South American indigenous languages Research Papers (original) (raw)

From the nineteenth century to the present day, external peoples, companies, and governments have perpetrated disrespectful attitudes and behaviours toward Amazonian Originary Peoples. In response, Originary Peoples have increasingly... more

From the nineteenth century to the present day, external peoples, companies, and governments have perpetrated disrespectful attitudes and behaviours toward Amazonian Originary Peoples. In response, Originary Peoples have increasingly adopted their own protocols of respectful interactions with external actors. However, research on the development and implementation of intercultural understandings of “respect” in pluri-cultural interactions has been scarce. Drawing on findings from collaborative research in the Peruvian Amazon, this article explores how Asheninka and Yine perspectives and practices of “respect” inform and could transform euro-centric conceptions and hegemonic consultation processes based on “mutual respect,” proposing instead a practice of “intercultural respect.” The study was initiated at the invitation of Asheninka and Yine community members themselves. Long-term relationships catalysed an invitation to co-design a community-based collective endeavour, which began in 2015. The discussion and findings presented in this article are part of a larger project that attempts to portray how Asheninka and Yine collaborating communities want to be respected under their own terms. This collaborative work proposes: 1. An Originary methodology; 2. A paradigm-encounter frame; and 3. Ten principles to guide “intercultural respect” for the Peruvian Amazon.

New archival and ethnographic evidence reveals that Inka style khipus were used in the Andean community of Santiago de Anchucaya to record contributions to communal labour obligations until the 1940s. Archival testimony from the last... more

New archival and ethnographic evidence reveals that Inka style khipus were used in the Andean community of Santiago de Anchucaya to record contributions to communal labour obligations until the 1940s. Archival testimony from the last khipu specialist in Anchucaya, supplemented by interviews with his grandson, provides the first known expert explanation for how goods, labour obligations, and social groups were indicated on Inka style Andean khipus. This evidence, combined with the analysis of Anchucaya khipus in the Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Antropología y Historia Peruana, furnishes a local model for the relationship between the two most frequent colour patterns (colour banding and seriation) that occur in khipus. In this model, colour banding is associated with individual data whilst seriation is associated with aggregated data. The archival and ethnographic evidence also explain how labour and goods were categorised in uniquely Andean ways as they were represented on khipus.

This article analyzes how khipus, Andean knotted cords for communication, indicated their subject matter. Spanish chroniclers attested to the existence of different genres of khipus; however, scholars have not known how or if khipus... more

This article analyzes how khipus, Andean knotted cords for communication, indicated their subject matter. Spanish chroniclers attested to the existence of different genres of khipus; however, scholars have not known how or if khipus indicated the genre of data they stored. Ethnographic testimony reveals that needlework bundles -- kaytes -- attached to primary cords served as subject indicators. This article surveys post-Inka kaytes, examining one from colonial Huarochiri through an interdisciplinary methodology that provides a model for kayte interpretation. This new evidence about subject indicators supports the hypothesis that khipus encoded information through hierarchical levels of significance.

(link to presentation: . This presentation reports on the preliminary results of ongoing investigations on the historical relationships between the Arawakan and Arawan language families... more

(link to presentation:
This presentation reports on the preliminary results of ongoing investigations on the historical relationships between the Arawakan and Arawan language families (Ehrenreich 1897; Dixon 2004). The first goal of the project is to offer a more general and systematically construed database of potentially informative and historically significant matches involving languages from both families. An initial interesting finding is that lexical and grammatical similarities relate Arawan languages not to the local Arawakan groups of the Juruá-Purus river, but to groups further north and, more strikingly, to Arawakan languages of the Bolívia-Paraná branch. Although these similarities are likely due to contact, they suggest the operation of diffusion and convergence of a much older and more significant magnitude than usually accepted. These findings also resonate with independent claims in the ethnohistorical literature, such as the assumption that the Juruá-Purus region of western Amazon furnished a corridor for the dispersion of Arawakan-speaking peoples to the southern fringes of the Amazon basin. Finally, we also assess Arawan-Arawakan similarities within closed, basic meaning wordlists. Overall, preliminary results suggest that the role played by contact with Arawan groups in the genesis of southern Arawakan languages has been more important than so far recognized, and that there is no really strong evidence for a hypothesis of a long-range kinship relation between the two families, although adequate reconstructions of both Proto-Arawan and Proto-Arawakan are needed for a more definite stand on the matter to be taken.

