Carpentry Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Seymen, N., & Aydın Türk, Y. (2018). City and Craft: Trabzon. In H. Arapgirlioğlu, A. Atik, S. Hızıroğlu, R. L.Elliot, & D. Atik (Eds.), The Most Recent Studies in Science and Art (Vol. 2, pp. 1994-2008). Ankara: Gece... more

Seymen, N., & Aydın Türk, Y. (2018). City and Craft: Trabzon. In H. Arapgirlioğlu, A. Atik, S. Hızıroğlu, R. L.Elliot, & D. Atik (Eds.), The Most Recent Studies in Science and Art (Vol. 2, pp. 1994-2008). Ankara: Gece Kitaplığı. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Parallel to the globalizing world, due to the acceleration of capital, commerce, population, consumption and increasing product diversity, identity changes and cultural losses are taking place in the cities. Such changes in the texture of the cities are mostly seen in the old city centers where craft spaces are concentrated. Therefore, the crafts and craft spaces, which have an important place in the identity and culture of the city, are gradually decreasing and disappearing. This is an important problem for sustainability of crafts in the future. For this reason, planning approaches should be adopted in order to protect and maintain the craft spaces, which are distinguishable identities and cultural elements of the city. The historical city center of Trabzon, which was selected as the study area, has important traces in the identity and culture of the city. The historical city center and its surrounding urban areas are known for their craft types. For example, Pazarkapı for carpentry, chest-making, ironworking; Kemeraltı for jewellery, copperworking, silversmithing, broommaking; Tabakhane for shoemaking and leatherworking. Today, these craft spaces have either changed places or have gone to a change of function or are completely lost. It is important to be able to maintain these characteristics of the historical city center of Trabzon and traces it has today. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the craft spaces and bring them back to the city. In the planning and conservation works in the city, crafts and craft spaces should be supported by special projects. Cultural spaces where research projects, exhibitions and activities for the crafts can be made should be created and they must be brought together with the city and urbanites. With public, private and NGO cooperation craft-oriented urban policies should be developed. Sectoral models for different craft types in the city should be produced and cooperation should be provided.

This study is about Innovated Portable Table Router Trainer, as instructional guide in Interior Design Technology (IDT) at Cebu Technological University (CTU)-Main Campus, Cebu City as basis for an Instructional Guide. There are three... more

This study is about Innovated Portable Table Router Trainer, as instructional guide in Interior Design Technology (IDT) at Cebu Technological University (CTU)-Main Campus, Cebu City as basis for an Instructional Guide. There are three phases of the study-The development of the trainer, the evaluation of its level of acceptability and effectiveness, and the significant difference of the perceptions of the respondents group on the acceptability of the trainer. The level of acceptability of the Portable Table Router Trainer in terms of its design as rated by both the experts and students is Highly Acceptable with the average weighted mean of 4.67 and 4.65. The effectiveness of the Portable Table Router Trainer with its functions as rated by the experts is described as Highly Effective with the weighted mean of 4.72. This means that the trainer met the standards and is very functional in performing each function. The test of significant mean difference between the perceptions of the two respondent groups on the acceptability of the trainer shows that the computed t-value is 0.36 lesser than the critical t-value of 2.04 at alpha level of 0.05, is the two-tailed test. Therefore, the null hypothesis, which states that; "There is no significant mean difference between the perceptions of the respondent groups on the acceptability of the trainer", is accepted. So, both the experts and the students have the same perceptions on the acceptability of the Portable Table Router Trainer. Based on the findings, it is concluded that the Innovative Portable Table Router Trainer met the standards and is very useful in performing each function for IDT instructions. Hence the instructional guide is adopted.

We would all like to cordially extend our gratitude to Mr. Khader Abu Awwad for his supervision and leadership throughout this semester's project. The project has been a substantial learning curve for everyone and it would not have been... more

We would all like to cordially extend our gratitude to Mr. Khader Abu Awwad for his supervision and leadership throughout this semester's project. The project has been a substantial learning curve for everyone and it would not have been possible without help from Emirates Aviation University faculty. Many diverse themes and areas were explored and from the concise material and resources available and it is through this that the project was made possible. We would like to recognise Emirates Aviation University for giving us the occasion to work on an engineering project such as this one; that includes team work and complex project management. It has prominently augmented our skills in group management, complex problem solving, and leadership skills; all to bring together this final practical project, report and presentation.

Carpentry was an essential craft in all communities and has been practised for centuries. In the Camden area, the traditional trade of carpentry as it was practised had a variety of forms. Traditional trades were part of the process of... more

Carpentry was an essential craft in all communities and has been practised for centuries. In the Camden area, the traditional trade of carpentry as it was practised had a variety of forms. Traditional trades were part of the process of settler colonialism on the colonial frontier in the Cowpastures.
In pre-settlement times, the first form of bush carpentry was practised by the Aborigines. They stripped bark from trees and used it for shelters that kept them from the natural elements and made weapons.

The dissertation investigates the ancient Egyptian furniture industry, from ancient production and preservation, to modern-day reconstruction and conservation. The main focus of the dissertation falls on an in-depth investigation of... more

The dissertation investigates the ancient Egyptian furniture industry, from ancient production and preservation, to modern-day reconstruction and conservation. The main focus of the dissertation falls on an in-depth investigation of styles and designs that can be viewed as characteristic/diagnostic of ancient Egyptian furniture. Emphasis falls on the evolution of functional and decorative elements and the development of individual items. Key design markers are identified and the developments of certain styles are traced. In-depth discussions reveal the finer structural and design elements of individual items along a chronological time frame. These include beds, stools, chairs, footrests, couches, mattresses and cushions, boxes and chests, tables, bed canopies and screens. Introductory chapters provide the reader with background information relevant to the furniture industry, including tree species and timber properties, trade and import, tools, technologies and production methods, while the final chapter investigates the possible applications of modern technology for assessment, conservation and reconstructive purposes.

