Moral Values Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This article was first presented as a paper under the title of “The Difference between the Moral and the Simply Normative” at the Max Scheler Society of North America at the Pacific Division meetings of the American Philosophical... more

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the joint effects of employees' moral values and job involvement on their organizational commitment. Data were collected via a questionnaire survey of private educational institutions in... more

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the joint effects of employees' moral values and job involvement on their organizational commitment. Data were collected via a questionnaire survey of private educational institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and a total of 100 valid responses were received. It was found that although both moral values and job involvement could enhance organizational commitment, once the effects of job involvement are accounted for, the direct effects of moral values on organizational commitment diminish to almost non-existent. This result provides strong evidence that the influence of employees’ moral values on organizational commitment is mediated by job involvement.

ارزش‌هاي اخلاقي، ارزش‌هايي هستند که جنبه فردي و اجتماعي دارند. آنها از يک سو از از درون افراد مي‌تراود و از سوي ديگر در جامعه شکل مي‌گيرند و خود بر افراد اعمال مي‌شوند. ارزش‌هاي اخلاقي به نسبت ديگر ارزش‌ها مثل ارزش‌هايي اجتماعي ، اقتصادي... more

ارزش‌هاي اخلاقي، ارزش‌هايي هستند که جنبه فردي و اجتماعي دارند. آنها از يک سو از از درون افراد مي‌تراود و از سوي ديگر در جامعه شکل مي‌گيرند و خود بر افراد اعمال مي‌شوند. ارزش‌هاي اخلاقي به نسبت ديگر ارزش‌ها مثل ارزش‌هايي اجتماعي ، اقتصادي و شغلي، خانوادگي و سياسي از ثبات بيشتري برخوردارند. چون اين ارزش‌ها ريشه در اعماق وجودي افراد دارد. براي تعريف عملياتي ارزش‌هاي اخلاقي به ناچار مي‌بايد آنها را در رفتارهاي اعضاي جامعه مشاهده نمود. از اين رو، شاخص‌هايي مثل صداقت و راستگويي،‌ درستکاري، انصاف و عدالت، گذشت، پايبندي به قول و قرار، خير خواهي و کمک به ديگران، امانت داري ويکرنگي و اخلاص مي‌تواند بيانگر وجود و يا عدم وجود ارزش‌هاي اخلاقي باشد. نتایج به دست آمده نشان مي‌دهد که اکثر شاخص‌ها کمتر مورد توجه اعضا قرار گرفته يا کمتر رعايت مي‌شود.

This volume accentuates how ELT materials can be a mediation of capitalizing on moral and cultural values, which are more locally-grounded in respective Southeast Asia (SEA) countries. It features critical studies on locally-produced ELT... more

This volume accentuates how ELT materials can be a mediation of capitalizing on moral and cultural values, which are more locally-grounded in respective Southeast Asia (SEA) countries. It features critical studies on locally-produced ELT materials (textbooks) situated in the following SEA countries: Timor-Leste, The Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Thailand. The chapters, written by experts who know the ELT context of their respective SEA country, critically examine the design and use of ELT materials widely used in local and national contexts. Thus, the volume provides fresh insight into how values are uniquely manifested in language classroom materials. The present text also brings together empirical, conceptual and practical grounds for incorporating moral and cultural values into ELT materials development in such a way that it views morality and culture as a mutually complementing entity. This much-needed volume will be a valuable resource for those interested in the design and use of language materials in culturally and linguistically diverse contexts, such as in the Asia Pacific, America, Africa, and Europe.

The first and second parts of this article summarize the evidence for the existence of the interdependency of the nature and created by people human values. In the third part, applying the new "social standard" to the diverse social... more

The first and second parts of this article summarize the evidence for the existence of the interdependency of the nature and created by people human values. In the third part, applying the new "social standard" to the diverse social problems of the human community, lost in the modern global world, the properties and rules of its application are derived. Practical application of the new "social standard" on the example of the national idea of Russia search is examined in the fourth part.

