North Caucasus Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The book is devoted to the analysis of ethno-linguistic and socio-cultural foundations of the identity of Dagestanis. The author discribres particularities of ethno-linguistic situation in the Mountainous and Lowland districts of... more

The book is devoted to the analysis of ethno-linguistic and socio-cultural foundations of the identity of Dagestanis. The author discribres
particularities of ethno-linguistic situation in the Mountainous and Lowland districts of Dageston, the influence of migration, urbanization, ethnic mixations on the cultural and language identity, as well as the correlation of ethnic and religious identitues, forms of actualization of ethnic and civil consciousness, ethnic stereotypes and other components of consciousness of Dagestanis. Special attention is paid to the problem of preserving the language diversity and cultural identity of the peoples of Dagestan.The book is intended for anthropologists, historians, philologists.
culture and a wide range of readers interested in Etnea-
takovymi and ethno-cultural problems.

This article investigates a little known ethnic group known as Mountain Jews located in the Republic of Dagestan. In particular the following aspects of the matter will be considered: (1) the traditional division of world Jewry; (2) the... more

This article investigates a little known ethnic group known as Mountain Jews located in the Republic of Dagestan. In particular the following aspects of the matter will be considered: (1) the traditional division of world Jewry; (2) the theory of the lost tribes within the diverse Jewish civilization; (3) the origins and historical background of the Mountain Jews during the Russian Empire, WWII and the Soviet Era; (4) Cultural aspects of Jewish emigration from the Caucasus.

The consequences of the August 2008 Russian-Georgian War have deeply infl uenced not only the Caucasus but overall global stability as well. Turkey, as a regional actor which claims to follow active diplomacy in her region, has also been... more

The consequences of the August 2008 Russian-Georgian War have deeply infl uenced not only the Caucasus but overall global stability as well. Turkey, as a regional actor which claims to follow active diplomacy in her region, has also been directly affected. Currently, Turkey has positioned itself as a regional actor with a ‘new’ political perspective and has responded to developments in order to give the events shape and to ensure stability in the region. Th is attitude has caused controversies. Th e Caucasus became an interesting example to monitor Turkish foreign policy implementations with mottos such as ‘zero problems with neighbors,’ ‘problem-solving country’ and ‘rhythmic diplomacy.’ Turkey’s policies and reactions to developments taking place in the Caucasus will help us to analyze and understand foreign policy objectives, policy-making
processes and the overall course of Turkish foreign policy. This study makes a comprehensive assessment of Turkey’s foreign policy in the Caucasus before and after August 2008.

The article is devoted to the analysis of the ethno-social and legal aspects of language policy in the Caucasus during the imperial, Soviet and post-Soviet periods. The information characterizing the specifics of language processes in the... more

The article is devoted to the analysis of the ethno-social and legal aspects of language policy in the Caucasus during the imperial, Soviet and post-Soviet periods. The information characterizing the specifics of language processes in the Caucasus is given. It is noted that the political and legal response to problems arising in the national-cultural sphere does not always correspond to the complexity and socio-political tension of the ethnocultural and linguistic processes taking place in the region. The importance of studying and using the historical experience
of national language policy to address the current, due to modern trends in the dynamics of ethnic language processes in the regions of the Caucasus is emphasized.

The article largely based on field research presents an analysis of the branches of Islam in contemporary Russia (North Caucasus region) and its influence on ethnically diverse society (on the example of Republic of Dagestan). In this... more

The article largely based on field research presents an analysis of the
branches of Islam in contemporary Russia (North Caucasus region) and its influence
on ethnically diverse society (on the example of Republic of Dagestan).
In this context authors examine complexity of ethnic composition and the role
of ethnicity, focusing in particular on identity changes in the Republic of
Dagestan. Authors describe general global trends as well as regional features
(“local forms of Islam”) of the Islamic religion, which partly confirm and partly
refute the perception that the “Islamic factor” plays a role in the development
of culturally diverse society. Particular attention is paid to radical forms of Islam.