Miller, Historic Natchez Foundation. My WUDPAC and WPAMC classmates and alumni were my support network throughout the two years at Winterthur. Their quiet observation, occasional interventions, generosity, humor, and constant... more

Miller, Historic Natchez Foundation. My WUDPAC and WPAMC classmates and alumni were my support network throughout the two years at Winterthur. Their quiet observation, occasional interventions, generosity, humor, and constant commiseration enriched what was already a transformative experience. I am humbled and grateful to be your colleague. You will always part of the fabric of my favorite experiences here, and I hope we reunite regularly to reminisce about life at the Ranch. Finally, I dedicate this work to my parents and my brother with my gratitude for their trust that this bend in the road was the right one to take, and for supporting that wholeheartedly. Your patience and many sacrifices made this possible. Thank

Programma del ciclo di incontri.

""La tesi si inserisce nell'ambito di ricerca della storia delle tecniche costruttive e analizza l'evoluzione tecnologica e tipologica delle coperture lignee in Italia nel periodo che va dall'inizio del XIX alla metà del XX secolo. Dopo... more

""La tesi si inserisce nell'ambito di ricerca della storia delle tecniche costruttive e analizza l'evoluzione tecnologica e tipologica delle coperture lignee in Italia nel periodo che va dall'inizio del XIX alla metà del XX secolo.
Dopo una parte di inquadramento delle condizioni tecnologiche, del contesto socio-economico e produttivo generale e delle teorie e pratiche costruttive delle coperture lignee italiane della fine del XVIII secolo, la ricerca ne analizza i progressivi mutamenti cercando di individuare alcune "fasi omogenee" e di rintracciare i nessi tra i processi evolutivi del contesto e quelli che interessano le coperture lignee.
Particolare attenzione è attribuita allo sviluppo delle tipologie costruttive delle capriate e alla diffusione di altri tipi di strutture lignee di copertura (cavalletti centinati, archi, portali a due o tre cerniere, ecc.), rapportati ai vari aspetti del contesto tecnico-culturale e produttivo: livello e tipo di formazione culturale e tecnica dell'ingegnere e dell'architetto; sviluppo e diffusione delle teorie della meccanica delle strutture e della resistenza dei materiali; cambiamenti nei modi di produzione e lavorazione dei materiali edilizi; variazione dei prezzi della manodopera e dei materiali; invenzione di nuovi sistemi di connessione dei legnami.""

Nattmannshuset skulle gjenoppføres på Sverresborg Trøndelag Folkemuseum i 2014 etter å ha vært lagret der siden demonteringen i 1967. Huset skulle rekonstrueres anno 1750. Dette var til dels utfordrende da huset hadde gjennomgått store... more

Nattmannshuset skulle gjenoppføres på Sverresborg Trøndelag Folkemuseum i 2014 etter å ha vært lagret der siden demonteringen i 1967. Huset skulle rekonstrueres anno 1750. Dette var til dels utfordrende da huset hadde gjennomgått store forandringer opp gjennom årene. Det fantes få holdepunkter for blant annet dør- og vindusstørrelser.
Denne oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i hvordan jeg gikk frem for å finne passende dørtype og dørstørrelse til Nattmannshuset. Produksjonen skulle i tillegg foregå på førindustrielt vis, altså for hånd. Det har ikke vært en målsetning at produksjonen skulle foregå på et fullstendig prosessuelt autentisk vis. Målsetningen har mer vært å lage minst en av dørene komplett for hånd for å kjenne på de utfordringer det gir både med tanke på utførelse og arbeidsprosess.
Et utvalg dører i museet ble undersøkt, dørenes fellestrekk ble gjennomgått og deretter lagt til grunn for dørene som skulle rekonstrueres. De samme dørene ble forsøkt tolket i forhold til plausibel produksjonsprosess. Dørene var alle svært nøyaktig laget med hensyn på tykkelse, gjæringer og (tapp)sammenføyninger. Dørtykkelsen (ramtre) varierer fra 1” til 1 ½”. Ramtrebredden varierer fra om lag 5 ½” opp til 9”. Det kan være store variasjoner i bredden av ramtrærne i den enkelte døren. Materialkvaliteten var etter dagens standard dårlig. Dørene bærer gjennomgående preg av store kvister med tilhørende utrivninger etter høvlingen, marg og margsprekk. Ramtre finnes med alt fra ren flaskved til ren kantved i tverrsnittet. Feste av hengsle og klinker er gjort med smidde spiker som er banket tvers gjennom ramtre og bukket på motsatt side. Alle med store utflisninger der spikeren har gått gjennom. Felles for så godt som alle dørene er at margsiden av fyllingen vender motsatt vei av margsiden i ramtrærne. Dette mener jeg skyldes at margsiden, rettsiden, har vært referanseflaten ved bearbeidingen.
Produksjonen ble gjennomført som planlagt hvor en komplett dør med karm ble laget helt for hånd. Oppgaven beskriver detaljert fremgangsmåten gjennom hele prosessen fra materialuttak til dørblad ferdig i karm. Hengsling og øvrige beslag er ikke en med som en del av denne oppgaven. I forbindelse med produksjonen laget jeg en høvel for å høvle not i ramtre og fylling. Høvelen er sentral i måten dørene er laget på. Fremgangsmåten for å lage høvelen er beskrevet i en egen rapport.

