Goal Setting Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

A field study of 209 leader–follower dyads from 12 different organizations was conducted to test the moderating effects of job enrichment and goal difficulty on the relationship between transformational leadership and three follower... more

A field study of 209 leader–follower dyads from 12 different organizations was conducted to test the moderating effects of job enrichment and goal difficulty on the relationship between transformational leadership and three follower outcomes: performance, affective organizational ...

The aim of this study is to explore the link among important factors with effect organizational commitment. Secondly this study focuses to make a positive significant relation in setting of goals, engagement of employee and optimistic... more

The aim of this study is to explore the link among important factors with effect organizational commitment. Secondly this study focuses to make a positive significant relation in setting of goals, engagement of employee and optimistic approach of behavior ...

The domain of life planning and personal development includes the important techniques of values clarification, strengths identification, goal setting and action planning. In the past two decades practices such as life coaching have grown... more

The domain of life planning and personal development includes the important techniques of values clarification, strengths identification, goal setting and action planning. In the past two decades practices such as life coaching have grown in popularity (Green, Oades & Grant, 2006). Moreover, in mental health contexts, the recovery movement has challenged the illness and deficit focus (Andresen, Caputi, Oades, 2006;

This article proposes a model of the impact of goal difficulty and goal specificity on selling behaviors (selling effort, adaptive selling, and sales planning) and hence sales and behavior performance. The model suggests that goal-setting... more

This article proposes a model of the impact of goal difficulty and goal specificity on selling behaviors (selling effort, adaptive selling, and sales planning) and hence sales and behavior performance. The model suggests that goal-setting factors may have opposing effects on different sales behaviors. The empirical findings suggest that goal difficulty positively influences selling effort while negatively influencing adaptive selling

the 5 questions leaders ask themselves as they step in to NEW levels of influence and management.

A number of studies conducted in the past fifteen years have concluded that grit, the persistence and perseverance to achieve goals, and growth mindset, the belief that skills and intelligence can be developed, are positive predictors of... more

A number of studies conducted in the past fifteen years have concluded that grit, the persistence and perseverance to achieve goals, and growth mindset, the belief that skills and intelligence can be developed, are positive predictors of achievement; however, little focus has been placed on the implications at institutions purposed to educate minorities, first generation college students, and learners from diminished socio-economic backgrounds. The purpose of this paper is to introduce, describe, and document the methods involved in the preparation of a mindset intervention built into a freshmen development course, and established after years of longitudinal research, that is designed to have a positive impact on the outlook, achievement, and persistence of first generation and under-prepared students. A series of models were created, custom self-assessment scales designed, and a lesson plan prepared purposed to deliver a mindset intervention to edify students about and change perce...

Perfectionism is a prevalent characteristic in athletes. Yet some researchers have argued that perfectionism in sports is maladaptive because it undermines athletes’ performance and stifles athletic development. This argument, however,... more

Perfectionism is a prevalent characteristic in athletes. Yet some researchers have argued that perfectionism in sports is maladaptive because it undermines athletes’ performance and stifles athletic development. This argument, however, neglects that perfectionism is a multidimensional characteristic and that only some dimensions of perfectionism are clearly maladaptive, whereas others are not. This review argues that perfectionism is comprised of two main dimensions―perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic concerns (Stoeber & Otto, 2006)―that show different and unique pattern of relationships with athletes’ emotion, motivation, and performance. In support of this argument the review will present findings indicating that only perfectionistic concerns show unique positive relationships with competitive anxiety, fear of failure, and avoidance goal orientations. In contrast, perfectionistic strivings show unique positive relationships with self-confidence, hope of success, approach goal orientations, and performance in training and competitions. The findings suggest that only perfectionistic concerns are clearly maladaptive, whereas perfectionistic strivings may form part of a healthy striving for excellence. Implications for applied sport psychology are discussed as are open questions for future research.

Recent research suggests that person centred planning (PCP) can have a positive impact on the lives of people with intellectual disabilities. This article presents data from open-ended comments collected during research on the impact of... more

Recent research suggests that person centred planning (PCP) can have a positive impact on the lives of people with intellectual disabilities. This article presents data from open-ended comments collected during research on the impact of PCP on the life experiences of 65 people with intellectual disabilities living in England. These comments addressed the goals set prior to and during PCP, and the main benefits of PCP for participants. The results suggest that PCP led to increased goal setting in a range of goal categories. This was reflected in the most common main benefit of PCP of ;increased activities and opportunities' reported for 57 percent of participants. For 48 percent of participants, a main benefit of PCP was that they felt better in themselves, in terms of happiness or self-esteem. This must surely be the ultimate aim of those seeking to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities.