Tracing the political development of the Chechen Republic since its secessionist movement in the 1990s, this essay illustrates that the Islamic republic has been gradually pacified and stabilized by unpeaceful means: Authoritarian... more

Tracing the political development of the Chechen Republic since its secessionist movement in the 1990s, this essay illustrates that the Islamic republic has been gradually pacified and stabilized by unpeaceful means: Authoritarian Conflict Management (ACM) and subcontracting authoritarian governance to the de facto autonomous ruler Ramzan Kadyrov. Building on concepts by Max Weber, Immanuel Kant, and Johan Galtung, this essay acknowledges that the notions of stability and peace concern two dimensions: 1. federal Moscow-Chechnya relations, 2. Chechnya’s internal balance. Though both dimensions evidently stabilized on a basis of coercion (especially by the use of regional networks and the blood feud system by pro-Kremlin Kadyrov), the emerging institutional framework exposes sources of instability, as it depends on individual relationships. Democratic innovations would even pose a threat to this established stability. Additionally, social integration of Chechnya into the Federation might be hampered by ethnic nationalism and xenophobia in Russian society. On the Chechen side, a ‘Russian’ identity is fragile. The collective memory still remembers Russian repressions vividly. Quantitative figures suggest pacification alongside the negative definition of peace. However, the case of Chechnya indicates that positive definitions (e.g. by Galtung) cannot be measured dichotomously; structural violence characterizes Chechen society, but, at the same time, a certain form of social integration took place.

Kurzer Abriss des Lebens des Malers Theodor Horschelt (1829-1871) und seines Wirkens im Kaukasus anlässlich des Endes des Kaukasischen Kriegs (1830-1859) und der Kapitulation von Schamil (1797-1871) 3. Imam von Dagestan (1834-1859) und... more

Kurzer Abriss des Lebens des Malers Theodor Horschelt (1829-1871) und seines Wirkens im Kaukasus anlässlich des Endes des Kaukasischen Kriegs (1830-1859) und der Kapitulation von Schamil (1797-1871) 3. Imam von Dagestan (1834-1859) und der Tschetschenen.

Terrorism, violent attacks and political Islam have affected the North Caucasus since the disintegration of the Soviet Union. If in the past the Caucasus Emirate was the leading terrorist organisation in the region since 2014 the Islamic... more

Terrorism, violent attacks and political Islam have affected the North Caucasus since the disintegration of the Soviet Union. If in the past the Caucasus Emirate was the leading terrorist organisation in the region since 2014 the Islamic State gained popularity and established the Vilayat Kavkaz (Caucasus Province) as part of the Caliphate exploiting the local critical socioeconomic condition and promoting the jihadist propaganda in the Russian language (i.e. the magazine 'Istok') also thanks to the considerable presence of North Caucasian foreign fighters among the ranks of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Although currently the international coalition forces mainly defeated the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, this organisation still jeopardises the North Caucasus often identified as the most volatile and impoverished area of the Russian Federation characterised by ethnic conflicts, the rise of Salafism, stagnation, and corruption. This study aims at stressing that the Russian government has elaborated a strategy mostly based on special military operations and massive investments in tourism and logistics which can exacerbate more the precarious status quo of the region favouring the dissemination of jihadist propaganda because it does not consider the historical, sociocultural, ethnic, and religious background. The region is not exempt to jihadist propaganda and terrorism and, if the Russian government cannot financially and economically support the regional leaders or will not change its approach, terrorism and political Islam could critically influence the North Caucasus posing a dangerous menace to the stability and security of the Russian Federation and entire Eurasia.

This article examines recent developments in Chechnya with a particular focus on its leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, whose influence has long surpassed the borders of the republic and whose further provocative behaviour and uncontrolled actions... more

This article examines recent developments in Chechnya with a
particular focus on its leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, whose influence
has long surpassed the borders of the republic and whose further
provocative behaviour and uncontrolled actions may face
repercussions at the federal level. The research consists of two
major parts explaining the psychological, political, social, security,
and economic dimensions of the Kadyrov regime and its potential
for collapse. It employs a cognitive approach to analyse the
Kadyrov–Putin relationship as well as a behavioural perspective
focusing on individual–psychological factors. In addition, the study
thoroughly analyses Kadyrov’s regime and the elements of his
personal clout that remain heavily dependent on Moscow’s
assistance. The article concludes that, despite frictions, the
Kadyrov regime has been advantageous to federal authorities, has
mostly operated within Moscow’s comfort zone, and has pushed
forward Moscow’s interests. As long as the strategic partnerships
between Grozny and Moscow and Kadyrov and Putin continue,
there will be no significant steps taken to replace the regional

