Railways Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
ABSTRACT Leakage currents from a dc electrified railway requires careful consideration throughout the life time of the railway. The design objective is to minimise the current leakage from the railway return path (the running rails for a... more
ABSTRACT Leakage currents from a dc electrified railway requires careful consideration throughout the life time of the railway. The design objective is to minimise the current leakage from the railway return path (the running rails for a dc electrified railway, with possibly additional conductors in parallel for ac electrified systems). For this objective to be met, the design needs to account for foreseeable misuse during the construction phase (i.e., the lack of independency between the earthing system and stray current collection system due space and construction exigencies in a viaduct) and degradation of insulation due to ageing and poor maintenance. Perhaps more importantly, other influences such as the train characteristics, time tabling, headway, multiple train movement, etc., need consideration to determine the worst case leakage current and thus the ability to define appropriate mitigations with respect to stray current management. In this paper, we describe the implementation of an integrated model for the assessment of stray current for a dc electrified railway, in which these factors are considered. We provide an analysis of the stray current magnitude under worst case train operating conditions (i.e., multiple trains with a 90s headway accelerating) as well as highlight factors that determine the efficiency of the stray current collection system. The integrated model presented enables a detailed assessment of all factors impacting the stray current magnitude as well as an assessment of the overall performance of stray current collection system.
Land acquisition has been an integral part of any infrastructure project and has also proved to be a major bottleneck in execution of projects. The delay in land acquisition resulted in timely completion of the projects thereby causing... more
Land acquisition has been an integral part of any infrastructure project and has also proved to be a major bottleneck in execution of projects. The delay in land acquisition resulted in timely completion of the projects thereby causing cost over runs and delay in deriving benefits of the projects. Various Acts like The National Highways Act, The Metro Railways Act, and The Railways Act was amended to included land acquisition provisions with liberal compensation package including rehabilitation and resettlement benefits to the persons whose land is to be acquired. The amendment to The Railway Act is called the Railway (Amendment) Act 2008. This paper calls for introspection and improvement to the strategies adopted for smooth, expeditious and hassle free land acquisition for Railway Project.
- by Shinjan Bardhan
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- Railways
Qinghai-Tibet railway is famous for its constructional difficulties and challenges imposed during construction of the railway line. The Chinese engineers however managed to overcome the challenges like permafrost, provision of steady... more
Qinghai-Tibet railway is famous for its constructional difficulties and challenges imposed during construction of the railway line. The Chinese engineers however managed to overcome the challenges like permafrost, provision of steady gradient and tunneling especially at a height of 4.9 km above Mean Sea Level. Also at such a height the oxygen level is another short coming for passengers. This presentation merely discusses the challenges and its solution. It's expected that young students and university students will find this presentation handy for getting a brief idea on the engineering challenges especially in railway engineering in frozen areas.
(Note: This presentation is best viewed in MS office-2010 and above and windows media player of win-7 and above)
There are many architectural design parameters for public transport stations which include urban and station level studies. Each station must be designed in accordance with the basic passenger requirements such as accessibility, safety,... more
There are many architectural design parameters for public transport stations which include urban
and station level studies. Each station must be designed in accordance with the basic passenger
requirements such as accessibility, safety, comfort, satisfaction and etc. Circulation spaces must be
formed and sized to meet the minimum movement needs of passengers. For an underground
station; main entrance region, position of gates, location and number of turnstiles, escalators,
stairs, ramps, passageways, intermediate concourses and platforms must be arranged to minimize
walking distances and to prevent congestion. In this study, circulation of passengers is simulated
in a quantitatively verifiable manner, taking into account how individuals interact with each other
and with the physical obstacles in their environment in a metro station. Virtual experiments are
performed to see the continuity and density of pedestrian flow at different levels of Haram Area
East Metro Station of the first metro line of Madinah Al-Munawwarah, Saudi Arabia. According
to the predictions, more than 40.000 passengers are expected to use this station in one hour after a
Friday prayer during Ramadan period in the year of 2040. That means a critically high travel
demand and it is really significant to design the most convenient underground station for these
passengers to fulfil the necessary requirements.
