Numerals Research Papers - (original) (raw)

El artículo analiza descriptiva y comparativamente los numerales registrados en las dos lenguas históricamente documentadas que forman la familia lingüística huarpe: el allentiac del sur de San Juan y el millcayac del norte de Mendoza.... more

El artículo analiza descriptiva y comparativamente los numerales registrados en las dos lenguas históricamente documentadas que forman la familia lingüística huarpe: el allentiac del sur de San Juan y el millcayac del norte de Mendoza. Ambas lenguas son conocidas, principalmente, a través de sendos tratados publicados a principios del siglo XVII por un misionero jesuita, el padre Luis (o Luys) de Valdivia. El trabajo forma parte de un proyecto personal de investigación de las características morfosintácticas, la semántica, la tipología, los posibles orígenes, la evolución diacrónica y los probables fenómenos de difusión en los sistemas de numerales de las lenguas indígenas del Cono Sur.

Questo libro presenta la lingua tunisina per chi parla l'italiano: grammatica, lessico, strutture linguistiche, modi di dire, dizionario essenziale. I testi sono scritti in trascrizione fonetica usando l'alfabeto italiano, per cui non è... more

Questo libro presenta la lingua tunisina per chi parla l'italiano: grammatica, lessico, strutture linguistiche, modi di dire, dizionario essenziale. I testi sono scritti in trascrizione fonetica usando l'alfabeto italiano, per cui non è richiesta la conoscenza dell'alfabeto arabo. Oltre che il libro è una introduzione alla lingua tunisina per gli italiani che non hanno imparato a scrivere con le lettere arabe, il libro presenta per la prima volta della storia del tunisino le regole precise per la transcrizione degli numeri et degli aggettivi possessivi nella lingua tunisina.

I bring together two research strands that rarely interact and might even seem incom-mensurable, namely sociolinguistic approaches to linguistic fluidity and multi-competence on the one hand, and structural approaches to linguistic... more

I bring together two research strands that rarely interact and might even seem incom-mensurable, namely sociolinguistic approaches to linguistic fluidity and multi-competence on the one hand, and structural approaches to linguistic coherence and grammatical systems on the other hand. I show that we can reconcile insights from these two strands in a linguistic architecture that takes communicative situations as the core of linguistic systematicity, and integrates them into lexical representations. Under this view, communicative situations are the basis for linguistic coherence and grammatical systems, while languages can emerge as optional sociolinguistic indices.

Les numéraux cardinaux appartiennent souvent à plusieurs classes syntaxiques. En arabe, la variété des usages syntaxiques s'ajoute à celle des formes, souvent irrégulières. Si la grammaire des noms de nombre est l'un des domaines les plus... more

Les numéraux cardinaux appartiennent souvent à plusieurs classes syntaxiques. En arabe, la variété des usages syntaxiques s'ajoute à celle des formes, souvent irrégulières. Si la grammaire des noms de nombre est l'un des domaines les plus complexes de l'arabe littéraire, on constate, dans les dialectes, une certaine tendance à la simplification. Cependant, cette simplification est plus ou moins marquée, en particulier en ce qui concerne les numéraux de 3 à 10. Alors que certains dialectes vont jusqu'à employer la même forme quelle que soit la fonction du numéral (notamment, qu'il soit employé seul ou en annexion), d'autres opéreront une distinction (systématiquement ou occasionnellement), non seulement selon la fonction, mais encore selon le genre du nom de la chose comptée. La comparaison entre les systèmes permet de comprendre le sens des évolutions et de classer les dialectes en plus ou moins conservateurs vs innovants. De ce point de vue comme de bien d'autres, le hassâniyya est relativement conservateur.

Traditionally, it has been assumed that the Greek alphabetic numerals were independently invented in the sixth century BC. However, the author finds a remarkable structural similarity between this system and the Egyptian demotic numerals.... more

Traditionally, it has been assumed that the Greek alphabetic numerals were independently invented in the sixth century BC. However, the author finds a remarkable structural similarity between this system and the Egyptian demotic numerals. He proposes that trade between Asia Minor and Egypt provided the context in which the Greek numerals were adopted from Egyptian models.

