Ottoman Historiography Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The First of the Modern Ottomans blends biography with intellectual history. On the one hand, it is the story of an Ottoman life – the life of the scribe, ambassador, and prolific historian Ahmed Vâsıf (ca. 1735-1806), a man who... more

The First of the Modern Ottomans blends biography with intellectual history. On the one hand, it is the story of an Ottoman life – the life of the scribe, ambassador, and prolific historian Ahmed Vâsıf (ca. 1735-1806), a man who improbably rose from obscurity in Baghdad to travel the empire, fight its wars, advise its sultans, and, in time, write its history. As a full-scale biography, the book is a rarity for the field of Ottoman history and reconstructs Vâsıf’s life, career, and opinions through meticulous research in both Ottoman and European sources. On the other hand, The First of the Modern Ottomans is also one of the first detailed intellectual studies of the early modern Ottoman Empire. Weaving together Vâsıf’s life and thought with the larger intellectual currents of the day – especially at the court of Sultan Selim III in Istanbul – it explores central debates among the Ottoman ruling elite over Europe, political reform, war and peace, justice, and the empire’s renewal. Vâsıf’s life reveals a vital response to the empire’s challenges at the turn of the nineteenth century – one that was novel and deeply enmeshed in Islamic philosophy, ethics, and statecraft.

Invited talk - University of Vienna (18 January 2022) From the Adriatic Sea to the mountainous borders with Iran and from the Black Sea to the scorched shores of the Red Sea, the Ottoman domains were home to myriad locations of... more

Invited talk - University of Vienna (18 January 2022)
From the Adriatic Sea to the mountainous borders with Iran and from the Black Sea to the scorched shores of the Red Sea, the Ottoman domains were home to myriad locations of archaeological importance. The multitude of prehistoric, ancient and medieval civilisations that had left their imprint on Ottoman lands was bound to attract the interest of Europeans. Ottoman subjects were not in themselves left uninterested. Visits, digs, illicit traffic, museums and many more activities attest to this.
As the 19th century was progressing with the number of manifestations of an interest in ancient finds rising, the Ottoman state decided to take it upon itself to regulate this area of human activity. This presentation discusses the legal responses of the Ottoman state to this rising interest and, more specifically, the laws on antiquities of 1869, 1874, 1884 and 1906. It traces their origins, such as the incidents or other factors that motivated the state to promulgate the laws. It aims to shed light on the topics these laws covered, such as definitions on antiquities, the ownership of finds, stipulations on the import and, significantly, export of antiquities, any protective measures, and the regulation of excavations. It also provides a comparison between Ottoman archaeological legislation and that of the Greek kingdom in an attempt to identify points of convergence and divergence. To what extent was Ottoman policy inspired by Greece’s treatment of antiquities? Finally, this presentation does not fail to investigate the reasons for replacing one law with another. In this, a discussion of how each law was implemented in the vast domains of the empire remains crucial.
In all, this presentation aims to provide a comprehensive picture as to the Ottoman legal approaches to antiquities that, together with the development of Ottoman museums, encapsulate Ottoman archaeological policy. In discussing the laws, we shall see how the Ottoman state evolved from being largely a bystander into a guardian of antiquities in its lands.

Cihan Harbi Avrupa’yı karanlık bir evreye sokuyor, 19. yüzyılın refah ortamını sonlandırırken kararsızlıklarla dolu bir dönemi başlatıyordu. Türkiye insanının bu gelişmelerden etkilenmemesi düşünülemezdi. Üstelik Cumhuriyet Türkiyesi... more

