B2C E-commerce Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

With the continuing growth of electronic commerce and markets a need for consumer protection has become a priority. The increase of transnational trades through e-markets has raised the number of low value high volume disputes in the... more

With the continuing growth of electronic commerce and markets a need for consumer protection has become a priority. The increase of transnational trades through e-markets has raised the number of low value high volume disputes in the ecommerce arena. Therefore, to effectively protect consumers alternative forms of justice should become available and accessible to anyone who operates online. In the last two decades, we have assisted to a significant development in the practice of resolving disputes via the internet and other modern digital applications. However, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) has not advance as rapidly as the number of disputes for which there is no access to justice and no effective redress 2. Since its creation, eBay has been at the forefront of creating and developing resources for supporting ODR processes. Its Dispute Resolution Center is one of the biggest ODR systems in the world and has been considered by many the most successful example of Online Dispute Resolution. This study aims to examines whether eBay ODR system embodies principles of fairness, due process, accountability, and transparency. Additionally, this study will present a qualitative analysis of data collected from over two hundred reviews left by eBay consumers on the Better Business Bureau website with the aim of investigating issues experienced by eBay sellers and buyers with eBay Resolution program.

Eine Vielzahl von Händlern aus Drittländern (insbesondere aus der V. R. China) bieten Waren auf E-Commerce-Plattformen (wie insbesondere Amazon und eBay) in Deutschland zum Verkauf an. Es kommt in diesem Zusammenhang zu... more

The growth of B2C e-commerce increases the frequency of disputes from these transactions between businesses and consumers. Judicial procedure is slow, expensive, and difficult to deal with. Therefore, the European Commission has adopted... more

The growth of B2C e-commerce increases the frequency of disputes from these transactions between businesses and consumers. Judicial procedure is slow, expensive, and difficult to deal with. Therefore, the European Commission has adopted several recommendations, directives and regulations to promote online dispute resolution (ODR). The aim of this paper is to assess how the EU countries have implemented these rules and also the status of the ODR platform, which will be operational on 9 January 2016. This description can be useful for businesses because it identifies the requirements in this area which should be incorporated into their strategy.

Este livro é destinado a estudantes, pesquisadores, profissionais e demais interessados em comércio eletrônico (e-commerce), e faz um resgate histórico do surgimento das compras on-line, sua evolução no decorrer dos anos, além de explanar... more

Este livro é destinado a estudantes, pesquisadores, profissionais e demais interessados em comércio eletrônico (e-commerce), e faz um resgate histórico do surgimento das compras on-line, sua evolução no decorrer dos anos, além de explanar sobre as vantagens e as desvantagens de se utilizar as ferramentas e os recursos do ambiente virtual. Um dos principais objetivos do autor é apresentar como se relacionam alguns aspectos que, via de regra, estão presentes em tal ambiente, como a privacidade, a segurança, a qualidade das informações, a confiança, a propaganda boca a boca eletrônica e a intenção de recompra. Trata-se de uma leitura envolvente, ilustrada com diversas evidências empíricas nacionais e internacionais, complementada por uma ampla pesquisa realizada entre consumidores brasileiros que costumam realizar compras no formato on-line.

İnternet, uluslararası ticaretteki sınırların çoğunu ortadan kaldırmak için kullanılabilecek muazzam bir teknolojidir. İnternet teknolojisi sayesinde bir alıcının dünyanın herhangi bir yerinde bulunan bir ürünü edinebilmesi... more

İnternet, uluslararası ticaretteki sınırların çoğunu ortadan kaldırmak için kullanılabilecek muazzam bir teknolojidir. İnternet teknolojisi sayesinde bir alıcının dünyanın herhangi bir yerinde bulunan bir ürünü edinebilmesi kolaylaşmıştır. Öte yandan internet, işletmelerin yabancı pazarlara girişini hızlandırmaktadır. İşletmeler böyle bir imkânı mümkün olduğunca etkin şekilde değerlendirirlerse pazarlama faaliyetlerini arttırabilirler.
Kurumsal web sitesi, bir işletmenin uluslararasılaşma sürecini etkileyen bir unsurdur. Genellikle alıcılar, kendine yakın hissettikleri işletmelerle iletişime geçmektedirler. Bu yüzden kurumsal web sitesindeki dil, kültür, renk, tasarım vb. etkenler önem teşkil etmektedir.
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’de ihracat yapan işletmelerin kurumsal web sitelerini ne ölçüde uluslararasılaştırdıklarını araştırmak ve ihracat yapan firmaların kurumsal web siteleri arasında farklılıklar olup olmadığını tespit etmektir. Çalışmanın birinci bölümü uluslararasılaşmayla ilgili kavramları içermektedir. İkinci bölümde elektronik ticarete ve kurumsal web sitelerine değinilmiştir. Son bölümde ise ihracat yapan işletmeleri inceleyen bir uygulama yapılmıştır. Uygulamada işletmelerin kurumsal web siteleri içerik analizi yöntemiyle incelenmiştir. Çapraz tablo analizi ve ki-kare testiyle ihracat yapan işletmelerin kurumsal web siteleri arasında farklılık olup olmadığı belirlenmiştir.
Yapılan çalışma sonucunda Türkiye’de ihracat yapan işletmelerin kurumsal web sitelerinin uluslararasılaşma düzeylerinin yetersiz olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Ayrıca geleneksel sektörlerde ihracat yapan işletmeler ile geleneksel olmayan sektörlerde ihracat yapan işletmelerin kurumsal web siteleri arasında kayda değer bir farklılık saptanmamıştır. -
Internet is a wonderful technology that can be used to remove most of borders on international trade. Thanks to internet technology, buying a product that be anywhere in the world have been easy for a person. On the other hand, internet accelerates the entrance of companies into foreign markets. Companies can improve their marketing activities if they evaluate such an opportunity as effectively as possible.
Corporate website is an element that affects an enterprise's internationalization process. Generally, buyers communicate with businesses that they feel close to themselves. Therefore, factors such as language, culture, color and design in corporate websites are important.
The purpose of this study is to explore what is the internationalization level of corporate websites of exporting companies in Turkey and to determine whether there is any difference between corporate websites of exporters. In the first part of the study, internationalization concepts were expressed. In the second part, electronic commerce and corporate websites were mentioned. In the last part, a study was carried out which examines exporters. In research, corporate websites of businesses were analyzed by content analysis method. Whether or not exporters have differences between corporate websites were determined by cross-tabulation analysis and chi-square test.
It has been observed that the level of internationalization of corporate websites of exporting companies in Turkey is insufficient. Furthermore, no significant difference was found between corporate websites of companies that export in traditional sectors and corporate websites of companies that export in non-traditional sectors.