ABTRACT The underlying factors that influence tourist's decision to determine tourism destinations are essential for every related stakeholder, in their efforts to crafting tourism marketing strategies. If the tourism stakeholders were... more

ABTRACT The underlying factors that influence tourist's decision to determine tourism destinations are essential for every related stakeholder, in their efforts to crafting tourism marketing strategies. If the tourism stakeholders were able to identify these factors, it's easier to focus according to the needs of the consumers. The purposes of this research are to determine the factors that influence domestic tourist in Indonesia when they must choose a tourism destination and to identify the most important or dominant factors from those. The benefits of this research are to provide a marketing strategy basis for tourism stakeholders based on the most important and dominant factors that fits the needs of domestic tourist perception. This research began with a list of 24 factors that frequently to consider by domestic tourists when selecting a tourism destination. By using Cochran Q Test method, we obtained 15 most important factor with Personal Motivation Factor positioned as Rank 1 most important factor and should be considered when determining a tourist destination. ABSTRAK Faktor yang mendukung keputusan wisatawan untuk menentukan destinasi wisata merupakan hal yang penting bagi stakeholder pariwisata dalam rangka penyusunan strategi pemasaran kepariwisataan. Apabila stakeholder pariwisata mampu mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor ini, maka lebih mudah untuk menfokuskan perencanan strategi pemasaran sesuai dengan kebutuhan konsumen, sehingga destinasi wisatanya memiliki kemungkinan yang lebih tinggi untuk dipilih oleh wisatawan domestik. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan pemilihan destinasi wisata bagi wisatawan domestik nusantara di Indonesia dan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang paling penting atau dominan mempengaruhi keputusan pemilihan destinasi wisata bagi wisatawan domestik nusantara di Indonesia. Keutamaan penelitian ini adalah memberikan dasar bagi stakeholder dalam penyusunan strategi pemasaran pariwisata yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan paling penting dari wisatawan domestik nusantara di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan me-list 24 faktor yang paling sering dipertimbangkan oleh wisatawan domestik nusantara pada saat menentukan pemilihan destinasi wisata. Kemudian metode iterasi Cochran Q Test didapatkan 15 faktor yang paling penting dengan faktor Motivasi Personal menduduki peringkat nomor 1 faktor yang paling penting dan perlu dipertimbangkan saat menentukan destinasi wisata.

Esta obra apresenta relatos sobre as viagens de exploração e conquista de uma remota América, tal como eram feitos os relatos à época destes acontecimentos. Viagem ao Rio da Prata... reúne lembranças sobre os vinte anos, entre agosto de... more

Esta obra apresenta relatos sobre as viagens de exploração e conquista de uma remota América, tal como eram feitos os relatos à época destes acontecimentos. Viagem ao Rio da Prata... reúne lembranças sobre os vinte anos, entre agosto de 1534 e janeiro de 1554, em que Schmidl esteve no Novo Mundo para viver uma aventura fantástica. A serviço de famosos capitanes da conquista como Dom Pedro de Mendoza, Domingo Martinéz de Irala e Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, o soldado alemão participou de eventos cruciais deste processo. Sua narrativa nos permite acompanhar as jornadas de descobrimento do território e de sociedades singulares, ao mesmo tempo em que nos faz mergulhar no ambiente de violência e destruição que se abateria sobre elas.

Neste trabalho, debruçamo-nos sobre a fonologia do Proto-Jabutí (PJab), língua da qual descendem o Arikapú (Ari) e o Djeoromitxí (Dje). Embora esta proto-língua já tenha sido alvo de estudos reconstrutivos (notavelmente VOORT, 2007),... more

