Millenials Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Kehidupan modern saat ini hampir tidak dapat dipisahkan dari dunia maya dan internet terlebih dengan hadirnya platform media sosial seperti WhatsApp, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram telah memberikan dampak luar biasa bagi... more

Kehidupan modern saat ini hampir tidak dapat dipisahkan dari dunia maya dan internet terlebih dengan hadirnya platform media sosial seperti WhatsApp, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram telah memberikan dampak luar biasa bagi perkembangan tatanan masyarakat, tidak terkecuali dalam pola keberagamaan. Secara sederhana media sosial dapat dikatakan sebagai sarana dan prasarana dalam berkomunikasi secara tidak langsung ataupun sebagai tempat untuk berbagi informasi secara cepat. Akan tetapi, media sosial sering kali digunakan untuk menyebar pesan kebencian, ajakan intoleransi, dan tindakan radikal. Berdasarkan hasil riset Wearesosial Hootsuite yang dirilis januari 2019 pengguna media sosial di Indonesia mencapai 150 juta atau sebesar 56 persen dari total populasi penduduk Indonesia. Tingginya angka pengguna media sosial di Indonesia memberi resiko besar terhadap penyebaran konten negatif dan intoleransi ataupun ujaran kebencian yang menimbulkan konflik, hal ini membuat media sosial mampu menciptakan ruang intoleran. Oleh sebab itu, perlu adanya upaya untuk menabur benih-benih toleransi di media sosial dalam mengatasi persoalan ini. Untuk menguatkan statement tersebut berikut ini adalah dua paragraf yang membahas tentang persoalan intoleransi di sosial media beserta solusinya. Intoleransi membuat orang-orang terpolarisasi berdasarkan identitas suku, ras, politik, dan masalah agama dimana media sosial telah digunakan untuk dogmatisasi, ajakan intoleransi dan ujaran kebencian, banyak orang dengan mudah percaya berita palsu sebagai sesuatu yang nyata sehingga membuat masyarakat terpapar pesan-pesan negatif, kecenderungan dari mereka bisa terdorong melakukan tindakan kekerasan. Sesuai dengan pernyataan peneliti dari Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia Cahyo Pamungkas menyebut media sosial memiliki peran yang penting dalam mendorong seseorang untuk bersikap intoleran. Perkembangan media sosial yang pesat selain membawa dampak positif juga harus diakui berdampak negatif dalam kaitannya dengan intoleransi di Indonesia. Salah satu solusi untuk mencegah orang menjadi intoleran karena pesan-pesan di media sosial adalah dengan mengisi ruang tersebut dengan pesan-pesan positif seperti tulisan, foto, video secara konsisten. Konten positif juga bisa berupa kontra-naratif, yakni upaya menghadirkan fakta-fakta atau argumentasi yang membantah kebenaran pesan-pesan negatif yang disampaikan oleh kelompok intoleran. Keberhasilan kontra-narasi ini, ditentukan oleh pemilihan media atau platform penyebaran yang sesuai, berdasarkan pertimbangan seberapa banyak platform tersebut diakses oleh publik atau kelompok yang menjadi sasaran, serta memilih materi yang dapat memberikan pesan kuat dalam mempromosikan toleransi dan menolak intoleransi agama, suku, dan lainnya di media sosial. Contohnya, dengan mengunggah kisah indah pertemanan antar orang yang berbeda budaya, suku atau agama selalu menarik sebagai bahan untuk mempromosikan toleransi di media sosial, terutama di tengah maraknya peredaran pesan negatif yang mengajak orang untuk memusuhi dan membenci orang atau kelompok lain. Oleh karena itu, sudah saatnya kita bijak dalam bermedia sosial, menciptakan ruang-ruang toleransi dalam bermedia sosial dan tentu saja ikut menyebarkan semangat dan aksi baik tentang toleransi serta terus meng-counter penyebaran narasi intoleransi di media sosial. Hal inilah yang disebut dengan aksi menebar benih toleransi di media sosial dengan harapan benih-benih ini akan tersebar dan tumbuh memenuhi ruang media sosial sehingga celah intoleransi dapat tertutup dan bahkan hilang. Penulis yakin bahwa perlu ada lebih banyak orang yang melakukan sesuatu dan aksi nyata untuk #merawattoleransi.

Setiap zaman memiliki generasinya sendiri, dan setiap generasi menggerakkan zamannya sendiri. Dulu, generasi jadoel (jaman doeloe) 3 masih merasakan pengalaman menikmati wisata alam tanpa sedikit pun terlibat dalam penggunaan teknologi... more

Setiap zaman memiliki generasinya sendiri, dan setiap generasi menggerakkan zamannya sendiri. Dulu, generasi jadoel (jaman doeloe) 3 masih merasakan pengalaman menikmati wisata alam tanpa sedikit pun terlibat dalam penggunaan teknologi yang canggih. Bahkan, untuk menjangkau keindahan wisata tersebut masih harus ditempuh dengan berjalan kaki selama berjam-jam. Bekal pengganti dahaga dan lapar pun harus dibawa dan disediakan sendiri. Cara menikmati keindahan alam pun dilakukan hanya dengan mata telanjang dan menyimpannya di dalam memori otaknya. Teknologi fotografi masih langka, mahal, dan merepotkan. Kecanggihan teknologi pun menggeser cara berwisata generasi ini. Orang tak lagi berjalan kaki, aneka moda transportasi tersedia. Orang tak lagi repot-repot mempersiapkan bekal pelepas lapar dan dahaga. Semua tersedia, tinggal memilih. Orang tak lagi sekedar menyimpan keindahan alam pada alam memori yang semakin hari kian pudar terlupakan. Namun, mengkopinya secara utuh dalam rentetan jepretan kamera dan serta-merta menyimpannya pada alam maya dimana manusia lain pun dapat turut mengakses keindahan tersebut. Meski bukan itu tujuan utamanya. Narsis. Aktualisasi diri. Eksistensi. Menyatakan kepada dunia bahwa dia telah dan pernah berada pada sebuah tempat tertentu. Narsis memang menjadi habit generasi zaman kini-atau sering pula disebut generasi milenial. Bahkan, Joel Stein dalam majalah TIME menyebutnya sebagai The Me Me Me Generation atau "Generasi Aku Aku Aku". Generasi inilah yang menikmati wisata dengan cara berswa-foto dan mengunggahnya as soon as possible di media sosial. Kebetulan, teknologi memang memfasilitasinya secara masif. Kemudahan teknik fotografi, kecepatan internet, dan ketersediaan jejaring sosial media. Canggihnya lagi, kesemuanya disatukan dalam sebuah benda kecil, ringan, dan tidak merepotkan. Gadget 4. Dan, Kalibiru muncul pada situasi yang pas. Tatkala industri milenial berkembang. Kalibiru menyediakan "bahan baku" yang sangat disukai pasar-yakni background yang aduhai untuk beraktualisasi diri. Sejauh ini, sebanyak 1.265.880 orang telah memproduksi barang milenial kenarsisan dari tempat ini dan mengedarkannya di pasar maya melalui berbagai aplikasi sosial media-seperti WhatsAps, facebook, Instagram, LINE, dan lain sebagainya. Tentu, pengedaran barang narsis milenial ini mempergunakan beragam jenis gadget dengan memanfaatkan jasa layanan dari aneka internet service provider. Koneksi inter-stakeholders berlangsung dalam kompleksitas industri milenial. Pada tingkat hulu, komoditas milenial diproduksi pada spot-spot foto di Kalibiru dan dihilirkan melalui beragam jenis gawai dan beraneka aplikasi medsos-dengan memanfaatkan jasa layanan internet. Tidak itu saja. Berbagai stakeholders ikutan pun turut terhubung sebagai penikmat benefit bisnis milenial. Sebut saja warung dan/atau rumah makan, minimarket, hotel/penginapan, jasa transportasi, toko oleh-oleh, guide, marshal, dan lain sebagainya.