Culture consists of explicit and implicit patterns of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the achievement of human groups; the essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and attached values [1].... more

Culture consists of explicit and implicit patterns of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the achievement of human groups; the essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and attached values [1]. Culture dictates the way human beings solve their problems, because it influences how they think, behave, and communicate. Both culture and ethics deal with the values of right and wrong. A cultural analysis does it by discussing values, an ethical analysis by applying logic to relate the situation to ethical principles. ...

Abstrak Media adalah alat atau barang yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi, menyampaikan pesan, dan menyampaikan informasi. Di era digital ini seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin canggih media untuk berkomunikasi sudah mulai... more

Abstrak Media adalah alat atau barang yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi, menyampaikan pesan, dan menyampaikan informasi. Di era digital ini seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin canggih media untuk berkomunikasi sudah mulai beragam. Dengan munculnya internet dan berbagai macam perangkat digital lalu kemudahan serta keterjangkauan harga dari perangkat digital membuat orang berbondong-bondong membeli perangkat digital. Orang pun mulai beralih perangkat seiring perkembangan zaman. Dahulu orang-orang menggunakan media seperti radio dan koran untuk memperoleh informasi. Sekarang hampir setiap informasi yang ada dapat diakses melalui gadget yang sudah dimiliki kebanyakan orang. Dengan kemunculan internet, kemudahan berkomunikasi dan mengakses informasi tentang peristiwa apa saja yang terjadi di belahan dunia lain dapat kita ketahui dengan mudah dan cepat. Tanpa kita sadari bahwa dampak dari kemunculan internet merubah kebiasaan kita. Hal itu pun juga mempengaruhi pola pikir kita dan juga berpengaruh terhadap hubungan sosial individu dengan masyarakat di sekitarnya. Media digital pun muncul seiring berkembangnya teknologi. Salah satu contoh dari media digital adalah media sosial (social media). Media sosial memungkinkan tiap orang bisa berinteraksi dengan mudah tanpa batas jarak dan waktu. Dalam media sosial kita harus bijak memilih apa yang seharusnya kita lihat dan apa yang seharusnya bisa kita perbuat dengan media sosial. PENDAHULUAN Perkembangan jejaring sosial sudah terjadi sejak tahun 1997 dimana saat itu bernama, situs jejaring sosial pertama. Lalu pada tahun 2002, Friendster muncul dan menjadi sangat terkenal di masa tersebut. Facebook dan Twitter yang kita kenal sampai sekarang juga lahir antara tahun 2004-2006. Sekarang juga muncul jejaring sosial Instagram. Yang dimana

Values occupy a central position in the cognitive system and personality of a university student because they include both the affective and behavioural components of knowledge. In addition, they determine a student's attitudes and... more

Values occupy a central position in the cognitive system and personality of a university student because they include both the affective and behavioural components of knowledge. In addition, they determine a student's attitudes and motivations. Reflecting on students' values is of particular importance to the education system due to the relationship between educational and human values, which restores or newly encapsulates the real role of the school in creating values. Through school, it is possible to build and develop human values in students, making it a place for building this while respecting the wider social context and recognizing the importance of the family. At the same time, it is important that the prevailing cognitive nature of learning is balanced by anthropological dimensions and by sufficient space for other aspects of students' personal development.

All technical degrees in the Spanish Higher Educational System include a mandatory Final or Honours project. This is a technical activity which should lead the student to put into practice most of the skills acquired throughout the whole... more

All technical degrees in the Spanish Higher Educational System include a mandatory Final or Honours project. This is a technical activity which should lead the student to put into practice most of the skills acquired throughout the whole degree. Only technical skills are usually put into practice, although recent studies have proved that further capabilities, such as those included in the category of “social skills”, will also be demanded by employers. Moreover, the introduction of the European Higher Educational System, strongly emphasizes the importance of this sort of capabilities. What we present in this work is a way to include both social skills and moral values in the Honours Project without any loss of its technical character. To do so we have launched a line of projects devoted to the development of technical aids to improve the welfare of disabled people. Collaboration agreements with nonprofit institutions and charities give us access to the needs of these communities and...

