MICE tourism Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

W artykule podjęto próbę określenia znaczenia przemysłu spotkań w kształtowaniu potencjału miast. W tym celu stworzono dwa syntetyczne rankingi mierzące potencjał ekonomiczny i turystyczny światowych metropolii. Porównano z nimi pozycje... more

W artykule podjęto próbę określenia znaczenia przemysłu spotkań w kształtowaniu potencjału miast. W tym celu stworzono dwa syntetyczne rankingi mierzące potencjał ekonomiczny i turystyczny światowych metropolii. Porównano z nimi pozycje miast, zajmowane w zestawieniach opracowanych przez International Congress & Convention Association (ICCA) i Union of International Associations (UIA). Rezultatem końcowym jest klasyfikacja aglomeracji, bazująca na stopniu oddziaływania przemysłu spotkań na ich potencjał turystyczny.

W artykule przedstawiono studium przypadku sieci biznesowej, która powstała w celu zorganizowania konferencji międzynarodowej ABSL w 2014 roku w Poznaniu. Celem artykułu jest określenie uczestników sieci, którzy tworzą podstawowy,... more

W artykule przedstawiono studium przypadku sieci biznesowej, która powstała w celu zorganizowania konferencji międzynarodowej ABSL w 2014 roku w Poznaniu. Celem artykułu jest określenie uczestników sieci, którzy tworzą podstawowy, wzbogacony i poszerzony produkt na rynku turystki biznesowej. Założono, że podstawą do identyfikacji takiej sieci będzie wymiana wiedzy między podmiotami zaangażowanymi w organizację konferencji. W związku z tym w artykule omówiono rolę wymiany wiedzy w kształtowaniu sieci biznesowych, uwarunkowania sieci w przemyśle spotkań, metodykę badań prowadzonych w celu identyfikacji sieci związanej z konferencją ABSL 2014 oraz efekt badań, jakim jest wykaz podmiotów tworzących tę sieć.

Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo diseñar una propuesta de digitalización en el modelo de planeación y ejecución del turismo de eventos, enmarcado en el subsector del turismo MICE. Posteriormente se caracterizó el modelo de negocio... more

Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo diseñar una propuesta de digitalización en el modelo de planeación y ejecución del turismo de eventos, enmarcado en el subsector del turismo MICE. Posteriormente se caracterizó el modelo de negocio desarrollado en el subsector, a partir de la singularización de cada proceso contenido en la estructura del modelo. El resultado de la investigación genero la conformación de dos procesos, el primero es el comercial, que incluye el subproceso de solicitud de visita y/o reunión, el segundo es el proceso de confirmación de eventos, que tiene los subprocesos del pago de evento y la verificación del mismo. Finalmente se sugiere una herramienta que se puede implementar con el modelo propuesto.

This is a account of true story of persons who create the biggest event in Asia known as Food Hotel Asia since 1978, in Singapore held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel carpark lots, with only 9 countries participating. Today FHA is now owned by... more

This is a account of true story of persons who create the biggest event in Asia known as Food Hotel Asia since 1978, in Singapore held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel carpark lots, with only 9 countries participating. Today FHA is now owned by UBM and has turn over of 11 billion dollars in sales for 2018 in Singapore. Secrets and Trade of MICE and Events will reveal more from Interviews and Observations by the Author - Robin Stienberg for over 20 years.

This study intends to recognize success factors in the managing of international conferences in Sri Lanka. Special emphasis was given to understand the relative usefulness of those working in conference management. The seven hypotheses... more

This study intends to recognize success factors in the managing of international conferences in
Sri Lanka. Special emphasis was given to understand the relative usefulness of those working in
conference management. The seven hypotheses of the study were formulated based on the
conceptual model comprised from seven independent variables. A quantitative online survey
questionnaire was used to obtain data from the respondents: professional conference organizers.
Hypotheses were tested using statistical methods of regression analysis and one-way ANOVA
analysis utilizing SPSS 16.0. All hypotheses were proven by the analyses. Six important success
factors and one less important success factor in managing international conferences in Sri Lanka
were identified by this study. Stakeholder commitment and attitude, availability of competent human
resources, marketing & promotion, financial management, techniques of project management, cooperation and communication among stakeholders are important success factors while leadership is
the only less important factor. Stakeholder commitment and attitude was recognized as the most
useful determinant for the success of international conferences of Sri Lanka in this context. It was
concluded that human factors are more important than technical factors as success factors.

