Circassian Studies Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Аннотация. В статье на основе опубликованных и архивных источников рассматривается участие 2-го Владикавказского казачьего полка в кавалерийском сражении у селения Субатан 6 июля 1877 г. Автором делается вывод о несоответствии официальных... more

Аннотация. В статье на основе опубликованных и архивных источников рассматривается участие 2-го Владикавказского казачьего полка в кавалерийском сражении у селения Субатан 6 июля 1877 г. Автором делается вывод о несоответствии официальных боевых потерь частей русской армии, принимавших участие в бою у селения Субатан, реальным.
Summary. Using published and archival sources, the article considers the 2nd Vladikavkaz Cossack regiment’s participation in the cavalry battle near the village of Subatan on 6 July 1877. The author draws a conclusion about the inconsistency between
the official combat losses of the Russian army units, which took part in the battle near the village of Subatan, and the real ones.

This article examines aspects of cultural exchange between the Middle East and the West in which Sufism, Christianity, the traditions of the Circassians and New Age concepts played a central role. It focuses on the teaching of Murat... more

This article examines aspects of cultural exchange between the Middle East and the West in which Sufism, Christianity, the traditions of the Circassians and New Age concepts played a central role. It focuses on the teaching of Murat Yagan, of Abkhaz-Circassian origin who grew up in Turkey and immigrated to Canada in the 1960s, where he developed his philosophy, Ahmsta Kebzeh (“the knowledge of the art of living”). The Kebzeh way of life emphasizes modesty, mutual responsibility and compassion. Yagan linked these values to the ancient ethos of the Caucasus Mountains which he sought to revive as the basis of a universal vision. The nature of Kebzeh was influenced by the cosmopolitan environment in which Yagan was educated in Turkey; by his enrollment with Sufi circles in North America; and by the multicultural Canadian atmosphere. These diverse influences enabled him to devise an ecumenical model of dialogue between cultures. The article provides a first-time survey and analysis of Ke...

This is the single comprehensive scientific book in Italian on the tragedy of the Circassians in the XIXth Century. On the strictly documentary side, it contains the full transcription of the documents of the Italian consulate in... more

This is the single comprehensive scientific book in Italian on the tragedy of the Circassians in the XIXth Century. On the strictly documentary side, it contains the full transcription of the documents of the Italian consulate in Trebisond and above all of very important documents in French that have been known until now only partly and imperfectly through English reports. The book is not only on the forced exodus of the Circassian but also on their merging in the growing Turkish nation and on the difficult emergence of the recollection of the experienced tragedy in the republican age. Comparisons with and reflexions on the much more known Armenian tragedy are present. Turkish translation published, English translation in progress.

in Hakan T. Karateke, H. Erdem Cipa, and Helga Anetshofer, eds., *Disliking Others: Loathing, Hostility, and Distrust in Premodern Ottoman Lands* (Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2018), 22-42

This paper deals with the situation of the Caucasian-origined population of Tukey. It focuses on three aspects: the difficult, controversial shaping of its own identity; the experience of the review Jıneps, which aims at connecting the... more

This paper deals with the situation of the Caucasian-origined population of Tukey. It focuses on three aspects: the difficult, controversial shaping of its own identity; the experience of the review Jıneps, which aims at connecting the struggle for the recognizing of the Caucasian identities with a a more general struggle for the democratization of the Turkish society; and the Abkhazians, who, contrarily to the other sides of the Caucasian diaspora, look at Russia as a worthwhile ally.

In recent years, due to some contemporary political influences in Russia, Circassian activists, and some foreign states have proposed that the Circassian exile (forced deportations) and Russian colonization in the 19th century, might be... more

In recent years, due to some contemporary political influences in Russia, Circassian activists, and some foreign states have proposed that the Circassian exile (forced deportations) and Russian colonization in the 19th century, might be considered as an expression of the contemporary notion in philosophical politics of ethnic cleansing and the genocide by the Russian Empire. This campaign claims that according to the historical records during these colonization thousands upon thousands of humans were massacred. Hence, the formation of the Circassian Genocide as an international issue is begun to be internationalized, this paper tries to clarify the legitimacy question of the Circassian Genocide based on the ethical dimension and the meaning of genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in 1948. We describe this view about moral epistemology elsewhere, but we will not elaborate on it in the present context. Another important factor that we will survey in this study, is the recent activities of Circassians to recognize this historical event as a genocide. Nowadays we see a considerable sort of unification and symphonic movement has been developed in Circassian identity around the international recognition of the genocide. Due to a lot of historical information, the aim of this paper is not to demonstrate or to prove the ethnic cleansing and genocide, but is to discuss that it was a genocide or not, according to our knowledge in Eurasian contemporary politics.

