Cuisine, Gastronomy, Tourism Research Papers (original) (raw)

Eating habits, just like food preparations, have undergone many changes. People, especially in rural areas, used to eat food collectively. However, with the advances in industry and invention, these habits have taken new forms; the use of... more

Eating habits, just like food preparations, have undergone many changes. People, especially in rural areas, used to eat food collectively. However, with the advances in industry and invention, these habits have taken new forms; the use of all sorts of table spoons and forks has become common between different countries and civilizations. This distinction or division in eating habits can be seen in the Moroccan society. Although some people think that Moroccans should give up eating from the same dish, this habit is actually supported by cultural, religious, and ethical reasons.

The growth of the food tourism segment in the last two decades has opened enormous scope for the marketing & promotion of ‘indigenous food products’ which otherwise remain limited to a particular region. These unique culinary products... more

The growth of the food tourism segment in the last two decades has opened enormous scope for the marketing & promotion of ‘indigenous food products’ which otherwise remain limited to a particular region. These unique culinary products have created special segments like food & wine tourism, oleo tourism, whiskey tourism, beer tourism, and religious food tourism (like Halal & Kosher tourism). From this perspective ‘religious culinary heritage’ (practiced in ancient Hindu temples) shows a huge potential to be marketed as a tourism attraction, however, there are very few studies about this topic. Hence the present research identifies and analyses the unique heritage aspects (Eno-gastronomic elements) of an ancient Hindu temple food - ‘Mahaaprasaada’ (as practiced at Jagannath Temple Puri, India) and its potential as a destination attraction.
Initially, the Eno-gastronomic aspects of Mahaaprasaada were identified & interpreted through ‘Directed Qualitative Content Analysis.’ This required the review of temple literature, developing a questionnaire for personal in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (with temple officials, cooking staff & priests), field visits (to the temple premises & associated areas), observation (covert, overt & participatory) of the ongoing cooking and distribution mechanisms and recording data through the event, time and instantaneous sampling methods. Post interpretation, the ethnicity and Eno-gastronomic nature of the culinary heritage (Mahaaprasaada) were analysed through Actor Network Theory.
From the current research, it can be generalised that religious gastronomic practices followed by the heritage temples of India possess a huge number of ‘Eno-gastronomic elements’ that are highly influenced by the cultural traditions of the place. Moreover, the awareness level of tourists about these aspects varies with their demographic profile such as nationality, gender, education, state, age etc. Despite some limitations which are outlined in the paper, this research shows great potential and promising scope for religious food tourism.
Key Words: Culinary tourism, eno-gastronomic, heritage temple food, Mahaaprasaada.

Gastronomski proizvodi kojima prvenstveno treba pridati značaj su proizvodi od testa. Kako u svojim beleženjima navodi Vladimir Nikolić, seosko muško stanovništvo je, čak iako nije bila oskudica, volelo da jede hleb, koji je često bio... more

Gastronomski proizvodi kojima prvenstveno treba pridati značaj su proizvodi od testa. Kako u svojim beleženjima navodi Vladimir Nikolić, seosko muško stanovništvo je, čak iako nije bila oskudica, volelo da jede hleb, koji je često bio nedopečen i gnjecav. Na sličan način i sa istom na- menom kao i hleb, pripremane su i pogače. Pored toga, među najčešće pri- premanim jelima iz ove grupe su banice i pite (pripremane od pšeničnog brašna) i moruznice, pripremane od kukuruznog brašna. U gradskom jezgru, pored navedenih jela, na poseban način pripremana je jufka, kao i ćije. Diskutovanje problematike gastro proizvoda od testa Pirotskog kraja ograničeno je činjenicom da hleb, po današnjem shvatanju istog, ne predstavlja jelo, dok je kroz istoriju vrlo često korišćen kao jedina ili dopunska hrana. Naročito je izražena upotreba hleba u pripremi tzv. sirotinjskih jela – golovara, popare, skroba i kruševice, gde se isti, ako nije glavni sastojak, nadrobi u već oskudno pripremljeno „jelo“. Sa dru- ge strane, pite, banice, moruznicu (proju) nemoguće je nazvati jelima, jer se, analogno hlebu, pod jelima podrazumevaju druge vrste gastro proizvoda, pa se ona često svrstavaju u „topla predjela“. Najzad, jufka bi se mogla svrstati u grupaciju „testenina“, ali je i tu potrebna opreznost. Slična je situacija kod slatkih pita i banica. Prema tome, nasleđe tradicionalnih gastro proizvoda od testa iz Pirotskog kraja je vrlo teško prilagoditi važećim podelama i klasifikacijama grupa jela, pa bi posebno trebalo razmotriti zasebnu klasifikaciju.

From the Plate to Gastro-Politics...

A gastronomia regional esteve ausente dos primeiros receituários. Começou a emergir quando os regimes políticos, com base em seus projectos governativos, passaram a valorizar os âmbitos regional e local em busca de especificidades com... more

A gastronomia regional esteve ausente dos primeiros receituários. Começou a emergir quando os regimes políticos, com base em seus projectos governativos, passaram a valorizar os âmbitos regional e local em busca de especificidades com fins utilitários, quer económicos quer culturais. Desse modo, é impossível entender a gastronomia regional se ela não for enquadrada num amplo conjunto de opções que são em primeiro lugar políticas. Contudo, a identificação dos produtos locais e o nascimento do conceito de gastronomia tiveram um desenvolvimento anterior que ajudou a fundamentar as opções da actualidade.
Regional gastronomy was absent of the first recipe books. It was not included until political regimes, based on their government projects, started to value regional and local levels, looking for specific economic and cultural aspects, with utilitarian purposes. Thus, it is impossible to understand regional cuisine without taking into account a large number of options, primarily political. However, previous identification of local products and birth of the concept of gastronomy helped substantiate current options.