The main purpose of the present work was to examine the construct of Constructive Thinking [Epstein, S., & Meier, P. (1989). Constructive thinking: a broad coping variable with specific components. Journal of Personality and... more

The main purpose of the present work was to examine the construct of Constructive Thinking [Epstein, S., & Meier, P. (1989). Constructive thinking: a broad coping variable with specific components. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 57, 332–350] in the context of task performance with specific difficult goals. Based on former studies we hypothesized that different aspects of Constructive Thinking

The article focuses on the non-centered, non-hierarchical structure of life- tasks, which consists of stable periods of life from contentfulness, efficiency, and energy, while in crisis situations the value of creativity, adequacy and... more

The article focuses on the non-centered, non-hierarchical structure of life- tasks, which consists of stable periods of life from contentfulness, efficiency, and energy, while in crisis situations the value of creativity, adequacy and openness increases. It was shown the macro-, meso- and micro-environmental factors, which determine the setting of life-tasks and, accordingly, their variable structural configuration. These are factors of sociocultural contextuality, dialogic communication, multiple identities, axiological originality, and individual semantics.

OBJECTIVE: To identify and review published interventions aimed at the prevention of weight gain. DESIGN: A systematic review of published interventions aimed at the prevention of weight gain. METHODS: Search strategies-we searched eight... more

OBJECTIVE: To identify and review published interventions aimed at the prevention of weight gain. DESIGN: A systematic review of published interventions aimed at the prevention of weight gain. METHODS: Search strategies-we searched eight databases, manually checked ...

Followers’ trust is an essential element for effective leadership. Initial approaches of trust formation adopted an information perspective. However, recent findings suggest that trust formation has an affective component. In this study,... more

Followers’ trust is an essential element for effective leadership. Initial approaches of trust formation adopted an information perspective. However, recent findings suggest that trust formation has an affective component. In this study, we propose that emotional competencies, such as emotional attention, clarification and repair, will predict trust in leadership in the early stages of the follower-leader relation. As this relation develops in time, trust-related judgments will shift from followers’ emotions towards leadership behaviors such as setting clear and specific goals. Because goals can be set in either a directive or participative way, followers with different levels of emotional competences should have distinct emotional responses towards these goal-setting types. Following this rationale, we evaluated a possible interaction effect between goal setting types and emotional competencies on follower’s trust in leadership by conducting a two wave longitudinal experiment with 228 participants. Followers’ emotional competencies, at work session 1, had positive main effects on followers’ trust in leadership. Significant interaction effects between goal setting type and both emotional clarity and repair, at work session 2, indicate that setting goals (but not how goals are set) compensates low levels of followers’ emotional clarity and repair.

This paper reports the tenth set of results of a series of grouped laser comparisons from national laboratories undertaken by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) at the request of the Consultative Committee for Length... more

This paper reports the tenth set of results of a series of grouped laser comparisons from national laboratories undertaken by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) at the request of the Consultative Committee for Length (CCL), formerly the Consultative Committee for the Definition of the Metre (CCDM), for the periods July 1993 to September 1995 and March 1997

The present study examined the relationship between goal orientation, coping with school failure and school achievement. Two questionnaires, Goal Orientation (Niemivirta, 1996a) and The School Failure Coping Scale (Rijavec & Brdar, 1997),... more

The present study examined the relationship between goal orientation, coping with school failure and school achievement. Two questionnaires, Goal Orientation (Niemivirta, 1996a) and The School Failure Coping Scale (Rijavec & Brdar, 1997), were administered to 1057 high school students (aged from 15 to 17 years). The first goal of this study was to explore whether students can be classified in groups according to their goal orientation. The results identified four clusters of students with different achievement profiles: learning oriented, work-avoidance oriented, both performance and learning oriented and both performance and work-avoidance oriented group. Learning oriented group used emotion-focused coping the least frequently while students with combined performance and work avoidanc orientation used this kind of coping the most frequently. The second goal was to test the relationship between goal orientation patterns and the adoption of emotion-focused and problem-focused coping strategies, and academic achievement. It was hypothesized that goal orientation could predict school achievement directly and indirectly through coping strategies. Coping strategies were considered as mediators between goal orientation and school achievement. Path analysis demonstrated that direct effects of goal orientation on school achievement were not significant. The relationship between goal orientation and school achievement was mediated by coping strategies. La présente étude a étudié le rapport entre l’orientation vers un but en confrontation avec l’échec et le succès scolaires. Deux questionnaires: l’Orientation vers un But (Niemivirta, 1996a) et l’Echelle Relative l’Echec Scolaire (Rijavec & Brdar, 1997) ont été remplis par 1057 élèves de l’enseignement secondaire (âgés de 15 à 17 ans). Le premier objectif de cette étude était de constater si les élèves pouvaient être classés par groupes en fonction de l’orientation vers un but. Les résultats ont donné quatre clusters d’élèves avec différents profils d’accomplissement: orientés vers l’aquisition de savoir, orientés vers l’évitement du travail, orientés aussi bien vers l’acquisiton de savoir que les performances et orientés aussi bien vers l’évitement du travail que les performances. Les groupes orientés vers l’acquisiton de savoir ont recouru à la confrontation focalisée sur l’émotion le plus rarement, tandis que les élèves avec la combinaison des performances et de l’évitement du travail ont fait recours à cette sorte de confrontation le plus souvent. Le deuxième objectif était de tester le rapport entre, d’une part, les échantillons et l’adoption de deux types de stratégies de confrontation et, d’autre part, entre ces buts et stratégies et le succès académique. Il avait été supposé que l’orientation vers un but pourrait prévoir le succès scolaire directement ou indirectement au moyen des stratégies de confrontation. Ces stratégies de confrontation ont été considérées comme médiateurs entre l’orientation vers un but et le succès scolaire. Les résultats de l’analyse des pistes causales ont démontré que les effets directs de l’orientation vers un but sur le succès scolaire n’ont pas été significatifs. Les stratégies de confrontation ont médiatisé le rapport entre l’orientation vers un but et le succès scolaire.