This paper examines the numeral systems and the change in these systems in the Papuan language Mian (Trans New Guinea, Ok family) due to the influence of Tok Pisin. Mian has a binary numeral system consisting of a word for 'one' and a... more

This paper examines the numeral systems and the change in these systems in the Papuan language Mian (Trans New Guinea, Ok family) due to the influence of Tok Pisin. Mian has a binary numeral system consisting of a word for 'one' and a word for 'two'. As in other Trans New Guinea languages, there is also a body-part tally system in which certain points on the arms, the upper body, and the head and face are associated with numbers. The highest number in the Mian body-part system is 27. With the advent of western cash economy and currency Tok Pisin numerals and the decimal system have taken hold in the community and spread quickly. While the old binary system is still in use for both counting and modification of a noun in a noun phrase, the body-part tally system is defunct. This is in contrast to some other Trans New Guinea languages, for example Kalam and Oksapmin, in which the body-part system is still employed by older speakers. There is no evidence that the terms of the Mian body-part system have ever been used as numerals in the noun phrase. I suggest that the Mian system had a particularly hard time in surviving because it was restricted to the counting of temporal units even at the time when the linguistic work on Mian began.

"Resumen: Este trabajo es una réplica al artículo de Joseba Lakarra (2010), publicado en Veleia 27. Se intenta aquí demostrar que no existe incompatibilidad entre los numerales ibéricos propuestos en Orduña (2005) y Ferrer i Jané (2009) y... more

An examination of the word order in which Greek literary texts, up to circa 325 bce, record compound numbers (e.g., “twenty-four”) illuminates two problems: the transmission of numbers in those texts, and the expansion of “commercial”... more

An examination of the word order in which Greek literary texts, up to circa 325 bce, record compound numbers (e.g., “twenty-four”) illuminates two problems: the transmission of numbers in those texts, and the expansion of “commercial” numeracy in Greek society. Compound numbers occur both in descending (“twenty-four”) and ascending (“four and twenty”) order. The prevalence of ascending-ordered numbers in these literary texts argues for their having been transmitted as words, not numerals. The proportion of numbers written in descending order differs among authors, and is correlated with a stronger presence of “commercial” numeracy. The evidence of inscriptions and papyri concurs.

This paper provides a formal semantic analysis of classifiers in Hungarian. We focus on the puzzle posed by classifier optionality in Hungarian, where most nouns can co-occur with a classifier, but do not have to. Here we show that the... more

This paper provides a formal semantic analysis of classifiers in Hungarian. We focus on the puzzle posed by classifier optionality in Hungarian, where most nouns can co-occur with a classifier, but do not have to. Here we show that the presence or absence of classifiers in a numeral expression has semantic consequences. Evidence in support of our analysis comes from nouns that are polysemous and have a physical object and an informational object sense, such as konyv 'book', festm eny 'painting', magazin 'magazine'. We argue that Hungarian classifiers, such as darab, can take count nouns as their complement, and their role is restricting the domain of counting to physically distinct, Maximally Strongly Self-Connected entities (Grimm 2012) in the denotation of the noun they modify.

In this paper I address a puzzle concerning different semantic interpretations of Polish NPs modified by basic cardinal numerals, e.g. dwaj studenci ('two students'), and NPs headed by numerals with the suffix-k-, e.g. dwójka studentów... more

In this paper I address a puzzle concerning different semantic interpretations of Polish NPs modified by basic cardinal numerals, e.g. dwaj studenci ('two students'), and NPs headed by numerals with the suffix-k-, e.g. dwójka studentów ('(a group of) two students'), with respect to distributivity and collectivity. The analysis uses formal semantic plurality framework of Landman (2000 a.o.).

In this introduction, we provide a general overview of a variety of phenomena related to the encoding of the cognitive category of number in natural language, e.g., number-marking, collective nouns, conjunctions, numerals and other... more

In this introduction, we provide a general overview of a variety of phenomena related to the encoding of the cognitive category of number in natural language, e.g., number-marking, collective nouns, conjunctions, numerals and other quantifiers, as well as classifiers, and show how Slavic data can contribute to our understanding of these phenomena. We also examine the main strands of the study of number in language developed within formal linguistics, linguistic typology, and psycholinguistics. Finally, we introduce the content of this collective monograph and discuss its relevance to current research.

