Messaging Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Background: Diabetes is a significant problem in Saudi Arabia. Providers can impact healthcare outcomes by using patient portals to communicate with patients.

Instant Messaging is a type of communication that permits it's users to exchange text messages and other form of data over the internet using an application. However, since the existence of instant messaging, very little has been... more

Instant Messaging is a type of communication that permits it's users to exchange text messages and other form of data over the internet using an application. However, since the existence of instant messaging, very little has been described about the client/server architecture of instant messaging application. This work reviews IM client/server architecture and the representative implementations on an android smart phone.

Floods are a major challenge and the most common type of natural disaster, causing the loss of lives and properties, damage to critical infrastructure, economic loss and health related problems such as the outbreak of water borne diseases... more

Floods are a major challenge and the most common type of natural disaster, causing the loss of lives and properties, damage to critical infrastructure, economic loss and health related problems such as the outbreak of water borne diseases because of the high concentration of population in rivers, lakes, ponds, and reservoirs. Since most flash-flood casualties are caused by a lack of information, People who live in flood prone areas should know the height of the river water level early enough before flooding occurs. In this study, IoT based water level monitoring systems using ultrasonic sensors and ESP8266 NodeMcu V3 Board microcontroller that measures water level in real-time. The real-time data detected from the ultrasonic sensors will be sent to ThingSpeak IoT platform via the wireless connection and also can be monitored in through the internet cloud by the user view and explore on their mobile phones or personal computers. If the water level reaches the preset threshold value, the ESP8266 NodeMcu V3 Microcontroller triggers the alarm by activating buzzer with a flashing red LED. On the other hand, The action ThingHTTP of ThingSpeak IoT platform call Twilio, cloud communications API, to send SMS notification to the people in the community. This research paper also designed a system that the water level monitoring using wireless ultrasonic sensor network as early warning system of flash floods for the water bodies.

Öz: Tarihi süreç içerisinde sadece ihtiyacı olan kadarını tüket-miş olan insanoğlu, günümüzde ihtiyacı olandan daha fazlası-nı tüketme çabasına girmiştir. Daha önce hiç bilinmeyen yeni ihtiyaçlar listesi oluşturan ve bunları tatmin... more

Tarihi süreç içerisinde sadece ihtiyacı olan kadarını tüket-miş olan insanoğlu, günümüzde ihtiyacı olandan daha fazlası-nı tüketme çabasına girmiştir. Daha önce hiç bilinmeyen yeni ihtiyaçlar listesi oluşturan ve bunları tatmin etmeye çalışan günümüz insanının böyle bir davranış içerisinde bulunması-nın temel nedenlerinden birisi de iletişim araçları tarafından sürekli tekrarlanan tüketim vurgusudur. Özellikle kapitalist sistemin en önemli desteklerinden birisi olan reklamlar aracı-lığıyla verilen mesajlar, insanların yeni ihtiyaçlar hissetmesine ve daha önce olmayan yeni tatmin olma yöntemlerine başvur-masına kaynaklık etmektedir. Bu çalışmada global tekstil mar-kalarının reklamları göstergebilimsel analize tabi tutulmuştur. Bu analizlerin sonucuna göre reklamlar düz anlamların yanı sıra yan anlamlar ile tüketicilerin zihninde yeni mesajlar inşa etmektedir. Bu mesajlar aracılığıyla sadece ürünün satışını değil aynı zamanda yeni bir yaşam felsefesinin benimsenmesini de sağlamaya çalıştıkları görülmektedir.
In historical process, mankind who have consumed only as much as he needed but today, he begins to consume more than his need. One of the main reasons of today's human who creates new requirement lists that are unknown before and tries to stisfy it is constantly pumped consuming emphasis through communication tools. The messages, given especially through advertisements which are one of the most important supports of capitalist system, source people to feel new needs and appeal new satisfying methods that never existed before. In this study, global textile branding advertisements are subjected to semiologic analysis. As a result of these analyzes it is found out that advertisements build denotations in cunsomers' minds as well as new meanings with connotations. It is seen that they try to provide not only selling the product but also embracing a new life philosophy by means of these messages.