У статті на підставі спогадів давніх мешканців м. Хмельницького наводяться деякі особливості страв проскурівської міської кухні, що були популярні тут до 1970-х рр., а подекуди побутують донині. До окремих страв наводяться рецептури,... more

У статті на підставі спогадів давніх мешканців м. Хмельницького наводяться деякі особливості страв проскурівської міської кухні, що були популярні тут до 1970-х рр., а подекуди побутують донині. До окремих страв наводяться рецептури, способи приготування та подачі до столу.

El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en analizar la puesta en valor de la cocina tradicional como recurso turístico, a través de festivales, ferias, encuentros y rutas turístico-gastronómicas, con el propósito de promover el turismo... more

El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en analizar la puesta en valor de la cocina tradicional como recurso turístico, a través de festivales, ferias, encuentros y rutas turístico-gastronómicas, con el propósito de promover el turismo gastronómico —en el contexto del turismo cultural—, a fin de hacer más competitivo el mercado turístico nacional e internacional; además de aumentar y diversificar la oferta de productos, atractivos y destinos en los ámbitos estatal, regional, municipal y local. Para ello, destacamos los casos de Michoacán y Oaxaca a través de los procesos de patrimonialización, turistificación y festivalización.
Respecto a la estructura de este documento, conviene mencionar que se divide en
dos secciones: la primera esboza una breve reflexión sobre la patrimonialización desdela perspectiva de la economía política del patrimonio (Linck, 2011; Frigolé, 2014). Concepto clave para entender la puesta en valor de la cocina tradicional, a través de festivales, ferias, encuentros (festivalización) y rutas turístico-gastronómicas, como las principales estrategias de marketing y fomento del turismo cultural-gastronómico (turistificación) en diversos municipios y localidades de los estados de Michoacán y Oaxaca, además de referir los antecedentes por los cuales la cocina tradicional mexicana (“El paradigma de Michoacán”) fue inscrita en las Listas Representativas del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial (LRPCI) de la UNESCO en el año 2010. Aunado al interés del Gobierno de Oaxaca por promover igualmente la patrimonialización de la cocina tradicional oaxaqueña.
En la segunda sección, se señala el papel que las políticas públicas, particularmente
el programa Sabores Auténticos de México (2009), el Acuerdo Nacional por el
Turismo (2011), Las Rutas Gastronómicas de México (2012) y la Política de
Fomento a la Gastronomía Nacional (2015), han tenido por igual en el impulso
al turismo gastronómico mediante la organización de festivales, magnos eventos,
ferias, encuentros y rutas para incorporar a la gastronomía y la cocina tradicional en
la cadena de valor.
En este mismo apartado, como parte de la metodología empleada, se señala el uso
de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) para la georreferenciación y elaboración
de cartografías temáticas de rutas, ferias, festivales y encuentros de cocina tradicional
y gastronomía en Michoacán y Oaxaca. Las cuales, además de señalar su ubicación
geográfica, facilitaron el diseño de una tipología en relación con las características
de los festivales, las ferias y los encuentros relativos a la difusión y consumo de la
gastronomía y cocina tradicional: principales organizadores-gestores, fechas en las que se llevan a cabo, públicos a los que van dirigidos, actividades que se realizan, tipos de alimentos que se promueven, etcétera.
Por último, se señala el número de eventos de este tipo, cuya concentración
en las ciudades capitales (Morelia y Oaxaca), a diferencia de otros municipios
y localidades de ambas entidades, las posiciona como los principales destinos
turísticos en el mercado interno e internacional. A partir de ello, se identifica la
construcción de categorías: festivales hegemónicos y periféricos, los cuales se aclaran en su momento.

As competition between tourism destinations increases, local culture is becoming an increasingly important source of new products and activities to attract and amuse tourists. Gastronomy has a particularly important role to play in this,... more

As competition between tourism destinations increases, local culture is becoming an increasingly important source of new products and activities to attract and amuse tourists. Gastronomy has a particularly important role to play in this, not only because food is central to the tourist experience, but also because gastronomy has become an important source of identity formation in postmodern societies. More and more, ‘we are what we eat’, not just in the physical sense, but also because we identify with certain types of cuisine that we encounter on holiday. This introductory chapter charts the development of gastronomy as a socio-cultural practice and important cultural industry is examined from the perspective of tourism. The various ways in which gastronomic experiences are created, developed and marketed to tourists and the importance of gastronomic experiences for tourists are analysed in a variety of different settings. We introduce some of the main points of discussion surrounding the relationship between gastronomy and tourism which are tackled in more depth in the subsequent chapters.