Contributii privind realizarea si intretinerea aparatelor de cale avand joantele interioare si joantele extreme sudate
This paper is the first in a series of articles published in the Permanent Way Institution - Journal, intended to present complementary information to what is currently available in the formal continuous welded rail (CWR) training courses... more
This paper is the first in a series of articles published in the Permanent Way Institution - Journal, intended to present complementary information to what is currently available in the formal continuous welded rail (CWR) training courses and UK Standards and discuss the general principles and theoretical considerations on railway track which is subjected to thermal effects. These can be used by Track Engineers for a better understanding of the physics behind the rails’ behaviour when subjected to temperature variations and can also help understanding the specifications and requirements mandated in the current standards covering the management of jointed respectively CWR track. Multiple thermal force diagrams will be presented for both jointed track and CWR applications. This first article is presenting general principles and theoretical considerations on the rails affected by thermal variation.
The thesis is obtain the degree of candidate of economic science, specialty 08.00.01. – Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought. – SHEE «Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman», Kyiv, 2017. The thesis reveals... more
The thesis is obtain the degree of candidate of economic science, specialty 08.00.01. – Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought. – SHEE «Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman», Kyiv, 2017. The thesis reveals the phenomenon of emergence and development of Kyiv School of political economy as a community of economists with common philosophical, cultural and moral positions. The main features of this school as a scientific one are determined in the thesis. The author examined evolution of the scientific views of Kiev economists on one of the key problems of political economy – the theory of value, in development of which they were close to its interpretation as a neoclassical economic theory. The author revealed the views of scientists on the state regulation as a factor of economic development based on market principles, particularly regarding custom and tax policies of the government, issues of the development of infrastructure and railways as one of the most advanced lines of communication of the studied period, antitrust and factory legislation and so on. The contribution of the representatives of Kyiv School of political economy in economic science and practice second half of XIX – beginning of XX century, particularly regarding its influence on the formation of a social trend and the emergence of institutional approaches of economic research in Ukrainian economic thought was revealed. It was found out that the Kyiv School of political economy has become a powerful center of the formation of scientific ideas that formed the basis of modern economic research.
- by Vikas Goel
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- Railways, Permanent Way
- by Vikas Goel
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- Railways, Permanent Way
Modern electrified transportation systems feature increasing installed power and performance and correspondingly stray current phenomena and corrosion are receiving more attention in terms of contractual specifications and request of... more
Modern electrified transportation systems feature increasing installed power and performance and correspondingly stray current phenomena and corrosion are receiving more attention in terms of contractual specifications and request of final validation of proposed solutions, as well as a maintenance program that can actively tackle stray current issues. The problem is complex for the system physical extension, difficult measurement conditions and variability of electrical parameters. This work considers validation of stray current protection performance, in terms of track voltage, track leakage and collected current, and impressed potential on structures along the right-ofway. The exemplification of the specifications of a hypothetical instrument and setup support the discussion.
- by Paolo Rolandi
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- Railways, Segnalling
Scurta prezentare a sistemului de prindere elastica directa Vossloh W21
Urban rail transport vehicles require electrical power to operate in a clean, efficient and reliable way within city and suburban residential areas. In Kolkata and Bangalore, vehicles receive power at 750Volts DC through a ‘third rail’... more
Urban rail transport vehicles require electrical power to operate in a clean, efficient and reliable way within city and suburban residential areas. In Kolkata and Bangalore, vehicles receive power at 750Volts DC through a ‘third rail’ conductor laid parallel to the running rails for the vehicle, whereas in Delhi metro vehicles receive power at 25Kilo-Volts AC from an over head electrical conductor strung above the vehicles. Three new metro lines under implementation in Kolkata are with the 750V DC power, whereas projects in Chennai and Hyderabad are with 25KV AC power systems.
This article discusses some criterion considered when choosing appropriate traction power system for new metro rail projects.
Indian Railways has 45 workshops for maintenance of its fleet of rolling stock and out of them two workshops catering to broad guage coach maintenance located in southern part of India have been studied for a period of five calendar years... more
Indian Railways has 45 workshops for maintenance of its fleet of rolling stock and out of them two workshops catering
to broad guage coach maintenance located in southern part of India have been studied for a period of five calendar years
from 2007 till 2011 to analyse their output and the corresponding energy inputs. The various activities of the workshops
viz. maintenance of coaches and other major works have been studied with respect to energy usage to arrive at a
common unit of output for comparison. All the forms of energy input to these two workshops viz. Electricity supply
from distribution companies, high speed diesel and LPG have been accounted for. The study finds that the energy
requirement for undertaking the periodical overhauling activity per coach in both the workshops is showing a
downward trend from a peak of 1110 kWh per coach during 2007 to less than 600 kWh as in 2011 which is gradual and
consistent and correspondingly the total energy consumption and the power bill of both the workshops over the period
have shown a declining trend. The study finds that both the workshops have introduced various measures to conserve
energy which has contributed to the reduced energy intensity. The larger workshop due to effective electricity
management consumes 553 kWh per equated non ac coach periodical overhaul when compared to 700 kWh consumed
by the smaller one. This provides for an energy saving potential of 15% per annum per workshop if better technologies are implemented and are managed properly.