Emojis are an extremely common occurrence in mobile communications , but their meaning is open to interpretation. We investigate motivations for their usage in mobile messaging in the US. This study asked 228 participants for the last... more

Emojis are an extremely common occurrence in mobile communications , but their meaning is open to interpretation. We investigate motivations for their usage in mobile messaging in the US. This study asked 228 participants for the last time that they used one or more emojis in a conversational message , and collected that message, along with a description of the emojis' intended meaning and function. We discuss functional distinctions between: adding additional emotional or situational meaning, adjusting tone, making a message more engaging to the recipient, conversation management, and relationship maintenance. We discuss lexical placement within messages, as well as social practices. We show that the social and linguistic function of emojis are complex and varied, and that supporting emojis can facilitate important conversational functions.

The role of key messages has assumed an almost common-sense status within public relations campaigns. This research examines award-winning campaigns to explore what assumptions and understandings underpin the use of key messages by public... more

The role of key messages has assumed an almost common-sense status within public relations campaigns. This research examines award-winning campaigns to explore what assumptions and understandings underpin the use of key messages by public relations practitioners. It was envisaged this would help explicate an aspect of practice that is seemingly widespread and ingrained. The findings report in four thematic areas that emerged from the data: environment, development, attributes and context. The concept of a congested and contested messaging environment was found to be the key driver behind the use of key messages. Practitioners saw well-crafted key messages as having the power to cut through the environment to achieve specific outcomes and positively position organisations. The study concludes that although a transmission model/media effects theoretical perspective was evident, practice could also be conceptualised as a social constructionist endeavour in that practitioners worked to create versions of social reality to achieve organisational goals. Further, it was also found that practitioners might benefit from a deeper understanding of how people receive, engage with, and process information in terms of campaign message design and evaluation.

Inoculation theory, a theory of conferring resistance to persuasive influence, has established efficacy as a messaging strategy in the health domain. In fact, the earliest research on the theory in the 1960s involved health issues to... more

Inoculation theory, a theory of conferring resistance to persuasive influence, has established efficacy as a messaging strategy in the health domain. In fact, the earliest research on the theory in the 1960s involved health issues to build empirical support for tenets in the inoculation framework. Over the ensuing decades, scholars have further examined the effectiveness of inoculation-based messages at creating robust positive health attitudes. We overview these efforts, highlight the structure of typical inoculation-based health messages, and describe the similarities and differences between this method of counter-persuasion and other preparatory techniques commonly employed by health researchers and practitioners. Finally, we consider contexts in which inoculation-oriented health messages could be most useful, and describe how the health domain could offer a useful scaffold to study conceptual issues of the theory.

Although numerous government, nonprofit, and relief organizations have endeavored to educate and prepare the American public for disasters, adults with physical, mental, and educational disabilities remain among the most vulnerable and... more

Although numerous government, nonprofit, and relief organizations have endeavored to educate and prepare the American public for disasters, adults with physical, mental, and educational disabilities remain among the most vulnerable and least prepared subgroups of the population. The lack of alignment between the literacy demands of existing disaster preparedness and recovery materials and the literacy skills of many vulnerable subgroups limits their ability to understand and effectively use potentially life-saving information. We review the literature on literacy and vulnerable populations, propose a new model for disaster literacy, and describe opportunities for incorporating best practices into planning and preparedness activities. Disaster literacy is defined here as an individual's ability to read, understand, and use information to make informed decisions and follow instructions in the context of mitigating, preparing, responding, and recovering from a disaster. Recommendations are made for developing and evaluating disaster communication materials for vulnerable populations. To meet and improve the disaster literacy of vulnerable populations we suggest pilot-testing and evaluation be routinely used to inform selection of media type, message, and point of contact. (Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness. 2014;0:1-9)

Messaging has been an important aspect of the public outreach of the violent extremist organisation commonly known as Boko Haram. While significant attention has been given to what Boko Haram has done in terms of violent attacks, less has... more

Messaging has been an important aspect of the public outreach of the violent extremist organisation commonly known as Boko Haram. While significant attention has been given to what Boko Haram has done in terms of violent attacks, less has been devoted to what Boko Haram has said in terms of messaging content. By examining its record of public statements, important clues can be gleaned regarding the otherwise secretive group's operational processes and strategic outlook.

