Royalty Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This paper analyzes the comparisons and differences between the power afforded to Medieval European women of high status versus the arguably greater (or at least more frequent) power given to high status Mongol women.

This article examines the social significance of Real Tennis among the Western European nobility during its heyday of the sixteenth century. Underpinned theoretically by Norbert Elias’s seminal empirical work The Civilising Process, this... more

This article examines the social significance of Real Tennis among the Western European nobility during its heyday of the sixteenth century. Underpinned theoretically by Norbert Elias’s seminal empirical work The Civilising Process, this article seeks to identify the societal preconditions for the emergence of Real Tennis, and provide explanations for its diffusion across Western Europe and subsequent boom in popularity among the nobility. A critique is offered of the current body of literature written on Real Tennis, with an aim to address a general lack of focus on the game’s ‘social’ elements and how their development is linked with structural changes to the game over the centuries. The article then goes on to examine the ways in which Real Tennis became a symbol of prestige and a tool for social mobility among the increasingly status-competitive royal court nobility. Played during royal festivals, the game provided opportunities for nobles to engage in conspicuous consumption through architectural, clothing and gambling displays; having an entourage in accompaniment to the noble players; and, through the style of play and behavioural control, exhibiting self-restraint and foresight. Overall, an attempt is made to apply Elias’s theoretical framework to aid our understanding of the development of Real Tennis, a game that has never been characterised by overt ‘violence’ of the kind examined previously by other sociologists employing an Eliasian framework.

The present volume is a small collection of eyewitness accounts by some of the foreign visitors who were presented at the Royal Court of Rwanda between 1894 and 1922. It has been published digitally in commemoration of the birth of... more

The present volume is a small collection of eyewitness accounts by some of the foreign visitors who were presented at the Royal Court of Rwanda between 1894 and 1922. It has been published digitally in commemoration of the birth of Rwanda' s last reigning king, Kigeli V Ndahindurwa, on 29 June, 1936.

Maria Grever, 'Monarchie en geschiedschrijving: de vorstenbiografie revisited', Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis 126 (2013) nr. 3, 378-387. De vorstenbiografie werd lange tijd niet serieus genomen. Ten onrechte. De dynastieke en... more

Maria Grever, 'Monarchie en geschiedschrijving: de vorstenbiografie revisited', Tijdschrift voor geschiedenis 126 (2013) nr. 3, 378-387.
De vorstenbiografie werd lange tijd niet serieus genomen. Ten onrechte. De dynastieke en internationale netwerken van vorsten en hun rol in de politiek bieden tal van interessante gezichtspunten op de ontwikkeling van politieke systemen en sociaal-culturele verhoudingen. Dat blijkt uit de studies van Cees Fasseur over koningin Wilhelmina (2012) en van Gita Deneckere over koning Leopold I (2011). In welke mate biedt de vorstenbiografie als genre een eigen invalshoek voor de politiek-culturele historiografie?

For some time now I have been busy trying to tell the world the truth about religion. I have even said that the people responsible for the world's more pervasive religions were my own royal ancestors. And this is true. I have tried to... more