Handicrafts are getting tremendously popular in the global market. Many developing countries are exporting handicrafts to the developed world, creating a new source of revenue and employment. Sillanwali in Pakistan is famous for its... more

Handicrafts are getting tremendously popular in the global market. Many developing countries are exporting handicrafts to the developed world, creating a new source of revenue and employment. Sillanwali in Pakistan is famous for its handicrafts and has always fascinated people with keen interest in handicrafts and traditional furniture. Sillanwali is known throughout Pakistan and at international level for its wooden handicrafts with colorful geometric patterns and oriental designs. The current research is a qualitative analysis of occupation of carpentry which involves the knowledge, skills, techniques and tools adopted by handicraft makers. Utilization of these handicrafts is not only for practical purposes but also decorative. It is an attempt to explore a renowned wood work being done in the district for over decades. The data was collected through participant observation and in depth; interviews of 45 workers and owners of Sillanwali handicraft main market. The results indicate that the artisans involved with the occupation have majorly chosen the field on need rather than interest basis. The profession skill and techniques are passed on to the next generation; thus lack of access to global economy, knowledge regarding profitability of new trends and designs severely hinders the industries growth.

L’articolo indaga le vicende che interessarono il polittico ordinato a Pietro Perugino per la cappella di San Michele alla Certosa di Pavia. Ci si è soffermati sulle tempistiche della sua messa in opera, a nostro avviso dilazionata nel... more

L’articolo indaga le vicende che interessarono il polittico ordinato a Pietro Perugino per la cappella di San Michele alla Certosa di Pavia. Ci si è soffermati sulle tempistiche della sua messa in opera, a nostro avviso dilazionata nel tempo, e sulla struttura che avrebbe dovuto avere (la carpenteria originale è andata perduta) in relazione al polittico di Macrino d’Alba sul lato opposto della navata e alla pala dell’altar maggiore, commissionata a Filippino Lippi ma mai portata a termine. Le vicende sono ripercorse riservando particolare attenzione al maestro di legname coinvolto nella commissione, Jacopo d’Antonio di Santa Maria in Campo a Firenze, e proponendo uno studio comparativo sulle strutture dei polittici elaborate in Italia settentrionale nella seconda metà del XV secolo. Alcune considerazioni vengono riservate anche alla figura di Ludovico il Moro quale mecenate.

The present paper discusses the research carried out at the Black Church in Brașov where a consistent effort to accurately date the wooden structures and the framework of the roof was recently undertaken. A total of 141 samples were taken... more

The present paper discusses the research carried out at the Black Church in Brașov where a
consistent effort to accurately date the wooden structures and the framework of the roof was recently
undertaken. A total of 141 samples were taken from the wooden structure of the building and were
examined using dendrochronological analysis in order to date the relevant elements, identify the
original structure as well as and later additions, and to determine the tree species. We have studied
55 samples extracted from the nave’s roof framework, 31 from the choir, 35 from the tower’s roof
frame and its interior wooden structure, 15 from pine shingles and 5 from above the pipe organ. The
analysis performed at the Miercurea Ciuc dendrochronology laboratory (Anno Domini Dendrolab)
indicated that the aforementioned Brasov roof framework was built between 1689 and 1694 and
can be identified as the earliest known structure of its kind in Transylvania consolidated through the
liegender Stuhl system.

a Институт за балканистика с Център по тракология, Българска академия на науките, ул. Московска" 45, ABSTRACT This study of the widespread utilisation of timber in Thrace is based on a broad range of evidence such as ancient written... more

a Институт за балканистика с Център по тракология, Българска академия на науките, ул. Московска" 45, ABSTRACT This study of the widespread utilisation of timber in Thrace is based on a broad range of evidence such as ancient written testimonies, representations on pieces of art, palaeobotanical data, as well as carpenters' tools and worked wood remains discovered in various archaeological contexts. The majority of relevant sources dates to the second half of the 1 st millennium BC. A close examination of the available evidence indicates that the most popular wooden objects either were manufactured at home or were products of highly and less so qualified craftsmen. The cultural contacts of ancient Thrace with the Aegean, Anatolia and the Mediterranean world changed the consumption patterns of the local communities. Consequently, imported wooden commodities were introduced to the life of the Thracian elites, while highly skilled carpenters established themselves in regional workshops.

Le pan de bois de l'Anjou antérieur au xvi e siècle dans l'habitat seigneurial L e tuffeau, roche emblématique du Val de Loire, occulte l'utilisation d'une grande diversité des matériaux de construction mis à disposition par une géologie... more

Le pan de bois de l'Anjou antérieur au xvi e siècle dans l'habitat seigneurial L e tuffeau, roche emblématique du Val de Loire, occulte l'utilisation d'une grande diversité des matériaux de construction mis à disposition par une géologie contrastée. Toutefois, en Anjou, le bois fut parfois choisi en remplacement ou en complément des roches locales y compris dans les secteurs où le tuffeau abonde. Les recherches de G. Carré et E. Litoux depuis les années 1990 sur l'habitat aristocratique médiéval ont révélé nombre de sites méconnus antérieurs à la seconde moitié du xve siècle. Ainsi c'est quelques soixante sites qui ont été à ce jour étudiés dont plus d'un tiers conserve des structures en bois. La grande reconstruction postérieure à la guerre de Cent Ans de ces manoirs n'a pas rejeté ce mode de construction. La présentation de quelques sites, dont plusieurs exemples ont bénéficié de dendrochronologie, montrera la variété des mises en oeuvre sur presque deux siècles. Hors du milieu urbain, le pan de bois existe tant dans les petits manoirs ruraux que dans les châteaux. Ces quelques cas font ressortir les disparitions qui ont eu lieu dans les siècles suivants avec la substitution du bois par de la pierre.