Cihan Harbi Avrupa’yı karanlık bir evreye sokuyor, 19. yüzyılın refah ortamını sonlandırırken kararsızlıklarla dolu bir dönemi başlatıyordu. Türkiye insanının bu gelişmelerden etkilenmemesi düşünülemezdi. Üstelik Cumhuriyet Türkiyesi hilafeti ve saltanatı kaldırmış, Batı’ya yönelmiş, “yeni hayat” özlemiyle yaşam tarzında köklü dönüşümlere gitmişti. Reform kaygıları, seküler yaşam özlemi, Osmanlı kültür kodlarının sorgulanışı, nesiller arası uyumsuzluklar yoksul ülkenin insanlarını her geçen gün çözümsüzlüğe yöneltmişti. 30’lu yıllarda “ideal”lerle donatılmış kendi “yeni insan”ına ulaşıncaya kadar Türkiye inkılaplarla toplumsal travmayı birlikte yaşayacaktı. Jön Türklerin İkinci Meşrutiyet yıllarına özgü sosyoloji tutkularının yerini bu kez Cumhuriyet’le birlikte psikoloji ve psikiyatri alıyordu. Durkheim’in pabucu dama atılmış, Freud’a ve Bergson’a umut bağlanmıştı.
Türkiye’de Yeni Hayat 1908-1928 çağdaş yaşam özleminin toplumsal travmaya dönüşümünün öyküsü. Nüfus sorunu başta olmak üzere, kadının, gençliğin, çocuğun erkek Cumhuriyet döneminde karşılaştıkları sorunları ele alan Zafer Toprak uzun savaş yıllarının neden olduğu bunalımı, yoksulluğun neden olduğu fuhuşu, intiharlarla sonuçlanan umutsuzluğu dönemin kaynaklarına başvurarak gün ışığına çıkarıyor.

The title of this volume indicates its scope and spirit. It has little to do with the art of Diplomacy. It is a Diversion because it turns aside from that esoteric art. Out of the channels of the diplomatic movements of Constantinople,... more

The title of this volume indicates its scope and spirit. It has
little to do with the art of Diplomacy. It is a Diversion because it
turns aside from that esoteric art. Out of the channels of the
diplomatic movements of Constantinople, and aloof from the cares
and studies of the Author's ministrations in the East, it seeks to
impart something of the relaxation, if not the amusement, which
furnished the pastime of a sojourn of unequaled refreshment and

The object of the present paper is to try and insert into discussions about the rich bibliography on the Ottoman municipal institutions some nuances, pertaining both to recent reflections on the circulation of reform models and to new... more

The object of the present paper is to try and insert into discussions about the rich bibliography on the Ottoman municipal institutions some nuances, pertaining both to recent reflections on the circulation of reform models and to new researches on the historical roots of the ottoman urban old regime. The aim is then to reconsider the interpretation of the Ottoman urban reforms of the second half of Nineteenth century in this new interpretative scheme, which takes into account with a different perspective both the heritage of previous forms of urban governance and the meaning of the circulation of reformative models. The intent is also, once the general frame has been submitted to an effort of complexity, to confront some other arguments on modernity in an Ottoman context. If modernisation came in a different way that it has often been assessed, what does it mean for the content of the concept of modernity? This is why I will also try in this paper to discuss the limits of the Ottoman urban modernity and their causes.
The present research relies on various case studies, taken in the Arab Provinces of the Ottoman Empire, from the Maghreb to the Middle-East, but does in no way pretend to cover the whole geographical field. The intent is rather to use case studies often taken on the margins of the Empire to discuss some commonly accepted assertions about the functioning of the Empire as a whole and about its relationship to administrative modernity. The aim is to try and go further the “importation” paradigm which often sums up the process of modernisation of the Ottoman bureaucratic apparel. The stake is, from a study of the evolution of the forms of urban government, to discuss and challenge the excessive importance of a vision of an only imported modernity into what is often implicitly or explicitly considered as the empty space of pre-reform urban government. Through a study of what I call the urban Ottoman old regime (the use of this term being based upon a comparative method with Western European historiographies –not the importation of a content, but the use of a concept), my intent is to try and propose some revisions into the interpretation of the reforms themselves. The purpose is also to discuss the thesis presenting municipalities as essentially extraneous to the urban Ottoman situation before the reforms. There were in my opinion forms of urban government shaping a system of old regime urban government, based upon the prerogatives of the merchants and their assemblies, sometimes some forms of urban nobility, and the administrative role of guilds in the urban order. These forms served as a base for reforms which cannot thus be read as extraneous anymore to the previously existing urban society and have to be interpreted differently. But this assertion is not intended to close debates. Instead, I conceive it as a methodological proposal, and as a way to bring new elements into debates about the relationship between Ottoman societies and modernity. It is also a way to shift discussion towards other fields. If modernity came as a reform of an old regime (and not as a mere creation), many questions do remain about the factors that sometimes blocked its implementation: communal caesurae, colonial influence, nationalisms.