This research investigated the effective utilization of conference business in the tourism industry, conference organizing process, people around it and factors influencing the success of similar events. In recent years conference... more

This research investigated the effective utilization of conference business in the tourism industry, conference organizing process, people around it and factors influencing the success of similar events. In recent years conference industry in Colombo has been developing rapidly. However, only a few researchers have been conducted concerning the conference industry and MICE Tourism in Sri Lanka. In order to illustrate the conference industry in Colombo region, researcher used the qualitative research design. By using purposive sampling, the concentration was placed on sixteen respondents from PCOs, conference hotels, Travel Agents and the entrepreneurs. The research data was gathered using face-to-face interviews. The researcher used coding and thematic analysis for the data analysis part. The findings showed that the government assistance for the industry is not up to satisfactory level. And the infrastructure is not sufficient to facilitate large scale conferences. Moreover, the rates of the hotels are way too high in comparison to the other conference destinations in the region. And finally, the academic background for the MICE Tourism is not satisfactory. Also the research described Colombo as a conference destination and has identified its strengths and weaknesses. 2

Lo studio analizza le motivazioni dei cambiamenti che stanno radicalmente modificando uno dei mercati più ricchi dell'industria turistica la cui inarrestabile crescita è prevista da tutti gli indicatori in costante aumento almeno fino... more

Lo studio analizza le motivazioni dei cambiamenti che stanno radicalmente modificando uno dei mercati più ricchi dell'industria turistica la cui inarrestabile crescita è prevista da tutti gli indicatori in costante aumento almeno fino al 2020.

Buku ini disusun berdasarkan data sekunder, seperti laporan penelitian, majalah, dan internet serta data primer yang diperoleh melalui survei lapangan dengan melakukan wawancara dan pengamatan langsung. Penyusunan materi dan penulisan... more

Buku ini disusun berdasarkan data sekunder, seperti laporan penelitian, majalah, dan internet serta data primer yang diperoleh melalui survei lapangan dengan melakukan wawancara dan pengamatan langsung. Penyusunan materi dan penulisan buku ini dilaksanakan atas kerjasama dengan Pusat Penelitian Kebudayaan dan Kepariwisataan Universitas Udayana.. Diharapkan buku ini dapat memberikan gambaran mengenai kedatangan wisatawan ke Bali dengan tujuan utama melaksanakan kegiatan MICE, sehingga dalam perencanaan strategi pemasaran pariwisata agar melibatkan lebih banyak komponen pengusahan MICE di Bali.

The purpose of this report is to analyze on to the business structures of convention and expositions. In this case, business structure means a convention and expositions framework legally recognized for conducting convention and... more

The purpose of this report is to analyze on to the business structures of convention and expositions. In this case, business structure means a convention and expositions framework legally recognized for conducting convention and expositions related activities such as partnership, funding and hosting.
Research for this report included a review of primary journal, “Congress and Meetings Tourism and Destination Brand”, by Ford, R. C., Gresock, A. R. and Peeper, W. C. In addition, the research also reviews literature on additional journals and articles with related topics.

You have been approached by Tata Global Beverages, and asked to pitch for the contract to plan an upcoming important corporate event. You will be one of a number of companies delivering a 15-minute pitch to win the contract. Tata Global... more

You have been approached by Tata Global Beverages, and asked to pitch for the contract to plan an upcoming important corporate event. You will be one of a number of companies delivering a 15-minute pitch to win the contract. Tata Global Beverages are looking to hold their annual staff awards evening for circa 300 staff in the marketing department, based at their global headquarters in Bangalore. The client objective is to reward their staff, recognise good performance and help embed their corporate identity in the team.