Wood is made of organic components including cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin with traces of inorganics. Thus, it is possible to investigate a wooden material status using both molecular spectroscopies and elemental analysis.... more

Wood is made of organic components including cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin with traces of inorganics. Thus, it is possible to investigate a wooden material status using both molecular spectroscopies and elemental analysis. Degradable intrinsic of wood causes having it rarely found through archaeological excavations of ancient sites. Therefore, archeologists will be delighted with finding an intact wooden tool because it enables them to configure virtually the structure of the other ancient stuff found at the same place and conclude meaningfully about their application taking into account the location of excavation. In this article, identification of a piece of wooden rod discovered in Chogha Zanbil (Al-Untash-Napirisha) was performed using an optical microscope and SEM, EDS and, FTIR. Optical microscope helped to find the genus of the wood which was further confirmed by SEM images. Elemental analysis results of the rod using EDS were in accordance with the previous findings in the literature. FTIR worked out all the bonds between building up atoms prooving the wooden structure. These characterizations have revealed that the wood belongs to date palm tree. In fact, this piece of wood was being used to hold the cone-shaped glass on the door surface of the temple in the middle Elamite era (1280 B.C).

This study is about Innovated Portable Table Router Trainer, as instructional guide in Interior Design Technology (IDT) at Cebu Technological University (CTU)-Main Campus, Cebu City as basis for an Instructional Guide. There are three... more

This study is about Innovated Portable Table Router Trainer, as instructional guide in Interior Design Technology (IDT) at Cebu Technological University (CTU)-Main Campus, Cebu City as basis for an Instructional Guide. There are three phases of the study-The development of the trainer, the evaluation of its level of acceptability and effectiveness, and the significant difference of the perceptions of the respondents group on the acceptability of the trainer. The level of acceptability of the Portable Table Router Trainer in terms of its design as rated by both the experts and students is Highly Acceptable with the average weighted mean of 4.67 and 4.65. The effectiveness of the Portable Table Router Trainer with its functions as rated by the experts is described as Highly Effective with the weighted mean of 4.72. This means that the trainer met the standards and is very functional in performing each function. The test of significant mean difference between the perceptions of the two...

The dissertation investigates the ancient Egyptian furniture industry, from ancient production and preservation, to modern-day reconstruction and conservation. The main focus of the dissertation falls on an in-depth investigation of... more

The dissertation investigates the ancient Egyptian furniture industry, from ancient production and preservation, to modern-day reconstruction and conservation. The main focus of the dissertation falls on an in-depth investigation of styles and designs that can be viewed as characteristic/diagnostic of ancient Egyptian furniture. Emphasis falls on the evolution of functional and decorative elements and the development of individual items. Key design markers are identified and the developments of certain styles are traced. In-depth discussions reveal the finer structural and design elements of individual items along a chronological time frame. These include beds, stools, chairs, footrests, couches, boxes and chests, tables, bed canopies and screens. Introductory chapters provide the reader with background information relevant to the ancient Egyptian furniture industry, including tree species and timber properties, trade and import, tools, technologies and production methods, while the...

This study is about Innovated Portable Table Router Trainer, as instructional guide in Interior Design Technology (IDT) at Cebu Technological University (CTU)-Main Campus, Cebu City as basis for an Instructional Guide. There are three... more

This study is about Innovated Portable Table Router Trainer, as instructional guide in Interior Design Technology (IDT) at Cebu Technological University (CTU)-Main Campus, Cebu City as basis for an Instructional Guide. There are three phases of the study-The development of the trainer, the evaluation of its level of acceptability and effectiveness, and the significant difference of the perceptions of the respondents group on the acceptability of the trainer. The level of acceptability of the Portable Table Router Trainer in terms of its design as rated by both the experts and students is Highly Acceptable with the average weighted mean of 4.67 and 4.65. The effectiveness of the Portable Table Router Trainer with its functions as rated by the experts is described as Highly Effective with the weighted mean of 4.72. This means that the trainer met the standards and is very functional in performing each function. The test of significant mean difference between the perceptions of the two respondent groups on the acceptability of the trainer shows that the computed t-value is 0.36 lesser than the critical t-value of 2.04 at alpha level of 0.05, is the two-tailed test. Therefore, the null hypothesis, which states that; "There is no significant mean difference between the perceptions of the respondent groups on the acceptability of the trainer", is accepted. So, both the experts and the students have the same perceptions on the acceptability of the Portable Table Router Trainer. Based on the findings, it is concluded that the Innovative Portable Table Router Trainer met the standards and is very useful in performing each function for IDT instructions. Hence the instructional guide is adopted.

