Journalism and Media Studies Research Papers (original) (raw)

Newspapers were once the lifeline of the nation and was hailed as the fourth estate for its sheer power in forming public opinion and creating revolution on many issues .But as time had passed with the advent of digital technology,... more

Newspapers were once the lifeline of the nation and was hailed as the fourth estate for its sheer power in forming public opinion and creating revolution on many issues .But as time had passed with the advent of digital technology, questions are ripe that whether print media can survive this onslaught. The researcher aims to find out through the case of Times of India, by application of diffusion of innovation theory and disruptive technology theory – regarding the nature of hurdles they face and the nature of survival strategies they are taking for survival. The researcher has found that to survive in the market the newspapers had already come up with newer technologies that have helped them to connect with their audience in a more fast manner and also innovative content and promotional strategies help in combating the digital media. In this regard the researcher strives to highlight the achievement and success story of the Times of India.

A relação entre a política e a mídia sempre foi muito intensa. E, ao que tudo indica, a tensão entre ambos será cada vez maior, uma vez que a mídia ocupa um espaço mais significativo e passa a exercer um papel protagonista neste processo,... more

A relação entre a política e a mídia sempre foi muito intensa. E, ao que tudo indica, a tensão entre ambos será cada vez maior, uma vez que a mídia ocupa um espaço mais significativo e passa a exercer um papel protagonista neste processo, ou seja, a mídia passa a tecer decisões e criar sentidos que perpassam a sociedade, deixando de ser apenas enunciadora dos acontecimentos. Com isso, o poder político (e seus atores) entra em crise, pois precisam se adequar aos modos de saber, de ser e de fazer do universo midiático. Nesse contexto, em 2010, uma candidata à Presidência da República, que tem o apoio especial do presidente Lula, aparece como um elemento de afirmação da mulher no lugar de disputa pelo poder.
O objetivo não é refletir sobre a qualidade do que está sendo representado pela mídia, e sim desvendar os processos simbólicos de representação, aquilo que está sendo criado, reelaborado, reaproveitado. Assim, desvendamos as “operações de sentido” colocadas em prática pelos jornais analisados.
No posfácio é feita uma breve leitura do momento que antecede as eleições de 2014, buscando relações com a eleição anterior e atualizando as representações de Dilma Rousseff para 2014.
Este livro é resultado da tese de doutoramento defendida na Unisinos, intitulada “Dilma Rousseff como candidata à presidência: estratégias midiáticas de Zero Hora (RS) e Folha de S. Paulo (RS)”.

Este artigo espera contribuir para o entendimento da comunicação transmidiática na pós-modernidade, procurando responder o que é a Rota Periférica de Persuasão e como ela é apresentada no site de infoentretenimento Buzzfeed Brasil, além... more

Este artigo espera contribuir para o entendimento da comunicação transmidiática na pós-modernidade, procurando responder o que é a Rota Periférica de Persuasão e como ela é apresentada no site de infoentretenimento Buzzfeed Brasil, além de refletir sobre de que formas o jornalismo transmidiático comunica credibilidade. A análise por meio de revisão bibliográfica foi a metodologia utilizada.

Following recent studies using Bourdieusian field theory to examine journalistic freedom and media criticism, we investigated the Turkish press using a comparative perspective focusing on the media’s interaction with the nexus of... more

Following recent studies using Bourdieusian field theory to examine journalistic freedom and media criticism, we investigated the Turkish press using a comparative perspective focusing on the media’s interaction with the nexus of power/government and market mechanisms. Using a snapshot of four Turkish newspapers in 2013, we analyzed their critical content vis-a-vis reporting about the government. To explain differences of criticism across these media outlets, we extended our qualitative and quantitative analyses to three sociopolitically key years with regard to the consolidation of governmental power. Our results indicate that what explains media criticism goes beyond structural factors and should also involve both between- and within-field variations, emphasizing media as a semiautonomous field.