The shortcomings of communist central planning have been extensively analyzed, but few researchers have probed the ways in which a relentless focus on growth could leave holes in socialist societies’ capabilities for, and commitments to,... more
The shortcomings of communist central planning have been extensively analyzed, but few researchers have probed the ways in which a relentless focus on growth could leave holes in socialist societies’ capabilities for, and commitments to, maintaining and repairing what had been built or produced. This essay will highlight organizational and practical dimensions of this phenomenon in post-1945 Poland. Badly damaged during World War Two, Poland faced a daunting rebuilding process while establishing socialist institutions, principles and practices while facing citizens’ resistance and indifference. In the 1950s, the main drivers for building socialism were industry and agriculture, strengthened by capital construction. But this simple schema overlooked important dimensions of “non-productive labor”: “services to organizations” and “services to the population.” Transport, power and communications networks anchored the organizations. State railways, road managers, river shippers and telephone networks all relied on maintenance and repair units to continue effective operations. Second, services to people included maintenance of urban transit systems and worker housing, and the repair of household goods (furniture, appliances) or personal possessions (e.g., watches, clothing, shoes). Third, each of the “productive” sectors had substantial M&R responsibilities regarding machinery and facilities. This paper reviews Communist M&R practices across Poland’s first postwar generation.
Laurențiu MĂRCULESCU-Baicons Impex Rezumat Măsurătorile de capacitate portantă cu placa statică sau dinamică sunt realizate la calea ferată din Romănia după metode care nu sunt cuprinse în standardele naționale. Există norme străine care... more
Laurențiu MĂRCULESCU-Baicons Impex Rezumat Măsurătorile de capacitate portantă cu placa statică sau dinamică sunt realizate la calea ferată din Romănia după metode care nu sunt cuprinse în standardele naționale. Există norme străine care descriu metodologia de încercare dar care nu cuprind și indicații asupra interpretării rezultatelor sau prelucrării statistice. Evaluările statistice aduc un rezultat uluitor: anumite serii de măsurători aparent bune trebuie să nu fie acceptate. O valoare foarte mare a măsurătorilor (" dezertorul ") ridică valoarea medie, dar chiar și dispersia. Intreaga serie de măsuratori capătă astfel o siguranță mai redusă. Trebuie controlat in permanență dacă anumite valori măsurate fac parte din totalitatea de bază. Valorile măsurate prea mari pot să facă inutila o serie de măsuratori și trebuie respinse. Capitolul 1-Metode de determinare a capacității portante la lucrările de terasamente c.f. Capacitatea portantă este parametrul ce caracterizează cel mai clar calitatea unei construcții de pamânt, a unui strat portant sau a unei platforme. De fapt, capacitatea portantă este chiar însușirea dominantă a terasamentului, care ne interesează în primul rând și în mod direct. Prin capacitate portantă, în general, se ințelege capacitatea (puterea) unei părți de construcție, în cazul nostru a infrastructurii căii ferate, de a prelua sarcini fără a suferi deformări vătămătoare sau chiar a ceda. Încărcarea statică și încărcarea dinamică se deosebesc după modul de înregistrare a sarcinii. Daca se încarcă o platformă sau corpul unei fundații cu o sarcină crescătoare, la început deformările sunt liniar proporționale cu tensiunile și în mare măsură reversibile, ceea ce poate fi considerat drept comportare elastică. În domeniul următor apar atât deformări elastice cât și deformări remanente (plastice). Acestea apar prin reducerea spațiului poros. După depășirea sarcinii de rupere deformarea decurge progresiv sub aceeași încărcare; aceasta este comportarea plastică. Problemele de capacitate portantă sunt deci pe de o parte, în special la inceputul încărcării, probleme de comprimare; pe de altă parte, în apropierea ruperii ele sunt probleme de rezistența a materialelor. Presupunând că actuala solicitare se află cu mult sub sarcina de rupere, teoria elasticității s-ar putea potrivi pentru comportarea la deformare a pamânturilor. Intrucât comportarea la deformare nu este tocmai elastică, s-au creat parametri speciali pentru descrierea comportării la deformare și prin aceasta a capacității portante. Acești parametri se numesc module de deformare. Ele se deosebesc prin condițiile la limită în care are loc o incărcare a solului și de aceea se deosebesc și ca marime. La lucrările de terasamente de cale ferată, de mai bine de 10 ani, capacitatea portantă se măsoară prin trei metode:-cu placa statică, rezultatul fiind modulul static de deformare la reîncărcare Ev2;-cu placa dinamică, rezultatul fiind modulul de deformare dinamic Evd;-încercarea Proctor, rezultatul fiind gradul de compactare Proctor D. În prezent în România încercarea cu placa statică se poate face după două proceduri: 1. Conform standardului românesc " STAS 8942/3-90 Teren de fundare. Determinarea modului de deformaţie liniară prin încercări pe teren cu placa ". 2. Conform normei germane " DIN 18134 Determining the deformation and strength characteristics of soil by the plate loading test " .