In an era during which more and more people show signs of narcissism, extreme individualistic views and a lack of empathy for others, the evidence that a definite change in society has taken place cannot be denied. This change is, in many... more

In an era during which more and more people show signs of narcissism, extreme individualistic
views and a lack of empathy for others, the evidence that a definite change in society has taken
place cannot be denied. This change is, in many ways, the result of the fast-growing pace of
development and availability of technology, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, in
terms of which change has become a daily occurrence. Accessibility to the Internet and social
media platforms contributes to the rapid change in society and how people and specifically
younger generations view themselves and approach others. Amid this change, the church must
act as a positive change agent and should not oppose change. Change has become a constant in
the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the church thus needs to become an agent in this process
of change, to reorientate the focus of society and overcome the self-centeredness induced by
current technological progress in society. What should such a focus look like? In answering this
question, perspectives from Psalm 82 and the Old Testament are considered.

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to empirically study the effect of employee involvement in the workplace on job satisfaction for millennial workers in Colombia. Design/methodology/approach Data were obtained from a sample of 2103... more

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to empirically study the effect of employee involvement in the workplace on job satisfaction for millennial workers in Colombia. Design/methodology/approach Data were obtained from a sample of 2103 millennial employees working in 11 companies of different sectors located in the five main cities of Colombia. Ordered probit models were estimated to study the effect of employee involvement on job satisfaction, in general, and how different forms of participative decision making in the workplace produce different impacts on individual satisfaction with objective and intrinsic aspects of the job, in particular. Findings The empirical results show that, for millennial workers, there is a positive link between employee involvement and job satisfaction. Moreover, there is a higher positive impact on job satisfaction when millennial workers participate in decisions on general aspects of the company than when they participate in specific decisions such as ...

A number of people have claimed that the ongoing financial crisis has revealed the problems with neoliberal thought and neoliberal policies in the 'Atlantic Heartland'. However, if we look at the history of the 'Heartland' economies then... more

A number of people have claimed that the ongoing financial crisis has revealed the problems with neoliberal thought and neoliberal policies in the 'Atlantic Heartland'. However, if we look at the history of the 'Heartland' economies then it becomes evident that they were never neoliberal in the first place - that is, the economic policies and discourses in these countries did not follow neoliberal prescriptions. /We Have Never Been Neoliberal/ explores this divergence between neoliberal theory and 'neoliberal' practice by focusing on the underlying contradictions in monetarism, private monopolies, and financialization. The book finishes by proposing a 'manifesto for a doomed youth' in which it argues that younger generations should refuse to pay interest on anything in order to avoid the trap of debt-driven living.

This study examines the Cebuano Millennials' dominant values, including its three subgroups: Early Millennials, Recessionists, and Gen Edgers. A total of 450 Cebuano Millennial respondents ages 18 to 34 years old participated from Cebu... more

This study examines the Cebuano Millennials' dominant values, including its three subgroups: Early Millennials, Recessionists, and Gen Edgers. A total of 450 Cebuano Millennial respondents ages 18 to 34 years old participated from Cebu City. The study utilized the Basic Values Questionnaire (BVQ) developed by Gouveia in 2003. Findings reveal that the Cebuano Millennials' dominant values were survival and health, which belong to the "Existence" values. As for the subgroups, both Early and Recessionist Cebuano Millennials consider "Existence" values as their most domineering, while "Promotion" and "Excitement" were their least domineering values. On the contrary, Gen Edgers only have one least domineering functional value that is "Excitement," which made them unique from the Early and Recessionist millennials. It appeared that Gen Edgers also value religiosity, which belongs to the "Normative" values. Overall, Cebuano Millennials are practical given that they have prioritized satisfying their survival and health first.

Área Temática: Nuevos enfoques y temas en Administración General RESUMEN: El presente trabajo de carácter bibliográfico, tiene como objetivo realizar un relevamiento entre las investigaciones publicadas, con el fin de describir los rasgos... more

Área Temática: Nuevos enfoques y temas en Administración General RESUMEN: El presente trabajo de carácter bibliográfico, tiene como objetivo realizar un relevamiento entre las investigaciones publicadas, con el fin de describir los rasgos distintivos que caracterizan a la empresa familiar, la problemática que plantea la sucesión y exponer cuáles son las posibilidades de participación de los jóvenes de la " Generación Y", correspondiente a los nacidos en el período 1980-2000, en dicho proceso. Estos jóvenes manifiestan un singular apego a las tecnologías de comunicación e información, como también una visión particular de lo que significa el trabajo en la vida de las personas, con valores muy diferentes a los de las generaciones de sus predecesores. Se realizó la investigación, a efectos de detectar las categorías y comprender el fenómeno, resultando que: estas organizaciones a pesar de su simplicidad de formación, son complejas en relaciones, porque se mezcla la familia con el negocio; por otra parte la influencia de los fundadores y su entorno, sumados a las características propias de los jóvenes de la Generación Y, no favorecen el proceso de sucesión. Si los fundadores quieren tener éxito en la continuidad, deberán tomar el problema seriamente y hacer los cambios necesarios para incluir a los jóvenes Y con sus preferencias laborales.

