Diplomatics Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Diplomatics offers a methodological approach to Information Science providing subsidies for documentary analysis in Archival Science. Its origin dates back to the seventeenth century, when in 1681, Mabillon published the work De re... more

Diplomatics offers a methodological approach to Information Science providing subsidies for
documentary analysis in Archival Science. Its origin dates back to the seventeenth century, when in 1681,
Mabillon published the work De re Diplomatica libri VI enunciating for the first time, the elements for
document criticism. After Mabillon, other works were published in France, Austria, Germany and Italy
contributing to the consolidation of the discipline within the so called “documentary sciences”, admitting
concepts and methods for the criticism of medieval documents. However, despite the long list of works,
the literature still lacks a systematization of the ideas of classical authors that make up the discipline, more
specifically, how they interact and work to its constitution. This systematization is important once authors
as Bautier (1962), Duranti (1995) and Heredia (1991) identified in those works, the earliest theoretical and
practical manifestations for archival organization. Thus, this dissertation performs a theoretical reunion of
Diplomatics from the study of its major works published between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries,
aiming to identify the role they play in the construction of both disciplines, systematizing the ideas of the
more expressive frameworks of the area in order to build a ideal type of diplomatics method. To do so, it
was carried out an exploratory, theoretical and documentary study in the works of Diplomatics identifying
the nature, object and purpose of discipline, so it could be built a cartography of authors who integrate the
epistemological constitution of the area, as well as an ideal type of diplomatic method, able to deal with
old and contemporary documents.

This paper explores the dissemination of seal usage among the Flemish noble elite throughout the twelfth century. Aristocratic seal culture in the county of Flanders was impacted by opposing external influences: Flanders enjoyed strong... more

This paper explores the dissemination of seal usage among the Flemish noble elite throughout the twelfth century. Aristocratic seal culture in the county of Flanders was impacted by opposing external influences: Flanders enjoyed strong relations with both the Anglo-Norman realm, whose cross-Channel baronage became increasingly familiar with seals from 1100 onwards, and the German Empire, where seal usage remained strictly reserved for to the upper nobility well throughout the twelfth century. The study shows that most leading Flemish aristocrats already owned a seal matrix by 1140–1160, while lesser lords and knights gradually accessed seal ownership between 1180 and 1220/30. Flanders therefore appears to have been heavily influenced by Anglo-Norman attitudes towards seals, although the spreading process was delayed by half a century compared to England and Normandy. This was a regular process of downward social diffusion, that happened along the lines of internal stratification in Flemish aristocratic society. Emulation among peers played a key role, as did the imitation of more elevated members of the ruling elite. This was initiated by the counts of Flanders whose iconographical archetypes tellingly set the tone. By contrast, in some peripheral parts of the county, especially in “Imperial Flanders”, dominant noble families may have used seals to politically challenge comital overlordship.

The “Majestätsquaterne” of the Moravian Land Registries. Admission to the Estates in Moravia after 1628 and Written Records of them in the Years 1642–1852. The essence of the study is an analysis of the so-called Majestätsquaterne”,... more

The “Majestätsquaterne” of the Moravian Land Registries. Admission
to the Estates in Moravia after 1628 and Written Records of them in
the Years 1642–1852.
The essence of the study is an analysis of the so-called Majestätsquaterne”, special series of the Moravian Land Registers (Landtafeln), which recorded the admission of new members to the community of Moravian land estates in the period 1642–1852. As part of this so-called habilitation process in the land, the applicant had to prove that he had an incolat and aristocratic status (by means of an incolat and ennoblement charter), swear a personal oath of loyalty to
the monarch (by means of intimation of the Court Chancery) and submit a binding statement in the written form of Relation to the Land (Revers zum Lande) to the land government (i.e., a written oath to uphold the land’s constitution, laws, and customs). The study outlines the
habilitation process in the land and then goes on to address: the formal and content aspects of the “Majestätsquaterne”; the role of the court and land administrations involved; and individual depositors and the written material produced by them. It reconstructs the practise of
registration and shows the resulting compositional scheme of individual registred documents and their classification according to traditional diplomatic categories, including an evaluation of selected internal and external features.