For some time now I have been busy trying to tell the world the truth about religion. I have even said that the people responsible for the world's more pervasive religions were my own royal ancestors. And this is true. I have tried to inform as many people as I can to what they did and why they did it, and to help people to understand this step-by-step. It is my responsibility to do my best to undo the harm that my ancestors did to the world. And so, there is no choice for me but to continue until everyone is informed of this and finally accepts the truth about religion. This is not the easiest thing for me to say or talk about, but it is true that some of my ancestors were indeed psychopaths. Also, there are some of my relatives who know that I have been telling the world about this, but who would rather I not do so. I know the damage that the lies and twisted ideologies have caused and will continue to cause if left unchecked. This is now about the survival of the human race and our planet. The result of what my ancestors did is that the world is now a place in which psychopaths run free, occupy positions of authority and remain in a position to control and manipulate the populace. And if humanity is to survive, it cannot continue to be left in the hands of psychopaths. My royal ancestors had already known how to rule and control the masses when they began to create the three main religions of the world. This is because they had been ruling over dynasties even before dynasties were formally known as such. And that was long before the person known to the world as 'Adam' had existed. Those earliest 'dynasties' are called by archaeologists by the term "proto-dynasties". These ancestors of mine established the first dynasty in Egypt. It wasn't until the 12th dynasty that the pharaoh Amenemhept I (aka Adam-en-em-hept I, etc.) began to create the religion that would later become known as Judaism. He was the founder of the 12th dynasty, but he was also creating another dynasty parallel to that one which was known to his family and descendants as the "biblical dynasty". This pharaoh had envisioned the way that he wanted his religion to be and left instructions for its further creation and establishment to his descendants. He had created the first part of the story of Genesis and borrowed from some from already known religions for some of the other portions of his religion.* This religion, was only a part of what he had envisioned to do. He needed to continue to rule over Egypt and so, he had assistance from his sons to create his then new religion-a monotheistic religion. In it, he, the pharaoh was the god and played the part of God. He also played the part of Adam. He, like many of the ancient rulers played around with words. He placed 'Adam' in a wonderful place which was called the "garden of Eden". It was a play on the letters that were used, it was actually, the "garden of Aten". That, was a royal garden belonging to the pharaoh himself. And the name 'Adam' was already a name by which this pharaoh was known. Other information about this pharaoh and the story of Genesis and others will be made known; but at this time, I am giving an overview of what these ancient royals did. The Pharaoh's son Seth stayed with him in Egypt and ruled there with him and then also after he died. Another of his sons, known as 'Cain' went to another land to establish followers for the new religion with his brother's son Enosh. Cain had a son of his own whom he named after his brother's son who was helping him, Enoch. And Seth while ruling in Egypt was known as Sesostris, his Egyptian name. His son Enosh, had a son, and he named him after his uncle, calling him Kenan (Cainan). It was Cain and his descendants who established the people known as Cainanites. In the line of descent from Adam, Seth's wife is unnamed. But knowing that Seth as actually the Pharaoh Sesostris I, we then know that his wife was his sister or half-sister Neferu III. But to have given her name in the Bible would have

In the days of the epic poem Beowulf, a king’s strength was determined by his will, competence, wealth, and power. He had to rule over entire tribes of people and had to be willing to put down any rebellion. But he was human, for he... more

In the days of the epic poem Beowulf, a king’s strength was determined by his will, competence, wealth, and power. He had to rule over entire tribes of people and had to be willing to put down any rebellion. But he was human, for he needed warriors to fight for him and counselors to advise him. Even in old age, a king had to set for himself and his people a good example and prove himself worthy of continuing a line of successors. It was a time within the poem when danger manifested itself in the form of monsters and enemy tribes, when the tribes needed a figure to inspire and lead them.

Il know-how esprime il concetto di “saper fare”, a cavallo tra organizzazione in serie e tecnologia, giuridicamente tutelato anche come segreto industriale. La condivisione e trasferibilità del know-how sono alla base della sua... more

Il know-how esprime il concetto di “saper fare”, a cavallo tra organizzazione in serie e tecnologia, giuridicamente
tutelato anche come segreto industriale. La condivisione e trasferibilità del know-how sono alla base
della sua valutazione economica, fondata su metodologie complementari che proiettano l’utilità futura dei
costi sostenuti, le royalties presunte dalla licenza o redditi differenziali da sfruttamento interno.

Recently, we have seen a lot of Princess Diana's sons on television as they have been remembering the anniversary of her untimely death. And, we hear about all the good that she had done. Granted, these things are true. But we have heard... more

Recently, we have seen a lot of Princess Diana's sons on television as they have been remembering the anniversary of her untimely death. And, we hear about all the good that she had done. Granted, these things are true. But we have heard similar stories about people who were supposed to have been 'good', who, later, we found out to be less than the 'good' we thought that they were (Christopher Columbus, Mother Theresa, Father Serra, etc.). And we must also remember all of the popes who knew the truth about Christianity, but went on pretending that Christianity is 'good' and not a fraud. I'm not trying to say that the late Diana Spencer wasn't a good person, or that her sons are not. However, we do have to reexamine a lot of what we have been told, as well as what was presented to us in history and by whom.

The New Classical Scholarship: The New Forensic Study Of History (Roman Piso, 11-25-2016, edited & updated 03-22-2017) [Note: To fully understand this, it is recommended that other related papers be read as well, as this is a complex... more