Never accomplished idea of united Caucasus comes back during Mikheil Saakashvili's presidency, in the context of 2014 Sochi winter olympics. Georgia could play a key role bringing together nations of North and South Caucasus. And the... more

Never accomplished idea of united Caucasus comes back during Mikheil Saakashvili's presidency, in the context of 2014 Sochi winter olympics. Georgia could play a key role bringing together nations of North and South Caucasus. And the Circassians, whose national tragedy remains a symbol of unequal struggle with the Russian invader, could help in the implementation of Tbilisi's plan./
Gruzja odegrać miała wyjątkową rolę w zbliżeniu narodów północnego i południowego Kaukazu. W realizacji planu Tbilisi pomocni mogli okazać się Czerkiesi, których narodowa tragedia pozostaje symbolem nierównej walki z rosyjskim najeźdźcą.

The article explores the implications of conflict between Chechnya and Dagestan. It explains the evolution of the Dagestani-Chechen relations, their confrontation and psycho-cultural dramas; covers its recent developments and offers a... more

The article explores the implications of conflict between Chechnya and Dagestan. It explains the evolution of the Dagestani-Chechen relations, their confrontation and psycho-cultural dramas; covers its recent developments and offers a path towards resolution. It outlines the key events which created a division, thus impacting on their harmonious cohabitation. The roots of their confrontation derive from historical injustice towards Chechnya as a result of forced deportation, unwillingness to revise the territories or accommodate the needs of the communities living in the disputed territories of Dagestan on the one hand. A series of external actions (such as the movement of Chechen troops into the Dagestani region—including armed raids in Borozdinovka in 2005 and 2008) substantiated anti-Chechen Dagestani sentiment. The article concludes that the Dagestani-Chechen relations need serious revision and intervention from regional authorities in addition to traditional local justice and reconciliation mechanisms. The research was supported by a Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme Fellowship within the 7th European Community Framework Programme

Сборник статей по актуальным проблемам историографии и источниковедения средневекового Востока посвящен памяти выдающегося историка-востоковеда, Героя Советского Союза, академика З.М. Буниятова (1923-1997), который внес весомый вклад в... more

Сборник статей по актуальным проблемам историографии и источниковедения средневекового Востока посвящен памяти выдающегося историка-востоковеда, Героя Советского Союза, академика
З.М. Буниятова (1923-1997), который внес весомый вклад в развитие советской и азербайджанской медиевистики. В сборнике принимают участие ученые из Азербайджана, России (Москвы, Дагестана), Грузии, Таджикистана, а также Канады и США.

Today, it is hard to believe that some ten years ago Grozny lay in ruins. The broad avenues, the well-lit streets with carefully sculptured flower beds, the impressive contours of the shiny skyscrapers, dominating the city center, along... more

Today, it is hard to believe that some ten years ago Grozny lay in ruins. The broad avenues, the well-lit streets with carefully sculptured flower beds, the impressive contours of the shiny skyscrapers, dominating the city center, along with the grand mosque called “The Heart of Chechnya” – everything in Grozny seems to be grand, luxurious and peaceful, with little reminiscences of the recent atrocities. This is by no means a miracle – but, rather, a result of Russia’s intense collaboration and financial support in rebuilding and re-creating Grozny as the symbol of unification and reconciliation. In other words, the project of Grozny’s reconstruction is an attempt to show that war is unequivocally over, and that violence has left Chechnya for good.
There is certainly no need to say that were this really the case, no grand architectural statements would be required to prove it. And while we, indeed, may not see violence in modern Chechnya, the new urban landscape of Grozny makes the case for asking what violence actually is – or, rather, what do we consider violence?

The article is devoted to the examination of a historical events which took place Dagestan in the 7th -8th centuries during the reign of khulafa ar-rashudun and the Umayyad governors of the Eastern Caucasus in the Arabic historical source... more

The article is devoted to the examination of a historical events which took place Dagestan in the 7th -8th
centuries during the reign of khulafa ar-rashudun and the Umayyad governors of the Eastern Caucasus in the Arabic historical source Ta’rikh by Khalifa ibn Khayyat (d. 240/854г). He was a Muslim historian and expert in Arabic literature living in Basra. The article is based on the content analysis of the most popular written work in the Arabic literary genre, known as a chronicle. The author highlights the creative activity of Maslama ibn ‘Abdulmalik who was the first among the rulers of Derbent and undertook to repair the defensive wall that was damaged during the Muslim-Khazar wars. The article provides a thorough description of the Arabic manuscript and analyses its thematic content.

