Aloe Vera Research Papers - (original) (raw)

aloe also has the effect of promoting metabolism, effectively speed up the body to reject the abolition and then skin will be more healthy and the figure will be more slender. Therefore, drinking aloe juice every day can help you keep fit... more

aloe also has the effect of promoting metabolism, effectively speed up the body to reject the abolition and then skin will be more healthy and the figure will be more slender. Therefore, drinking aloe juice every day can help you keep fit and shape your figure.

Biocompatible poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly (vinylpyrrolidone) iodine/poly(ethylene glycol) fibers containing (hydroxypropyl)methyl cellulose (HPMC) and aloe vera were successfully prepared by electrospinning their aqueous solution. Aloe vera... more

Biocompatible poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly (vinylpyrrolidone) iodine/poly(ethylene glycol) fibers containing (hydroxypropyl)methyl cellulose (HPMC) and aloe vera were successfully prepared by electrospinning their aqueous solution. Aloe vera which is known to be effective in the treatment of various wounds was added to the polymer solution. HPMC was added to the system as the water retention agent. The hybrid fiber mats were subjected to detailed analysis using a differential scanning calorimeter, a scanning electron microscope (SEM), and a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. Images obtained from the SEM showed that the polymer fibers were linear, homogenous, and contained no beading. The fiber diameters ranged between 100 and 900 nm. It was seen that the electrospun mats obtained could potentially be used as a material for dressing wounds. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2011

Oral mucosal lesions have many etiologies, including viral or bacterial infections, local trauma or irritation, systemic disorders, and even excessive alcohol and tobacco consumption. Folk knowledge on medicinal plants and phytochemicals... more

Oral mucosal lesions have many etiologies, including viral or bacterial infections, local trauma or irritation, systemic disorders, and even excessive alcohol and tobacco consumption. Folk knowledge on medicinal plants and phytochemicals in the treatment of oral mucosal lesions has gained special attention among the scientific community. Thus, this review aims to provide a brief overview on the traditional knowledge of plants in the treatment of oral mucosal lesions. This review was carried out consulting reports between 2008 and 2018 of PubMed (Medline), Web of Science, Embase, Scopus, Cochrane Database, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. The chosen keywords were plant, phytochemical, oral mucosa, leukoplakia, oral lichen planus and oral health. A special emphasis was given to certain plants (e.g., chamomile, Aloe vera, green tea, and coffea) and plant-derived bioactives (e.g., curcumin, lycopene) with anti-oral mucosal lesion activity. Finally, preclinical (in vitro and in vivo) ...

A B S T R A C T The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of water deficit on the composition of the main polysaccharides and rheological behaviour from Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) mucilage. In particular, plants with 0... more

A B S T R A C T The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of water deficit on the composition of the main polysaccharides and rheological behaviour from Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) mucilage. In particular, plants with 0 (D0), 40 (D40) and 60% (D60) water deficits were used. Water-soluble polysaccharides were isolated and subjected to carbohydrate and glycosidic linkage analysis. The steady-shear and linear oscillatory flows were studied, not only in fresh but also in reconstituted mucilages. Acemannan and pectic substances were the predominant polysaccharides in the Aloe vera mucilage, being the bioactive polymer acemannan the most affected by water deficit. Thus, increasing the water deficit by up to 60% promoted a mannose decrease of 41%, although a significant increase in its average molecular weight, from 54 to 98 kDa, was detected. Interestingly, acemannan did not undergo deacetylation as a consequence of the water deficits applied. All Aloe vera mucilages, either fresh or reconstituted, exhibited a shear-thinning flow behaviour (n < 1). However, water deficit affected the mechanical properties, changes being more noticeable in the reconstituted mucilages. Thus, the viscosity (η 1) of reconstituted mucilages increased, from 0.12 to 0.28 Pa·s, as water deficit increased, whereas their flow index (n) decreased from 0.57 to 0.47. Further, D40 and D60 reconstituted mucilages exhibited an E a of 17.4 and 17.6 kJ/ mol, respectively, whilst, for D0, E a was 16.7 kJ/mol. Interestingly, only the D40 reconstituted mucilage showed a crossover point at 7.39 rad/s between viscous and elastic modulus. The understanding of the influence of water deficit on the main physico-chemical characteristics of Aloe vera polysaccharides and, in turn, of its effect on the rheology of the mucilages could be a useful tool for the design, development and control of biologically active ingredients based on the Aloe vera plant.

Background: Although Aloe vera extracts have exhibited various effects on the skin, less is known about the biological activities of other aloe species on the skin. Objective: To investigate the skin hydrating and anti-erythema... more

Background: Although Aloe vera extracts have exhibited various effects on the skin, less is known about the biological activities of other aloe species on the skin. Objective: To investigate the skin hydrating and anti-erythema activity of gel materials from Aloe marlothii A. Berger and A. ferox Mill. in comparison to that of Aloe barbadensis Miller (Aloe vera) in healthy human volunteers. Methods: Aqueous solutions of the polisaccharidic fractions of the selected aloe leaf gel materials were applied to the volar forearm skin of female subjects. The hydration effect of the aloe gel materials were measured with a Corneometer® CM 825, Visioscan® VC 98 and Cutometer® dual MPA 580 after single and multiple applications. The Mexameter® MX 18 was used to determine the anti-erythema effects of the aloe material solutions on irritated skin areas. Results: The A. vera and A. marlothii gel materials hydrated the skin after a single application, whereas the A. ferox gel material showed dehydration effects compared to the placebo. After multiple applications all the aloe materials exhibited dehydration effects on the skin. Mexameter® readings showed that A. vera and A. ferox have anti-erythema activity similar to that of the positive control group (i.e. hydrocortisone gel) after 6 days of treatment. Conclusion: The polysaccharide component of the gel materials from selected aloe species has a dehydrating effect on the skin after multiple applications. Both A. vera and A. ferox gel materials showed potential to reduce erythema on the skin similar to that of hydrocortisone gel.

