Circassians Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Never accomplished idea of united Caucasus comes back during Mikheil Saakashvili's presidency, in the context of 2014 Sochi winter olympics. Georgia could play a key role bringing together nations of North and South Caucasus. And the... more

Never accomplished idea of united Caucasus comes back during Mikheil Saakashvili's presidency, in the context of 2014 Sochi winter olympics. Georgia could play a key role bringing together nations of North and South Caucasus. And the Circassians, whose national tragedy remains a symbol of unequal struggle with the Russian invader, could help in the implementation of Tbilisi's plan./
Gruzja odegrać miała wyjątkową rolę w zbliżeniu narodów północnego i południowego Kaukazu. W realizacji planu Tbilisi pomocni mogli okazać się Czerkiesi, których narodowa tragedia pozostaje symbolem nierównej walki z rosyjskim najeźdźcą.

This is the single comprehensive scientific book in Italian on the tragedy of the Circassians in the XIXth Century. On the strictly documentary side, it contains the full transcription of the documents of the Italian consulate in... more

This is the single comprehensive scientific book in Italian on the tragedy of the Circassians in the XIXth Century. On the strictly documentary side, it contains the full transcription of the documents of the Italian consulate in Trebisond and above all of very important documents in French that have been known until now only partly and imperfectly through English reports. The book is not only on the forced exodus of the Circassian but also on their merging in the growing Turkish nation and on the difficult emergence of the recollection of the experienced tragedy in the republican age. Comparisons with and reflexions on the much more known Armenian tragedy are present. Turkish translation published, English translation in progress.

in Hakan T. Karateke, H. Erdem Cipa, and Helga Anetshofer, eds., *Disliking Others: Loathing, Hostility, and Distrust in Premodern Ottoman Lands* (Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2018), 22-42

This paper deals with the situation of the Caucasian-origined population of Tukey. It focuses on three aspects: the difficult, controversial shaping of its own identity; the experience of the review Jıneps, which aims at connecting the... more

This paper deals with the situation of the Caucasian-origined population of Tukey. It focuses on three aspects: the difficult, controversial shaping of its own identity; the experience of the review Jıneps, which aims at connecting the struggle for the recognizing of the Caucasian identities with a a more general struggle for the democratization of the Turkish society; and the Abkhazians, who, contrarily to the other sides of the Caucasian diaspora, look at Russia as a worthwhile ally.

Из всех явлений традиционной религии причерноморских адыгов-шапсугов, культ грома (или молнии) Шибле (Щыблэ) имеет наибольшую консервативную устойчивость к переменам. Обрядовые мероприятия, относящиеся к этому культу, фиксировались... more

Из всех явлений традиционной религии причерноморских адыгов-шапсугов, культ грома (или молнии) Шибле (Щыблэ) имеет наибольшую консервативную устойчивость к переменам. Обрядовые мероприятия, относящиеся к этому культу, фиксировались сторонними наблюдателями у черкесских племен как минимум с XVI века. Сохранился этот культ и до наших дней, но подвергся изменениям и утерял многие элементы. Коренные перемены в общественном устройстве адыгов в XIX и XX веках превратили его из общенародного культа в ряд узких культов для малых групп, сохранивших память об отдельных элементах обрядовых форм, либо восстановивших их на основе этнографической и художественной литературы конца XX века.

The Circassian Beauty, attributed to the women of the Caucasus, is a historical image of idealized feminine aesthetics that has prevailed in Orientalist literature, art and knowledge production as well as Turk- ish popular culture. This... more

The Circassian Beauty, attributed to the women of the Caucasus, is a historical image of idealized feminine aesthetics that has prevailed in Orientalist literature, art and knowledge production as well as Turk- ish popular culture. This article argues that this image has been cen- tral to the gendered construction of diasporic identity among Circassian diaspora nationalists in Turkey. It aims to explore the multiple meanings attached to the image of the Circassian Beauty, and the ways in which these meanings are historically transformed in line with the political and historical transformations of the Circassian diaspora in Turkey.