Ali Suâvî, bir bütün olarak okunduğu takdirde tezatlarla dolu bir düşünce dünyasının sahibi, seçerek okunması durumunda da Türkçülükten laikliğe kadar modern Türk düşüncesindeki pek çok ana eğilimin yaratıcısı gibi görülür. Muhbir ve... more

Ali Suâvî, bir bütün olarak okunduğu takdirde tezatlarla dolu bir düşünce dünyasının sahibi, seçerek okunması durumunda da Türkçülükten laikliğe kadar modern Türk düşüncesindeki pek çok ana eğilimin yaratıcısı gibi görülür. Muhbir ve Ulûm’daki bazı yazıları ile Hive adlı risalesinde Türkler, Türk tarihi, Türk dünyası ve Türk diline dair serdettiği düşünceler onun ilk Türkçülerden biri sayılmasını beraberinde getirmiştir. Ancak, Ali Suâvî’nin Türkçülüğü biraz tartışmalıdır. Çünkü onun karmaşık düşünce dünyasının bir tezahürü olarak seçilmiş metinler ve metin parçalarından hareketle Ali Suâvî’yi Osmanlıcı veya İslâmcı bir çerçeveye oturtmak da mümkündür. Bütün çelişik yanlarına rağmen, Ali Suâvî’nin Türklere, Türk tarihine ve Türk diline dair düşünceleri, onun Türklük şuuruna sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu bağlamda ilk defa onun tarafından seslendirilen kimi hususlar, daha sonraki kuşaklara ilham kaynağı olmuştur.

I feel constrained to point out that this is NOT the same book as the short biography of el-Hajj Beshir Agha published by Oneworld in Feb. 2006. This is a broad study of the development of the office of Chief Harem Eunuch from the late... more

I feel constrained to point out that this is NOT the same book as the short biography of el-Hajj Beshir Agha published by Oneworld in Feb. 2006. This is a broad study of the development of the office of Chief Harem Eunuch from the late 16th century through the end of the Ottoman Empire (and beyond). In terms of individual eunuchs, it runs from Habeshi Mehmed Agha in the late 16th century through Nadir Agha, who died in 1957. I have attached the front matter, including the table of contents, to emphasize this point.
This book was short-listed for the 2019 British-Kuwait Friendship Society Book Prize.

Küratörlüğünü tarihçi, yazar ve akademisyen Zafer Toprak’ın yaptığı, özel ve kurumsal koleksiyonlardan derlenen, fotoğraf, dergi, karikatür, eşya ve kitap gibi orijinal malzemelerle hazırlanan İstanbul’da Deniz Sefası sergisi, bir... more

Küratörlüğünü tarihçi, yazar ve akademisyen Zafer Toprak’ın yaptığı, özel ve kurumsal koleksiyonlardan derlenen, fotoğraf, dergi, karikatür, eşya ve kitap gibi orijinal malzemelerle hazırlanan İstanbul’da Deniz Sefası sergisi, bir nostaljinin öyküsünü anlatırken, kent halkının boş zaman değerlendirme normlarındaki değişimine, toplumsallaşmasına değiniyor, Cumhuriyet’in yaşam tarzındaki köklü dönüşümlerini simgeleyen bir belgesel niteliği taşıyor.

DOBRUDJA IN OTTOMAN TIMES: THE KAZA OF HÂRȘOVA (16TH C) Abstract The Ottoman chancery documents, such as defters, orders, regulations, are a key source for studying Dobrudja under Ottoman rule, revealing its administrative, military and... more

The Ottoman chancery documents, such as defters, orders, regulations, are a key source for studying Dobrudja under Ottoman rule, revealing its administrative, military and economic structures. This paper draws on toponymical, topographical and administrative information taken from eight Ottoman registers, all dating from the sixteenth century. The toponymy and the rural habitat are interpreted from a long-time perspective, assessing the continuity between the Ottoman and the pre-Ottoman structures. The Dobrudja case is also placed in the larger image of the dynamics of the Ottoman rural landscape. This article identifies both military and non-military Ottoman institutions in Dobrudja, such a vozar, derbendci, ellici, gümrükçi, müsellem, akıncı. Consequently, it proposes a comparative analysis between the Ottoman power structures and the previous, imperial, Byzantine ones. A chronological and cartographic inventory of the human settlements in Ottoman Dobrudja argues for a reconsideration of their synchronic and diachronic evolution.