Jedną z podstawowych potrzeb osób podróżujących jest zaspokojenie głodu i pragnienia. Dlatego rozwój gastronomii jest ściśle powiązany z rozwojem turystyki. Przez długie lata w Polsce jej rola była jednak niedoceniana. Gastronomię... more

Jedną z podstawowych potrzeb osób podróżujących jest zaspokojenie głodu i pragnienia. Dlatego rozwój gastronomii jest ściśle powiązany z rozwojem turystyki. Przez długie lata w Polsce jej rola była jednak niedoceniana. Gastronomię postrzegano przede wszystkim jako element zagospodarowania turystycznego - może i ważny, ale z reguły jedynie uzupełniający bazę noclegową. Dopiero w ostatnich latach zmieniło się podejście do gastronomii. Coraz częściej wykorzystywana jest ona do wzbogacania oferty turystycznej. Dzięki temu stała się równoprawnym elementem pakietu turystycznego, dostarczającym podróżnym wiele przyjemności i satysfakcji, a nierzadko nawet samodzielną atrakcją turystyczną, będącą głównym celem przyjazdów turystów. W artykule - oprócz zagadnień natury terminologicznej (podstawowe definicje i klasyfikacje) - dokonano charakterystyki siedmiu kategorii produktu turystycznego: rzecz, usługa, wydarzenie, impreza (pakiet turystyczny), obiekt, szlak, obszar. Na przykładach z Polski i świata zaprezentowano szerokie możliwości wykorzystania dziedzictwa kulinarnego do tworzenia atrakcyjnych produktów turystycznych.

Spain and Portugal, neighbours in the Iberian Peninsula, arguably represent polar opposites in terms of their approaches to innovation and tradition in gastronomy. This paper analyses the approaches in these two neighbouring countries,... more

Spain and Portugal, neighbours in the Iberian Peninsula, arguably represent polar opposites in terms of their approaches to innovation and tradition in gastronomy. This paper analyses the approaches in these two neighbouring countries, and examines the relationship between gastronomy as heritage and gastronomy as innovation. In particular it asks whether the more conservative approach to national gastronomy in Portugal may partly be seen as a reaction to threatened changes to gastronomic habits from EU legislation (Richards and Hjalager, 2002).The legislation to define and protect elements of national gastronomy emerged at a time when it seemed that EU controls might limit or eradicate the production of certain traditional foods – a situation also faced in other countries (Ren, 2010). In Spain, as Ravenscroft and van Westering (2002) have argued, the more flexible combination of intellectual property protection and regionalisation led to more creative approaches to gastronomy.

Manastırların kendine has özel yapılar olması ve kapalı sistemle yönetilmeleri, ayrı bir mutfak ve yeme-içme kültürünü beraberinde getirmektedir. Araştırmanın amacı, Hristiyan manastırlarındaki mutfak kültürünü ortaya koymaktır. Böylece,... more

Manastırların kendine has özel yapılar olması ve kapalı sistemle yönetilmeleri, ayrı bir mutfak ve yeme-içme kültürünü beraberinde getirmektedir. Araştırmanın amacı, Hristiyan manastırlarındaki mutfak kültürünü ortaya koymaktır. Böylece, çok da aşina olmadığımız bu kültüre dikkat çekerek farkındalık yaratmak ve özel yanlarını Anadolu’nun bir zenginliği olarak gastronomi potansiyelinin değerlendirilebilmesine
katkıda bulunmak hedeflenmektedir

Asırlarca hükmettiği coğrafyadan kültürüne bambaşka değerler katan Osmanlı, mutfak kültüründe de gerek pişirme yöntemlerinin farklılığı, gerekse kullanılan malzemelerin çeşitliliği ve yemekler içersindeki kullanımlarıyla oldukça dikkat... more

Asırlarca hükmettiği coğrafyadan kültürüne bambaşka değerler katan Osmanlı, mutfak kültüründe de gerek pişirme yöntemlerinin farklılığı, gerekse kullanılan malzemelerin çeşitliliği ve yemekler içersindeki kullanımlarıyla oldukça dikkat çekmektedir.

Abstract Aim Nutrition for the first twenty-first century was the basic requirement for mankind. The need to meet this requirement has taken on a different dimension, beginning with gathering and hunting, domestication of various animal... more

Nutrition for the first twenty-first century was the basic requirement for mankind. The
need to meet this requirement has taken on a different dimension, beginning with
gathering and hunting, domestication of various animal species, and the beginning of
agricultural activities together with established survival. The way people feed, prepare,
cook, and eat food has constantly changed throughout the historical process. The aim of
this study is to provide information on plate design principles and techniques, as well as
information on contemporary and original presentations, on future work in the field of
gastronomy and culinary arts.
Qualitative research method was used in this study. "Study of situation" was used as
research design. This method has been identified since case studies are suitable for
multidimensional collection of data. In addition, face-to-face interviews were conducted
with field experts in the study, and data from specialists were analyzed by descriptive
Presentation; Means the style or style in which something is presented, presented or
displayed (Oxford Dictionaries, 2016). Presentation; Presenting, presenting,
introducing, presenting, it is thought that presenting the food in a presentation affects
people's taste and therefore their preferences as well.
Result and Suggestions
It is understood that plate presentation is an effective factor in people's choice of places,
eating pleasure, gastronomic mobility. It is thought that the work to be done and the
points to be considered in the production and preparation stages of the gastronomy field
are not clearly understood and each element should be evaluated separately in this
Key Words: Plate Presentation, Food Presentation, Food Design, Plate Preparation

Öz Yemek ve kültür kavramını birleştiren gastronomi, turizm pazarlamasında avantaj sağlayan yeni bir turizm alanının gelişmesine katkı sağlamıştır. Türkiye'nin sahip olduğu coğrafik ve iklimsel çeşitlilik ve birçok kültüre ev sahipliği... more