The New Classical Scholarship: The New Forensic Study Of History (Roman Piso, 11-25-2016, edited & updated 03-22-2017) [Note: To fully understand this, it is recommended that other related papers be read as well, as this is a complex subject, and the study of this employs methodology not generally taught yet.] This paper is meant to introduce the subject of the forensic study of history. And therefore, a Summary. The reason for this new way of studying ancient history is the discovery of it in an entirely difference context; that of being written from within a closed or controlled environment, which consisted of royalty who comprised a sustained Oligarchy. That condition is now known as 'Royal Supremacy'. The New Classical Scholarship, or the NCS was developed and founded by Roman Piso. Some of the ideas for it originated from methodology by others who, through their work had managed to reach the conclusion of a Roman authorship for the New Testament texts. [a] However, the main procedures and methodology (as well as some terminology) was developed by the author of this paper. In the 1800's, Professor Bruno Bauer had reached the conclusion that the New Testament was authored by Romans. He was not able to go much further than was reflected within his papers and books, and so, he was not able to actually name just who those Romans were. But, he (Prof. Bruno Bauer) did identify "word usage" and phraseology, as well as conceptual and ideological comparisons between the gospels and the works of Seneca and Flavius Josephus. Thus, paving the way for further research into their probable association with the creation of Christianity. And our research, has now verified his suspicions. Particularly, that of Abelard Reuchlin, who was the very first to name the authors of the New Testament texts in his 'The True Authorship of the New Testament' (1st printing, 1979; 2nd printing, 1986). In the early part of the 20th century, several scholars of the time were making great strides in terms of word meanings and word usage in the New Testament; and in fact, the Bible as a whole. One of those scholars was James Ballantyne Hannay, a contributor to the 'Encyclopedia Biblica', which was produced by Oxford university and various scholars of the time. [b] There were several books written by scholars and researchers of the time, which shed light upon words and word usage in the Bible; many of which are very rare, out of print, and/or non existent today. [c] Much of that earlier work was destroyed by many people who did not like what it revealed or what it would do in terms of scholarship should it become more widely known. At the time, Christians destroyed copies of these books and many were destroyed due to two world wars. The Vatican hierarchy knew about various discoveries made by researchers both in and out of Academia, and likewise, did not want that material to get out to other scholars or the public in general. Hitler and his followers too, had destroyed many thousands of books which, of course, included anything that the Vatican did not like and/or which revealed Christianity in a bad light. Many rare and one-of-a-kind books and other materials were destroyed simply because some people did not like that material for whatever reason. One of the main things that has been wrong with academia for so long is that many of its members have always consisted of the religious and thus, it has been strongly "Christian" in nature. That has alarmed many of us who realize the problem that that has been to getting at the truth in history and religion.

This paper, written originally on 04-09-2019, has the power to change the world for the better. This is a major work of the greatest importance and is necessary reading for any and all researchers of ancient history and religion. For the... more

This paper, written originally on 04-09-2019, has the power to change the world for the better. This is a major work of the greatest importance and is necessary reading for any and all researchers of ancient history and religion. For the longest time, I've been trying to better educate & inform people to the fact that Humanity was severely mind-f*cked (they committed mind intercourse upon us) by ancient royals, who were the sole rulers of our world for thousands of years. Everyone born into the world who was not royal or a royal relative, was born to live their lives without critical information that was known only to royals, and which was kept from all non-royals by royals. Royals saw themselves as a different 'race'; they were of the Inner-Circle, while everyone else was essentially their chattel to do with whatever they desired. The New Classical Scholarship, is the new forensic study of history, and is necessary to learn in order to know this.

Few people who have not visited Laos know where “Champassak” is located. Even fewer are aware of the Champassak Royal House. This is not surprising, as Champassak is not included as one of Southeast Asia’s nation states, and thus is not... more

Few people who have not visited Laos know where “Champassak” is located. Even fewer are aware of the Champassak Royal House. This is not surprising, as Champassak is not included as one of Southeast Asia’s nation states, and thus is not prominently identified on any world maps. Nor is the Champassak Royal House legally recognized anywhere in the world. One could characterize Champassak as a loser of European colonial expansion in Southeast Asia, and the subsequent period when the region was divided into countries, as it was never elevated to modern statehood. Yet the Champassak Royal House persists amongst politically exiled members of the family who fled Laos when it was taken over by communists in 1975. Indeed, in 2013 family members celebrated the 300th year anniversary of the Champassak Royal House—not in Champassak itself, the space that originally constituted it—but in Paris, France, where much of the Na Champassak royal family now reside. Here we examine how Champassak royalty is positioned in France, both socially and spatially, as ‘non-state royals’—royalty in foreign exile. That includes considering the politics of rank and recognition, and varying forms of performativity amongst Champassak royals of different generations and positionalities.