Extant article utilizes the UTAUT Model with Islamic religiosity as a moderator to understand the adoption of SADAD payment system by Saudi banking customers. Islamic religiosity effects the behavior and choices of people. Path analysis... more

Extant article utilizes the UTAUT Model with Islamic religiosity as a moderator to understand the adoption of SADAD payment system by Saudi banking customers. Islamic religiosity effects the behavior and choices of people. Path analysis performed on 248 respondents' data collected through questionnaires tests the conceptual hypotheses. All hypotheses except H3 was unsupported, which reveals that social influence (SI) had an insignificant relation with behavioral intention (BI). Multi-group analysis was performed on AMOS by dividing respondents into two groups with high and low Islamic religiosity values. Overall, results reveal that religiosity moderates the positive effect of BI on usage behavior (UB). The author found no effect for those with low scores on religiosity values. However, consumers with high score religiosity values have a stronger positive effect between BI and UB. Moreover, the UTAUT + IR explained 80% variance in UB. High religiosity customers find SADAD a better option.

The internet has been flourishing since its invention. The retailers as well as the whole sellers are now shifting their premise from brick to mortar. This paper showcases how the e-commerce websites are flourishing and how they are... more

The internet has been flourishing since its invention. The retailers as well as the whole sellers are now shifting their premise from brick to mortar. This paper showcases how the e-commerce websites are flourishing and how they are conducting the day-today transactions as well as reaching out to vast customer database with the help of the ERP systems. The main concern that has been faced by these sites is how well they can protect the data provided by the customers, ensuring that the information provided by them stays confidential as well as doesn't get transferred and taken advantage of. The paper deals with how to have data privacy in E-Commerce sites as well as how to face and prevent them from happening.

This paper is a review on Business to Consumer (B2C) electronic commerce (e-commerce) and it studies its evolution over the last decade. The Internet characteristics that affect B2C are the Internet growth, which at first includes the... more

This paper is a review on Business to Consumer (B2C) electronic commerce (e-commerce) and it studies its evolution over the last decade. The Internet characteristics that affect B2C are the Internet growth, which at first includes the number of Internet users and secondly, the infrastructure, which is basically the quality and speed of the lines. Moreover, the way the Internet growth has affected the B2C e-commerce growth over the last ten years is studied in three major countries-areas. The USA because it is an Internet developed country with vast e-commerce sales, China because it is a rapidly developing Internet country with a large number of users and fast e-commerce activity growth in the last decade and finally, the European Union, because of its diversity in Internet and e-commerce growth. This paper focuses on the aforementioned three geographic areas and extracts its conclusions from the observations of B2C behavior growth in these areas.

Since the commercialization of the internet, almost everything is now been done electronically including business transactions. In developed countries like the United Kingdom and the United States, the process of conducting businesses... more

Since the commercialization of the internet, almost everything is now been done electronically including business transactions. In developed countries like the United Kingdom and the United States, the process of conducting businesses electronically, especially online shopping is achieved with relative ease due to the presence of good internet infrastructures, secured payment methods, good banking structure, trust in online vendors, and good road networks that aid quick delivery of goods and services and lots more. But in an underdeveloped country like Nigeria, the case is the reverse. Shopping online is a nightmare characterized by so many challenges like lack of quality internet infrastructure, lack of nationally accepted payment methods, lack of trust etc. All these makes it difficult for the process of conducting business on the internet to be achieved and this has led to just few people in the country shopping online. This dissertation therefore investigates the various challenges facing business to consumer e-commerce (online shopping) in Nigeria and through this provide recommendations for its enhancement. To achieve this, the mixed research methodology was used which involve survey. Questionnaire was designed and administered electronically to the target population 100 participants, of which 95 responded. The collected data was used in determining the challenges facing business to consumer e-commerce in Nigeria. The findings from the research reveal that more Nigerians are now embracing online shopping despite the fact that business to consumer e-commerce is still facing challenges, accessibility to the internet is improving and cost wise, it is expensive to subscribe to internet services, electronic payment system is still not well developed in the country, more Nigerians use ATM cards than debit/master/credit cards. Findings also reveal that trust is a major factor when shopping online, lack of trust is a reason why most Nigerians don’t shop online, Nigerians don’t feel safe giving out their bank and personal details when shopping online, most of the participants do not trust the authenticity of products displayed on retailer’s website within Nigeria. All these findings correlates with those of previous literatures discussed. In conclusion, the results shows that business to consumer e-commerce in Nigeria still faces challenges and based on this, it was therefore recommended that government should invest in bringing quality broadband services to homes; internet infrastructure owners in the country should take steps to protect their infrastructures and provide better services; cheaper internet service should be provided by ISPs; government should put effective policies in place to ensure safety in online environment; banks should encourage more use of debit/master/debit cards as these are tools of online payments; web vendors should be genuine and be sure to send what they actually display on their websites when purchased.

