Prometheus Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Despite Protagoras’ infamous reputation for corrupting his students, his “Great Speech” (Plato, Protagoras 320c-328d) presents one of the most important arguments in the history of ethics.1 Refuting Socrates’ contention that virtue must... more

Despite Protagoras’ infamous reputation for corrupting his students, his “Great Speech” (Plato, Protagoras 320c-328d) presents one of the most important arguments in the history of ethics.1 Refuting Socrates’ contention that virtue must be unteachable since even the best of men cannot raise good children, Protagoras argues that everyone is capable of learning the difference between right and wrong.2 He supports this conviction by appealing to both traditional myth and logical reasoning. In his famous appropriation of the Prometheus myth, Protagoras establishes the divine origin of political wisdom and its possession by all humanity as a gift of the gods. He follows his retelling of the myth with a logical argument that directly addresses Socrates’ concern by demonstrating that the variability of success rates substantiates the teachability of virtue rather than undermines it. Protagoras’ vigorous defense of moral instruction is so persuasive that many classical scholars are led to q...

This research aims to analyze the determinants of subjective well-being in the Italian regions. To this extent, a new ISTAT-BES database has been used, with data for the Italian regions between 2004 and 2021. An artificial neural network... more

This research aims to analyze the determinants of subjective well-being in the Italian regions. To this extent, a new ISTAT-BES database has been used, with data for the Italian regions between 2004 and 2021. An artificial neural network (ANN) experiment was conducted to explore the link among these variables. Empirical findings show that subjective well-being is positively associated with education, income, and social relations. Our results align with those provided by past studies on the determinants of subjective well-being. These results imply that governments should improve subjective well-being by increasing the level of investment in education, deepening economic growth, reducing income inequality, and promoting social relations.

Prometheus, the strongest and most complicated figure in ancient history, is transformed, castrated, and stolen several times throughout art and religious history. Satan, the Lucifer and "prince" of "this world," assumes His qualities.... more

Prometheus, the strongest and most complicated figure in ancient history, is transformed, castrated, and stolen several times throughout art and religious history. Satan, the Lucifer and "prince" of "this world," assumes His qualities. Charles Kinbot, the hero of Nabokov's Pale Fire, possesses qualities of genius, pride, cunning, and enticing folly. Pale Fire is a work coded with an ornament consisting of two parts: a figure holding a staff in a raised hand and a cart. The ornament is based on the northern celestial hemisphere's sidereal map and depicts the Boötes and Big Dipper constellations. It was used on two levels: lexically and semantically, so that every word in the book can lead to a key word that identifies the ornament; on the motif level, it was used through the appearance of heroes with uplifted hands with a stick in one of them and different vehicles connected to carts. The thesis is supported by a long number of examples, which are offered at the end along with an axiological conclusion. The premise behind Nabokov's two primary characters, Kinbot and Shade, is that both good and evil are equally necessary for the drama of life, with Nabokov placing behind them a higher authorial instance of V. Botkin, giving him divine prerogatives. Nabokov was not interested in the literary problem of evil as a social issue. Nevertheless, he captured the essence and presented all the charm of the great illusionist through Pale Fire through the character of Lucifer Kinbot.

This study suggests that a concierge service, provided by governments, can assist startups to gain streamlined access to the services, capabilities and capital required to bring innovation efficiently and cost-effectively to market. It... more

This study suggests that a concierge service, provided by governments, can assist startups to gain streamlined access to the services, capabilities and capital required to bring innovation efficiently and cost-effectively to market. It analyses a range of concierge models in five separate jurisdictions to determine best practice. The paper develops a rationale and working definition for a concierge service that will assist public sector managers to help young high-growth SMEs and startups to navigate the increasingly complex innovation ecosystem.

The present article compares H. Melville’s Moby Dick and Th. Mann’s The Magic Mountain with respect to the linguistic expression of isotopies /Promethean/, /sea/ and /snow/. Following the basic tenets of F. Rastier’s Interpretative (or... more

Arketiplerin serüveni ilk yazılı kaynaklardan; destan, mitoloji ve dini eserlerden modern romanlara kadar uzanıyor. Bu modern romanlarda sorunsallaşıyor. Çünkü arketipler özde hep aynı kalıyor. Oyal'ın çoğu romanında arketipler... more

Arketiplerin serüveni ilk yazılı kaynaklardan; destan, mitoloji ve dini eserlerden modern romanlara kadar uzanıyor. Bu modern romanlarda sorunsallaşıyor. Çünkü arketipler özde hep aynı kalıyor. Oyal'ın çoğu romanında arketipler psikanaliz, mitoloji, antropoloji, din ve felsefe kaynaklıdır.

