History of Byzantine Education and Culture Research Papers (original) (raw)

(pre-print) Μέρος του Μαρία Αλεξάνδρου (επιμ.), Κασσία, η βυζαντινή ποιήτρια και συνθέτιδα-Αφιέρωμα μουσικολογικό και ψαλτικό, στο 1ο Συμπόσιο Ορθοδόξων Ψαλτριών, με τίτλο Γυναίκες Ψάλτριες Βυζαντινής & Εκκλησιαστικής Μουσικής. Διδασκαλία... more

(pre-print) Μέρος του Μαρία Αλεξάνδρου (επιμ.), Κασσία, η βυζαντινή ποιήτρια και συνθέτιδα-Αφιέρωμα μουσικολογικό και ψαλτικό, στο 1ο Συμπόσιο Ορθοδόξων Ψαλτριών, με τίτλο Γυναίκες Ψάλτριες Βυζαντινής & Εκκλησιαστικής Μουσικής. Διδασκαλία & Διεύθυνση Γυναικείου Χορού Ψαλτριών, που οργάνωσε η Ακαδημία Θεολογικών Σπουδών Βόλου, σε συνεργασία με το Βυζαντινό Χορό Ψαλτριών «Αι Άδουσαι», υπό την αιγίδα της Ιεράς Μητρόπολης Δημητριάδος, Βόλος 22-24 Νοεμβρίου 2019 (υπό έκδοση στα Πρακτικά)

The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more

The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the ancient necropolis by the Damascene Gate in Jerusalem; it was discovered in 1901 by H. Vincent.
The author proposes a new interpretation of the iconographic program of the Orpheus myth used by wealthy Christians in a sepulchral context (see Olszewski M.T. «Orphée endeuillé de la mosaïque funéraire de Jérusalem», in Rey Mimoso-Ruiz, B. ed., Actes du colloque «Orphée entre Soleil et ombre», à l’Institut Catholique de Toulouse du 16 au 17 novembre 2007, Inter Lignes, numéros spécial – mars 2008, pp. 205-214, 226). He also proposes a new interpretation of the role Orpheus played in Roman funerary art, concentrating on the importance of the play on words and the visual and textual punning that was popular in ancient art and especially in funerary art. He rejects the popular interpretation of Orpheus as Christ in the Roman catacombs and proposes to interpret the image as that of Orpheus, bard of the departed souls, without any ahistorical connection with Christ. The program of the mosaic from Jerusalem is thus explained as a play on the words Orpheus-orphanos and Chiron (Chi-Rho) and Pan [Παν(τοκράτωρ)].The frequently used Christian funerary formula of resting in peace, Christ or the Lord corresponds
perfectly with the mood created around the mythical bard.
Orpheus’ universal role as singer and musician moving even the most stony of hearts, extolling the beloved departed, is absolutely justified in the context of a 6th-century Christian tomb. Orpheus is a popular and neutral figure, meaning that in effect it does not constitute a threat to Christian theology and can be tolerated by the educated Christians of Jerusalem.

La période dont traite ce volume est encadrée par deux chutes, celle de 1204 et celle de 1453. Ces événements retentissants ont polarisé l’attention des historiens, suscitant des études nombreuses qui sont allées, pour certaines, jusqu’à... more

La période dont traite ce volume est encadrée par deux chutes, celle de 1204 et celle de 1453. Ces événements retentissants ont polarisé l’attention des historiens, suscitant des études nombreuses qui sont allées, pour certaines, jusqu’à mettre en doute la pérennité de l’Empire byzantin après 1204, en considérant ces deux siècles et demi comme l’épilogue d’une longue histoire impériale. La prise de Constantinople par les croisés en 1204 a, de fait, ouvert une période marquée par des crises multiples, que la conquête de la capitale en 1261 par la dynastie des Paléologues n’a pas résolues, tandis que d’autres périls se sont surajoutés : rivalités avec d’autres puissances régionales (en Épire, en Bulgarie, en Serbie, dans le Péloponnèse), prosélytisme de l’Église latine d’un côté et conversions à l’islam de l’autre, chute des rendements agricoles, bouleversements démographiques suscités par l’irruption de la peste noire ou l’arrivée de nouvelles populations turques acculées par l’expansion mongole… La conquête ottomane de Constantinople en 1453 a ainsi pu apparaître comme la conséquence logique d’un long processus d’affaiblissement entamé au début du XIIIe siècle.

