Prometheus Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The transcript of the film The Ister (2004), co-directed with David Barison.

A remarkable set of myths and art about biotechne, creating "life through craft," shows that the ancient Greeks imagined how one might fabricate automatons and self-moving devices more than 2,500 years ago. These myths were not simply... more

A remarkable set of myths and art about biotechne, creating "life through craft," shows that the ancient Greeks imagined how one might fabricate automatons and self-moving devices more than 2,500 years ago. These myths were not simply tales of inert matter enlivened by magic or a god's command. They are some of the earliest-ever science fictions, envisioning what awesome results of artificial life could be achieved if only one possessed divine craftsmanship. One of the most striking examples of an ancient biotechne myth is the story of Prometheus making the first humans. Early Christian art in the Roman era conflated this story with god's creation of Adam. But the earliest known illustrations of this intriguing Promethean myth tell a surprisingly technological tale. A little-known group of exquisitely carved gems depicts Prometheus using various tools to assemble the proto-man. Skeletons were exceedingly rare in ancient Greek art, but these artists showed Prometheus beginning with the internal framework, the human skeleton. I show how this myth inspired Mary Shelley's Frankenstein tale, raising philosophical questions about human autonomy.

Using a prototypical character from ancient times was an aspect that Romantic authors tried to avoid. However, Mary Shelley created on his most well-known novel, Frankenstein, or the modern Prometheus (1818), what it seems to be a... more

Using a prototypical character from ancient times was an aspect that Romantic authors tried to avoid. However, Mary Shelley created on his most well-known novel, Frankenstein, or the modern Prometheus (1818), what it seems to be a completely new character based on a mythological hero, Prometheus. With her novel, Shelley did not only created an original character but also influenced in the 19 th century horror novel that would develop from Romantic literature features. The purpose of this essay is to detect the similitudes and differences between the personality of Shelley's character and the original one. By a descriptive analysis of Prometheus' and doctor Frankenstein's stories and personalities has been found a direct correlation between these two characters. Moreover, various differences between them can be distinguished, which gives to Mary Shelley's story originality. Following the characteristic gloomy and dark features of the Gothic novel, Shelley gave life to a protagonist who happens to be a rebellious hero that would be haunted until his death as well as a new kind of villain, the monster. The study answers the question regarding how much Shelly based her own novel on the mythological character and the aspects that draw them near and away from each other. Further studies are needed to clarify new doubts that have arisen while the research of this essay, such as the dependence of the monster's cruelty to its creator attitude or the apparition of the monster as a typical character in horror novels.

This article focuses on the critical role ICT policy design and implementation can play in developing a knowledge-based economy in distressed US communities. Using a multiple case study research design, the study tests three hypotheses:... more

This article focuses on the critical role ICT policy design and implementation can play in developing a knowledge-based economy in distressed US communities. Using a multiple case study research design, the study tests three hypotheses: (1) linkages among government, education and industry are a critical success factor for ICT interventions; (2) due to the long-term nature of ICT, vision and leadership are also critical; and (3) investments in technology infrastructure must be part of a larger local planning process to succeed. These hypotheses are supported, but the strength of the article is in the details about how communities crafted unique responses to critical issues.

Een bespreking op basis van 'Het Tij Keren', Joke Hermsen (2019).

PROMETEO INCATENATO di Eschilo | traduzione di Monica Centanni. Con Sebastiano lo Monaco, Gianluigi Fogacci, Melania Giglio, Massimiliano Vado, Claudio Mazzenga, Mirko Rizzotto. E con Silvia Giuliano, Angela Rafanelli, Giada Prandi,... more

O presente artigo é fruto de minha pesquisa de pós-doutoramento financiada pela FAPESP e aborda as relações existentes entre Pandora, herdeira das Grandes Deusas, e Eva, bem como as transformações ocorridas na figurativização do tema. A... more

O presente artigo é fruto de minha pesquisa de pós-doutoramento financiada pela FAPESP e aborda as relações existentes entre Pandora, herdeira das Grandes Deusas, e Eva, bem como as transformações ocorridas na figurativização do tema. A abordagem é feita com base, na antropologia, na helenística e na semiótica greimasianaO presente artigo é fruto de minha pesquisa de pós-doutoramento financiada pela FAPESP e aborda as relações existentes entre Pandora, herdeira das Grandes Deusas, e Eva, bem como as transformações ocorridas na figurativização do tema. A abordagem é feita com base, na antropologia, na helenística e na semiótica greimasiana.
The present article is a result of my post-doctorate research financed by FAPESP and it presents the existing relations between Pandora, Great Goddesses’ heiress and Eve, as well as the transformations occurred in the theme figurativization. The approach is made by taking as a basis the Anthropology, the Hellenism and the Greimas Semiotics

Designed as an aid to the reading of Shelley's "Prometheus Unbound"

Will CRISPR usher in a new era of Promethean overreach? CRISPR makes gene editing widely available and cheap. Anti-play-god bioethicists fear that geneticists will play god and precipitate a backlash from nature that could be devastating.... more

Will CRISPR usher in a new era of Promethean overreach? CRISPR makes gene editing widely available and cheap. Anti-play-god bioethicists fear that geneticists will play god and precipitate a backlash from nature that could be devastating. In contrast to the anti-play-god bioethicists, this article recommends that laboratory science invoke the Precautionary Principle: pause at the yellow caution light, but then with constant risk-assessment proceed ahead.