Öz Yemek ve kültür kavramını birleştiren gastronomi, turizm pazarlamasında avantaj sağlayan yeni bir turizm alanının gelişmesine katkı sağlamıştır. Türkiye'nin sahip olduğu coğrafik ve iklimsel çeşitlilik ve birçok kültüre ev sahipliği yapması sonucunda oluşan kültürel etkileşim ile mutfak kültürü de çeşitlilik kazanmıştır. Büyük bir gastronomik değere sahip olan Türkiye'nin, bu değerlerinin tanıtımının yapılması ve sahip çıkılması gerekmektedir. Bu bağlamda gastronomik değerlerin kaleme alınması gerektiği düşünülmektedir. Güneydoğu Anadolu bölgesinin 'Bereketli Hilal' denilen bölgede yer alması ve çeşitli uygarlıklara ev sahipliği yapması nedeniyle Türkiye'nin mutfak kültürünün çeşitlilik kazandığı en önemli bölgelerden biri olduğu düşünülmektedir. Güneydoğu Anadolu bölgesinin sahip olduğu bu potansiyeli akademik olarak gösterebilmek ve tanıtımına katkıda bulunabilmek amacıyla "Gastronomi Turizmi ve Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi Gastronomik Unsurları" adlı envanter çalışması yapılmıştır. Abstract Gastronomy which is combining the food and culture concepts has contributed to the development of a new tourism area providing advantage in tourism marketing. As a result of geographical and climatic diversities of Turkey, and hosting many cultures within the body of itself, the cousin culture has been diversified with the help of cultural interaction, as well. It is necessary to be publicized and protected the great gastronomic values of Turkey has. In this context, it is thought that the gastronomic values are necessary to be written up. For the purpose of presenting and contributing to the promotion of the potential that South Anatolian region holds, an inventory study which name is " Gastronomy Tourism and South Anatolian Region Gastronomic Component " has been conducted.

Yöresel mutfak ve dolayısıyla yöresel yemekler gerek somut olmayan kültürel miras özelliği taşıması gerekse destinasyonların çekicilik unsurları arasında yer alması açısından önem taşımaktadır. Yöresel yemeklerin yaşatılması ve gelecek... more

Yöresel mutfak ve dolayısıyla yöresel yemekler gerek somut olmayan kültürel miras özelliği taşıması gerekse destinasyonların çekicilik unsurları arasında yer alması açısından önem taşımaktadır. Yöresel yemeklerin yaşatılması ve gelecek nesillere aktarılabilmesi, onların tanınırlığının ve kullanımının yaygınlaştırılması ile sağlanabilir. Bu çalışma, Eskişehir mutfağına ait
yemeklerin, Eskişehir’de faaliyet gösteren otel işletmelerine bağlı restoranlarda bilinirlik ve bulunurluk düzeylerini ve bunun nedenlerini belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında ikincil verilere dayalı olarak gerçekleştirilen alanyazın taraması ile Eskişehir’e özgü yemekler belirlenmiştir. Ardından Eskişehir’de faaliyet gösteren otel işletmelerinde yüz
yüze görüşme yöntemi kullanılarak nitel bir araştırma yürütülmüştür. Çalışmanın sonuçları Eskişehir’de faaliyet gösteren otel işletmelerine bağlı restoranlarda Eskişehir mutfağının sunulmadığını çünkü otel işletmelerinin pek çoğunda Eskişehir mutfağının yeterince tanınmadığını göstermektedir. Eskişehir mutfağının bir çekicilik unsuru olarak ziyaretçilere sunulmasına yönelik öneriler verilmiştir.

Gastronomy and culinary arts is one of the fields whose all of the stakeholders much need the communication and the lack of ethics is greatly experienced. While creating ethic codes of this field, considering problems and expectations of... more

Gastronomy and culinary arts is one of the fields whose all of the stakeholders much need the communication and the lack of ethics is greatly experienced. While creating ethic codes of this field, considering problems and expectations of workers and enterprises is prerequisite. Forming the rules of this field, determining the binding rules of all the stakeholders affect or are affected directly or indirectly is regarded as sin qua none of this field. This study is prepared based on devoted students, in the context of "The Impact of Culture and Art on Gastronomy" course of the program of Masters in Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, Gaziantep University.

The inscription of particular cuisines on the UNESCO List of Intangible Heritage is part of a process that creates “haute traditional” cuisines by linking elements perceived as “local” with those seen as “cosmopolitan.” This process... more

The inscription of particular cuisines on the UNESCO List of Intangible Heritage is part of a process that creates “haute traditional” cuisines by linking elements perceived as “local” with those seen as “cosmopolitan.” This process simultaneously bridges and reifies divisions between local/native/ancestral/feminine and cosmopolitan/transnational/innovative/masculine. The formation of haute traditional cuisines is not a natural process; ongoing cultural work naturalizes these cuisines as foodways that can be simultaneously local and cosmopolitan. This article considers three examples: the declaration of French and Mexican cuisines as UNESCO Intangible Heritage, and the incorporation of “local” ingredients such as llama meat into “cosmopolitan” touristic cuisine in La Paz, Bolivia.