Negli ultimi anni, l’Italia non è stata colpita da attacchi terroristici di matrice jihadista, né ha sperimentato gli elevati livelli di radicalizzazione di alcuni dei suoi vicini europei. Significativamente, il numero di foreign fighters... more

Negli ultimi anni, l’Italia non è stata colpita da attacchi terroristici di matrice jihadista, né ha sperimentato gli elevati livelli di radicalizzazione di alcuni dei suoi vicini europei. Significativamente, il numero di foreign fighters che hanno abbandonato il territorio italiano per unirsi allo Stato Islamico o ad altri gruppi jihadisti – circa 130 individui – è molto più basso se comparato ai numeri della Francia, della Germania, del Regno Unito, ma anche di paesi più piccoli come l’Austria o il Belgio.
Questo quadro di relativa quiete, tuttavia, presenta un’importante eccezione, riguardante la propaganda dello Stato Islamico, che menziona l’Italia e, in particolare, Roma con una frequenza che può apparire sproporzionata.
Analizzando i contenuti ufficiali in lingua inglese pubblicati dallo Stato Islamico a partire dalla proclamazione del “Califfato” (nel giugno del 2014), il presente studio di carattere esplorativo ha contato 432 riferimenti all’Italia, al Vaticano e a Roma. La città è frequentemente citata, con diverse accezioni, anche nella propaganda in lingua araba. L’analisi dei riferimenti individuati mostra che, a parte alcune eccezioni significative, lo Stato Islamico riserva particolare attenzione all’Italia perché si riferisce a Roma come simbolo dell’Occidente e della Cristianità. La maggior parte delle menzioni, infatti, riprende fonti islamiche secondarie che affermano che il Giorno del Giudizio giungerà soltanto quando i musulmani combatteranno i “Romani”, e profetizzano la loro conquista di “Roma” (originariamente sulla base di un riferimento storico al confronto secolare tra le forze musulmane e i “Romani” d’Oriente - ovvero i Bizantini - in epoca medievale).
A ogni modo, la posizione centrale che la capitale italiana occupa nei messaggi jihadisti – anche in senso figurato – è un fenomeno allarmante, poiché può essere interpretata dai seguaci dello Stato Islamico come un’esortazione a compiere attacchi nella Città Eterna o, più in generale, in Italia.

It is with great pride and pleasure that I welcome you to the IEEE Southeastcon 2013 conference and exposition. On behalf of our hardworking committee people, local and from Region 3, we hope you enjoy yourself and that our conference... more

It is with great pride and pleasure that I welcome you to the IEEE Southeastcon 2013 conference and exposition. On behalf of our hardworking committee people, local and from Region 3, we hope you enjoy yourself and that our conference meets or exceeds all of your expectations.

Messaging is one of the widely used communication medium. But in fact it has the disadvantage that the lack of encryption method to the message. Easily determine which messages are sent or received media causes is often misused by... more

Messaging is one of the widely used communication medium. But in fact it has the disadvantage that the lack of encryption method to the message. Easily determine which messages are sent or received media causes is often misused by parties. Therefore it requires a mechanism which can camouflage the content of the message so it can not be misused by others.

Organizations with a presence in the Second Life® world typically only provide direct user interaction with staff at specific schedules, or not at all. We present a system that provides organizations with a simple way to enable constant... more

Organizations with a presence in the Second Life® world typically only provide direct user interaction with staff at specific schedules, or not at all. We present a system that provides organizations with a simple way to enable constant interaction with users of the Second Life world, by simulating staff presence using automated avatars as communication channels to real-life staff by means of instant messaging and short message service technologies. Staff members are assigned to communication with Second Life avatars based on a hierarchy of information desk staffing priorities, and communication is bidirectional.

This work explores the possibility of transferring data between mobile devices that are nearby each other without the need of pairing, authentication, superuser access and Internet connectivity. Such technology can be used for emergency... more

BACKGROUND: Implementing a comprehensive school physical activity program (CSPAP) effectively addresses public health issues by providing opportunities for physical activity (PA). Grounded in the Diffusion of Innovations model, the... more

BACKGROUND: Implementing a comprehensive school physical activity program (CSPAP) effectively addresses public health
issues by providing opportunities for physical activity (PA). Grounded in the Diffusion of Innovations model, the purpose of this
study was to identify how health promotion efforts facilitate opportunities for PA.
METHODS: Physical and health education teachers (N=256) nationwide were surveyed using a CSPAP Index to identify
teacher’s efforts for providing opportunities for PA within a school setting.
RESULTS: A hierarchical regression analysis revealed total number of PA opportunities was significantly predicted by teachers’
health promotion efforts, p<.001. Sex and years of experience were not significant covariates, p=.35, in the final step of the
model. Accounting for teaching environments, the model was significant, p<.001. The strongest predictors were the
promotional efforts of PA for family and community, p<.001, PA for staff members, p<.01, PA during the school day, p<.05,
and PA before school, p<.05.
CONCLUSIONS: To increase PA opportunities for children in schools, emphasis should be placed on health promotion. This
study confirms the importance of teachers involving family, community, and staff members as co-health promoters when trying
to increase PA engagement surrounding schools.

