Public and Political Communication Research Papers (original) (raw)

Public relations practitioners can assume many different roles in public institutions. The common goal of these different roles is to try to influence the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of the target groups through effective... more

Public relations practitioners can assume many different roles in public institutions. The common goal of these different roles is to try to influence the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of the target groups through effective communication strategies. Thus, support from the public is considered. In this study, it is aimed to find out the effective strategies to improve the quality of the relations with the target groups of public institutions. For this purpose, the relationship between the communicative process established by public institutions with their target groups and relational results were examined. The research conducted on 251 people revealed that perceived communicative skills of local public institutions had positive effects on public relations perceptions (trust, commitment, satisfaction). The most important dimension is satisfaction. On the other hand, a weak relationship was found between the communicative process and control mutuality. This finding indicates that public relations department is not effective in the decision making process in public institutions. The results of the research are proposed to improve the relational results between public institutions and target groups.

In the course of election campaigns politicians and political parties try their best to highlight their most favored topics that would help them draw public attention and increase people’s regard for specific political figures. In... more

In the course of election campaigns politicians and political parties try their best to highlight their most favored topics that would help them draw public attention and increase people’s regard for specific political figures. In contrast to the positive communication content announced during an election campaign, candidates sometimes choose negative messages that focus on their opponents’ weaknesses (real or imagined) rather than their own strengths. The goal of this research is to identify the forms and means of negative communication used in political video advertisements during Lithuanian parliamentary election of 2016. To achieve our goal, we analyze the political video advertisements that were categorized as negative communication. We categorize and analyze those advertisements by using concepts of forms of negativity and targets of negativity. Our findings suggest that negative communication is being used by Lithuanian political organizations, but it is the positive one that...

It is often remarked that politicians’ private lives are becoming feature of political communication in many advanced industrial democracies. However, there have so far been no genuinely comparative studies examining the personalised... more

It is often remarked that politicians’ private lives are becoming feature of political communication in many advanced industrial democracies. However, there have so far been no genuinely comparative studies examining the personalised nature of political communication. Intimate Politics provides for the first time a systematic comparative analysis of such developments in Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK, and the US. Drawing on a wide range of primary and secondary sources it assesses the extent to which the private lives of politicians have become a feature of political communication in each democracy. The book provides a comprehensive account of the shifting boundaries between the public and private and whether any developments are universal or more advanced in some democracies than others, and seeks to explain why this might be. Intimate Politics will be of great value for students and scholars of communication and media studies and political science and is required reading for anyone who wants a fuller understanding of the transformation of mediated politics in advanced industrial democracies.

Politicians across Western democracies are increasingly adopting and experimenting with Twitter, particularly during election time. The purpose of this article is to investigate how candidates are using it during an election campaign. The... more

Politicians across Western democracies are increasingly adopting and experimenting with Twitter, particularly during election time. The purpose of this article is to investigate how candidates are using it during an election campaign. The aim is to create a typology of the various ways in which candidates behaved on Twitter. Our research, which included a content analysis of tweets (n = 26,282) from all twittering Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat candidates (n = 416) during the 2010 UK General Election campaign, focused on four aspects of tweets: type, interaction, function and topic. By examining candidates' twittering behaviour, the authors show that British politicians mainly used Twitter as a unidirectional form of communication. However, there were a group of candidates who used it to interact with voters by, for example, mobilizing, helping and consulting them, thus tapping into the potential Twitter offers for facilitating a closer relationship with citizens.

Comunicare l'Europa è un obiettivo strategico e sempre più funzionale a ridisegnare il futuro equilibrio della sfera sovranazionale, a fronte dell'emergere di sentimenti antieuropeisti e nuovi nazionalismi che minano le basi dell'identità... more