It is known that the contribution of gastronomic tourism to the economies of the countries has increased in recent years. With each passing day searching for new flavors becomes one of the elements that direct people to gastronomic... more

It is known that the contribution of gastronomic tourism to the economies of the countries has increased in recent years. With each passing day searching for new flavors becomes one of the elements that direct people to gastronomic tourism, the importance of how you eat is increasing. It is known that your meal is primarily eaten by the eye, and the foods that are not attractive to the eye reduce the desire for tasting it in person. It is possible to say that the biggest factor in the emergence of kitchen trends and innovative presentation concepts in the world is aesthetic concern. With aesthetic concerns, chefs tend to present different products with different presentation techniques and unique designs. When the activities such as presentation and presentation of food selection, taste, location selection and re-eating activities are taken into consideration, the importance of plate presentation in gastronomy tourism has been investigated by using screening method in the study and contribution has been tried to be made to the studies of establishment of plate presentation principles.

Maģistra darba izstrādes gaitā autore sasniedza darba mērķi – noskaidrot, kā pieredzes ekonomikas un sensorā mārketinga kontekstā tiek veicinātas cilvēka maņas un sajūtas, un izmantots radošums, lai apmeklētājiem radītu bagātīgu,... more

Maģistra darba izstrādes gaitā autore sasniedza darba mērķi – noskaidrot, kā pieredzes ekonomikas un sensorā mārketinga kontekstā tiek veicinātas cilvēka maņas un sajūtas, un izmantots radošums, lai apmeklētājiem radītu bagātīgu, daudzveidīgu un autentisku pieredzi gan gastronomijas uzņēmumos, gan pasākumos ar gastronomiskiem elementiem. To, ka darba mērķis ir sasniegts, liecina apkopotā teorētiskā informācija par maņu un sajūtu veicināšanu un tās veidiem, atklāts, kāpēc maņu un sajūtu veicināšana ir būtiska un kā tā saistīta ar mūsdienu sabiedrības attīstības tendencēm un pieprasījumu. Autore noskaidrojusi, ka tieši emocijas un baudas ir mūsdienu sabiedrības izvēļu pamatā, un sensorais mārketings ir efektīvs instruments, kā piesaistīt cilvēku uzmanību. Gan teorētiskajā literatūrā, gan pētījumā atklāts, cik liela nozīme gastronomijā ir radošumam un inovācijām, un kā tās var palīdzēt attīstīt gan pašu gastronomijas nozari, gan uzlabot sabiedrības norises, izglītotību, reģionu atpazīstamību un ekonomisko attīstību.
Pētījuma jautājums – Kāda ir pieredzes veicināšanas nozīme un kā to ietekmē cilvēka maņu un sajūtu stimulēšana gastronomijā? Kādas radošo industriju pazīmes piemīt gastronomijas nozarei, kā izmantot tās potenciālu un kādi ir ieguvumi, radot augstāku pievienoto vērtību? – ir ticis atbildēts pilnībā, un tēzes, kas atspoguļo šīs atbildes, ir apkopotas darba kopsavilkumā.
Darba empīriskajā daļā gūtas vairākas nozīmīgas atziņas, praksē apstiprinājušās vairākas darba teorētiskajā daļā apskatītās teorijas un akadēmiskajās publikācijās analizētās tendences. Dziļo interviju un gadījuma analīzes rezultāti atspoguļo veidus un piemērus, kā apmeklētājiem tiek radīta bagātīga, daudzveidīga un autentiska pieredze gan gastronomijas uzņēmumos, gan pasākumos ar gastronomiskiem elementiem. Izvirzīti vairāki secinājumi, kas būtu vērtīgi gan gastronomijas, gan kultūras pasākumu menedžmenta praktiķiem.

Mass tourism has been the leading engine of tourism industry for many years. Until 1990’s almost all of the marketing efforts has been oriented towards the beaches of Eagean and Mediterranean’s sea, sand and sun tourism. As a result of... more

Mass tourism has been the leading engine of tourism industry for many years. Until 1990’s almost all of the marketing efforts has been oriented towards the beaches of Eagean and Mediterranean’s sea, sand and sun tourism. As a result of this today Turkey has the image of a one of the first ten coastal tourism countries in the world. Although the country is very rich in plenty of natural and cultural values. In recent years alternative tourism activities has attracted the attention of marketers as new tourism products. Sports, health, cultural, religion and gastronomy tourisms are the new emerging tourism products. Plenty of tourism literature and promotional material of various destinations show that especially the role of gastronomy in destination marketing has been recently taking the attention of marketers both locally and internationally. Gastronomy is not only an art of eating and drinking, it’s also an interaction of food and beverage with art, culture, science.
In modern globalized world international food chains are all around the world, people eat standardized food. People who are tired of their standardized lives travel with the dream of experiencing intangible local cultural assets like; local cultures, life styles, food etc. Local also has the potential to enhance sustainability in tourism. As it strenghthens the local economy also contributes to the aunthenticity of the destination.
Gastronomical products are among the most important cultural values of a destination. Local gastronomical culture differentiate one destination from the other. Gastronomical values of a destination reflects the identity of its local culture. The visitors consume the products of a destination. Local gastronomical products are the reflections of local cultural identity and add value to a destination These tangible and intangible products must fullfill the wants and needs of the visitor. The uniqueness of its local intangible cultural values like gastronomical culture supports the sustainable competitiveness of a destination and makes it easer for marketers to promote.
Turkey is a multicultural country and has a diverse cuisine from east to west and north to south. All different destinations of the country have their own gastronomical culture. The country has sufficient attraction factors for gastronomy tourism. In destination marketing, for a preferable destination the destination has to be differentiated from the competitors and the destination culture has to be blended with the gastronomical identitiy/culture. In this study the relationship with destination marketing and the gastronomy tourism is discussed in literature especially in terms of sustainability with different examples with the light of the results of TURSAB 2015 Gastronomy Tourism Report. Suggestions have been developed for possible implications for destination marketing strategies, promotion and development of gastronomy tourism.