Herbal medicines offer many potential ways to help people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), including by treating the underlying transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations (TLESR), helping relieve symptoms, and reducing... more

Herbal medicines offer many potential ways to help people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), including by treating the underlying transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations (TLESR), helping relieve symptoms, and reducing inflammation. Fumaria officinalis (fumitory-of-the-wall) and Chelidonium majus (celandine) are two among many cholagogues that empirically seem to be helpful. Another cholagogue, Artemisia asiatica (Asian wormwood), has been shown experimentally to reduce GERDrelated symptoms. Atropa belladonna (belladonna, deadly nightshade) and other anticholinergics may also correct TLESR. Demulcents, such as alginic acid, Ceratonia siliqua (carob), Ulmus rubra (slippery elm), Althaea officinalis (marshmallow), and Aloe vera (aloe) leaf gel can reduce acute symptoms and heal acid-damaged tissues. Inflammation modulators, such as deglycyrrhizinated licorice, Calendula officinalis (calendula), Curcuma longa (turmeric), Zingiber officinale (ginger), Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary), and Symphytum officinale (comfrey) may also help with tissue repair and symptom control. Herbal medicine has much to offer patients with GERD but more clinical research is needed.

This research aims at analyzing the response of Aloe vera L. plant on cow manure and urea fertilizer in sandy soil. The research which was conducted in Yogyakarta has three treatments of 10, 20, and 30t ha-1 levels of cow manure and five... more

This research aims at analyzing the response of Aloe vera L. plant on cow manure and urea fertilizer in sandy soil. The research which was conducted in Yogyakarta has three treatments of 10, 20, and 30t ha-1 levels of cow manure and five levels of urea fertilizer at 0, 150, 300, 450, 600kg ha-1. The research arranged a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replication. The variables measured include yield, growth, and vitamin content. A huge effect was found (P < 0.05) between manure and urea. Statistic analysis significant of data was tested by analysis of variant and continued Duncan's Multiple Range Test of α < 5%. The highest yield and growth rate was located at 30t ha-1 and 450kg ha-1 , while the most significant content of pro-vitamin A, vitamin C and provitamin E were found in 30t ha-1 and 300kg ha-1. Therefore, it can be concluded that 30t ha-1 manure and 300 to 450kg ha-1 urea are best used to grow plants.

Este es un proyecto de emprendimiento el cual busca el estudio de la viabilidad para creación de una empresa dedicada a la fabricación de paletas a base de aloe vera, que le brinda al consumidor un producto refrescante y saludable. Se... more

Este es un proyecto de emprendimiento el cual busca el estudio de la viabilidad para creación de una empresa dedicada a la fabricación de paletas a base de aloe vera, que le brinda al consumidor un producto refrescante y saludable. Se observará la aceptación del producto en el mercado
Palabras Claves: saludable, refrescante, mercado.

Aloe Vera has several uses in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industry; this plant has functional, antioxidant and therapeutic properties, adequate use and consumption of these plants, is associated with a stable state of health.... more

Aloe Vera has several uses in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industry; this plant has functional, antioxidant and therapeutic properties, adequate use and consumption of these plants, is associated with a stable state of health. In the present work, a compilation is made of the origin of the plant, its properties, uses, conditions and its use in the production of Shampoo To cite this article

The present study was conducted to assess the antimicrobial potential and phytochemical analysis of Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) leaves extracts.The extracts were prepared by the sequential cold maceration method by using hexane,... more

The present study was conducted to assess the antimicrobial potential and phytochemical analysis of Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) leaves extracts.The extracts were prepared by the sequential cold maceration method by using hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol and distilled water as a solvent. Antimicrobial activity of four extracts was performed by agar well diffusion method against different bacteria and fungi. Determination of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of different extracts, Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), TLC bioautography and qualitative phytochemical analysis were also performed. The antimicrobial activity of A. barbadensis leaves extracts was found maximum against S. marcescens with a Zone of Inhibition (ZOI) of 13.67±0.57mm by hexane extract. The MIC of different extracts ranged between 6.25 and 50.00 mg/ml. Among all the fungi used in the study, all the three Aspergillus species were slightly inhibited by the specific extracts. The finding of TLC bioautography showed that compounds eluted at Rf 0.65 demonstrated strong antimicrobial activity whereas compounds eluted at Rf 0.41 and Rf 0.82 exhibited moderate antimicrobial activity against S. marcescens. Phytochemical analysis indicated the presence of phytochemicals present in various extracts. The results of the investigation clearly indicate that A. barbadensis leaves extract have a potential antimicrobial activity against various microorganisms due to the presence of various phytochemicals.

ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Reaksi hipersensitivitas tipe I merupakan reaksi alergi yang dipicu oleh aktivitas IgE. Hipersensitivitas tipe I dapat berupa reaksi anafilaktik sistemik atau reaksi lokal yang ditandai oleh inflamasi dan kerusakan... more

ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Reaksi hipersensitivitas tipe I merupakan reaksi alergi yang dipicu oleh aktivitas IgE. Hipersensitivitas tipe I dapat berupa reaksi anafilaktik sistemik atau reaksi lokal yang ditandai oleh inflamasi dan kerusakan epitel mukosa. Udang dikenal sebagai makanan yang sering memicu alergi akibat kandungan protein di dalamnya merangsang reaksi system imun secara berlebihan pada pasien tertentu. Tujuan: Laporan kasus ini bertujuan membahas penatalaksanaan stomatitis alergika yang disebabkan alergi udang. Kasus: Seorang wanita berusia 36 tahun datang ke RSGM Trisakti dengan keluhan terasa gatal pada bibir atas dan bawah bagian dalam sejak 1 hari sebelum kedatangan. Keluhan tersebut dirasakan setelah memakan udang sehari sebelumnya.Tatalaksana: Pasien diberikan Aloclair gel 3x1 hari, dan kontrol dilakukan satu minggu setelah kunjungan pertama. Kata kunci :Alergi makanan, stomatitis alergika, alergi, hipersensitivitas tipe I

During visits to abandoned mountain oasis villages in the Hajar Mountains of Oman, the presence of aloe vera plants on many of the late Islamic graves was noticed. Over the years, the number of cemeteries where the practice was recorded... more

During visits to abandoned mountain oasis villages in the Hajar Mountains of Oman, the presence of aloe vera plants on many of the late Islamic graves was noticed. Over the years, the number of cemeteries where the practice was recorded was noted. This paper presents the informal findings with a summary of graves where the plants were observed and a discussion of the possible connection of the custom with funerary customs of different religions.