In this paper we propose a novel method for auto-scaling data-centric workflow tasks. Scaling is achieved through a prediction mechanism where the input data load on each task within a workflow is used to compute the estimated task... more

In this paper we propose a novel method for auto-scaling data-centric workflow tasks. Scaling is achieved through a prediction mechanism where the input data load on each task within a workflow is used to compute the estimated task execution time. Through load prediction, the framework can take informed decisions on scaling multiple workflow tasks independently to improve overall throughput and reduce workflow bottlenecks. This method was implemented in the WS-VLAM workflow system and with an image analyses workflow we show that this technique achieves faster data processing rates and reduces overall workflow makespan.

Building on the notational principles of C. S. Peirce’s graphical logic, Pietarinen has tried to develop a propositional logic unfolding in the medium of sound. Apart from its intrinsic interest, this project serves as a concrete test of... more

Building on the notational principles of C. S. Peirce’s graphical logic, Pietarinen has tried to develop a propositional logic unfolding in the medium of sound. Apart from its intrinsic interest, this project serves as a concrete test of logic’s range. However, I argue that Pietarinen’s inaugural proposal, while promising, has an important shortcoming, since it cannot portray double-negation without thereby portraying a contradiction.

Das Dissertationsprojekt widmet sich vordergründig der Untersuchung des Verkehrsträgers „Pferd“ und seiner Einbindung in das Gefüge spätmittelalterlicher zwischenstädtischer Kommunikationsformen im Westen des Heiligen Römischen Reiches.... more

Das Dissertationsprojekt widmet sich vordergründig der Untersuchung des Verkehrsträgers „Pferd“ und seiner Einbindung in das Gefüge spätmittelalterlicher zwischenstädtischer Kommunikationsformen im Westen des Heiligen Römischen Reiches. Im Interesse steht dabei der Stellenwert des Pferdes als Mobilitätsgarant für die städtische Obrigkeit und deren Dienstangestellte – Gerichtsdiener, Boten und Förster – im Zuge von Gerichtsfahrten, Beschauungen, Fronforderungen, Eskorten, diplomatischer, innen- und außenpolitischer Reisen und bei der Übermittlung von Nachrichten. Die Reichweite und Leistungsfähigkeit des berittenen Botenwesens sind ferner Gegenstand der Abhandlung. Das Ziel ist eine grundlagenschaffende Studie zur Erforschung der primären Konstellationen und Mechanismen, die räumliche Mobilität gewährleisteten, sowie der Technik und Dynamik der Informationsverbreitung innerhalb der Städte und auf den städteverbindenden Verkehrsadern. [...]

Modern high-performance architectures require extremely accurate branch prediction to overcome the performance limitations of conditional branches. We present a framework that categorizes branch prediction schemes by the way in which they... more

Modern high-performance architectures require extremely accurate branch prediction to overcome the performance limitations of conditional branches. We present a framework that categorizes branch prediction schemes by the way in which they partition dynamic branches and by the kind of predictor that they use. The framework allows us to compare and contrast branch prediction schemes, and to analyze why they work. We use the framework to show how a static correlated branch prediction scheme increases branch bias and thus improves overall branch prediction accuracy. We also use the framework to identify the fundamental differences between static and dynamic correlated branch prediction schemes. This study shows that there is room to improve the prediction accuracy of existing branch prediction schemes.