Within in this study different aspects of incentive travel regarding to other travel types are analyzed and consequently ways of using incentive travel to develop domestic tourism are questioned. In order to provide concrete information,... more

Within in this study different aspects of incentive travel regarding to other travel types are analyzed and consequently ways of using incentive travel to develop domestic tourism are questioned. In order to provide concrete information, given travel agencies’ perception level of incentive travel is clarified by conducting a field research. Main purpose of this study is to develop domestic tourism by convincing tourism sector and overall business players to use incentive travels. For this purpose, Turkish domestic tourism market is analyzed from supply and demand perspectives and a need to develop domestic tourism is stated. Use of incentive travels for this purpose is questioned to find solutions. By the help of questionnaires, present approach of Turkish travel agencies to domestic tourism and incentive travel is researched. Using results of this research, solution offers are given to the misunderstandings and problems of travel agencies about incentive travels

The paper presents results of research on Polish event planners. The overall purpose of the study is to investigate main destination selection variables Polish event planners consider important in destination selection process. The... more

The paper presents results of research on Polish event planners. The overall purpose of the study is to investigate main destination selection variables Polish event planners consider important in destination selection process. The current research focused on the destination selection variables that event planners used for events they held in 2013. The research was based on structured interviews carried on in February 2013. The research group consisted of members of four leading MICE associations. Questions created for the survey were based on an extensive literature review and previous studies which concerned main destination attribute requirements. The findings of the study suggest that overall cost is important or extremely important for 81,8%, accessibility by air and by roads is important or extremely
important for 87.4% respondents whereas 98,3% event planners find support services for events very important. The results of the study will help the destination marketing organizations as well as marketing professionals in hotel meeting facilities and convention centres better position their services and better understand event planners’ needs and

This article examines the growth of Community-Based Tourism within the broader discipline of tourism. New topics in the field have emerged such as responsible tourism, pro-poor tourism, sports tourism and moral impacts of tourism. This... more

This article examines the growth of Community-Based Tourism within the broader discipline of tourism. New topics in the field have emerged such as responsible tourism, pro-poor tourism, sports tourism and moral impacts of tourism. This phenomenon also reflects the multi-disciplinarity of tourism. In this article, using the Title, Abstract and Keywords (TAK) for instances in which the words (Community-based Tourism, Community Tourism and Community-Based Eco-Tourism) to subsume Community-Based Tourism (CBT), a search was made in various databases and found that CBT as a sub-specialty of tourism started to emerge in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The number of articles published specifically on CBT has been growing phenomenally. The major contribution of this article is that we now know the evolution of CBT and we also now know its trajectory of growth which has been upward. While the number of articles on CBT is growing, there is no journal dedicated solely to CBT.

Chandigarh is always crown as first planned city in India and is known internationally for its architecture and urban design. Today, it is an administrative capital of two states and emerging business city of North India. According to MGI... more

Chandigarh is always crown as first planned city in India and is known internationally for its architecture and urban design.
Today, it is an administrative capital of two states and emerging business city of North India. According to MGI (2010)
report on “Indian cities urbanization” Chandigarh is one of the fastest and dynamic cities of North India and currently it is
a favorite place to live and hold an important place for investment and growth in years to come. This results in the growth of
business tourism, especially Meeting, Incentive, Conference, Exhibitions (MICE) tourism in the Chandigarh capital region.
MICE is one of the most innovative & demanding form of business tourism. Currently, MICE tourism in India is having the
annual growth 15 to 20 percent. To promote a city as MICE destination requires a good amount of infrastructural facilities.
Government of India (2006) plans to develop few cities as MICE destinations, Chandigarh is also one of them. This paper
tries to find out the present & future prospects of MICE tourism in Chandigarh “the city beautiful”& nearby regions. For
this an opinion survey of MICE stakeholders such service providers (which include hotels, travel agents) and MICE
customers is done and analysis is done with the help of Situation Actor Process–Learning Action Performance (SAP- LAP)

Buku ini merupakan hasil survei (wawancara) wisatawan nusantara (wisnus) dan wisatawan mancanegara (wisman) yang mengikuti kegiatan MICE di destinasi pariwisata Kota Denpasar. Buku ini juga menyajikan data dasar tentang fasilitas MICE... more