For every business organisation, customer feedback means a usable source for further development and improvement of its offer (in general for its business activities). The obtained feedback can have the character of an opinion, a... more

For every business organisation, customer feedback means a usable source for further development and improvement of its offer (in general for its business activities). The obtained feedback can have the character of an opinion, a suggestion, an evaluation, a comment or a complaint. This paper deals with customer feedback in B2C e-shops because e-shops have nowadays become more and more important in consumers' everyday lives. The aim is to identify how selective e-shops obtain customer feedback in a direct way (i.e. customers send his/her opinion directly to the particular e-shop). As a result, some schematic depictions are in this paper presented. These depictions can be used in business practice as inspiration for implementing methods that lead to obtaining customer feedback.

ABSTRAK Masih rendahnya kesadaran konsumen akan adanya e-commerce website yang dikelola oleh PT. Campina Ice Cream Industry berdampak pada keputusan pembelian konsumen dan pertumbuhan penjualan via e-commerece website. Penelitian ini... more

ABSTRAK Masih rendahnya kesadaran konsumen akan adanya e-commerce website yang dikelola oleh PT. Campina Ice Cream Industry berdampak pada keputusan pembelian konsumen dan pertumbuhan penjualan via e-commerece website. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh antara kegiatan pemasaran digital dan perilaku online konsumen terhadap peningkatan kesadaran konsumen dan keputusan pembelian konsumen via website, dalam studi kasus di e-commerce website PT. Campina Ice Cream Industry. Data penelitian merupakan data primer yang didapat dari pengolahan data kuesioner yang disebar lewat e-mail blast dan wawancara langsung ke para pelanggan e-commerce Campina yang berdomisili di propinsi DKI Jakarta, dan pernah bertransaksi setidaknya satu kali di e-commerce website Campina. Metode sampling yang dipergunakan adalah judgement sampling (359 responden). Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah SEM, dengan pengolahan data AMOS 22. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan pemasaran digital dan perilaku konsumen secara online secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap keputusan pembelian di e-commerce website Campina. Secara parsial, hanya kegiatan pemasaran digital yang berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap peningkatan kesadaran konsumen terhadap e-commerce website Campina, sedangkan perilaku konsumen secara online berpengaruh signifikan negatif. Peningkatan kesadaran konsumen secara online sebagai variabel intervening juga berpengaruh signifikan negatif terhadap keputusan pembelian konsumen di e-commerce website Campina. Kata kunci : pemasaran digital, e-commerce website, kesadaran konsumen, perilaku konsumen secara online, keputusan pembelian via website

Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is widely considered the buying and selling of products over the internet, but any transaction that is completed solely through electronic measures can be considered as e-commerce. E-commerce may have... more

Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is widely considered the buying and selling of products over the internet, but any transaction that is completed solely through electronic measures can be considered as e-commerce. E-commerce may have large economic effects in the future. Internet commerce will change the face of business forever. Moreover, it has affected the information technology, economic, social, and e-commerce has enhanced the productivity growth worldwide in the 21 st century. The impact of e-commerce on developing countries for reducing inefficiencies for trading and to increase productivity in terms of economies with competitors internationally. There are many ways to accelerate the growth of productivity by cutting costs, increasing efficiency and reducing time and distance, e-commerce could become an important tool for development and growth in all sectors. Information security framework is specifically applied to the components that affect e-commerce that includes computer security, data security, and other wider realms of the information security framework. E-commerce security has its own particular nuances and is one of the highest visible security components that affect the end user through to obtain e-trade finance and equity investment, tourism and its internet incarnation.

Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin pesat membuat banyak sekali bermunculan website e-commerce. Perusahan maupun individu berlomba-lomba untuk menjual barang dan jasa mereka secara online. Selain karena ruang lingkup penjulannya... more

Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin pesat membuat banyak sekali bermunculan website e-commerce. Perusahan maupun individu berlomba-lomba untuk menjual barang dan jasa mereka secara online. Selain karena ruang lingkup penjulannya menjadi luas, keuntungan yang didapat semakin meningkat. Masyarakat pun juga dipermudah dalam pembelian yang dapat dilakukan kapan saja dan dimana saja. Grazera.com merupakan salah satu contoh website e-commerce dengan transaksi Business to Customers (B2C). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mekanisme jual/beli, mekanisme pembayaran, mekanisme distribusi, dan fitur-fitur yang tersedia pada Grazera.com.

The main objective of the study is to assess impact of e-commerce on socio-economic conditions in Ghana, specifically in the Greater Accra Region. The research work specifically intends to: evaluate the extent to which Ghanaians are... more

The main objective of the study is to assess impact of e-commerce on socio-economic conditions in Ghana, specifically in the Greater Accra Region. The research work specifically intends to: evaluate the extent to which Ghanaians are familiar with e-commerce, identify the main socio- economic conditions underpinning e-commerce in Ghana and analyze the impacts of e-commerce on social and economic conditions in Ghana.
In conducting the research, a convenience sampling technique was adopted to select the respondents from which data was obtained. Questionnaire design was used to gather data on e-commerce activities and socio-economic conditions in Ghana. The data gathered was discussed with the necessary conclusions, recommendations. The findings of the study revealed that many Ghanaians have adopted the usage of e-commerce with the reason transacting business on e-commerce was less expensive, aid in speed delivery of services (no time wastage) and there is the surety of service quality.
Regarding how e-commerce affects the lives of Ghanaians and the socio-economic contribution were that e-commerce has created job opportunities for many Ghanaians and has also been the source for poverty reduction within the country, many businesses in the country has become very successful due the use of e-commerce services or activities and has created avenue of foreign exchange gains for the country.
Thus, e- commerce is seen as a contributor in promoting the socio-economic conditions within the country, that’s there was enough evidence to prove that e-commerce is a major contributor to the socio- economic development in the country.
Recommendations have been made to increase the adoption of e-commerce and create awareness of it importance.