This qualitative news framing study examined the different narratives and frames employed by citizen and mainstream media reports on the coverage of the Grenfell Tower Tragedy- a fire at a public housing block which led to the death of 72... more

This qualitative news framing study examined the different narratives and frames employed by citizen and mainstream media reports on the coverage of the Grenfell Tower Tragedy- a fire at a public housing block which led to the death of 72 residents.
Twelve different articles were examined from citizen journalism sites such as Justice4Grenfell and The Grenfell Action Group. The articles yielded four different frames: tragedy framing, response framing, blame framing, and humanity/personalisation framing. Every frame contributed to shaping the public opinion of policymakers such as the council, as well as the general British public.
This study concluded with two main points- that the Grenfell Tower fire is just one example of an invisible violence that only came into view as a result of the disaster and that while mainstream media is able to reach a larger audience, citizen media offered an alternative point of view, directly reported on from those affected by the fire. While mainstream news outlets were quick to frame the tragedy as something that couldn’t have been prevented, the citizen reports framed it as a man-made ‘distant’ disaster that was a result of poor decision-making from the government and KTCMO. This, in turn, led to the lobbying for a public inquiry and mainstream media reporting finally rendered the residents as an active voice rather than someone who is voiceless.
While we cannot determine whether the citizen reports directly led to a change in tone amongst the mainstream media in the lead-up to the public inquiry, we can conclude that citizen media played an important role in offering an alternative reality of the tragedy- one of social marginalisation and austerity politics- which led to important action in getting justice for the families of those who lost their lives in the fire.

The quest for revival of comprehensive Islamic-based knowledge championed by the Islamic Universities in the world requires the Islamization of the gamut upon which pedagogy and knowledge acquisition is based. The provision of serene and... more

The quest for revival of comprehensive Islamic-based knowledge championed by the Islamic Universities in the world requires the Islamization of the gamut upon which pedagogy and knowledge acquisition is based. The provision of serene and luminous academic atmosphere for accomplishing such meritorious task calls for the incorporation of Islamic model(s) in various ramifications of the curricula of the institutions. The ability to explore human potentials in understanding divinely-ordained sources of knowledge remains the fulcrum upon which the process of Islamization undertaking revolves. Using qualitative data analysis of secondary sources, the paper is an expedition that traces the origin of the foundation of modern communication principles and practice back in the Qur’an and Hadith. Considering the media role in shaping the society, it is the view of the paper that proper understanding and application of media performance in the Islamized context necessitates the inclusion of Islamic Communication Model in the curricula of Mass Communication Departments of Islamic Universities as an essential ingredient for the attainment of an ideal Mass Communication practice and stable society.

This essay posits American journalism as a particular realm of public knowledge production, inflected with its own professional practices as well as the way in which those practices subjugate technologies of representation. Taking the... more

This essay posits American journalism as a particular realm of public knowledge production, inflected with its own professional practices as well as the way in which those practices subjugate technologies of representation. Taking the Arab Spring of 2011 as a case study in journalistic knowledge production, this article analyzes three epistemological conditions underscoring the Arab Spring’s development as an object of knowledge: the use of social media tools within the practice of journalism, the representational authority of the individual reporter, and the articulation of journalistic knowledge to broader institutions of liberal democratic power. While these are by no means the only possible themes of investigation, by looking at how journalistic practices rendered the Arab Spring sensible and worthy of public consideration, this essay hopes to reveal them as temporally and technologically contingent, but also linked to the values of liberal democracy that undergird journalism’s role in American public life.

The role of digital press and social media in public relations is essential in 3.0 Internet ecosystems. Our interactive society requires organizations which align their actions with social demands and values. And these actions are linked... more

