Captives Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Inserendomi nell’ambito degli studi sulle migrazioni - un campo, non occorre dirlo, amplissimo - , con l’intervento che qui propongo intendo portare l’attenzione su un particolarissimo tipo di «migrazione» in età moderna, una migrazione... more

Inserendomi nell’ambito degli studi sulle migrazioni - un campo, non occorre dirlo, amplissimo - , con l’intervento che qui propongo intendo portare l’attenzione su un particolarissimo tipo di «migrazione» in età moderna, una migrazione forzata, quella che riguardò migliaia di uomini e donne che, tratti in schiavitù sull’una o sull’altra sponda del Mediterraneo, furono scambiati come merce e dunque venduti e trattati alla stregua di qualunque altro bene. Tale fenomeno, alimentato e reso possibile in grandissima parte da un’attività violenta e dai contorni legali incerti - tanto da fare parlare spesso indistintamente di guerra da corsa e di pirateria - determinò la nascita e lo straordinario sviluppo, tra primo Cinquecento e oltre la metà del Settecento, di un vero e proprio settore economico che la storiografia recente ha definito, con una fortunata espressione, il «commercio dei captivi».
Si trattò di un commercio realmente “transculturale”, un traffico che attraversava frontiere religiose, politiche e giuridiche, caratterizzato da un indice di rischio elevato a causa della natura delle transazioni, che si svolgevano in un contesto di ostilità o di violenza latente. Malgrado ciò, le fonti pervenuteci rivelano con tutta evidenza che non si trattò di un insieme di operazioni isolate e contingenti, bensì «d’un commerce pérenne et régulier». In questo senso, l’affare dei riscatti di prigionieri costituiva un settore economico e per di più, data la natura della merce scambiata, straordinariamente lucrativo, un affare, insomma, che prometteva guadagni considerevoli e attirava attori da ogni parte del Mediterraneo.
Dopo una breve introduzione sugli aspetti più generali del fenomeno, al fine di illustrare più nel dettaglio i meccanismi di questo particolare settore dell’economia mediterranea di età moderna, dedicherò la seconda parte dell’intervento alla presentazione di un caso concreto, ovvero, una redenzione di captivi effettuata dall’Ordine dei Mercedari ad Algeri nell’ultimo quarto del secolo XVII.

Ce livre apporte une contribution neuve au débat sur le devenir de l’esclavage antique. Et il éclaire en conséquence la définition de la liberté dans le monde de la Méditerranée médiévale. Entre VIe et XIe siècle les sociétés de la... more

Ce livre apporte une contribution neuve au débat sur le devenir de l’esclavage antique. Et il éclaire en conséquence la définition de la liberté dans le monde de la Méditerranée médiévale. Entre VIe et XIe siècle les sociétés de la Méditerranée orientale montrent une évolution des catégories de personne libre et d’esclave. Byzance est au cœur de l’étude à la fois parce qu’elle continue Rome et parce qu’elle rencontre des changements historiques majeurs, dont l’entré en scène de l’islam. À Byzance l’esclavage antique ne décline pas, il n’est pas non plus remplacé. Mais, il se modifie en fonction du contexte politique, social, culturel et religieux. L’auteur récuse la définition prioritairement économique de l’esclavage, et montre que non-liberté et liberté sont moins des statuts civils que des rapport sociaux, ce qui suggère également une réflexion sur notre temps.

There is not substantial reserve that in entire medieval epoch captured warriors and abducted non-combatants have been used as means of extracting the military, political and economic benefits. It is well acknowledged that practices... more

There is not substantial reserve that in entire medieval epoch captured warriors and abducted non-combatants have been used as means of extracting the military, political and economic benefits. It is well acknowledged that practices concerning prisoners of war depend on the selected goals as well as the course of the conflict and attitude towards own warriors and subjects captured by the rival power. The fate of early medieval war-captives caught up in enemy's hands during the clashes between Bulgaria and Byzantium makes no exeption. Along with this, it looks as if there are enough things to add. For example, the exchange of prisoners of war is one of the most important features which need further specification and analyses. The impact of such a practice on the Byzantino-Bulgarian relations still is unstudied enough. Even scarce and almost totally ignored is the attention to the legal status of Byzantine subjects who were taken into captivity by Bulga-rians. In this sense, the scientific interest within the scope of me-tioned topics is an inseparable part of the efforts to give more density and depth of knowledge for the early medieval past of the Balkans.