Anmerkung von Manfred Bundschuh: Im folgenden habe ich die Absätze, die direkt die Schaltkreise aus dem " Literaturauszug aus: Robert Anton Wilson: Der neue Prometheus. Die Evolution unserer Intelligenz. " behandeln, nach den einzelnen... more

Anmerkung von Manfred Bundschuh: Im folgenden habe ich die Absätze, die direkt die Schaltkreise aus dem " Literaturauszug aus: Robert Anton Wilson: Der neue Prometheus. Die Evolution unserer Intelligenz. " behandeln, nach den einzelnen Schaltkreisen sortiert und jeweils daran anschließend die Absätze, die dazu jeweils Verknüpfungen dieses Schaltkreises mit anderen Schaltkreisen beinhalten. Ende der Anmerkung.
Folgen wir einmal Dr.Timothy Leary (wenn auch mit leichten Veränderungen) und unter-teilen diese Gehirn-Hardware der Einfachheit halber in acht sogenannte Schaltkreise. (Der Einfachheit halber heißt, daß dies die beste Karte ist, die mir momentan bekannt ist. Ich nehme an, daß sie in zehn bis fünfzehn Jahren überholt und durch eine bessere ersetzt worden ist und für alle Fälle wiederhole ich noch einmal: die Karte ist nicht das gleiche wie das Territorium). (Die ersten) Vier dieser Schaltkreise sind "klassisch" und konservativ; sie existieren bei allen mensch-lichen Wesen (außer bei verwilderten Kindern).

Como vimos em nosso post anterior, por ter roubado o fogo divino e entregue aos homens, Prometeu será condenado e castigado por Zeus e será acorrentado no Cáucaso por Hefesto. Essa será a sina de Prometeu: ficar acorrentado pela... more

Como vimos em nosso post anterior, por ter roubado o fogo divino e entregue aos homens, Prometeu será condenado e castigado por Zeus e será acorrentado no Cáucaso por Hefesto. Essa será a sina de Prometeu: ficar acorrentado pela eternidade tendo uma águia que todos os dias irá comer seu fígado. A representação de Prometeu e suas correntes inquebrantáveis é o paradigma da liberdade. Ao se permitir acorrentar, Prometeu defende a existência e a liberdade dos homens, tornando-se, assim, o primeiro amigo da humanidade (philantrópos).

This paper is an effort to redeem the figure of Prometheus—to transform him from a tragic victim of his own hubris into a rational political agent. What makes Prometheus a tragic figure is the presumption that there is a “given,”... more

This paper is an effort to redeem the figure of Prometheus—to transform him from a tragic victim of his own hubris into a rational political agent. What makes Prometheus a tragic figure is the presumption that there is a “given,” “natural,” or “immutable” limit to our capacities for thought and
action—the transgression of which necessarily yields catastrophe. Against this presumption, I will argue that—while there are always limitations upon what we can know and what we can do—these limits are contingent and mutable, contestable and changeable. To argue otherwise is to endorse
an intrinsically theological notion of givenness that serves to naturalise and perpetuate present forms of oppression. By contrasting two very different notions of a limit—the “given” or “immutable” with the “contingent” or “changeable”—I hope to reconcile our image of Prometheus with that of the young Marx, who considers Prometheus’ defiance of transcendent authority to be the task of every philosopher.

Commemorating the 200th publication anniversary of Mary Shelley's classic novel, Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus, we recognize the enduring power of the ancient Promethean myth for prompting visceral fears of scientific monsters... more

Commemorating the 200th publication anniversary of Mary Shelley's classic novel, Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus, we recognize the enduring power of the ancient Promethean myth for prompting visceral fears of scientific monsters today. Today's Frankenfear arises from worry that laboratory scientists will trespass against the sacredness of nature, and that nature will retaliate with fiendish violence. Apprehension that scientists might be playing god surfaces with public fear over environmental degradation, climate change, genetic engineering, cloning, and global nuclear war. Is such Frankenfear realistic? Or, is it paranoia? Theologically, there is no ground for fearing that scientists are playing god. Instead of stopping research based on paranoia, courageous future-oriented scientists should proceed with caution.