To what extent do aesthetic taste and our interest in the arts constitute who we are? In this paper, we present a series of empirical findings that suggest an Aesthetic Self Effect supporting the claim that our aesthetic engagements are a... more

To what extent do aesthetic taste and our interest in the arts constitute who we are? In this paper, we present a series of empirical findings that suggest an Aesthetic Self Effect supporting the claim that our aesthetic engagements are a central component of our identity. Counterfactual changes in aesthetic preferences, for example, moving from liking classical music to liking pop, are perceived as altering us as a person. The Aesthetic Self Effect is as strong as the impact of moral changes, such as altering political partisanship or religious orientation, and significantly stronger than for other categories of taste, such as food preferences (Study 1). Using a multidimensional scaling technique to map perceived aesthetic similarities among musical genres, we determined that aesthetic distances between genres correlate highly with the perceived difference in identity (Study 2). Further studies generalize the Aesthetic Self Effect beyond the musical domain: general changes in visual art preferences, for example from more traditional to abstract art, also elicited a strong Self Effect (Study 3). Exploring the breadth of this effect we also found an Anaesthetic Self Effect. That is, hypothetical changes from aesthetic indifference to caring about music, art, or beauty are judged to have a significant impact on identity. This effect on identity is stronger for aesthetic fields compared to leisure activities, such as hiking or playing video games (Study 4). Across our studies, the Anaesthetic Self Effect turns out to be stronger than the Aesthetic Self Effect. Taken together, we found evidence for a link between aesthetics and identity: we are aesthetic selves. When our tastes in music and the arts or our aesthetic interests change we take these to be transformative changes.

Saying that one of the Iliad's main topics is death will come as a surprise to no one. After all, it is set during the siege of Troy. However, there are many ways in which death is portrayed in this poem. Although many warriors are killed... more

Saying that one of the Iliad's main topics is death will come as a surprise to no one. After all, it is set during the siege of Troy. However, there are many ways in which death is portrayed in this poem. Although many warriors are killed as the poem progresses, not all of them die in the same fashion nor are treated in death with the same respect. The Greek idea of the Afterlife involved a fair number of rituals which the dead body should receive in order to be able to enjoy passage into Hades, chief amongst them was proper burial, thus the importance of retrieving the bodies of the fallen after or in a lull in the fighting. However, some particular examples of the opposite behaviour are portrayed in the Iliad, in which the corpse of the dead opponent is desecrated and mistreated in the hopes of inflicting an irreparable damage to their honour (Il. 16.556-61, 24.33-54 amongst other). But this was not always how it turned out.

Not long ago, the African society (Nigeria in particular) was known for a high level of moral and cultural values such as respect, decent dressing, honesty, trust, humility, just to mention a few. These values were also highly represented... more

Not long ago, the African society (Nigeria in particular) was known for a high level of moral and cultural values such as respect, decent dressing, honesty, trust, humility, just to mention a few. These values were also highly represented by our media and the arts in general. The reason for this is not far fetched; the relationship between the society and the arts is symbiotic in nature. The arts influences and is also usually influenced by the society. Thus, since the society we lived in then was an ideal one which boasts itself on having a high level of moral values, the arts, through play performances also upheld and enhanced the said values. The plays of our doyens of Nigerian theatre- Duro Ladipo, Amos Tutuola, Hubert Ogunde and others are there to testify to this fact. However, gone are those days now. Our cultural values are fast going into extinction (if not totally dead). Even the arts which is expected to be a major protector of the people’s culture has/is falling in performing her duty. Thus, the society we now live in is one with a high level of indecent dressing, lies, deceit, betrayal, pride, theft, corruption, name them. This paper therefore tries to take a look at the cause of this moral decadence as well as make useful suggestions on how we can revive these our dying cultural values through play productions.