Comunicare l'Europa è un obiettivo strategico e sempre più funzionale a ridisegnare il futuro equilibrio della sfera sovranazionale, a fronte dell'emergere di sentimenti antieuropeisti e nuovi nazionalismi che minano le basi dell'identità europea. Come comunicano oggi le istituzioni europee? Che ruolo svolgono i media digitali? Con quali modalità si esprime la partecipazione dei cittadini nello spazio comunitario? Il volume risponde a queste domande, focalizzando la riflessione sull'accresciuto impatto della comunicazione dell'ue nei diversi e variabili flussi che traggono origine dall'attività istituzionale svolta dagli organi rappresentativi centrali e nazionali e dall'informazione prodotta dai media. Uno scenario contrassegnato da armonie e disarmonie, in cui la dimensione specifica della comunicazione pubblica si configura come parte essenziale del processo di costruzione della governance comunitaria. Il libro si propone come un utile strumento di approfondimento per studenti universitari, studiosi, esperti del settore e per quanti operano nell'ambito delle istituzioni nazionali ed europee per favorire la comunicazione dell'ue. Lucia D'Ambrosi è ricercatrice presso il Dipartimento di Scienze politiche, della Comunicazione e delle Relazioni internazionali dell'Università di Macerata, dove insegna Comunicazione pubblica e open government. I suoi interessi di ricerca sono rivolti allo studio dei rapporti tra cittadini e istituzioni in Italia e in Europa, in una prospettiva di valorizzazione della dimensione partecipativa. Tra le sue ultime pubblicazioni: Giovani oltre la Rete (Bonanno, 2012), Dal comunicare al fare l'Europa (curato con A. Maresi; Eum, 2016). Per Carocci editore ha pubblicato, con M. V. Giardina, Amministrazione pubblica e partecipazione (2006).

The relationship between music and politics has not yet been widely researched in the social sciences, with the corpus of work on music and politics focusing on protest songs. For this reason, it is perhaps understandable that students of... more

The relationship between music and politics has not yet been widely researched in the social sciences, with the corpus of work on music and politics focusing on protest songs. For this reason, it is perhaps understandable that students of political science are generally not familiar with this research area. This article explores the interface between music and politics from the point of view of a teacher of English for Specific Purposes in the classes of undergraduate students of political science at Comenius University. Experience shows that the majority of undergraduates do not seem to be aware of a connection between music and politics and initially dismiss even a possibility of it, undervaluing the potential of music as a political tool. The final part of the article describes the procedure used to raise the studentsáwareness of political messages in the lyrics of the 20 th and 21 st century pop and rock music and the role of music as a communication tool in the world of politics, integrating thus selected subject-specific content with language teaching aims. Keywords: music, messages in lyrics, English for Specific Purposes Kľúčové slová: hudba, politické posolstvá v textoch piesní, angličtina pre špecifické účely " A pamphlet, no matter how good, is never read but once, but a song is learned by heart and repeated over and over. And I maintain that if a person can put a few cold common sense facts in a song, and dress them up in a cloak of humor to take the dryness off of them he will succeed in reaching a great number of workers who are too unintelligent to too indifferent to read a pamphlet or an editorial on economic science. " Joe Hill, American song writer and labour activist

Digital transformation changes the relationship between citizens and politics. The observation of this nexus is highly relevant for representative democracy. After the successful 2008 Obama campaign, a vast body of research that explores... more

Digital transformation changes the relationship between citizens and politics. The observation of this nexus is highly relevant for representative democracy. After the successful 2008 Obama campaign, a vast body of research that explores how and why politicians use social media has emerged. However, we still know very little about how social media are being adopted and used in-between elections, and still less yet about what this means for political representation. Therefore, this Special Issue brings together innovative research that focuses on how the use of social media is impacting upon the relationship between politicians and political parties, and citizens. First, we discuss some pros and cons of this transformation in the context of the relevant literature and, especially, in relation to Stephen Coleman’s concept of ‘direct representation”. Finally, we discuss the findings and merits of the contributions and what the issue adds to our understanding of the phenomenon, to the state of research.

Many advocates of deliberative democracy see in the Internet a new opportunity for the development of public spaces, public spheres, and places where deliberation can take place. An important element of the notion of the public sphere in... more

Many advocates of deliberative democracy see in the Internet a new opportunity for the development of public spaces, public spheres, and places where deliberation can take place. An important element of the notion of the public sphere in general and of deliberation specifically, is the quality of the debate. In the past decade, many studies have been conducted to evaluate online discussions in light of the ideal notion of the public sphere. However, a wide gap exists between theoretical approaches and the actual operationalization of such theories for empirical research. In an attempt to bridge this gap we develop a method for examining the extent to which Internet forums meet the normative requirements of rational-critical debate, reciprocity, and reflexivity. The methodological approach consists of a textual analysis of the contributions made to an online forum. The coding scheme presented in this article is based on a case study (UK Online) and guided by the theoretical notions of deliberative democracy.