Este artículo presenta las transformaciones que sufre el mito alquímico en la obra de Mary Shelley, Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo, un relato frecuentemente interpretado como advertencia de los peligros de la ciencia y la tecnología... more

Este artículo presenta las transformaciones que sufre el mito alquímico en la obra de Mary Shelley, Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo, un relato frecuentemente interpretado como advertencia de los peligros de la ciencia y la tecnología demonizados en la criatura. Ambientado en el periodo romántico y el avance de la secularización, la novela muestra la relación ambigua entre los avances de las ciencias naturales y las preocupaciones filosóficas y espirituales que Mary Shelley heredó de su padre, el filósofo William Godwin, y debatió con su marido, el poeta Percy B. Shelley. En el contexto de la interdisciplinariedad del discurso contemporáneo que contempla la ‘consiliencia’ entre las humanidades y las ciencias, este artículo ofrece una lectura de Frankenstein y del ensayo de Percy B. Shelley, “Defensa de la poesía” como cuestionamiento radical de la ciencia ilustrada mediante su posicionamiento ambiguo con respecto a la alquimia y la ciencia empírica. Es más, la investigación busca ...

Practitioners must continually update their skills to align their professional profile to market needs and social organizations in which they live, both characterized by extreme variability and volatility. In this scenario, Universities,... more

Practitioners must continually update their skills to align their professional profile to market needs and social organizations in which they live, both characterized by extreme variability and volatility. In this scenario, Universities, the traditional Institution for the knowledge transferring, assume the role of an institution dedicated to lifelong learning. However the lifelong learning highlights several issues that make it unsuitable to the university instructional models. In order to face this problem the authors propose to use a Learning Network model integrating a Knowledge Base Experience (Prometheus) to support distribution of contents and to the enhancement knowledge transferring. The results of an empirical experimentation encourage their adoption in real contexts.

This article examines the possible approximation between the Dialectic of Enlightenment and the Technocene phenomenon, from the critical perspective of the Frankfurt School. The article focuses on exploring how instrumental reason is... more

This article examines the possible approximation between the Dialectic of Enlightenment and the Technocene phenomenon, from the critical perspective of the Frankfurt School. The article focuses on exploring how instrumental reason is implied, since the origins of modern thought, based on a model of nature’s expropriation and domination of the world. Which under the imprint of an economic paradigm founded on capitalism, gets crystallized in the notion of unlimited growth.
Reason becomes only an instrument, a correlate of the mechanisms of
economic value generation; just as the Dialectic of the Enlightenment had concluded. The study seeks to understand the implications of these dynamics within the articulation of individual subjectivity, but also in the concreteness of institutions, the State, meaning devices, and economic value generators, and how all these conspire to the global ecological crisis. Through an interdisciplinary approach that combines the critical
philosophy of the Frankfurt School with contemporary analysis of technology, society, and environment; key texts by authors such as
Horkheimer and Adorno will be reviewed. Together with recent research
on the so-called Technocene Age, this concept represents nothing more
than a specification that provides greater precision to the one of Anthropocene.
The aim is to offer an updated reflection on the relevance of the Frankfurtian critique in the 21st century, emphasizing its potential to
promote more fair, democratic, and sustainable societies in a
world characterized by technological omnipresence and environmental

EnglishAn increasing number of books and articles have appeared in recent years on the theme of transhumanism, prompted by the extremely rapid scientific and technical progress that seems to bode well for proponents of this school of... more

EnglishAn increasing number of books and articles have appeared in recent years on the theme of transhumanism, prompted by the extremely rapid scientific and technical progress that seems to bode well for proponents of this school of thought. Transhumanism, which was popularized in North America in the 1960s (by, among others, Ray Kurzweil) and particularly in the 1980s (when a movement of significant scale formed around these ideas), advocates the use of science and technology to improve the physical and mental characteristics of human beings and hence push humanity beyond the human condition in the narrow sense. The term “transhumanism” is not, however, a recent one, as Olivier Dard and Alexandre Moatti show in this ‘Futures of Yesteryear’ feature: it goes back, at least, to the 1930s and might even predate the 20th century. This article looks at the semantic origins of the term and the authors who presided over its emergence, enabling us to put a fashionable concept back into con...