Notai fiorentini e monaci cistercensi fra Due e Trecento, in Notariorum itinera. Notai toscani del basso Medioevo tra routine, mobilità e specializzazione. Casi toscani, a cura di G. Pinto, L. Tanzini, S. Tognetti, Firenze, Olschki, 2018... more

Notai fiorentini e monaci cistercensi fra Due e Trecento, in Notariorum itinera. Notai toscani del basso Medioevo tra routine, mobilità e specializzazione. Casi toscani, a cura di G. Pinto, L. Tanzini, S. Tognetti, Firenze, Olschki, 2018 (Biblioteca storica toscana a cura della Deputazione di storia patria per la Toscana; 78), pp. 49-70.

Domböcker är de viktigaste sammanhängande källorna till Finlands historia under 1600-talet. De belyser på ett mångsidigt sätt livet och människorna på det lokala planet men också i ett riksperspektiv. Domböckerna har ett stort... more

Domböcker är de viktigaste sammanhängande källorna till Finlands historia under 1600-talet. De belyser på ett mångsidigt sätt livet och människorna på det lokala planet men också i ett riksperspektiv. Domböckerna har ett stort kulturhistoriskt, rättshistoriskt och stadshistoriskt värde. De är ytterligare värdefulla språkhistoriska källor; protokollen är skrivarens referat av de muntliga vittnesutsagor som avlades i stadens rådstuga. I den första delen av sin doktorsavhandling redogör Harry Lönnroth för Ekenäs stads dombok 1678–1695 i ett rättsfilologiskt perspektiv. Boken innehåller dels en textfilologisk analys av den renoverade domboken, dels en editionsfilologisk introduktion till den vetenskapliga utgåva som ingår i avhandlingens andra del (Bidrag till kännedom av Finlands natur och folk 172). År 2007 förlänades verket två pris: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemias avhandlingspris och Svenska litteratursällskapets i Finland avhandlingspris.

The aim of presented paper is to outline the concept of the issuing of the seventh volume of the source edition "Codex diplomaticus et epistolaris regni Bohemiae" and its digital version. As a reaction to the changes in the diplomatic... more

The aim of presented paper is to outline the concept of the issuing of the seventh volume of the source edition "Codex diplomaticus et epistolaris regni Bohemiae" and its digital version. As a reaction to the changes in the diplomatic material at the end of the 13th century (in connection with the changes of stylization e.g. because of the permeation of the principles of Canon and Roman law into the charters or an influence of professional notaries educated in the domestic notary school in Vyšehrad, or with regard to the emergence of the official books, especially formularies), the editors decided to change a concept of issuing of CDB. In the first phase there will be processed and finished the second part of "Katalog listin a listů k VII. dílu Českého diplomatáře" and its on-line publishing in a form of database on website. The second phase will be connected with the preparation of the critical edition in a traditional printed as well as a digital form.

Boniface of Canossa is a figure of great importance to the political and military history of eleventh century Italy. Modern historiography has almost universally argued that Boniface gained his power through a close relationship and... more

Boniface of Canossa is a figure of great importance to the political and military history of eleventh century Italy. Modern historiography has almost universally argued that Boniface gained his power through a close relationship and alliance with a series of German emperors. Most accounts see Boniface’s fall and eventual murder in 1052 as a direct consequence of the breakdown of this relationship.
However, this analysis is flawed. It rests predominantly on the evidence of a single source: the Vita Mathildis by Donizone of Canossa. This document was produced more than half a century after the death of Boniface by an author who held complex political goals, but these have not been fully considered in the discussion of Boniface. Through the examination of the charter sources, this article argues that Donizone misrepresented Boniface’s actions and that there is considerable evidence that Boniface was not a consistent ally of the German emperors.