The role of digital press and social media in public relations is essential in 3.0 Internet ecosystems. Our interactive society requires organizations which align their actions with social demands and values. And these actions are linked to the participation in digital press and social media.
In this regard, we have carried out a study on the strategic tools of interactivity in both environments: digital press (Le Monde and USA Today) and social media (Pinterest). We make a comparison between ways of engagement with the consumer in a more controlled mass media (digital press) and in an open arena (social media).
Digital journalism is acquiring maturity in the use of its own resources: interactivity, multimedia and hypertext. The use of these features is a recent phenomenon. In this paper, we analyse the results of interactivity following an empirical study involving quantitative and qualitative methodology in which the use of certain aspects of this key tool for digital newspapers are analysed. The sample is made up of two of the most read digital newspapers in their respective countries. We analyse the number and percentage of news items with interactivity and with interactivity in the forum, the number and percentage of total comments in the forum per day and per piece, the number and percentage of online interviews per day, and we establish potential, in the area of communication, for public relations. For an enterprise, for a non-profit entity or for a public administration, it would be useful to explore the potential for engagement with customers through digital newspapers.
In addition to the quantitative aspect of the research, we also analyse, from a qualitative point of view, the technological interactive needs for public relations in these digital newspapers, and the new relationships between journalist (and journal) and Public Relations organizations. These factors (technological interactive needs and new relationships) could change the professional dimension—empathy, orientation towards service, establishment of links with others, organizational awareness, collaboration between public relations managers and digital newspapers—of this synergy. We study if these types of interaction (comments and online interviews) could be transferred to a holistic environment of public relations.
In parallel, we analyse the social media site Pinterest as it is a growing source of information in social media. The Internet has provided the tools to convert the individual into an active user, a process made all the more fluid with bidirectional and interactive content flow. Likewise, in terms of public relations, large companies and small businesses have had to transform the way they interact with their consumers or potential customers in order to benefit from the rapid advances of the digital age. The purpose of this study is to determine whether Pinterest acts as a communication tool to promote public relations. Through online observation and in-depth interviews, we establish the key factor regarding Pinterest users’ perception about the potential for public relations. The global public relations strategies (in digital newspapers and social media) embrace new tools, and we consider this categorization necessary.

Political control is one of the central and conditioning aspects of the relationship between journalists and politicians. Through the perceptions of journalists and politicians, this article analyzes the validity, characteristics,... more

Political control is one of the central and
conditioning aspects of the relationship
between journalists and politicians.
Through the perceptions of journalists
and politicians, this article analyzes the
validity, characteristics, and functioning
of one of the principal mechanisms of political
control: the journalistic oversight of
politics, which is linked to the watchdog
theory and political pressures on the media.
In addition, the degree of mediatization
of politics is measured with regard
to media autonomy. The methodology is
based on in-depth interviews of 45 participants
in Spain. The results indicate
the pre-eminence of political pressures
that are principally exercised via indirect
means (i.e., communications offices
and media enterprises). The latter are a
vehicle for channeling political control,
which reveals the weight of the factors
associated with political economy in the
relationship between journalists and
politicians. Finally, the low incidence of
journalistic oversight of politics reveals a
reduced level of mediatization in Spain.

This chapter discusses research on the policies, laws, and subsidies that create and shape the organizational structures and practices that form the basis of the news media. The research reviewed treats news media institutions as... more

This chapter discusses research on the policies, laws, and subsidies that create and shape the organizational
structures and practices that form the basis of the news media. The research reviewed treats news media
institutions as political actors and makes assumptions about journalism’s importance in a democratic society.
Although this line of research, with its emphasis on political economic and normative questions, often has been
marginalized in American mass communication scholarship, the authors explain its ongoing importance,
particularly in relation to the journalism crisis, and, suggest future directions.

Over the past two decades with the rise of digital media, newspapers across Western democracies have been increasingly adopting new forms of online participatory journalism. During this time, 'below the line' comment spaces have grown to... more

Over the past two decades with the rise of digital media, newspapers across Western democracies have been increasingly adopting new forms of online participatory journalism. During this time, 'below the line' comment spaces have grown to be one of the most popular forms of user-generated content. Comment spaces are thought to perform a multitude of functions. However, much has been made about their potential as spaces for public debate that could act as a new form of the public sphere where journalists can hear from, and directly engage with, their readers. Survey and interview research has suggested that some journalists do read, and sometimes engage in, comment sections. However, no study has systematically analysed how journalists actually engage in comment spaces; what factors shape such engagement; and how this has evolved over time. In this chapter, we begin to fill in these gaps by investigating how Guardian journalists behave below the line. Our research, which draws upon a multi-method approach and longitudinal research dataset, included a manual content analysis of all comments made (2006-17) by 26 journalists (n= 5448) and 18 semi-structured interviews conducted in two phases (13 in 2012 and 5 repeated in 2017-18). Our chapter sheds light on how journalists behave below the line and what this might mean for journalism practice in the digital age.