Prevalent in contemporary societies, the custom of ransoming prisoners of war has a long history which goes back to Antiquity. In our modern perspective it is perceived as a political act, a matter of the public and part of international... more

Prevalent in contemporary societies, the custom of ransoming prisoners of war has a long history which goes back to Antiquity. In our modern perspective it is perceived as a political act, a matter of the public and part of international affairs of states. In what follows I will show that this was not always the case, and that the perception of ransoming captives as a public act was a product of the changes in the religious and political sphere of the Roman Empire during the first centuries A.D. My purpose is twofold. On the one hand, I will show a parallel development in the custom of ransoming captives as a public act in both Christianity and Judaism. On the other hand, I would like to explain this development against the political background of the Later Roman Empire. Such a twofold objective will furthermore allow to draw some general conclusions in regards to the dynamic relation between the private and the public in Late Antiquity. In the Babylonian Talmud, Bava Batra 3b, we find the following discussion between Ravinah and Rav Ashi concerning the rules of dismantling a synagogue-building. Commenting on Rav Hisda who said: " a person may not demolish a synagogue until he has built another building, " Ravinah asks: " What if the money for a new synagogue building has been collected and it is depos-ited? " May one at that point tear down the old building before the new one is erected? Rav Ashi replies: " They may be called upon for money to be used to pay the ransom to redeem captives and thus will need to use the money for this purpose. " Ravinah insists: " What if the bricks for the new synagogue are stacked and rafters are planed and beams are deposited? " To that replies again Rav Ashi: " Sometimes an opportunity for redeeming captives will arise and they will need to sell the materials for that purpose, " and will thus be left with no synagogue if they dismantled the old one. And Ravinah continues: " If so, even after they have built the new synagogue they should not demolished the old one, since they may need to sell the new one to raise money to redeem captives? " To that replies Rav Ashi: " people do not sell their dwellings. " 1 1 Translation by Schottenstein (Tractate Bava Basra I, Brooklyn NY, 2001) with my corrections .

This paper analyzes the effects that the international politics in the central Middle Ages had on the slave trade, and the Byzantine slave trade in particular. The geopolitical changes of the seventh and eighth centuries, which... more

This paper analyzes the effects that the international politics in the central Middle Ages had on the slave trade, and the Byzantine slave trade in particular. The geopolitical changes of the seventh and eighth centuries, which transformed the late Roman Empire into a medieval world composed of different civilizations, radically changed the economic dynamics of these regions and the Byzantine slave market as a consequence. However, the paper examines the Byzantine slave trade not only as a consequence of these dynamics, but also as one of their causes. In other words, it focuses on the way in which international politics and economy, especially the economy of slavery, intertwined, and in fact became one.

The present paper investigates the diplomatic relations between Venice and the Hafside Emir Abū al-‘Abbās (1371-1394), with an eye to the negotiations aimed at obtaining the release of Venetian prisoners. The ransom of the captives will... more

The present paper investigates the diplomatic relations between
Venice and the Hafside Emir Abū al-‘Abbās (1371-1394), with an eye
to the negotiations aimed at obtaining the release of Venetian prisoners. The ransom of the captives will be studied as a part of the flexible Venetian diplomacy, with the aim to study the original sides of this
activity and their practical aspects, such as the role of the diplomatic actors, the impact of privateering, and the economic resources

The present paper will analyse the diplomatic negotiations between the Republic of Venice and the Hafside Emirate during the reign of Abū Faris (1394-1434), in particular those aimed at the release of Venetian captives. The documentation... more

The present paper will analyse the diplomatic negotiations between the Republic of Venice and the Hafside Emirate during the reign of Abū Faris (1394-1434), in particular those aimed at the release of Venetian captives. The documentation will be read as a case study of the wider and more complex ransoming activity promoted by Venice in the Mediterranean frontier between the 14th and the 15th century. This kind of practice, which was one of the different aspects of the chamaleonic diplomacy of the Republic during the late Middle Ages, has to be placed in a specific context. On one side, the religious orders which dedicated their mission to the ransom of captives, such as the Trinitarian one, were not present in the Venetian territory at that time. On the other hand, Venice instituzionalized the ransoming activity only during the Modern era, when were created special offices aimed at the release of the prisoners.