An abbreviated version of this review essay will be published in the peer-reviewed journal Iran and the Caucasus (Brill) in one of its issues this year; its editorial board has given permission for the current extended version to be... more

An abbreviated version of this review essay will be published in the peer-reviewed journal Iran and the Caucasus (Brill) in one of its issues this year; its editorial board has given permission for the current extended version to be published here in our own journal.
Ilyas Akhmadov’s book The Chechen Struggle: Independence Won and Lost—with co-author Miriam Lanskoy, Director for Russia and Eurasia at the National Endowment for Democracy—is an insightful, searing and moving account of the Chechen independence struggle in the Northern Caucasus against Russia. The same is true for Akhmadov’s more recent book Chechnya’s Secret Wartime Diplomacy: Aslan Maskhadov and the Quest for a Peaceful Resolution—with Nicholas Daniloff, a renowned journalist and former Director of the Northeastern University School of Journalism, as the co-author.
The latter book presents in separate chapters the transcripts of twenty-four secretly sent audiotapes by Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov between 1999 and 2003 to Akhmadov as Foreign Minister of the separatist government abroad from 1999 to 2005. The last chapter presents a letter by Maskhadov to the European Union of 25 February 2005 shortly before his

in Hakan T. Karateke, H. Erdem Cipa, and Helga Anetshofer, eds., *Disliking Others: Loathing, Hostility, and Distrust in Premodern Ottoman Lands* (Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2018), 22-42

The Chechen and wider-Vaynakh nation faces a major turning point in its history. Despite the destruction of the wars, the nation has an unprecedented chance to rebuild and re-envision itself through its three-hundred-thousand-strong... more

The Chechen and wider-Vaynakh nation faces a major turning point in its history. Despite the destruction of the wars, the nation has an unprecedented chance to rebuild and re-envision itself through its three-hundred-thousand-strong refugee diaspora in Europe, unprecedented access to information and prosperity, and its youngest and fastest-growing population on record.

Из всех явлений традиционной религии причерноморских адыгов-шапсугов, культ грома (или молнии) Шибле (Щыблэ) имеет наибольшую консервативную устойчивость к переменам. Обрядовые мероприятия, относящиеся к этому культу, фиксировались... more

Из всех явлений традиционной религии причерноморских адыгов-шапсугов, культ грома (или молнии) Шибле (Щыблэ) имеет наибольшую консервативную устойчивость к переменам. Обрядовые мероприятия, относящиеся к этому культу, фиксировались сторонними наблюдателями у черкесских племен как минимум с XVI века. Сохранился этот культ и до наших дней, но подвергся изменениям и утерял многие элементы. Коренные перемены в общественном устройстве адыгов в XIX и XX веках превратили его из общенародного культа в ряд узких культов для малых групп, сохранивших память об отдельных элементах обрядовых форм, либо восстановивших их на основе этнографической и художественной литературы конца XX века.

After the rebellion of 1831, Intellectual Poles who escaped from Poland made some attempts in Europe and Ottoman Empire to regain the independence of their country. In order to achieve it Russians must have been defeated. For this... more

After the rebellion of 1831, Intellectual Poles who escaped from Poland made some attempts in
Europe and Ottoman Empire to regain the independence of their country. In order to achieve it
Russians must have been defeated. For this purpose, during the Crimean War they took part in allied
armies and also in Ottoman army. However Crimean War couldn’t lead them to independence. In this
essay, within the period that includes also the Crimean War, we will examine the battles of Poles against
Russians by forming legions in Ottoman territories and Caucasus.