Neste trabalho, debruçamo-nos sobre a fonologia do Proto-Jabutí (PJab), língua da qual descendem o Arikapú (Ari) e o Djeoromitxí (Dje). Embora esta proto-língua já tenha sido alvo de estudos reconstrutivos (notavelmente VOORT, 2007), alguns aspectos do desenvolvimento diacrônico das línguas Jabutí ainda carecem de explicação.
Abordaremos alguns problemas relacionados à reconstrução das vogais do Proto-Jabutí. Examinaremos as correspondências Ari a : Dje ə/ɛ, ambas atribuídas por Voort (2007) a um desenvolvimento esporádico de PJab *a. Mostraremos que estas correspondências ocorrem nos mesmos ambientes que Ari a : Dje a (< PJab *a), Ari ə : Dje ə/ɛ (< PJab *ə). Argumentaremos que se trata de reflexos condicionados de PJab *ɔ, quando este faz parte do ditongo *ɔj. Dessa forma, propomos as seguintes reconstruções para o Proto-Jabutí: PJab *a(j) > Ari a(j), Dje a (*kra ‘pedra’ > Ari kra, Dje ta; *praj ‘pé’ > Ari praj, Dje pa); PJab *ə(j) > Ari ə(j), Dje ə (*kə ‘pele’ > Ari kə, Dje kə; *pakəj ‘com’ > Ari pakəj, Dje pakə) ou ɛ após coronais exceto *kr > t (*tə ‘trazer’ > Ari tə, Dje tɛ; *prəj ‘vir’ > Ari prəj, Dje pɛ); PJab *ɔj > Ari aj, Dje ə (*krɔj ‘filho’ > Ari kraj, Dje tə) ou ɛ após coronais exceto *kr > t (*nĩprɔj ‘banco, esteira’ > Ari nĩpraj, Dje nĩpɛ).
Para que tal explicação possa funcionar, é necessário considerar ainda uma lei sonora que apaga o segundo elemento dos ditongos PJab em Arikapú precedendo segmentos coronais: PJab *ɔjrã ‘ver’ > Ari arã, Dje ərõ; PJab *ɔjta ~ *ɔjtã ‘sumir’ > Ari ata, Dje ətõ.
Finalmente, revisaremos a reconstrução das africadas do PJab. Defenderemos a reconstrução de duas séries de africadas: PJab *ʈʂ > Ari h (tʃ diante de i), Dje h; PJab *ɖʐ > Ari tʃ, Dje r (com posterior r- > h-); PJab *tʃ > Ari tʃ, Dje tʃ; PJab *dʒ > Ari tʃ, Dje dʒ.

The United Nations' Charter was prepared during the Second World War in order to protect the peace and security of the World from another kind of Lebensraum ideology1. The Lebensraum ideology of Germany was the key reason for the Second... more

The United Nations' Charter was prepared during the Second World War in order to protect the peace and security of the World from another kind of Lebensraum ideology1. The Lebensraum ideology of Germany was the key reason for the Second World War, and similar ideologies can be found in the history of wars conducted for colonization and conquest.

Se analiza el universo de ideologías, prácticas y representaciones cosmológicas asociadas por los chané del noroeste argentino con el ámbito del monte. Se describen etnográficamente fenómenos como la división conceptual del espacio; la... more

Se analiza el universo de ideologías, prácticas y representaciones cosmológicas asociadas por los chané del noroeste argentino con el ámbito del monte. Se describen etnográficamente fenómenos como la división conceptual del espacio; la relación de la categorización espacial con la división sexual del trabajo y las relaciones de género; el protocolo ritualizado de conducta para con los seres del monte y los dueños tutelares de las cosas; la ambigüedad simbólica del ámbito del monte; el juego de analogías y paralelismos entre las representaciones montaraces y la estructura social (redes de parentesco, alianza, reciprocidad y redistribución, ideologías del liderazgo y la propiedad, etc.). Se discute la discriminación analítica de matices exegéticos en diversos contextos simbólicos, semánticos y experienciales en los cuales las acciones y los enunciados de los chané adquieren cotidianamente su sentido y su inteligibilidad. Se demuestra, finalmente, que el conocimiento del monte no conforma un registro abstracto de datos espaciales, biológicos o geográficos sino una auténtica percepción cultural de la realidad.