The use of social networks, particularly Twitter, in the area of political communication is continually growing. Its capacity to foster direct and personal communication and interaction with the citizenry are two of the factors that... more

The use of social networks, particularly Twitter, in the area of political communication is continually growing. Its capacity to foster direct and personal communication and interaction with the citizenry are two of the factors that explain its growth. The objective of this study is to analyse whether the principal Spanish political leaders (Mariano Rajoy, Pedro Sánchez, Pablo Iglesias, and Albert Rivera) dialogue and interact with the citizenry on Twitter. To that end, a quantitative content analysis is applied, taking as a reference the methodology of Kent and Taylor (1998) and its adaptation to Twitter by Ribalko and Seltzer (2010). The sample is composed of tweets published by the four candidates during the campaign for the general elections held in Spain on 20 December 2015. The results reveal that independent of variables such as number of publications, profile followers, or ideology, none of the political leaders use Twitter to dialogue with their audience. Meanwhile, it is also shown that the use of this platform drives the hybridisation of political actors’ communicative strategies.

Talking politics online is not exclusively reserved for those spaces dedicated to politics, particularly the everyday political talk crucial to the public sphere. However, past net-based public sphere research has focused mostly on... more

Talking politics online is not exclusively reserved for those spaces dedicated to politics, particularly the everyday political talk crucial to the public sphere. However, past net-based public sphere research has focused mostly on political spaces thereby neglecting an array of other genres. The aim of this article is to move beyond politically oriented communicative spaces by investigating political talk within the British reality TV discussion forum Wife Swap. The purpose is to see whether a forum dedicated to reality TV provides the communicative space, content, and style for politics that extends the public sphere. The central question is whether it fulfils the requirements of rationality and ‘decent’ deliberation. Moreover, the analysis moved beyond a formal notion by investigating how expressives influence the more traditional elements of deliberation. The findings revealed that Wife Swap participants engaged in political talk that was often deliberative. Moreover, it was a space where the use of expressives played a key role in enhancing such talk.

Although television has been traditionally the main channel of mass communication between candidates and electors, social media has emerged as a new channel, becoming a relevant platform where a dynamic flux of information is shared by... more

Although television has been traditionally the main channel of mass communication between candidates and electors, social media has emerged as a new channel, becoming a relevant platform where a dynamic flux of information is shared by electors and candidates.The role of social media can be considered from a classical perspective, in other words, as a tool or asset to be managed. Or, it can also be viewed as a new dimension of development that encourages political participation. Considering the Barack Obama's 2007-2008 presidential campaign established an opening point in the use of new technologies of information and Internet in electoral campaigning throughout the world, the main objective of our work is to evaluate the role of social media in the last Chilean presidential campaign.

La última obra de Mario Riorda y Silvia Bentolila (2020), titulada Cualquiera tiene un plan hasta que te pegan en la cara. Aprender de las crisis, no nació en un año cualquiera. Nació en el año en que todo cambió producto de una pandemia... more

La última obra de Mario Riorda y Silvia Bentolila (2020), titulada Cualquiera tiene un plan hasta que te pegan en la cara. Aprender de las crisis, no nació en un año cualquiera. Nació en el año en que todo cambió producto de una pandemia que hizo al mundo entero entrar en crisis y poner en discusión la idea misma de normalidad. Es una obra que surge de la reflexión cruzada de las ciencias sociales y de las ciencias médicas y psiquiátricas, identificando los marcos interpretativos que permiten caracterizar la idea de crisis, su complejidad y naturaleza. También permite evaluar el impacto que la crisis tiene en los individuos, como personas y como líderes políticos a cargo de la gestión de la crisis. Lejos de proponer un plan metódico para la gestión “exitosa” de la crisis, la obra comienza reflexionando sobre su impacto en cualquier planificación y en cómo la crisis echa por tierra la idea de control y certidumbre. Asumir el fracaso del plan es el primer paso para avanzar en la reflexión sobre los procesos y las herramientas que posibilitan un proceso resiliente de aprendizaje. La obra se presenta como una cartografía abierta en la que la única salida posible de la crisis es animándose a aprender desde una dimensión plenamente humana y asumiendo la vulnerable condición social del hombre en su relación con el mundo.