"La présente étude s'inscrit dans le débat à propos d'une éventuelle " mutation féodale " autour de l'an mil. Il s'agit d'étudier l'aristocratie laïque durant les Xe et XIe siècles, en prêtant une égale attention aux ressorts matériels et... more

"La présente étude s'inscrit dans le débat à propos d'une éventuelle " mutation féodale " autour de l'an mil. Il s'agit d'étudier l'aristocratie laïque durant les Xe et XIe siècles, en prêtant une égale attention aux ressorts matériels et idéologiques de sa domination sociale. La signification des transformations que connaît alors l'écriture diplomatique étant au cœur de la controverse, le choix a été fait de partir des sources hagiographiques originaires des abbayes d'Aurillac, Conques et Figeac. Mais le discours hagiographique présente ses propres biais. Afin de s'en prémunir au mieux, on a confronté autant que possible les affirmations des sources hagiographiques aux informations disponibles grâce à d'autres types de documents. La démonstration procède en deux étapes. En recourant aux méthodes de l'hagiologie, la première partie permet de contextualiser la production hagiographique et de s'interroger sur les conditions de sa réception : on s'aperçoit que si les textes latins sont d'abord destinés à être lus par des clercs, de multiples canaux de diffusion orale permettaient aux hagiographes de s'adresser également aux laïcs, en particulier à l'aristocratie. La seconde partie étudie l'évolution de la domination aristocratique à travers ce que permet d'en percevoir l'hagiographie. Elle montre qu'un certain nombre de transformations ont eu lieu dès le début du Xe siècle et permettent de parler d'une " mutation de l'an 900 " : l'émergence de la chevalerie, la mise en place de la féodalité, la montée en puissance des sires, l'importance des châteaux et des milites sont autant de phénomènes qui datent de cette époque. Toutefois, l'an mil connaît deux ajustements non négligeables : le redéploiement de l'identité aristocratique autour des châteaux et le passage d'une conception cognatique de la parenté noble à une autre d'avantage agnatique.
The present study falls within the scope of the debate about a possible "feudal mutation" around the year 1000. It is concerned with the study of lay aristocracy during the 10th and 11th centuries, by giving equal attention to ideological and material aspects of its social domination. Because the meaning of the transformations that affect diplomatic writing then is in the heart of the matter, we make the choice to work from the hagiographic narratives from the abbeys of Aurillac, Conques and Figeac. But there are also biases in the hagiographic discourse. In order to counterbalance their influence, we have compared as much as possible the data from hagiographic texts with the information available thanks to other types of documents. The demonstration is organized in two steps. Using the methods of hagiology, the first part contextualizes hagiographic production and questions the conditions of its reception: we are led to realize that, if the Latin texts are primaraly intented to be read by clerics, multiple oral channels allowed hagiographers to address also the laity, especially the aristocracy. The second part examines the evolution of aristocratic domination through what can be perceived in the hagiography. It shows that some transformations took place as early as the beginning of the 10th century and that we can therefore speak of "a mutation of the year 900": the ermergence of chivalry, the establishment of feudalism, the rise of the lords, the importance of castles and milites are phenomena which date from this time. Howewer, there are two significant adjustments around the year 1000: aristocratic identity refocuses on castles and the the noble kinship moves from a cognatic conception to another more agnatic."