Miyuki Aoki Girardelli, "The “Orient” in the West: The Japanese Architect Itō Chūta’s Travels in the Ottoman Empire and Its Challenge to the Oriental Narrative", Marzia Faietti and Gerhard Wolf eds., Motion: Transformation, 35th Congress... more

Miyuki Aoki Girardelli, "The “Orient” in the West: The Japanese Architect Itō Chūta’s Travels in the Ottoman Empire and Its Challenge to the
Oriental Narrative", Marzia Faietti and Gerhard Wolf eds., Motion: Transformation, 35th Congress of the International Committee of the History of Art, Florence, 1-6 September 2019, Congress Proceedings, part 2, Bolonia University Press, Bologna, 2021, pp. 445-450 ISBN 978-88-6923-650-1 ISBN online 978-88-6923-792-8

There have been reforms and reformist movements from the foundation of the Ottoman Empire until its collapse. First of all, I want to start my article by answering the following questions. What is Islahat? The meaning of the word Islahat;... more

There have been reforms and reformist movements from the foundation of the Ottoman Empire until its collapse. First of all, I want to start my article by answering the following questions. What is Islahat? The meaning of the word Islahat; change, correction, or improvement to make it better, the word in the Western equivalent is reform. How many types was Islahat divided into in the Ottoman Empire? We can divide the reform movements in the Ottoman Empire into two: First Western-style reforms and Second, Traditionalist Movements. And the last question is, in what areas were these improvements made in the Ottoman Empire? Islahat has been made in the following areas; military, administrative, cultural, economic, and educational. In this article, I want to separate the reforms made in the Ottoman Empire as periods of rising and stagnation, in fact, my purpose in this article is to mention the reforms made with Turkish and Islamic traditions.

This paper focuses on the Ottoman bedestens in Greece, by considering the analysis and interpretation of the related texts in the archives and historic references. Evliyâ Çelebi provides a wealth of data regarding the Ottoman bedestens,... more

This paper focuses on the Ottoman bedestens in Greece, by considering the analysis and interpretation of the related texts in the archives and historic references. Evliyâ Çelebi provides a wealth of data regarding the Ottoman bedestens, along with their functions, administrative system and staff. This information underlines that the bedestens were semi-official buildings and were subject to State control and management, reflecting its commercial and economic policy.
This paper discusses the importance of the bedesten as a new architectural creation in the centre of the Ottoman city, and its importance in reorganising and distinguishing the layout of the core of some significant Ottoman cities. As a result, the historic Ottoman cities could be classified into cities including a bedesten and others that didn’t. The study shows the relation between the presence of the bedesten in a city and its commercial and economic value considering the city’s site. This is obvious for cities located on main commercial roads. Along the Via Egnatia, there are cities which have bedestens in Greece. The Ottoman bedestens found in Greece were accounted for, focusing on the surviving examples.
The study concludes that the Ottoman bedesten flourished from architecture and function point of view during the years of Sultan Mehmed II (1451-1481). This study proves that the present-day bedesten in the city of Serres is not the original one described by Evliyâ Çelebi, but it is a later reconstruction. The bedesten of Larissa was also dated in the light of the waqf (vakıf) document of the founder Hacı Ömer Bey, the son of Hacı Turhan to the years before 889 H/ 1484 CE.
To read/download this article:

1720-ci illərdə Osmanlı imperiyasının Cənubi Qafqazı fəthi dövründə dövlətin maliyyə məmurları tərəfindən mövcud qaydalara uyğun olaraq yeni fəth olunmuş ərazilər üçün vergi reyestrləri (təhrir dəftərləri) tərtib edilmişdir. Oxucuların... more

1720-ci illərdə Osmanlı imperiyasının Cənubi Qafqazı fəthi dövründə dövlətin maliyyə məmurları tərəfindən mövcud qaydalara uyğun olaraq yeni fəth olunmuş ərazilər üçün vergi reyestrləri (təhrir dəftərləri) tərtib edilmişdir. Oxucuların diqqətinə təqdim olunan “Tiflis əyalətinin müfəssəl dəftəri” də məhz həmin dövrün məhsuludur. Bir zamanlar vergi ödəyən əhalini qeydiyyata almaq və vergitoplama işlərini həyata keçirmək məqsədilə hazırlanmış bu sənəd hazırda XVIII əsrin ilk onilliklərində Borçalı və Qazax ellərinin sosial-iqtisadi tarixinə dair ən mötəbər və dəyərli qaynaqlardan biridir. Bu mənbədən tarixçilər, coğrafiyaçılar, iqtisadçılar, etnoqraflar, dilçilər, eləcə də geniş oxucu kütləsi faydalana bilər.