This chapter discusses linguistic diversity, multilingualism and the consequences of intensive language contact situations in Nagaland, taking into account the historical factors that have contributed to an extremely high number of... more

This chapter discusses linguistic diversity, multilingualism and the consequences of intensive language contact situations in Nagaland, taking into account the historical factors that have contributed to an extremely high number of languages being spoken in this small northeastern state of India. The paper considers the origins of Sino-Tibetan and the impact of the agricultural revolution in northern China, as this has had a major influence on the geographical dispersal of the language family and resulting language contact scenarios. A number of reasons are proposed for why Nagaland is so linguistically diverse, taking into account its location in one of the planet’s biological hotspots, and the consequences of cultural practices such head-hunting minimising inter-village communication. The paper concludes with some examples of language convergence demonstrating the emergence of novel morphosyntactic structures.

In this paper I deal with the semantic properties of Polish NPs headed by numerals with the suffix -e, e.g. dwoje studentów (“two students”). I present constraints on the distribution of Polish -e numerals and provide evidence that these... more

In this paper I deal with the semantic properties of Polish NPs headed by numerals with the suffix -e, e.g. dwoje studentów (“two students”). I present constraints on the distribution of Polish -e numerals and provide evidence that these constraints follow on from their semantics. I examine three types of NPs in which numerals with the suffix -e can appear and propose a semantic interpretation of each type of such NPs. Furthermore, I argue that Polish numerals with the suffix -e are compositional and discuss the semantic contribution of each morpheme in their morphological make-up. The analysis is based on the formal semantic theory of Landman (2000).

Resumen El propósito de este trabajo es reunir y analizar descriptiva y comparativamente los sistemas numerales documentados en las lenguas de la familia lingüística alacalufe. Se presenta un breve panorama de las características... more

Resumen El propósito de este trabajo es reunir y analizar descriptiva y comparativamente los sistemas numerales documentados en las lenguas de la familia lingüística alacalufe. Se presenta un breve panorama de las características morfosintácticas de los numerales en kawésqar, se comparan las formas de las lenguas históricamente conocidas, discutiendo las etimologías propuestas y/o planteando nuevas, se ofrecen reconstrucciones de los sistemas de numerales en proto-alacalufe nuclear y en proto-alacalufe, se discuten algunos presuntos numerales atribuidos lenguas alacalufes, y se evalúan las comparaciones externas efectuadas hasta el momento.

In determining the boundaries of Qara Tapeh Saghzabad and Tapeh Qabristan in July 2016, evidence of a cemetery in the east of Qara Tapeh and southwest of Tapeh Qabristan belonging they revealed to the Iron Age 2 and 3 under sedimentary... more

In determining the boundaries of Qara Tapeh Saghzabad and Tapeh Qabristan in July 2016, evidence of a cemetery in the east of Qara Tapeh and southwest of Tapeh Qabristan belonging they revealed to the Iron Age 2 and 3 under sedimentary layers. In the 2018 and 2019 seasons of excavations, we got valuable findings in trenches 13 and 12 on the site. Among these findings are two tablet-like objects, one of these two objects, made of stone with a rectangular shape and light gray with a length and width of 12.5 × 18 cm and a thickness of 2.8 cm with circular blind holes, The holes made in four vertical rows and nine horizontal rows to a depth of 1.4 cm on one side of the object. We found the object in Grave No. 8 of Trench 13. Another example is a broken part of a gray rectangular clay object measuring 5.1 x 5.86 cm long and 2.81 cm thick with six circular blind holes 2.2 cm deep. We excavated this object from Trench 12. The two objects in question are comparable to the specimens found from Kul-Tarikeh, Haftavan Tapeh, and specimens unearthed from the neighbors of the Uzbeki archaeological site and the Sialk Cemetery in the first millennium BC. This article examines these objects in terms of morphology and compares them with other similar findings, and it is likely that these findings, based on other examples and examples from older periods, are a kind of tablet for counting games; First by placing the findings in the archaeological context and comparative comparison with contemporaneous sites and then measuring the results with earlier examples of these findings in other archaeological sites, a preliminary proposal to use a counting game or board game for objects provided.

This volume showcases the expression of number and quantity in a dozen minority languages spoken in Eastern Indonesia. While several papers offer a typological and comparative perspective, most contributions provide detailed descriptions... more

This volume showcases the expression of number and quantity in a dozen minority languages spoken in Eastern Indonesia. While several papers offer a typological and comparative perspective, most contributions provide detailed descriptions of the numeral systems, universal quantifiers, classifiers, and the expression of nominal and verbal number in individual languages. Languages featuring in this volume include the Austronesian languages Sumbawa, Tolaki, Helong, Uab Meto, and Papuan Malay; the Timor-Alor-Pantar languages Abui, Bunaq, Kamang, Makalero, Sawila, and Western Pantar, and the West-Papuan language Tobelo.