Buku ini merupakan hasil survei (wawancara) wisatawan nusantara (wisnus) dan wisatawan mancanegara (wisman) yang mengikuti kegiatan MICE di destinasi pariwisata Kota Denpasar. Buku ini juga menyajikan data dasar tentang fasilitas MICE yang ada di Kota Denpasar, serta data kegiatan MICE yang pernah dilaksanakan di beberapa hotel dan lokasi (venue) pelaksanaan MICE yang ada di Kota Denpasar. Buku ini juga menggambarkan persepsi wisnus dan wisman tentang pelaksanaan kegiatan MICE di Kota Denpasar dan tingkat kepuasan mereka saat mengikuti MICE di Kota Denpasar.

membahas seluk beluk event

The purpose of this report is to analyze a wrap-up on the events attended and participate by the students for the purpose of fulfilling the assessment requirement in subject “Convention and Exposition Management”. The write-up covers two... more

The purpose of this report is to analyze a wrap-up on the events attended and participate by the students for the purpose of fulfilling the assessment requirement in subject “Convention and Exposition Management”. The write-up covers two events with different scale, range and roles for the students.
The events reported in this write-up included a medium scale seminar titled “Mini Seminar: Magnet Kekayaan dan Kejayaan” by Dr. Azizan Osman from International Richwork; and a small lecture series titled “Lecture Series: Legal, Budget and Quality Issues in MICE” by Ms. Hasnita Ahmad from ABC Media Work.

The nexus of fashion and tourism is analyzed in this investigation. This study unpacks the creative event industry in the South African context, making a case for it as an emerging, and potentially powerful contributor for tourism... more

The nexus of fashion and tourism is analyzed in this investigation. This study unpacks the creative event industry in the South African context, making a case for it as an emerging, and potentially powerful contributor for tourism development. Using semi-structured surveys conducted with key role players (models, agents and other related professionals) across fashion events in South Africa, the research uncovers the importance that the fashion industry has on South Africa's tourism economy. Findings show that the creative fashion industry attracts both domestic and international crew participants, who have a high earning power and spend money on shopping and visiting local attractions. Additionally, they tend to stay longer than the traditional tourists, and visit other local destinations after the event. The study concludes that the fashion industry represents a hidden aspect of the South African event industry that must be taken seriously by destination managers in the planning and development of tourism as it has significant implications for marketing, strategy and policy.

Event industry can be considered as one of the hardly hit industries by the Covid-19 pandemic throughout the world since, main prevention methods of social distancing and banning of getting together reflect the contrast situation to an... more

Event industry can be considered as one of the hardly hit industries by the Covid-19 pandemic throughout the world since, main prevention methods of social distancing and banning of getting together reflect the contrast situation to an essential characteristic of events which is assemble of people to one place. This chapter intends to discuss impact of Covid-19 on event industry of Sri Lanka and business revival strategies. The event industry in Sri Lanka has two main categories as tourism related event industry and local event industry which may interconnected with each other at some occasions. MICE events, destination weddings and heritage festivals are main components of the first category while the second segment is comprising from weddings, parties, musical concerts, other social and entrainment events mainly. Easter bomb attacks on April 2019 caused to the decline of the event tourism and local event industry. Covid-19 pandemic started to spread in March 2020 in Sri Lanka, made a disastrous impact on the recovering event industry from the previous crisis. Due to prolonged quarantine curfew and national and international travel restrictions, lockdowns, banning of human gatherings, large number of international and local events were cancelled and postponed. Event entrepreneurs lost their income and lot of employees were out from their jobs. Events were restarted to stage in periods of time between different ‘waves’ of Covid-19 with released restrictions. Criticisms were made on some events due to violation of health guidelines and making risky environment for further spread of the pandemic. Covid-19 event industry strategies should be developed considering changing markets, direct marketing and product development, flexibility and adaptability, usage of technology and innovative solutions, safety and health within a holistic approach. Virtual and hybrid events, training on virtual technologies and risk management, innovative solutions with immersed experience, collaborative industry approach, adaptation of international best practices, continuous marketing and providing flexible packages can be recognized as potential strategies.
Key words: Event industry, Covid-19, Business revival, MICE tourism, Event tourism, Sri Lanka