Miller, Historic Natchez Foundation. My WUDPAC and WPAMC classmates and alumni were my support network throughout the two years at Winterthur. Their quiet observation, occasional interventions, generosity, humor, and constant... more

Miller, Historic Natchez Foundation. My WUDPAC and WPAMC classmates and alumni were my support network throughout the two years at Winterthur. Their quiet observation, occasional interventions, generosity, humor, and constant commiseration enriched what was already a transformative experience. I am humbled and grateful to be your colleague. You will always part of the fabric of my favorite experiences here, and I hope we reunite regularly to reminisce about life at the Ranch. Finally, I dedicate this work to my parents and my brother with my gratitude for their trust that this bend in the road was the right one to take, and for supporting that wholeheartedly. Your patience and many sacrifices made this possible. Thank

This study is about Innovated Portable Table Router Trainer, as instructional guide in Interior Design Technology (IDT) at Cebu Technological University (CTU)Main Campus, Cebu City as basis for an Instructional Guide. There are three... more

This study is about Innovated Portable Table Router Trainer, as instructional guide in Interior Design Technology (IDT) at Cebu Technological University (CTU)Main Campus, Cebu City as basis for an Instructional Guide. There are three phases of the studyThe development of the trainer, the evaluation of its level of acceptability and effectiveness, and the significant difference of the perceptions of the respondents group on the acceptability of the trainer. The level of acceptability of the Portable Table Router Trainer in terms of its design as rated by both the experts and students is Highly Acceptable with the average weighted mean of 4.67 and 4.65. The effectiveness of the Portable Table Router Trainer with its functions as rated by the experts is described as Highly Effective with the weighted mean of 4.72. This means that the trainer met the standards and is very functional in performing each function. The test of significant mean difference between the perceptions of the two r...

This article aims at gaining greater insight into the functioning of small-scale industries in an African context. The findings are based on predominately qualitative fieldwork conducted on small-scale carpentry industries in Accra,... more

This article aims at gaining greater insight into the functioning of small-scale industries in an African context. The findings are based on predominately qualitative fieldwork conducted on small-scale carpentry industries in Accra, Ghana. A special concern is whether the small-scale carpenters are capable of acquiring the technological capabilities conducive to a positive industrial development. Two opposing frameworks, one neo-Marxist and one centred on the conceptualisation of industrial districts, are used to discern the nature of locally embedded production and supply linkages, and whether these are conducive to the technological capabilities needed for innovative growth. Despite facing similar structural constraints there are a few small-scale enterprises that remove themselves from the characteristics of informal production by making the greatest use of the services entailed in the carpentry production network. These linkages, however, are still not extensive enough, nor advanced enough, to bring about the technological innovations associated with a true industrial district. The benefits gained through interlinked production are thus better understood as a means of securing domestic resilience, rather than international competitiveness. Furthermore, an explanation for the limitations of these linkages must be sought beyond the meso-level analysis typical of an industrial district approach.

This study is about Innovated Portable Table Router Trainer, as instructional guide in Interior Design Technology (IDT) at Cebu Technological University (CTU)Main Campus, Cebu City as basis for an Instructional Guide. There are three... more

This study is about Innovated Portable Table Router Trainer, as instructional guide in Interior Design Technology (IDT) at Cebu Technological University (CTU)Main Campus, Cebu City as basis for an Instructional Guide. There are three phases of the studyThe development of the trainer, the evaluation of its level of acceptability and effectiveness, and the significant difference of the perceptions of the respondents group on the acceptability of the trainer. The level of acceptability of the Portable Table Router Trainer in terms of its design as rated by both the experts and students is Highly Acceptable with the average weighted mean of 4.67 and 4.65. The effectiveness of the Portable Table Router Trainer with its functions as rated by the experts is described as Highly Effective with the weighted mean of 4.72. This means that the trainer met the standards and is very functional in performing each function. The test of significant mean difference between the perceptions of the two r...

A Basilica dedicated to Saint Michael was first built in the Longobardic period (6th-8th cen-turies), however the present building dates back to 11th-12th centuries. The church was built in Romanesque style and it is unanimously... more

A Basilica dedicated to Saint Michael was first built in the Longobardic period (6th-8th cen-turies), however the present building dates back to 11th-12th centuries. The church was built in Romanesque style and it is unanimously considered one of the masterpieces of the Lombard architecture of the period. During the subsequent centuries, the building underwent several changes and restoration works. Dealing with the roof of the central nave, the rebuilding of the vaults (1488-91) was the most relevant work. Traces of the pre-existent vaults are still visible in the attic; they were much higher than the present ones and thus they were in-compatible with the structural organisation of the existing timber roof structure. Therefore the conception of this structural system probably dates back to that period. In 1860–75 the building underwent works of stylistic restoration and since the 1930s many preservation in-terventions were done in order to consolidate the decayed sandstone of the façades; however, these interventions did not affect the roof structures. In 1942 two reinforced concrete wall plates were built on the top of the longitudinal walls of the central nave and the timber trusses now lay on them. Since the early 19th century the church has been studied by many art and architecture historians, and many surveys and drawings have been done, both before and af-ter the stylistic restoration works. However the historians’ attention has focused mainly on the formal features of the building and on the construction phases of masonry structure. In many of the drawings the roof structures are not even represented; in the others, they are only sketched out schematically. Therefore, the knowledge of the timber roof structures of the church is still very poor. In this situation, the study of archival documents and the survey and in situ investigation of the timber trusses play a fundamental role in the historical knowledge of this important but neglected timber structural complex. The structural complex is com-posed of a sequence of seven quite different trusses supporting the upper layers of timber elements (i.e. purlins, joists and laths) and the roof tiles. The paper advances a hypothesis about the dating of each of the trusses, based on the matching of the archival data with the critical interpretation of the surveyed signs: structural type of the truss, type of joints, signs of woodworking tools (e.g. axes, saws, hand drills, chisels), assembly marks, signs of reutiliza-tion of timber elements, type of iron reinforcement elements, etc.