Las autoras de este Estudio Especial son Jennifer Isern, especialista principal en microfinanzas; Rani Deshpande, analista de microfinanzas, ambas del CGAP; y Judith van Doorn. Las autoras desearían agradecer a las siguientes personas e... more

Las autoras de este Estudio Especial son Jennifer Isern, especialista principal en microfinanzas; Rani Deshpande, analista de microfinanzas, ambas del CGAP; y Judith van Doorn. Las autoras desearían agradecer a las siguientes personas e instituciones por sus valiosas aportaciones y sus minuciosas y serias observaciones sobre este trabajo: Hans Boon

Perreault, M., Houston, B. & Wilkins, L. (2014). Does Scary Matter? Testing the Effectiveness of the New National Weather Service Tornado Warnings. Communication Studies Journal. Spring 2011 set severe weather records with tornadoes in... more

Perreault, M., Houston, B. & Wilkins, L. (2014). Does Scary Matter? Testing the Effectiveness of the New National Weather Service Tornado Warnings. Communication Studies Journal.
Spring 2011 set severe weather records with tornadoes in the South and Midwest U.S. In response, the National Weather Service launched new warning messages for the 2012 storm season. This study examined whether gender and storm experience influenced severe weather media use and also tested the new “scarier” tornado warning messages and the more traditional (non-scary) warnings to see if warning type and broadcast medium were related to participant response. Four different experimental stimuli were created to resemble actual warning messages: scary and non-scary television messages, and scary and non-scary radio messages. University students ages 18-25 (N = 168) were exposed to all four stimuli and asked questions about their perceptions of credibility and behavioral intentions following the message. Behavioral intentions were not affected by experimental stimuli, but differences did emerge for perceived credibility. Women and those with more storm experience were found to use more sources of severe weather information.

There is now widespread acceptance of Web services and service-oriented architectures. But despite the agreement on key Web services standards there remain many challenges. Programming environments based on WSDL support go some way to... more

There is now widespread acceptance of Web services and service-oriented architectures. But despite the agreement on key Web services standards there remain many challenges. Programming environments based on WSDL support go some way to facilitating Web service development. However Web services fundamentally rely on XML and Schema, not on contemporary programming language type systems such as those of Java or .NET. Moreover, Web services are based on a messaging paradigm and hence bring forward the traditional problems of messaging systems including concurrency control and message correlation. It is easy to write simple synchronous Web services using traditional programming languages; however more realistic scenarios are surprisingly difficult to implement. To alleviate these issues we propose a programming language which directly supports Web service development. The language leverages XQuery for native XML processing, supports implicit message correlation and has high level join cal...

According to reports by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N., factory farming has made animal agriculture the No. 1 contributor to global warming (it is significantly more destructive than transportation alone) , and one of... more

According to reports by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N., factory farming has made animal agriculture the No. 1 contributor to global warming (it is significantly more destructive than transportation alone) , and one of the Top 2 or 3 causes of all of the most serious environmental problems: air and water pollution, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, … Eating factory-farmed animals-which is to Draft October 11, 2009 2 say virtually every piece of meat sold in supermarkets and prepared in restaurants-is almost certainly the single worst thing that human do to the environment. Turning to the op-ed section, one comes across an odd couple, John Kerry and Lindsay Graham, Massachusetts liberal and South Carolina conservative, writing 'hopefully' on bipartisan climate change legislation. …we are advocating aggressive reductions in our emissions of carbon gases … without hindering global competitiveness or driving more jobs overseas … we must also take advantage of nuclear power, our single largest contributor of emissionsfree power … jettison cumbersome regulations that have stalled the construction of nuclear plants … encourage serious investment in research to find solutions to our nuclear waste problem … for the foreseeable future we will continue to burn fossil fuels … The United States should aim to become the Saudi Arabia of clean coal … we are committed to seeking compromise on additional onshore and offshore gas exploration … Failure to act comes with another cost … the administration will use the Environmental Protection Agency to impose new regulations .. likely to be tougher .. Industry needs the certainty that comes with Congressional action … we will pass on to future generations a strong economy, a clean environment, and an energy-independent nation. And looking back to the past, we find these quotes from a 2003 language advisory by Frank Luntz to the Bush administration, called Winning the Global Warming Debate: An Overview : It's time for us to start talking about "climate change" instead of global warming …

Clinically useful controlled vocabularies should represent healthcare concepts completely and with high reliability. Anticipating and pre-coordinating all possible expressions (e.g. 'fracture of the left femur' and 'fracture of the right... more