English version of my monography (Italian original 2014), a comprehensive account of the origins, the core years and the aftermath of the massacre and forced exodus of the native population of the North-western Caucasus. It contains the... more

English version of my monography (Italian original 2014), a comprehensive account of the origins, the core years and the aftermath of the massacre and forced exodus of the native population of the North-western Caucasus. It contains the full transcriptions of very important documents in French, documents which were since now roughly known or unknown. It presents and discusses also some relevant Italian reports, one of them defining in 1862 Russian operation "war of extermination". The book presents also a conceptualization of this tragedy in comparison with other tragedies commonly acknowledged as genocide.

Less known and studied than its military, political and diplomatic aspects, the demographic aspect of the decadence of the Ottoman Empire is not less important. Under unfavourable conditions, the Ottoman state implemented demographic... more

Less known and studied than its military, political and diplomatic aspects, the
demographic aspect of the decadence of the Ottoman Empire is not less important. Under
unfavourable conditions, the Ottoman state implemented demographic engineering in order
to provide decent subsistence and dwelling to the Muslim refugees coming mainly from the
territories seized by the Tsarist Empire and to increase control over the Christian communities.
The greatest (and most tragic) wave of refugees occurred in the years 1862–1864, when the
Tsarist Empire implemented a policy of extermination and expulsion of the native inhabitants
of Western Caucasus. Later, in the memory of the Balkan Christians, these refugees became
villains, as they were the tool of the Ottoman repressions. This long term process includes the
massive killings and bloody resettlement of the Anatolian Armenians in 1915, which must be
viewed not as a sudden starting point, but as a final “perfect storm” caused by the accumulation
of ominous factors.


Рахно К.Ю. Небесные битвы в булгарской мифологии // Традиционная культура народов Поволжья: материалы III Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием (9-11 февраля 2016 г.): в 2 ч. – Казань: Ихлас, 2016. –... more

Рахно К.Ю. Небесные битвы в булгарской мифологии // Традиционная культура народов Поволжья: материалы III Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием (9-11 февраля 2016 г.): в 2 ч. – Казань: Ихлас, 2016. – Часть вторая. – С. 99-108.

Российское общество просто не заметило физического истребления и поголовного выселения целого народа. Это касается даже самых либеральных, демократических или критически настроенных по отношению к правительству его представителей. Тем... more

Российское общество просто не заметило физического истребления и поголовного выселения целого народа. Это касается даже самых либеральных, демократических или критически настроенных по отношению к правительству его представителей. Тем более это касается – основной части русской общественности и политического класса.
О том, чтобы требовать прекращения войны – вообще не стояло и речи.
Если война в Польше вызывала в русском обществе некоторые, хотя и весьма немногочисленные, протесты, то война на Кавказе – нет.
Про трагедию черкесов никто из русских литераторов, ни современников, ни потомков, не написал вообще ничего.
Геноцид и этническую чистку черкесов заметили лишь непосредственные ее исполнители, причем практически все они отзывались о происходящем с одобрением. Даже те, в ком происходившая при их участии или на их глазах мучительная смерть женщин и детей вызвала инстинктивное сочувствие, относились к происходящему «с пониманием необходимости такой меры».
Истребили целый народ – и никаких угрызений совести. Будто тараканов потравили.

Şeyh Şamil ve Kafkasya Mücadele - Sürgün - İskan, İstanbul 2017, 1-25.

Kişilerin sahip oldukları isimler ve soyadları kimi zaman etnik ve dini kimliklerle bağlantılı olmuştur. İsimler çalışma konumuz olan Kafkasya için de bu işleve sahiptir. Nitekim Çerkeslerin Osmanlı coğrafyasına sürgünü çocuklarına... more