Οι προβιοµηχανικές κοινωνίες της Πίνδου και η συνολική τους παρουσία στο πλαίσιο των γεωγραφικών συνθηκών της ορεινής πραγµατικότητας και των ιστορικών όρων που τις συγκρότησαν, αποτελούν τα τελευταία χρόνια αντικείµενο µελετών 1. Μέσα... more

Οι προβιοµηχανικές κοινωνίες της Πίνδου και η συνολική τους παρουσία στο πλαίσιο των γεωγραφικών συνθηκών της ορεινής πραγµατικότητας και των ιστορικών όρων που τις συγκρότησαν, αποτελούν τα τελευταία χρόνια αντικείµενο µελετών 1. Μέσα από αυτές τις προσεγγίσεις έγινε φανερό ότι οι διαστάσεις της ιστορικότητας και της ορεινότητας καθόρισαν σε σηµαντικό βαθµό την προβληµατική της αποκάλυψής αυτού του κόσµου. Συγκριµένα η οριοθέτηση του χρόνου της µεγάλης διάρκειας, εισάγοντας στην ανάγνωση της ιστορίας έναν ανθρωπολογικό χρόνο, προσεγγίζει την έννοια της ιστορικότητας ως µια πραγµατικότητα των συνολικών φαινοµένων. Αξιολογώντας, λοιπόν, τον ιστορικό χρόνο ως κοινωνική διάσταση των διαρκειών, καθίσταται ένα βασικό µεθοδολογικό εργαλείο για τη µελέτη του παραδοσιακού κόσµου, πτυχή του οποίου αποτελούσαν φυσικά και οι αγροτικές κοινωνίες της Πίνδου. Παράλληλα, η διάσταση της ορεινότητας, ως παράµετρος διαµόρφωσης πολιτισµικών φαινόµενων, µας υπενθυµίζει ότι οι κοινωνίες που άκµασαν στην οροσειρά, µπορούν να γίνουν αντιληπτές µόνο αν ο ορεινός χώρος διερευνηθεί ως παραγωγικός χώρος και προσδιοριστούν οι σχέσεις που η ανθρώπινη κοινωνία και ιδιαίτερα ο κόσµος της εργασίας διάρθρωσαν σε αυτό. Ουσιαστικά αναφερόµαστε σε µια γεωγραφία των ανθρώπινων δραστηριοτήτων, θέµα το οποίο από τα µέσα του 20 ου αιώνα άρχισε να απασχολεί την επιστήµη της εθνολογίας και ως προς την τεχνική του διάσταση. Στο πλαίσιο της ανωτέρω προβληµατικής οι διαστάσεις του προβιοµηχανικού κόσµου της Πίνδου άρχισαν να γίνονται αντιληπτές, όταν η µελέτη των κοινωνιών της µεγάλης κτηνοτροφίας στράφηκε σε µία συστηµατική διερεύνηση του γεωγραφικού τους χώρου. Η µακρά διάρκεια της παρουσίας του στο ιδιόµορφο περιβάλλον των βουνών καθιστούσε αναγκαία την επίγνωση των προϋποθέσεων ανάπτυξης και των συνθηκών εξέλιξης στη διαδικασία διάρθρωσης του υλικού του πολιτισµού. Μεταξύ άλλων διαπιστώθηκε ότι η επιβίωση και οικονοµική ανάπτυξη των πληθυσµών της οροσειράς δεν βασίστηκε µόνο στην υπερεκµετάλλευση ενός παλαιού αγροτικού κλάδου, όπως έγινε µε την περίπτωση της κτηνοτροφίας, αλλά και στην κατοχή και εξέλιξη συγκεκριµένης τεχνογνωσίας. Αυτή η εξελικτική παράµετρος, αν και βασίζεται σε µία τεχνολογία σχεδόν αρχαϊκή για τα δεδοµένα του βιοµηχανικού κόσµου, δεν µπορεί να αγνοηθεί στον βαθµό που συνιστά παράγοντα οικονοµικής και κοινωνικής διαφοροποίησης των αγροτικών πληθυσµών της Πίνδου. Είναι χρήσιµο να επισηµανθεί εδώ ότι σε περιπτώσεις πολιτισµών που τα κείµενα είναι ανύπαρκτα, οι τεχνικές αποτελούν το ενιαίο βάθρο της ιστορίας τους. Σε αυτές δεν εµπεριέχεται µόνο η τεχνική έκφραση µίας αγροτικής οικονοµίας, αλλά ως µέρος οργάνωσης της παραγωγής συνιστούν βασική παράµετρο στη διαµόρφωση της κοινωνικής και 1 Mελέτες των τελευταίων ετών προσδιορίζουν ως ένα βαθµό το ιστορικό, γεωγραφικό, ανθρωπολογικό και περιβαλλοντολογικό πλαίσιο, εντός του οποίου διαµορφώθηκαν οι συγκεκριµένες παραγωγικές δοµές.