Syftet med denna artikel är att belysa användningen av medeltidslatinska motsvarigheter till nusvenskans gård, stad och by, framför allt i det äldsta svenska brevmaterialet. Med utgångspunkt i ett brev från 1259 kommer ett antal olika... more

Syftet med denna artikel är att belysa användningen av medeltidslatinska motsvarigheter till nusvenskans gård, stad och by, framför allt i det äldsta svenska brevmaterialet. Med utgångspunkt i ett brev från 1259 kommer ett antal olika latinska begrepp, deras användning och eventuella betydelseförändringar att diskuteras. Avslutningsvis görs en djupare analys av bruket av ett par relevanta ord – mansio och manerium

In this essay, I lay out an argument about the scholarship on the emergent rationality of files. Looking at the case of Heinrich Otto Meisner’s groundbreaking modern diplomatics of files and the conditions and possibilities that shaped... more

In this essay, I lay out an argument about the scholarship on the emergent rationality of files. Looking at the case of Heinrich Otto Meisner’s groundbreaking modern diplomatics of files and the conditions and possibilities that shaped the argument of his work both practically and politically, I suggest a model for the analysis of bureaucratic mediocracy in historical perspective.
I understand Meisner’s observations of everyday life through the lense of bureaucratic logic as ethnography avant la lettre. After introducing Meisner and his pioneering work on the modern diplomatics of files, I give a close reading of his own private copy of the Aktenkunde that he first published in 1935; I show that the way he organized information followed the very symbolic and material logic of bureaucratic administration he set out to describe, acknowledging the basic concepts, such as the »principle of provenance«, which he defined and discussed throughout his book.
The historically contingent logics of archival administration and everyday life are incommensurable. Each is a relatively closed, but scattered terrain with its own emergent and internal logic. In that sense they can be considered black boxes within a model of double contingency. As it becomes clear with the case at hand, these relatively autonomous spheres are not separated from the politics inside and outside the archive. Examining the everydayness of state institutions, and intellectual and administrative practices, as well as the forms of paperwork that keeps them going, allows for a new perspective on the history of bureaucracy. Ultimately, I argue for an historical anthropology that acknowledges the epistemic violence and politics of inclusion and exclusion in bureaucracy in order to arrive at an historical anthropology of reason that does not deny, but instead attempts to think through its unequal terms.

DiploMA se veut un projet bâtisseur de réseau, incubateur de recherches et de projets, en structurant le champ historiographique neuf de l’histoire comparée et connectée des pratiques de l’écrit / scripturalité dans l’espace... more

DiploMA se veut un projet bâtisseur de réseau, incubateur de recherches et de projets, en structurant le champ historiographique neuf de l’histoire comparée et connectée des pratiques de l’écrit / scripturalité dans l’espace méditerranéen, entre les VIIIe et XVIe siècles.

Over the 10th and 11th centuries, the dioceses of Florence and Fiesole were governed by important bishops. Their charisma and political power, however, did not prevent them being consigned to obscurity. This paper describes how and why... more

Over the 10th and 11th centuries, the dioceses of Florence and Fiesole were governed by important bishops. Their charisma and political power, however, did not prevent them being consigned to obscurity. This paper describes how and why this came about, presenting an analysis of clues found in several texts written by the reformers (Saint Peter Damian's letters, Saint John Gualbert's life). It appears that the authority of the bishops was undermined by the rivalry between two influential religious communities close to the Episcopate – the monastery of San Miniato al Monte and the Florentine cathedral chapter – that came to the fore at about the same time. A powerful Florentine family (the Visdomini) and a group of John Gualbert’s monastic followers took advantage of this conflict, and while the bishops were busy calming the waters between the canons and monks, the Visdomini rose to political prominence and John Gualbert’s fortunes were favoured on the spiritual plane.