Из всех явлений традиционной религии причерноморских адыгов-шапсугов, культ грома (или молнии) Шибле (Щыблэ) имеет наибольшую консервативную устойчивость к переменам. Обрядовые мероприятия, относящиеся к этому культу, фиксировались... more

Из всех явлений традиционной религии причерноморских адыгов-шапсугов, культ грома (или молнии) Шибле (Щыблэ) имеет наибольшую консервативную устойчивость к переменам. Обрядовые мероприятия, относящиеся к этому культу, фиксировались сторонними наблюдателями у черкесских племен как минимум с XVI века. Сохранился этот культ и до наших дней, но подвергся изменениям и утерял многие элементы. Коренные перемены в общественном устройстве адыгов в XIX и XX веках превратили его из общенародного культа в ряд узких культов для малых групп, сохранивших память об отдельных элементах обрядовых форм, либо восстановивших их на основе этнографической и художественной литературы конца XX века.

На протяжении XIII–XV вв. в этнонимической и этногеографической номенклатуре Северо-Западного Кавказа утверждается этноним «черкес» и, соответственно, название территории – Черкесия. Данный термин является синонимом старого,... more

На протяжении XIII–XV вв. в этнонимической и этногеографической номенклатуре Северо-Западного Кавказа утверждается этноним «черкес» и, соответственно, название территории – Черкесия. Данный термин является синонимом старого, употреблявшегося с античной эпохи термина зихи (название территории – Зихия). В статье исследуется вопрос о причинах внедрения нового термина и обстоятельствах, способствовавших его утверждению в исторической литературе как основного названия адыгского этноса.

Науке известен ряд традиционных культовых практик причерноморских адыгов-шапсугов, которые подверглись гибридизации со стороны авраамических религий и сохранились, либо исчезли к настоящему времени. Особенно выделяются среди элементов... more

Науке известен ряд традиционных культовых практик причерноморских адыгов-шапсугов, которые подверглись гибридизации со стороны авраамических религий и сохранились, либо исчезли к настоящему времени. Особенно выделяются среди элементов этих культов деревянные кресты-джоры в священных рощах. Наличие возможного католического (францисканского) следа в использовании T и Y-образных крестов для моления в них, а также наличие этих знаков в символике соседних народов – осетин и абхазов, определяется совпадением хронологических рамок и общего смыслового содержания этих символов внутри короткого периода влияния францисканского ордена на Северном Кавказе в XIII-XIV веках и в местных культовых практиках. Данное исследование посвящено постановке вопроса для обоснования гипотезы католического влияния на локальные культы, отраженное в символике T и Y-крестов-джоров.

Relativization in a polysynthetic language: Adyghe relative constructions in a typological perspective (in Russian)

During the second half of the XVIII century – the first half of the XIX century outstanding importance in the political history of Circassia played Natkhokuadj – a region in the west of the country, which had a special geostrategic... more

During the second half of the XVIII century – the first half of the XIX century outstanding importance in the political history of Circassia played Natkhokuadj – a region in the west of the country, which had a special geostrategic importance. Culturally, it was the most contact zone, where Circassians consistently communicated with the Greeks, the Genoese, the Turks. This region belongs to the most ancient area of settlement of ancestors of the Circassians. In XIV – XVII centuries this territory belonged to the Circassian principality of Zhaney, but after the weakening of the princely power in Circassia during the XVIII century, this whole area was occupied by the Circassian highland population.
The name of Natkhokuadj goes back to a numerous highland clan Natkho, who originally was located in the area between Tuapse and Sochi. Natkhokuadj includes in its composition yet at least two princely possessions: the family of Zanoqo, who owned Anapa and its surroundings, and the family of Bastoqo, who owned the area of Sudjuk-Kale. Political leadership in Natkhokuadj belonged to branched noble family Shupaqo. The representatives of this family are often mentioned in Russian, Turkish and European sources.
Natkhokuadj population experienced a strong military pressure on the part of the Russian Empire during the long Caucasian war and five Russian-Turkish wars that took place from 1768 to 1857. As a result of the military-colonial strategy of tsarism, implemented in Circassia in 1860 - 1864 years, Natkhokuadj completely disappeared from the political and ethnic map of the Caucasus.