Come sono cambiate le amministrazioni pubbliche in seguito all’avvento di internet? Quale impatto può avere il web 2.0 nella costruzione dell’amministrazione digitale? Perché gli enti pubblici hanno cominciato a colonizzare i siti di... more

Come sono cambiate le amministrazioni pubbliche in seguito all’avvento di internet? Quale impatto può avere il web 2.0 nella costruzione dell’amministrazione digitale? Perché gli enti pubblici hanno cominciato a colonizzare i siti di social network come Facebook e Twitter? Come stanno reagendo i cittadini? Siamo di fronte a un reale rinnovamento e apertura della PA? Il volume affronta questi interrogativi ripercorrendo il processo di domesticazione delle tecnologie digitali e dei social media da parte delle pubbliche amministrazioni italiane. Nel testo si delineano le interconnessioni tra tecnologie digitali, percorsi normativi e processi comunicativi, mettendo in luce dinamiche complesse e traiettorie di innovazione che vanno a impattare sulla vita delle amministrazioni e sulla comunicazione pubblica, ridefinendone pratiche, attività e interfacce comunicative. È in questo contesto che si inseriscono i networked citizens, cittadini connessi che si attivano all’interno di frame civici e che usano la Rete e i media sociali per fare sentire la propria voce, innescando pratiche di condivisione di conoscenza, scambio conversazionale e mobilitazione civica. I social media diventano così spazi pubblici e contesti comunicativi in cui si relazionano e si riconnettono amministrazioni e cittadini in un processo di contaminazione e confronto reciproco su temi di pubblica utilità. Una sfida per la PA e i comunicatori pubblici. Un nuovo ambito di indagine per chi fa ricerca su questi temi.

"German emperor, Kaiser Wilhelm II, indulged in traveling. One of the most-traveled monarchs of the turn of the century, he rode automobiles, trains, yachts and ships, crisscrossing Germany, Europe, and even the Near and Middle East,... more

This study investigates two competing opinions regarding the role of social media platforms in partisan polarization. The “echo chambers” view focuses on the highly fragmented, customized, and niche-oriented aspects of social media and... more

This study investigates two competing opinions regarding the role of social media platforms in partisan polarization. The “echo chambers” view focuses on the highly fragmented, customized, and niche-oriented aspects of social media and suggests these venues foster greater political polarization of public opinion. An alternative, which we term the “crosscutting interactions” view, focuses on the openness of the Internet and social media, with different opinions just a click away. This view thus argues that polarization would not be especially problematic on these outlets. Exploiting the variation among members of the U.S. House of Representatives in measured positions of political ideology, this study estimates the association between politicians’ ideological positions and the size of their Twitter readership. The evidence shows a strong polarization on Twitter readership, which supports the echo chambers view. Lastly, we discuss the implications of this evidence for governments’ use of social media in collecting new ideas and opinions from the public.

This work intends to present data analysis of Paracambi Mayor’s Office of Structural Communications in Mayor Lucimar Ferreira’s earliest ten months of current term of office, which began in January 2017, comparing data of these ten months... more

This work intends to present data analysis of Paracambi Mayor’s Office of Structural Communications in Mayor Lucimar Ferreira’s earliest ten months of current term of office, which began in January 2017, comparing data of these ten months with her predecessor’s activities registered. The objective of this work is to demonstrate how Public Communication aids to develop a more democratic and unclouded management with broader accessibility of the population toward all Agency & Office Officials of Paracambi City. The Press Officer’s Team was created in this current term of office to reform the Mayor’s Communication's Department and to strengthen the Prefecture’s image. The both teams, the predecessor’s one and the presently one, have given access to all data; therefore, this data analysis is complete.

“Demokrasi” kavramının zaman içinde en fazla bütünleştiği ve çağrıştırdığı kavram “seçim”dir. Elbette, dünyanın çoğu ülkesinde seçimler yapılmaktadır. Son on yıl zarfında iktidarı değiştirmek veya test etmek amacıyla seçimlere gitmemiş... more