The Irish Times published a letter from me on 28 January 2020. It pointed to errors and contradictions in Irish Times reports on how many former residents of institutions the Committee to Investigate Child Abuse (CICA) had interviewed.... more

The Irish Times published a letter from me on 28 January 2020. It pointed to errors and contradictions in Irish Times reports on how many former residents of institutions the Committee to Investigate Child Abuse (CICA) had interviewed. Those errors were due to confusion in CICA's 2009 report. CICA acknowledged that I had brought to their attention a major error concerning how many children resided in institutions over many decades. The letter was submitted in early December but the paper refused to publish. After I complained to the Press Ombudsman and some correspondence the newspaper changed its stance and published the letter in late January 2020. The letter is here, plus some explanatory material (7 pages in all).

Utilizing the early career of Bruce Springsteen during the 1970s as an example, this article begins to theorize and historicize the relationship between hype as a communicative process and the field of rock criticism. I argue that hype... more

Utilizing the early career of Bruce Springsteen during the 1970s as an example, this article begins to theorize and historicize the relationship between hype as a communicative process and the field of rock criticism. I argue that hype should be understood in three distinct ways: as a result of material changes in the music industry of the period, as a multifaceted discursive process that involved the creation, circulation, and debate of journalistic writing; and as a rhetorical strategy employed by music critics to distance themselves from the aforementioned processes. In working toward a theory of hype, I suggest how it is a critical factor in coming to terms with how rock criticism became an element of promotional culture.

Talking politics online is not exclusively reserved for those spaces dedicated to politics, particularly the everyday political talk crucial to the public sphere. However, past net-based public sphere research has focused mostly on... more

Talking politics online is not exclusively reserved for those spaces dedicated to politics, particularly the everyday political talk crucial to the public sphere. However, past net-based public sphere research has focused mostly on political spaces thereby neglecting an array of other genres. The aim of this article is to move beyond politically oriented communicative spaces by investigating political talk within the British reality TV discussion forum Wife Swap. The purpose is to see whether a forum dedicated to reality TV provides the communicative space, content, and style for politics that extends the public sphere. The central question is whether it fulfils the requirements of rationality and ‘decent’ deliberation. Moreover, the analysis moved beyond a formal notion by investigating how expressives influence the more traditional elements of deliberation. The findings revealed that Wife Swap participants engaged in political talk that was often deliberative. Moreover, it was a space where the use of expressives played a key role in enhancing such talk.

This article contributes to the emergent literature on the use of social media at advocacy organizations. Much of this existing literature focuses on these organizations’ production of social media information; this article, however,... more

This article contributes to the emergent literature on the use of social media at advocacy organizations. Much of this existing literature focuses on these organizations’ production of social media information; this article, however, explores the complementary and relatively unexamined consumption of social media information that can form part of advocacy work. By drawing parallels between journalism and advocacy, the article develops two theoretical models of how advocacy organizations evaluate social media information as part of this consumption. These models differ according to the information values at their cores and according to how these values are evaluated in practice; correspondingly, the models interact differently with social media’s affordances. The key information value for the evidence model is the veracity of the information’s metadata, and this is largely evaluated through a time-intensive verification process requiring corroboration and drawing on human expertise. In contrast, the key information value pertaining to the engagement model is participation, which is evaluated by measuring the volume of participants in the information’s production and transmission. The affordances of social media are often hindrances for the evidence model, because they can make metadata more difficult to verify. In contrast, the engagement model capitalizes on social media affordances, because these affordances facilitate participation as well as the evaluation of participation volume using digital analytics. In addition to shedding light on approaches to social media information evaluation at advocacy organizations, this article urges researchers and practitioners to be alive to related barriers to pluralism as they study and use these approaches.