Αναμφισβήτητα, η οικογένεια των Νιώτηδων κατατάσσεται μεταξύ των πρώτων σε εθνική προσφορά και συμμετοχή, σε όλους του απελευθερωτικούς αγώνες της Κρήτης καθ'όλη τη διάρκεια του 19ου αιώνα..... Η Κρήτη, με το δικό της τρόπο, αποτέλεσε... more

Αναμφισβήτητα, η οικογένεια των Νιώτηδων κατατάσσεται μεταξύ των πρώτων σε εθνική προσφορά και συμμετοχή, σε όλους του απελευθερωτικούς αγώνες της Κρήτης καθ'όλη τη διάρκεια του 19ου αιώνα..... Η Κρήτη, με το δικό της τρόπο, αποτέλεσε ένα εθνικό κέντρο του ελληνισμού εκφράζοντας την ανάγκη για απελευθέρωση των υπόδουλων Ελλήνων, τόσο στη Βαλκανική χερσόνησο όσο και στη Μικρά Ασία. Δεν είναι τυχαίο ότι οι κρητικές αντάρτικες ομάδες στήριξαν το Μακεδονικό Αγώνα, ούτε ότι οι Βορειοηπειρώτες απευθύνθηκαν σ' αυτούς για υποστήριξη του δικού τους απελευθερωτικού αγώνα. Η άμεση επιρροή επί της εξωτερικής πολιτικής του ελληνικού κράτους έγινε μετά το στρατιωτικό πραξικόπημα του 1909 -την Επανάσταση στο Γουδί. Η κρητική ομάδα αρχίζει να πρωτοστατεί από τότε στη διαμόρφωση της εθνικής πολιτικής, συγκρουόμενη με το συντηρητικό παλάτι.

أ. د. شموئيل موريه من الجامعة العبرية في القدس يتحدث عن النص الكامل لكتاب تاريخ الجبرتي، عجائب الآثار في التراجم والأخبار.

20. yüzyılda Türkiye’de tarihçilikte iki önemli kırılma noktası ya da dönüşüm evresi yaşandı. Bunlardan ilki İkinci Meşrutiyet’le birlikte ulusal tarih anlayışının doğuşuydu. Bir anlamda vakanüvis tarihçiliğinden kopuşu simgeliyordu.... more

20. yüzyılda Türkiye’de tarihçilikte iki önemli kırılma noktası ya da dönüşüm evresi yaşandı. Bunlardan ilki İkinci Meşrutiyet’le birlikte ulusal tarih anlayışının doğuşuydu. Bir anlamda vakanüvis tarihçiliğinden kopuşu simgeliyordu. İkinci evre ise 1960 ertesi yaşandı. Tarihçilik siyasal ve diplomatik alan yanı sıra ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel alana kaydı. Her ne kadar genel tarih yazıcılıkta ekonomik ve sosyal tarihin kökenlerini 20. yüzyılın başlarına çekmek mümkünse de, II. Dünya Savaşı ertesi sosyal devlet anlayışının güç kazanması tarihçiliği de yönetenlerden çok yönetilenlerin sorunlarına eğilmeye yöneltmişti. Türkiye’de ise ilk nüvelerine 1946 ertesi rastlansa da ekonomik ve toplumsal tarih 1960 ertesi disiplinler arası bir nitelik kazandı.

20. yüzyılın başından günümüze ulaşan ve çözümlenemeyen dünyanın en önemli meselesi Filistin’in taksimi meselesidir. Her ne kadar 1947 taksim planı ve 1948 yılında İsrail’in kurulması ile görece bir paylaşım sağlanmış olsa da sorun devam... more