Istilah konvensi pada awalnya dimengerti sebagai suatu kegiatan yang menyenangkan bagi banyak orang ketika sedang berkumpul untuk suatu tujuan tertentu diantara mereka sendiri. Banyak pengusaha hotel kecil pada umumnya mempertanyakan: Apa... more

Istilah konvensi pada awalnya dimengerti sebagai suatu kegiatan yang menyenangkan bagi banyak orang ketika sedang berkumpul untuk suatu tujuan tertentu diantara mereka sendiri. Banyak pengusaha hotel kecil pada umumnya mempertanyakan: Apa konvensi itu? Sebaliknya bagi mereka yang sudah berpengalaman mengelola hotel besar, istilah konvensi merupakan sebuah bisnis yang potensial bila dikaitkan dengan industri pariwisata.

This paper explores the applicability of MICE tourism development strategy. To plan and implement this, different management and decision making tools were used including literature study, surveys and interviews as well as SWOT analysis.... more

This paper explores the applicability of MICE tourism development strategy. To plan and implement this, different management and decision making tools were used including literature study, surveys and interviews as well as SWOT analysis. A series of interviews was conducted in order to identify actions taken by governmental bodies responsible (e.g., Makassar Department of Tourism). In addition, the stakeholders of the MICE were surveyed and interviewed to assess the rate of fulfillment of MICE tourism development in the Makassar City. Results showed that the existing MICE tourism activities in the Makassar city did not conform to main MICE tourism destination requirements. Thus, a SWOT analysis was used to identify the required management strategies to improve the MICE tourism activities in the Makassar city.

Thailand is located in the center of ASEAN countries. Tourism is a major industry in Thailand. MICE sector as niche tourism generates huge profit for national economy. The aim of this paper is to examine the factors that influence MICE... more

Thailand is located in the center of ASEAN countries. Tourism is a major industry in Thailand. MICE sector as niche tourism generates huge profit for national economy. The aim of this paper is to examine the factors that influence MICE industry development in Thailand, its contribution to tourism industry and challenges involved in MICE sector. This paper further discussed role and involvement of TAT and TCEB in support of MICE sector in Thailand in AEC 2015. Qualitative research technique was used in this study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with three government organizations officials and one scholar in March 2015 to collect primary data. The study employed thematic analysis to express findings. The findings revealed that Thailand's MICE industry is affected by many aspects, such as infrastructure and facility, attractions, budget, political issues and knowledge. Findings also indicated that to meet challenges of AEC, strategies in the form of collaborations and connections, business opportunities, government involvement, and green MICE need to be employed in the future.

Sekoja sebagai kawasan dengan nilai sejarah tinggi karena merupakan cikal bakal berdirinya Kesultanan Melayu Jambi dan pusat perkembangan Islam Provinsi Jambi. Pada saat ini kawasan yang mayoritas penduduknya dalam keseharian masih... more

Sekoja sebagai kawasan dengan nilai sejarah tinggi karena merupakan cikal bakal berdirinya Kesultanan Melayu Jambi dan pusat perkembangan Islam Provinsi Jambi. Pada saat ini kawasan yang mayoritas penduduknya dalam keseharian masih memegang teguh nilai-nilai tradisi dan budaya Melayu Islam relatif cukup tertinggal secara sosial ekonomi dengan saudaranya di bagian lain wilayah Kota Jambi. Kekayaan seni dan budaya serta jejak sejarah peninggalan Islam yang masih terpelihara secara baik pada dasarnya merupakan potensi besar yang mampu menjadi penggerak utama dalam percepatan pembangunan kawasan. Arah pengembangan Sekoja sebagai Kawasan Cagar Budaya hanya menjadikan kawasan dan masyarakat sebagai objek untuk dikunjungi dan kurang memberi ruang bagi peningkatan partisipiasi masyarakat sebagai pelaku pembangunan. Pada masa datang dengan dukungan SDM yang berkompetensi diharapkan arah pengembangan tidak hanya parsial pada upaya pelestarian sejarah dan budaya tetapi juga diikuti dengan terbukanya peluang partisipasi berupa kesempatan kerja dan berusaha bagi masyarakat kawasan Sekoja.