One of the functions of literary text is to bring forth the tradition, customs and philosophy of the society belonging to a specific time. Literature becomes one of the sources of entertainment, ethical education, developing rational,... more

One of the functions of literary text is to bring forth the tradition, customs and philosophy of the society belonging to a specific time. Literature becomes one of the sources of entertainment, ethical education, developing rational, inculcating values and so on. In order to do so, various techniques are utilized by the writers of literary works. It is the effective use of language that enables the authors to achieve their intended purpose. Proverbial expressions are used since their origins teach moral in every genre of literature irrespective of the temporal limitations. The present paper analyzes proverbs from the select parables to draw moral implications embedded in the stories. It will be useful to know how moral values can be inculcated through proverbs used in the parables hence a paremiological study of the select parables is done. The researcher utilizes the interpretative method for analysis of the proverbs. It is concluded from the present study that proverbs in parables provide lessons of life for everyone through the parabolic exemplification.

ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menginternalisasikan nilai moral pada anak usia dini. Nilai moral adalah suatu aturan yang mengandung baik buruk dan benar salah suatu tindakan dalam mencapai tujuan tertentu. Metodologi penelitian... more

ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menginternalisasikan nilai moral pada anak usia dini. Nilai moral adalah suatu aturan yang mengandung baik buruk dan benar salah suatu tindakan dalam mencapai tujuan tertentu. Metodologi penelitian yang dilakukan adalah studi literature. Tekinik pengumpulan data dengan menelaah sumber primer berupa buku referensi seperti jurnal, website, relevan dengan penelitian. Setelah itu mengolah data dengan analisis data dilakukan dengan cara mengbungkan antara permasalahan dengan konsep dan teori yang relevan. Hasil temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa internalisasi nilai moral pada anak usia dini sangat penting ditanamkan sejak usia dini agar anak menjadi individu dan memiliki kepribadian yangs sesuai dengan nilai norma yang berlaku di lingkungan sekitarnya. Berbagai metode yang bisa diberikan kepada anak dalam menanamkan nilai norma yang bisa dibimbing oleh guru maupun orang tua. Kata Kunci: nilai moral, anak usia dini, kajian kepustakaan ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to internalize early childhood moral values. In achieving such objectives, moral meaning is a law that encompasses both good and evil and right or wrong behavior. Literature analysis is the research approach used. Data collection methods are applicable to study by analyzing primary sources in the from reference book such as jounrals an websites and those related to science. After that, data processing with data interpretation is achieved by integrating the issues with the principles and hypotheses that are applicable. The results of the research findings suggest that it is very important to instill the internalization of moral values in early childhood from an early age so that children become individuals and have personalities that conform with the usual values prevailing in the community. Children should be given various strategies to instll normal values that can be directed by teachers. PENDAHULUAN Pada masa ini, semakin besarnya tanggung jawab pendidik terhadap siswa di sekolah. Terutama dalam mempersiapkan siswa agar mampu menghadapi setiap perubahan dan perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Tidak terkecuali juga pada anak usia dini. Dimana anak usia dini merupakan ujung tombak bagi perkembangan yang akan datang. Menurut Wiyani (2016) bahwa

İnsanın iki yönü vardır: fərdi və ictimai yönlər. Bu iki yön birbirindən təsirlənir və bir-birini tamamlayır. İslam dini insanın hər iki yönünə xitab edən bir çox prinsiplər gətirmişdir. Fərdi yönü, yəni mənəvi aləmi düzgün inşa etmədən... more

İnsanın iki yönü vardır: fərdi və ictimai yönlər. Bu iki yön birbirindən
təsirlənir və bir-birini tamamlayır. İslam dini insanın hər
iki yönünə xitab edən bir çox prinsiplər gətirmişdir. Fərdi yönü,
yəni mənəvi aləmi düzgün inşa etmədən ictimai yönü, yəni sosial
həyatı nizamlı şəkildə yaşamaq qeyri-mümkündür.