Globalization has enabled people to live in a borderless world. People interact openly and conveniently with people from across the globe. As such, they are often being introduced to new ways of doing things. Language is no longer a... more

Globalization has enabled people to live in a borderless world. People interact openly
and conveniently with people from across the globe. As such, they are often being introduced
to new ways of doing things. Language is no longer a barrier as many are learning foreign
languages for their own reasons. One way people immerse themselves in another culture is
by mirroring the other culture-their food. This study investigates the emergence of fast food
called Ramen that has changed the way people around the world look at their fast food
consumption. 530 participants from several countries responded to a survey asking their
perception of the consumption of Ramen. Findings in this study have shown that young adults
turn to Ramen for its convenience and its availability. The next findings also showed that
respondents felt they were immersing themselves in the culture that they liked. Finally,
findings also showed that many have turned to consumption as a way of their life. Findings in
this study can pave more future studies on the relationship of language, culture, and food.

Age discrimination is not only a problem for older professionals but also for young adults entering the workplace environment. Despite the fact that younger workers are more productive and less costly, they are typically the employees who... more

Age discrimination is not only a problem for older professionals but also for young adults entering the workplace environment. Despite the fact that younger workers are more productive and less costly, they are typically the employees who are most likely to be laid-off. The problematic issue of age discrimination is a global matter; therefore an analysis on this public issue is a necessity. When addressing this issue, people tend to think that only older workers are being discriminated in the workplace. This paper focuses on understanding the perception of young adults between the ages of 18 and 29 about age discrimination in the workplace. A survey was shared through social media and 65 responses were retained. Data gathered were qualitatively analyzed from a sample population of young adult workers. The main focus of the paper is to understand the perception of young adults about age discrimination. Workable solutions were also suggested based on the survey results.

O artigo descreve as intenções e os resultados previstos do projecto de investigação de doutoramento em decurso intitulado Empreendedorismo e(m) Design de Moda: uma visão estratégica para o Ensino Superior. Para responder à questão de... more

O artigo descreve as intenções e os resultados previstos do projecto de investigação de doutoramento em decurso intitulado Empreendedorismo e(m) Design de Moda: uma visão estratégica para o Ensino Superior. Para responder à questão de investigação “Como fomentar o perfil e as competências de empreendedorismo dos (futuros) designers de moda no contexto do ensino superior português?” percorre-se um percurso teórico no sentido de (1) conhecer as problemáticas do meio do design de moda, profissional e educacional e as tendências de inovação neste campo; (2) reconhecer a missão da Universidade na formação de indivíduos (identificando os interesses e as motivações da geração de estudantes actual) e na promoção do empreendedorismo; (3) compreender que conceito de empreendedorismo é adequado para a investigação e (4) identificar paradigmas emergentes – indispensáveis para conformar modos de actuação e garantir a actualidade e o sucesso da investigação. Está a ser formulado um modelo pedagógico para o ensino superior em Design de Moda (DM) – focado especificamente nos mestrados. A nível metodológico, para além da revisão da literatura, estão a ser levadas a cabo entrevistas a intervenientes de relevo, tanto do campo do DM, como do ensino e fomento do empreendedorismo, estão a recolher-se dados sobre alumni de DM e sobre currículos de cursos, e finalmente, está a ser formulado um estudo exploratório que irá testar o modelo em construção, cujos resultados e operacionalização serão públicos e partilhados globalmente e cuja validação por especialistas e consequentes feedbacks/reformulações permitirão a afinação e finalização do modelo. Através deste, espera-se contribuir para um incremento do espírito empreendedor entre os estudantes e jovens designers de moda, de acordo com os paradigmas da actualidade e orientado para a inovação – no sentido da sustentabilidade e da incorporação de avanços tecnológicos relevantes.

Hijrah dan halal adalah dua pembahasan yang lekat dalam keseharian Muslim Milenial (1982-2004). Salah satu cara untuk menangkap fenomena ini adalah dengan memperhatikan lalu-lalang percakapan, dialog, bahkan konflik yang ada di media... more

Hijrah dan halal adalah dua pembahasan yang lekat dalam keseharian Muslim Milenial (1982-2004). Salah satu cara untuk menangkap fenomena ini adalah dengan memperhatikan lalu-lalang percakapan, dialog, bahkan konflik yang ada di media sosial seperti Facebook, Instagram, dan Twitter. Kata " hijrah " secara umum dimaknai dalam beberapa hal, seperti: perubahan pemikiran, perubahan penampilan, menjadi muallaf (yang sebelumnya non-muslim), mengagumi ulama, menghadiri pengajian (online dan offline), mengikuti komunitas, hadir dalam gathering, dan ikut dalam solidaritas keislaman. Berbeda dengan tren hijrah generasi sebelumnya yang cenderung tertutup, generasi milenial memperlihatkan keterbukaan ketika memilih berhijrah yang terlihat dari aktivis media sosial mereka. Tren Hijrah Bagi public figure, hijrah memiliki tiga kemungkinan. Pertama, mendapatkan ketenangan spiritual dan semacam kepastian hidup; kedua, mendapatkan komunitas baru, dan ketiga, membuka peluang kapitalisasi hijrah itu untuk kepentingan finansial. Pertama, kehidupan masyarakat urban memang kurang sisi spiritual. Tak jarang orang kota yang menjadi pecandu narkoba, pergaulan bebas, dan tidak bahagia. Salah satu cara untuk bahagia adalah dengan mereguk air spiritualitas. Kedua, mendapatkan komunitas baru adalah salah satu kebaikan bagi mereka yang berhijrah karena dengan begitu mereka tidak merasa sendirian dalam kehidupannya. Dan ketiga, tak jarang orang yang berhijrah kemudian menjadi fashion icon (atau jadi desainer), tampil di fashion week, membuka toko/resto/travel Islami, dan pada akhirnya mendapatkan uang. Bagi orang biasa (selain public figure, maksudnya), hijrah juga sama—mendapatkan ketenangan dan kepastian hidup. Nyaris tidak ada sesuatu yang dapat membuat orang jadi tenang, mantap, dan pasti selain agama. Karena, agama dapat memberikan penjelasan yang meyakinkan terkait tiga pernyataan substansial manusia: (1) darimana kita berasal? (2) dimana kita sekarang? dan (3) mau kemana kita nanti? Jadi, urusan profan (dunia) dan sakral (spiritual) —mengutip Emile Durkheim, sudah ada paket komplit dalam agama. Dalam penjelasan lain, kata Guru Besar Antropologi Universitas Michigan C.P. Kottak, agama itu dapat menjelaskan soal manusia sebagai makhluk spiritual (spiritual beings), kekuasaan dan kekuatan (powers and forces), ritus-ritus peralihan (rites of passage), hingga penjelasan soal ketidakpastian (uncertainty), kegelisahan (anxiety), dan penghiburan (solace). Tampak di sini bahwa kesadaran spiritual generasi milenial semakin meningkat. Mereka sharing video pengajian, membuat video, bahkan mereka membuat berbagai event yang berkaitan dengan agama. Ada semacam kerinduan untuk menjadi religius di masyarakat urban, terutama.