The present paper proposes a new periodization model for the history of Byzantine literature between the 11th and the 15th century. The paper examines first the use of the historical model in the periodization schemata of various... more

The present paper proposes a new periodization model for the history of Byzantine literature between the 11th and the 15th century. The paper examines first the use of the historical model in the periodization schemata of various overviews of Byzantine literature along with the essentialist and teleological concepts inherent in this model. Two further sections present the arguments concerning the insignificance of 1204 and 1453 for a literary history of Byzantium because both dates did not leave a visible imprint on the way people wrote after the disasters had occured, while their presence as historical markers of an abrupt end obscures the continuities and the important changes that took place around them. In two last sections the paper offers two new boundaries that are not instantaneous moments in history but fluid and broad segments of time in its unbroken stream. The years around 1050 and 1350 are marked by a series of changes in the way logoi were perceived both in school and in actual practice, and it is, therefore, proposed that Byzantine literature from the eleventh century onwards is shaped by two fluid periods: 1050-1350 and 1350-1500.

9-11 February 2022. Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna and/or online

An entry on Barlaam of Calabria in Springer's Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy. Please cite in the original published version.

When studying the relationship between text and image in a single medieval manuscript with a medical topic, it is not uncommon to find large differences between the two media. There are cases where the writing is admittedly accompanied by... more

When studying the relationship between text and image in a single medieval manuscript with a medical topic, it is not uncommon to find large differences between the two media. There are cases where the writing is admittedly accompanied by miniatures, but where these are not reflected in the words: the subject of the figure is mentioned, but there is no descriptive element provided.
These inadequacies prompt us to reflect on this type of image, which was ultimately not designed from the start to be linked, either "intellectually" nor "physically", to a single text and therefore was not devoted to shed light on a single work.
Through the representation of the sea urchin, as it appears in some manuscripts of the De materia medica of Pedanius Dioscorides, I examine here the nature and functions of this kind of image that I call paradigmatic.
This analysis also provides an opportunity to study the anatomical diagrams of Aristotle, from which the representation of the sea urchin would originate, and to consider the role of this type of image in the teaching of medical disciplines in Antiquity.

"Cette monographie – la première du genre – est une réflexion sur les miniatures hippiatriques grecques, où se demander pour quel usage et comment le lecteur médiéval les « lisait », conduit nécessairement à essayer d’expliciter les... more

"Cette monographie – la première du genre – est une réflexion sur les miniatures hippiatriques grecques, où se demander pour quel usage et comment le lecteur médiéval les « lisait », conduit nécessairement à essayer d’expliciter les rapports complexes qu'entretiennent l'illustration et le texte.
Après une présentation générale de la littérature hippiatrique, l’auteur élucide des questions liées à la composition du Corpus hippiatricorum graecorum. L’intérêt est principalement porté sur les différentes recensions d’un de ses abrégés, l’Épitomé, et sur sa place par rapport au Corpus hippiatricorum. Ainsi est-on amené à mieux discerner l'histoire de ce traité et celle des deux seuls manuscrits illustrés.
Vient ensuite un chapitre consacré à l'étude minutieuse de ces deux témoins, le Leidensus Vossianus graecus Q. 50 et le Parisinus graecus 2244. Paléographie et codicologie s'en mêlent, qui révisent bien des opinions reçues sur l'origine des manuscrits.
Un re-examen des miniatures des deux témoins est alors possible. Par-delà analyses stylistique et iconographique, trop souvent attachées à la quête absolue de l'archétype, l'auteur analyse les rapports texte/image pour établir, en définitive, le modus operandi des imagiers et déterminer les fonctions concrètes pour lesquelles les figures ont été pensées et conçues. De ce regard synchronique découle naturellement une étude sur la façon dont le lecteur médiéval utilisait les images. Les conclusions pratiques se voient donc confrontées aux théories antiques et médiévales sur le rôle de l'image et celui des mots. Ainsi l'image hippiatrique ne saurait être seulement une simple illustration du texte : elle appartient à l'œuvre tout autant.
L’ouvrage s’adresse aux antiquisants et aux médiévistes, historiens de l’art et de la médecine vétérinaire antique et moderne ainsi qu’aux philologues et à quiconque s’intéresse à l’histoire de l’illustration scientifique et des relations entre l’homme et l’animal."