Yabani otlar hem doğal kaynaklar olması bakımından hem de ekonomik geli-re dönüştürülmesi mümkün olduğundan önemlidir. Yurt dışında tanınmış res-toranlar dahil olmak üzere pek çok işletmede yabani otlar kullanılmakta ve bu restoranlara... more

Yabani otlar hem doğal kaynaklar olması bakımından hem de ekonomik geli-re dönüştürülmesi mümkün olduğundan önemlidir. Yurt dışında tanınmış res-toranlar dahil olmak üzere pek çok işletmede yabani otlar kullanılmakta ve bu restoranlara ayırt edici bir özellik kazanmaktadır. Yabani ot bakımından son derece zengin olan Türkiye’de ise son derece sınırlı örneklere rastlanmakta-dır. Bu noktadan hareketle bu çalışmada temel amaç Eskişehir’deki yenebilir yabani otların turistik işletmelere kazandırılmasının sağlanmasıdır. Üç aşama-lı olarak gerçekleştirilen araştırmada öncelikle yabani ot kullanımının tespit edilebilmesi için anket aracılığıyla veri toplanmış, verilerin frekans, yüzde ve çapraz tabloları incelenmiştir. İkinci aşamada yabani ot kullanan işletmeler-deki yetkililerle görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiş ve verilere içerik analizi uygulanmıştır. Son aşamada Türkiye’de bilinen ve yabani otları kullanan öncü işletmelerin yetkilileriyle derinlemesine görüşmeler gerçekleştirilerek elde edilen verilere betimsel analiz gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak tedarik sorununun giderilebileceği ve tadım menüleri şeklinde tanıtımının yapılmasıyla menülere eklenebileceği anlaşılmıştır.

Değişen turizm anlayışı içinde, gidilen bölgenin mutfak kültürü, otantik bir deneyim arayışında olan turistler için önemli bir tercih nedeni haline gelmiştir. Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi, mutfak kültürü açısından yöreye özgü pek çok farklı... more

Değişen turizm anlayışı içinde, gidilen bölgenin mutfak kültürü, otantik bir deneyim arayışında olan turistler için
önemli bir tercih nedeni haline gelmiştir. Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi, mutfak kültürü açısından yöreye özgü pek çok farklı
yemek çeşidine sahip olmakla birlikte, bunların sadece bir kısmı yörenin turizm faaliyetleri içerisinde yer bulabilmektedir.
Çalışmanın temel amacı, Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde mutfak kültürünün turizm ürünü olarak kullanım etkinliğinin
incelenmesi ve sunumunda yaşanan eksikliklerin tespit edilmesidir. Çalışmanın araştırma alanı olarak Rize’nin Çamlıhemşin
ilçesine bağlı Ayder Turizm Merkezi seçilmiştir. Araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden görüşme ve içerik analizi
yöntemlerine başvurulmuştur. Bu bağlamda, yörede faaliyet gösteren restoranların yöneticileriyle görüşülmüş ve menüleri
içerik analizine tabii tutulmuştur. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre yörede faaliyet gösteren restoran yöneticileri, mutfak
kültürünün turizm amaçlı kullanımının öneminin yeterince farkında değildir. Ayrıca, turist sayısındaki artışa bağlı olarak,
yöresel mutfağın sunumunda yozlaşmalar yaşandığı tespit edilmiştir.

Yerel ve geleneksel gıdalar gastronomi turizmininin, önemli ürünleri arasında yer almaktadır. Son yıllarda, turistlerin yöresel değerlerini koruyan ve ön plana çıkartan destinasyonlara daha fazla seyahat gerçekleştirdikleri görülmektedir.... more

Yerel ve geleneksel gıdalar gastronomi turizmininin, önemli ürünleri arasında yer almaktadır. Son yıllarda, turistlerin yöresel değerlerini koruyan ve ön plana çıkartan destinasyonlara daha fazla seyahat gerçekleştirdikleri görülmektedir. Bundan dolayı, destinasyonlar turist çekmek ve turizm gelirlerini artırmak için yöresel ürünleri korumaya önem vermeye başlamışlardır. Yöresel ürünlerin korunması ve gelecek nesillere aktarılması, yerelliğin dünya ile buluşması olarak ön plana çıkartılan coğrafi işaretleme uygulaması ile gerçekleştirilmektedir. Türkiye’nin, çok eski çağlardan beri sayısız medeniyete ev sahipliği yapması, coğrafi konumunun uygunluğu ve verimli toprak yapısı çok çeşitli coğrafi işaretli yöresel ürünlere sahip olmasına neden olmuştur. Bu yöresel ürünlerin kalite standartlarının korunması ve taklitlerinden sakınılması için coğrafi işaretleme ile tescillenmesi gerekmektedir. Coğrafi işarete sahip ürünler, destinasyonlara gastronomi turizmi kapsamında turist çekmektedir. Turistler coğrafi işarete sahip yöresel ürün ve yemekleri deneyimlemek için destinasyonlara seyahat gerçekleştirmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Manisa ilinde coğrafi işaret tescili alan yöresel ürün ve yemekler tanıtılarak, coğrafi işarete sahip ürün ve yemeklerin gastronomi turizmine katkısı belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Manisa ili, Akhisar Domat Zeytin, Akhisar Uslu Zeytin, Akhisar Köfte, Salihli Kiraz, Salihli Odun Köfte ve Kırkağaç kavunu olmak üzere toplamda altı coğrafi işaretli ürüne sahiptir. Coğrafi işarete sahip olan yöresel ürün ve yemeklerin Manisa’nın gastronomi turizminin gelişimine katkısı için öneriler sunulmuştur.