Kişilerin sahip oldukları isimler ve soyadları kimi zaman etnik ve dini kimliklerle bağlantılı olmuştur. İsimler çalışma konumuz olan Kafkasya için de bu işleve sahiptir. Nitekim Çerkeslerin Osmanlı coğrafyasına sürgünü çocuklarına verdikleri isimleri etkilemiştir. Sovyetler Birliği'nin yıkılmasına kadar Çerkesler Anadolu coğrafyasına özgü isimler kullanmayı tercih etmişler, STK'laşma süreciyle birlikte etnik kimliklerini vurgulayan isimler kullanmaya başlamışlardır. Sülale isimleriyse Kafkasya'da ve Osmanlı'da kişinin nesebini belirterek soyadı işlevi görmüştür. Ancak 1934 soyadı kanunuyla Çerkes toplumu Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin verdiği soyadlarına sahip oldular. Biz bu çalışmada 2017 ve 2020 yıllarında Kayseri'nin Pınarbaşı ilçesine bağlı Çerkes köylerinde alan çalışmamız esnasında kaynak kişilere sorduğumuz sorularla isim ve soyadlarının durumunu inceleyeceğiz. Nitel araştırma yönteminin kullanıldığı, gelişigüzel örneklem modeline göre kaynak kişilere ulaştığımız bu çalışmadaki veriler fenomenolojik analiz yöntemiyle değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada tanıklıklar üzerinden kişi ve sülale isimlerinin etnik kimlikle bağlantısının açıklanması amaçlanmaktadır. Yaptığımız çalışmada kişilerin çocuklarına hafızayı ve kimliği canlı tutacak Çerkeslere özgü tarihi ve mitolojik isimler vermeyi tercih ettikleri görülmüştür

Merkezi olarak etki sahası daha fazla olmasına rağmen Mısır ve Suriye’de 267 yıl kesintisiz varlık gösteren Memlûk Devleti, tarihi itibariyle genel olarak ırksal bir tarife mahal vermemesine rağmen Bahrî Memluklar (1250–1382) ve Burcî... more

Merkezi olarak etki sahası daha fazla olmasına rağmen Mısır ve Suriye’de 267 yıl kesintisiz varlık gösteren Memlûk Devleti, tarihi itibariyle genel olarak ırksal bir tarife mahal vermemesine rağmen Bahrî Memluklar (1250–1382) ve Burcî Memluklar (1382–1517) olmak üzere iki dönem halinde anıla gelmiştir. Bu araştırma yazımda bu iki dönemin adlandırma sorunu ve devletin ilk kuruluş yıllarında Çerkesler konusuna kısa bir anlatımla ışık tutmaya çalışacağım.

Статья повествует о генуэзских колониях в Восточном Причерноморье и Крыму на рубеже XIII-XV вв. Центральное место занимает анализ католической миссии среди предков современных адыгов и абхазов – зихов. По теме исследования дан краткий... more

Статья повествует о генуэзских колониях в Восточном Причерноморье и Крыму на рубеже XIII-XV вв. Центральное место занимает анализ католической миссии среди предков современных адыгов и абхазов – зихов. По теме исследования дан краткий источниковедческий и историографический обзор.

Özet Çerkesler, Rus zulmünden kaçarak Osmanlı topraklarına sığınmak zorunda kalmışlardı. Zorlu geçen göç yolculuğunun ardından Osmanlı topraklarına ulaşabilenler önce geçici ardından da kalıcı yerleşim yerlerine iskan edildiler. Bu... more

Özet Çerkesler, Rus zulmünden kaçarak Osmanlı topraklarına sığınmak zorunda kalmışlardı. Zorlu geçen göç yolculuğunun ardından Osmanlı topraklarına ulaşabilenler önce geçici ardından da kalıcı yerleşim yerlerine iskan edildiler. Bu süreçte devlet ve halk el birliğiyle göçmenlere destek oldu. Yerel halk, ezilmiş ve haksızlığa uğramış , üstelik Müslüman olmasından dolayı göçe zorlanmış dindaşlarına kucak açtı. Göçmen aileleri taşıyan yerli halk çoğunlukla devletin ödemeyi vadettiği yol parasını almadı. Onların evlerinin inşasında çalıştı. Devlet de göçmen ailelere arazi ve zirai aletler dağıtılarak üretici konuma gelmelerini sağladı. Bu süreçte vatandaşlığa kabul edilen göçmenlere vergi muafiyetleri tanındı ve askerlik görevleri ertelendi. Günümüzde de Suriyeli göçmenlerin sığınağı olan Anadolu/Türkiye yeni bir göçmen sorunuyla karşı karşıyadır. Göçmenlere, sosyal dokuyu bozdukları, asayiş problemlerine yol açtıkları, sağlık sistemini işlevsizleştirdikleri, üretici olmaktan çok tüketici konumda bulundukları eleştirileri yapılmaktadır. Çalışmamız aradan uzun zaman geçmiş ve kimi koşullar değişmiş olsa da Çerkeslerin Anadolulaşması diye tanımlayabileceğimiz entegrasyon sürecinin Suriyeli göçmenlere örnek teşkil edip edemeyeceği üzerine karşılaştırma yaparak perspektif çizmeyi hedeflemektedir. Abstract The Circassians had to escape from the Russian tyranny and took shelter in the Ottoman lands. After the difficult migratory journey, those who could reach the Ottoman lands were first temporarily transferred to permanent settlements. In this period, the state and the local people cooperated with the immigrants. Local people received their coreligionists, who had been oppressed and injured, and also had been forced to relocate because of being a Muslim, with open arms. The local people who carried migrant families did not get the money that the government promised to pay. They also helped to build houses for the immigrants. The state also provided land and agricultural equipments to the immigrants so that they could become producers. In this period, tax exemptions were granted to theimmigrants who were granted citizenship, and their military duties were postponed. Today, Anatolia / Turkey, which is the refuge of Syrian immigrants, faces a new immigrant problem. Immigrants are being criticized for having adaptation problems with the social tissue, violating the public peace and order, dysfunctionalization the health system, being consumers rather than producers. The aim of our study is to make perspective by comparing the process of integration of the Circassians with the integration of Syrian immigrants.