La investigación siguiente se concentra en el artículo de Hans-Georg Gadamer “Prometeo y Pandora”, aparecido originalmente en español en 1949 en el volumen "Goethe. 1749 - 28 de agosto – 1949", editado por la Facultad de Filosofía y... more

La investigación siguiente se concentra en el artículo de Hans-Georg Gadamer “Prometeo y Pandora”, aparecido originalmente en español en 1949 en el volumen "Goethe. 1749 - 28 de agosto – 1949", editado por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Cuyo, Argentina. En primer lugar, se ofrece una introducción en la que se presenta el contexto original histórico-intelectual de su edición, traducción y publicación, los antecedentes filosóficos del texto dentro de la obra de Gadamer (conferencias y artículos previos sobre el tema), una presentación breve de las fuentes y de los temas que trata el texto, así como una serie de aclaraciones sobre las correcciones que se realizaron para esta edición crítica. Este ensayo es uno de los dos primeros trabajos de Gadamer que fueron traducidos al castellano y, a su vez, una de las primeras traducciones de las producciones de Gadamer a una lengua extranjera.
/-/The following investigation focuses on the article of Hans-Georg Gadamer entitled “Prometheus and Pandora”, originally published in Spanish in 1949, in the book: "Goethe. 1749 – 28th August – 1949", edited by the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Cuyo, Argentina. Firstly, an introduction is offered in which is presented the original historical-intellectual context of its edition, translation, and publication, the philosophical background of the text within Gadamer’s work (conferences and previous articles on the subject), a brief description of the sources and topics encompassed in the text, as well as a series of clarifications on the corrections made for the current critical edition. This essay is one of the first two works by Gadamer that were translated into Spanish and, in turn, one of the first translations of Gadamer's productions into a foreign language.

In the turn of the 20th century, numerous theatre directors focus on the representation of mythological figures such as Prometheus. In these performances we no longer receive the text of Aeschylus but mostly the images that the directors... more

In the turn of the 20th century, numerous theatre directors focus on the representation of mythological figures such as Prometheus. In these performances we no longer receive the text of Aeschylus but mostly the images that the directors allow us watch and interpret. Approaching the unconscious of the spectator, these images are an act of purifying the imagination, a process by which, the artists virtualize their personal mythologies. Distinguished theatre directors such as Robert Wilson, Rodrigo Garcia and Jan Fabre have worked on the ancient Greek myth of Prometheus, attributing a primal substance to elements such as the actor’s body and the visual scenery.

A study (in French) on the impact of tthe Greek mythology in modern science-fiction.

Punim Seminari nga lënda e Letërsisë dhe Gjuhës Shqipe, me temën "Prometeu i mbërthyer", shkruar nga poeti i madh grek Eskili, duke përfshirë mitologjinë greke: Perënditë, Titanët, natyra, traditat dhe zakonat. Këtu jepet po ashtu... more

Punim Seminari nga lënda e Letërsisë dhe Gjuhës Shqipe, me temën "Prometeu i mbërthyer", shkruar nga poeti i madh grek Eskili, duke përfshirë mitologjinë greke: Perënditë, Titanët, natyra, traditat dhe zakonat. Këtu jepet po ashtu përshkrimi i detajuar i analizës së veprës.

Creation myths from ancient Greece are compared with their Japanese counterparts from the early 8th Century Kojiki (古事記, Records of Ancient Matters). This fusion essay is a summation of previous book sections by Greek and Japanese... more

Creation myths from ancient Greece are compared with their Japanese counterparts from the early 8th Century Kojiki (古事記, Records of Ancient Matters). This fusion essay is a summation of previous book sections by Greek and Japanese scholars on the element of fire, including Prometheus. Interpretation of the symbolism by the author brings out similarities and differences between European and Asian cultures. (The fusion essay on the element of air, including Eros and Psyche, is also available at this site).

Под дијахроним идентитетом културема Прометеј у антици, потом у француској књижевности од XVI века до данас, подразумевамо „низ синхроних идентитета” овог културема приликом његовог књижевног трансфера из античког политеизма у хришћански... more

Под дијахроним идентитетом културема Прометеј у антици, потом у француској књижевности од XVI века до данас, подразумевамо „низ синхроних идентитета” овог културема приликом његовог
књижевног трансфера из античког политеизма у хришћански монотеизам и модерни и постмодерни антитеизам/посттеизам. Док идентитет Прометеја у политеизму подразумева hybris отвореног бунтовникаи латентног хероја, у монотеизму он је слабо развијен и непостојан, а заснива се на сличности с Богом и Христом. Коначно, занимање француских књижевника за Прометеја почиње у Ренесанси, а кулминира од Француске револуције надаље: Прометеј постаје отелотворење модерног
човека, његове слободе и интелектуалне и друштвене еманципације. Оваква инверзија вредносних полова у односу на класични мит проистиче из дубоке трансформације западног метанаратива, која подразумева десакрализовање божанског и сакрализовање људског.