Thoughtful insights on business model components of top e-retailers based in India have been achieved through content analysis of reliable books, reports, journals and the web. Six major e-retailers are compared on the basis of monthly... more

Thoughtful insights on business model components of top e-retailers based in India have been achieved through content analysis of reliable books, reports, journals and the web. Six major e-retailers are compared on the basis of monthly traffic data obtained from similarweb.com. It is observed that online retail is a meager 0.5% of overall retail in India and future potential is huge. Due to FDI restrictions all top e-retailers under this study except HS18 prefer marketplace model in pure/hybrid form and earn revenue through transaction fee. Their marketing strategy essentially includes social media and internet. They operate with lean manpower and functional departmentalisation except Flipkart which employs massive 10,000 plus employees and prefers to recruit generalists. National capital region and Bangalore are preferred locations for establishment of their headquarters. This review will be useful to businesses and researchers interested in developing/benchmarking successful e-retail business model to win and sustain competition.

ABSTRAK Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi (TI) berbanding lurus dengan peningkatan ekonomi di kalangan menengah. Sebagai salah satu contoh produk elektronik yang sekarang begitu pesat dalam kemajuannya tidak luput dari dampak... more

ABSTRAK Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi (TI) berbanding lurus dengan peningkatan ekonomi di kalangan menengah. Sebagai salah satu contoh produk elektronik yang sekarang begitu pesat dalam kemajuannya tidak luput dari dampak perkembangan TI. Untuk mengenalkan produk-produk elektronik terbaru perlu adanya sistem yang mampu untuk menjual dan mempromosikan barang-barang elektronik tersebut. Maka penulis ingin mengimplementasikan sistem e-commerce tersebut dengan berbasis website supaya pembeli dapat membeli dapat lebih mudah dalam membeli barang elektronik yang tersedia dalam website tersebut. Kata kunci: , e-commerce, website, elektronik 1. PENDAHULUAN Saat ini teknologi informasi sudah berkembang dengan pesat. Hal ini terbukti dengan telah digunakannya komputer dalam semua aspek kehidupan dan berbagai jenis usaha baik ekonomi, sosial, politik, pendidikan, agama, hiburan, dan periklanan. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, semua informasi dapat dipublikasikan dengan sistem yang berbasis website. Website telah menjadi media untuk menyebarkan informasi. Salah satu pengembangan dari website adalah e-commerce. E-commerce adalah suatu proses yang dilakukan konsumen dalam membeli dan menjual berbagai produk secara elektronik menggunakan komputer sebagai perantara transaksi bisnis yang dilakukan. Konsumen dapat membeli sesuatu tanpa harus mendatangi toko yang bersangkutan, ini membuat pemangkasan waktu antara penjual dan pembeli yang begitu cepat. Toko Agum Permana Elektronik merupakan suatu usaha yang bergerak di bidang penjualan Elektronik seperti Printer, Handphone, Notebook, Camera. Dalam penjualan pada toko Agum Permana Elektronik menggunakan metode pembayaran secara transfer via ATM (Automated Teller Machine) yang menunggu pesanan dari pelanggan secara online atau

In spite of the huge increase in internet usage in Kenya over the past years, the usage of online retailing services in Kenya is still very low, thereby posing an existential threat to the service providers. To induce more initial users... more

In spite of the huge increase in internet usage in Kenya over the past years, the usage of online retailing services in Kenya is still very low, thereby posing an existential threat to the service providers. To induce more initial users to continue using these services, there is need to establish what affects their continued usage. Individual factors, in particular customer perceptions, have been shown by both the information systems (IS) as well as the marketing fields to have significant effect on sustained use of online retailing services. This study therefore sought to establish the effect of customer perceptions on the usage of online retailing services in Nairobi County, Kenya. Its objectives were to establish whether there is a relationship between perceived attributes and usage of online retailing services, to determine whether there is a relationship between perceived risk and usage of online retailing services, to analyse whether there is a relationship between perceived value and usage of online retailing services, to evaluate whether customer satisfaction has a mediating effect on the relationship between customer perceptions and usage of online retailing services and to establish whether customer demographics have a moderating effect on the relationship between customer perceptions and usage of online retailing services. The study employed a descriptive, cross-sectional, survey design and explanatory design. The target population was 6 online retailing firms and the respondents for this study were the 18,147 registered users of these six online retailing firms in Nairobi County, Kenya. A sample of 391 respondents was selected using multi-stage sampling methods including purposive, stratified and simple random sampling. Primary data was collected using a self-administered structured questionnaire and an interview guide, while secondary data was collected through document review. Questionnaire responses were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics which involved both linear and logistic regression analysis. Figures and tables were used to present the data. Data from key informant interviews was analyzed using content analysis technique to complement the quantitative data. The results showed that consumer perceptions have a significant effect on the usage of online retailing services. The study also found that customer satisfaction does have a mediating effect on the customer perception – usage relationship. Furthermore, the research established that demographic factors do not have a significant moderating effect on the customer perception - usage relationship. The findings of this study underscore the importance of customer perceptions and customer satisfaction in enhancing the likelihood of success of online retailing services. Consequently, the study recommends that online retailers should enhance service features/attributes as a way of ensuring success of their services by taking into consideration customer-specific needs by personalizing the website to make it more useful, compatible with customer requirements and easy to use for users. In addition, online retailing service providers need to build trust amongst their users regarding online purchasing. Further, online retailers should design and deliver a unique value proposition that has both functional as well as hedonistic appeals. Online retailers should also have an effective customer satisfaction strategy for purposes of customer retention. Moreover, it is imperative for online retailing firms to have a good understanding of their target customers, since this will not only help in determining the appropriate customer engagement strategies but also how to enhance the long-term usage of their services. On the government‘s part, the study recommends the tackling the barriers to online shopping usage primarily through legislation. Since usage also hinges on trust, the government could license a suitable entity to oversee online consumer protection to address users‘ concerns.