Hadrianopolis Antik Kentindeki Erken Bizans Dönemi sütun başlıklarının tanıtıldığı bu çalışmanın amacı, kazılarda ortaya çıkan veya kent içi ve çevresinde tespit edilen sütun başlıklarını detaylı şekilde açıklamaktır. Kent ve çevresinde... more

Hadrianopolis Antik Kentindeki Erken Bizans Dönemi sütun başlıklarının tanıtıldığı bu çalışmanın amacı, kazılarda ortaya çıkan veya kent içi ve çevresinde tespit edilen sütun başlıklarını detaylı şekilde açıklamaktır. Kent ve çevresinde bulunan sütun başlıkları, günümüze kadar yapılan bazı bilimsel yayınlara konu olmuş, ancak bunlar Bizans sanatı ve mimarisi açısından yeterince değerlendirilmemiştir. Ayrıca, 2017-2020 yılları arasında, yeni kazı alanlarında çok sayıda sütun başlığı ele geçmiş ve bunlar herhangi bir yayına konu olmamıştır. Geçmişten günümüze kadar Hadrianopolis kent sınırlarında ele geçen sütun başlıklarının tanımı ve sınıflandırılması için hazırlanan bu çalışmada, Erken Bizans Dönemi'ne tarihlenen sütun başlıkları, üslup ve biçimsel özelliklerine göre değerlendirilmiştir. Kentte bulunan sütun başlıkları yivli, impost ve ion impost olmak üzere üç farklı tiptedir. Hepsi yerel üretim olan bu sütun başlıkları mermer, granit ve kireçtaşından yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya konu olan sütun başlıklarından herhangi biri in situ durumda tespit edilmemiştir. Buna rağmen yapı içi veya hemen yakınında ortaya çıkarılan sütun başlıkları, bulundukları yapının tarihi, mimari ve süsleme özellikleri hakkında önemli ipuçları sunmaktadır. Bu yayında, özellikle sağlam veya kısmen sağlam olan sütun başlıklarına yer verilmiştir. Kazılarda ortaya çıkan ve sütun başlığına ait olduğu düşünülen impost, volüt, abaküs, bilezik ve kalathos parçalarının restorasyon çalışmaları halen devam etmektedir.
In this study, the Early Byzantine column capitals of Hadrianopolis Ancient City, is to explain the column capitals that revealed during excavations or were founded in and around the city. Column capital that founded around the city, has been the subject of some scientific puplications to present day. However, it hasn’t been adequately evaluated in terms of Byzantine art and architecture. In addition, between 2017-2020, a large of column capital were discovered at the new excavation areas and they were not the studied of any puplications. In this study, which was prepared for the definition and classification of the column capitals discovered in the city borders of Hadrianopolis from the past to the present day, the columns capitals dated to the Early Byzantine Period were evaluated according to their stylistic and formal features. Column capitals discovered in Hadrianopolis are three types as fluted, impost and ionic-impost. All the columns capitals which local production are made of marble, granite and limestone. Any of column capitals that studied is this article haven’t been discovered as in situ. Although the columns capitals uncovered inside or around the buildings provide important clues about the history, architecture and ornamental features of buildings in which they are located. In this article, columns capitals that are whole or partially firm are included. The restoration of Impost, volute, abacus, bracelet and calathos fragments, which were discovered during the excavations and are thought to belong to the column capitals, is still ongoing.