“Demokrasi” kavramının zaman içinde en fazla bütünleştiği ve çağrıştırdığı kavram
“seçim”dir. Elbette, dünyanın çoğu ülkesinde seçimler yapılmaktadır. Son on yıl zarfında
iktidarı değiştirmek veya test etmek amacıyla seçimlere gitmemiş olan ülkelerin sayısı on
dörttür. Bununla birlikte, yapılan her seçimin teknik olarak demokrasinin genel geçer
standartlarına uygun, serbest ve âdil seçimler olduklarını söylemek pek kolay değildir (Bishop
ve Hoeffler, 2014: 3).
Siyasal partilerin halkla ilişkiler politikaları bağlamında yürüttükleri siyasal iletişim
faaliyetlerinin en önemli parametrelerinin başında din olgusunun geldiği bilinmektedir. Zira
dinin bizzat kendi özgül ağırlığıyla kitlelerin siyasal tercihlerini biçimlendirme ve
yönlendirme gücüne sahip olduğu bilinmektedir (Basten ve Betz, 2011: 26).
Bu konu üzerinde yapılmış olan bütün araştırmalar, politikacıların dinî kutlama, etkinlik
ve ayinlere katıldıkları seçim dönemlerinde önceki seçim dönemlerine göre daha fazla
seçmenin oyunu aldıklarını göstermektedir. Medya içerikleri incelendiğinde, politikacıların
seçmen kitleden daha fazla destek alabilmek için dinî değerleri bir araç olarak kullandıklarını
gösteren haber ve analiz yazılarıyla sıkça karşılaşmak mümkündür. Dinî mekânlara yapılan
ziyaret ve etkinliklere katılımlarlar her zaman siyasal propandaya malzeme yapılıyor olmaları
bağlamında ele alınmasalar da, büyük bir bölümünün söz konusu politikacılarla ilgili olarak
olumsuz ve eleştirel bir tonda servis edildiği muhakkaktır. Politikacılar bütün bunları yalnızca
halkla ilişkiler ya da sosyal sorumluluk faaliyetleri bağlamında tasarlayıp yürütüyor ve
“dindar” veya “dine saygılı” imajlarını iktidar koltuklarına tahvil etmek gibi niyetler taşımıyor
olabilirler; ancak kitle iletişim araçlarında yapılacak basit bir taramada, politikacıların kutsal
olanla yaptıkları temasların, tıpkı viral reklamlarda olduğu gibi hem doğal hem de son derece
etkileyici birer siyasal propaganda unsuru olarak seçim dönemine hatırı sayılır bir iktidar
avantajı getirdiğine ilişkin çok sayıda negatif haber içeriğine rastlanabilmektedir (Iancu, 2009:
164). Bu çalışma, dinî inançların seçmen davranışında ne ölçüde etkili olduğunu açığa
çıkarmak amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Çalışmamın başlangıcından itibaren, engin akademik birikimi, bitmeyen enerjisi ve
hayranlık duyduğum eşsiz alçakgönüllüğü ile her adımda bana rehberlik ederek her türlü
desteği sağlamış olan Profesör Dr. Ahmet Kalender hocama minnettar olduğumu öncelikle
belirtmek isterim.
Aynı şekilde, çalışmamın başarıyla sonuçlanması için değerli görüşlerinden her fırsatta
yararlanmama izin verme lütfunda bulunmuş olan Doçent Dr. Kadir Canöz ve Doçent Dr.
Şükrü Balcı hocalarıma yürekten teşekkürlerimi bildiririm.
Bu vesileyle, anket çalışmama katılan herkese değerli katkılarından dolayı içtenlikle
şükranlarımı sunarım.

Wie sieht die Zukunft der politischen Kommunikation in Deutschland aus? Wird es den gläsernen Abgeordneten geben, gewinnt die Europäische Union mehr Macht, können sich die traditionellen Leitmedien behaupten? Welche Chancen haben neue... more

Wie sieht die Zukunft der politischen Kommunikation in Deutschland aus? Wird es den gläsernen Abgeordneten geben, gewinnt die Europäische Union mehr Macht, können sich die traditionellen Leitmedien behaupten? Welche Chancen haben neue Parteien? Wird der Schlüssel zu politischen Karrieren das Internet? Wer schreibt und beeinflusst unsere Gesetze im Jahr 2030? Die Delphi-Studie geht diesen und weiteren Fragen mit einem innovativen Forschungsdesign nach. Über 100 Politiker unter 45 Jahren aus Parlamenten, Ministerien und Parteizentralen haben Schlüsselthesen zur Zukunft der politischen Kommunikation und Gesetzgebung bewertet. Die Ergebnisse der Befragung haben die Politiker erneut als Experten bewertet und kommentiert. Dieser Band stellt die Ergebnisse systematisch dar und diskutiert die Szenarien einer Politikergeneration, die in den nächsten Jahrzehnten die politische Verantwortung übernimmt.