The Turin Shroud was extensively scientifically investigated in 1978. In its pinkish red bloodstains, normal features of human blood were found, but also seemingly anomalous ones. In the present study, hitherto unnoticed details of the... more

The Turin Shroud was extensively scientifically investigated in 1978. In its pinkish red bloodstains, normal features of human blood were found, but also seemingly anomalous ones. In the present study, hitherto unnoticed details of the data are presented, Shroud data and more modern reference data are compared, and the results of a few experiments with linen, madder dye and blood are shown. It turns out that the Shroud’s ‘anomalous’ data are strong consistent evidence that its bloodstains contain acid heme-madder lake, of which the heme derived from cold acid postmortem blood and the madder had been applied to the Shroud at manufacture. It implies that the bloodstains were formed on the Shroud before the still not reproduced body-image was. Several other ‘red-color’ hypotheses for the Shroud’s bloodstains are discussed and dismissed.

Flow characteristics of aloe vera juice concentrates (1.5–5.5°Brix) were determined over a range of temperatures (15–55C) by using coaxial cylinder geometry. Aloe vera juice exhibited non-Newtonian fluid behavior which was well described... more

Flow characteristics of aloe vera juice concentrates (1.5–5.5°Brix) were determined
over a range of temperatures (15–55C) by using coaxial cylinder geometry. Aloe
vera juice exhibited non-Newtonian fluid behavior which was well described by
power law model. Functional groups were characterized by Fourier-transform
infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy indicating the presence of O-acetyl and shifting of
–CH bonds. Effect of test temperatures at different shear rates on viscosity was
evaluated using Arrhenius-type equation and the activation energy values were
evaluated which ranged between 12.148 and 53.073 kJ/mol. Effect of concentration was evaluated using power type and exponential type equations. An expression for combined effect of temperature and concentration was developed. Small
amplitude oscillation sweep measurement was also carried out and the frequency
sweep test exhibited viscoelastic nature of juice.

Despite the extensive availability and use of plant extracts as feed additives in various livestock species, peer-reviewed and scientific evidence of their usage in horses is lacking. This article dealt with the review of reports from... more

Despite the extensive availability and use of plant extracts as feed additives in various livestock species, peer-reviewed and scientific evidence of their usage in horses is lacking. This article dealt with the review of reports from recent studies investigating the usage of plant bioactives or extracts in horse nutrition. For the time being, several herbs, either alone or in composites, are being commercialized and openly available in horsemarket stores, which makes it difficult and confusing for horse owners and veterinarians to make a justifiable choice. Usage of ginger extract as a feed additive in sport horses is encourageable as it manages to attain quick recovery after exhaustion in racing and jumping events. Garlic, ginseng, primerose, and rose hip possess potent antioxidative properties, and their supplemen-tation in a regular diet may lessen the chance of occurrence of oxidative stress-related diseases. Owing to their cytoprotective and mucus-stimulatory effects, licorice and Aloe vera extracts have potentiality as feed additives in Standardbred and Thoroughbred racehorses, as they are more prone for equine gastric ulcer syndrome. Echinacea is able to stimulate the equine immunocompetence on addition to the regular diets of equine species. Besides the anti-inflammatory effect, devils claw possess anorexigenic effect, which can limit feed intake, thus keeping the body condition score in check and avoiding obese-related health problems in horses. Regularizing flaxseed meal or its extract as a dietary supplement may support healthy skin and coat condition due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids as an active component. Aloe vera, well known for cytoprotective and mucus-stimulatory effects, is found to be efficient in protecting the gastrointestinal tract against ulcers or other disorders on administering as a dietary supplement to equines, but the extent of effect depends on the dosage and extent of supplementation. Although, theoretically plant extracts application is safer compared with synthetic antibiotics or drugs, it does not mean they are completely safe, and few considerations should be given for dosage of the drug, period of administration, apart from monitoring parallel drugs given to prevent herb-drug interactions. The plant extracts with potent benefits, and not tested in horses have to be evaluated with a primary objective to verify the negative side effects, if any, followed by standardization of the dosage.

PVA/PAA/PEG/PVP nanofibers with HPMC and aloe vera were fabricated by electrospinning method. HPMC was added to the hybrid polymer solution as the water retention agent and aloe vera which are known over centuries were also added to the... more

PVA/PAA/PEG/PVP nanofibers with HPMC and aloe vera were fabricated by electrospinning method. HPMC was added to the hybrid polymer solution as the water retention agent and aloe vera which are known over centuries were also added to the system to promote the healing of wounded or infected skin. The fabricated nanofiber mats were characterized using SEM, DSC, and FT-IR. SEM Images exhibited that the electrospun nanofibers were homogenous and linear. The nanofiber diameters ranged between 80-480 nm.