The not so long ago traditional way of organizing a holiday by choosing a destination seen in an album or in various brochures at a travel agency, together with the use of a travel guide and a folding map has been steadily taken over in... more

The not so long ago traditional way of organizing a holiday by choosing a destination seen in an album or in various brochures at a travel agency, together with the use of a travel guide and a folding map has been steadily taken over in the last years by the tourists who conduct by themselves online complex researches regarding destinations, hotels and means of transportation in order to find the best combination of solutions and rates. Nowadays, these researches are done using smartphones, tablets and other devices. At the same time, much trust is granted to peer reviews and social media. The question that arises is: Are the Romanian hoteliers spectators to these changes or are they also taking action? The present paper will try to identify the main issues Romanian hotels face currently in what concerns digital media. A special focus regards international trends and how Romanian hotels are responding to them.

L'essor du numérique provoque des transformations qui affectent les moyens de production, les stratégies d'affaires et les pratiques de consommation des médias. Avec la généralisation des écrans personnels, les médias adaptent leurs... more

L'essor du numérique provoque des transformations qui affectent les moyens de production, les stratégies d'affaires et les pratiques de consommation des médias. Avec la généralisation des écrans personnels, les médias adaptent leurs stratégies de développement et étendent leurs offres de contenu traditionnel à une diffusion multiplateforme. Dans un environnement marqué par la croissance du visionnement en ligne, cet article cherche à répondre à la question spécifique suivante : Quels sont les usages et les perceptions de jeunes étudiants de 18-24 ans par rapport au radiodiffuseur public Radio-Canada? De manière générale, les jeunes étudiants interrogés par groupes de discussion ont une vision globalement positive de Radio-Canada à travers son mandat de service public qu'ils estiment essentiel pour le débat démocratique et le soutien à la création mais, ils sont séduits par la consommation flexible des contenus offerts en ligne par de nouveaux acteurs comme Netflix. ABSTRACT The digital boom is bringing transformations that affect the means of production, business strategies and media consumption practices. With the spread of personal screens, the media are adapting their development strategies and extending their traditional content offers to multiplatform distribution. In an environment marked by the growth of online viewing, this article seeks to answer the following specific question: What are the perceptions and practices of young people in relation to the public broadcaster Radio-Canada? In general, the young people interviewed by focus groups have a generally positive vision of Radio-Canada through its public service mandate which they consider essential for democratic debate and support to creation, but they are attracted by flexible consumption of content offered online by new players like Netflix.

Generation Y presents both opportunities and challenges to marketers. The aim of this paper is to investigate the influence of social media on Greek Millennials' trips in three different phases (pre-trip, on-site, post-trip), providing a... more

Generation Y presents both opportunities and challenges to marketers. The aim of this paper is to investigate the influence of social media on Greek Millennials' trips in three different phases (pre-trip, on-site, post-trip), providing a better understanding of the main features of this type of tourists' online behavior. In order to meet the above objective, survey was conducted via a structured self-completed questionnaire in a sample of 261 Millennials in Greece. The results of the study revealed that Millennials are heavy users of Internet and social media, which they use in all three phases of their holiday trips, however, to a different extent and for a different purpose. Facebook, Instagram and TripAdvisor are the dominant social media in this process. However, traditional word-of-mouth seems to be still a very important, credible, and influential source of travel information. Findings and discussion of this study are useful to tourism marketers, academic researchers and other stakeholders interested in understanding the role of social media in this generation's travel behavior.

Réalisée sous la direction de Marcel Fournier, l'étude "Jeunes et philanthropes - Cultiver la vocation philanthropique des nouvelles générations dans les musées montréalais" analyse l'engouement des musées et de leurs fondations à l'égard... more

Réalisée sous la direction de Marcel Fournier, l'étude "Jeunes et philanthropes - Cultiver la vocation philanthropique des nouvelles générations dans les musées montréalais" analyse l'engouement des musées et de leurs fondations à l'égard d'une nouvelle génération de philanthropes, les milléniaux (nés entre 1976 et 1990). Depuis 2011, quatre musées montréalais ont mis en place des cercles de jeunes philanthropes en vue de diversifier leurs méthodes de collecte de fonds et de cultiver la fibre philanthropique de professionnels âgés de 20 à 40 ans. Cette recherche muséologique, sociologique et économique interroge les caractéristiques de la jeune philanthropie par rapport aux modèles qui l'ont précédé, en plus de recenser les différentes stratégies déployées à Montréal ainsi que dans plusieurs institutions internationales pour analyser leur pertinence par rapport aux missions des musées et aux attentes de cette nouvelle clientèle muséale.