This study suggests that a concierge service, provided by governments, can assist startups to gain streamlined access to the services, capabilities and capital required to bring innovation efficiently and cost-effectively to market. It... more

This study suggests that a concierge service, provided by governments, can assist startups to gain streamlined access to the services, capabilities and capital required to bring innovation efficiently and cost-effectively to market. It analyses a range of concierge models in five separate jurisdictions to determine best practice. The paper develops a rationale and working definition for a concierge service that will assist public sector managers to help young high-growth SMEs and startups to navigate the increasingly complex innovation ecosystem.

Firms in emerging markets are rapidly developing frugal innovation capabilities (FICs) in order to harness the growth potential of these markets. Researchers have explored this frugal innovation phenomenon through case studies of such... more

Firms in emerging markets are rapidly developing frugal innovation capabilities (FICs) in order to harness the growth potential of these markets. Researchers have explored this frugal innovation phenomenon through case studies of such firms. This nascent domain of study has been growing, and the demand for a specialized focus on FICs and their measurement is strong. This paper aims to satisfy the demand by conceptualizing FICs using the theoretical framework of dynamic capability, developing a measurement scale, and empirically validating the scale to measure FICs. Data from the medical device and automobile sectors in India were applied for this purpose. It is proposed that FICs are a composite variable with four dimensions: value for money, acceptable quality, scalability and marketability. The confirmatory factor analysis results validate these dimensions, presenting a gateway to explore FICs and their applications.

Malgorzata BUDZOWSKA University of Łodź The child in Euripides’s tragedies This analysis of Euripides’s tragic poetry identifies its innovativeness in that figures of children take part in the dramatic plot. The author reviews the child... more

Malgorzata BUDZOWSKA University of Łodź The child in Euripides’s tragedies This analysis of Euripides’s tragic poetry identifies its innovativeness in that figures of children take part in the dramatic plot. The author reviews the child characters of these plays – whether they are crucial to the plot or auxiliary to its main thread. The point of reference is, on the one hand, the social function of child in the Old-Greek culture and, on the other, passages from Euripides’s tragedies dealing with the issue of positive and negative aspects of parenthood. The article’s core argument is based upon analysis of children figures suffering from their entanglement in conflict-generating actions of their elders. Not only is the problem of parental love investigated but also, an absolute novelty in the European drama, the one of a small child’s affection for his or her parent. 31 Tamze, s. 275-276.

e‐Research initiatives have been launched around the world, but have they captured the imagination of researchers across the disciplines? This paper reports on a web‐based survey designed to gauge awareness of and support for e‐Research... more

e‐Research initiatives have been launched around the world, but have they captured the imagination of researchers across the disciplines? This paper reports on a web‐based survey designed to gauge awareness of and support for e‐Research initiatives. Early adoption and interest in e‐Research practices represent a wide range of methodological traditions, but those most interested in e‐Research tend to be among a cohort of more recent graduates of doctoral programmes. However, greater certainty and support is driven largely by proximity to e‐Research. This finding reinforces the value of efforts to engage more social scientists and other researchers in e‐Research, such as through demonstrations, training or other ways of providing hands‐on involvement. Doctoral and early career training might be the most fruitful arenas for engagement.

On the verge of a 4th industrial revolution, humanity faces its biggest existential threat. As part of a transhuman agenda the development of advanced artificially intelligent life forms could potentially result in the extinction of the... more

On the verge of a 4th industrial revolution, humanity faces its biggest existential threat. As part of a transhuman agenda the development of advanced artificially intelligent life forms could potentially result in the extinction of the human race or an irreversible global catastrophe. Unfortunately, it seems that the creation of the postmodern Prometheus can not be averted and that the technologists will violate the Second Commandment as per the Book of Revelation 13:14-15. If so, the question must be asked: Is A.I. artificial, or demonically inspired?

An essential component of human–machine interaction (HMI) is the information exchanged between humans and machines to achieve specific effects in the world or in the interacting machines and/or humans. However, such information exchange... more

An essential component of human–machine interaction (HMI) is the information exchanged between humans and machines to achieve specific effects in the world or in the interacting machines and/or humans. However, such information exchange in HMI may also shape the beliefs, norms and values of involved humans. Thus, ultimately, it may shape not only individual values, but also societal ones. This article describes some lines of development in HMI, where significant value changes are already emerging. For this purpose, we introduce the general notion of eValuation, which serves as a starting point for elaborating three specific forms of value change, namely deValuation, reValuation and xValuation. We explain these along with examples of self-tracking practices and the use of social robots.