Who was Flavius Josephus? Answering this one question, leads to answers to virtually all other questions about ancient history. The answer is that he was Arrius Calpurnius Piso, a royal Roman. He wrote under the alias of Flavius Josephus... more

Who was Flavius Josephus? Answering this one question, leads to answers to virtually all other questions about ancient history. The answer is that he was Arrius Calpurnius Piso, a royal Roman. He wrote under the alias of Flavius Josephus and pretended to be a Jew. He was of Jewish descent, on his mother's side. Please read on and learn.

«Scaltra come una zingara»: così Alberoni definì Elisabetta Farnese (1692-1766) pensando alle sue doti politiche. Regina consorte tutt’altro che passiva e dietro le quinte, la sua figura si presta all’analisi dell’apporto muliebre alla... more

«Scaltra come una zingara»: così Alberoni definì Elisabetta Farnese (1692-1766) pensando alle sue doti politiche. Regina consorte tutt’altro che passiva e dietro le quinte, la sua figura si presta all’analisi dell’apporto muliebre alla realizzazione della sovranità monarchica europea, in sintonia con l’attenzione della più recente storiografia alla regalità femminile, al ruolo delle regine consorti, nonché all’influenza delle donne nella costruzione delle corti. Le vicende della Farnese vanno infatti ricollocate in un quadro di studi profondamente rinnovato negli ultimi decenni.
In questa biografia si presta quindi attenzione alla formazione della futura regina di Spagna negli anni del tramonto degli antichi stati principeschi italiani, decadenti, ma con corti ancora vivaci e in grado di rappresentare dei modelli culturali e artistici. Proprio il destino della penisola italiana rappresenta il cuore della successiva politica internazionale della regina di Spagna. Si è voluto superare lo stereotipo della “madre ambiziosa”, per cogliere maggiormente i disegni complessivi di Elisabetta. La vita della regina di Spagna ha fatto i conti con i nodi internazionali che caratterizzarono il vecchio continente nella prima metà del Settecento: il conflitto a livello mondiale tra le potenze coloniali della Francia e dell’Inghilterra; la crisi e la resilienza dei paesi mediterranei; l’affermazione prima degli Asburgo di Vienna e l’emergere poi della Prussia come nucleo tedesco alternativo all’interno dell’Impero. È in questo quadro assai complesso che Elisabetta Farnese attuò un’attenta politica volta all’affermazione della dinastia. Fu soprattutto grazie al suo operare, energico e non sempre convenzionale, che nacquero numerose branche della famiglia dei Borbone, destinate a dominare con tratti assai comuni l’Europa della seconda metà del Settecento.

This is a study regarding traits that are found in clinical psychopaths and the same traits as found displayed by the ancient author known as 'Flavius Josephus'. This paper presents the need to make such information a necessary part of... more

This is a study regarding traits that are found in clinical psychopaths and the same traits as found displayed by the ancient author known as 'Flavius Josephus'. This paper presents the need to make such information a necessary part of the study of ancient literature.

Julius Calpurnius Piso, a son of Arrius Piso, was the author of The Revelation. He was married to Hadrian's sister and was father-in-law of Tacitus' son. He wanted his grandson to become emperor after Hadrian, and was killed by Hadrian in... more

Julius Calpurnius Piso, a son of Arrius Piso, was the author of The Revelation. He was married to Hadrian's sister and was father-in-law of Tacitus' son. He wanted his grandson to become emperor after Hadrian, and was killed by Hadrian in 137 CE along with his grandson. Instead, his descendants became bishops of Rome & Alexander Severus, emperor.

RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may... more

RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may be understood correctly. Not knowing, means making incorrect assumptions & conclusions. Important!

Another thing is that Abelard Reuchlin not only passed along Inner-Circle knowledge that he was told, but he expounded upon it so that it could be more clearly understood by those who otherwise would not. He put forth a viable means in... more