RESUMO: Artigo que reflete quanto à adoção do certificado digital tipo A3 como garantia da integridade dos documentos arquivísticos digitais pela Justiça Federal nos moldes previstos pelo MoReq-Jus e quanto à obrigatoriedade de sua... more

RESUMO: Artigo que reflete quanto à adoção do certificado digital tipo A3 como garantia da integridade dos documentos arquivísticos digitais pela Justiça Federal nos moldes previstos pelo MoReq-Jus e quanto à obrigatoriedade de sua manutenção para a produção desses documentos em sistemas informatizados de gestão arquivística de documentos que observam normas de gestão documental. O trabalho é composto de três partes: a primeira, esclarece o contexto para a adoção da criptografia assimétrica para assegurar a integridade dos documentos, a segunda destaca a importância da diplomática e da tipologia documental para garantir a autenticidade dos documentos e a última parte apresenta conclusão no sentido de que documentos produzidos em um sistema informatizado desenvolvido de acordo com o modelo de requisitos para gestão arquivística de documentos e que observe os princípios de gestão documental dispensam o uso de certificado digital para garantir sua autenticidade. Palavras-chave: Assinatura digital. Diplomática e tipologia documental. Autenticidade e integridade. SIGAD. AUTHENTICITY OF THE DIGITAL ARCHIVAL DOCUMENT: technological challenge or of observance of archival principles ABSTRACT: Paper that reflects on the adoption of the digital signature certificate Class 3 to ensure the integrity of Federal Justice's digital records in the manner foreseen by MoReq-Jus and regarding the obligation of its maintenance in an electronic management systems that follow record management standards. The paper is composed of three parts: the first clarifies the context for the adoption of asymmetric cryptography to ensure the integrity of records, the second emphasizes the importance of Diplomatics and Typological Analysis to ensure the authenticity of records and the last part is concluded in the sense that records generated in a electronic management system developed according to the model requirements for the management of electronic records and that follow principles of electronic record management, do not require the adoption of a digital signature certificate to ensure its authenticity.

De flesta äldre handlingar i Finland ligger otryckta och svåråtkomliga i arkivens gömmor. Därför har forskningen inte kunnat nyttiggöra dem på ett effektivt och tillförlitligt sätt. Dessutom är många finländska textutgåvor föråldrade och... more

De flesta äldre handlingar i Finland ligger otryckta och svåråtkomliga i arkivens gömmor. Därför har forskningen inte kunnat nyttiggöra dem på ett effektivt och tillförlitligt sätt. Dessutom är många finländska textutgåvor föråldrade och fyller inte de krav som den moderna filologin metodiskt och teoretiskt ställer på en fullgod källpublikation. Den andra delen av Harry Lönnroths doktorsavhandling är en filologisk utgåva av Ekenäs stads dombok 1678–1695. Utgåvan är försedd med kommentar och register över personer, orter, saker och mål. Utgåvans huvudsakliga målgrupper är filologer, historiker och lingvister men den vänder sig också till alla andra som är intresserade av 1600-talets historia i Finland. År 2007 förlänades verket två pris: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemias avhandlingspris och Svenska litteratursällskapets i Finland avhandlingspris.

Preserving electronic records strategies in public Administration. Diplomatics, records management, digital curation and other issues related on our experience in Catalonia. There is an introduction with several terms analysed as... more

Preserving electronic records strategies in public Administration. Diplomatics, records management, digital curation and other issues related on our experience in Catalonia. There is an introduction with several terms analysed as document, record, information, data and metadata. A second chapter talks about Digital Diplomatics. A third chapter speaks about the essencial properties of electronic records and about the tools needed to preserve them. The fourth chapter explain our opinions in macro and micro-appraisal. Next chapter wants to present the more used formats in digital preservation. The sixth chapter presents an approach to the most followed models on records management and digital preservations like ISO, MoReq, Baula, iARXIU, and OAIS. Finally we present our experiences in manage several electronic records' tipologies as office records, e-mails, digital photographies, files and protocol registers, webs, etc. All the text is in catalan but we could translate every thing you need to know with more clearence.