В монографии на основе богатого фактического материала рассматривается история строительства памятников на Северном Кавказе и в Закавказье в XIX–начале ХХ вв. Посвященные событиям военно-политической истории периода интеграции региона в... more

В монографии на основе богатого фактического материала рассматривается история строительства памятников на Северном Кавказе и в Закавказье в XIX–начале ХХ вв. Посвященные событиям военно-политической истории периода интеграции региона в состав Российской империи, памятники отражали как особенности исторической памяти жителей региона о событиях недавнего для них прошлого, так и попытки имперских властей использовать мемориальную деятельность в контексте политических требований самодержавного государства.
В основу монографии положены сведения, а также иллюстративная база,
содержащиеся в российских центральных и региональных архивных и музейных хранилищах. При проведении исследования также были использованы материалы дореволюционной периодической печати, прежде всего – газеты «Кавказ», работы дореволюционных идеологов, полковые истории и краеведческие труды.
Теоретико-методологической основой монографии стало разрабатываемое в
настоящее время направление по изучению исторической памяти. При этом основной акцент сделан на исследование проблемы формирования имперским государством целенаправленной политики в данной области. В работе используются как отечественные, так и зарубежные теоретические наработки теории коммеморации.
Адресована научным работникам, преподавателям, аспирантам, студентам и всем интересующимся историей Северного Кавказа.

Статья посвящена исследованию эпиграфических памятников XIV - начала ХХ в. Они являются важным источником сведений о социальной структуре, терминологии и антропонимии, поскольку в эпитафиях зафиксированы многие исконные личные имена,... more

Статья посвящена исследованию эпиграфических памятников XIV - начала ХХ в. Они являются важным источником сведений о социальной структуре, терминологии и антропонимии, поскольку в эпитафиях зафиксированы многие исконные личные имена, которые с усилением позиций ислама стали уступать место арабским антропонимам. Эпиграфика XV-XVI вв. является зачастую единственным источником, который позволяет исследовать генеалогию фамилий аварских нуцалов. Также надписи содержат важную информацию об общественно-политической ситуации в Нагорном Дагестане в XIV-XIХ вв.

This article offers a comprehensive explanation of why Chechen and other North Caucasian jihadists join the Syrian civil war. It also details the ongoing split in the ranks of North Caucasian jihadists; their complex relationship with the... more

This article offers a comprehensive explanation of why Chechen and other North Caucasian jihadists join the Syrian civil war. It also details the ongoing split in the ranks of North Caucasian jihadists; their complex relationship with the leadership of the Caucasus Emirate; and the security implications of the jihadists' prospective return to their homeland.

The presented work is the result of field studies conducted in the Republic of Dagestan in 2015-2019. During this time, 17 villages in 8 districts were examined, not counting the cities of Derbent, Makhachkala, Khasavyurt. In the process... more

The presented work is the result of field studies conducted in the Republic of Dagestan in 2015-2019. During this time, 17 villages in 8 districts were examined, not counting the cities of Derbent, Makhachkala, Khasavyurt. In the process of collecting the material, a number of scientific articles were written, 7 master's theses were prepared and defended. Our team developed routes and carried out 2 ethnographic tourist trips (spring-summer 2019). All photographs presented in the lotto, with the exception of several food images, are copyright photographs taken in the process of field research.
The brochure is a methodological materials and recommendations of the case study on the culture of everyday life and everyday life of the peoples of Dagestan: "Ethnographic lotto." Includes thanks to all participants in the field activity, cards for working with students (lotto) and explanatory materials for them. Methodical recommendations for the development of the case are given, divided into three levels of perception: elementary, advanced, maximum. Levels of perception are correlated with the age groups of students and set pedagogical goals and objectives. The expected results of working with the case are determined.

Relativization in a polysynthetic language: Adyghe relative constructions in a typological perspective (in Russian)

Le Caucase est une région riche du point de vue ethnique et religieux. Pendant la période soviétique, les peuples indigènes vivaient ensemble pour ensuite s'affronter. Cherchant à se séparer définitivement de la sphère russe, le mouvement... more

Le Caucase est une région riche du point de vue ethnique et religieux. Pendant la période soviétique, les peuples indigènes vivaient ensemble pour ensuite s'affronter. Cherchant à se séparer définitivement de la sphère russe, le mouvement avait besoin de trouver une légitimité et un soutien pour parvenir à leur indépendance.

Arguably, most traditional societies conform to a predominant religion, state, emperor, nation, ethnicity, or to a predominant collection of tribes and clans; multi-clan or other mixed groups with residential unity and self-identification... more

Arguably, most traditional societies conform to a predominant religion, state, emperor, nation, ethnicity, or to a predominant collection of tribes and clans; multi-clan or other mixed groups with residential unity and self-identification in hamlets, villages, towns or other localities; and finally to extended families and nuclear families. In this research note I discuss some (preliminary) observations of mine, and those of Dettmering, Sokirianskaia and some other scholars, observers and others on the identified, claimed or actual (sub-)clans and other kinship or localised ethnic (sub-)groups however defined among the Chechens in distant and more recent history. Further research is required to determine with more confidence what roles any such surviving kinship and ethnic (sub-)groups may have played during particularly the First Russo-Chechen War (1994-1996) and the first high-intensity phase of the Second Russo-Chechen War (1999-2005), which since then has morphed into a collection of small-scale insurgencies across the North Caucasus.