Another thing is that Abelard Reuchlin not only passed along Inner-Circle knowledge that he was told, but he expounded upon it so that it could be more clearly understood by those who otherwise would not. He put forth a viable means in which to examine the texts of the time which includes those who were the witnesses to the creation of Christianity, those Jews who were writing the Talmud. In addition, he caused others, like me, to examine this further and allowed us to realize just how valuable it is in our studies to look much closer at the involvement of the Jews in trying to prevent the rise of those who would go on to create and promote Christianity. For, the Jews of the time, saw it (Christianity) for what it was truly was, an effort or tactic used by their enemies, as a part of the war that they had been fighting. And therefore, a fraud which needed to be exposed as such. The cause of the Pharisees and Scribes was for basic human rights, the end of slavery, and the foundation of a new fair democratic government. And, instead of teaching irrational and superstitious religion, they were trying to wean people off of that and replace it with sound, rational, practical, ethical reasoning. While Christianity, by contrast, was created to do the opposite of that. And that is because some greedy Roman rulers whose lives of luxury would be drastically changed, if the Pharisees and Scribes accomplished their goals for the people. Of course, to get people to believe in Christianity, the creators of Christianity had to make it appear to be something 'good', in much the same way that trappers set traps for dumb animals. Which, is exactly how those ancient royal rulers (the less than 1% of the time) saw non-royals, as nothing more than their own chattel which was there for no other reason than their own use for whatever purposes that they saw fit. Thus, Christianity was created as a means for them to better secure, control and manipulate the people, that they saw as their own sheep or chattel. This paper highlights the course that Abelard Reuchlin had taken in order to reach the conclusions that he was able to in order to advance our understanding of what the world was really like during the time in which the New Testament was being written and just who had motive to do so. And, his work also reminds us that we must consider all of the evidence of the time (that means the Jewish texts, the Jews of the time, and the Jewish war that was involved in the creation of Christianity). Reuchlin's work underscores our need to better understand what we study in the correct context in order to find out just who was actually writing at the time, and why. It is because of Abelard Reuchlin's work (and that of others, or course), that my own work was made more complete. I urge everyone to read and learn from the work that Reuchlin had devoted his life to in order that future generations could have that extremely important information.

This thesis intends to analyze the power possibilities of the Portuguese queens in the medieval period, which comprises the 12th and 15th centuries, within the assessment established by the concept of Queenship. Within this space-time... more

This thesis intends to analyze the power possibilities of the Portuguese queens in the medieval period, which comprises the 12th and 15th centuries, within the assessment established by the concept of Queenship. Within this space-time period, the biographies of seven Portuguese queens were studied, in an attempt to establish how much power ‘her highness’ managed on her own individual accomplishments. The social and economic importance of the queen's family of origin is a relevant criterion to consider how she would be received kingdom into which she would later marry. The more important the family, the more valuable would be the alliance achieved. This alliance could be used by the queen as a way of negotiating her power attributes. Achieving the role of perpetuator of the dynasty, succeeding in the maternal function was another assessment of unique relevance, which could secure the position of the queen. Gaining access to political power through the role as Queen-Mother. Through pious gestures, the queen encountered other opportunities for power by establishing relationships with the high clergy of the medieval Catholic Church. In the court setting, the Queen could, through donations, feasts, and patronage, favor and please bishops, abbots and cardinals, who would strengthen her position and support her political ambitions, while making virtually impossible any expectation the king had to replace her. In this view the papacy became a great ally of the medieval queens, and their relations with the prelates ensured that they guarantee power and good fame among the population. As Queenship's last assessment, there are questions about intercession, the power the queen possessed from the physical and emotional closeness she established with the king, her husband. This set of assessment, balanced and combined in different ways, underlines the framework that will provide the Queen´s power. Personality, natal culture, individual wealth were other criterion that could alter the sensitive relations of power in the medieval Portuguese court.

In this paper, I have collected some attestations in the administrative documentation referring to foreign kings and I have tried to connect them with other sources of historical knowledge such as the royal inscriptions, chronicles and... more

In this paper, I have collected some attestations in the administrative documentation referring to foreign kings and I have tried to connect them with other sources of historical knowledge such as the royal inscriptions, chronicles and epics, in order to provide a context for the information provided by the archival documentation. The result is that the administrative documentation helps and completes our understanding of the Assyrian history, but it cannot stand alone and must be seen as a complement to other sources. It is important nonetheless because it gives us details that are not present in the other sources.

Many people today are “Woke” to the reality of the situation that the 99% had been born into. And that is that the world that we were born into had been rigged to work against us and to benefit the few who were born into the 1% and the... more

Many people today are “Woke” to the reality of the situation that the 99% had been born into. And that is that the world that we were born into had been rigged to work against us and to benefit the few who were born into the 1% and the Oligarchy. It is going to be a monumental task to change this. But it can and must be done. And that must begin by educating more people to this reality.