The work is concentrated on the problem of captivity and prisoners of war in the so-called First Bulgarian state. Of course the problem of prisoners of war in the Middle Ages goes beyond the lifetime of the Early Medieval Bulgaria (from... more

The work is concentrated on the problem of captivity and prisoners of war in the so-called First Bulgarian state. Of course the problem of prisoners of war in the Middle Ages
goes beyond the lifetime of the Early Medieval Bulgaria (from the last quarter of the 7th century to the second decade of the 11th century). However, the voluntary recognition of narrower chronological and spatial boundaries is motivated by the peculiarities of the inter-Balkan relations, suggesting that no specifics in the relevant direction remain constant, even for the outlined period. It is also noticeable that in the Early Middle Ages prisoners of war (in the broadest medieval sense) were an integral part of the efforts to achieve the political objectives of the Bulgarian rulers. Response mechanisms against prisoners of war were highly dependent on the course of the conflict and their attitude towards their own warriors and subjects caught up in enemy hands. They included a wide range of solutions, which could be grouped into three main areas: the first one refers to killing (and / or mutilation) of war prisoners; the second main line was connected with preserving the lives of the captives; the third group of measures was due to the fact that an immediate effect is not always haunted.

Unique artifacts recorded from early 17th century Neutral Iroquoian sites in Ontario and the Tukabahchee Plates described during the 18th century in the southeastern United States document long distance exchange in exotic items during the... more

Unique artifacts recorded from early 17th century Neutral Iroquoian sites in Ontario and the Tukabahchee Plates described during the 18th century in the southeastern United States document long distance exchange in exotic items during the 1630-40's.

Processions for the redemption of Christian captives held for ransom in the eastern Mediterranean and North Africa were of great importance for the outward expression of Christian faith during the early modern period. The city of... more

Processions for the redemption of Christian captives held for ransom in the eastern Mediterranean and North Africa were of great importance for the outward expression of Christian faith during the early modern period. The city of Valencia, as a major maritime centre in the Mediterranean, mounted many of these highly symbolic processions during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Two main religious orders were dedicated to freeing captives: the Mercedarians and the Trinitarians. This article considers the soundscape of this type of procession in Valencia at that time, and, in particular, analyzes the major role of confraternities based in the churches of the two orders in the realization of processions. Extant documentation of these two religious houses affords insight into the urban ceremonies occasioned by the redemption processions and offers detailed descriptions of the soundscape they created with the singing of psalms, motets, and the Te Deum laudamus. It also provides an interesting account of the dispute between Trinitarians and Mercedarians over control of ceremonial space in the urban complex—both physical and sonic—occasioned by the processions they organized.

Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las diferentes relaciones de mestizaje que ocurrieron en las tierras del Pacífico durante los primeros dos siglos de ocupación europea. La investigación revela que, contrario a lo que un amplio... more

There is no doubt that the highly dynamic and prolonged military clash between Byzantium and the Bulgarian Tzardom from the 70s of the tenth century until the end of the second decade of the eleventh century attracts and will continue to... more

There is no doubt that the highly dynamic and prolonged military clash between Byzantium and the Bulgarian Tzardom from the 70s of the tenth century until the end of the second decade of the eleventh century attracts and will continue to attract the attention of scientists. In this regard, despite the abundance of publications, when it comes to the fate of Byzantine war captives – direct participants in the battles, there seems to be something to add. Even within the limited frames of an article, it is possible to emphasize on an essential feature. It is related to the fact that, when it comes to the Byzantine prisoners of war (regular warriors as well as commanders of all ranks), Tzar Samuel and his successors followed the experience gained in the previous centuries in Early Medieval Bulgaria.

ABstrACt: The conquest of Eivissa (Ibiza, Balearic Islands) in August 1235 was followed by the obliteration of the indigenous Andalusi po- pulation. The arrival of new colonists – peas- ant families invited by the knights and other... more

The conquest of Eivissa (Ibiza, Balearic Islands) in August 1235 was followed by the obliteration of the indigenous Andalusi po- pulation. The arrival of new colonists – peas- ant families invited by the knights and other members of the elite who had been granted lots of the newly conquered land – was, however, slow and arduous, and was not consolidated until 30 years after the con- quest. Soon, these elites formed an oligarchy engaged in all kinds of economic activity, for which the use of captives was a significant asset. This paper focuses on this oligarchy, their numbers, their activities and the man- ner in which they employed captive Andalu- sis and, when theses ran out, other captives brought by corsairs and merchants.