Consumer protection has become a legal phenomenon to reckon with on a global scale, with repercussions for, among others, contracts concluded between consumers and business entities – i.e., B2C contracts. While the path chosen by EU law... more

Consumer protection has become a legal phenomenon to reckon with on a global scale, with repercussions for, among others, contracts concluded between consumers and business entities – i.e., B2C contracts. While the path chosen by EU law is one of special legal protection (on the basis of special legislation) and the introduction of restrictions, the model applied in the United States is based on protection afforded according to general law of contract principles. The author maintains that the model applied in the United States is more efficient as it does not prevent markets which are based on a high degree of autonomy (but also responsibility) on the part of all contractual partners, including the consumer, from prospering. He argues that “liability” is the other side of the coin labeled “autonomy” and must be applied with a broad brush, both in terms of substantive-law aspects and procedural aspects. This also extends to arbitration agreements concluded between consumers and business entities. He maintains there is no need for special restrictions when it comes to incorporating arbitration clauses in consumer contracts, and that instead, the lawmaker should focus on seeing to it that the basic principles of arbitration are observed. In concluding he finds that the European model often leads to the abuse of the system of consumer protection by the consumers themselves and that the German model represents an interesting and efficient model, striking a compromise between the restrictive system established under EU law and the U.S. model.

The phenomenon of e-commerce was initially a technological development. It offered a new dimension to business, and new opportunity to creative people. However, not all the e-com ventures could be equally successful. There can be many... more

The phenomenon of e-commerce was initially a technological development. It offered a new dimension to business, and new opportunity to creative people. However, not all the e-com ventures could be equally successful. There can be many factors, and the people element is surely one of them, which cannot be isolated from business. The people-power and that of fast-changing / emerging values is going to drive transformation in forms and formats of business in future; beyond e-com, social media and internet based marketing.
This paper is prepared in light of the ideas generated in a landmark book titled: MARKETING 3.0 – FROM PRODUCTS TO CUSTOMERS TO HUMAN SPIRIT by Philip Kotler, H Kartajaya and Iwan S. (2010) and is based on data collected from 37 respondents from Linkedin The paper gives insight of deep level changes happening inside the minds of high-end consumers with advent of irreversible globalisation and its impact beyond Internet based platforms This paper explores the relevance of those ideas for something we will call ‘P-Commerce’; (participation- commerce) in this paper.

In this study, we aim to identify the impact of interactivity of electronic word of mouth (EWOM) systems on customer e-loyalty based on Interactivity Theory. In electronic market place, consumers now interact with e-retailers and other... more

In this study, we aim to identify the impact of interactivity of electronic word of mouth (EWOM) systems on customer e-loyalty based on Interactivity Theory. In electronic market place, consumers now interact with e-retailers and other consumers with the help of EWOM systems. We have also tried to identify the impact of website quality on customer e-loyalty. An empirical data of 400 respondents is collected through questionnaires in the city of Lahore, Pakistan. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is employed to analyze the key relationships. Findings show that interactivity of EWOM systems has a positive influence on customer e-loyalty. If this interaction is properly managed, it can increase the customer e-loyalty. Findings also show that website quality has a positive influence on customer e-loyalty. In the context of electronic commerce, EWOM systems are of uprising concern. These findings could be of help to the electronic commerce companies in raising their customers' e-loyalty by appropriately managing their EWOM systems. Keywords: electronic word of mouth (EWOM), decision support, e-loyalty, interactivity of EWOM systems, website quality.

This paper deals with customer feedback given to e-shops by Czech B2C customers. There are three aims: (1) to find out whether respondents have already given their feedback to an e-shop, (2) to investigate the nature of given feedback... more

This paper deals with customer feedback given to e-shops by Czech B2C customers. There are three aims: (1) to find out whether respondents have already given their feedback to an e-shop, (2) to investigate the nature of given feedback (with emphasis on possible gender difference: men vs women), and (3) to ascertain the nature of a reply to customer feedback. In order to get relevant data, a quantitative approach was used and data were collected by means of questionnaires. Findings show more than one half of customer has given feedback to an e-shop. Their feedback can be described as rather positive, dealing with bought products and also with speed of delivery, trying to help to the e-shop and also to other customers. As for reply to customer feedback, it seems that the character of the obtained reply could influence the level of customer satisfaction. Some recommendations for e shops (e.g. managerial implications) were derived: to really send a reply (for a customer it is probably an indicator that feedback is taken seriously) and to formulate a reply more personally (to avoid general phrases).

Brand equity is an important asset that a B2C company can leverage to compete and prosper in its unique and intensely competitive environment. This paper provides a framework for building brand equity online for B2C companies by drawing... more

Brand equity is an important asset that a B2C company can leverage to compete and prosper in its unique and intensely competitive environment. This paper provides a framework for building brand equity online for B2C companies by drawing on Keller's (1993) consumer-based brand equity model. Based on this framework, some strategies are suggested to build brand equity online. Implications of the framework for research
and practice are also discussed.

Customers have risk perception and benefit perception regarding online shopping. These perceptions are influential on their attitudes towards the online shops. The aim of this research is to clarify the effects of risk and benefit... more

Customers have risk perception and benefit perception regarding online shopping. These perceptions are influential on their attitudes towards the online shops. The aim of this research is to clarify the effects of risk and benefit perceptions on attitude toward site and net benefit perceptions of the customers. Risk perception is composed of product risk and financial risk dimension. Negative effects of product risk and financial risk on attitude toward site were found statistically significant. Benefit perception is composed of shopping flexibility and product
selection. Positive effects of shopping flexibility and product selection on attitude toward site were found statistically significant. Positive effect of attitude toward site on net benefit was found statistically significant. Important finding of this paper is that perception of the customers regarding internet play a role in the attitude towards B2C web sites.