The article is dedicated to the history of one of the most popular with the young Circassian diaspora dancing genres — the shcheshchen. The author of the article tries to study the ways of correlation between the local exhibitions of the... more

The article is dedicated to the history of one of the most popular with the young Circassian diaspora dancing genres — the shcheshchen. The author of the article tries to study the ways of correlation between the local exhibitions of the dancing genre and its trivial terms, local folk tunes, social taboos and the precepts of a defi nite diaspora society using the shcheshchen as an example. The purpose of the study is the synchronous description of the genre features of the endemically formed choreographic phenomenon called " adyghe shcheshchen " (the Circassian shcheshchen), tracking of the universal analogues (the terminological, musical, choreographic ones), detection of its social and semantic functions in the defi nite local culture. The subject of the study is the discursive practices about public merrymaking traditions, and also the context relations between the archival explorative texts and the historical sources which give the narrative description of the choreographic phenomena of the " metropolis " — the Caucasus — analogous with the shcheshchen. The object of the study is a verbal (oral) and non-verbal text (collected in the folklore fi eld of Turkey and in the Internet) which actualize the information about the dance called shcheshchen. The fi eld methods: the participant observation and informal conversation, the method of memory boosting established by the author of the article, the online poll. The methods of analytical processing of the materials: structural/functional, pragmatic analyses, discourse analyses. The shcheshchen acts as a cultural complex which equalizes people according to the rules of a public merrymaking and maintains the civilizational identity of Anatolia Circassians at the same time. The author of the article explains the reasons of some inconsistency of the deliberations about the 'little prestige " of the shcheshchen and its popularity simultaneously. These conclusions would be useful for theoretical researches of the history of folklore genres, the culture of Circassian diaspora, and also for applied purposes: the ethnographical information collected by the author of the article and the complex theoretical observations data about the forms of the folk dances included in the article are published for the fi rst time and would be interesting for specialists engaged in searching of the traditional ethno-choreographical styles and stage performances.

The history of Circassian diaspora by expressing experiences of Syrian Circassians with oppression and resistance was informed by Archer's three-stage cycle in the context of analytical structure-agency dualism leading to social change.... more

The history of Circassian diaspora by expressing experiences of Syrian Circassians with oppression and resistance was informed by Archer's three-stage cycle in the context of analytical structure-agency dualism leading to social change. In the last period, Turkish Circassians' political awakening in the name of "return to homeland" overlaps the last forced migration experience of Syrian Circassians. As a matter of fact, return to the homeland is nothing but a return to the past and a call to account for solidarity in the diaspora. Therefore, the new refugee experience of Syrian Circassians has strengthened social construction of return to the past and recalled a search for reassessing their past. But, more importantly, it shows transnational solidarity of diasporic subjects beyond nation-states.