The present thesis deals with visual narrative in political leadership during election campaign. It tries to delve into visual elements and their wilfulness within the political stage. Theory has been focused on a detailed definition of... more

The present thesis deals with visual narrative in political leadership during election campaign. It tries to delve into visual elements and their wilfulness within the political stage. Theory has been focused on a detailed definition of the aforesaid topic, its theoretical basis, its defining features, functions and components. Empirical analysis has been set by a quantitavive research where a total of 684 images have been analyzed depending on their visual components : leader appearance and attitude, extras and scenographies which make a total of 100 items and a qualitative study consisting of in-depth interviews with 12 experts. From the obtained results it has been proved that a difference exists between conservative and emerging parties in terms of format management and visual aid whereas data also make a distinction between conservative and heterodox parties in terms of visual narrative.

Previous studies have noted the dominance of official sources within the news process and their unique ability to shape media narratives. This research addresses the role and implications of news sources in contributing to the... more

Previous studies have noted the dominance of official sources within the news process and their unique ability to shape media narratives. This research addresses the role and implications of news sources in contributing to the overwhelmingly positive portrayal of the anti-Mubarak opposition protesters within British and American newspaper coverage of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution. Furthermore, this paper will assess how the position of global political elites towards the protests in Egypt possibly opened up the editorial space within the news coverage of the revolution for the anti-Mubarak opposition movement to emerge as the dominant voice within the reporting.

In questo riassunto troverete indicazioni sulla storia delle campagne elettorali, su come strutturarle, su come fare marketing politico, non tralasciando lo sguardo alla crisi della partecipazione politica dei cittadini nella vita... more

In questo riassunto troverete indicazioni sulla storia delle campagne elettorali, su come strutturarle, su come fare marketing politico, non tralasciando lo sguardo alla crisi della partecipazione politica dei cittadini nella vita democratica nazionale.

Disadari atau tidak, media sosial secara tidak langsung telah menjadi bagian dari masyarakat masa kini. Perkembangan media sosial ternyata telah membawa pengaruh yang besar bagi masyarakat. hal ini karena perkembangan media sosial... more

Disadari atau tidak, media sosial secara tidak langsung telah menjadi bagian dari masyarakat masa kini. Perkembangan media sosial ternyata telah membawa pengaruh yang besar bagi masyarakat. hal ini karena perkembangan media sosial mendorong munculnya fenomena baru dalam masyarakat, yaitu peningkatan kedudukan seorang penggiat media sosial dengan jumlah pengikut yang besar dalam lingkungan sosial masyarakat masa kini. Maksudnya, seorang penggiat media sosial dengan jumlah pengikut yang besar dalam akun sosial medianya akan memiliki kedudukan yang lebih tinggi dalam lingkungan sosial masyarakat karena dianggap data memberikan pengaruh yang besar bagi masyarakat, khususnya para pengikut di akun mesdia sosialnya. Penggiat media sosial dapat dianggap sebagai komunikator publik karena salah satu hal yang ia lakukan adalah menyampaikan berbagai informasi ke publik melalui akun media sosialnya. Makalah ini menjelaskan tentang kasus yang tejadi antara seorang publik komunikator dan penggiat media sosial, Rius Vernandes, terhadap PT Garuda Indonesia mengenai kritik yang disampaikan Rius Vernandes melalui akun media sosial miliknya. Studi kasus ini dilakukan untuk melihat bagaimana seorang Rius Vernandes yang merupakan seorang penggiat media sosial dalam beretorika di akun media sosialnya berkaitan dengan kasus yang menjerat dirinya dengan PT Garuda Indonesia.

Монография посвящена исследованию сетевых политических коммуникаций, получивших в начале XXI в. большое распространение в России и за рубежом. Основная цель работы заключается в исследовании теоретических и практических аспектов сетевых... more

Монография посвящена исследованию сетевых политических коммуникаций, получивших в начале XXI в. большое распространение в России и за рубежом. Основная цель работы заключается в исследовании теоретических и практических аспектов сетевых политических коммуникаций. В монографии также изучаются сопутствующие сетевым коммуникациям эффекты, оказываемые на средства массовой информации, журналистику, политическую систему и политические PR-технологии. Монография предназначена для научных работников и специалистов в области массовых коммуникаций, журналистов, PR-специалистов, аспирантов и всех интересующихся данной тематикой.