งานวิจัยนี้น าเสนอแนวทางการพัฒนารูปแบบผลิตภัณฑ์และบริการของสถานที่จัดงานใน อุตสาหกรรมไมซ์ โดยเชื่อมโยง อัตลักษณ์ท้องถิ่น ในพื้นที่จังหวัดสงขลา เพื่อปรับใช้ ภูมิปัญญาท้องถิ่น และเพื่อให้เกิดประโยชน์ในเชิงธุรกิจ... more

งานวิจัยนี้น าเสนอแนวทางการพัฒนารูปแบบผลิตภัณฑ์และบริการของสถานที่จัดงานใน
อุตสาหกรรมไมซ์ โดยเชื่อมโยง อัตลักษณ์ท้องถิ่น ในพื้นที่จังหวัดสงขลา เพื่อปรับใช้ ภูมิปัญญาท้องถิ่น
และเพื่อให้เกิดประโยชน์ในเชิงธุรกิจ ก่อให้เกิดมูลค่าเพิ่มในการจัดงาน สร้างจุดเด่นและความเข้มแข็งใน
ตลาดการแข่งขัน อีกทั้งเป็นการอนุรักษ์และเผยแพร่ อัตลักษณ์ท้องถิ่น ในการวิจัยครั้งนี้เก็บข้อมูลทุติยภูมิ
และแหล่งข้อมูลปฐมภูมิจาก กลุ่มคนในพื้นที่ นักท่องเที่ยว และผู้ประกอบการท่องเที่ยว สถิติที่ใช้ในการ
วิจัยครั้งนี้ ได้แก่ ร้อยละเฉลี่ย ค าเบี่ยงเบนมาตรฐาน และการทดสอบสมมุติฐาน ใช้ t – test
(Independent Samples) และ One Way Analysis of Variance โดยใช้โปรแกรมส าเร็จรูปทางสถิติ
โดยพบว่า ผู้รับบริการให้ความส าคัญกับอัตลักษณ์ในแต่ละด้านดังนี้ ด้านภาษาถิ่นใต้ ให้ความส าคัญกับ
การ จัดให้มีเอกสารแนะน าภาษาถิ่นใต้ สุภาษิต ค าพังเพย เพื่อเป็นสื่อในการน าเสนออัตลักษณ์ทางภาษา
ถิ่นให้เป็นที่รู้จัก ด้านการแต่งกาย ให้ความส าคัญกับการน าผ้าพื้นเมืองมาใช้ในการผลิตสินค้าของที่ระลึก
และเครื่องใช้ในการจัดงาน เพื่อน าเสนอผ้าพื้นเมือง ด้านอาหารพื้นเมือง ให้ความส าคัญกับการดัดแปลง
อาหารพื้นเมือง ในรูปแบบอาหารร่วมสมัย ในการบริการภายในสถานที่จัดประชุม ด้านดนตรี นาฏศิลป์
พื้นเมือง ให้ความส าคัญกับการ น าการแสดง นาฏศิลป์พื้นเมือง มาน าเสนอในพิธีเปิดการจัดการประชุม
ต่างๆ เพื่อเป็นการน าเสนอนาฏศิลป์พื้นเมือง และเป็นการธ ารงไว้ซึ่งภูมิปัญญาของท้องถิ่น ด้านศิลปะ
พื้นเมือง การน าสินค้าหัตถกรรมพื้นเมือง เช่น เครื่องจักสาร ผ้าทอเกาะยอ หนังตะลุง เป็นต้น เพื่อมอบ
เป็นของที่ระลึก และในด้านประเพณี วัฒนธรรม พื้นเมือง การสอดแทรกวัฒนธรรมของประเพณีพื้นเมือง
ในกิจกรรมต่างๆ โดยจัดเป็นปฏิทิน เทศกาล ประเพณี สงขลา 12 เดือน เป็นต้น