The early ethnological works of Alfred Métraux are analysed bearing in mind his first fieldwork trip to the Chiriguano, in 1929. The paper discusses personal, academic and professional features of Métraux’s ethnological experience, the... more

The early ethnological works of Alfred Métraux are analysed bearing in mind his first fieldwork trip to the Chiriguano, in 1929. The paper discusses personal, academic and professional features of Métraux’s ethnological experience, the nature of the 1929 trip and his concrete relationships with the Chiriguano groups and individuals. Next, we analyse his ideas on material culture as a privileged means of understanding the synthesis of Andean, Chaco and Amazonian cultural influences. Finally, the dilemmas and limitations of his analytical approach regarding Créole cultural influence and social and cultural change are discussed. [Key words: Alfred Métraux, Chané, Chiriguano, material culture, change.]
Se analiza la etnología temprana de Alfred Métraux a la luz de su primer viaje de campo a los chiriguanos, en 1929. Se discute el perfil personal, académico y profesional de Métraux, las peculiaridades de su trabajo de campo en 1929 y sus relaciones concretas con los indígenas chiriguanos en el terreno. Se examinan luego sus ideas sobre la cultura material como campo experimental privilegiado para rastrear procesos de síntesis de influencias culturales andinas, chaqueñas y amazónicas, así también sus dilemas y límites a la hora de interpretar el factor de la influencia criolla y el proceso de cambio social y cultural en un sentido amplio. [Palabras clave: Alfred Métraux, Chané, Chiriguano, cultura material, cambio.]

El artículo analiza descriptiva y comparativamente los numerales registrados en las dos lenguas históricamente documentadas que forman la familia lingüística huarpe: el allentiac del sur de San Juan y el millcayac del norte de Mendoza.... more

El artículo analiza descriptiva y comparativamente los numerales registrados en las dos lenguas históricamente documentadas que forman la familia lingüística huarpe: el allentiac del sur de San Juan y el millcayac del norte de Mendoza. Ambas lenguas son conocidas, principalmente, a través de sendos tratados publicados a principios del siglo XVII por un misionero jesuita, el padre Luis (o Luys) de Valdivia. El trabajo forma parte de un proyecto personal de investigación de las características morfosintácticas, la semántica, la tipología, los posibles orígenes, la evolución diacrónica y los probables fenómenos de difusión en los sistemas de numerales de las lenguas indígenas del Cono Sur.

A tradição cartorial lusitana, que herdamos e integra a bagagem cultural brasileira, nos faz o oposto das conhecidas tradições orientais, e de igual modo, da maior parte das tradições culturais indígenas, ou seja, dos povos que também... more

A tradição cartorial lusitana, que herdamos e integra a bagagem cultural brasileira, nos faz o oposto das conhecidas tradições orientais, e de igual modo, da maior parte das tradições culturais indígenas, ou seja, dos povos que também fazem parte da nossa formação genética e cultural. É próprio dessa tradição que nos satisfaçam os discursos grandiloquentes (daí porque fez escola, aqui, uma ininterrupta tradição beletrista), as declarações pomposas, os textos, manifestos e proposições prolixos em busca de abarcar, com ‘precisão’ e detalhamento, tudo o que precisa ser dito. Isso explica que tenhamos um texto constitucional (uma Carta Magna) dos mais extensos, no qual nossos lídimos representantes tratam de agregar sempre maior precisão e detalhamentos. Poucos países declaram, em lei, tantos direitos como o nosso. E mais direitos se acrescentam a cada ano.
Nesse país que preza as declarações mais que a realidade dos fatos, no afã de sermos sempre mais realistas que o rei, chegamos agora ao ápice, e resolvemos que temos o direito e o poder de declarar que práticas culturais de povos indígenas e, mais ainda, que as próprias línguas indígenas são “patrimônio nacional”. Queremos questionar o caráter colonialista dessa decisão, bem como sua inutilidade.

RESUMO: O objetivo desta comunicação é discutir as variações estilísticas e sociais, existentes em diferentes interações sociais encontradas no discurso de falantes da língua Akuntsú (Tupí). Descreve-se, assim, as variações linguísticas... more

RESUMO: O objetivo desta comunicação é discutir as variações estilísticas e sociais, existentes em diferentes interações sociais encontradas no discurso de falantes da língua Akuntsú (Tupí). Descreve-se, assim, as variações linguísticas resultantes dos diferentes papéis sociais que os falantes desempenham nas diversas situações comunicativas, bem como a sua relação com o sexo/gênero dos falantes. Isto é, discute-se as adequações que os falantes da língua fazem em relação ao contexto geral em que estão inseridos e como o gênero interage com certas variações estilísticas. A presença da laringalização e variação lexical são alguns dos fenômenos em variação bastante perceptíveis. ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to discuss the stylistic and social variations presented in different social interactions found in the discourse of Akuntsú (Tupi) speakers. This article describes the linguistic variations that result from the distinct social roles that the speakers play in various communicative situations, as well as their relation with speakers' gender. That is, we discuss the shifts that occur in peculiar contexts where the speakers are inserted, and how gender interacts with certain speech styles. The presence of creaky voice and lexical variation are some of the quite noticeable phenomena in this language.