La expansión territorial experimentada por las Coronas de Aragón y de Castilla sobre territorio musulmán durante el siglo XIII y la posterior anexión del norte del Reino de Murcia a los dominios catalanoaragoneses a principios del siglo... more

La expansión territorial experimentada por las Coronas de Aragón y de Castilla sobre territorio musulmán durante el siglo XIII y la posterior anexión del norte del Reino de Murcia a los dominios catalanoaragoneses a principios del siglo XIV ocasionó que los límites de ambas coronas y del Reino de Granada coincidieran en el sudeste peninsular. La necesidad de integrar el Reino de Valencia, un espacio de frontera, influyó en los procesos de institucionalización y de configuración de unas élites políticas. Las autoridades municipales de la frontera sur valenciana, en concreto las de la villa de Orihuela, se conformaron en agentes válidos para controlar el territorio y tejer relaciones interregionales con otros espacios políticos, las principales villas murcianas y de la frontera oriental nazarí con el fin de fomentar una coexistencia pacífica. En este trabajo analizaremos las consecuencias políticas y sociales de la intensa labor diplomática y político-militar que desempeñaron desde la villa de Orihuela a principios del siglo XV.

La guerra hispano-otomana provocó la captura de numerosos súbditos de ambas partes. Los musulmanes llegaban como cautivos y eran esclavizados en los territorios del Rey Católico, muchos durante el resto de sus vidas, mientras que otros... more

La guerra hispano-otomana provocó la captura de numerosos súbditos de ambas partes. Los musulmanes llegaban como cautivos y eran esclavizados en los territorios del Rey Católico, muchos durante el resto de sus vidas, mientras que otros pudieron recuperar su libertad y regresar a sus lugares de origen, salvo aquellos que se convirtieron y decidieron permanecer en territorio cristiano. El caso de las Islas Baleares no fue una excepción. En este texto se analiza la llegada y esclavización de ochocientos setenta y dos musulmanes en el archipiélago por medio de la guerra y el comercio durante el siglo XVI. También estudia cómo se marcharon algunos de ellos hacia territorio musulmán tras recuperar su libertad, una vez conseguido el dinero necesario para pagar el pasaje o como parte del intercambio por cristianos cautivos en el norte de África.

This paper deals with the Muslim representation in the Western imagination in the modern period. In observing the relationship between the Muslim world and the West, we realized that this period is marked by some circumstances that had... more

This paper deals with the Muslim representation in the Western imagination in the modern period. In observing the relationship between the Muslim world and the West, we realized that this period is marked by some circumstances that had a direct impact on the Western’s “intensification of anxiety” vis-à-vis the Muslim world, such as: the ottoman-European’s conflict, the piracy in the Mediterranean Sea and the Moriscos problems in Spain. We used in this study European sources, especially Spaniards, that we treated through a discourse analysis approach.
مُلخص: تبحث هذه الدراسة في صُورة المُسلم في المخيال الغربي خلال الفترة الحديثة. في إطار العلاقة بين العالمين الإسلامي والغربي، نُلاحظ أن هذه الفترة قد تميزت بمجموعة من القضايا التي كان لها تأثير مُباشر في "تجذّر القلق" الغربي تُجاه العالم الإسلامي، أي أساسًا: الصراع العثماني- الأوروبي، القرصنة في البحر الأبيض المتوسط، وقضية الموريسكيين في إسبانيا. اعتمدنا في هذه الدراسة الكتابات المصدرية الأوروبية، وتحديدًا الإسبانية، والتي عالجناها باعتماد مُقاربة تقوم على تحليل الخطاب.

In artistic illustrations of Amazonomachies, a few suspenseful scenes un vase paintings show Amazons overcoming Greek male opponents, but for the most part it is wounded and dead Amazons that abound in classical Greek and Roman art. This... more

In artistic illustrations of Amazonomachies, a few suspenseful scenes un vase paintings show Amazons overcoming Greek male opponents, but for the most part it is wounded and dead Amazons that abound in classical Greek and Roman art. This pervasive theme of killing Amazons in classical myth, art, and literature has received extensive theoretical attention. But another category has not attracted much attention: the captive Amazon. The rarity of Amazons and warrior women as prisoners of war makes the examples we find in myths, historical sources, and artistic representations all the more striking and worth discussing.