Kita sudah sering mendengar istilah sharing economy (entah lebih nyaman di-Bahasa-kan menjadi ekonomi berbagi atau ekonomi bersama), dan juga istilah digital economy, yang saya artikan sebagai ekonomi berbasis digital, yang sanggup... more

Kita sudah sering mendengar istilah sharing economy (entah lebih nyaman di-Bahasa-kan menjadi ekonomi berbagi atau ekonomi bersama), dan juga istilah digital economy, yang saya artikan sebagai ekonomi berbasis digital, yang sanggup menghubungkan banyak orang dengan motif ekonomi yang berbeda-beda di berbagai tempat secara bersamaan, tanpa batasan ruang dan waktu. Dengan saling terhubung nya masing-masing pihak dalam lingkup digital economy ini, di dapatlah jejak-jejak digital yang sangat banyak (big data). Jejak digital ini apabila dikumpulkan dan dipilih dan disaring sedemikian rupa, menjadi insights yang sangat kaya, untuk digunakan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan selanjutnya, karena dari jejak digital ini dapat dilihat pola perilaku konsumen, cara dan langkah-langkah yang mereka ambil saat membuat keputusan, bagaimana perilaku dan aktivitas mereka di media sosial, dan masih banyak lagi. Lalu bagaimana hubungan antara digital economy dan sharing economy? Kalau saya melihatnya demikian; titik berat digital economy ada pada tools (digital/electronic/information technology) yang saling menghubungkan satu pihak dengan pihak yang lain dalam ekosistem ekonomi. Dan dari literatur yang pernah saya baca, digital economy dinyatakan sebagai sistem perekonomian yang berbasis teknologi, termasuk di dalamnya jejaring komunikasi digital (internet, intranet, dan value added networks), komputer, piranti lunak, dan perangkat teknologi informasi lainnya. Digital economy juga disebut dengan internet economy, new economy, atau web economy (Brynolfsson and Kahin, 2001 and Slywotzky and Morrison, 2001). Sharing economy adalah pergerakan yang berkembang dari para pemimpin bisnis yang diklaim merupakan alternatif baru dari model bisnis kapitalis tradisional.

E-shopping is a new technology for business by this customers can shop for time consume. Another side customers shop from in-store or traditional in regular basis. Now consumers can buy in two way, so that from where they prefer to buy... more

E-shopping is a new technology for business by this customers can shop for time consume. Another side customers shop from in-store or traditional in regular basis. Now consumers can buy in two way, so that from where they prefer to buy their goods.
This research shows the customers view of e-shopping and in-store shopping. This research shows the error of e-market and also in-store. The research mainly find out the shopping behavior of both customers.
Research data collected by survey by using google form. Expected responses was hundred but this research find eighty six male and female respondent. In order to keep the research crystal clear and linear recreation model are used for analysis.
Acquired data in research has been analyzed by STATA-13 software. To evaluate the data, descriptive statistical methods (Number, Percentage) have been used. Google analysis tool and Microsoft Office 2013 has been used to make chart and graphical view.
Adoption of e-shopping and impact on traditional shopping would mark the relationship. So that e-shopping adoption are dependent variable and impact on traditional shopping independent variable.
By analyzing this data report find that there is significant between quick purchases and eshopping and also traditional/in-store shopping. But online shopping is more acceptable rather than traditional shopping.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the nature of the interrelationships between perceived personalization, privacy, trust, interactivity, satisfaction, commitment and loyalty in the ecommerce environment. A detailed questionnaire... more

The purpose of this study is to investigate the nature of the interrelationships between perceived
personalization, privacy, trust, interactivity, satisfaction, commitment and loyalty in the ecommerce
A detailed questionnaire was developed to measure the relationship between the aforementioned
variables and data was collected from 204 Jordanian electronic commerce customers' web. The
data were analyzed using PLS-SEM technique. The study identified that customer commitment
and customer satisfaction are having direct influence on customer loyalty.
In terms of commitment related variables, the conventional belief that satisfaction has a significant
relationship with commitment was also confirmed in our research for customer satisfaction.
However, perceived personalization and privacy was not significantly related to commitment.
Trust is found to have positive influences on commitment and for customer satisfaction.
Interactivity is found to have significant positive influences on commitment and for customer
satisfaction. Among customer satisfaction constructs, privacy, trust, and interactivity were
significantly related to satisfaction, while the relationship between perceived personalization and
customer satisfaction was not significant. In addition, privacy was significantly related to trust

Business ontology can enhance the successful development of complex enterprise system; this is being achieved through knowledge sharing and the ease of communication between every entity in the domain. Through human semantic interaction... more

Business ontology can enhance the successful development of complex enterprise system; this is being achieved through knowledge sharing and the ease of communication between every entity in the domain. Through human semantic interaction with the web resources, machines to interpret the data published in a machine interpretable form under web. However, the theoretical practice of business ontology in eCommerce domain is quite a few especially in the section of electronic transaction, and the various techniques used to obtain efficient communication across spheres are error prone and are not always guaranteed to be efficient in obtaining desired result due to poor semantic integration between entities. To overcome the poor semantic integration this research focuses on proposed ontology called LB2CO, which combines the framework of IDEF5 & SNAP as an analysis tool, for automated recommendation of product and services and create effective ontological framework for B2C transaction & communication across different business domains that facilitates the interoperability & integration of B2C transactions over the web.

With its recent legislation on consumer ADR and ODR, the European Union (EU) pioneers the creation of a comprehensive out-of-court dispute resolution system for B2C conflicts. The proposed system raises questions as to how consumer rights... more

With its recent legislation on consumer ADR and ODR, the European Union (EU) pioneers the creation of a comprehensive out-of-court dispute resolution system for B2C conflicts. The proposed system raises questions as to how consumer rights can and should be efficiently enforced. We propose design principles for efficient consumer rights enforcement systems in Europe and sketch an appropriate judicial model procedure. Against this background, we critique the new EU system: mandatory consumer rights will not be fully enforced; traders will have inefficient behavioral incentives; fundamental due process values will be compromised; an unnecessary, heavily regulated, and costly private enforcement industry needs to be created; access to the courts for consumers will be seriously impaired. Mandatory consumer rights attempt to correct market failure. Such rights should be enforced in streamlined small stakes proceedings by state courts, not by private service providers.