У раду се анализира повеља босанског краља Стефана Томаша којом су Дубровчанима потврђене и загарантоване трговачке привилегије и споразуми склопљени са претходним босанским владарима. Рад садржи текст на старосрпском и превод на модерни... more

У раду се анализира повеља босанског краља Стефана Томаша којом су Дубровчанима потврђене и загарантоване трговачке привилегије и споразуми склопљени са претходним босанским владарима. Рад садржи текст на старосрпском и превод на модерни српски језик те неколико поглавља у којима се анализирају историјске околности настанка повеље, њен физички опис, дипломатичке особености као и поглавље у којем се на сажет начин објашњавају личности које се помињу у овом документу. Дипломатичка анализа је показала да се текст повеље у великој мјери ослања на раније споразуме босанских владара са Дубровником.

Abstract: Much has been written about the Siege of the Legations in Peking (Beijing) in 1900, both at the time and later by historians looking back over these accounts and official papers subsequently released to the public. There is a... more

Abstract: Much has been written about the Siege of the Legations in Peking (Beijing) in 1900, both at the time and later by historians looking back over these accounts and official papers subsequently released to the public. There is a wealth of first-hand diaries and testimonies of the Siege written by those who were actually there, as well as contemporary newspaper reports, and even semi-fictionalised versions. This article examines three diaries kept by members of the British diplomatic corps, namely: the British Minister, Sir Claude MacDonald, and two Student Interpreters from the Consular Service, Lancelot Giles and William Meyrick Hewlett; and endeavours to look at these three sources in relation to a range of contemporary material – other diaries, newspaper reports, fictionalised accounts, photographs and other pictorial depictions, wherever this seems relevant and appropriate. In looking at the private, first-hand accounts of these individuals this article examines the views of three Westerners whose vantage point we might reasonably expect to have bridged the cultural divide between the two distinct cultures of the besiegers and those besieged. It was, after all, the job of the British diplomatic corps – from the chief representative, the British Minister, to the most junior members of the Legation staff, the Student Interpreters – to understand, interact, and essentially mediate between Britain and China.

This paper aims to present the characteristics and objectives of the APOSCRIPTA Database ‒ Lettres des papes project (http://telma-chartes.irht.cnrs.fr/aposcripta/page/accueil), while inviting interested colleagues and institutions to take part in this long-term collective undertaking. The aim is to create a unified corpus of papal letters for the entiremedieval period. This corpus brings together the texts of the documents as well as the references of the manuscript witnesses and, where applicable, of the editions (with hyperlinks to the images or other online media of these manuscripts and editions). Unimaginable before the development of the digital humanities, the creation of such a tool is now not only possible, but necessary to support new historiographic advances. However, the project implies accepting principles that are not in line with a certain scholarly tradition. Indeed, such a reference tool can only tend to accuracy ; it does not only
deliver perfectly and definitively established textual and meta-textual data. The data provided by APOSCRIPTA often needs to be completed, and sometimes corrected, by checking the manuscripts or editions cited (and, as far as possible, made accessible by hyperlinks). It is important to keep this aspect in mind when consulting the database. APOSCRIPTA is therefore not a fixed and unchanging working tool, but a constantly open and developing project, in a fundamentally collective and collaborative manner. It should also be noted that the project is by no means intended to replace other ongoing projects concerning pontifical letters (in particular the third edition of the Regesta pontificum romanorum and its online version, or the Index actorum Romanorum pontificum launched
after Franco Bartoloni's appeal), whose approaches are much more precise and demanding in terms of erudition. On the other hand, APOSCRIPTA could be useful for the development of all projects of
this kind, current or future. The current corpus includes more than 20,000 letters, privileges and decretals, of which about three quarters date from the 12th-13th centuries. In the choice of the first sub-corpora inserted, preference was given to documents concerning the inquisition of heresy (with, for example, Vidal's Bullaire de l’Inquisition française au XIVe siècle , those concerning the territory of present-day France (with, for example, Rouquette et Villemagne's Bullaire de Maguelone), the texts published in the old but historiographically important collections of Pflugk-Harttung, Loewenfeld et Rodenberg, and finally, in an attempt to quickly approach exhaustiveness for this pontificate, the acts of Clement IV (with in particular the insertion of the pre-édition of this pope’s Collection recently
delivered by Matthias Thumser.) Of course, APOSCRIPTA is also intended to include the material of recent paper editions. One of the first objectives is, moreover, to gather the totality of the data delivered in the repertory published by Potthast in 1874-1875 (approximately 26700 letters dated from 1198 to 1304), with the addition, as often as possible, of the texts of the letters concerned.
Future funding and the development of international partnerships will allow a very strong increase of the APOSCRIPTA corpus in the years to come.