The purpose of this paper is to empirically study the effect of employee involvement in the workplace on job satisfaction for millennial workers in Colombia. Data were obtained from a sample of 2103 millennial employees working in 11... more

The purpose of this paper is to empirically study the effect of employee involvement in the workplace on job satisfaction for millennial workers in Colombia. Data were obtained from a sample of 2103 millennial employees working in 11 companies of different sectors located in the five main cities of Colombia. Ordered probit models were estimated to study the effect of employee involvement on job satisfaction, in general, and how different forms of participative decision-making in the workplace produce different impacts on individual satisfaction with objective and intrinsic aspects of the job, in particular. The empirical results show that, for millennial workers, there is a positive link between employee involvement and job satisfaction. Moreover, there is a higher positive impact on job satisfaction when millennial workers participate in decisions on general aspects of the company than when they participate in specific decisions such as those concerning teamwork or main tasks at work. Another interesting result is that millennial workers attach high importance to intrinsic aspects of their jobs (such as the possibility to use their knowledge in the work), which may improve their satisfaction in a higher participative environment.

In the near future, Workforce demographics will have a colossal shift especially in India and will mostly comprise of Generation Y i.e. millennial people. There will be substantial decline in number of baby boomers (born between 1946 to... more

In the near future, Workforce demographics will have a colossal shift especially in India and will mostly comprise of Generation Y i.e. millennial people. There will be substantial decline in number of baby boomers (born between 1946 to 1964) and generation X (born between mid 1965 to 1976) while coherently there is a probable upsurge in the presence of generation Y (born between 1977 to early 2000) working for many different organisations of varied sectors in India. So, the usual HR practices may not be effectively applicable in future and might need to alter to the musings of millennial. This denotes that companies should understand the ardent need for knowing certain underlying essential factors which will certainly facilitates them to improve their human resource strategies and be prepared for recruiting, attracting and retaining potential candidates from this age group. This research study mainly focuses on the key decisive factors that are influential for millennial individuals to pursue a career opportunity at an organisation. The research findings of this study helps us to understand what are the top expectations from millennial people before applying for a job vacancy at any organisation and this information can genuinely assist employers to be alert and agile about their talent management activities in accordance to the future change in workforce demographics of India.

The paper presents, in a comparative manner, four generations of individuals active on the labour market, focusing on their own subcultures. Briefly exposing the main characteristics of each generation, namely Baby Boomers, Generation X,... more

The paper presents, in a comparative manner, four generations of individuals active on the labour market, focusing on their own subcultures. Briefly exposing the main characteristics of each generation, namely Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y and Generation Z, the paper emphasizes the values and work ethic of the latter. Individuals belonging to the Generation Z manifest a series of unique values and attitudes towards work, which might hinder their integration in the workplace if not correctly known. Their particular work values pose serious challenges to the management and leadership of any organisation, therefore managing the workforce belonging to Generation Z requires a proper understanding of their characteristics, attitude towards work, professional goals and expectations.

Fast fashion retailers today are recognising sustainability as an issue and many retailers are incorporating sustainability into their products and marketing strategies. Yet, sustainability in fashion is still seen as something new and... more

Fast fashion retailers today are recognising sustainability as an issue and many retailers are incorporating sustainability into their products and marketing strategies. Yet, sustainability in fashion is still seen as something new and consumers are hesitant to adopt sustainable fashion even though they have sufficient knowledge about sustainability in fashion. Thus, the purpose of this study is as follows: (1) to investigate the factors that are affecting millennial consumers to adopt or reject sustainable fashion consumption and how far social influence will shape millennial’s sustainable fashion consumption practices; and (2) to examine if gender still plays a part in millennial’s sustainable fashion perspective and behaviour in the gender-fluid postmodern society. A total of ten respondents (five male and five female) were recruited and participated in the in-depth interview. The data of the result indicate that millennials have a positive attitude towards sustainable fashion; however, due to personal inconvenience and price, many millennial consumers chose not to adopt sustainable fashion practices. The research data also shows that there might be a relationship that older millennial consumers focus more on their personal capability when it comes to sustainable fashion lifestyle while social pressure and norms seem to be more effective on younger millennials to influence their sustainable fashion consumption. However, due to the small size of samples, this study cannot support this claim. Lastly, gender does not affect millennial’s perspective and attitude towards sustainable fashion as this generation of consumer view sustainable fashion as positive implementation that retailers and consumers should pursue.


Resumen. Introducción. Instagram es la red social favorita de los millennials. Sus normas comunitarias prohíben los desnudos, salvo en casos de mastectomías, lactancia materna, cuadros y esculturas. Su inteligencia artificial solo... more

Resumen. Introducción. Instagram es la red social favorita de los millennials. Sus normas comunitarias prohíben los desnudos, salvo en casos de mastectomías, lactancia materna, cuadros y esculturas. Su inteligencia artificial solo detecta porcentajes de piel en fotografías. Al no poseer inteligencia semántica, sus algoritmos no descubren otras formas de sexualización. En este subterfugio, niñas y chicas muestran sus cuerpos vestidos y cosificados, con uniformes escolares, rodeadas de elementos infantiles. Recrean el mito de Lolita y consiguen millones de seguidores. Objetivos. Este trabajo describe este oscuro fenómeno para investigar: los hashtags que emplea esa nueva forma de sexualización no censurable por los algoritmos; las percepciones objetivas y subjetivas de esas fotografías; y una propuesta de intervención en materia de género. Metodología. El trabajo contiene dos fases: una exploración bibliográfica longitudinal, que ahonda en Instagram y sus condiciones de uso, la identidad personal y narratividad, la sexualización y la inteligencia semántica para leer fotografías; y una indagación que correlaciona la reciprocidad de los hashtags, su denotación normal y su connotación sexualizada. Resultados. Los resultados se ordenan en torno a dos modalidades: niñas que no tienen edad legal para tener una cuenta y chicas que sí tienen edad legal para tener una cuenta. La parte cuantitativa recoge: etiqueta, nombre de la cuenta, país y seguidores. La parte cualitativa explora: descripción de los elementos de las fotografías, significados normales y significados sexualizados implícitos. Conclusiones y discusión. Se concluye que es necesario: detectar otros hashtags que describan otras sexualizaciones; ampliar esta prospectiva internacionalmente; extrapolar esta investigación a otras redes sociales, como YouTube y TikTok; compartir los resultados con las redes sociales y las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad; monitorizar el uso de las redes sociales por parte de los progenitores; formación en los entornos educativos; adquisición de inteligencia semántica por parte de las redes sociales y de los menores.
Palabras clave: Instagram; fotografías; millennials; sexualización; inteligencia semántica.