This paper is being written mainly as a genealogy, but it does also contain much valuable information as to just why such genealogies exist and/or can be reconstructed with the right knowledge of ancient texts. It is also more evidence of... more

This paper is being written mainly as a genealogy, but it does also contain much valuable information as to just why such genealogies exist and/or can be reconstructed with the right knowledge of ancient texts. It is also more evidence of the existence of a royal oligarchy which had many branches, so as to cover many geographic locations and peoples. Because we find that the Viking leaders were of ancient royal ancestry, as the rest of those who were in power and either royal or of papal families, we can better understand just why they were able to do what they did and get away with it. They were, doing publicly, what their royal ancestors had been doing (and what other royals of their time were also doing) in secret (See my work on Royal Supremacy).[I] In terms of the Viking history as it was left to us, as 'Vikings', their " history " as Viking raiders began with the attack on Lindisfarne monastery in 793 CE/AD, and ended with the Battle of Stamford Bridge in 1066 CE/AD, when the Vikings were battling the English army, and the English army had successfully repelled them. Another thing to note, is that the Vikings are credited with various things, particularly, the discovery of America. However, there is evidence that their relatives and ancestors had already known of and visited America. And that explains just how it is that they knew where it was and how to get to it, and back. Though I have not yet written much about it (see my paper 'What Claudius Ptolemy Knew'), I have been meaning to write more about ancient world travel and the evidence that there is for it.[II] There are still a lot of people who do not want to even consider that ancient people had traveled around the world.

This is a paper about Barack Obama, his descent from Arrius Calpurnius Piso (the main creator of Christianity & main author of the gospels, who was known by many aliases). Though a royal oligarchy (actually royal 'race' or society) had... more

This is a paper about Barack Obama, his descent from Arrius Calpurnius Piso (the main creator of Christianity & main author of the gospels, who was known by many aliases). Though a royal oligarchy (actually royal 'race' or society) had existed long before Arrius Piso's time, it was further strengthened by Arrius Piso. And, down through history, more and more of the known world became owned and ruled by his descendants. Through a long process, which was helped greatly by Napoleon Bonaparte (read my paper on the subject), royalty began to diversify. The world was changing from being ruled by hereditary royals (like Monarchies), to other forms of government. By the end of World War II, countries being ruled by royals had greatly disappeared. However, the same people who had held power and wealth, had inherited it and passed on their traditional lives to their descendants who are among the 1% (One Percent) of today. Within that One Percent still exists an oligarchy of royal blood, known to each other by their family trees (genealogy), with the same ancestry in common-being descendants of Arrius Piso.

Recevoir ses convives « comme il faut » au XIXe siècle, c’est présenter une table brillant de mille feux avec de l’argenterie en abondance et des milieux de table fleuris à foison. Le menu est à l’avenant ! A l’époque, l’art de recevoir... more

Recevoir ses convives « comme il faut » au XIXe siècle, c’est présenter une table brillant de mille feux avec de l’argenterie en abondance et des milieux de table fleuris à foison. Le menu est à l’avenant ! A l’époque, l’art de recevoir est en pleine mutation : les plats sont désormais servis individuellement, les mets sucrés sont appelés « desserts » et clôturent le repas, de grands noms tels Carême ou Escoffier apparaissent déjà et
n’hésitent pas à communiquer. Mais la table est plus prestigieuse que conviviale.

The first part of the essay examines the limits and constraints of European court historiography, which, although it developed many researches, had little interest in the eighteenth century. From the "residual" phenomenon of the... more

The first part of the essay examines the limits and constraints of European court historiography, which, although it developed many researches, had little interest in the eighteenth century. From the "residual" phenomenon of the eighteenth century, some recent studies have instead highlighted the vitality of the court during the Enlightenment. The second part of the essay examines the developments of Italian historiography on the court of the eighteenth century and analyses the genesis of the Bourbon court, born from the elaboration of different models and European ceremonies, paying attention not only to the structure of the court, but also to its political genesis.

Countries: Lessons for Ghana undertakes a review of petroleum taxation in selected countries around the world and seeks to fashion a way for Ghana's infantile petroleum industry. In other words, the study seeks to facilitate a smooth tax... more

Countries: Lessons for Ghana undertakes a review of petroleum taxation in selected countries around the world and seeks to fashion a way for Ghana's infantile petroleum industry. In other words, the study seeks to facilitate a smooth tax regime and policy for Ghana. The study is based on literature arising from desk research as well as through telephone interviews. Petroleum taxation regimes of the countries under study portend to mitigate the current inconsistencies and resulting contentions from tax payers in Ghana.