To manage the transition to the open access (OA) model of scholarly publishing, we need to understand better what enables, encourages and inhibits the adoption of OA publishing among scientists, and to appreciate individual differences... more

To manage the transition to the open access (OA) model of scholarly publishing, we need to understand better what enables, encourages and inhibits the adoption of OA publishing among scientists, and to appreciate individual differences within disciplines. The study adopts a psychological perspective to elucidate motivations, capabilities and opportunities for OA publishing among bioscientists in the UK. To identify differences within the discipline, bioscientists with starkly different past practices for disclosing research data and technologies were interviewed. The sampled bioscientists face similar obstacles and enablers in their physical environment, but that their motivations and experience of their social environments differ. One group is strongly motivated by their moral convictions and beliefs in benefits of OA and feels peer pressure related to OA. The other group expresses fewer pro-OA beliefs, holds beliefs demotivating OA publishing, but feels pressure from research fund...

Some of the fundamental beliefs in Homeric times prevalent till Euripides were commonly shared by classical Hinduism. The paper details them

Digital sharing of research data is becoming an important research integrity norm. Data sharing is promoted in different avenues, one being the scholarly publication process: journals serve as gatekeepers, recommending or mandating data... more

Digital sharing of research data is becoming an important research integrity norm. Data sharing is promoted in different avenues, one being the scholarly publication process: journals serve as gatekeepers, recommending or mandating data sharing as a condition for publication. While there is now a sizeable corpus of research assessing the pervasiveness and efficacy of journal data sharing policies in various disciplines, available research is largely piecemeal and mitigates against meaningful comparisons across disciplines. A major contribution of the present research is that it makes direct across-discipline comparisons employing a common methodology. The paper opens with a discussion of the arguments aired in favour and against data sharing (with an emphasis on ethical issues, which stand behind these policies). The websites of 150 journals, drawn from 15 disciplines, were examined for information on data sharing. The results consolidate the notion of the primacy of biomedical scie...

Chi era Péladan? Péladan è stato uno dei personaggi più stravaganti, esotici e di spicco tra gli autori decadenti di fine Ottocento, diventerà la tete de turc di un mondo che in un primo momento non apprezzerà i suoi eccessi. Fondò un... more

Chi era Péladan? Péladan è stato uno dei personaggi più stravaganti, esotici e di spicco tra gli autori decadenti di fine Ottocento, diventerà la tete de turc di un mondo che in un primo momento non apprezzerà i suoi eccessi. Fondò un culto di cui sarà ideatore e capo assoluto, l'Ordre de la Rose-Croix Catholique, Péladan si autoproclamerà ben presto Sâr, cioè mago-re di stirpe babilonese e per questo motivo assumerà il nome iniziatico di Mérodack. Un personaggio che non passerà inosservato non solo per il suo modo di vivere, ma anche per ciò che predicava e per il modo in cui si vestiva, prediligeva infatti particolari tuniche che lo facevano somigliare ad un santone.

Innovation and open innovation are expected to strengthen firm performance. The learning process and inbound activities are particularly important for catch-up countries and firms. The empirical evidence, though, is incomplete and... more

Innovation and open innovation are expected to strengthen firm performance. The learning process and inbound activities are particularly important for catch-up countries and firms. The empirical evidence, though, is incomplete and provides inconclusive results. This paper studies the role of open innovation activities in a sample of Slovenian firms. Using a combination of survey data and official registry financial statements data, we investigate the differences in the role of open innovation across firms with different productivity. The results show that open innovation is more important in less productive firms. This is consistent with the theoretical ideas that stress the role of learning, capacity building and knowledge transfer. However, these firms also invest less in open innovation activities, which is a paradox in itself, introducing an important challenge for managers as well as questions for future research.

El trabajo analiza el largometraje de Almodóvar La ley del deseo, dónde el protagonista aparece como un pastiche postmoderno del mito de Prometeo. Al pastiche prometeico lo rodea la visión lacaniana del deseo propuesta por el director... more

El trabajo analiza el largometraje de Almodóvar La ley del deseo, dónde el protagonista aparece como un pastiche postmoderno del mito de Prometeo. Al pastiche prometeico lo rodea la visión lacaniana del deseo propuesta por el director manchego. A través de la nueva versión del mito se observa una alegoría de los sentimientos de esperanza depositados en la transición española y la comprensión de la imposibilidad de una ruptura total con el antiguo régimen.

El trabajo analiza el largometraje de Almodóvar La ley del deseo, dónde el protagonista aparece como un pastiche postmoderno del mito de Prometeo. Al pastiche prometeico lo rodea la visión lacaniana del deseo propuesta por el director... more

El trabajo analiza el largometraje de Almodóvar La ley del deseo, dónde el protagonista aparece como un pastiche postmoderno del mito de Prometeo. Al pastiche prometeico lo rodea la visión lacaniana del deseo propuesta por el director manchego. A través de la nueva versión del mito se observa una alegoría de los sentimientos de esperanza depositados en la transición española y la comprensión de la imposibilidad de una ruptura total con el antiguo régimen.