These studies aim to discover signs that representation of millennials generation be contained in My Generation film (2017) by Upi Avianto. This film, represent the life dynamics of millennials generation in this era. Not like teen films... more

These studies aim to discover signs that representation of millennials generation be contained in My Generation film (2017) by Upi Avianto. This film, represent the life dynamics of millennials generation in this era. Not like teen films for a common, My Generation film daring to describe the truth about teen life based on the rest of the director held for two years through my social media. So this film representation of millennials generation with the way they are from the positive side or negative side. This research does with semiotics analysis Roland Barthes with a qualitative-descriptive approach and constructivist paradigm. The theory used by the researcher is the Representation of Stuart Hall. The result of studies represents that millennial generation cross-culture represented on the My Generation film with any scene describing different habits and characters from another generation. Millennial generation cross-culture showed on social norm difference where is no respect toward politeness value, millennial generation stereotype, life perspective difference inclined to be free and liberal, comprehensive, opened and brave to showing differences, strong and optimistic mindset.

This paper is an attempt at understanding the formation of 'masculinity' apropos conflicting childhood memory with reference, first, to Esthappen in Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things (1997) and, second, to the young men in... more

This paper is an attempt at understanding the formation of 'masculinity' apropos conflicting childhood memory with reference, first, to Esthappen in Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things (1997) and, second, to the young men in Bangladesh. The paper is divided into three sections. The first section focuses on the 'unusual' present as well as the split/shared memory of Esthappen to explore how he gradually develops a marginalized self and eventually stops claiming 'masculinity.' The formation and evolution of a person's childhood memories go through a culturally predetermined gendering process. It is not rare that a person, like Estha, fails to survive the gendering of memory and is, thus, led to cling to an always-traumatic childhood to look back upon. The second section, referencing differing versions of 'masculinity' and Jan Assmann's idea of 'Cultural Memory,' concentrates on the young men in Bangladesh who, like Estha, have experienced stunted development of subjectivity. Acknowledging the fact that these young men live in a different spatio-temporal and socio-cultural scenario, the section shows, based on a number of interview-based case studies, how culturally predetermined gendering works on the development of male subjectivity. The third section places Roy's Estha and the young men in Bangladesh, the fiction and the fact, face to face to show how unconventional dealing with childhood memory may lead a male individual to resist or fail in conforming to the mainstream ideas of masculinity.

The study identifies the more effective media framing in igniting the Millennials’ intention to help based on the two different proposed angles: positive and negative. Furthermore, the researchers have affirmed the utilization of the... more

The study identifies the more effective media framing in igniting the Millennials’ intention to help based on the two different proposed angles: positive and negative. Furthermore, the researchers have affirmed the utilization of the agenda-setting theory via the proposition of framing and theory of planned behavior on understanding the socio-psychological philanthropic characteristics of the millennials. Overall, results show that millennials have higher potential to extend help when exposed to positive framed images in the typhoon news coverage.

The aim of this study was to identify if there was a link between photos shared on social media and travel destination choice, taking the Generation Y as the population of study. A questionnaire was carried out in order to analyse the... more

The aim of this study was to identify if there was a link between photos shared on
social media and travel destination choice, taking the Generation Y as the
population of study.
A questionnaire was carried out in order to analyse the topic of study. The
responses gathered for the dissertation were a total of 303 responses, however only
210 were used within the study, due to the fact that not all of them were completed
of fitted the millennial criteria.
A number of objectives were set to answer the main research question. Objectives
that included finding out the level of trust attributed to social media platforms,
studying the impact photos on social media have on its users, study the relationship
between generation Y and technology, find out the impact of social media within the
travel process, and study the travel patterns of the millennials compared to previous
The results have answered to all the objectives set, and have mostly coherent with
the past studies made regarding the mentioned topics. It was discovered that there
is a link between photos shared in social media and travel destination choice due to
the influence of various factors, and that the impact of social media is varied within
the travel process.

The focus of this dissertation is to set the basis for the study of a musical genre referred to as “underground folklore”. The term was coined by Romanian hip-hop band Subcarpați in 2012 and used as title for their second album.... more

The focus of this dissertation is to set the basis for the study of a musical genre
referred to as “underground folklore”. The term was coined by Romanian hip-hop band Subcarpați in 2012 and used as title for their second album. Underground folklore is also a good description for the style of the band, a hybrid between modern genres such as hip-hop and Romanian folklore motifs. The first chapter analyses the sound of underground folklore, in order to make room for questions regarding the reasons for its creation. The hypothesis is that the musical genre was born as a result of an equation with many variables, the most important ones being represented by concepts such as identity and nostalgia, which shall be discussed throughout the study. The context around the creation of underground folklore will also be defined as being related to Romania’s recent history and to the underground hip-hop sphere of the city of Bucharest. Ultimately, the analysis will show that underground folklore is a good example in describing Romanian society nowadays, especially regarding the dual relationship between city and countryside, new and old, modern and traditional. This dual relationship can be also observed as the cultural heritage of at least one generation. The primary sources of the study will be the songs of Subcarpați, both instrumentally and lyrically, alongside interviews and documentaries in which the members of the band are the protagonists

Perkembangan zaman semakin hari semakin cepat seiring dengan semakin berkembang pulanya berbagai jenis teknologi. Dengan berkembang dan pesatnya kemajuan teknologi, maka segala sesuatunya sangat mudah untuk diakses. Hal ini merupakan... more

A dusting of chocolate on a cappuccino or free shot in a latte is no longer enough to sow the seeds of loyalty among the millennial cohort. Faced with ever-increasing expectations and vast competition, both independent and chain-owned... more

A dusting of chocolate on a cappuccino or free shot in a latte is no longer enough to sow the seeds of loyalty among the millennial cohort. Faced with ever-increasing expectations and vast competition, both independent and chain-owned coffeehouses find themselves struggling to get, keep and grow their footfall. This study evaluates the effect of Starbucks’ third place offering on millennial acquisition, retention and loyalty development, and seeks to identify a causal relationship between the two.
Two forms of research took place: a trio of covert observations conducted on three stores in separate cities in the south of England and a questionnaire distributed via social media to individuals born between 1985 and 2000. The former identifies the behaviours and actions of millennial consumers to uncover underlying motives and perceptions of the third place. The latter requests participants views of customer acquisition, retention and loyalty development pertinent to Starbucks’ third place, to understand the impact on these three essentials of relationship marketing.
Discovered are two important findings. Firstly, the third place acts as the catalyst for building social capital and seeking enhanced productivity in their many forms. Secondly, the results indicate a clear relationship between acquisition and retention of millennial consumers, however a failure to progress their loyalty. Mobile apps, innovative uses of technology and methods of engagement were favoured as fuelling such a progression.
The present study provides useful information on the needs of the cohort for incorporation into stakeholder management strategies and remote working policies. It is also a strong foundation for further research into transitioning millennials from a retained state to a loyal force of brand advocates. Moreover, the findings assist in filling the research void currently present between millennials, the third place and brand loyalty as separate entities.