Using data from Matsigenka (Arawakan, Peru), this talk argues that the concept of 'path' used in the analysis of directionals and other path-denoting grammatical elements should be decomposed into two components: path geometry and path... more

Using data from Matsigenka (Arawakan, Peru), this talk argues that the concept of 'path' used in the analysis of directionals and other path-denoting grammatical elements should be decomposed into two components: path geometry and path viewpoint. It is argued that the relationship between path viewpoint and path geometry strongly resembles that between Topic Time and Situation Time in aspectual categories, allowing us to see directionals as the spatio-temporal analogues of aspects.

A copy of the whole very productive discussion session on the draft paper version of "Some Páez loanword etymologies" (v1) totaling a 17 pages with 36 participants. As usual, the input will be used to improve the manuscript to hopefully... more

A copy of the whole very productive discussion session on the draft paper version of "Some Páez loanword etymologies" (v1) totaling a 17 pages with 36 participants. As usual, the input will be used to improve the manuscript to hopefully publishable standards. Enjoy the discussion!

Multidirectional language contact involving more than two languages is little described. However, it probably represents the most common type of contact in the world, where colonization, rapid socioeconomic and demographic change, and... more

Multidirectional language contact involving more than two languages is little described. However, it probably represents the most common type of contact in the world, where colonization, rapid socioeconomic and demographic change, and society-wide multilingualism have led to dramatic linguistic change. This book presents fascinating cases of multidirectional contact and convergence between highly diverse languages in an emerging linguistic area in Suriname and the Guianas and proposes a framework for comparable studies.

Firstly, the Roman Catholic «prehistory» of contact between the Panoan groups of Bolivian Amazonia and Jesuit, Franciscan and lay clergy missionaries is described. The paper then analyses the continuity of the evangelization process by... more

Firstly, the Roman Catholic «prehistory» of contact between the Panoan groups of Bolivian Amazonia and Jesuit, Franciscan and lay clergy missionaries is described. The paper then analyses the continuity of the evangelization process by diverse evangelical denominations, describing three missionary experiences with the Chacobo since 1955 to the present day. Finally, general insights are proposed relating the anthropological problem of religious conversion.

En una fase de la lucha indígena caucana definida por Almendra como etapa de la alternativa, desde las comunidades Nasa han surgido proyectos de reapropiación del espacio público con el objetivo de conformar memorias vivas y derroteros de... more

En una fase de la lucha indígena caucana definida por Almendra como etapa de la alternativa, desde las comunidades Nasa han surgido proyectos de reapropiación del espacio público con el objetivo de conformar memorias vivas y derroteros de resistencia frente a una condición generalizada de violencia y opresión.
La presente propuesta se plantea analizar el actual Paisaje Lingüístico del Resguardo Indígena Nasa de Toribío (Colombia), interpretado como medio de expresión del imaginario testimonial indígena acerca de la violencia sufrida por las comunidades Nasa durante el Conflicto Armado colombiano. El Paisaje Lingüístico (Linguistic Landscape) conceptualizado por Landry y Bourhis (1997) como el conjunto de manifestaciones de la lengua en el espacio público, se considera como un “claro indicador del cambio social” (Calvi, 2018) y como lugar de interconexión entre lengua, cultura e identidad (Blackwood et al., 2016). En regiones condicionadas por la presencia constante y duradera de distintos grupos armados, el Paisaje Lingüístico puede convertirse en un “standing historical testimony” (Woldemaram, 2016) de la disputa territorial entre dichos grupos y de las respuestas espontáneas y organizadas de la población civil. En este sentido, el Paisaje Lingüístico del Resguardo Indígena de Toribío -analizado a partir de un trabajo de recolección de imágenes en el territorio- no se limita a revelar procesos de negociación del control territorial por parte de los actores en disputa: se presenta como medio de valoración de la resistencia pacífica indígena al conflicto armado, como herramienta de dignificación de la memoria viva de la violencia padecida por las comunidades del Nororiente del Cauca, como catalizador de un proyecto de reivindicación cultural, territorial, lingüística de la población Nasa.