Öz Hayriye Melek Hunç, kadın hakları ve Çerkeslerle ilgili konularda çalışmalar yapmış ilk Çerkes kadın yazarlarından biridir. Emperyalist devletlerin kolonileştirdikleri ülkelerdeki dinî, kültürel ve geleneksel kurumlara yaklaşımı... more

Öz Hayriye Melek Hunç, kadın hakları ve Çerkeslerle ilgili konularda çalışmalar yapmış ilk Çerkes kadın yazarlarından biridir. Emperyalist devletlerin kolonileştirdikleri ülkelerdeki dinî, kültürel ve geleneksel kurumlara yaklaşımı yazarın kadın kimliğiyle ulusal/dinî kimlik konularını yan yana düşünmesine neden olur. Hunç, bu dönemde kurucuları arasında bulunduğu cemiyetteki görev ve gazetelerdeki yazılarıyla İslam ve feminizme yönelik birbirine koşut entelektüel bir faaliyet içindedir. Batılılaşmanın etkisiyle dini ve geleneksel Osmanlı aile yapısına karşı çıkanları eleştirir. Yazarın roman ve öykü ve şiirlerinde de bu yaklaşımın vurgulandığı görülür. Bu makalede, yazarın eserlerindeki temel ideolojiyi oluşturan feminizm ile milliyetçilik, İslâmî feminizm çerçevesinden incelenecektir. Abstract Hayriye Melek Hunç is one of the first Circassian women writers who worked on women's rights and Circassian issues. The approach of imperialist states to the religious, cultural and traditional institutions in the colonized countries causes the writer to think the identity of women and national/religious identity side by side. During this period, Hunç is engaged in a parallel intellectual activity towards Islam and feminism with her writings newspapers and her duties in communities. She criticizes those who oppose religious and traditional Ottoman family structure under the influence of Westernization. It is seen that the author emphasizes this approach in her novels and stories and poems as well. In this article, feminism and nationalism, which constitute the main ideology in the author's works, will be examined through an Islamic feminist approach.

This article examines the relationship between religion, geography, and social changes that took place in Circassia in the middle of the 17th century. The paper uses a philosophical approach to analyze the articulation of the economic,... more

This article examines the relationship between religion, geography, and social changes that took place in Circassia in the middle of the 17th century. The paper uses a philosophical approach to analyze the articulation of the economic, political, and ideological elements that connected the case of Circassia to the world-system theory. The Circassian social formation was a hybrid of the communal and tributary stages of human history. The social revolution in Circassia appears to be the result of class conflict, in the Marxist definition. The Circassians economy and political system was a product of the diffusion in the Silk Road system that affected their relationship with Europe, the Middle East, Anatolia, and Russia. These forces created the framework in which the Circassians were subjected to, and became the victims of, historical oppression. Likewise, this measure of oppression only successively deepened as the transition of the world system from the Tributary stage, starting 1492, to advanced industrial capitalism, i.e., 1850, asserted dominance over the framework of oppression. In proportion, the conditions of revolution ripen.

In this article the values of the “Abkhazian-Abazinians” and the “Circassians” who commemorated 147th year’s of the “Circassian exile” and their relatives living in Abkhazia; and also Armenians who resettled in Abkhazia after 1915 and... more