Clinically useful controlled vocabularies should represent healthcare concepts completely and with high reliability. Anticipating and pre-coordinating all possible expressions (e.g. 'fracture of the left femur' and 'fracture of the right femur') is not feasible. Variation in practice styles, requirements for the granularity of content, the exponential growth of terminology size, and increased cost of maintaining pre-coordinated terminologies lead us to conclude that no enumerated terminology can ever be truly comprehensive. Compositional terminologies are one potential solution to the problem of content completeness, but carry a risk of generating expressions whose equivalency cannot be easily determined. In order for post-coordinated expressions to be comparable, a sufficiently detailed formal mechanism for information representation is necessary. Comparable data for post-coordinated expressions requires normalization of both the contents and the semantics of the contents of the terminology with the information captured in post-coordinated expressions. In addition, comparable data requires a storage and messaging paradigm robust enough to faithfully represent the information contained within arbitrarily complex compositional expressions. We present a formalism for storing, and sending messages containing compositional expressions using a large-scale reference terminology. It is our intent that this formalism be used to algorithmically determine whether or not messages contain comparable data. In addition, we advocate transmitting the upward transitive closure of subsumption of all concepts, to improve comparability of data and to decrease reliance on locally stored versions of the underlying reference terminology.

We introduce a new type of study that combines self-profile of behaviors and attitudes regarding food together with responses to structured, systematically varied concepts about the food. We deal here with the responses of teens, for 28... more

We introduce a new type of study that combines self-profile of behaviors and attitudes regarding food together with responses to structured, systematically varied concepts about the food. We deal here with the responses of teens, for 28 different foods and beverages. The study creates a database which reveals how a person responds to different types of messaging about the food. We show how to develop the database for many different foods, from which one can compare foods to each other, or compare the performance of messages within a specific food.

The "Churchillian" speech by Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of Ireland Leo Varadkar on March 17, 2020, is worth reading and watching for its plain-language estimate of the ongoing medical crisis, its rhetorical structure, its messaging to... more

The "Churchillian" speech by Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of Ireland Leo Varadkar on March 17, 2020, is worth reading and watching for its plain-language estimate of the ongoing medical crisis, its rhetorical structure, its messaging to adults and children both, and its call to endure now to prevent tragedy later. It will illustrates the importance of "credibility" in public communications.

The present research focused upon the power of different messages to increase self-reported physical activity (PA). Five hundered and ninety six participants were randomised to one of five conditions that varied in the content of message:... more

The present research focused upon the power of different messages to increase self-reported physical activity (PA). Five hundered and ninety six participants were randomised to one of five conditions that varied in the content of message: short-term affective, short-term cognitive, long-term affective, long-term cognitive and a no message control. PA was measured at baseline and follow-up (seven days later)
was done using the Godin Leisure Time Exercise Questionnaire over the subsequent seven day period. The affective short-term message (ASM) was shown to be equally
effective at increasing self-reported PA as a cognitive long-term message. Furthermore, when controlling for baseline activity levels, the ASM emerged as being the
message that produced the highest levels of self-reported PA at follow-up. The findings point to the value of distinguishing between health messages in terms of the focus on affective and cognitive outcomes and the temporal nature of the outcomes (short-term or long-term).

Although much has been written about the benefits that money transfers could bring to pro-poor financial service providers and their clients, relatively little information is available on how they might enter the money transfer market.... more

Although much has been written about the benefits that money transfers could bring to pro-poor financial service providers and their clients, relatively little information is available on how they might enter the money transfer market. This paper explores the operational and strategic considerations involved in launching a money transfer product. The first section begins with an overview of global money transfers, including the overall size and structure of the industry and the differences between its different segments- cross-border and domestic, formal and informal, retail and wholesale. The second section describes the main types of transmission channels used to transfer funds, the types of providers traditionally associated with these channels, partnerships between these providers, and new customer interfaces being used to make money transfers cheaper and more convenient for clients. Finally, the third section explores how a pro-poor financial service provider might begin to bui...

Visual health communication messages have the potential to stimulate conversations and social interactions that are likely to determine whether or not campaign messages have an effect on behavior. Frequent criticism of research into men... more

Visual health communication messages have the potential to stimulate conversations and social interactions that are likely to determine whether or not campaign messages have an effect on behavior. Frequent criticism of research into men and breastfeeding is that their attitudes and perceptions are reported by their partners rather than by the men themselves (Koerber, Brice, & Tombs, 2012). ❑ Moreover, the men noted that the visual images were not designed in a way to attracted their attention and did not respond to their information need as a father or placed in places where they were likely to see them. ❑ Fathers expressed a desire to learn ways in which they could provide more support and interacting with imagery that portray this role.