Moral regeneration of the (Nigerian) youths is not to be hinged solely and wholly on formal pedagogy. Traditional African (Yoruba) people taught their young ones to be morally upright by devising effective and pragmatic ways of imparting... more

Moral regeneration of the (Nigerian) youths is not to be hinged solely and wholly on formal pedagogy. Traditional African (Yoruba) people taught their young ones to be morally upright by devising effective and pragmatic ways of imparting certain ideals and virtues in them. Two of these media of moral education were myth and proverb. The act of story telling fostered communal spirit and unity among the people. It also encouraged closeness among people of some clans and tribes, parents and children, as well as respect and awe for what was believed to be sacred. Myth and proverb were designed to teach the young minds why they should emulate certain characters (deed and alive) and how to go about achieving this objective, as well as why they should shun certain actions and characters. The soul-searching questions often asked at the end of each story were meant to prick the conscience of the listeners (youths) to enable them discern what was believed to be good from what was evil. This traditional (Yoruba) mode of teaching morals, with little modification, may go a long way in stemming the tide of moral decadence in any contemporary society of the world.

This article presents an action research study conducted in an English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) newcomer classroom. The author engaged in meaningful teacher research to learn about the importance of exploring the topics of... more

This article presents an action research study conducted in an English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) newcomer classroom. The author engaged in meaningful teacher research to learn about the importance of exploring the topics of moral values and behavior through the lens of English learners (ELs). The reading project was carried out during seven instructional days, and participants had the opportunity to learn English while engaging in purposeful discussions that revealed their cultural similarities and differences. The findings suggest that, from the participants' point of view, moral values and behavior are topics that should be learned in the household and enforced at school. However, participants also agreed that addressing these topics in the ESOL classroom is beneficial for those classmates with discipline challenges at school. In addition, data reveal important themes to consider when teaching reading to newcomer ELs.

Even though there is a qualitative difference between the ethical and the moral, Ethics has been called Morality, and Morality has been called Ethics for too long. These mixed-ups have generated misunderstandings, imprecise definitions,... more

Even though there is a qualitative difference between the ethical and the moral, Ethics has been called Morality, and Morality has been called Ethics for too long.
These mixed-ups have generated misunderstandings, imprecise definitions, and even contradictory theories. In fact, we are so used to mixed arguments that we see any contradiction as “normal.” That is, as part of just a "different approach."
There is so much written about Ethics and Morality today that it is literally impossible for someone to write something without contradicting someone else.
It is not surprising that well-known dictionaries have come to define Ethics as a synonym for Morality, stating that: "...lately, the distinction between the two terms is as substantial as a line drawn in the sand."
But what if there is a method that, for the first time, allowed us to distinguish the ethical from the moral? A method that at a single glance would make us understand clearly and conclusively the crucial difference between moral values and ethical principles?
Our contribution is to present this new method and offer, at the same time, an approach with a different structure to propose new answers to the existential problems that we are experiencing.

Study base on the influence of Roman Catholic Religious Leaders Toward maintenance of moral value among secondary school students in Mtwara Mikindani Tanzania.

The world in the first part of the 20th century had witnessed two World Wars. On parallel to the World War II, from 1933 till the end of the War, a dark event that puts the whole mankind especially the German Nazis to shame took place —... more