Usualmente considerados documentos de "segunda clase", los recortes de prensa suelen ser marginados en el tratamiento documental, aunque su presencia en los archivos sea innegable y desafiadora para el archivero dedicado a ordenarlos y... more

Usualmente considerados documentos de "segunda clase", los recortes de prensa suelen ser marginados en el tratamiento documental, aunque su presencia en los archivos sea innegable y desafiadora para el archivero dedicado a ordenarlos y describirlos. Aquí, discutimos la condición archivística de los recortes de prensa, examinando, a modo de introducción, la lógica de su acumulación en archivos personales como reflejo de una práctica social más antigua de lo que se puede suponer. Analizamos las formas en que los conjuntos de recortes suelen ser representados en los cuadros de clasificación y en los instrumentos de descripción, señalando sus consecuencias teóricas y metodológicas. Por fin, demostramos cómo el cruce de recursos teóricos de la Archivística, de la Diplomática y de las Ciencias de la Comunicación y del Lenguaje ha contribuido para la definición de las especies y tipos documentales capaces de nombrar adecuadamente a los recortes de prensa, defendiéndose la adopción de estrategias de abordaje basadas en el contexto de acumulación y en la tipología documental.

L'assetto amministrativo del regno di Sicilia sotto Federico II continua, da un lato, a seguire la prassi dei predecessori normanni, dall'altro incontriamo aggiornamenti ed innovazioni. Si parla dell'ordinamento della cancelleria, del... more

L'assetto amministrativo del regno di Sicilia sotto Federico II continua, da un lato, a seguire la prassi dei predecessori normanni, dall'altro incontriamo aggiornamenti ed innovazioni. Si parla dell'ordinamento della cancelleria, del personale e delll'iter burocratico, delle norme relative a notariato e documentazione nelle costituzioni. Si discutono i documenti relativi alla programmata soppressione dell'università di Napoli, della revoca della misura e delle norme per l'ammissione di studenti non regnicoli. In conclusione una presentazione della varietà di materie trattate nei documenti trasmessi dal registro di Federico.

The reassignment of a chirograph issued between December 1217 and April 1218 (Lille, Archives départementales du Nord, J 362) to the City aldermen (“échevinage de la Cité”) in Tournai sheds new light on the earliest urban chirographs from... more

The reassignment of a chirograph issued between December 1217 and April 1218 (Lille, Archives départementales du Nord, J 362) to the City aldermen (“échevinage de la Cité”) in Tournai sheds new light on the earliest urban chirographs from this town, whose archive was burnt down in 1940. This chirograph appears to be the oldest preserved in original for this jurisdiction, and the first written in French. It records a debt contracted by Mathieu II, lord of Ère in the Tournai area, to two citizens of Douai for the purchase of 80 modii of wheat, which exemplifies the vitality of regional grain trade in the early 13th century. It also offers an opportunity to investigate the dawn of this documentary form distinctive of Northern French and Belgian towns, still a poorly studied issue. The dating of Tournai’s early chirographs needs revision. They show up in Latin shortly before 1200, and switch to French in the second decade of the 13th century. Among other pioneer towns in the use of chirographs, only Saint-Omer also experienced a Latin phase, attested in 1209-1210. In Saint-Quentin and Arras, only vernacular acts are preserved, from 1218 and 1221 onwards. The same is true for Douai, whose inhabitants, as shown by Mathieu of Ère’s debt, were familiar with chirographs before they turned to them in 1224. Urban chirographs appeared in a dynamic, highly urbanized region, with close ties to England, yet also affected by conflicts between the king and the counts of Flanders, which may have fostered the need for written guarantees.