Die Auseinandersetzung mit dem „Selbstverständlichen“, also mit dem, was durch Überlieferungen und tradierte Lesarten als eindeutig und unstrittig dargestellt wird, ist ein Kernaspekt der zahlreichen Umdeutungen antiker Mythen. Ausgehend... more

Die Auseinandersetzung mit dem „Selbstverständlichen“, also mit dem, was durch Überlieferungen und tradierte Lesarten als eindeutig und unstrittig dargestellt wird, ist ein Kernaspekt der zahlreichen Umdeutungen antiker Mythen. Ausgehend von den verschiedenen Überlieferungen der prometheischen Erzählung und von einer mehrere Monate andauernden Diskussion im „Neuen Deutschland“, befasst sich der vorliegende Aufsatz mit den verschiedenen Bearbeitungen des Prometheus-Mythologems durch Volker Braun. Dabei liegt der Fokus besonders auf seinen Erzählungen „Verfahren Prometheus“ und „Die Werkzeugmacher“, sowie auf einigen seiner Gedichte. Dabei soll hervorgehoben werden, wie antike Mythen, in diesem Fall die Figur des Prometheus, durch gesellschaftspolitische Veränderungen und Diskurse beeinflusst und überschrieben werden, was letztlich ihre Zeitlosigkeit gewährleistet.

This article looks at a passage of Polybius’ Histories where he states that truth is a very great deity with an enormous power. By focusing on the analysis of the language used by Polybius, the article aims to highlight the allegorical... more

This article looks at a passage of Polybius’ Histories where he states that truth is a very great deity with an enormous power. By focusing on the analysis of the language used by Polybius, the article aims to highlight the allegorical strength of the passage examined and to demonstrate that it carries a historiographical message. Moreover, it underlines Polybius’ capacity to deal with different genres, ranging from tragedy to philosophy, with the aim of creating his peculiar philosophy of history.

Health innovation studies and the health disciplines highlight the importance of using knowledge to improve human welfare. However, these disciplines rarely yield discussion about this issue. The objective of this paper is to establish a... more

Health innovation studies and the health disciplines highlight the importance of using knowledge to improve human welfare. However, these disciplines rarely yield discussion about this issue. The objective of this paper is to establish a dialogue between health innovation studies and the health disciplines, and to reveal the complementarities between these approaches. We present a revision of selected models of health knowledge use. From health innovation studies, we consider two models focused on the nature of health innovation, and two others that orient health innovation studies towards addressing inclusive development issues. From the health disciplines, we analyse translational research and knowledge translation models. Using a systemic perspective, we structure our analysis of complementarities on four analytical dimensions: (i) The actors, proposing the recognition of the public sector, the productive sector, the scientific community, and health services providers. We also de...

This paper explores how an identity card scheme might work in Australia by using the UK Identity Card Scheme as a model. It explores the proposal for a national UK identity card scheme and assesses how it would reduce identity theft and... more

This paper explores how an identity card scheme might work in Australia by using the UK Identity Card Scheme as a model. It explores the proposal for a national UK identity card scheme and assesses how it would reduce identity theft and fraud, improve national security, and maintain adequate privacy protection. The paper discusses the legal and social difficulties associated with the introduction of such a national identity card scheme and the issues which arise when a government seeks to broaden the scope of the scheme from identity fraud and security issues to include the efficient and effective delivery of public services. It suggests alternative approaches to ensuring identity management which are consistent with privacy and data protection restraints. This paper should contribute to the development of Federal Government policy in the area of a regulatory and legal framework for identity management.

Technological innovation is a vital human activity that interacts with geographic factors and the natural environment. The purpose of the present study is to explain the relationship between climate zones and innovative outputs in order... more

Technological innovation is a vital human activity that interacts with geographic factors and the natural environment. The purpose of the present study is to explain the relationship between climate zones and innovative outputs in order to detect factors that can spur technological change and, as a consequence, human development. The findings show that innovative outputs are high in geographical areas with temperate climate. In effect, warm temperate climates are an appropriate natural environment for humans that, by an evolutionary process of adaptation and learning, create complex societies, efficient institutions and communications systems. This socio-economic platform supports the efficient use of human capital and assets that induce inventions, innovations and their diffusion.