La tesis doctoral con el título “La comunicación de las administraciones públicas españolas en el siglo XXI” desarrollada por Adrián Ballester Espinosa, se enmarca en el ámbito de la comunicación política, en concreto, en la comunicación... more

La tesis doctoral con el título “La comunicación de las administraciones públicas españolas en el siglo XXI” desarrollada por Adrián Ballester Espinosa, se enmarca en el ámbito de la comunicación política, en concreto, en la comunicación de gobierno.
La investigación en comunicación política suele centrarse en las campañas electorales, pues entre otras razones, es más fácil aislar el objeto de estudio, acotar el marco temporal y medir los efectos. Sin embargo, en la actualidad se abre un importante campo de estudio en el ámbito de la comunicación de instituciones públicas. Como afirman diversas investigaciones “la comunicación de gobiernos ha sido poco estudiada”. Por otro lado, también la importancia de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación social aplicadas a este ámbito resulta fundamental en la sociedad del siglo XXI.
El cómo comunicar, el qué, quién, cuándo y dónde resultan preguntas pertinentes y necesarias en la investigación del nuevo escenario comunicativo. Además, los nuevos medios integran a todos los preexistentes: prensa, televisión, radio y web se difunden desde Internet y están al alcance de una persona con un smartphone y una buena conexión de datos a la red.
Con estos dos campos de interés, las TICS y la comunicación política, la cuestión central de esta tesis doctoral es hasta qué punto los nuevos medios han afectado a la comunicación de las Administraciones Públicas y sus gobiernos. Es decir, conocer cómo se han adaptado los organigramas, las estrategias y las dinámicas de trabajo de los departamentos de comunicación de las instituciones públicas a la nueva realidad comunicativa. Para ello, mediante una metodología común, se analizan dos de los tres niveles de la Administración Pública Española (estatal, autonómica y local) con el objetivo último de proponer un modelo que pueda ayudar al campo teórico-práctico de la comunicación de las instituciones públicas. Un modelo que recoja tanto el organigrama como las funciones, las categorías profesionales y el buen gobierno de la comunicación gubernamental.
Por ello, la tesis intenta convertir la crisis que viven las instituciones públicas y la imagen de los políticos en una oportunidad para proponer nuevas formas de comunicación y participación ciudadana en las decisiones públicas aplicando las TICS, que reduzca la desafección que separa a representantes y representados.

Across multiple societies, we see a shift from regimes of truth (ROT) to “regimes of posttruth” (ROPT) characterized by proliferating “truth markets.” ROT corresponded to disciplinary society, tighter functioning between... more

Across multiple societies, we see a shift from regimes of truth (ROT) to “regimes of
posttruth” (ROPT) characterized by proliferating “truth markets.” ROT corresponded
to disciplinary society, tighter functioning between media/political/education apparatuses, scientific discourses, and dominant truth-arbiters. ROPT corresponds to societies of control, where power exploits new “freedoms” to participate/produce/express (as well as consume/diffuse/evaluate). These developments further correspond to postpolitics/ postdemocracy, where issues, discourses, and agency for sociopolitical change remain constrained, despite the enabling of a new range of cultural and pseudopolitical participation around, among other things, truth. ROPT emerge out of postpolitical/postdemocratic strategies common to control societies where especially resource rich political actors attempt to use data-analytic knowledge to manage the field of appearance and participation, via attention and affect.

Tra i fattori che segnalano l’attuale malessere della nostra democrazia vi è l’inadeguatezza della comunicazione politica. La qualità dell’una è direttamente proporzionale alla qualità dell’altra. La tendenza all’omologazione... more

Tra i fattori che segnalano l’attuale malessere della nostra democrazia vi è l’inadeguatezza della comunicazione politica. La qualità dell’una è direttamente proporzionale alla qualità dell’altra.
La tendenza all’omologazione dell’informazione televisiva getta ombre sul sacro principio democratico della libertà di opinione e sul pari diritto di tutti i cittadini di partecipare al processo di formazione delle decisioni collettive.
Oggi il fenomeno assume forme inedite per i nuovi orizzonti spalancati dall’avvento di quel dirompente strumento della comunicazione che è internet.