Volumul de față a fost conceput ca o cooperare între autori menită să exploateze în principal datele colectate prin versiunile românești ale sondajelor valorilor (EVS – European Values Study și WVS – World Values Survey). EVS și WVS sunt... more

Volumul de față a fost conceput ca o cooperare între autori menită să exploateze în principal datele colectate prin versiunile românești ale sondajelor valorilor (EVS – European Values Study și WVS – World Values Survey). EVS și WVS sunt sondaje periodice ce se colectează cu începere din 1981, în peste 100 de societăți din lume. Distanța între două sondaje WVS este 5 ani, iar între două sondaje EVS este de 9 ani. România a colectat date în 1993 (EVS/WVS), 1999 (EVS/WVS), 2005 (WVS), 2008 (EVS), 2012 (WVS), 2017/2018 (EVS și WVS). Cel mai recent val documentează astfel situația României la 100 de ani de la Unirea din 2018, sărbătorită azi ca zi națională ce marchează făurirea statului modern România. Am profitat de suprapunerea valului EVS/WVS cu aniversarea Marii Uniri și documentăm în acest volum starea societății. În plus, folosim două sondaje complementare, ce ne permit să vorbim despre generația născută după 2000 și despre emigranții români. Pornind de la aceste date, vă propunem un volum care să prezinte succint și într-un limbaj foarte accesibil care sunt valorile sociale ale românilor. Ne adresăm unui public larg, interesat să înțeleagă România de azi, și căutăm să oferim cifre atent documentate care să contribuie la dezbaterea publică contemporană. Dezbaterile recente privind teme precum caracterul tradițional sau modern al românilor, ce înseamnă a fi român, cum trebuie să ne organizăm ca societate vor găsi argumente suplimentare în capitolele din acest volum.

Los cambios globales en la economía y la “nueva normalidad” como forma de vida diaria hacen que el concepto de Imagen esté cambiando hacia el encuentro de una nueva ubicación que permita dar respuesta frente a nuevas variables con las que... more

Los cambios globales en la economía y la “nueva normalidad” como forma de vida diaria hacen que el concepto de Imagen esté cambiando hacia el encuentro de una nueva ubicación que permita dar respuesta frente a nuevas variables con las que se enfrenta cada persona. La percepción del tiempo, la distancia sin distancias, la virtualidad de la imagen define una nueva forma de significar el concepto Imagen. Sin duda esto afecta también no sólo lo perceptible sino la forma de estructurar la enseñanza de aspectos tales como el Color, cuando se creía que era imposible enseñarlo o diagnosticarlo virtualmente con la misma calidad con las que se aplica las técnicas en forma presencial. Todas estas variables conforman un nuevo paradigma que marca un nuevo rumbo dentro de la línea de investigación conceptual en Imagen 360º que comenzamos a desarrollar en 2019 Diversos autores y expertos en Imagen de países con culturas y costumbres tan disímiles como India, Austria, México, Brasil y Argentina nos comparten en esta nueva edición de Cuadremos Académicos de la UP los nuevos desafíos que tienen al 2020 como punto de partida para que podamos repensar conceptualmente la Imagen dentro de este contexto con final abierto. Palabras clave: Imagen 360º - Nueva normalidad - COVID19 - Imagen Política - Psicología de la Imagen - Marca Personal - Millenialls - Habilidades Blandas - Concepto de Imagen integral - Marketing - Negocios - Sustentabilidad.

The reality that has been presented in rap music and its celebrity culture has always been connected with two extremes: the reality of the " thug " life of the streets on the one hand and with a specific sort of " American Dream " reality... more

The reality that has been presented in rap music and its celebrity culture has always been connected with two extremes: the reality of the " thug " life of the streets on the one hand and with a specific sort of " American Dream " reality that presents climbing from bottom to top on the other hand. This article explores the reasons why trap music, which originated as a type of rap music in the south of the USA, is now with its specific mixture of hedonism and nihilism, darkness and joy, becoming the music of our times. It argues that this is not a coincidence: the twofold reality, the cruel reality of living " in a trap " on the one hand and the idealized, dreamy reality full of gold and diamonds on the other hand, is the main allegory of " real " life in late capitalism. How to get out of the trap? In the article, I investigate some crucial problems of contemporary theory regarding class and racial differences and argue that we can extract far-reaching social, political, and theoretical statements through interpretation of music that is often presented as apolitical, vacant, and of poor quality. Interpretation of contemporary development in pop culture will be combined with readings of theorists such as Foucault, Mbembe, Balibar, Marx, Moretti, and Deleuze and Guattari. I argue that identification with trap music, even if it seems conformist and non-critical, is producing paradoxical minoritarian universalism, that could, if we understand the universalization of a dream of individual success as an implicit request for egalitarian society, present certain emancipatory potential.