Oral mucosal lesions have many etiologies, including viral or bacterial infections, local trauma or irritation, systemic disorders, and even excessive alcohol and tobacco consumption. Folk knowledge on medicinal plants and phytochemicals... more

Oral mucosal lesions have many etiologies, including viral or bacterial infections, local trauma or irritation, systemic disorders, and even excessive alcohol and tobacco consumption. Folk knowledge on medicinal plants and phytochemicals in the treatment of oral mucosal lesions has gained special attention among the scientific community. Thus, this review aims to provide a brief overview on the traditional knowledge of plants in the treatment of oral mucosal lesions. This review was carried out consulting reports between 2008 and 2018 of PubMed (Medline), Web of Science, Embase, Scopus, Cochrane Database, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. The chosen keywords were plant, phytochemical, oral mucosa, leukoplakia, oral lichen planus and oral health. A special emphasis was given to certain plants (e.g., chamomile, Aloe vera, green tea, and coffea) and plant-derived bioactives (e.g., curcumin, lycopene) with anti-oral mucosal lesion activity. Finally, preclinical (in vitro and in vivo) and clinical studies examining both the safety and efficacy of medicinal plants and their derived phytochemicals were also carefully addressed.

Context: Full factorial design is effective in predicting the properties optimization and processing conditions of cosmetic emulsions. However, in most factorial designs, the technological quality and accelerated stability tests of... more

Context: Full factorial design is effective in predicting the properties optimization and processing conditions of cosmetic emulsions. However, in most factorial designs, the technological quality and accelerated stability tests of emulsions are not included together as dependent variables. Aims: To predict the technological quality and physical stability of model cosmetic emulsions from the combination of formulation and processing factors using a 2 3 full factorial design. Methods: A 2 3 full factorial design with 95 % of confidence was generated in order to evaluate the influence of critical factors during the manufacture of cosmetic emulsions on their quality and physical stability. Emulsifier, concentration of stearic acid (formulation factors) and type of cooling (processing factor) were the independent variables, whereas spreadability, bulk density and pH were dependent variables for technological quality and centrifugation, heating-cooling and freeze-thaw cycles were dependent variables for physical stability of the emulsions. All cosmetic emulsions were prepared with a low stirring speed of 100 rpm. Results: The formulation containing 1% w/w sodium lauryl sulfate, 1.05% w/w stearic acid and prepared with continuous cooling, did not show indicative changes of physical instability by visual inspection after accelerated physical stability tests. These results were confirmed with emulsions stored for 12 and 24 months using real storage conditions. However, formulations containing an emulsifier blend composition (Tween 80: Sodium lauryl sulfate, 2:1 w/w), showed signs of creaming after these tests. Conclusions: Sodium lauryl sulfate at 1 % w/w, increased the physical stability of the emulsions by increasing their consistency and by other possible mechanisms. Real storage conditions confirmed the stability prediction performed using the combination of accelerated stability tests (centrifugation/cooling-heating/freeze-thaw cycles), aided by the purposed full factorial design.

Several natural polymers have application in terms of therapeutic treatment of ailments. Chitosan, Aloe Vera and Calendula officinalis have proven wound healing properties individually. It was theorized that a combination of the... more

Several natural polymers have application in terms of therapeutic treatment of ailments. Chitosan, Aloe Vera and Calendula officinalis have proven wound healing properties individually. It was theorized that a combination of the biopolymer and the plant extract will show an improvement in wound healing properties. Thus, composite films of Aloe Vera extract in Chitosan and C. officinalis petal extract in
Chitosan were prepared and evaluated to ascertain the applicability for wound healing. The chemical composition and mechanical, morphological, and surface characteristics including the antibacterial activity were also evaluated. The optimum conditions for obtaining a maximum percentage of composition were standardized. Their mechanical properties, water absorption characteristics and compatibility were analyzed by tensile tester, FTIR and SEM analyses. The composite films containing aloe vera had higher water absorption capacity and antimicrobial activity as compared to those containing C. officinalis petal extract. The films containing C. officinalis petal extract showed higher tensile strength as compared to those containing Aloe Vera. With the above results, it was concluded that a composite of 25% Aloe Vera in Chitosan can be used as a wound dressing amongst all the combinations.

Emblica officinalis Gaertn., Aloe vera L. and Vitex negundo L. are medicinal plants commonly found throughout India and used in traditional medicine. The present study was undertaken to screen potential antifungal activity... more

Emblica officinalis Gaertn., Aloe vera L. and Vitex negundo L. are medicinal plants commonly found throughout India and used in traditional medicine. The present study was undertaken to screen potential antifungal activity of extracts of Emblica officinalis Gaertn. fruits, Aloe vera L. leaves and Vitex negundo L. leaves. The plant extracts were prepared by sequential cold maceration method using hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol and distilled water as a solvent. Extracts were evaluated for their antifungal activity against Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus oryzae, Penicillium chrysogenum and Trichoderma viridae by using agar well diffusion method. All the plants showed maximum antifungal activity against Trichoderma
viridae. While Penicillium chrysogenum was most resistant fungal strain against plant extracts used in the study. Aqueous extracts of all the plants showed maximum
inhibitory action as compared to other extracts. Presence of various phytochemicals in the extract will lead to contribution in the antifungal activity. The knowledge of extent and mode of action for antifungal activity of specific compounds, present in the plant extracts, may lead to the successful utilization of such natural compounds for treatment of infections caused by pathogenic fungi.

Aloe barbadensis Miller is a succulent plant popular for its long history as a folk remedy to a multitude of ailments. Oftentimes, medicinal plants are used with little knowledge of their active compounds, necessitating the assessment of... more

Aloe barbadensis Miller is a succulent plant popular for its long history as a folk remedy to a multitude of ailments. Oftentimes, medicinal plants are used with little knowledge of their active compounds, necessitating the assessment of all the metabolites in order to guarantee reproducible pharmacological efficacy. By the application of 13 C NMR-based plant metabolomics, Aloe vera extracts can be studied for metabolic profiling through the use of large data sets of the known compounds in Aloe vera. In this study, Aloe vera leaves of different ages and leaves that have experienced different amounts of sunlight will undergo ethanolic extraction and NMR analysis. To accommodate the large data sets produced, the data will be processed using multivariate data analysis methods, such as principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), which identify patterns or metabolite markers that are characteristic to a particular stage of development or a certain condition due to environmental or external factors.