The world in the first part of the 20th century had witnessed two World Wars. On parallel to the World War II, from 1933 till the end of the War, a dark event that puts the whole mankind especially the German Nazis to shame took place — The Holocaust. It was the time when a massive genocide of the people of a particular race took place in several extermination camps in German-occupied European Countries.
At that juncture, Oskar Schindler stands as a befitting example of a ‘True Human Being.’ Being a German Industrialist, a member of the Nazi Party, and a man with “Great Contacts with the Most Influential People”, he had all the powers to exploit the Jews who were working in the labour camps. But he did not choose to be on the side of Exploiters, instead he throughout ‘the time’, stood for the protection of the lives of the Jews who were working in his Fabryka Emalia (Enamel Factory). He saved the lives of around 1100 Jews and became one among those few ‘righteous’ people who stood for safeguarding the lives of Jewish people at the point in history.
The current paper, with a brief background to the events that lead to the Holocaust, analyses the character of Oskar Schindler as it was presented in the novel Schindler’s List. It also has taken some of the testimonies of the Schindlerjuden (Schindler’s Jews), which were recorded by USC Shoah Foundation and Documentaries of Martin Kent on Oskar Schindler into consideration. This study on the character of Schindler tries to see him as a person who stood for his fellow human beings, who were subjugated to exploitation, by utilising almost all the powers he had had.

The term called "Globalization" changed the thoughts of people once. But the recent 'eco-political' policies has marked a big question on its future existence.This article shows how the concept of 'globalization' is being challenged by... more

The term called "Globalization" changed the thoughts of people once. But the recent 'eco-political' policies has marked a big question on its future existence.This article shows how the concept of 'globalization' is being challenged by the ancient concept 'City States' . Not only that; through this article, you would get to see an amazing relations between political science and earth science !

Reported is a survey conducted to study the influence of family backgrounds related factors like types of family, caste, guardians' occupation, familial monthly income and educational qualification of the guardian on the moral values... more

Reported is a survey conducted to study the influence of family backgrounds related factors like types of family, caste, guardians' occupation, familial monthly income and educational qualification of the guardian on the moral values among higher secondary level students. For this purpose data was collected from a sample of 444 higher secondary level students in Paschim Medinipur district of West Bengal in India randomly. Moral values of the students were measured with the help of "Test for Moral Values among School Students" developed by B.M. Benjamin and translated in the Bengali language by L.L. Mohakud and N.D. Ghorai. Collected data were analysed through descriptive statistics like-Mean, SD etc. and inferential statistics like-t-test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. The result revealed that moral values in higher secondary students were significantly influenced by their family backgrounds related factors like family types, familial monthly income and educational qualification of the guardian but caste and guardians' occupation did not appear significant in this regard.

A paradigm change from mechanistic to humanistic management theories and practices is underway, exemplified in a shift from an economics oriented at the fictional homo oeconomicus towards novel models oriented at the real conditio humana.... more

A paradigm change from mechanistic to humanistic management theories and practices is underway, exemplified in a shift from an economics oriented at the fictional homo oeconomicus towards novel models oriented at the real conditio humana. This methodological turn brings about both the opportunity and the necessity of reorienting management theory as well as business education to the idea of human dignity, as was common in the long-tradition of moral economics from Plato up to Adam Smith. In order to contribute to this theoretical move, in its first part, this paper surveys important conceptions of dignity throughout the ages, and then, in the second part, discusses their implications for a future humanistic business education. Recent economic crises further fueled the debate over the social impact of economics and management education. Former fixtures of the conventional wisdom of the economics discipline – such as the macroeconomic quest for ever more growth and the microeconomic pursuit of profit – are held responsible for the many social, ecological, and moral failings of the present economic system. Behind this critique and propelled by it, a deeper shift in economic thought is underway. After about 200 years of imitating the methods of the natural sciences and their positivistic approach, and after decades of relegating any and all normative considerations to the margins of business theory, now, arguably, we are about to witness a thoroughgoing paradigm shift. Management education, having inched away from the homo oeconomicus-model for several years now, is arguably about to cut loose fully from its old positivist moorings. Instead of depictions of human behavior as merely a rational pursuit of utility-maximization, new courses are being chartered all around the globe. More and more economists and management scholars declare for a broader set of normative objectives and vie to present their theories as amenable to demands for social, ecological, and moral sustainability. We are seeing, in short, a return of ethics to economics.