Based on phonological research of 37 Northwest and Northeast Caucasian languages, the author proposes for them an original and phonetically complete generalized featural alphabet shaped via peculiar usage of the morphological principles... more

Based on phonological research of 37 Northwest and Northeast Caucasian languages, the author proposes for them an original and phonetically complete generalized featural alphabet shaped via peculiar usage of the morphological principles of construction of millennial South Caucasian alphabets. Unlike the phonetically inconsistent Cyrillic alphabets currently in use, it has exceptional properties for precise and alphabetically unequivocal rendition of all phonetic peculiarities of the North Caucasian languages which possess the largest consonant inventory among all languages of the world.

Public space discussion of various aspects of the Circassian (Adyghe) problematics and the so-called Circassian question became extremely hot in the mid-2000s in connection with such a significant event like the Olympics 2014 in Sochi.... more

Public space discussion of various aspects of the Circassian (Adyghe) problematics and the so-called Circassian question became extremely hot in the mid-2000s in connection with such a significant event like the Olympics 2014 in Sochi. The viewpoint that the Circassian question itself does not exist outside the Olympic agenda is prevailing in the Russian research environment. The authors of the current article argue against the binding of the Circassian question exclusively to the Olympics and consider it in a broad historical and cultural context, tracing the transformation of its content and perception by the international community. The article gives a retrospective picture of the Circassian question in relation to the place, time and processes of both local and global significance, identifies the factors that influenced its coverage in a particular way and the main actors that determine the formation of public opinion. The authors distinguish the main historical stages of development of the Circassian national movement, give a detailed description of each of them, reveal the basic mechanisms and features, examine topical Circassian issues. The article gives a large amount of data on the Circassian organizations, their appeals to the governmental and international organizations. As follows from the analysis, the authors conclude that the sharp growth of the relevance of the Circassian problematics after 2007 is conditioned not only by the objective internal processes of the Circassian national movement, but even more by foreign policy factors and the Circassian question perceprion in the international arena has historically predetermined outcome.

Rus-Kafkas Savaşı’nın Kafkas halklarının mağlubiyeti ve Rusya’nın zorunlu göç/sürgün politikasını uygulamaya koyması ile bitmesi, milyonlarca insanın Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’na ve bilhassa Anadolu’nun çeşitli yerlerine göçüne neden oldu. Bu... more

Rus-Kafkas Savaşı’nın Kafkas halklarının mağlubiyeti ve Rusya’nın zorunlu göç/sürgün politikasını uygulamaya koyması ile bitmesi, milyonlarca insanın Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’na ve bilhassa Anadolu’nun çeşitli yerlerine göçüne neden oldu. Bu göç dalgalarını genel olarak 19.yy’ın ikinci yarısının başından 20.yy başına kadar izlememiz mümkün olmakla birlikte, özellikle 1859-1865 arası dönemde göç beklenmedik ölçüde yoğun yaşandı. Bu duruma Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun yeteri kadar hazır olmaması, Anadolu’nun sosyo-kültürel ve coğrafi yapısı, göçmenlerin anayurtlarından getirdikleri sorunlar gibi pek çok etken mevcut durumu kötüleştirdi ve şehir yaşantısı olumsuz olarak etkilendi. Bu da şehir yaşantısında bazı yeni gelişmelere yol açtı.


English version of my monography (Italian original 2014), a comprehensive account of the origins, the core years and the aftermath of the massacre and forced exodus of the native population of the North-western Caucasus. It contains the... more

English version of my monography (Italian original 2014), a comprehensive account of the origins, the core years and the aftermath of the massacre and forced exodus of the native population of the North-western Caucasus. It contains the full transcriptions of very important documents in French, documents which were since now roughly known or unknown. It presents and discusses also some relevant Italian reports, one of them defining in 1862 Russian operation "war of extermination". The book presents also a conceptualization of this tragedy in comparison with other tragedies commonly acknowledged as genocide.