The experiment was conducted on Plant Pathology Laboratory of SHIATS, Allahabad by collecting the infected leaf of Aloe vera found around at the garden of Department of Plant protection of university. Pathogen was isolated, identified and... more

The experiment was conducted on Plant Pathology
Laboratory of SHIATS, Allahabad by collecting the
infected leaf of Aloe vera found around at the garden of
Department of Plant protection of university. Pathogen
was isolated, identified and cultured in the Potato
Dextrose Agar (PDA) medium. The Pathogen was
identified as Alternaria alternata. Leaf of six plants viz.
Eucalyptus deglupta, Annona squamosa, Ocimum
sanctum, Cannabis sativa, Madhuca longifolia, Tagetes
patula was collected and its fresh leaf extract was
prepared on weight by weight basis so as to test the
efficacy of these extracts against the pathogen by Poison
food techniques. The leaf extracts were evaluated against
A. alternata at 50% of concentration in vitro. The
mycelial growth of the fungus at different concentrations
was measured after 48 and 72 hours of inoculation. The
results revealed that all the extracts significantly
inhibited the mycelial growth at this concentrations
wherever Madhuca longifolia and Tagetes patula
showed least mycelial growth . However, the leaf extract
of Eucalyptus was found to be most effective as
compared to other including control for controlling the
disease caused by Alternaria alternata. An intense study
on these leaf extract may help to use them as an effective
biopesticides in commercial scale.

The purpose of this research work was to evaluate the Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) and Yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae) powder. A total of 72 (Arbor-Acres) day old chicks were used in this study. Four levels of an Aloe vera and Yeast... more

The purpose of this research work was to evaluate the Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) and Yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae) powder. A total of 72 (Arbor-Acres) day old chicks were used in this study. Four levels of an Aloe vera and Yeast powder at the rate of 0.00%, 0.50% (Yeast), 0.50% (Aloe vera), and 0.50% Yeast + 0.50% Aloe vera were incorporated into the basal diet for six weeks. Feeding period for all groups was lasted for 42 days. Results revealed a significant effect of Aloe vera and Yeast powder in feeds on mean body weights per broilers and mean feed conversion ratio per broilers in 5th week (P<0.05) were significantly on feed supplemented with 0.50% Yeast + 0.50% Aloe vera powder. It was concluded from this study that 0.50% Yeast + 0.50% Aloe vera powder feed supplemented has a beneficial impact on the growth performance of broilers chicks.

Objective: Bisphenol A (BPA), an endocrine-disrupting chemical, has been considered as a possible risk factor for fertility because it induces testicular toxicity. Thus, we sought to analyze the effect of Aloe vera as plant with... more

Objective: Bisphenol A (BPA), an endocrine-disrupting chemical, has been considered as a possible risk factor for fertility because it induces testicular toxicity. Thus, we sought to analyze the effect of Aloe vera as plant with antioxidant properties on tissues and oxidative stress parameters in male rats. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 50 adult male Wistar rats (200 ± 20 g) have been used in this 56 day study. Animals were completely randomized and divided into five groups: A 1 (control), A 2 (vehicle control), A 3 (Aloe vera gel 300 mg/kg), B 1 (BPA 20 µg/kg bw) and B 2 (Aloe vera gel+ BPA). At the end of the study, the rats were anesthetized and 2 ml blood samples were obtained for evaluation of oxidative stress markers. Also, both testes were collected for histological examinations. Results: BPA significantly decreased (P<0.05) body and testis weights. Seminiferous tubule diameter (STD) and height of seminiferous epithelium (HSE), were significantly decreased (P<0.05) in the groups receiving BPA as compared to the control. There was also a reduction in the quantity of spermatocyte and spermatids. Moreover, malondialdehyde (MDA) increased and thiol protein (G-SH) decreased. But, co-administration of Aloe vera with BPA accelerated the total antioxidant capacity and testicular tissue structure healing. Conclusion: According to our findings, Aloe vera gel extract can overcome the damaging effects of BPA on the reproductive system of rats and protects rats' testes against BPA-induced toxicity.

A series of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)/poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP)/poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) hybrid nanofibers were fabricated by an electrospinning method, in order to be used as a potential wound dressing material. The effect of Aloe... more

A series of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)/poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP)/poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) hybrid nanofibers were fabricated by an electrospinning method, in order to be used as a potential wound dressing material. The effect of Aloe vera was investigated in terms of solution properties such as viscosity, conductivity, pH and surface tension. The nanofibrous wound dressing materials were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). SEM results revealed that the fiber diameters ranged between 200-500 nm and they were linear, homogenous and free of beads. DSC thermograms indicated that the addition of Aloe vera affects the crystal structure and efficiently cross-links the hybrid polymer, forming an amorphous structure with a melting temperature (Tm) of 219oC at an Aloe vera concentration of 3%. FTIR results clearly resolved the hybrid polymer structure of nanofibers obtained.