Inhalt : Einleitung S. 290.-1. Äußere Merkmale der Mandate S. 291.-2. Die inneren Merkmale der Mandate S. 293.-3. Abschriftliche Überlieferung von Manda-ten S. 304.-4. Entstehung von Mandaten innerhalb oder außerhalb der Kanzlei S.... more

Inhalt : Einleitung S. 290.-1. Äußere Merkmale der Mandate S. 291.-2. Die inneren Merkmale der Mandate S. 293.-3. Abschriftliche Überlieferung von Manda-ten S. 304.-4. Entstehung von Mandaten innerhalb oder außerhalb der Kanzlei S. 309.-5. Die Entwicklung der Mandate im 12. Jahrhundert S. 315.-Zusammenfassung Im Zusammenhang mit den Arbeiten an der Herausgabe der Diplome Kaiser Friedrichs I. durch Heinrich Appelt tauchte auch das Problem der kaiserlichen (königlichen) Mandate auf, einer Urkundenart, die bisher nur selten zum Thema spezieller diplomatischer Untersuchungen genommen worden ist 1). Berücksichtigung fanden diese zumeist kurz gehaltenen schriftlichen Befehle des Herrschers natürlich in den verschiedenen Hand-büchern der Diplomatik, unter denen das Werk von Harry Bresslau an erster Stelle zu nennen ist 2). Größere Aktualität erhielt die Frage der Mandate dann wieder nach dem Erscheinen der Diplomata Konrads III. im *) Obwohl es sich um Kaiser-und Königsurkunden handelt, erscheint es gerecht-fertigt, im Titel vom "kaiserlichen Mandat" zu sprechen, da der König schon vor der Kaiserkrönung die kaiserlichen Rechte ausübte und auch zwischen königlichen und kaiserlichen Mandaten kein Unterschied besteht.-Herrn Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. Appelt möchte ich herzlich für das stete Interesse und die wohlwollende Betreuung danken, die er der Entstehung dieser Arbeit zuteil werden ließ. Weiters sei vor allem Dr. Walter Koch, Dr. Rainer Maria Herkenrath, Dr. Winfried Stelzer und Dr. Kurt Zeillinger für fördernde Gespräche und Anregungen Dank gesagt.-• Die Mandate vom zweiten Italienzug Friedrichs I. (Sommer 1158) an wurden nach den Stumpf-Nummern zitiert; eine Konkordanz zu den Nummern des künftigen zweiten Bandes der Diplomata Barbarossas (bis Ende 1167) findet sich aber in dem der Arbeit beigefügten Verzeichnis der zitierten Mandate und Briefe. Zu der für unser Thema nur wenig aussagekräftigen Untersuchung von Ernst Pitz, Papstreskript und Kaiserreskript im Mittelalter (Bibliothek des deutschen historischen Instituts in Rom Bd. 36, 1971) vgl. die folgenden Rezensionen: Othmar Hageneder, MIÖG 80 (1972) 445ff.; Peter Herde, Zur Audientia litterarum contra-dictarum und zur "Reskripttechnik". Archivalische Zeitschrift 69 (1973) 54 ff.; Hans-Martin Schaller, DA 28 (1972) 579 ff.; Winfried Stelzer, Reskript und Reskript-technik. RHM 14 (1972) 207 ff. 2) Harry Bresslau, Handbuch der Urkundenlehre für Deutschland und Italien 1 (4 1969), 2/1 und 2/2, herausg. v. Hans-Walter Klewitz (4 1968), Register zur zweiten und dritten Auflage zusammengestellt von Hans Schulze (1960). S. 322.