The True Context Of Ancient History And The Gordian Emperors (Roman Piso, 02-25-2017) This paper is about the Gordian Emperors; Gordian I, Gordian II, and Gordian III. However, it is also about much, much more. It is about their ancestors... more

The True Context Of Ancient History And The Gordian Emperors (Roman Piso, 02-25-2017) This paper is about the Gordian Emperors; Gordian I, Gordian II, and Gordian III. However, it is also about much, much more. It is about their ancestors and their royal relatives, as well as statistical data and how they were related to a group of ancient authors known as the Philostratii. [I] I, and a few other researchers have discovered something which had never been considered within academia before, but which is now of extreme importance and must be considered because of what it means to research itself. Basically, what we have discovered is that there is an alternate version of history that exists, but that has not been known except to those few who did not want others to know. That other version of history changes the context in which we must now view it. And that is because what we contend, due to what has been discovered, means that only royalty had the privilege of writing anything for publication (under penalty of death); no matter what the subject matter. Most of us now know of at least some examples where history (or those recording history) had lied or deliberately misled us. And, we also now know of several examples of what we term "whitewashed" history. [II] Some of us have long wondered, how it was that there were so many people (i.e., the masses or non-royals) within such a great empire, who were illiterate. And yet, somehow, there were some people who lived an entirely different life within that empire than the majority did, people who had received a fantastic education, and who demonstrated great genius within their writings. And this, our discovery of the true nature of ancient history, gives us that answer.

Paper deals with the reality of the situation when royalty ruled the world, and when no one but royals were allowed to write under penalty of death. Thus, a 'closed' or controlled environment with the created illusion of freedom & the... more

Paper deals with the reality of the situation when royalty ruled the world, and when no one but royals were allowed to write under penalty of death. Thus, a 'closed' or controlled environment with the created illusion of freedom & the unification of royalty to preserve that status quo.

The research that has been done on royalty in general is massive. And, the connections between royal lines once revealed can be amazing, as they will sometimes reveal connections that a) were not supposed to have existed, and even b) that... more

The research that has been done on royalty in general is massive. And, the connections between royal lines once revealed can be amazing, as they will sometimes reveal connections that a) were not supposed to have existed, and even b) that actually contradict the information that was given to the general public by those very royals. This paper gives two different lines of descent of Kaiser Wilhelm II, from Arrius Calpurnius Piso. One is through Arrius Piso's son Justus Piso. And the second line of descent is via Arrius Piso's son Julius Piso. Now, even though these two lines are given here, it should be understood that in reality, these are but two of many extant genealogies extending from Arrius Piso and his family to Kaiser Wilhelm. I plan to write yet another paper giving some of the other lines as well. There are several things that I have noticed as I have researched and studied ancient history and genealogies; things that should provide any good (or with time, potentially great) researcher with valuable information. And, as in my case, perhaps answers to many very important questions, as well as a few epic discoveries. When I began to investigate fully, and with the time and attention required, ancient history and information given within those histories, with regards to particular individuals, I found that certain things appeared to be 'standard' with all of those ancient authors-and those things stood out to me, and appeared to have been missed by other researchers, as I had never seen those certain things ever being noted or mentioned in the work of other researchers. For one thing, I had noted that in the work of one ancient author after another, there were so many instances where those authors could have very easily gave answers and information in a direct and forthright manner; but deliberately chose not to. And, more often than not, avoided very skillfully, giving key information about certain individuals; mainly and particularly, the authors themselves. Also, those authors would make statements which either promised to give answers and/or further information about a particular subject, and then failed to do so. At least, in any known or public work. Now, some researchers have tried to answer this by giving excuses for some of those instances. But, in essence, those explanations or excuses are really simply guesses. And poor ones at that. My work has given some genuine answers. And the true context of the material that was being written and left to future generations by those ancient authors is key to getting at the truth and in finding valid answers to these and other questions. One of the main things to realize is that ancient history (and other material being produced by those authors), was being written within a tightly controlled environment. And that changes the context in which we must now examine that material in order to understand it correctly. It also means that because of this set of circumstances, other things were in play as well. And, one of those is the fact that the authors who were leaving us their works were in fact, all royalty. Which, in turn, means that these authors were related to each other and had the same common ancestry. It also, therefore, means that they had the same or similar vested interests. Because only royals or those of royal blood, were able to write for publication, it meant that what they

This thesis discusses the relationship between royalty and nationalism in the two traditional courts of Southeast Asia, the courts of Thailand and Yogyakarta. It applies a comparative-historical method by exploring the characteristics and... more