There is now widespread acceptance of Web services and service-oriented architectures. But despite the agreement on key Web services standards there remain many challenges. Programming environments based on WSDL support go some way to... more

There is now widespread acceptance of Web services and service-oriented architectures. But despite the agreement on key Web services standards there remain many challenges. Programming environments based on WSDL support go some way to facilitating Web service development. However Web services fundamentally rely on XML and Schema, not on contemporary programming language type systems such as those of Java or .NET. Moreover, Web services are based on a messaging paradigm and hence bring forward the traditional problems of messaging systems including concurrency control and message correlation. It is easy to write simple synchronous Web services using traditional programming languages; however more realistic scenarios are surprisingly difficult to implement. To alleviate these issues we propose a programming language which directly supports Web service development. The language leverages XQuery for native XML processing, supports implicit message correlation and has high level join calculus-style concurrency control. We illustrate the features of the language through a motivating example.

This paper describes a research project to enhance the viability of remote Indigenous communities through culturally-appropriate use of information and communications technologies (ICT). The project investigated the use of community... more

This paper describes a research project to enhance the viability of remote Indigenous communities through culturally-appropriate use of information and communications technologies (ICT). The project investigated the use of community rebroadcast TV infrastructure for new low cost communications services. A key part of the project was establishment of trusting relationships with the Ngaanyatjaara Lands communities of Irrunytju and Kanpa. Community members, administrative staff, and external service providers were involved in investigations into current communication problems and potential solutions. A working prototype of a messaging system using satellite broadcasting infrastructure to send multimedia messages to TV sets within remote communities was developed and evaluated. Such a system could be used by government agencies or remote communities themselves to deliver messages about visitors to the community (e.g. health workers), emergencies (e.g. bushfire); cultural business, sport...

Cloud Interoperability has been a core issue pertaining Intercloud and Cloud Federation. Several vendor-based proprietary solutions and open-source middleware are present for the resolution; however, these solutions are highly coupled to... more

Cloud Interoperability has been a core issue pertaining Intercloud and Cloud Federation. Several vendor-based proprietary solutions and open-source middleware are present for the resolution; however, these solutions are highly coupled to particular cloud environments. For heterogeneous clouds to exist in an interoperable environment, the need of a vendor-independent, secure and reliable message exchange middleware is critical. In this paper, considering general cloud architecture, we are presenting a Publish-Subscribe based middleware for Intercloud Message Exchange. Intercloud Message Exchange is an implementation of Data Distribution Service (DDS). DDS's reliable pub-sub messaging in conjunction with our devised Information Model can be a novel candidate for messaging domain of Intercloud Interoperability Standards. This Information Model also hosts an OWL based Cloud Resource Description Ontology, utilized by cloud environments for resource cataloguing and possible matchmaking prior to workload migration between heterogeneous clouds.

QuickMQ is asynchronous enterprise messaging system. It is one of the providers of Java Message Service API, which implements Sun Microsystems Java Message Service API 1.1 Specification. QuickMQ provides a powerful messaging platform,... more

QuickMQ is asynchronous enterprise messaging system. It is one of the providers of Java Message Service API, which implements Sun Microsystems Java Message Service API 1.1 Specification. QuickMQ provides a powerful messaging platform, with powerful and unique features including dynamic routing, dynamic deployment, scalability, reduces system bottlenecks along with heterogeneous system integrations. The primary advantage of using QuickMQ is it is a lightweight Messaging systems compared to other JMS providers which adds to its performance. Also, it also implements both producer-subscriber and point to point messaging models

Our world is becoming increasingly heterogeneous, decentralized and distributed, but the software that is supposed to work in this world, usually, is not. TSpaces is a communication package whose purpose is to alleviate the problems of... more

Our world is becoming increasingly heterogeneous, decentralized and distributed, but the software that is supposed to work in this world, usually, is not. TSpaces is a communication package whose purpose is to alleviate the problems of hooking together disparate distributed systems. ...

In this paper we describe a field trial designed to investigate the potential of remote, situated messaging within the home. Five households used our "HomeNote" device for approximately a month. The results show a diversity of types of... more

In this paper we describe a field trial designed to investigate the potential of remote, situated messaging within the home. Five households used our "HomeNote" device for approximately a month. The results show a diversity of types of communication which highlight the role of messaging both to a household and to a place. It also shows the ways in which these kinds of messages enable subtle ways of requesting action, expressing affection, and marking identity in a household-communication types which have received little attention in the research literature. These in turn point to new concepts for technology which we describe.