La aloína es una antraquinona presente en una amplia variedad de productos alimenticios que se elaboran a base de sábila, la cual puede provocar efectos laxantes y su ingestión prolongada incrementa el riesgo de cáncer gastrointestinal.... more

La aloína es una antraquinona presente en una amplia variedad de productos alimenticios que se elaboran a base de sábila, la cual puede provocar efectos laxantes y su ingestión prolongada incrementa el riesgo de cáncer gastrointestinal. En este estudio, se validaron parámetros de una metodología de extracción y análisis de la aloína, por medio de cromatografía líquida con detector de arreglo de diodos (HPLC-DAD). Se determinó la concentración de la aloína en 14 productos comerciales, consumidos en Costa Rica. Los valores de calidad evaluados fueron la linealidad (R = de 0,9995 a 0,99995), la reproducibilidad (porcentaje de recuperación = de 96,7 % a 99,9 %), la precisión intradía (coeficiente de variación = de 0,24 % a 1,47 %), la precisión interdía (coeficiente de variación = de 1,65 % a 2,68 %), el límite de detección (de 0,063 mg/L a 0,228 mg/L), el límite de cuantificación (de 0,126 mg/L a 0,452 mg/L) y la selectividad (≤ 0,063 mg/L). La mayoría de los productos alimenticios evaluados mostró una concentración por debajo del valor máximo permitido (10 mg/L); se encontraron valores entre los 0,2 ± 0,1 mg/L y 4,8 ± 0,1 mg/L de aloína, con una desviación estándar promedio de 0,41 mg/L. Las muestras líquidas presentaron valores más altos que el resto de las matrices. 2 de las muestras (RU/BT1/39A y RU/BT1/45B) fueron reportadas con concentraciones mayores al valor máximo permitido (14,2 ± 0,1 mg/L y 19,0 ± 0,1 mg/L) de aloína. El consumo de estos productos podría llegar a tener un efecto perjudicial, a largo plazo, en la salud, ya que sobrepasan el límite mencionado anteriormente.

Background: Aluminum phosphide, known as rice pill in Iran, is a very effective pesticide for commercial and industrial ‎use. The high lethality of Aluminum phosphide is due to Phosphine gas (PH3) which is released by its ‎reaction with... more

Background: Aluminum phosphide, known as rice pill in Iran, is a very effective pesticide for commercial and industrial ‎use. The high lethality of Aluminum phosphide is due to Phosphine gas (PH3) which is released by its ‎reaction with water. One of the most important properties of aluminum phosphide, which despite being ‎very lethal to almost all living creatures, still makes it one of the most widely used pesticides, is its very ‎high yield, ease of use, and, most importantly, the absence of residues in products after application; while ‎its exposure to the human body is associated with high mortality.‎
Case Presentation: In this article, we reported the successful treatment of rice pill-induced poisoning in a 30-year-old man using a novel approach. Accordingly, we used sodium bicarbonate (50 ccs) and aloe vera syrup (1-2 L), followed by olive oil (150 cc olive oil was given every 2 hours).
Conclusion: While numerous studies recommend observing patient conditions as the treatment approach, our presented case was a successful experience of treating acute aluminum phosphide poisoning.

The Nuremberg physician and botanist Christoph Jacob Trew (1695-1769) was widely known and networked in the scholarly republic of the 18th century. His private collections of natural history are among the most important of his time. The... more

The Nuremberg physician and botanist Christoph Jacob Trew (1695-1769) was widely known and networked in the scholarly republic of the 18th century. His private collections of natural history are among the most important of his time. The core collection consists of the medical and natural history library, botanical drawings, watercolours and copper engravings as well as an extensive collection of historical scholars' letters; in addition, there are library catalogues and visitors' books of the 'Museum Trewianum', auction catalogues, plant sales catalogues and illustrated pamphlets. These singular source collections provide an exemplary insight into the dynamics of collecting, researching and publishing in the knowledge space between the Baroque and the early Enlightenment. 16 richly illustrated contributions from the history of science and botany, book studies and art history, show the importance of the collection holdings, most of which have been preserved in the Erlangen University Library, and which today enrich research in various disciplines.

Cactaceae and Asphodelaceae are native desert plants known for their high mucilage content, which is a polysaccharide of growing interest in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries. In this study, powdered mucilage was obtained... more

Cactaceae and Asphodelaceae are native desert plants known for their high mucilage content, which is a polysaccharide of growing interest in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries. In this study, powdered mucilage was obtained from cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) and aloe vera (AV) leaves, and their molecular, morphological, and thermal properties were investigated and compared. Additionally, their dietary fiber content was determined. Three-dimensional molecular models were calculated for both mucilages using ab initio methods. Vibrational spectra (FTIR and Raman) revealed intramolecular interactions and functional groups that were specified with the help of theoretical ab initio and semi-empirical calculations. SEM micrographs measured at magnifications of 500x and 2000x demonstrated significantly different superficial and internal morphologies between these two mucilages. Thermal analysis using DSC/TGA demonstrated superior thermal stability for the OFI mucilage. The dietary fiber content in OFI mucilage was more than double that of AV mucilage. Our results show that both dehydrated mucilages present adequate thermal and nutritional properties to be used as functional ingredients in industrial formulations; however, OFI mucilage exhibited better physicochemical and functional characteristics than AV mucilage as a raw material.

The aim of this work was to develop an organic and sustainable cultivation protocol, based on the use of microbial biofertilizers (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria, Trichoderma spp., arbuscular mycorrhizae and biostimulant algae) able... more

The aim of this work was to develop an organic and sustainable cultivation protocol, based on the use of microbial biofertilizers (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria, Trichoderma spp., arbuscular mycorrhizae and biostimulant algae) able to improve the growth and quality of Aloe barbadensis Miller plants. The experimental trial at CREA-OF in Pescia showed a significant improvement in the agronomic parameters analysed on Aloe barbadensis Miller plants treated with microbial and algae-based biofertilizers. In particular, there was a significant improvement in the number of leaves per plant, new shoots, vegetative fresh weight, root weight and gel weight. On the leaves in the treated theses, there was a significant increase in leaf length and width and an improvement in gel quality (optical density). The trial also showed a significant improvement in soluble solids, sugars and fibre content in the theses inoculated with microbial products and a significant increase in fructose, glucose, proline and aloin. These improvements in plant growth following the use of microbial biofertilizers and algae have also been found in previous trials in other vegetables and ornamental crops, but few trials have been carried out with Aloe. The application of symbiotic microorganisms in agricultural operations can therefore ensure higher production standards, with a possible improvement in the agronomic quality of the plants, while also reducing the use of water and fertilizers. This experiment may be of particular interest to farms that want to focus on the production of ornamental and fruit cacti and succulents under organic farming methods.