In this article the values of the “Abkhazian-Abazinians” and the “Circassians” who commemorated 147th year’s of the “Circassian exile” and their relatives living in Abkhazia; and also Armenians who resettled in Abkhazia after 1915 and those living in Turkey will be discussed under the perspective of “acculturation”.
The research has done both in Abkhazia and Turkey in 2010 with 698 participants. According to the results, the values of the “Abkhazian-Abazinians” living in Abkhazia and Turkey are differentiated from each other while their values became similar to the values of other ethnic groups both in Abkhazia and Turkey. On the other hand the values of the Armenians, who almost have similar deportation process, with 50 years of difference, living in Abkhazia and Turkey stayed closer to each other while resembling to other ethnic groups in both of the countries. According to Berry’s (1997) acculturation strategies, it can be said that there are different acculturation processes in the same country. Thus the “Abkhazians-Abazinians and the Circassians) living in Turkey are “assimilated”, while the Armenians living in Abkhazia and Turkey are “integrated” into the new culture.
Key Words: Values, Acculturation, Abkhazian-Abazinian, Circassian, Armenian, Abkhazia-Turkey
Bu makalede 21 Mayıs 2011’de Çerkes Sürgünü’nün 147. yılını anan Türkiye’deki “Çerkesler-Abazalar” ve bu grupların Abhazya’daki akrabaları “Abhazlar” ile, 1915 tehcirinden sonra Abhazya’ya yerleşen ve Türkiye’de yaşayan Ermenilerin kültürlenme süreçleri “değerler” kapsamında ele alınmıştır.
2010 yılında 698 kişi ile yapılan bu araştırma sonucunda, Türkiye’de yaşayan “Abhaz-Abaza” ile “Adiğe-Çerkes-Kafkasyalı” etnik kimlik gruplarının değerleri, ülkedeki diğer gruplarla benzeşirken, Abhazya’da yaşayan “Abhaz-Abaza” grubuyla farklılaştıkları saptanmıştır. Diğer taraftan yaklaşık 50 yıl farkla benzer süreçleri yaşamış Ermenilerin değerlerinin, ülke içerisindeki diğer etnik kimlik gruplarla benzeştikleri ancak diğer Ermenilerle olan benzerliklerini sürdürdükleri bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak aynı ülkede yaşayan ve farklı etnik kimliğe sahip bireylerin, farklı kültürlenme süreçlerinin olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Türkiye’de yaşayan Abhaz-Abaza ve Çerkeslerin Berry’nin (1997) kültürlenme stratejilerinden “asimilasyona”, diğer taraftan hem Türkiye hem de Abhazya’daki Ermenilerin ise “entegrasyona” tabi oldukları söylenebilir

Öz Sultan Abdülaziz'in hal edilmesi ve ölümünün ardından Çerkes Hasan is-minde bir Osmanlı subayı, Mithat Paşa konağında dönemin üst düzey devlet adamı ve nazırlarının toplantısını basarak dönemin Hariciye Bakanı Raşid Paşa ve Serasker... more

Öz Sultan Abdülaziz'in hal edilmesi ve ölümünün ardından Çerkes Hasan is-minde bir Osmanlı subayı, Mithat Paşa konağında dönemin üst düzey devlet adamı ve nazırlarının toplantısını basarak dönemin Hariciye Bakanı Raşid Paşa ve Serasker Hüseyin Avni Paşa'da dahil olmak üzere beş kişiyi öldür-müştür. Dönemin yerli ve yabancı basınında olayın ne surette değerlendiril-diği, hadisenin daha iyi anlaşılması için zaruret teşkil etmektedir. Özellikle yabancı basın kaynaklarına olayın teferruatlı bir şekilde yansıması ve büyük ilgi uyandırması, vaka'nın önemini bir kat daha artırmaktadır. Osmanlı bası-nı ve yabancı basında,Çerkes Hasan'ın şahsiyeti ve olayın ayrıntıları hakkın-da yayınlanan haberlerin genel hatlarıyla incelenmesi, hadisenin ilmi mana-da daha sağlıklı değerlendirilmesi içinde fayda sağlayacaktır.
Following of the dethronement and death of Sultan Abdülaziz, an Ottoman officer named Circassian Hasan killed five people, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs Rashid Pasha and Commander-in-Chef Hussein Avni Pasha, by occupy the ministerial board. The process of evaluation of the event in domestic and foreign media constitutes a necessity for a beter understanding of the incident. Particularly, the fact that the event is reflected in detail and attracted great interest to foreign media sources, is increasing the importance of the case. The examination of the Ottoman and the foreign press in the general lines of the personality of Circassian Hassan and the details of the event will also benefit from a more healthy assessment of the incident in scientific mania.

В статье рассматриваются проблемы локализации, вопросы датировки и уникальная для Северного Кавказа архитектурно-культурная составляющая древней Белореченской церкви. Храмовый комплекс исследуется в совокупности с культурой Белореченских... more

В статье рассматриваются проблемы локализации, вопросы датировки и уникальная для Северного Кавказа архитектурно-культурная составляющая древней Белореченской церкви. Храмовый комплекс исследуется в совокупности с культурой Белореченских курганов. На основании средневековых письменных источников европейских авторов и анализа некоторых представителей отечественной исторической школы выявляется тождественность в культурном единстве со средневековым адыгским княжеством Кремух (Кемиргой).