Online privacy policies notify users of a Website how their personal information is collected, processed and stored. Against the background of rising privacy concerns, privacy policies seem to represent an influential instrument for... more

Online privacy policies notify users of a Website how their personal information is collected, processed and stored. Against the background of rising privacy concerns, privacy policies seem to represent an influential instrument for increasing customer trust and loyalty. However, in practice, consumers seem to actually read privacy policies only in rare cases, possibly reflecting the common assumption stating that policies are hard to comprehend. By designing and implementing an automated extraction and readability analysis toolset that embodies a diversity of established readability measures, we present the first large-scale study that provides current empirical evidence on the readability of nearly 50,000 privacy policies of popular English-speaking Websites. The results empirically confirm that on average, current privacy policies are still hard to read. Furthermore, this study presents new theoretical insights for readability research, in particular, to what extent practical read-ability measures are correlated. Specifically, it shows the redundancy of several well-established readability metrics such as SMOG, RIX, LIX, GFI, FKG, ARI, and FRES, thus easing future choice making processes and comparisons between readability studies, as well as calling for research towards a readability measures framework. Moreover, a more sophisticated privacy policy extractor and ana-lyzer as well as a solid policy text corpus for further research are provided. CCS CONCEPTS • Security and privacy → Human and societal aspects of security and privacy; Usability in security and privacy

E-commerce and geographical typicity of agrifood products are two leverages for the economic development of a lagging rural region where agribusiness is a leading sector of its economy. However, an effective response to this challenge... more

E-commerce and geographical typicity of agrifood products are two leverages for the economic development of a lagging rural region where agribusiness is a leading sector of its economy. However, an effective response to this challenge much depends on how typical products are marketed through the internet to an international audience. This paper introduces a methodology for evaluating web interfaces of e-commerce systems of agrifood SMEs operating in an lagging rural region. The methodology has been applied to a regional survey where it is considered a sample of SMEs located in Calabria, a South Italy region. The collected data has been statistically analysed in order to get results on levels of B2C e-commerce adoption. A particular study is addressed to a classification of e-commerce interfaces depending on both SME’s stage in the industry and the way how SME’s ‘typical producer’ status is perceived by potential customers

This research determines whether association exist between the demographic characteristics of online shoppers, such as education, age, gender, monthly income, occupation, marital status and their online purchase frequency. Web survey has... more

This research determines whether association exist between the demographic characteristics of online shoppers, such as education, age, gender, monthly income, occupation, marital status and their online
purchase frequency. Web survey has been applied to 308 customers of four most popular e-retailers in India, who have made at least one online purchase in past six months. Based on extensive literature review hypotheses have been developed for six demographic factors i.e. education, age, income, occupation, marital status and gender. A chi-square test has been deployed to check association between
demographic factors and purchase frequency. Significant association has been found between two demographic variables i.e. gender, occupation and purchase frequency. Further, a chi-square post hoc
test via standard residual method confirmed that purchase frequency of 1-3 times in past six months by student customers contributes significantly to significant omnibus chi-square statistic.

In recent years, consumer-to-consumer (C2C) marketplaces have become very popular among Internet users. However, compared to the traditional business-to-consumer (B2C) stores, most modern C2C marketplaces are reported to be associated... more

In recent years, consumer-to-consumer (C2C) marketplaces have become very popular among Internet users. However, compared to the traditional business-to-consumer (B2C) stores, most modern C2C marketplaces are reported to be associated with stronger negative sentiments among consumers. These negative sentiments arise from the inability of sellers to meet certain buyers' expectations and are linked to the low trust relationship among sellers and buyers in C2C marketplaces. The growth of these negative emotions might jeopardize buyers' decisions to opt for C2C marketplaces in their future purchase intentions. In the present study, we extend the definition of trust as an emotion to cover the digital world and demonstrate the trust model currently used by most online stores. Based on the buyer's behavior in the C2C marketplace, we propose a conceptual framework to predict trust between the buyer and the seller. Given that the C2C marketplaces are rich sources of data for trust mining and sentiment analysis, we perform text mining on Airbnb to predict the trust level in host descriptions of offered facilities. The data are acquired from the US city of Ashville, Alabama, and Manchester in the U.K. The results of the analysis demonstrate that the guest negative feedbacks in reviews are high when the description of the host's property has the emotion of joy only. By contrast, the guest negative sentiments in reviews are at a minimum when the host's sentiment has mixed emotions (e.g., joy and fear). INDEX TERMS Trust, social media, sentiment analysis, B2C, C2C, tone analyzer.

With the emerging technology of electronic commerce, most of the business companies positively tend to offer services to their clients dealing in B2C ecommerce. We proposed four models for business to consumer (B2C) with supply chain... more

With the emerging technology of electronic commerce, most of the business companies positively tend to offer services to their clients dealing in B2C ecommerce. We proposed four models for business to consumer (B2C) with supply chain management. First two models are M |M |1 with and without server breakdown and other models are M |M |C with and without server breakdown. During service when the server breakdown, the repairing process of the server begins immediately. During repair period the server serves the customer with slow rate and service period follows exponential distribution. Then numerical results are also illustrated various system performances are calculated.

With the expansion of e-commerce, E-Service Quality is becoming increasingly important. The study aims to investigate the relationship between e-service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction in B2C online... more

With the expansion of e-commerce, E-Service Quality is becoming increasingly important. The study aims to investigate the relationship between e-service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction in B2C online shopping in Pakistan emphasizing the customer’s perspective. A total of five dimensions of e-service quality have been tested with endogenous variable i.e. customer satisfaction. Using a quantitative research strategy, data from 225 participants was collected using online questionnaires where 88% ofthe respondents already had the experience of online shopping that made a valid sample of 199. Smart PLS was used to conduct the data analysis. Following reliability and validity analysis, out of all five dimensions, reliability showed the strongest path coefficient of 0.323. Results also show that all the five hypotheses were supported except for responsiveness. As far as implications of the study are concerned, online shopping stores should devote valuable resource to enhance the significant e-service quality attributes that are emphasized by this study. Moreover, E-Services are becoming increasingly important in B2C e-commerce for improving customer relations and increasing sales and developing countries are of no exception to it. Lastly, as the study is conducted in Pakistani context, generalizability to other countries particularly outside South Asia may be limited due to difference in customers’ shopping behaviours and attitudes.