Community-based tourism (CBT) offers both opportunities and challenges in the quest for holistic community development. The evolution and development of CBT projects can follow different trajectories. This conceptual paper’s main... more

Community-based tourism (CBT) offers both opportunities and challenges in the quest
for holistic community development. The evolution and development of CBT projects
can follow different trajectories. This conceptual paper’s main contribution is the
formulation of a comprehensive model of the development of CBT. The model
suggests that CBT projects can be initiated from within and outside the community by
the private, public and non-governmental sectors or a combination of these using a topdown
or bottom-up approach. It also posits that CBT projects can take a formal or
informal character depending on the conditions leading to their initiation. The paper
highlights the benefits and constraints to the scaling up or down of operations linked to
informality. It supports further research in analyzing the various aspects associated
with the shift from formality to the informality of CBT projects and vice versa

The meetings industry, also known as MICE and as business travel and tourism, is comprised of association conventions and congresses, corporate meetings, incentives and exhibitions. It is an important sector of the global tourism industry... more

The meetings industry, also known as MICE and as business travel and tourism, is comprised of association conventions and congresses, corporate meetings, incentives and exhibitions. It is an important sector of the global tourism industry and often plays a leading role in tourism development in emerging destinations, including Serbia. The meetings industry is affected by several global megatrends such as globalisation, demographic change, technology, safety, sustainability, and recently by the corona virus pandemic. Although there is an increasing focus on sustainability more widely, there has been little academic research on this topic in the meetings industry compared to the existing body of research on sustainability in the tourism and hospitality industries. Therefore, this paper aims to raise awareness of the importance of this topic with both academics and industry practitioners, with the focus on developing countries, such as Serbia. Moreover, the paper presents some examples of best practices in sustainability in the meetings industry, to inspire all industry stakeholders to be responsible and innovative in these challenging times.

Abstract: Many organizational behavior studies have shown that highly committed employees are less willing to leave their job, have a tendency to perform better in their career and display high organizational citizenship behavior... more

Abstract: Many organizational behavior studies have shown that highly committed employees are less willing to leave their job, have a tendency to
perform better in their career and display high organizational citizenship behavior (Jacobsen, 2000; Kim & Brymer, 2011; Meyer & Allen, 1991; Joung,
et al., 2015). The study anchored on the Three Components Model of Commitment (TCM) developed by Meyer, & Allen (1997) identifies three forms
of commitment associated with working experiences: affective, continuance and normative. Investigation of loyalty to an employer using the TCM
model is extensive; the model has been used to measure the relationship between commitment and motivation (Meyer et al., 2004) and social identity
(Meyer et al., 2006). A person‟s loyalty to their employer has been linked to desirable outcomes such as attendance, performance and trust citizenship
behavior (Meyer et al., 2002; Wasti 2005; Gilbert, Holdsworth & Kyle, 2017). This Study discusses the research design, research locale, respondents of
the study, data gathering procedure, validity and reliability of the research instruments, data gathering procedure and statistical tools in analyzing the
data generated during the research. The profile of the respondents work in an “AA” Resort in Bacolod City reveals that the majority of the respondents
are younger individuals. Regarding Significant difference sex and age has significant Difference. Therefore, the status of the hypothesis was rejected, In
the other hand length of service, there is no significant difference. Therefore, the status of the hypothesis was accepted. The organization should also
give priority to the overall package of certain employees since they carry the name of the establishment plus, they are the reason why clients are coming
in. Regarding the Age and Length of stay, it‟s very alarming that most of the employees are young individuals and don‟t stay in the company that long.
Therefore, they should create training that suits the job description of each department that focuses on personality development. Customer‟s
engagements and proper way of delivering negative factor turn to positive impact. The Employees organizational Commitment in “AA” Resort in
Bacolod City differs on how the management run the entire operations. The study presented the Normative, Effective and Continuance Commitment of
employee‟s organizational commitment that works in a resort of Bacolod City when they are grouped according to age, sex, Length of service. The
current study determined employee‟s organizational commitment of resort using researchers modify questionnaire which were given to employees who
are still in the organization. Findings revealed that there is no significant level in employees organizational commitment when grouped according to
sex and length of service however there is a significant difference when grouped accrording to age.
Keywords: Employees Organizational Commitment, Personality Development, Loyalty of Employees, “AA” Resort in Bacolod City.