Статья посвящена комплексному исследованию христианства у адыгов, религии, утвердившейся на Северо-Западном Кавказе еще при византийском императоре Юстиниане Великом (483-565). Особо подчеркивается, что горцы Кавказа, не имея своей... more

Статья посвящена комплексному исследованию христианства у адыгов, религии, утвердившейся на Северо-Западном Кавказе еще при византийском императоре Юстиниане Великом (483-565). Особо подчеркивается, что горцы Кавказа, не имея своей письменности и разделенные на множество племен, сильно зависели от соседних народов. Когда православные государства (Византия, Грузия и Россия) поддерживали их, посылая священников и богослужебные книги, то христианство у них укреплялось. После ослабления этих стран и ухода их с Кавказа началось угасание христианской религии. Это способствовало наслоению различных религиозных доктрин, что приводило к синкретизму. Поэтому европейские путешественники, жившие среди черкесов, зачастую испытывали серьезные затруднения при описании их религиозных воззрений.
Основное внимание в статье уделено не только исторической реконструкции, но и исследованию современного состояния отдельных христианских элементов в культуре адыгов. Несмотря на достаточно сложную религиозную историю, даже в настоящее время некоторая православная атрибутика глубоко интегрирована в культурный слой народной памяти. Для анализа всего комплекса христианских элементов в культуре адыгов стандартные исторические методы были дополнены филологическим инструментарием, ставшим основой этимологических построений. Использование ономастики и фразеологического материала позволили выявить укоренившиеся в языке христианские имена и пословицы.

Address on the occasion of the Circassian Memorial Day. Zoom webinar in Amman, Jordan, 2022-05-22, organized by the "Circassia Center For Studies & Research" and the "Jordan Association of Circassian Caucasus Friends". This day is the... more

Address on the occasion of the Circassian Memorial Day. Zoom webinar in Amman, Jordan, 2022-05-22, organized by the "Circassia Center For Studies & Research" and the "Jordan Association of Circassian Caucasus Friends". This day is the Circassian Day of Remembrance and Mourning, when Circassians in many countries around the world gather to commemorate May 21, 1864, that marks the end of the Russo-Caucasian war and the Circassians’ fierce struggle since the end of the 18th century to defend their lands in North Caucasus and on the Black Sea coast.

In this paper, the composition the Circassian (the North Caucasian) and Abkhazian Diaspora organizations, federations, foundations and civil initiatives will be addressed. Moreover, the connections of the Circassian and Abkhazian... more

In this paper, the composition the Circassian (the North Caucasian) and Abkhazian Diaspora organizations, federations, foundations and civil initiatives will be addressed. Moreover, the connections of the Circassian and Abkhazian organizations
with other organizations in the world will be explained. Thereafter, the Turkish- Georgian military relationships and the lobbying activities of the Circassian-Abkhazian Diaspora organizations, especially during times of wars, etc. in their
motherlands will be discussed in detail.

Recalling offers an identity to the individuals who establish a society and gives them some help to find an answer where and what they belong to. In recent years when the collectives memories built by the people, who are excluded from... more

Recalling offers an identity to the individuals who establish a society and gives them some help to find an answer where and what they belong to. In recent years when the collectives memories built by the people, who are excluded from official history, appear, it is accepted that history contains different colours. This transformation occurs by emergence of groups of difference into the public sphere as a subject-actor. These groups accept their remembrances as a part of their own identity.
In this respect, Circassians of Turkey aim to give new significance, by recognizing and reconstructing, to their identity that is stigmatized with negative meanings. Circassians present exile of 21 May 1864 as a legitimate basis of their actual needs by instrumentalization of this symbolic event within the context of identity politics.
The main question of this study is that: «How individuals can became subject-actor by remembering a tragedy and developing policy of differences in recent years when multicultural liberalism dominates?»
In the problematic framework, the study explains how the rememberances of exile of 21 May 1864 reconstruct «Circassian identity». Although memory seems to belong to an individual, it is socially determined. In this study, collective aspects of this memory are examined in the example of «Circassians of Turkey» that are recognized as a group of difference; «remember figures» based on the memory are mentioned with commemoration program held in «memory places» like Kefken and Besiktas in every 21 May. In this context, it is discussed how resistance acts based on the remembrance of young activists, who are the members of «Initiative of May21», «Platform of NoSochi2014» and «Caucasus Forum» make Circassians subject-actors.