El concepto de ‘patrimonio’, sea que se refiera a los bienes materiales o a las manifestaciones inmateriales, puede tener un carácter problemático desde la perspectiva de las comunidades propietarias y gestoras . Consideramos que este... more

El concepto de ‘patrimonio’, sea que se refiera a los bienes materiales o a las manifestaciones inmateriales, puede tener un carácter problemático desde la perspectiva de las comunidades propietarias y gestoras . Consideramos que este carácter está dado por la imposición no negociada del ‘patrimonio’ como concepto y herramienta de apropiación cultural, desde los organismos académicos y no académicos nacionales e internacionales hasta el Estado y sus distintas ramas de gestión ministerial e institucional. El propósito de este artículo es deconstruir el concepto de patrimonio en sus presupuestos básicos y sus condiciones de emergencia, para luego proponer puntos de inflexión que permitan superar sus limitaciones. Luego de la discusión conceptual y la contextualización histórica de los tres hitos jurídicos en el pensamiento sobre el patrimonio, abordamos éste desde dos elementos que consideramos fundamentales para su constitución, a saber: 1) la doble naturaleza de propiedad y apropiación que tiene todo patrimonio; y 2) el carácter integral del patrimonio en relación con el resto de esferas, territoriales, sociales, económicas y políticas de los colectivos. Estos dos elementos definitorios del patrimonio nos llevaran a proponer, en la última sección, nuevas formas de acercamiento al patrimonio cultural, las cuales pretenden un giro radical en la llamada ‘gestión patrimonial’ a fin de no destruir los patrimonios convirtiéndolos en herramientas de dominio político y aculturación.

Abstract Introduction For a long time indigenous languages, in general, and Mexican, in particular, have been a niche research area. Different disciplines, from Linguistics, anthropology, and sociology, to —in a lesser fashion—... more

Ukunchik: la naturaleza del cuerpo y la salud en el mundo andino / Luis Mujica Bermúdez; prólogos de Augusto Castro, Timothy M. Thomson. – Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio... more

Ukunchik: la naturaleza del cuerpo y la salud en el mundo andino / Luis Mujica Bermúdez; prólogos de Augusto Castro, Timothy M. Thomson. – Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio y Energías Renovables (INTEPUCP) : Universidad Nacional José María Arguedas (UNAJMA), 2019.

Seit dem Erscheinen der kritischen Ausgabe von Hans Stadens und Ulrich Schmidls Werk , hrsg. durch den Verfasser 2007 bzw 2008, hat sich einiges im Bereich der Forschung zu Schmidl getan. Wir wollen hier für interessierte Leser... more

Seit dem Erscheinen der kritischen Ausgabe von Hans Stadens und Ulrich Schmidls Werk , hrsg. durch den Verfasser 2007 bzw 2008, hat sich einiges im Bereich der Forschung zu Schmidl getan. Wir wollen hier für interessierte Leser exemplarisch die wichtigsten Linien der Forschung und neuere Ausgaben vorstellen, soweit zu unserer Kenntnis gelangt.

Este documento presenta una visión panorámica del proceso histórico de la población y ocupación de la Selva Central (comprendida entre los paralelos 10° y 14° de latitud sur y los meridianos 72° y 76° –al oeste de Greenwich–) en una... more

Este documento presenta una visión panorámica del proceso histórico de la población y ocupación de la Selva Central (comprendida entre los paralelos 10° y 14° de latitud sur y los meridianos 72° y 76° –al oeste de Greenwich–) en una extensión de aproximadamente 100 000 kilómetros cuadrados de territorio ancestralmente asháninka, pueblo indígena más numeroso de la Amazonia peruana. Se calcula que su población asciende a más de 52 000 personas. Su territorio tradicional ocupa en las últimas pendientes orientales de la Cordillera Central; en los valles de los ríos Bajo Apurímac, Ene, Tambo, Alto Ucayali, Bajo Urubamba, Perené y Pichis, en las provincias de Chanchamayo, Satipo, Oxapampa y en la Meseta del Gran Pajonal. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar al lector interesado una visión histórica de cómo se asentaron los asháninkas en el territorio amazónico y cómo han perdido terreno a lo largo de los contactos con la civilización blanca y mestiza.