In August 2020, the presidential election took place in Belarus, followed by unprecedented mass protests due to apparent election fraud. Aliaksandr Lukashenka, the country's long-term authoritarian leader, faced the biggest electoral... more

In August 2020, the presidential election took place in Belarus, followed by unprecedented mass protests due to apparent election fraud. Aliaksandr Lukashenka, the country's long-term authoritarian leader, faced the biggest electoral challenge since his first election in 1994. This article analyzes his official rhetoric during the campaign and after the election focusing on the image of the society. For this purpose, discourse-historical approach is applied to understand his political vision of the developments in Belarus and to explore changes in his rhetoric caused by the unprecedented challenge to his power. The research demonstrates that Lukashenka acts as a classical authoritarian ruler with respective discursive strategies. The text shows that he adopted the imaginary role of Belarus's strict father, who has assumed full responsibility for its fate and offensively reacts to every challenger of this role. It also reveals that Lukashenka sees his personal contract with the Belarusian society as a stable and durable instrument that does not require changes and per se implies his personal engagement as a party to it. Finally, the analysis of Lukashenka's rhetoric in 2020 suggests that a voluntary transition of power in Belarus remains rather wishful thinking.

Τάκας, Ε. & Σαμαράς, Α.Ν. (2015). «Απόδοση (υπ)Αιτιότητας για το Δεύτερο Μνημόνιο στην Ελληνική Βουλή». Δημοσιογραφία, Τεύχος 8-9, σελ.27-33.

Публичната комуникация, разбирана като взаимен - двупосочен и многопосочен процес, който е свързан с обмена на информация между отделни създатели и потребители на услуги е важен елемент от дейността на всяка една културна организация.... more

Публичната комуникация, разбирана като взаимен - двупосочен и многопосочен процес, който е свързан с обмена на информация между отделни създатели и потребители на услуги е важен елемент от дейността на всяка една културна организация. Този процес е наличен и в системата на читалищата. Популяризирането на тяхната дейност и разширяване кръга на заинтересованите от нея е от ключово значение в съвременното информационно общество. Използването на различен тип комуникационни канали и тяхното ефективно приложение в практиката се превръща в тема, която следва да намери своя отговор и място в ежедневната дейност на всяко едно читалище в страната. Настоящата статия съсредоточава вниманието си към част от тези въпроси.
Статията е на базата на доклад изнесен по времена конференцията "Библиотеки - Четене - Комуникация", 17 ноември 2021 г., В. Търново

Kemampuan berbicara terkadang merupakan bakat yang memang dimiliki seseorang. Namun, kepandaian bicara yang baik pun memerlukan pengetahuan dan latihan. Di sinilah retorika sebagai ilmu berbicara diperlukan agar seseorang dapat menyusun... more

Kemampuan berbicara terkadang merupakan bakat yang memang dimiliki seseorang. Namun, kepandaian bicara yang baik pun memerlukan pengetahuan dan latihan. Di sinilah retorika sebagai ilmu berbicara diperlukan agar seseorang dapat menyusun tuturan yang efektif. Retorika menjadi suatu hal yang penting bagi seorang komunikator publik karena berguna untuk memersuasi atau membangkitkan kepercayaan khalayak. Aristoteles mengemukakan bahwa persuasi dapat dicapai dengan memerhatikan tiga hal, yaitu ethos (kredibiltas), logos (logika yang disampaikan), dan pathos (emosi khalayak). Untuk menganalisis penggunaan retorika oleh komunikator publik, maka dalam makalah ini saya akan membahas retorika yang digunakan oleh Rocky Gerung ketika melontarkan pernyataan kontroversial dalam acara "Kupas Tuntas: Titik Nadir Demokrasi". Pendekatan analisis dalam makalah ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui studi literatur dan observasi. Data yang sudah dikumpulkan selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis semiotik video melalui observasi video rekaman acara "Kupas Tuntas: Titik Nadir Demokrasi" yang ditayangkan melalui channel CNN Indonesia (27/09/2019) serta dengan menggunakan analisis isi media online pada portal berita (30/09/2019). Dari hasil analisis diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa tidak semua komunikator publik mempunyai skills retorika yang baik. Oleh karena itu, pemahaman ethos, pathos dan logos dalam melakukan retorika untuk menjalin komunikasi yang efektif menjadi penting untuk dipelajari.