Purpose – This paper establishes the leadership quality of good time management as the second of the “leadership performance standards” introduced in the first installment of this column and begins with proper goal setting as a powerful... more

Purpose – This paper establishes the leadership quality of good time management as the second of the “leadership performance standards” introduced in the first installment of this column and begins with proper goal setting as a powerful time management and planning tool.
Design – The paper introduces planning as the first key to good time management, and then establishes the place of goal setting in the planning process. It covers personal work goal setting and setting goals for subordinates.
Findings – The paper finds that career goal-setting can be used effectively as a time-management tool to aid in departmental and organizational goal-setting and planning.
Value – The value of using this approach is in more fulfilled employees offering more effective service.

The comparative analysis of self-constitution and self-realization in the context of post-classical psychology is presented. The possibilities of personal meanings operationalization in life-tasks are shown. The specifics of task... more

The comparative analysis of self-constitution and self-realization in the context of post-classical psychology is presented. The possibilities of personal meanings operationalization in life-tasks are shown. The specifics of task self-constitution at different stages of the life path are determined. The life-task is considered as a narrative model of the desired transformation of the life trajectory and the acquisition of the personality of the renewed identity. The ways of constructing the futurological narrative as a life-task, which is formed within the concrete plot, acquire creativity, competitiveness, eroticism, and environmental friendliness are determined. By the thesaurus of the main plots included scenes of conquest with their heroic and love branches, adventure, and criminal stories, plots of salvation, preservation, contemplation, inaction. Among the characteristics of life's tasks as narrative, plot-based practices described personal belonging, strategic, probability, range and focus of use.
Keywords: life tasks, modeling of the future, self-constitution, practice, futurological narrative, plot, life trajectory.

Uitdagende werkafspraken, over bijvoorbeeld ontwikkeltaken of opleidingen, spelen een rol bij de loopbaanontwikkeling van medewerkers. Wanneer een leidinggevende en medewerkers uitdagende werkafspraken met elkaar maken, kunnen medewerkers... more

Uitdagende werkafspraken, over bijvoorbeeld ontwikkeltaken of opleidingen, spelen een rol bij de loopbaanontwikkeling van medewerkers. Wanneer een leidinggevende en medewerkers uitdagende werkafspraken met elkaar maken, kunnen medewerkers laten zien dat zij meer in hun mars hebben. Dit kan het oordeel van de leidinggevende over doorgroeipotentieel positief beïnvloeden. In dit artikel presenteren we bevindingen van een studie naar de gevolgen van uitdagende werkafspraken voor het doorgroeipotentieel van medewerkers, zoals beoordeeld door leidinggevenden. We onderzochten in hoeverre uitdagende werkafspraken afhankelijk zijn van prestatie- en potentieelbeoordelingen door leidinggevenden en van het prestatietemperament van medewerkers. Ook onderzochten we of er mogelijk sprake is van een Mattheüseffect, waarbij medewerkers met een positieve potentieelbeoordeling in gesprek met hun leidinggevende meer uitdagende werkafspraken maken die maken dat hun leidinggevende hen in de toekomst een nog positievere potentieelbeoordeling geeft; i.e. ‘de rijken worden steeds rijker, en de armen armer’. Uit de resultaten blijkt dat een positieve potentieelbeoordeling door leidinggevenden de kans op uitdagende werkafspraken verhoogt, en dat vermijdingstemperament van de medewerker die kans verkleint. De uitdagende werkafspraken die medewerkers maken, hebben - na controle voor leeftijd, duur van de werkrelatie met de leidinggevende, eerdere prestatie- en potentieelbeoordeling en prestatietemperament - een directe relatie met hun toekomstige potentieelbeoordeling.