Brazil’s Indigenous population stands at 896,900 individuals, 36.2% of whom live in urban areas. A total of 505 Indigenous Lands have been identified, covering 12.5% of Brazilian territory (106.7 million hectares). There are 305 different... more

Brazil’s Indigenous population stands at 896,900 individuals,
36.2% of whom live in urban areas. A total of 505 Indigenous
Lands have been identified, covering 12.5% of Brazilian territory
(106.7 million hectares). There are 305 different peoples, most
of whom live in the Amazon region and speak 274 languages.
It is estimated that there are 115 peoples living in isolation,
of which 28 are confirmed and the rest are in the process of
being identified.

Resumen: Las lenguas han sido históricamente targets (objetivos) de cualquier sistema que quiera imponerse y generar hegemonía cultural. Es por ello que -en el continente americano- desde los inicios del... more

Resumen: Las lenguas han sido históricamente targets (objetivos) de cualquier sistema que quiera imponerse y generar hegemonía cultural. Es por ello que -en el continente americano- desde los inicios del régimen colonial, las lenguas indígenas fueron objeto de persecución y supresión, situación que no se mitigó con la constitución de los estados nacionales. Precisamente porque las lenguas son rocas fundacionales de la etnicidad, ha sido primordial para los pueblos indígenas protegerlas de las arremetidas de proyectos asimilacionistas y etnocidas, siendo la reivindicación de los derechos lingüísticos una herramienta provechosa para tal fin. La intención de este trabajo es presentar una revisión de los estándares internacionales construidos en materia de protección cultural y lingüística, en aras de exponer la utilidad del discurso y estándares de derechos humanos para la resistencia y supervivencia lingüística de los pueblos indígenas.

Bolivia's refounding as a plurinational state is based on the recognition of the existence of indigenous peoples and their right to determine their form of government. As such, the creation of indigenous originary peasant autonomies... more

Bolivia's refounding as a plurinational state is based on the recognition of the existence of indigenous peoples and their right to determine their form of government. As such, the creation of indigenous originary peasant autonomies (autonomías indígena originaria campesinas, AIOCs) within the broader constitutional framework of the plurinational state provide the basis for a new relationship between indigenous peoples and the Bolivian state. In practical terms, indigenous autonomies mark the recognition by the state of the right to difference, and in doing so, fundamentally alter the nature of the state. In quantitative terms, the fact that a decade on from the initial referendums in which 11 municipalities voted in favour of beginning the conversion to AIOCs, only two of these municipalities, plus one indigenous originary peasant territory (territorio indígena originario campesino, TIOC) have completed the process, does not suggest that the project to implement the recognition of indigenous peoples' right to autonomy in Bolivia has been a success. However, assessed qualitatively, in the long historical context of the struggle of indigenous peoples for state recognition of their own political autonomy, it would be right to judge indigenous self-government in Bolivia, as a path that continues to be constructed incrementally. Indeed, further time is needed to judge the ultimate success or failure of indigenous autonomies in Bolivia as a political project. In particular, since Evo Morales took exile, heralding a new political conjuncture, it remains to be seen how this political project can withstand a change of government. The true test of the structures supporting and supported by the plurinational state will be whether they develop their own identity independently of whichever party is in power and come to be recognized as institutions within the Bolivian state. Notwithstanding this, the overall autonomic process and the creation of the AIOCs have broken with the centralized Bolivian past and officially created an autonomous space for indigenous peoples that has to be built gradually.

Perteneciente a la familia lingüística Arawak, el mojeño trinitario forma parte de las cuatro variantes o dialectos identificados; trinitario, javierano, ignaciano y loretano y es una de las 36 lenguas indígenas que se menciona en la... more

Perteneciente a la familia lingüística Arawak, el mojeño trinitario forma parte de las cuatro variantes o dialectos identificados; trinitario, javierano, ignaciano y loretano y es una de las 36 lenguas indígenas que se menciona en la Constitución Política del Estado de Bolivia Las distintas denominaciones que recibe esta lengua son el resultado del proceso histórico de las Misiones Jesuíticas en Mojos, mismas que llevan los nombres de los municipios del departamento del Beni (trinitarios, ingnacianos, loretanos y Baures). De acuerdo a Rose (2015), la lengua se habla en el territorio del Parque Nacional Isidoro-Secure (TIPNIS), en el Territorio Indígena Multiétnico (TIM), en ciertas comunidades esparcidas a lo largo del río Mamoré, en los pueblos San Lorenzo y San Francisco de Mojos y en la capital del departamento ya mencionado, Trinidad.