Due to the high demand for journalists that understand technology and embrace it as an important skillset in recent years, journalism schools have been adapting their curriculum to include those abilities in their classrooms. In this... more

Due to the high demand for journalists that understand technology and embrace it as an important skillset in recent years, journalism schools have been adapting their curriculum to include those abilities in their classrooms. In this paper, we offer a case study of one such approach at PUCRS University in Brasil: from 2011 we have been challenging the students to make a journalistic app with Android AppInventor platform in the classroom. This paper addresses this experience and its perception of journalism and media students of PUCRS in Brazil.

El presente cuaderno de trabajo ofrece la discusión teórica y bibliográfica que da marco al proyecto “Rutinas profesionales en la producción de informaciones de prensa 1975-2005”, investigación a cargo de los académicos que firman este... more

El presente cuaderno de trabajo ofrece la discusión teórica y bibliográfica que da marco al proyecto “Rutinas profesionales en la producción de informaciones de prensa 1975-2005”, investigación a cargo de los académicos que firman este texto y desarrollada en el Centro de Estudios de la Comunicación de la Universidad de Chile. El estudio considera tres momentos sucesivos de trabajo crítico sobre las prácticas periodísticas que se han desarrollado en Chile durante las últimas tres décadas y presenta aquí una primera aproximación a los conceptos y líneas de análisis que, en general, servirán de base para las etapas posteriores.

This entry seeks to synthesize the many definitions of journalism. Struggles over defining what qualifies as journalism and who qualifies as a journalist are more than discursive disputes; they are key points of departure for... more

This entry seeks to synthesize the many definitions of journalism. Struggles over defining what qualifies as journalism and who qualifies as a journalist are more than discursive disputes; they are key points of departure for understanding the societal roles as well as social meanings of journalism in the twenty‐first century. In a basic sense, journalism refers to the systematic gathering, filtering, and circulating of information deemed to be news and in the public interest. But, as this entry shows, definitions of journalism are also complex normative, political, and ideological statements that may appear quite differently from different perspectives. This entry reviews how journalism was defined historically, what it came to represent in late modern times, and why it may need to be redefined to capture the complex realities of producing and consuming news in an information environment that challenges supposedly stable notions of what journalism is and why it matters.

This paper appraises the role of ICTs as a tool for participatory democracy in Nigeria with particular reference to 2011 and 2015 elections. Qualitative literature reviewing method was adopted and two media theories-Diffusion of... more

This paper appraises the role of ICTs as a tool for participatory democracy in Nigeria with particular reference to 2011 and 2015 elections. Qualitative literature reviewing method was adopted and two media theories-Diffusion of innovation and Technological Acceptance Model (TAM) were used as theoretical foundation. The study showed that all the five key stakeholders identified in this study except one (the security agencies) made unprecedented use of ICTs in the Nigerian electoral process during 2011 and 2015. Notwithstanding, the acquisition and applications of ICTs in Nigeria are not without challenges especially that of low level telephone penetration and uneven access. Hence, many localities are still not covered by telecommunication network in Nigeria leading to the marginalisation of crucial number of electorates. All the same, ICTs played a huge role in the success of both elections. Remarkable is the fact that all electoral stakeholders, most especially electorates, were hugely involved. This was unlike previous elections in Nigeria. Drawing from the foregoing, the study recommended that the utility of ICTs platforms to democratic governance and precisely to the electoral process should be further leveraged upon by stakeholders, as the electoral process stands to gain more if ICTs platforms are effectively and appropriately used. Also, there is need to ensure that the issues and challenges which confronted the use of the ICTs before, during and after the elections do not reoccur in future elections, most especially in the use of card readers.

In the midst of the contemporary economic crisis for American commercial journalism, foundation-supported nonprofit media are widely hailed as the solution. But are they? And if so, what kind of solution do they offer?... more

In the midst of the contemporary economic crisis for American commercial journalism, foundation-supported nonprofit media are widely hailed as the solution. But are they? And if so, what kind of solution do they offer? Foundation-supported nonprofit news media are deeply incorporated into the U.S. highly commercialized system of news production and circulation, in which most of the public is provided a steady menu of infotainment and sponsored content, while a small sector of in-depth (limited) critical news remains largely within the provinces of high cultural capital elites. Foundations provide the shaky bridge whereby nonprofits can find their footing between these sectors, without fundamentally challenging this stratified media system nor the broader finance-led capitalist order upon which it depends. This, in short, is the kind of “solution” foundations offer to the crisis of U.S. journalism.