A local cultivar of sweet orange namely ‘Agege sweet’ constitutes a larger percentage among many citrus varieties planted in Nigeria, but there is a major setback in terms of extending its post-harvest shelf life. This work was designed... more

A local cultivar of sweet orange namely ‘Agege sweet’ constitutes a larger percentage among many citrus varieties planted in Nigeria, but there is a major setback in terms of extending its post-harvest shelf life. This work was designed to assess the effectiveness of a rhamnolipid coating to preserve the quality attributes of Agege sweet orange fruit during 8 wk ambient storage compared with that of Aloe vera gel. Petri plates were supplied with different treatments (volume per volume, v/v) of Aloe vera gel (0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5%) or rhamnolipid (0%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5 %, 2.0%) and oranges were inoculated with a spore suspension of P. digitatum NSP01 spores. The solutions of rhamnolipid (2%) and Aloe vera gel (2%) were evaluated for their biocontrol activity on P. digitatum NSP01. The fruits were stored for 8 wk at 25ºC. The lesion area, firmness, and chemical composition were assessed. The oranges coated with Aloe vera gel and rhamnolipid significantly (p < 0.05) prevented loss in firmness, total soluble solids and titratable acidity and reduced the decay caused by P. digitatum NSP01. Therefore, the newly formulated rhamnolipid-Aloe vera edible coating could serve as a permanent substitute for chemical fungicides used in the management of diseases and pests affecting agricultural productivity.

The effect of high pressure processing (HPP) (600 MPa/15 min/56 °C) and thermal processing (TP) (95 °C/5 min) on the quality characteristics of aloe vera-litchi mixed beverage samples (ALMB) stored at 4, 15 and 25 °C were studied. The... more

The effect of high pressure processing (HPP)
(600 MPa/15 min/56 °C) and thermal processing (TP)
(95 °C/5 min) on the quality characteristics of aloe
vera-litchi mixed beverage samples (ALMB) stored at
4, 15 and 25 °C were studied. The total color difference and
browning index of ALMB samples increased with the storage
period for both HPP and TP treated samples under all storage
conditions. HPP of ALMB resulted in inactivation of
pectinmethylesterase (PME), polyphenoloxidase (PPO) and
peroxidase (POD) to 34, 65 and 62 %, respectively after immediate processing, whereas, TP treatment lead to 83, 79 and
78 %, respectively. The residual activity of all the studied
enzymes decreased with storage period. The ascorbic acid loss
of up to 22 % was observed after HPP treatment and up to
31 % for thermally treated samples. Minimal changes were
noted for phenolics content after HPP as well as thermal processing. The natural microbiota present in samples was below
the detection limit (1 log CFU/mL) throughout the storage
period. The shelf life of HPP and TP treated samples stored
at 4 °C was estimated to be 100 and 80 days, respectively,
based on the sensory quality, ascorbic acid degradation and
instrumental color difference.

Aloe vera is used both traditionally and packaged commercially in many regions of the world for several medicinal and or cosmetic purposes. It is claimed to have rejuvenating, moisturizing, healing or soothing properties on the skin and... more

Aloe vera is used both traditionally and packaged commercially in many regions of the world for several medicinal and or cosmetic purposes. It is claimed to have rejuvenating, moisturizing, healing or soothing properties on the skin and gastrointestinal tract. This study focused on assessment of the safety of A. vera on blood parameters: packed cell volume (PCV), red blood cell count (RBC), haemoglobin concentration, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration, white blood cell count (WBC), its differentials neutrophils, lymphocytes and platelet counts. Thirty Wistar rats were equally and randomly divided into 3 groups and A. vera extract solution was administered to 2 groups for 12 or 24 h respectively, for 7 days consecutively. The third group served as control for the experiment. Blood samples were collected on day 8 to determine changes in the haemogram as a basis for toxicity. Rats administered with A. vera extract, particul...

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that has always been the primary health concern worldwide. A few herbal plants showed anti-diabetic potential, Aloe is among these few species, and the pharmacological effects may vary for Aloe leaf... more

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that has always been the primary health concern worldwide. A few herbal plants showed anti-diabetic potential, Aloe is among these few species, and the pharmacological effects may vary for Aloe leaf preparations. We carried out a systematic and meta-analysis review to evaluate the hypoglycemics property of Aloe vera in Diabetes Mellitus Condition to develop its therapeutic benefit information and knowledge. The search used the following medical subject headings (MeSH): Aloe, aloe spp, diabetes mellitus, and hyperglycemia. This was followed by keyword search using Aloe vera or aloe gel or aloe polysaccharide or acemannan or aloe phytosterols or aloe elements. The historical search of relevant articles and personal contact with experts in the area were also undertaken. Twelve articles discuss the hypoglycemia effect of Aloe vera or Barbaloin or acemannan based in vivo study. Ten articles discuss the hypoglycemia effect of Aloe vera extract, and two articles discuss the hypoglycemia effect of the component of Aloe vera. In contrast, one article discusses the beneficial effect of polysaccharide equivalent Aloe vera gel on blood glucose levels in vivo and Yiman using Chromones based on Aloe vera. Several articles have been reviewed and concluded about the antidiabetic effect of Aloe vera on animal studies with the favorable properties and ability of this material, such as the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ability.