Many supervisors and subordinates hate performance appraisal exercises. Moreover, the benefits of performance appraisals for organizations are questionable. To address these challenges, we participated in the development of an alternative... more

Many supervisors and subordinates hate performance appraisal exercises. Moreover, the benefits of performance appraisals for organizations are questionable. To address these challenges, we participated in the development of an alternative Strength-Based Performance Appraisal (SBPA) and a goal setting process, considering ideas both from performance appraisals practitioners and from Positive Psychology scholars. SBPA emphasizes learning from success stories using the Feedforward interview [Kluger A.N. and Nir D., 2009. The feedforward interview. Human Resource Management Review 20,235–246.], reflected best self [Roberts L.M., Dutton J.E., Spreitzer C.M., Heaphy E.D., Quinn R.E. 2005. Composing the reflected best-self portrait: Building pathways for becoming extraordinary in work organizations Academy of Management Review 30(4),712–736], finding new ways to use existing strengths (Seligman, Steen, Park, & Peterson, 2005) and a win–win approach (Pruitt & Rubin, 1986). However, SBPA does not avoid negative feedback; it constrains it for prevention-focus behaviors, where it appears to be effective in increasing motivation and performance [Van-Dijk D. & Kluger A.N. 2004. Feedback sign effect on motivation: Is it moderated by regulatory focus? Applied Psychology: An International Review, 53(1), 113–135]. Following an elaboration of the theoretical rationale of SBPA, we describe a case study of applying SBPA at SodaStream (formerly Soda-Club), coupled with an initial evaluation of its impact. We conclude with lessons learned from the first implementation, followed by a call for replications.

The use of leaderboards is a common approach to the gamification of employee performance, but little is known about the specific mechanisms and mediating processes by which leaderboards actually affect employee behavior. Given the lack of... more

The use of leaderboards is a common approach to the gamification of employee performance, but little is known about the specific mechanisms and mediating processes by which leaderboards actually affect employee behavior. Given the lack of research in this domain, this study proposes goal-setting theory, one of the most well-established motivational theories in psychology, as a framework by which to understand these effects. In this study, a classic brainstorming task is gamified with a leaderboard in order to explore this. Participants were randomly assigned to four classic levels of goal-setting (do-your-best, easy, difficult and impossible goals) plus a leaderboard populated with initials and scores representing identical goal-setting conditions. The presence of a leaderboard was successful in motivating participants to performance levels similar to that of difficult and impossible goal-setting, suggesting participants implicitly set goals at or near the top of the leaderboard without any prompting to do so. Goal commitment, a common individual difference moderator in goal-setting theory, was also assessed and behaved similarly in the presence of the leaderboard as when traditional goals were provided. From these results, we conclude that goal-setting theory is valuable to understand the success of leaderboards, and we recommend further exploration of existing psychological theories, including goal-setting, to better explain the effects of gamification.

In this article, we propose a framework for understanding destructive leadership that summarizes the extant destructive leadership research and extends it in new directions. By reviewing the current literature on destructive leadership... more

In this article, we propose a framework for understanding destructive leadership that summarizes the extant destructive leadership research and extends it in new directions. By reviewing the current literature on destructive leadership and drawing on organizational leadership theory and the more general research on deviant behaviors in organizations, we identify the underlying features and mechanisms that define destructive leadership. Recognizing that each form of destructive leadership currently studied (e.g., abusive supervision, petty tyranny, and pseudo-transformational leadership) addresses aspects of destructive leadership but fails to capture the complete picture of the phenomenon, we clarify the boundaries among the constructs studied within the domain of destructive leadership, address some ambiguities about the nature of destructive leadership, make explicit some characteristics of destructive leadership that set it apart from other forms of leading, and integrate this thinking into a theoretical model that helps us understand the manifestations of destructive leadership, and their antecedents and consequences.

Objective: To consider clinical issues surrounding goal setting in neurological rehabilitation, and to identify priorities for future research.Participants: Twenty-four rehabilitation professionals were invited to attend because they had... more

Objective: To consider clinical issues surrounding goal setting in neurological rehabilitation, and to identify priorities for future research.Participants: Twenty-four rehabilitation professionals were invited to attend because they had taught or published on the topic of goal setting. In addition two patient groups were represented.Evidence: (1) The results of a systematic literature review, (2) presentations given during the two-day conference by