it intended to. This is then followed by a market feasibility study to determine the potential consumers of the product. The data gathered based on randomly market survey around Malacca.