The paper focuses on John Tzetzes (ca. 1110-after 1166), well-known teacher and scholar of the Komnenian era, with the aim of examining two issues. On the one hand, Tzetzes’ opinions about the teaching practice of schedography are... more

The paper focuses on John Tzetzes (ca. 1110-after 1166), well-known teacher and scholar of the Komnenian era, with the aim of examining two issues. On the one hand, Tzetzes’ opinions about the teaching practice of schedography are collected and analyzed, while on the other, his opinions about everyday language and its possible uses are scrutinized through a close reading of many different passages from his works. In particular, the long epilogue of his Theogony (its three parts united for the first time on the printed page), written for the sebastokratorissa Eirene around the middle of the twelfth century, is discussed in detail for it offers a unique discussion of what is the appropriate way of addressing and writing for audieces of different social and educatonal status. The analyis and interpretation of the texts shows that Tzetzes’ “idiosyncratic” personality, as it appears in his writings is not a purely personal matter, but is strongly related to the competitive environment of the capital and to Tzetzes’ “middle-class” position in Constantinopolitan society. The paper also demonstrates that the boundaries of usage between “learned” and “colloquial” discourse are quite fluid and this fluidity can be used in certain contexts to the advantage of a teacher in promoting his status and financial success or to his disadvantage if he has to defend his choices against a rival. The paper ends with a broader analysis of the term oikonomia used by Tzetzes in the Theogony epilogue and the meaning of this term within the system of literary patronage under the Komnenoi.

Çalışmanın amacı Roma-Bizans Dönemi İstanbul’undaki Toplumsal Katmanları şu ana kadar elimizdeki mevcut bilgiler ışığında incelemektedir. Bu çalışmada ağırlıklı olarak Roma Bizans Dönemi’nin siyasi, sosyo-ekonomik ve sosyo-ekonomik... more

Çalışmanın amacı Roma-Bizans Dönemi İstanbul’undaki Toplumsal Katmanları şu ana kadar elimizdeki mevcut bilgiler ışığında incelemektedir. Bu çalışmada ağırlıklı olarak Roma Bizans Dönemi’nin siyasi, sosyo-ekonomik ve sosyo-ekonomik tarihini yansıtan, çoğu antik edebi ve epigrafik kaynakları kendine temel almış, önemli modern kaynaklar taranarak, bu kaynaklarda yer alan, konuyla doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak ilişkili tüm bilgiler değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Nihayetinde, değerlendirmeye alınan mevcut kaynaklardaki bilgiler birbirleriyle karşılaştırılmak ve bilimsel-rasyonel açıdan bir eleştiri süzgecinden geçirilmek suretiyle, bir derleme çalışması olarak nitelendirebileceğimiz bu çalışmanın oluşmasını sağlamıştır. Elde edilen en genel ve en temel sonuç şudur ki, Roma İmparatoru Constantinus tarafından başkent olarak ilan edilmesiyle birlikte sadece Byzantion olan ismi Konstantinopolis ile yer değiştirmemiş, bununla birlikte kaderi de değişmiş olan kentin toplumsal katmanlarını bilhassa bu dönemden itibaren takip etmek imkânlı hale gelir. Geç Roma-Bizans dönemi sosyal tabaklarını “yüksek”, “orta” ve “düşük” sınıf diye sınıflandırılabilir. Yüksek sınıfı merkezi otoritede, “Tanrı’nın koruması altındaki” imparator ve ailesi, yüksek devlet adamları, rütbeli memurlar ve yerel aristokrasi oluşturmaktaydı. Orta sınıf tabakayı, kentlerde ve kırsal kesimlerde yaşayan zengin ve orta halli insanlar kapsıyordu. Bunlar tüccarlar, sanayiciler ve orta ölçekli toprak sahipleridir. Alt tabaka ise hizmetkârlar, köleler ve yoksullardan oluşuyordu. Bu genel sınıflandırmanın yanı sıra Ruhban sınıf, özel imtiyazlara sahip bir sınıf olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Ruhbanın hemen ardından yargıçlar, özel sorumluluk mevkilerini işgal ediyorlardı. Toplumun önemli bir sınıfını oluşturan öğretmenler, topluma örnek olması gereken bir grup olarak önemseniyordu. Bizans sosyal hayatında saray hizmetlerinden eğlence gösterilerine kadar, her alanda köleleri görmek mümkündü. Ataerkil bir yapıya sahip Bizans toplumunda kadınların ve erkeklerin rolleri keskin çizgilerle ayrılmıştı. Bu bağlamda saray kadını ile halk hayatındaki kadını da birbirinden ayırmak doğru olur. Genel olarak bilinen şudur ki, kadınlar halk hayatında ve toplumsal hiyerarşide erkekten sonra geliyordu ve devletin, kilisenin ve ordunun yönetici kademelerinde yer alamıyordu. Bizans’taki egemen ideolojinin kadınlara açıkça bahşettiği tek alan annelikti. Her ne kadar toplumsal şartlar kadını, ev işleriyle uğraşan ve çocuğunu büyütmeye çalışan bir varlık olarak belirlese de, belli bir güce sahip kadınların sosyal ve ekonomik faaliyetlerde bulunduğunu ve meslek sahibi olabildiklerini de görüyoruz. Bu sınıfların yanı sıra İstanbul toplumsal yaşamı içinde var olmuş çingeneleri de kendilerine has yaşam biçimi ile unutmamak gerekir. Zaman zaman konuyla ilişkili olduğu kadarıyla kentin siyasi, ekonomik ve dinsel tarihine de kaçınılmaz olarak değinildiği bu çalışma, İstanbul’un bu dönemine ait toplumsal katmanlarına ilişkin kaynaklardan bilinenleri bir araya toplayan derleme bir çalışma olarak bundan sonraki konuyla ilgili yapılacak çalışmalar için temel kaynak olabilecek niteliktedir.