Книга «Открытие Черкесии» представляет собой исследование значительного корпуса картографических памятников XIV – первой половины XIX вв., отображающих черкесское пространство Северо-Западного Кавказа. На основе картографических... more

Книга «Открытие Черкесии» представляет собой исследование значительного корпуса картографических памятников XIV – первой половины XIX вв., отображающих черкесское пространство Северо-Западного Кавказа. На основе картографических источников автор исследует проблему территориального роста и военно-политического усиления Черкесии в ордынскую эпоху, характер и масштабы генуэзского присутствия в адыгской стране. В исследовании рассматриваются вопросы политической и этнической истории черкесов на протяжении османской
эпохи, изменение границ Черкесии, взаимоотношения с ведущими державами, историческая география и демография отдельных земель и княжеств, топо- и этнонимика.

1864 Kafkas Tehciri: Kafkasya’da Rus Kolonizasyonu, Savaş ve Sürgün [Caucasian Exodus of 1864: Russian Colonization of Caucasia, War and Exodus], Ed. Mehmet Hacisalihoglu, İstanbul: Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Balkan ve Karadeniz... more

1864 Kafkas Tehciri: Kafkasya’da Rus Kolonizasyonu, Savaş ve Sürgün [Caucasian Exodus of 1864: Russian Colonization of Caucasia, War and Exodus], Ed. Mehmet Hacisalihoglu, İstanbul: Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Balkan ve Karadeniz Araştırmaları Merkezi (BALKAR) & İslam Tarih, Sanat ve Kültür Araştırma Merkezi (IRCICA), 2014, 727 s., ISBN 978-975-461-508-1

My paper will discuss the history, origins, culture, and certain contemporary issues pertaining to the Batalpashinsk Cossacks, who reside in the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia (North-West Caucasus, Russia), in the area known as the... more

My paper will discuss the history, origins, culture, and certain contemporary issues pertaining to the Batalpashinsk Cossacks, who reside in the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia (North-West Caucasus, Russia), in the area known as the Upper Kuban’ ( Verkhnee Prikuban'e).

This paper is a part of the major study of the Republic of Karachaevo-Cherkessia (KChR), an important player on the geopolitical map of Russia’s North Caucasus. By taking a close look at the Batalpashinsk Cossacks from historical,... more

This paper is a part of the major study of the Republic of Karachaevo-Cherkessia (KChR), an important player on the geopolitical map of Russia’s North Caucasus. By taking a close look at the Batalpashinsk Cossacks from historical, social, and cultural perspectives, this work will attempt to analyze their changing role in this region. The role of local Cossack governance in the development of civil society and the strengthening of democracy in this Republic is on the rise. It is promoted through Christian-Islamic co-existence and interaction, support of the old institutions of fraternity and brotherhood, such as kunachestvo, as well as development of the new ones among the republic’s many nationalities. In contemporary post-Soviet studies, there is no comprehensive study of the Batalpashinsk Cossacks, in particular, nor of the socio-political situation in Karachaevo-Cherkessia, in general. While aiming at filling in this gap, this research will help to expand our knowledge of the North Caucasus as a strategically important region in the southern borderlands of Russia.


Рахно К.Ю. Небесные битвы в булгарской мифологии // Традиционная культура народов Поволжья: материалы III Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием (9-11 февраля 2016 г.): в 2 ч. – Казань: Ихлас, 2016. –... more

Рахно К.Ю. Небесные битвы в булгарской мифологии // Традиционная культура народов Поволжья: материалы III Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием (9-11 февраля 2016 г.): в 2 ч. – Казань: Ихлас, 2016. – Часть вторая. – С. 99-108.

Bu çalışmada, 19. yüzyılda meydana gelen Çerkes göçleri ve Osmanlı kölelik anlayışı çerçevesinde bu göçlerin Osmanlı Devlet’inde yarattığı sorunlar ve bu sorunların bir veçhesi olan tarım köleliğinin ilga süreci incelenmeye çalışılmıştır.