The purpose of this paper is to identify the innovations in traditional food at culinary events in the Czech Republic, to classify these emerging innovation aspects and to explore the attitudes of chefs and visitors of culinary events... more

The purpose of this paper is to identify the innovations in traditional food at culinary events in the Czech Republic, to classify these emerging innovation aspects and to explore the attitudes of chefs and visitors of culinary events towards these innovative aspects. Qualitative methodology, in particular, a photo-based analysis was used employing initial sorting and coding of 1551 photographs from 92 culinary events. Standardization of the process was controlled by Krippendorff's alfa, and by comparison with university archeological databases containing traditional dishes. With the use of Grounded Theory, five innovation aspects for traditional dishes at culinary events were detected in the final set of photographs: reduction of portion sizes, the inclusion of edible food wrapper, change to a liquid state, visual imitation, and fortification with traditional ingredients. Most representative dishes for each innovative aspect were chosen and cooked for standardized presentation, which took place during photo-elicitation focus groups (PEFGs) with experts (chefs) and visitors of culinary events. PEFGs results showed regionality/authenticity of dishes and ingredients together with innovative appearance as the most important components of traditional dishes for encouraging tourists to visit the culinary festivals and for increasing destination attractiveness. Sensible seek for balance between too intensive innovative approach and low attractivity is crucial. The visitors were not interested in extreme innovations or fusion cuisine implemented by chefs in the case of traditional dishes due to the presence of neophobia. Frequently neglected phenomenological qualitative photo-based analysis employing PEFGs can be a useful tool for research in the tourism field, especially during its initial phase.

Du service à la française au repas à la française ou une histoire gastronomique en France à travers les techniques gastronomiques, l'histoire des arts de la table et de la cuisine

Eating is one of our most basic physiological needs even when we travel. For some tourists, food is an important part of the journey, and gourmand travelers are especially aware of the benefits of traditional food culture and local food.... more

Eating is one of our most basic physiological needs even when we travel. For some tourists, food
is an important part of the journey, and gourmand travelers are especially aware of the benefits
of traditional food culture and local food. The world is divided into various gastronomic regions
where food, cuisine, and traditions of gastronomy vary between countries. Local food plays a
central role within the tourism experience. There is an increased interest in local food markets,
food festivals, and local food and drinks. These local products can improve the economic and
environmental sustainability of both the tourism industry and the rural host community. There are
262 Slow Cities in 30 countries in the world, and 17 of these Slow Cities are in Turkey. According
to the Cittaslow International Charter, Cittaslows are non-profit entities and their objectives are to
promote and spread the culture of good living through research, testing, and application of
solutions for the cities. Both Cittaslows and sustainable tourism have a similar aim of protecting
and developing the natural and cultural resource values of a region. As a destination with an
exciting culture, varied scenery, and long history, Turkey and its cuisine have long been a highlight
for foreign visitors. There are many traditional recipes on the Slow Cities route that offer authentic
Turkish hospitality. The restaurants on this route offer dishes to gourmand tourists made with the
local produce of farmers, fishermen, and other citizens engaged in agriculture. Gourmand tourists
will visit the cultural and natural resources of the cities, taste authentic dishes, learn eating and
drinking rituals, and experience the local food culture and traditions. They will want to hear the
stories of restaurant owners and chefs and to enjoy a dining experience with locals. As such,
research on gourmand tourism with a focus on local food as a tourist product could promote
economic development at the regional level for the Slow Cities route in Turkey. The production of
local food by farmers will improve the local economy and create new jobs for the local population
in Slow Cities. The aim of this paper is to analyze the Slow Cities route in Turkey as a gourmand
tourism destination. It primarily relies on qualitative research to understand the main features of
local food and tourism activities while taking care to consider how the protection of natural and
cultural resources is necessary for tourism development. A literature review and expert interviews
are used as a research methodology.

En la última década se ha desarrollado una nueva modalidad de turismo rural que pretende satisfacer la demanda de un segmento de mercado relacionado con los productos alimenticios: el turismo gastronómico. Se han creado rutas... more

En la última década se ha desarrollado una nueva modalidad de turismo rural que pretende satisfacer la demanda de un segmento de mercado relacionado con los productos alimenticios: el turismo gastronómico. Se han creado rutas gastronómicas e itinerarios en donde el turista puede observar las distintas fases de la elaboración y degustar el producto que da origen a cada ruta, la cual está avalada por un Consejo Regulador que certifica su calidad.
Esta investigación analiza las rutas gastronómicas existentes en la provincia de Córdoba que están sustentadas sobre cinco productos clave: el aceite de oliva, el vino, el jamón ibérico, el mantecado y el anís. El objetivo es conocer el perfil socioeconómico del turista que demanda este tipo de turismo y la oferta existente del mismo. La metodología utilizada se basa en análisis de correlaciones. Los resultados obtenidos indican que hace falta una profesionalización del sector, y que es un tipo de turismo que puede generar rentas complementarias a los agricultores y crear empleo, especialmente en época de crisis.