Homer the Rhetorician is the first monograph study devoted to the monumental Commentary on the Iliad by Eustathios of Thessalonike, one of the most renowned orators and teachers of the Byzantine twelfth century. Homeric poetry was a... more

Homer the Rhetorician is the first monograph study devoted to the monumental Commentary on the Iliad by Eustathios of Thessalonike, one of the most renowned orators and teachers of the Byzantine twelfth century. Homeric poetry was a fixture in the Byzantine educational curriculum and enjoyed special popularity under the Komnenian emperors. For Eustathios, Homer was the supreme paradigm of eloquence and wisdom. Writing for an audience of aspiring or practising prose writers, he explains in his commentary what it is that makes Homer's composition so successful in rhetorical terms. This study explores the exemplary qualities that Eustathios recognizes in the poet as author and the Iliad as rhetorical masterpiece. In this way, it advances our understanding of the rhetorical thought of a leading intellectual and the role of a cultural authority as respected as Homer in one of the most fertile periods in Byzantine literary history.

Глава к неосуществленному учебному пособию, 2004 г.

This is a paper to be read at the Second meeting of the SOPHIE (Society of the Orthodox Philosophers in Europe) which is to be held at the Annunciation-St. Justin hermitage in Eiterfeld-Unterufhausen, Germany, June 4th to 7th, 2015. It is... more

This is a paper to be read at the Second meeting of the SOPHIE (Society of the Orthodox Philosophers in Europe) which is to be held at the Annunciation-St. Justin hermitage in Eiterfeld-Unterufhausen, Germany, June 4th to 7th, 2015. It is an essay about the principles of Orthodox catechism and religious instruction in Saint Symeon and in Theophanes, and a brief comparative analysis of their respective teachings, The closing part of the paper is dedicated to the present state of affairs in Russian Church which is illustrated by the example of the Ekaterinburg diocese in the 21st century.