To be considered worthy of society's protection is not the objective consequence of an inherent quality but the result of a social process. This article examines this observation through the case of canine welfare in China. Popular... more

To be considered worthy of society's protection is not the objective consequence of an inherent quality but the result of a social process. This article examines this observation through the case of canine welfare in China. Popular defense of dogs against brutalization and consumption, as well as state regulations, have become common in China in recent years, generating conflicts over the value attributed to dogs. To understand the circumstances behind and broader implications of activists' support for protecting dogs, this article identifies elements that are determinant: framing; prioritization; the relationship between protectors and protected; and the socio-political background of these campaigns.

Forgés initialement pour rendre compte de l’extension du tissu urbain, les concepts de « périurbanisation » et de « rurbanisation » sont aujourd’hui largement utilisés par les médias généralistes. En France, l’exemple du quotidien Le... more

Forgés initialement pour rendre compte de l’extension du tissu urbain, les concepts de « périurbanisation » et de « rurbanisation » sont aujourd’hui largement utilisés par les médias généralistes. En France, l’exemple du quotidien Le Monde montre que leur usage se développe à partir du milieu des années 1990. Ce transfert terminologique, de la sphère
académique vers celle des médias, s’effectue dans le cadre d’un questionnement d’ordre axiologique. Il ne s’agit pas seulement, pour les journalistes, de caractériser un phénomène selon les normes de l’écriture scientifique, mais aussi de s’interroger sur sa dimension éthique et de l’ériger en question de société susceptible d’intéresser le grand public. Le travail collectif de mise en scène accompli par les journalistes consiste à rendre cet espace pertinent en lui attribuant des valeurs et à le faire apparaître ainsi comme un problème politique. Les opinions exprimées dans la presse laissent, en effet, transparaître des préférences variées en matière d’organisation spatiale. Ce pluralisme est d’ailleurs une condition pour que se réalise un débat public véritablement démocratique. La dimension collective de la délibération favorise la dépersonnalisation du discours et confère une portée générale aux arguments avancés. Il s’agit là d’une propriété éminente qui rend son analyse particulièrement importante (Rosanvallon, 2006 ; Muhlmann, 2004). Pour rendre compte des jugements que contient la presse à l’égard du périurbain, nous proposons une analyse « géoéthique » (Brennetot 2010 ; Pumain, 2009). Il s’agit d’établir une typologie descriptive des critères d’évaluation éthique mobilisés par les journalistes et d’identifier à quelle vision de la justice spatiale chacun de ces critères peut se rattacher. Cette approche a pour but de mettre au jour les soubassements éthiques qui président à la formulation des jugements exprimés en matière d’organisation spatiale au sein des différentes sphères d’évaluation et de discussion. Un tableau inductif des jugements exprimés dans la presse française permettra de mettre en évidence la variété des systèmes de valeur dont l’opinion publique dispose aujourd’hui pour s’approprier l’enjeu social et politique que représente la périurbanisation et pour faire sortir cette question du débat académique et

Artificial Intelligence1 (AI) is evolving at a high pace. It will reshape our lives, our work, our learning and interaction patterns. AI is able to realise tremendous benefits for economic growth and prosperity for our societies and our... more

Artificial Intelligence1 (AI) is evolving at a high pace. It will reshape our lives, our work, our learning and interaction patterns. AI is able to realise tremendous benefits for economic growth and prosperity for our societies and our planet, by solving a wide range of societal, health and environmental challenges. At the same time, AI entails numerous potential risks related to discrimination and intrusion, as well as individual and collective social harms and the loss of liberty and autonomy, among others. However, the ability of AI to realise its full potential, depends on the way that we will choose to seize this opportunity and address the challenges of this technological revolution at a national and global level.Greece aims to Democratise AI, by placing it at the service of people, society and the environment, and by infusing AI with the principles of Democracy. This way, creating a technology-enabled future that is more democratic, inclusive and sustainable for citizens, society, the economy and the environment, and for the shared common good.