La obra de Theodor Koch-Grünberg constituye quizás la más importante contribución de la ciencia etnográfica y lingüística alemana al conocimiento de América. El propósito de este trabajo es presentar el análisis de un relato en pemón... more

La obra de Theodor Koch-Grünberg constituye quizás la más importante contribución de la ciencia etnográfica y lingüística alemana al conocimiento de América. El propósito de este trabajo es presentar el análisis de un relato en pemón publicado en la edición original alemana de su magna obra Vom Roroima zum Orinoco, que hasta la fecha no había sido publicado en español. Primeramente, se hace un esbozo biográfico de este explorador, etnógrafo y lingüista. Después se establecen las diferencias entre la edición alemana y la traducción española Del Roraima al Orinoco. Seguidamente, se presenta la ruta seguida por Koch-Grünberg en este viaje. Después se dan noticias de la participación de su asistente lingüístico para el pemón taurepán, Mayuluaípu, autor del relato de viaje. A continuación, se describe el formato de análisis utilizado por Koch-Grünberg y también el formato interlineal usado en nuestro análisis. La sección principal la constituye el análisis interlineal del texto. Finalmente, se presentan las principales características lingüísticas del pemón taurepán que se pueden ilustrar con el texto analizado. Se incluyen, como apéndices, una galería fotográfica, el mapa de la ruta, y el texto continuo del relato en alemán.

El propósito de este trabajo es comparar lo que se conoce de la lengua chaná en dos momentos y lugares distintos: el material que fuera registrado por Dámaso Larrañaga en 1815 en Soriano (Uruguay) y los datos que se vienen documentando... more

El propósito de este trabajo es comparar lo que se conoce de la lengua chaná en dos momentos y lugares distintos: el material que fuera registrado por Dámaso Larrañaga en 1815 en Soriano (Uruguay) y los datos que se vienen documentando desde el año 2005 en Entre Ríos (Argentina).

Werner Herzog’s Aguirre: the Wrath of God and James Bobin’s Dora and the Lost City of Gold. Film and the Quest for El Dorado. This is (an 8,000 word!) paper I wrote after watching the new, live-action, Dora film with my daughters for... more

It has been predicted that, by the end of the XXI century, approximately half of 7000 World languages will be extinct (Austin and Sallabank 2014, 2). Some more pessimistic sources provide an extinction rate by the end of the century up to... more

It has been predicted that, by the end of the XXI century, approximately half of 7000 World languages will be extinct (Austin and Sallabank 2014, 2). Some more pessimistic sources provide an extinction rate by the end of the century up to 90%. However, there are efforts being done to revitalize endangered indigenous languages globally and, although many programs are struggling in their efforts, there are successful examples of revitalization through these programs. The best studied examples include languages like Maori, Hawaiian, and Basque. The purpose of this project is to understand Kichwa language revitalization in comparative perspective with other language programs. Within this goal, this thesis addresses four main issues: The first will be to look at the growth and challenges faced by Kichwa revitalization movement. Then, the reasons and arguments that Kichwa revitalization activists provide for the undertaking of such task will be presented. This will be done with the purpose of drawing initial lessons from past and present failing projects attempting Kichwa revival. Lastly, the signs of hope for future and current revitalization projects from each interlocutor in my project will be presented and analyzed. With these goals in mind, I will present how Kichwa revitalization movements are operating in Ecuador and how these efforts influence the younger generation of speakers.

In this paper (in French) we analyze the case of an indigenous kichwa community in the depths of the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest that is in the process of recovering its identity to fight a mining company that wants to take their lands.... more

In this paper (in French) we analyze the case of an indigenous kichwa community in the depths of the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest that is in the process of recovering its identity to fight a mining company that wants to take their lands. We begin by analyzing some problems indigenous communities have to face in Ecuador, then we focus on the linguistic and cultural recovery and its importance in the fight for indigenous people's rights, and in the last part we talk about the specific case of Tzawata.