Through an e-commerce website, you can market your products online and can generate revenue through wireless means. Being e-commerce developers, we assure you that our dedicated team of professionals will never let down your expectations.... more

Through an e-commerce website, you can market your products online and can generate revenue through wireless means. Being e-commerce developers, we assure you that our dedicated team of professionals will never let down your expectations. In this era e-commerce is a central means of economic activities, and to overcome the market competition the website should be catchy enough so, that it can grab the attention of the audience. But you don’t need to worry we are here to serve you because we develop user-friendly, eye-catching, easy to use, budget-friendly, and secure websites. Our developers have a keen interest to fulfil the requirements of clients. So, feel free to consult with us.

Die Onlinehändlerbefragung 2020 wurde nach 2018 und 2019 zum dritten Mal durchgeführt und es beteiligten sich 330 Schweizer Onlineshops im Bereich Business-to-Consumer (B2C; 87 Prozent), Business-to-Business (B2B; 40 Prozent) und... more

Die Onlinehändlerbefragung 2020 wurde nach 2018 und 2019 zum dritten Mal durchgeführt und es beteiligten sich 330 Schweizer Onlineshops im Bereich Business-to-Consumer (B2C; 87 Prozent), Business-to-Business (B2B; 40 Prozent) und Direct-to-Consumer bzw. Herstellershops (D2C; 10 Prozent). Dabei sind ein Drittel der Onlinehändler sowohl im Bereich B2C als auch im B2B tätig.
Der Schweizer Onlinehandel erlebt seit März 2020 einen regelrechten Boom, der von bisherigen Studien und Experteneinschätzungen unterschätzt wurde: Bei der Hälfte der Onlineshops sind die Bestellungen der Sortimen-te im Vorjahresvergleich über 20 Prozent stark gewachsen. Und der E-Commerce-Aufschwung geht weiter: 82 Prozent der befragten Onlinehändler erwarten in Zukunft ein nachhaltiges Wachstum. Während der Corona-Krise wurden besonders viel Güter des Heimbedarfs (Do-it Yourself und Garten), Lebensmittel, Sportwaren sowie Mul-timedia, Elektronik und Computer online bestellt. Gründe dafür liegen in der Schliessung stationärer Läden, im vermehrten Zuhause bleiben, im Vermeiden von Besuchen in Ladengeschäften sowie im veränderten Freizeit- und Arbeitsverhalten. In der Corona-Krise profitierten besonders jene Unternehmen, welche im Einkauf und im digitalen Vertrieb breit aufgestellt waren. Mit einem eigenen Onlineshop und mit dem Verkauf über digitale Markt-plätze, E-Mail, WhatsApp oder über eine App konnten Omnichannel-Händler den stationären Umsatzrückgang kompensieren.
Seit Mitte März 2020 kämpfen Onlineshops zumindest zeitweise mit verschiedenen Herausforderungen: Der Ansturm führte zu Beschaffungs- und Lieferschwierigkeiten, zu Verzögerungen bei der Bestellverarbeitung, zu Kapazitätsengpässen im Lager und Kundenservice sowie zu anspruchsvollen Managemententscheidungen, etwa in der Umsetzung des Home-Office und der Corona-Schutzkonzepte. Die kurz- und mittelfristigen Massnahmen der Onlinehändler zur Zeit des Lockdowns betrafen die Erweiterung der Sortimente, die Personalaufstockung, die Erhöhung der Kapazitäten in der Lagerlogistik sowie die Anpassungen im Marketing und in der Kommunikation. Um sich für die Zukunft zu wappnen, planen Händler weitere Investitionen in Online, vor allem in den Onlineshop, in die Sortimentserweiterung, in die Bestellabwicklungs- sowie Lagerkapazitäten, in Weiterbildungen und Schu-lungen, generell in die Digitalisierung und in das digitale Marketing.
Beim Thema Cross Border E-Commerce bestätigte sich, dass nur jeder vierte Schweizer Onlineshop Produkte, meistens direkt aus der Schweiz heraus, in das Ausland versendet. Die grössten Herausforderungen dabei sind der Zoll (Zolldokumente, Zollkosten und Abwicklung der Retouren) und die internationale Logistik.
Beim Bezahlen in den Onlineshops änderte sich wenig: Die Kreditkarte und Rechnung bleiben bei den Händlern sowie Kundinnen und Kunden die beliebtesten Zahlungsmittel. Jedoch hat die Nutzung mobiler Zahlungsmetho-den wie TWINT massiv zugenommen: Schon bei jedem zweiten Schweizer Onlineshop kann man «twinten». Am häufigsten werden die Bezahlungen über die vier Payment-Anbieter PayPal, PostFinance, Saferpay (World-line/SIX Payment Services) und Datatrans abgewickelt.
Aus dem Frageblock zum E-Commerce im B2B resultierte, dass Onlineshops häufig B2B-spezifische Funktionen anbieten, etwa die Anzeige von kundenindividuellen Preisen, Selbstverwaltung der Benutzer oder aktuelle Lager-bestandsanzeigen, und dass viele verschiedene Systeme gut in den Onlineshop integriert sind. Dazu gehören die Suche und Filtersysteme, Digital Analytics, Content Management Systeme, Product Information Systeme, Emp-fehlungssysteme, Customer Relationship Management und Enterprise Resource Planning.
Im B2B differenziert sich die grosse Mehrheit der Schweizer Händler durch ein breites und/oder tiefes Sortiment, durch exklusive Services oder einzigartige Produkte.