This paper presents three eighteenth-century documents from Crete which suggest that the Ottoman central administration attributed communal responsibility to the black people of Kandiye (mod. Herakleion). It argues that the case of... more

This paper presents three eighteenth-century documents from Crete which suggest that the Ottoman central administration attributed communal responsibility to the black people of Kandiye (mod. Herakleion). It argues that the case of Kandiye represented an Ottoman policy of treating the black people who lived in the Ottoman lands as belonging to an ethnic-racial community defined by skin color and that an examination of this policy can significantly advance our understanding of identity questions among African-Ottomans.

Resumen: En el presente artículo se definen las características fundamentales de las comedias bizantinas a partir del análisis de "Los esclavos libres", obra de Lope escrita probablemente a finales de 1602 que, según trato de defender,... more

Resumen: En el presente artículo se definen las características fundamentales de las comedias bizantinas a partir del análisis de "Los esclavos libres", obra de Lope escrita probablemente a finales de 1602 que, según trato de defender, cabe adscribir a dicho género. El artículo se compone fundamentalmente de un estudio comparativo entre los temas y motivos compartidos por "Los esclavos libres" y las novelas griegas y sus epígonos, en virtud del cual es posible además ahondar en la especificidad de las comedias lopescas frente a otras manifestaciones del género bizantino. Asimismo, sitúo "Los esclavos libres" en su contexto histórico, particularmente en lo que atañe a la presencia de temas como el cautiverio. Este análisis permite ilustrar cómo Lope trató de adaptar la esencia y los tópicos fundamentales del género bizantino a la fórmula de la Comedia nueva y a los intereses y preocupaciones de su público. / Abstract: In this paper I will define the main characteristics of the " comedias bizantinas " . I will focus on Los esclavos libres –probably written by Lope de Vega at the end of 1602–, a play that can be assigned to this genre, as I will try to show. With this purpose I will carry out a comparative study of this play and the Greek novels and their epigones, focusing on its shared themes and motifs. This study will also allow me to describe the specificity of the plays by Lope in relation to other examples of the same genre. I will also take the historical context into account, particularly regarding topics such as captivity. This analysis will show how Lope tried to adapt the essence and fundamental clichés from the byzantine tradition to the Comedia nueva and the interests and concerns of his public.

El cors musulmà s'ha assenyalat com un dels principals problemes per les poblacions del litoral mallorquí. Les del terme de Santanyí no en són una excepció. Com en altres casos, l'afirmació es fonamenta en la cita d'uns esdeveniments... more

El cors musulmà s'ha assenyalat com un dels principals problemes per les poblacions del litoral mallorquí. Les del terme de Santanyí no en són una excepció. Com en altres casos, l'afirmació es fonamenta en la cita d'uns esdeveniments determinats, seguint la visió que n'aportaren les víctimes dels mateixos. El resultat és una clara exageració del perill de que la costa santanyinera patís un atac dels corsaris barbarescs, atenent a la seva proximitat al nord d'Àfrica i el refugi que els hi oferia l'illa de Cabrera. L'objectiu de la nostra comunicació és matisar aquesta visió, valorant la informació disponible sobre els diferents atacs, tant de cristians com de sarraïns, la importància de la zona per la navegació i el comerç de l'època, així com les repercussions dels assalts per la seva població. D'aquesta forma, podrem considerar l'amenaça en la seva justa mesura, evitant els estereotips generats pels segles de lluita fronterera entre ambdues confessions.

בין המאה החמש-עשרה למאה השמונה-עשרה היה הים התיכון לזירה של שוד ים בממדים עצומים. מאות אלפי אירופאים נפלו בשבי בידי קורסֵרים מצפון אפריקה והוחזקו כעבדים, ומניין דומה של מוסלמים מצפון אפריקה הוחזקו כעבדים במדינות אירופה, בייחוד בחצי האי... more

בין המאה החמש-עשרה למאה השמונה-עשרה היה הים התיכון לזירה של שוד ים בממדים עצומים. מאות אלפי אירופאים נפלו בשבי בידי קורסֵרים מצפון אפריקה והוחזקו כעבדים, ומניין דומה של מוסלמים מצפון אפריקה הוחזקו כעבדים במדינות אירופה, בייחוד בחצי האי האיברי. תופעה זו כוננה, בין היתר, גם מערכת מורכבת של פדיון שבויים באמצעות גופים כנסייתיים ומתווכים ואף בקשרים ישירים בין משפחות השבויים משני הצדדים. על סמך תיעוד שהשתמר בארכיונים – עתירות, הסכמים ומכתבים אישיים – המאמר מביא דוגמאות ומבהיר כיצד פעלה מערכת זו ומה היו השלכותיה על הקשרים בין המדינות הנוצריות ליחידות הפוליטיות המוסלמיות במגרב.