The veteran novelist Margaret Mitchell, who made history with her only novel, Gone With The Wind, had been a reporter earlier, which is known to very few. She had been reporting for Atlanta Journal Sunday Magazine in her hometown Atlanta... more

The veteran novelist Margaret Mitchell, who made history with her only novel, Gone With The Wind, had been a reporter earlier, which is known to very few. She had been reporting for Atlanta Journal Sunday Magazine in her hometown Atlanta for four and a half years. The current study has been carried out to find out whether the people, who know her, are aware about her reporting career. It also tried to explore whether she can be a role model for female journalists and if any of her messages hold relevance at present. The study found out that a very few people knew that Margaret Mitchell had been a reporter before writing the historic novel. It also concluded that she can be an inspiration for female journalists and writers and that most of her messages, particularly women-centric, hold relevance even today, when women, though empowered to some extent, face similar problems as were faced during Margaret Mitchell's time.

Our approach offers a view of the “Propaganda Model” developed by the linguist and American political activist Noam Chomsky 25 years ago and its current validity, with special emphasis on the five elements or filters. In this analysis, we... more

Our approach offers a view of the “Propaganda Model” developed by the linguist and American political activist Noam Chomsky 25 years ago and its current validity, with special emphasis on the five elements or filters. In this analysis, we tried to deconstruct the process and reflect on other components that filter the information. We also demonstrate how promoting this kind of analysis against the interests of the power groups in the ‘democratic societies’, tends to be marginalized institutionally.

This is the opening chapter for the book, Young People & the Future of News: Social Media and the Rise of Connective Journalism, which is under contract to be published with Cambridge University Press. The book is currently with the... more

This is the opening chapter for the book, Young People & the Future of News: Social Media and the Rise of Connective Journalism, which is under contract to be published with Cambridge University Press. The book is currently with the publisher. Please contact the authors to view a pre-publication copy, as we would love your feedback!

The great doyen of journalism, John Thadeus Delane, was the Editor of The Times (of London) in the 1850s. He published a famour Editorial in 1852 which laid out in effect the role and ethics of the journalist and the duty of the Press.... more

The great doyen of journalism, John Thadeus Delane, was the Editor of The Times (of London) in the 1850s. He published a famour Editorial in 1852 which laid out in effect the role and ethics of the journalist and the duty of the Press. This is an essay based on a course I taught to trainee journalists using Delane's Editorial.

Eine Studie im Auftrag des Sie werden Digital Natives genannt, Millennials oder Gen Y – ihre Generation ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass sie den digitalen Wandel von Kindesbeinen miterlebt haben und die digitale Medientechnologie ebenso... more

Eine Studie im Auftrag des Sie werden Digital Natives genannt, Millennials oder Gen Y – ihre Generation ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass sie den digitalen Wandel von Kindesbeinen miterlebt haben und die digitale Medientechnologie ebenso souverän wie selbstverständlich beherrschen. Dabei greifen Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene nur noch selten auf Zeitungsinhalte zurück. Zugleich sind personalisierter Facebook-Feed und YouTube-Account zum wichtigsten Knotenpunkt für digitale Information, Unterhaltung und Kommunikation geworden. Die vorliegende Millennial-Studie des BDZV von Stephan Weichert und Leif Kramp geht den Gründen für diesen Nut-zungswandel nach. Sie will eine Diskussionsgrundlage für zukunftsfähige Geschäftsmodelle und Informationsstrate-gien des Mediengeschäfts schaffen: Wie informieren sich Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene? Welche Endgeräte und Medienangebote nutzen sie – und warum? Und was bedeutet die digitale Mediennutzung für Zeitungsverlage? Diesen und weiteren Fragen geht die vorliegende Studie nach. Sie zeigt dazu aktuelle Problemfelder im Umgang mit digitalen Medien auf, formuliert aber auch Lösungsan-sätze und Handlungsoptionen für Zeitungsverlage mit Blick auf junge Zielgruppen. Ausgangspunkt unserer Überlegun-gen ist, dass es nicht nur um ein Generationenphänomen, auch nicht alleine um den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg journa-listischer Angebote geht. Es geht um nichts Geringeres als einen globalen Wettstreit mit den mächtigen Technologie-konzernen um die öffentliche Deutungshoheit, mithin die Existenz des Journalismus. Mit dieser Studie sollen deshalb Wege aufgezeigt werden, wie sich junge Menschen für hochwertigen Journalismus begeistern lassen.