This 2004 essay revisits the nearly three hundred year history of conflict between Chechnya and Russia, which has left little room for friendly relations. Yet examples of good neighbourly conduct, mutual understanding and a wish to live... more

This 2004 essay revisits the nearly three hundred year history of conflict between Chechnya and Russia, which has left little room for friendly relations. Yet examples of good neighbourly conduct, mutual understanding and a wish to live in peace can be traced back to the second half of the sixteenth century when both nations were aligned geographically. The following is an attempt at briefly analyzing the chronology of Russian-Chechen relations, trying to understand the dynamics of their history, and accentuating their positive attributes.

СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Берлизов Н.Е. Савроматы и сарматы в отечественной и зарубежной историографии кон. XVI - сер. XIX вв. (доархеологический этап) Фролов Б.Е. Дискуссионные вопросы биографии атамана З.А. Чепеги Гордейчук О.В. Деятельность Н.Н.... more

Берлизов Н.Е. Савроматы и сарматы в отечественной и зарубежной историографии кон. XVI - сер. XIX вв. (доархеологический этап)
Фролов Б.Е. Дискуссионные вопросы биографии атамана З.А. Чепеги
Гордейчук О.В. Деятельность Н.Н. Кармалина в области народного образования
Колесов В.И. Сталинский религиозный "ренессанс" и история общин иудейского вероисповедания в Краснодарском крае (1945-1950-е гг.)
Кринко Е.Ф. "Немецкое представительство на Кавказе является исключительно политическим...": кавказская программа А. Розенберга
Винидиктов А.П. К вопросу статистической обработки данных в историческом исследовании
Хлынина Т.П. Возможности времени, или о трудностях, связанных с семантической атрибуцией мусульманской секции в истории взаимоотношений народов Кубани

Analysis of Nagorno Karabakh Conflict by implementation of Just War Theory

Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. Country of Origin (COI) report.

The Koban archaeological culture is a well-known Northern and Central Caucasus culture that has been widely distributed throughout this region during the end of Bronze Age, and the beginning of the Iron Age. Named after the Koban cemetery... more

The Koban archaeological culture is a well-known Northern and Central Caucasus culture that has been widely distributed throughout this region during the end of Bronze Age, and the beginning of the Iron Age. Named after the Koban cemetery (Republic of North Ossetia, Russia), it had highly developed agriculture and metallurgy. The Koban culture had been dramatically transformed under the influence of Scythian invasions and left a significant cultural legacy, including a number of historical puzzles. One of them is related to the origin, development, and ancestry of Koban culture due to significantly different opinions on the matter. Here, we characterize, using Sanger and high-throughput sequencing, the mitochondrial and Y-chromosomal diversity of Koban culture individuals, whose remains were excavated at the Zayukovo-3 and Klin-Yar 3 cemeteries in the North Caucasus. In this study we provide new data for better understanding of the origin and genetic diversity of the North Caucasus communities during the Bronze and Iron Ages and show that the Koban archaeological culture has genetic continuity with other ancient cultures of the Caucasus.

Новые подходы к политике Грузии в отношении российского Северного Кавказа реализуются немногим более двух лет, однако они уже принесли определённые плоды. В регионе постепенно растёт грузинское влияние. В некоторых северокавказских... more

Новые подходы к политике Грузии в отношении российского Северного Кавказа реализуются немногим более двух лет, однако они уже принесли определённые плоды. В регионе постепенно растёт грузинское влияние. В некоторых северокавказских республиках Грузия стала служить примером для подражания, причём не только в социально-экономической, но и в общественно-политической сфере. Наиболее чётко этот процесс проходил в 2012 г. Окончательный приход к власти представителей команды Иванишвили (в том числе и на пост президента) принципиально не изменит антироссийскую сущность северокавказской политики. Для нейтрализации негативных последствий деятельности Грузии в регионе необходим существенный сдвиг российской политики на кавказском направлении.