Tutti i popoli antichi facevano uso del legno nella realizzazione delle strutture edilizie. Allo stesso modo, o anche di più, accadeva nel medioevo: il carpentiere, il falegname, lo scalpellino erano alcuni dei ruoli più importanti... more

Tutti i popoli antichi facevano uso del legno nella realizzazione delle strutture edilizie. Allo stesso modo, o anche di più, accadeva nel medioevo: il carpentiere, il falegname, lo scalpellino erano alcuni dei ruoli più importanti all’interno di un cantiere. Gli strumenti e gli attrezzi legati alla carpenteria sono vari, comprendono diverse categorie e il loro studio può fornire informazioni utili ad approfondire le conoscenze dei contesti di rinvenimento, nonostante la difficoltà che reperti del genere recano con loro: ossia la loro scarsa utilità dal punto di vista cronologico, frutto di un processo evolutivo molto precoce nel tempo che ha permesso a questi oggetti di mantenere invariate nel corso dei secoli la loro funzione e le proprie forme. Le testimonianze archeologiche dell’attività edilizia, oltre che dagli edifici stessi, sono costituite da una serie di reperti metallici che vanno dai chiodi, da tetto e da infissi, alle cerniere (a coppiglia e non), per porte e finestre, dalle serrature ai ganci con diverse funzioni. Allo stesso modo il mobilio delle abitazioni non lascia traccia alcuna se non fosse per le sue parti metalliche. Alcuni dei reperti impiegati nell’edilizia svolgono le loro funzioni, in dimensioni ridotte, anche nel mobilio: chiodi da carpenteria per la realizzazione dei mobili e da decoro, serrature e boncinelli per la chiusura delle casse di legno, cerniere da mobilio. A questi reperti vanno poi aggiunti gli strumenti propriamente utilizzati nella lavorazione del legno, come la roncola, l’ascia da carpentiere, il coltello a petto. Lo studio che viene presentato in questa sede ha focalizzato l’attenzione su questa tipologia di reperti metallici legati alla lavorazione e all’uso del legno, provenienti dal territorio dell’Abruzzo interno, interessato da un ventennio di ricerche archeologiche condotte dall’Università degli Studi dell’Aquila.

At the core of Ian Bogost's ontological project in Alien Phenomenology rests the notion that "All things equally exist, yet they do not exist equally"(11). Bogost, part of the subgroup of speculative realists known as the object-oriented... more

At the core of Ian Bogost's ontological project in Alien Phenomenology rests the notion that "All things equally exist, yet they do not exist equally"(11). Bogost, part of the subgroup of speculative realists known as the object-oriented ontologists, holds that we must "abandon the belief that human access sits at the center of being" (5). This abandonment is not merely a destruction; instead, Bogost and others conceive of it as a constructive move that implores us to think outside of a human-centered conception of being. A decentering of the human also comes with an equal shift onto a concern with the properties of nonhuman beings in the world. This does not mean merely shifting focus onto other things that resemble us, or are living creatures, or things that are somehow politically useful for humans. It is a shift in focus that takes into account the full ontological equality of all things. In short, there is nothing special about the category "human."

Dal Giornale di Arona del 7 febbraio 2020, rubrica "Alla (ri)scoperta di Arona".

Carpentry is probably one of the oldest skills that is required in all kinds of construction. It is also safe to say that basic knowledge and know-how in carpentry is categorised as a survival skill. Sometimes this important skill is... more

Carpentry is probably one of the oldest skills that is required in all kinds of construction. It is also safe to say that basic knowledge and know-how in carpentry is categorised as a survival skill. Sometimes this important skill is hugely downplayed, but in reality, carpentry is a huge and serious business. Most often than not, carpenters often specialise in one or two areas and develop more of it while doing different projects. And believe it or not, our houses and buildings are not as safe and sturdy without our professional carpenters in the field. So, to give them the proper credits that they deserve, we should know the different types of carpenters and their fields of expertise. Framing carpenters Building the internal structure of our houses that keeps it from falling down is our framing carpenters Sydney. The skeleton of our houses and buildings are built by framing carpenters. Whether using woods or metals, professional framing carpenters know which specific grade or type of materials they should use for a certain project. These types of carpenters are expected to be detail-oriented, have good eyes and are good communicators with third-party providers (plumbers, electricians, etc.). So if you want assurance that your house will stand strong throughout the years, make sure to hire a professional framing carpenter.

Coros altos de madera renacentistas en iglesias oscenses Coros altos de carpintería en Aragón. Ejemplos conservados y evolución formal Los coros altos de carpintería fueron uno de los tipos de obra encargados a los fusteros,... more

Coros altos de madera renacentistas en iglesias oscenses Coros altos de carpintería en Aragón. Ejemplos conservados y evolución formal Los coros altos de carpintería fueron uno de los tipos de obra encargados a los fusteros, especializados en el ensamblaje de todo tipo de cubiertas de cierre y armaduras destinadas a servir como suelo holladero. Con esta última función se montaban las estructuras de madera destinadas a este uso litúrgico, de las que se conservan abundantes ejemplos en iglesias aragonesas, mudéjares, tardogóticos y renacentistas.

This study is about Innovated Portable Table Router Trainer, as instructional guide in Interior Design Technology (IDT) at Cebu Technological University (CTU)-Main Campus, Cebu City as basis for an Instructional Guide. There are three... more

This study is about Innovated Portable Table Router Trainer, as instructional guide in Interior Design Technology (IDT) at Cebu Technological University (CTU)-Main Campus, Cebu City as basis for an Instructional Guide. There are three phases of the study-The development of the trainer, the evaluation of its level of acceptability and effectiveness, and the significant difference of the perceptions of the respondents group on the acceptability of the trainer. The level of acceptability of the Portable Table Router Trainer in terms of its design as rated by both the experts and students is Highly Acceptable with the average weighted mean of 4.67 and 4.65. The effectiveness of the Portable Table Router Trainer with its functions as rated by the experts is described as Highly Effective with the weighted mean of 4.72. This means that the trainer met the standards and is very functional in performing each function. The test of significant mean difference between the perceptions of the two respondent groups on the acceptability of the trainer shows that the computed t-value is 0.36 lesser than the critical t-value of 2.04 at alpha level of 0.05, is the two-tailed test. Therefore, the null hypothesis, which states that; "There is no significant mean difference between the perceptions of the respondent groups on the acceptability of the trainer", is accepted. So, both the experts and the students have the same perceptions on the acceptability of the Portable Table Router Trainer. Based on the findings, it is concluded that the Innovative Portable Table Router Trainer met the standards and is very useful in performing each function for IDT instructions. Hence the instructional guide is adopted.