Dans la littérature de droit canonique, où le sujet des esclaves est-il discuté : dans quels types de livres et par quels auteurs ? L'article analyse ensuite les principales questions qui sont discutées du point de vue du droit canonique... more

Dans la littérature de droit canonique, où le sujet des esclaves est-il discuté : dans quels types de livres et par quels auteurs ? L'article analyse ensuite les principales questions qui sont discutées du point de vue du droit canonique et de la théologie morale :
La première discussion concerne l'irrégularité des esclaves pour l'ordination sacerdotale (un esclave ne peut pas accéder à la prêtrise). Pourquoi cette irrégularité ? A qui cette règle s'applique-t-elle ? = aux serfs (Moyen Âge), aux esclaves (époque moderne) mais aussi aux descendants d'esclaves : "empêchement de couleur" pour les descendants d'esclaves.
La 2e partie de l'article aborde les questions morales concernant les esclaves eux-mêmes :
- la question de la responsabilité morale de l'esclave (le maître peut-il utiliser son esclave pour commettre des actes immoraux par ex. prostitution, meurtre) ?
b/ la question du droit à posséder un esclave selon que le maître ou l'esclave est chrétien ou infidèle (juif/musulman) et la question du caractère licite de la fuite : pour le chrétien esclave d'un infidèle, la fuite est-elle licite ?
c/ la question de la confiscation des esclaves des hérétiques (judaïsants au Portugal, en Espagne et au Brésil) par le Trésor royal : le Trésor peut-il confisquer les esclaves des hérétiques (en même temps que les biens des hérétiques) ou doit-il les libérer afin de favoriser leur conversion ?

Abstract: The region of La Janda, especially its three main population centers Vejer de la Frontera, Medina Sidonia and Alcalá de los Gazules, witnessed a permanent conflict between Christians and Muslims during the 13th century, when... more

Abstract: The region of La Janda, especially its three main population centers Vejer de la Frontera, Medina Sidonia and Alcalá de los Gazules, witnessed a permanent conflict between Christians and Muslims during the 13th century, when Christians were made captive in Moorish land every single day. This article, based on the Milagros romanzados de Santo Domingo de Silos by the monk Pedro Marín, presents the testimonies of some slaves who managed to escape and reach some of these towns.
Resumen: La comarca de La Janda, en especial sus tres grandes núcleos de población Vejer de la Frontera, Medina Sidonia y Alcalá de los Gazules, asiste en el siglo XIII a un escenario de permanente conflicto entre cristianos y musulmanes. En él fue cotidiano el hecho de la entrada en cautiverio de cristianos en tierra de moros. Este trabajo, apoyándose en la obra de los Milagros romanzados de Santo Domingo de Silos del monje Pedro Marín, recoge los testimonios de algunos esclavos que lograron escapar y que en su huida llegaron a algunas de estas poblaciones.

Hervé Huntzinger, « Prix des captifs, prix des esclaves : l’estimation du « prix de l’Homme » dans l’Antiquité tardive », Les Cahiers de Framespa [En ligne], 17, 2014,. Cet article part du constat que, dans l’Antiquité tardive, le prix... more

Няма съмнение, че съдбата на пленниците от военните сблъсъци на Балканския полуостров през XIII в. е привличала и ще продължава да привлича вниманието на учените. Наред с това, що се отнася до проследяване на аспекти около случващото се с... more

Няма съмнение, че съдбата на пленниците от военните сблъсъци на Балканския полуостров през XIII в. е привличала и ще продължава да привлича вниманието на учените. Наред с това, що се отнася до проследяване на аспекти около случващото се с пленените по време на война има достатъчно щрихи за добавяне. Празнотите в това отношение, поне в някаква степен, са изненадващи, доколкото регионът е арена на постоянни по-големи или по-скромни по мащаб конфликти. Самата тема за пленничеството, макар и да не е пренебрегвана, сякаш е изтласкана в страни, тъй като рядко заема централно или съществено място в изследванията по военна история на средновековните Балкани. В този смисъл опитите да се откроят моменти от съдбата на пленниците са резонна част от усилията да се придаде повече повече плътност и дълбочина на познанията за региона през динамичното тринадесето столетие.