רב–שיח לרגל פרסום התרגום לעברית של הכרך הראשון של הספר פנומנולוגיה של הרוח לג. ו. פ. הגל. התרגום, שנעשה בידי רועי בר ואלעד לפידות ואשר ראה אור בהוצאת רסלינג, הוא אירוע אינטלקטואלי רב חשיבות והקריאה בו מעלה שאלות רבות שחוצות את תחומי... more

רב–שיח לרגל פרסום התרגום לעברית של הכרך הראשון של הספר
פנומנולוגיה של הרוח לג. ו. פ. הגל. התרגום, שנעשה בידי רועי בר ואלעד לפידות ואשר ראה אור בהוצאת רסלינג, הוא אירוע אינטלקטואלי רב חשיבות והקריאה בו מעלה שאלות רבות שחוצות את תחומי הפילוסופיה, התיאולוגיה, המחשבה הפוליטית וחקר התרבות. פנינו לארבעה חוקרי הגל — פיני איפרגן, עאזר דקואר, גל כץ ומיכל סגל, ביקשנו מכל אחד ואחת מהם לכתוב מסה קצרה על הספר ותרגומו, ולאחר מכן כינסנו את ארבעתם לרב–שיח כתוב. המסות והשיחה נעות בין דיון בהגותו של הגל — בפרוצדורה הדיאלקטית, במקומו של האחר ובמעמדו של הידע המוחלט — ובין דיון באקטואליות של מחשבת הגל ברגע הפוליטי הנוכחי ובמשמעות תרגומה לעברית של הרוח האוניברסלית. ויכוח סוער ניטש על עצם האפשרות או הרצון ״לשוב להגל״ ולעשות זאת משמאל, על קיומם או היעדרם של דפוסי מחשבה הגליאניים בלב המציאות הפוליטית של זמננו, ועל הכרעות תרגום שונות. הדיון בספר ובתרגומו משתרגים זה בזה, כך שהדיון בתרגום של הגל לעברית הופך לדיון בעניינים שעולים בספר עצמו: השאלה מהו ספר זה בעצמו עוברת דרך השאלה מהו עבורנו, מיהו האחר שלו ומה הוא יכול להיות עבורו, והאם — כמו אצל הגל — כל אלה מתלכדים לבסוף.

Perkembangan teknologi di dunia, khususnya di Indonesia terus berkembang dan mengalami pembaharuan serta inovasi–inovasi yang mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Perkembangan teknologi menghadirkan sebuah layanan yang dapat dimanfaatkan... more

Perkembangan teknologi di dunia, khususnya di Indonesia terus berkembang dan mengalami pembaharuan serta inovasi–inovasi yang mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Perkembangan teknologi menghadirkan sebuah layanan yang dapat dimanfaatkan masyarakat yaitu financial technology atau fintech. Fintech memberikan layanan dengan kemudahan dan kepraktisan, sehingga banyak masyarakat yang memanfaatkan fintech untuk aktivitasnya, terlebih sifat masyarakat Indonesia yang konsumtif sehingga mendorong masyarakat khususnya generasi millennial untuk menggunakannya.
Generasi millenial adalah generasi Y yang saat ini berumur 17 -37 tahun. Generasi millennial ini dikenal dengan generasi yang konsumtif, gadget oriented, dan payah dalam urusan keuangan. Berdasarkan ciri–ciri ini dikhawatirkan generasi ini terjebak syndrome hedonic treadmill yang disebabkan oleh hadirnya fintech. Syndrome hedonic treadmill adalah keadaan dimana seseorang mencari kebahagiaan dalam sebuah treadmill, yang akan terus berjalan namun tetap berada tempat yang sama dan tidak pernah merasa puas.
Kehadiran fintech dapat menjadikan ancaman untuk diri sendiri apabila tidak berhati–hati dan tergiur terhadap layanan yang diberikan. Dampak dan ancaman yang bisa terjadi dengan adanya fintech adalah (1) Ancaman Kejahatan Cyber di Indonesia (2) Ancaman Regulasi Belum Matang, Aturan yang Tumpang Tindih, dan Berpotensi Adanya Penyelewengan (3) Inovasi yang Bersifat “Merusak”, (4) Generasi Millennial Indonesia Mengalami Syndrome Hedonic Treadmill.
Untuk meminimalisir ancaman dan risiko, pengguna haruslah melakukan mitigasi terhadap adanya risiko dan ancaman. Pengguna khususnya generasi millennial harus berhati–hati, selektif, mengubah pola hidup, tidak konsumtif, dan melakukan sesuatu sesuai dengan prioritas agar tidak terjebak dalam syndrome hedonic treadmill

This paper examines the various literature available on the topic of Gen Y as well as guerrilla marketing, in order to determine the feasibility of using guerrilla marketing to appeal to Millennials. It would seem that it is possible to... more

This paper examines the various literature available on the topic of Gen Y as well as guerrilla marketing, in order to determine the feasibility of using guerrilla marketing to appeal to Millennials. It would seem that it is possible to use guerrilla marketing when dealing with Gen Y consumers, due to guerrilla marketing’s emphasis on creativity and uniqueness to capture attention. Technologically savvy and marketing weary, Millennials are more likely to pass through word-of-mouth about a marketing campaign that is new to them as well as engaging.

Im Zentrum dieser Arbeit befindet sich die Käufergruppe der 16-34-jährigen im Marktsegment der Smartphones. Diese Konsumgruppe bildet nach Kroeber- Riel et al.9 eine relativ undurchsichtige Käuferschicht ab, wobei ein Käuferprofil nicht... more

Im Zentrum dieser Arbeit befindet sich die Käufergruppe der 16-34-jährigen
im Marktsegment der Smartphones. Diese Konsumgruppe bildet nach Kroeber-
Riel et al.9 eine relativ undurchsichtige Käuferschicht ab, wobei ein
Käuferprofil nicht durch eindeutige Attribute bestimmt werden kann. Oftmals
werden in der Literatur den Konsumenten aus der oben genannten Altersgruppe
Trivialattribute wie „innovativ“ oder „beeinflussbar“10 zugeordnet
und diese ungenaue Kauffaktordefinition mit der Kurzlebigkeit von sogenannten
Trends, die diese Altersgruppe maßgeblich bestimmen, begründet.

Trust, leadership style and generational differences at work have received significant attention in recent years. Despite several studies on these topics, their relationships in two contrasting demographics have not yet been explored. To... more

Trust, leadership style and generational differences at work have received significant attention in recent years. Despite several studies on these topics, their relationships in two contrasting demographics have not yet been explored. To address this gap, this paper examines how trust relates to the leadership style at work for the workforce of three generations involving Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y/Millennials. The data has been gathered though the from qualitative interviews and narratives from employees of three-generation working in the multinational organisations based in India and Finland. The generational difference is more noteworthy in these two countries, with Finland experiencing an ageing workforce in comparison with India, which has a much younger workforce. The findings provide valuable insights into the organizational leaders efforts to align their leadership styles as perceived most optimally by the specific generation of employees and signify that, for three generations, trust development depends on the leadership style at work.