La iglesia de Turmequé, Colombia, y las representaciones gráficas de carpintería de lo blanco La consulta de los archivos españoles e iberoamericanos no ha sido generosa en la proliferación de documentos gráficos sobre carpintería de lo... more

La iglesia de Turmequé, Colombia, y las representaciones gráficas de carpintería de lo blanco La consulta de los archivos españoles e iberoamericanos no ha sido generosa en la proliferación de documentos gráficos sobre carpintería de lo blanco que acompañaran los contratos de obras en los distintos enclaves geográficos. 1 Esta ausencia generalizada de dibujos ha magnificado, en su justa medida, tanto la edición de Diego López de Arenas 2 como el manuscrito de Fray Andrés de San Miguel, 3 este último en el ámbito americano. Ambos textos han servido para ilustrar y hacer comprender de manera didáctica el proceso constructivo, pero el sumatorio de la totalidad de ejemplos, trazas y monteas es mínimo si lo comparamos con otras actividades paralelas como la arquitectura o, incluso, el dibujo pictórico.

The lack of knowledge of structural behaviour often led to their substitution with modern structures, or to invasive strengthening operations. If ignorance was the first cause of this loss, knowledge is the first goal to be reached. In... more

The lack of knowledge of structural behaviour often led to their substitution with modern structures, or to invasive strengthening operations. If ignorance was the first cause of this loss, knowledge is the first goal to be reached. In unfavourable environmental conditions wood can undergo rapid decay, thus it is necessary a monitoring plan. The theories of preventive conservation underline the need to reaffirm the maintenance practices, and modern technologies could help to lower the cost and increase effectiveness of this operations. In absence of decay processes, historic structures are still suitable to carry out their bearing function. However the need to prevent damage due to exceptional loads, the increase of loads, or the progress of decay could lead to the necessity of strengthening. Strengthening must be viewed as a part of the discipline of restoration, thus it must aim to the conservation of the structure in its material and immaterial features.

Carpenter Service in Hyderabad. Individual Houses or Commercial Building or any other areas need to be furnished well and good without any breakdowns. To make a perfect home, we need to provide our time and energy. Sometimes, we want to... more

Carpenter Service in Hyderabad. Individual Houses or Commercial Building or any other areas need to be furnished well and good without any breakdowns. To make a perfect home, we need to provide our time and energy. Sometimes, we want to redesign the children’s bed or master bed, alter the windows, cupboards, and reconstruct the wood shelves. But it’s impossible for the people who are in urban cities like Hyderabad in the weekdays. They prefer to complete all their repair works at the weekends (Saturday & Sunday). Searching for the best carpenters in the Hyderabad is not a small thing. Find the top Carpenters services in Hyderabad That’s why we (PRNV Services) will help you in bringing the best carpenters (carpenter services) anywhere in Hyderabad with the lowest fares. So, book a service in PRNV Services to hire the best carpentry service in Hyderabad.

The lack of knowledge of the structural behaviour and performances of timber structures often led to their loss and substitution with modern structures, or to invasive strengthening works. Ignorance is a cause of loss of these structures... more

The lack of knowledge of the structural behaviour and performances of timber structures often led to their loss and substitution with modern structures, or to invasive strengthening works. Ignorance is a cause of loss of these structures also because if their value isn’t recognized, people will not develop the moral imperative to preserve them. Just because ignorance is one of the main causes of loss of this heritage, knowledge is the first goal to be reached aiming to its preservation. The most important source of knowledge of an existing structure is its direct survey. In situ investigations should aim to collect data about many aspects of the structure: general geometry and details of single members, internal joints, and metal reinforcements; wooden species and defects; evidences of decay; deformations or displacements; but also relation with other structural elements or systems, signs of timber processing, indications of the reuse of materials, etc. All the gathered data should allow an interpretation of the gradual change in time of the structure’s physical reality, of its technological conception and of its structural behaviour since the original design by the carpenter or engineer, through the subsequent works or “natural” evolutions, unto the current state.

El desarrollo urbanístico y cultural alcanzado en Alicante desde mediados del siglo XIX desembocó en la aparición de multitud de talleres e industrias artísticas aplicadas a la arquitectura y la construcción. Algunos estudios precedentes... more

El desarrollo urbanístico y cultural alcanzado en Alicante desde mediados del siglo XIX desembocó en la aparición de multitud de talleres e industrias artísticas aplicadas a la arquitectura y la construcción. Algunos estudios precedentes a este han mencionado brevemente negocios pertenecientes al campo del mosaico, la escultura, la fundición, la cerámica o la decoración de interiores como muestra de las mejoras alcanzadas en la capital de provincia. Este trabajo parte de estas aportaciones, pero centra sus esfuerzos en establecer un acercamiento mayor a las carpinterías y los establecimientos de fabricación y venta de mobiliario. A través del tratamiento de fuentes de diversa índole recoge el nombre de treinta y cuatro firmas comerciales y aporta datos sobre sus fechas de actividad, el tipo de enseres que distribuyeron y la ubicación de algunas de estas creaciones.