This expert meeting of the ATLAS Tourism and Gastronomy Group attracted a total of 30 delegates from Portugal, South Africa, the United States, Thailand, New Zealand, the UK, the Netherlands, Spain, Russia and Ireland. The meeting opened... more

This expert meeting of the ATLAS Tourism and Gastronomy Group attracted a total of 30 delegates from Portugal, South Africa, the United States, Thailand, New Zealand, the UK, the Netherlands, Spain, Russia and Ireland. The meeting opened with an outline of the history of the group, which was launched at a meeting in the Alto Minho region of Portugal in 2001. Carlos Fernandes was thanked for his hard work in organising the meeting and Ana Paula Vale for her hosting of the meeting in the historic surroundings of the Agricltural School at Refóios do Lima.

A culture is comprised of narratives that perpetuate certain values and morals, and then channels them through media such as visual art, music and theatre. This transmission can also be conducted through food and foodways, carrying these... more

A culture is comprised of narratives that perpetuate certain values and morals, and then channels them through media such as visual art, music and theatre. This transmission can also be conducted through food and foodways, carrying these values through the process of sharing experiences and customs revolving around a meal. From nostalgia to lessons on life, the preparation and sharing of food has been essential in the education of young generations in understanding a certain way of life. Today, this 'word-of-bite' has only survived in cultures that have solidified and protected their values through the development and solidifcation of their national gastronomy, whether through UNESCO labelling as cultural heritage or through becoming a widely recognized part of the tourist offer. Sociologists and anthropologists recognized this and began analysing the origins of dishes, their etymology, symbolism within the society (cultural and/or religious), as well as similarities and differences between dishes of various cultures. This metaphysical value can be projected to larger scales than individual sentiments; if enough people give the same dish or food that value it becomes a societal tool for bringing people together. This means that these dishes are capable of uniting a nation's population if enough importance is placed on them at a metaphysical level.

Yabancı mutfak şeflerinin, Türk mutfağı hakkındaki görüşlerini ortaya koymak amacıyla bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Veriler, Hatay ilinde 2014 yılı Eylül ayında gerçekleştirilen " Akdeniz Mutfak Günleri " ne katılan 11 şeften görüşme formu... more

Yabancı mutfak şeflerinin, Türk mutfağı hakkındaki görüşlerini ortaya koymak amacıyla bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Veriler, Hatay ilinde 2014 yılı Eylül ayında gerçekleştirilen " Akdeniz Mutfak Günleri " ne katılan 11 şeften görüşme formu yaklaşımı ile toplanmıştır. Veriler içerik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Görüşmeyi kabul eden şeflerin Türk Mutfağı hakkında daha önceden fikir sahibi oldukları, Türk Mutfağını porsiyon, baharat çeşitliliği, besin değeri, kalite, tat ve tat-uyum açısından çok beğendikleri belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca Türk Mutfağının dünya mutfakları arasında özel bir yere sahip olduğu ortak görüşü ile birçok farklı ve ilginç özellikteki yemek çeşitlerini barındırdığı ifade edilmiştir. Buna karşın az da olsa hijyen, sindirim ve şeker oranın fazlalığı açısından da rahatsızlıklar yarattığı belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar ışığında, araştırmanın kısıtları da göz ardı edilmeden, Türk mutfağının tanıtımı çerçevesinde bazı önerilerde bulunulmuştur. Keywords Abstract Turkish cuisine, Foreign cuisine chefs A research was conducted to determine the views of the foreign chefs on Turkish cuisine. Data were collected via interview form approach from 11 chefs attending "Mediterranean Culinary Days" which was held in September 2014, in Hatay. The data were subjected to content analysis. It is determined that the chefs who were interviewed had already an idea about Turkish Cuisine and enjoyed very much the portions, variety of spices, nutritional value, quality, taste and taste-compliance of Turkish Cuisine. It has also been stated that Turkish Cuisine has a special place among the world's cuisines and hosts a variety of dishes with interesting features. However, it is determined that it has created some disturbance based on some of hygiene, digestion and excess sugar content. In light of the results obtained, without ignoring the limitations of the research, some suggestions for the promotion of Turkish cuisine were made.

Turkish cuisine is suitable for vegan and vegetarian diets with its healthy dishes. The aim of this study is to reveal the dishes suitable for vegan and vegetarian diets in Turkish cuisine culture and to analyze their nutritional values.... more

Turkish cuisine is suitable for vegan and vegetarian diets with its healthy dishes. The aim of this study is to reveal the dishes suitable for vegan and vegetarian diets in Turkish cuisine culture and to analyze their nutritional values. Turkey is geographically divided into seven regions. In this study, 21 vegan and vegetarian recipes that are served as soup, main course and dessert from each of the seven regions in Turkey were handled. The materials used in the dishes were determined by interviews and literature. Approximately one portion of each dish was analyzed for 21 items with the Nutrition Information System. The Nutritional Information System (BeBiS) is a packaged program that allows the calculation of nutrients in the contents of foods during studies related to nutrition. BeBiS uses the nation’s scientific food databases. The recipes discussed were compared and evaluated in terms of regions through nutritional facts. Findings suggest that there were significant differences between dishes from different regions for vegans and vegetarians. These results suggest that vegans can be guided by vegan samples into Turkish culinary culture.