A fitoterapia é a utilização de plantas para tratamento de enfermidades. Essa técnica de tratamento evoluiujunto com a espécie humana, mas sem perder a forma tradicional de preparo, que é passado de geração... more

A fitoterapia é a utilização de plantas para tratamento de enfermidades. Essa técnica de tratamento evoluiujunto com a espécie humana, mas sem perder a forma tradicional de preparo, que é passado de geração a geração. No Brasil,por ser um paísmulticultural,ocorremmuitas maneiras de preparo para a mesma planta, como é o caso da Aloe vera,conhecida popularmentecomo babosa. Este estudo tem como referência a pesquisa descritiva exploratória bibliográfica com oobjetivo de descrever as características terapêuticas da Aloe vera, planta originária de regiões trópicase utilizadashámilhares de anos pela humanidade para finsterapêuticos ou estéticos. Foram catalogadas mais de 300 espécies, porém as com maior utilização são as espécies AloearborescenseAloebarbadensis.No gel mucilaginoso do interior de suas folhas é encontrado um complexo de substâncias como vitaminas, aminoácidos e polissacarídeos; que são responsáveis pela ação cicatrizante, antimicrobiana, anti-inflamatória, imunomoduladora, antioxidantee hidratante. Atualmente,vem sendo utilizada na fabricação de cosméticos, produtos de limpeza, pomadas e sucos nutritivos.Apesar de muitos pesquisadores defenderem o uso da babosa e seus poderes terapêuticos, emnovembro de 2011,a Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitáriaproibiu a comercialização de produtos à base da Aloe verapara fins alimentícios, alegando que não há comprovação científica da existência de substâncias mutagênicas com ação alongo prazo, assim sendo,a legislação atualmente permitiu apenas ouso externo comofitoterápicoe a liberação do seu uso interno (Oral) somente como aromatizante e corante no ramo de alimentos.

Research goal: The aim of this work was to develop a sustainable and innovative organic cultivation protocol, usable by local Italian companies, based on the use of microbial biostimulants (beneficial bacteria and fungi, arbuscular... more

Research goal: The aim of this work was to develop a sustainable and innovative organic cultivation protocol, usable by local Italian companies, based on the use of microbial biostimulants (beneficial bacteria and fungi, arbuscular mycorrhizae and algae) able to improve the growth and quality production of the medicinal gel of Aloe vera. Materials and Methods: The experiments, started in December 2020, were conducted in the greenhouses of CREA-OF in Pescia (Pt), Tuscany, Italy (43°54′N 10°41′E) on Aloe vera (4 year old plants). The experimental groups were: i) group control, irrigated with water and substrate previously fertilized; ii) group with Effective microorganisms irrigated with water and substrate previously fertilized; iii) group with Trichoderma spp. irrigated with water and substrate previously fertilized; iv) group with arbuscular mycorrhizae irrigated with water and substrate previously fertilized; v) group with Ascophyllum nodosum irrigated with water and substrate previously fertilized. Results and Discussion: The experiment showed a significant improvement in agronomic parameters and physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics analysed on plants treated with microbial and algae-based biofertilizers. In particular, there was a significant improvement in the number of leaves per plant, new shoots, fresh vegetative weight, root and gel weight and the inflorescences number. On the leaves of the treated theses, there was a significant increase in leaf length and width and an improvement in gel pureness (optical density). There was also an increase in the number of microorganisms in the treated substrates and a lowering of the pH of the growing medium. The test also showed a lowering of the pH of the gel and a significant increase in soluble solids, sugars and fiber content in the theses inoculated with Effective microorganisms and a significant increase in fructose, glucose, proline and aloin. Conclusions: The trial confirms the significant results already obtained in other trials on vegetable, ornamental and Aloe plants by applying biofertilizing microorganisms and algae. The aim of this work was to develop an organic cultivation protocol based on microbial and algae treatments that can be used to improve the quality of Aloe vera plants. This protocol can be applied in general by those companies that are dedicated to the production of ornamental and fruit cacti and succulents and want to reduce or even eliminate the use of plant protection products

Several traditional medicinal plants have been investigated concerning their anti-obesity potential one such sources is Aloe vera. The medication is reported for different helpful properties like, love potion and counteractant, healing... more

Several traditional medicinal plants have been investigated concerning their anti-obesity potential one such sources is Aloe vera. The medication is reported for different helpful properties like, love potion and counteractant, healing arsenic harming, tonic, restoring, diuretic, purgative, uterotonic, sterility in ladies, etc. These are medicationally very helpful especially in curing diabetes. The plants are explored for many different biopotential activities like antiulcerogenic, hypolipidemic, nephroprotective, mitigating, antidermatophytic, cancer prevention agent, antimicrobial and insecticidal exercises. In this study we performed phytochemical screening of various Aloe vera extracts to compare its bioactive potential. The control group of 700µg was compared with ethanolic extract of Aloe vera and observed that it reduced the expression of TNF α (Tumor necrosis factor) and Interleukin 6 (IL-6). It even increased the expression of adiponectin which revealed the presences of different phytochemicals are present in ethanol extract. The data created by this specific investigation gives pertinent pharmacognostic and phytochemical information required for appropriate distinguishing proof and verification of this specific species. The present study emphasis in finding the anti-hypergycemic activity of Aloe vera on cell lines and highlights the phytochemical and pharmacological aspects of A. vera.

El cultivo in vitro consiste en cultivar un explante con potencialidad de diferenciación bajo condiciones asépticas en presencia de una dieta balanceada de nutrientes y hormonas. Estas a la vez son condiciones ideales para el crecimiento... more

El cultivo in vitro consiste en cultivar un explante con potencialidad de diferenciación bajo condiciones asépticas en presencia de una dieta balanceada de nutrientes y hormonas. Estas a la vez son condiciones ideales para el crecimiento y proliferación de microorganismos contaminantes, esterilizar los medios de cultivo, desinfectar los instrumentos, la cámara de transferencia de flujo laminar y limpiar los cuartos de trabajo.