Article gives an overview of the history of Croatian Radio-Television (HRT), its legislative framework and changes in the broadcasting market in Croatia since 1990, as well as its adaptation to digital environment. It gives a critical... more

Article gives an overview of the history of Croatian Radio-Television (HRT), its legislative framework and changes in the broadcasting market in Croatia since 1990, as well as its adaptation to digital environment. It gives a critical current discussion on the present problems related to management crisis and independent journalism crisis on HRT.

SAAT artikel ini disusun, publik Amerika Serikat (AS) dan dunia dikejutkan dengan kemenangan Donald Trump kandidat presiden dari Partai Republik atas kursi kepresidenan AS . Tak hanya warga AS, banyak pimpinan dari berbagai negara... more

SAAT artikel ini disusun, publik Amerika Serikat (AS) dan dunia dikejutkan dengan kemenangan Donald Trump kandidat presiden dari Partai Republik atas kursi kepresidenan AS . Tak hanya warga AS, banyak pimpinan dari berbagai negara terkejut dengan kekalahan Hillary Clinton pada pemilihan presiden ke-45 tersebut. Karena kemenangan Trump yang ‘tak disangka-sangka’ tersebut, sejumlah pengamat tak hanya mengkritisi lembaga polling melainkan juga media massa maupun online AS.

US journalism has taken a fresh turn in recent years. A small group of major digital commercial and nonprofit news ventures seem to be here to stay, and they are providing real competition to the still dominant legacy media outlets. New... more

US journalism has taken a fresh turn in recent years. A small group of major digital commercial and nonprofit news ventures seem to be here to stay, and they are providing real competition to the still dominant legacy media outlets. New and old media alike are creating new forms of civically valuable journalism, but in the shadow of increasingly concentrated and opaque economic wealth.

The evolution of new technology in Malaysia has promoted the transformation of Malaysian lifestyle. The presence of this environment has serious implication for Malaysians and should be adopted as soon as possible since it is... more

The evolution of new technology in Malaysia has promoted the transformation of Malaysian lifestyle. The presence of this environment has serious implication for Malaysians and should be adopted as soon as possible since it is progressively growing. As for Generation X and Y, the acceptance and usage of new technology may not have any aggravation. However, Senior Citizens may experience complications in the acceptance and usage of new technology. The purpose of this research is to understand the reasons of behavioral intention to use RapidKL Touch N Go for bus services among the Senior Citizens. Qualitative research had been applied and mainly engaged with two approaches; 1) in-depth interviews and 2) observations. A total of seven (7) informants were involved in this research.

With the exponential growth of media products and their ever-increasing impact on our life and cultural practices, media employees operate in new conditions (Deuze, 2007). Getting noticed by an audience bombarded with an abundance of... more

With the exponential growth of media products and their ever-increasing impact on our life and cultural practices, media employees operate in new conditions (Deuze, 2007). Getting noticed by an audience bombarded with an abundance of choice and getting paid for the content the company is producing are the two main challenges that media companies are facing. The general business model of traditional media businesses is to generate revenue from advertisers by “selling” audiences and at the same time sell their products to those audiences. This so-called dual-product marketplace influences the content strategy, for example by providing products appealing to the largest number of customers and giving a disproportionate amount of attention to groups that are most attractive to advertisers (Picard, 2002).