Книга посвящена интеллектуальной жизни Византии от ее начала до Х века, более всего IX–X векам — периоду, чрезвычайно важному для всего дальнейшего развития мировой культуры: именно тогда ученые византийцы переписали и таким образом... more

Книга посвящена интеллектуальной жизни Византии от ее начала до Х века, более всего IX–X векам — периоду, чрезвычайно важному для всего дальнейшего развития мировой культуры: именно тогда ученые византийцы переписали и таким образом спасли для потомков наследие античных греческих авторов. Автор прослеживает отношение к эллинизму в Византии от возникновения Империи до десятого столетия — века византийского энциклопедизма. В книге содержатся почерпнутые из источников интереснейшие сведения о византийском образовании, как школьном, так и высшем; о жизни византийских учителей и учеников; о библиотеках Империи, как светских, так и монастырских, и об их содержимом; о том, насколько в действительности темными были в Византии так называемые «темные века»; о роли иконоборческих споров в возрождении и дальнейшей судьбе византийского эллинизма; о появлении минускульного письма и о судьбе отдельных дошедших до нашего времени рукописей; о том, кому и в каком объеме было доступно в Византии образование; о соотношении литературы мирской и религиозной и об отношении к ней византийцев; об исчезнувших книгах, чье содержание нам известно лишь из упоминаний о них в сочинениях византийских ученых; о людях, благодаря которым мы до сих пор можем читать произведения Платона, Аристотеля, Гомера, Еврипида; о жизни и деятельности великих византийских интеллектуалов, таких как Лев Математик, Фотий Константинопольский, Арефа Патрский.
Книга предназначается для всех интересующихся историей образованности в Византии и ее интеллектуальной жизнью.

The greek word scholastikos as a human attribut is attested continuously from classical Antiquity to Modern times. However, over the centuries, the term took various nuances, which is associated with the respective activities, the... more

The greek word scholastikos as a human attribut is attested continuously from classical Antiquity to Modern times. However, over the centuries, the term took various nuances, which is associated with the respective activities, the participation in public life and the social status of the persons qualified as scholastikoi. In the article, starting with Axel Claus’ remarques in his doctoral thesis (Cologne 1965) and the exploitation of new evidences, is demonstrated that from the 3rd until the 7th century AD the number of people known as scholastikoi is particularly high. These people were educated men with rhetoric and legal training. The term did not designate a specific profession, but often at this period a scholastikos gathered the characteristics of a jurist in today's sense; he was a lawyer, solicitor, teacher of law, judge, notarius, etc. Although he was not directly related to the education as a school teacher, nor professor of rhetoric, in some circumstances and occasionally a scholastikos could be, in private and among others, teacher of grammar (grammarian). In the middle and late Byzantine period, the attribut scholastikos for a person is attested in a very few and isolated cases (Arethas’ letters for Niketas David Paphlagon, Ecloga privata aucta, Alexiad, Nikephoros Gregoras for Theodoros Metochites and Thomas Magistros, Life of saint Athanasios of Meteora). As it seems, the scholastikos, as human type with the characteristics outlined above, did not disappear, but the term was no longer used for this. In the rare available evidences, the authors mostly used the term in its ancient-greek meaning associated mostly with education, teachers and letters.

This first reflection on learning and on memorisation of the hippiatric knowledge in Late Antiquity and in Byzantium deserves a deeper study to answer three questions which have been barely dealt with in this contribution: how? why? for... more

This first reflection on learning and on memorisation of the hippiatric knowledge in Late Antiquity and in Byzantium deserves a deeper study to answer three questions which have been barely dealt with in this contribution: how? why? for whom? The first question involves a thorough comparison between the Corpus hippiatricorum Graecorum and, on the one hand, the Epitome and, on the other hand, the «Hierocles recomposed». As for the two other questions, they request an analysis of the context in which both these works were written and in which context their iconography was conceived. It is only then that we shall be able to understand the nature of these two writings and their images.