Slavery and freedom as political subjects shaped the public debates of the nineteenth century. Employing an historical-semantic approach, this article scrutinizes established academic debates as well as nineteenth-century Russian... more

Slavery and freedom as political subjects shaped the public debates of the nineteenth century. Employing an historical-semantic approach, this article scrutinizes established academic debates as well as nineteenth-century Russian discourses on Central Asian slavery and slave trade, and on enslaved Russian captives in Bukhara and Khiva in particular. In so doing, it uncovers multiple perspectives on freedom, slavery and dependency, and enriches the representational repertoire of official actors with insights into the perspective of the enslaved themselves. Keywords slavery – freedom – captivity – dependency – Central Asia – Russian Empire

This research paper seeks to illustrate the functioning of the different ransoming agents in early modern Spain and how did they help to develop the Mediterranean by that time. The essay also focuses on different moments of the captive... more

This research paper seeks to illustrate the functioning of the different ransoming agents in early modern Spain and how did they help to develop the Mediterranean by that time. The essay also focuses on different moments of the captive life and how the activities helped to establish a communication network between Spain and Africa in a time that the sea was an obstacle both physical and psychological.

The present study aims to analyze the diplomatic relations entered by Venice with two Islamic potentates in order to ransom Venetian prisoners, from the 14th century to the 15th century. The author investigates in particular, as a case... more

The present study aims to analyze the diplomatic relations entered by Venice with two Islamic potentates in order to ransom Venetian prisoners, from the 14th century to the 15th century. The author investigates in particular, as a case study, the relations with the Hafside Emirate and the rising Ottoman authority. The former have been examined until 1436, when the Muda of Barbary was established. The research concerning the relations with the Ottoman authority has been brought forward until the siege of Costantinople. Thanks to the documents, consisting mostly in Senate deliberations, it is possible to recreate the development of a multifaceted diplomatic praxis, before the establishment, from the 16th on, of specific institutions with the only purpose of ransoming the captives held by Islamic potentates.
Il presente studio si offre di indagare le relazioni diplomatiche di Venezia con due potentati islamici finalizzate al riscatto di prigionieri veneziani a cavallo tra il XIV e il XV secolo. Saranno in particolare presi come caso di studio le relazioni intrattenute con l’emirato hafside e la nascente potenza ottomana. Per i negoziati con l’emirato tunisino, è stato posto come termine ante quem il 1436, anno dell’istituzione della muda di Barberia. Le ricerche sulle relazioni con gli ottomani sono state invece interrotte alla conquista di Costantinopoli del 1453. Attraverso tale documentazione, consistente soprattutto in delibere del Senato, sarà possibile quindi ricostruire lo sviluppo di una prassi diplomatica sfaccettata, prima che, dal XVI secolo in poi, si giungesse alla creazione di apposite magistrature aventi come scopo unicamente il riscatto dei prigionieri nelle mani di potentati islamici.

Conference at the University of Tübingen, 1-2 July 2021

The Neolithic time in Egypt was the time that the Ancient Egyptians Knew the agriculture which leads to settled around the Nile bank, and from that time the Ancient Egyptians realized the value of their properties and tried to find ways... more

The Neolithic time in Egypt was the time that the Ancient Egyptians Knew the agriculture which leads to settled around the Nile bank, and from that time the Ancient Egyptians realized the value of their properties and tried to find ways to improve their ownership of it.
The seals began to appear at the end of pre-historical times with symbols that helped to improve the ownership, and from the dynastic times this seals bear the owner's name or the place of property.
The cattles was one of the precious properties for the Egyptians, therefore it was marked for not being mixed with others, by branding its skin. The same way was used to mark the captives of wars in Ancient Egypt from New Kingdom, since they were considered as a cattkes, and was also a kind of punishment for the criminals.

This paper argues that in early Ottoman Crete slavery was one of the institutions that played a role in bridging the status gap between the non-Cretan Ottoman elite that came after the island’s conquest and the local converts that entered... more

This paper argues that in early Ottoman Crete slavery was one of the institutions that played a role in bridging the status gap between the non-Cretan Ottoman elite that came after the island’s conquest and the local converts that entered the military and acquired administrative and religious positions in the new regime. Through slave ownership the local and non-local Muslims were able to demonstrate their wealth and their commitment to their religion and, consequently, their place among the island’s elite.