La lengua aonekko 'a'ien (literalmente "lengua sureña"), también conocida como tehuelche, forma parte de la familia lingüística chon, la cual está compuesta por las lenguas de los pueblos cazadores-recolectores pedestres más australes de... more

La lengua aonekko 'a'ien (literalmente "lengua sureña"), también conocida como tehuelche, forma parte de la familia lingüística chon, la cual está compuesta por las lenguas de los pueblos cazadores-recolectores pedestres más australes de Sudamérica (Lehmann-Nitsche 1913, Suárez 1988 [1970]). Junto con el extinguido teushen, forma la rama continental de esta familia lingüística, diferenciada de la rama insular compuesta por las lenguas selknam y haush de Tierra del Fuego. El aonekko 'a'ien se habló en la parte meridional de la Patagonia continental argentina y chilena (principalmente en territorio perteneciente a las actuales provincias argentinas de Santa Cruz y Chubut, con expansiones hasta el sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires durante el siglo XVIII). La última hablante falleció a principios del año 2019. A diferencia de las lenguas hermanas haush y selknam, el aonekko 'a'ien posee (y poseía ya en el siglo XIX) un sistema numeral decimal, lo que parece ser poco frecuente en lenguas de pueblos estrictamente cazadores-recolectores (Epps et al. 2012). El propósito del presente trabajo es comparar el sistema registrado en los últimos años por la lingüista Ana Fernández Garay (1998) con el que fuera documentado a mediados del siglo XIX por el misionero Theophilus Schmid (1912a y 1912b). Los numerales de ambos cronolectos muestran ciertas diferencias, que permiten esbozar la evolución del sistema durante el último siglo y medio 2 .

Presentación de los números y numerales empleados en el zapoteco del istmo (dīdxa-zā).

This paper explores play counting systems in the Austroasiatic languages of northern Laos.

These volumes of the Syntax of Dutch discuss the internal make-up and distribution of noun phrases. Topics that will be covered include: complementation and modification of noun phrases; properties of determiners (article,... more

These volumes of the Syntax of Dutch discuss the internal make-up and distribution of noun phrases. Topics that will be covered include: complementation and modification of noun phrases; properties of determiners (article, demonstratives), numeral and quantifiers; the use of noun phrases as arguments, predicates and adverbial modifiers.

In both Biblical and Modern Hebrew, many of the cardinal numbers have different forms for the absolute and construct states (e.g. שְׁלֹשָׁה vs. שְׁלֹשֶׁת). The construct form is used in complex numbers, as in שְׁלֹשֶׁת אֲלָפִים "three... more

In both Biblical and Modern Hebrew, many of the cardinal numbers have different forms for the absolute and construct states (e.g. שְׁלֹשָׁה vs. שְׁלֹשֶׁת). The construct form is used in complex numbers, as in שְׁלֹשֶׁת אֲלָפִים "three thousand", and as syntactic heads in definite construct phrases, as in שְׁלֹשֶׁת הָאֲנָשִׁים. This paper focuses on a third usage of the numerical construct which is not found at all in Modern Hebrew and is unusual in Biblical Hebrew: as syntactic head of indefinite construct phrases, e.g., שְׁלֹשֶׁת יָמִים "three days". Construct phrases share phonological and syntactic traits with compounds, lexical units formed from a multi-word phrase by a diachronic lexicalization process. A compound has the syntactic status of a word, and typically has a semantically opaque, non-compositional meaning. In this study we show that, in addition to the complex numerals, indefinite numerical construct phrases can be grouped into three semantic categories,: 1) measure expressions, 2) frequency/duration expressions, and 3) expressions with non-specific quantity reference. We argue that use of the construct state in these expressions emphasizes a semantic and syntactic resemblance to the compound. Just as the compound designates a unitary concept, measure, frequency and duration expressions designate abstract quantities measured in terms of units. The third category resembles the measure expression in that the counted entities are not significant in and of themselves, but only as part of an overall quantity. The systematic use of constructs in numerical יוֹם phrases suggests that these phrases have undergone a degree of lexicalization.