To cite this article: Oliver Mtapuri & Andrea Giampiccoli (2013) Interrogating the role of the state and nonstate actors in community-based tourism ventures: toward a model for spreading the benefits to the wider community, South African... more

To cite this article: Oliver Mtapuri & Andrea Giampiccoli (2013) Interrogating the role of the state and nonstate actors in community-based tourism ventures: toward a model for spreading the benefits to the wider community, South African Geographical Journal, 95:1, 1-15,

Community-based tourism (CBT) is a model of community development which places the community at the centre of that development. It attempts to harness the effort of communities through their empowerment for the benefit of the community.... more

Community-based tourism (CBT) is a model of community development which places the community at the centre of that development. It attempts to harness the effort of communities through their empowerment for the benefit of the community. This article develops a Community-based Visitors Affinity Index (CBTVAI) based on perusal of extant literature in which only secondary was used in terms of research methodology. The key contribution of this article is the development of a CBTVAI which is an instrument useful to owners/managers of CBT entities in evaluating their CBT businesses from a visitor perspective. The index does not include all possible items because CBT ventures exist in different contexts with different requirements. This index merely provides sample items related various basic aspects linkedto the attractiveness of CBT to visitors. As such, the index represents a flexible framework which can continuously evolve and be reformulated based on specific needs of a CBT entity. The CBTVAI has some strengths and weaknesses. Some of its strengths include the provision a visitor perspective grounded in real life experience; a framework for profiling CBT ventures; a platform for receiving visitor feedback in the form of immediate " post-trip " feedback; and a tool for assessing broad visitor/customer (dis)satisfaction with CBT offerings. The weaknesses include: failing to take into account the visitor " s demographics and psychographics; ignores prices per item; places an extra burden on communities to undertake technical data analysis which skills could be deficient in communities.

This paper explores the applicability of MICE tourism development strategy. To plan and implement this, different management and decision making tools were used including literature study, surveys and interviews as well as SWOT analysis.... more

This paper explores the applicability of MICE tourism development strategy. To plan and implement this, different management and decision making tools were used including literature study, surveys and interviews as well as SWOT analysis. A series of interviews was conducted in order to identify actions taken by governmental bodies responsible (e.g., Makassar Department of Tourism). In addition, the stakeholders of the MICE were surveyed and interviewed to assess the rate of fulfillment of MICE tourism development in the Makassar City. Results showed that the existing MICE tourism activities in the Makassar city did not conform to main MICE tourism destination requirements. Thus, a SWOT analysis was used to identify the required management strategies to improve the MICE tourism activities in the Makassar city.

Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, and Exhibitions (MICE) is an elite segment of tourism linked to business tourism. It has become dynamic worldwide in recent years. The efficiency of tourism events emerges with the connection between the... more

Meetings, Incentives, Conventions, and Exhibitions (MICE) is an elite segment of tourism linked to business tourism. It has become dynamic worldwide in recent years. The efficiency of tourism events emerges with the connection between the corporate world and world travel organizations. This connection is a dynamic link that is profitable for all parties involved. Currently, about 40% of the activity and profit is due to worldwide business travel and the event industry. This paper aims to highlight the efficient role of tourism events through the dynamic " Convention Bureau " , at both the international and Romanian level, in terms of global economic growth. We found from the study of this activity sector that one of the important directions of innovation and raising the competitiveness of the tourist offer of any country is given the additional service diversification by stimulating tourism dynamics of events. The advantages and benefits that may be mentioned in business events tourism are revenues from services such as accommodation, facilities conference, catering, leisure, transport and entertainment. These revenues are stimulating the growth of the world economy.