Original publication: "The Church and Classical Studies in Byzantium", Antike und Abendland 16 (1970): 68-77

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to introduce, edit and translate an unpublished fragment of Byzantine medical writing. Parisinus suppl. gr. 607 preserves a short and seemingly acephalous anthology of pharmaceutical remedies. A... more

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, edit and translate an unpublished fragment of Byzantine medical writing. Parisinus suppl. gr. 607 preserves a short and seemingly acephalous anthology of pharmaceutical remedies. A consideration of recipe collections as a distinctive but hard-to-define species of Byzantine Fachliteratur seeks to integrate this text into recent scholarship concerning a broad category of informal therapeutic writings, which testify to Byzantine drug lore, clinical practice and medicinal book culture. Investigation of the codicological structure clarifies that a secondary hand copied the fragment onto a blank folio in the mid-tenth century, contemporary with the compilation of this manuscript in a high socio-cultural and intellectual milieu in Constantinople. Examination of compositional contexts, embracing philological, textual, literary-historical and medical dimensions, suggests a ‘private’ remedy collection indicative of the use of texts in ‘household medicine’. This fragment draws particular attention as one of the earliest surviving specimens, while the codex has escaped the notice of previous inventories of Greek manuscripts with medical content.

Per intendere appieno la civiltà bizantina nella sua importanza storica e nella sua eredità culturale e sociale non si può ricorrere a saggi specialistici che affrontano ogni tema dal punto di vista specifico di una singola disciplina.... more

Per intendere appieno la civiltà bizantina nella sua importanza storica e nella sua eredità culturale e sociale non si può ricorrere a saggi specialistici che affrontano ogni tema dal punto di vista specifico di una singola disciplina. L’universalità del sapere in tutte le sue branche e l’armonia della conoscenza umana con il mondo celeste sono il fondamento portante del pensiero dell’uomo bizantino, che definiva se stesso all’interno di una oikoumene che traeva la sua preminenza sul mondo dalla sua capacità di partecipare del mondo celeste.
Il testo affronta quindi il problema della trasmissione culturale nell’Impero Romano d’Oriente – soffermandosi soprattutto sull’età medio bizantina – non rinserrandosi dietro un elenco e illustrazione delle pratiche educative in senso stretto, ma inserendola in un percorso che ha come punto di partenza la visione dell’uomo in Dio nel pensiero teologico bizantino e nella figura del monarca quale garante dell’armonia del mondo attraverso la giustizia e la sapienza. Solo attraverso la partecipazione dell’ordine celeste, l’ordine terreno potrà essere veramente tale, e sarà perciò compito dell’uomo il rendersi partecipe di questo costante sforzo attraverso lo studio e la conoscenza. La sapienza come fine in questa vita e come strumento di salvezza per la vita eterna: una sapienza dove non v’è più demarcazione fra il mondo religioso e quello laico. Una Sapienza Divina eternata nel simbolo della basilica della Santa Sofia dove Platone riceve il battesimo del Cristianesimo.

Hochsprachliche rhetorische Texte waren ein wichtiges Mittel der sozialen Positionierung in Byzanz. Von besonderer Bedeutung war dabei die enkomiastische, d. h. lobende Dichtung. Das Buch widmet sich den enkomiastischen Gedichten des... more

Hochsprachliche rhetorische Texte waren ein wichtiges Mittel der sozialen Positionierung in Byzanz. Von besonderer Bedeutung war dabei die enkomiastische, d. h. lobende Dichtung. Das Buch widmet sich den enkomiastischen Gedichten des wichtigsten Dichters der Palaiologenzeit, Manuel Philes (ca. 1270 – nach 1332), dessen Werk trotz seiner Bedeutung weitestgehend unerforscht ist. Die Arbeit bietet eine Untersuchung von etwa 17.000 Versen, d.h. etwa 2/3 des von Philes überlieferten Werkes, und verbindet eine philologische mit einer kulturwissenschaftlichen Analyse. Zunächst stehen literarische Fragen, insbesondere die Gattung, Motivik und Formelemente im Zentrum. Darauf aufbauend werden die literarischen und sozialen Funktionen der Gedichte modellhaft erläutert. Schließlich werden die Umstände der Produktion und Rezeption untersucht, insbesondere die Motivationen für das Verfassen von Gedichten, die Darbringung der Texte in schriftlicher und mündlicher Form sowie Fragen der Rekontextualisierung. Diese Monographie bietet die erste komplexe Analyse von Manuel Philes’ Werk und gewährt tiefe Einblicke in das literarische und soziale Leben in Konstantinopel.