20. yüzyılın başından günümüze ulaşan ve çözümlenemeyen dünyanın en önemli meselesi Filistin’in taksimi meselesidir. Her ne kadar 1947 taksim planı ve 1948 yılında İsrail’in kurulması ile görece bir paylaşım sağlanmış olsa da sorun devam etmektedir. Meselenin
siyasi askeri, dini, sosyolojik yönlerinin yanı sıra tarihi bir boyutu da vardır. Nitekim bugüne kadar bölge üzerinde yapılan hemen bütün çalışmalarda Filistin coğrafyasının tarihi aidiyeti tartışılmıştır. Bölge üzerinde uzun araştırmalar yapılmış, hak iddia eden tarafların tamamı kendilerine tarihten deliller bulmaya çalışmışlardır.
Bu konuda en az gayreti, bölgede en uzun ve sürekli egemenlik kurmuş olan (1516-1917) Osmanlı Devleti’nin
varisleri göstermişlerdir. Filistin coğrafyası üzerinde pek çok monografiler yayınlanmış olmasına rağmen bu
çalışmalar hâlâ bütünlükten uzaktadır. Bu genel manzara Türkiye için de geçerlidir. Dört asır boyunca Osmanlı
egemenliğinde kalmış olan bu coğrafya hakkında yapılan araştırmalar özgün olmakla birlikte; çoğunun neyi ve nereyi tanımladıkları anlaşılmamaktadır. Özellikle genel tarih araştırmalarında genellikle ihmal edilen
coğrafi bilgi, Filistin araştırmalarında da kendini göstermektedir. Nitekim bu eksiklik elinizdeki bu çalışmanın meydana gelmesine vesile olmuştur.
Filistin Platformu, bir asırdır dünyayı meşgul eden Filistin meselesinin özünün Araplar ile Yahudiler arasında
mülkiyet paylaşımı olduğunu düşünmektedir. Nitekim bu gerekçesi ile bölgenin Osmanlı dönemi mülkiyet
verilerini incelemeyi amaçlayan bir proje başlatmıştır. Projenin amacı özellikle 19. yüzyılda Osmanlı modernleşmesi yaşanırken, bunun bölge
mülkiyetine nasıl yansıdığını ortaya koymak ve gasp edilen mülki hakların tespitini yapmaktır.
Bu projeye başlandığında araştırmaya konu olan coğrafyanın neresi olduğu sorunuyla karşılaşıldı. Bu yüzden öncelikle Osmanlı dönemi Filistin coğrafyasındaki yer isimleri kılavuzuna ihtiyaç duyuldu. Çalışmanın tabii seyri olarak Osmanlı dönemine ait haritaların da derlenmesi gündeme geldi. Nitekim bu “Kılavuz ve Atlas” bu şekilde iki yönlü çalışmanın ürünü olarak ortaya kondu. Eserin nihaî amacı ise Filistin üzerinde araştırma yapmak isteyenlere rehberlik etmesidir.
Faydalı olması dileğiyle.
Zekeriya KURŞUN
Abdülkadir STEIH
Ali İhsan AYDIN

A broad and extremely well illustrated survey of Ottoman silver stamps, especially useful for the eighteenth and nineteenth century to identify individual Armenian and Greek jewelers and silver smiths. The stamps themselves are in... more

A broad and extremely well illustrated survey of Ottoman silver stamps, especially useful for the eighteenth and nineteenth century to identify individual Armenian and Greek jewelers and silver smiths. The stamps themselves are in Ottoman, Greek, and Armenian. There are also documents from the Ottoman archives reproduced of the members of the various precious metal guilds.

""The sicils (Ottoman court records) have been utilized as a ‘historical source’ in studying different areas of Ottoman history since 1930s. Many historians have seen them very fruitful source to construct history of the Ottoman State and... more

In May 1541 the Grand Vezir Luffi Pasha, after a brief but successful term of office, was dismissed by Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent, apparently because of a dispute arising in the harem. He retired with a pension to his estate in... more

In May 1541 the Grand Vezir Luffi Pasha, after a brief but successful term of office, was dismissed by Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent, apparently because of a dispute arising in the harem. He retired with a pension to his estate in Dimotika, where he died a number of years later. In his enforced leisure he occupied himself with scholarship and especially history and composed various works, one of which was a history of the Ottoman Empire up to his own day. Another of his writings was a booklet called the A$afname?the Book of Asaph, after the Biblical figure who in Muslim legend was the vizier of King Solomon and the ideal model of the wise and loyal minister.1 Lutfi Pasha's book, however, is more than a Mirror of Ministers, of the kind common in Muslim literature since early times. When he became Grand Vezir, he tells us, he found the High Divan in great disorder, and many things contrary to the fundamental laws of the Empire. He, therefore, felt it his duty to set down the results of his own experience, for the guidance of those who, after him, would be called upon to fill this great office beyond which there is nothing to which a subject can aspire, and give both practical advice and ethical principles for the conduct of the affairs of state, while he himself sought peace in retirement. 'The Kingdom of this mortal world is swift in passing and full of death. It is better to find wise but not heedless repose in the corner of leisure and the enjoyment of gardens and meadows. May God, from Whom we seek aid, and in Whom we trust, secure the laws and foundations of the house of 'Osman from the fear and peril of fate and the evil eye of the foe.