This thesis discusses the relationship between royalty and nationalism in the two traditional courts of Southeast Asia, the courts of Thailand and Yogyakarta. It applies a comparative-historical method by exploring the characteristics and determinants of historical phenomena in causal processes. The courts of Thailand and Yogyakarta emerged in the 18th century after a series of internal conflicts. The presence of the Dutch in the political affairs of Yogyakarta since its year of birth made the situation different between the two courts. This thesis shows the apparent correlation between the establishment of the courts of Thailand and Yogyakarta to the birth of nationalism in the two kingdoms. The origin of nationalism in the court of Thailand can be attributed to the struggle against the Burmese invader in the 18th century. The sovereignty of Thailand was then part of a wider Thai nationalism. In Yogyakarta, the origin of nationalism is attributed to the courts’ subjugation to Dutch colonialism, which fostered anti-colonial sentiment.
Based on this comparative study, the characteristic of nationalism from ‘above’ and nationalism from ‘below’ are apparent. In the state of absolute monarchy, such as in Thailand, nationalism was strongly introduced from 'above', meaning that it was initially the product of Thai's kingship and the state apparatus. In Yogyakarta, nationalism emerged from ‘below’. The subordinate position of the Sultan and the Prince of Pakualam in Yogyakarta to the Dutch Colonial Government made the court unable to promote nationalism centred on the Yogya’s kingship. Yogyakarta's political essence of nationalism derived from its educated elite noblemen class. This thesis also demonstrates that nationalism from below, or the egalitarian idea of nationalism, gradually became the dominant political force in the two kingdoms during this period. It changed the state imposition of nationalism in Thailand and Yogyakarta from 1908 – 1942.
Open access.

Dreift af Hinu íslenska bókmenntafélagi. Einnig til sölu hjá The Viking Society.

The article charts the relationship between Princess Margaret (1930–2002) and the House of Dior. Her relatively early adoption of the New Look accelerated her rise to a major fashion icon. Choosing a Dior ball gown for her offi? cial... more

The article charts the relationship between Princess Margaret (1930–2002) and the House of Dior. Her relatively early adoption of the New Look accelerated her rise to a major fashion icon. Choosing a Dior ball gown for her offi? cial twenty-first birthday photographs cemented her image as the archetypal princess. Unusually for a member of the British royal family, Princess Margaret visited the French fashion house in Paris in 1949, 1951 and 1959, ordering couture gowns on several occasions, and also attended Dior fashion shows at Blenheim Palace in 1952, 1954 and 1958. While the close association between the Princess and Christian Dior (1905–1957) was relatively short-lived, it was mutually beneficial and important to the public image of both royal patron and couturier.

This dissertation is dedicated to studying the relationships of the kings of Portugal in the medieval period with their consorts. Therefore, in the study of specific cases, the relationships of kings D. Sancho II, D. Pedro I and D.... more

This dissertation is dedicated to studying the relationships of the kings of Portugal in the medieval period with their consorts. Therefore, in the study of specific cases, the relationships of kings D. Sancho II, D. Pedro I and D. Fernando with their respective mates D. Mécia Lopes de Haro, D. Inês de Castro and D. Leonor Teles. The choice of these three couples are given by forming pairs whose romantic involvement supplanted rational choices for the king's wife. These women were chosen by these monarchs on the basis exclusively loving, oblivious to the needs of the kingdom. The origin of these ladies in the Iberian aristocracy was reason for many conflicts arose within the nobility, because of family disputes and clashes for power. The results of these conflicts were stories of love, betrayal and death that became famous episodes in Portuguese Chronicles and in the popular imagination.

This essay considers the evidence for royal and aristocratic commemoration in the friary churches of the Austin, Carmelite, Crutched, Dominican and Franciscan orders in the city of London. It is evident that where the royal family led,... more

This essay considers the evidence for royal and aristocratic commemoration in the friary churches of the Austin, Carmelite, Crutched, Dominican and Franciscan orders in the city of London. It is evident that where the royal family led, the aristocracy followed, but other patterns emerge. The role of the Grey Friars church, near Newgate, as a mausoleum for the Blount family (Lords Mountjoy) is considered alongside the 4th baron's 'upgrade' of older tombs for his family.

This paper addresses one of the most controversal issues in Buddhism, justification of violence. This has a novel interpretation of Duttagamani episode as a rehabilitation strategy of a king.

No one other than royals were able to write and publish their works in ancient times. And no one but royals were being written about. Thus, it was a "closed" or controlled environment. That also means that there is a means in which to... more

No one other than royals were able to write and publish their works in ancient times. And no one but royals were being written about. Thus, it was a "closed" or controlled environment. That also means that there is a means in which to find out the truth about those being written about.