La publicidad puede ser usada como una herramienta educativa en valores morales, puesto que como estrategia de comunicación refleja los modelos sociales que sirven de referencia conductual en la audiencia. En esta investigación se... more

La publicidad puede ser usada como una herramienta educativa en valores morales, puesto que como estrategia de comunicación refleja los modelos sociales que sirven de referencia conductual en la audiencia. En esta investigación se procedió a analizar los elementos del eduentretenimiento presentes en la publicidad, encontrando los valores morales presentes en tres piezas publicitarias audiovisuales. El estudio se realizó bajo la modalidad de análisis de medios y mensajes, bajo un enfoque cualitativo, siguiendo la metodología de investigación documental y con un diseño no experimental. Cada pieza promovió al menos nueve valores morales y todas estuvieron relacionadas con alguna generación del eduentretenimiento.

Maraming mga moralista ang mapagkunwari, at ang mga pananaw ay hindi pangtao.

A vast range of our everyday experiences seem to involve an immediate consciousness of value. We hear the rudeness of someone making offensive comments. In seeing someone risking her life to save another, we recognize her bravery. When we... more

A vast range of our everyday experiences seem to involve an immediate consciousness of value. We hear the rudeness of someone making offensive comments. In seeing someone risking her life to save another, we recognize her bravery. When we witness a person shouting at an innocent child, we feel the unfairness of this action. If, in learning of a close friend’s success, envy arises in us, we experience our own emotional response as wrong. How are these values apprehended? The three most common answers provided by contemporary philosophy explain the consciousness of value in terms of judgment, emotion, or perception. An alternative view endorsed mainly by authors inspired by the phenomenological tradition argues that values are apprehended by an intentional feeling. In this model, it is by virtue of a feeling that objects are presented as being in different degrees and nuances fair or unfair, boring or funny, good or bad. This paper offers an account of this model of feeling and its basic features, and defends it over alternative models. To this end, the paper discusses different versions of the model circulating in current research which until now have developed in parallel rather than in mutual exchange. The paper also applies the proposed account to the moral domain and examines how a feeling of values is presupposed by several moral experiences.

The article identifies the moral values of professional activity in information society on the basis of the systematic approach. Informatization of society in the 21 st century entered a new stage of its development. The new information... more

The article identifies the moral values of professional activity in information society on the basis of the systematic approach. Informatization of society in the 21 st century entered a new stage of its development. The new information environment aims at forming certain ideological and axiological priorities, according to which the value characteristics of information society change and reproduce. One of the most important value areas in information society is professional activity, whose moral values-mutual responsibility, loyalty to duty, tolerance, decency, and focus on cooperation-develop during personal professionalization. Subsequently, in the course of professional work, professional conscience, duty, responsibility, dignity, tact, etc. develop. Professionalism is the most important moral value of professional activity; however, it should not be limited to the sum of professional knowledge and skills. A true professional has a developed, based on value orientations, moral culture, deep understanding of his professional duty, the most scrupulous attitude to professional honor, a high degree of professional responsibility. The success of his activities, the integrity of his personality, and his creative self-expression in the chosen profession depend on his professional and moral principles-their unity and consistency. The task of forming the professional values of an employee is an essential component of personal professionaliza-tion in order to achieve an optimal combination of traditional and creative elements, of specific professional experience and public morality. From the ethical perspective, professionalism in the ability to ensure harmony of professional activity and its moral evaluation, readiness for worthy deeds in any professional situations. Labor values and values of professional activity, their imperative power as a social regulator, and conditions of development cannot be understood out of context of common life values, especially cultural values. Contemporary society is characterized by the acceleration of technological development, creation of new intellectual products, and transformation of information into the most important global resource of humanity. Researchers associate these changes with informatization and declare the transition of the global civilization to a new state-information society, which brings to the philosophical dis-*