The greek labour movement in Western Asia Minor, 1876-1914: the case of the mine and railroad workers. Le mouvement ouvrier grec en Asie Mineure Occidentale, 1876-1914: le cas des mineurs et des cheminots. Batı Küçük Asya'daki... more
The greek labour movement in Western Asia Minor, 1876-1914: the case of the mine and railroad workers.
Le mouvement ouvrier grec en Asie Mineure Occidentale, 1876-1914: le cas des mineurs et des cheminots.
Batı Küçük Asya'daki Yunanların işçi hareketini, 1876-1914: maden ve demiryolu işçilerinin vakası.
This is the story of the lesser known casus belli of Hungary to join the Second World War, a Soviet three-plane I-16 fighter aircraft formation's strafing attack against a Hungarian train on 26 June, 1941. It was published in the June... more
This is the story of the lesser known casus belli of Hungary to join the Second World War, a Soviet three-plane I-16 fighter aircraft formation's strafing attack against a Hungarian train on 26 June, 1941. It was published in the June 2011 issue of the Indóház (pp. 12-14.). Ez a tanulmány a Tiszaborkút melletti, szovjet vadászgépek által egy magyar sebesvonat ellen végrehajtott alacsonytámadás történetét dolgozza fel, mely nem sokkal előzte meg a kassai bombatámadást 1941. június 26-án.
Digitalisation of the railway industry and its future challenges were among the main topics at the 2016 International Trade Fair for Transport Technology (InnoTrans). Digitalisation presents a new opportunity for the future of the railway... more
Digitalisation of the railway industry and its future challenges were among the main topics at the 2016 International Trade Fair for Transport Technology (InnoTrans). Digitalisation presents a new opportunity for the future of the railway industry. The digital age and the digital development of transportation also contribute to the competitiveness of the European rail industry. In Hungary, we have been conducting scientific research with the purpose of developing an intelligent railway system within the intelligent transport system since 2014. In 2017, the consortium partners will launch a research and development project worth over EUR 9.5 million. The primary goal is to build an economical branch line railway system that benefits from the advantages of IP-based technologies and artificial intelligence.
There exists a strong correlation between the material prosperity & global competitiveness of any country and its ability to master science & technology. Countries that lack the ability to acquire it tend to be poor and underdeveloped... more
There exists a strong correlation between the material prosperity & global competitiveness of any country and its ability to master science & technology. Countries that lack the ability to acquire it tend to be poor and underdeveloped while those that are able to adapt, innovate and create new technologies, are able to produce competitive goods and services. However, less than 1% of global research and development is currently spent on technological innovations for poor countries. United Nations and other donor agencies are therefore increasingly using concepts like “Knowledge Aid” and “Technological Learning”, to address a host of development issues. This research examines the role of governments and Official Development Assistance (ODA) in the transfer of technology to developing countries. Using the framework of dependency theory and path dependency, it compares four cases of technology transfer in a public utility service - Railways - in Japan and India. Of the four cases, two involve the use of ODA: the World Bank loan for the Shinkansen project in Japan (1960-64) and the Delhi Metro Project in India using JBIC/JICA loans (1998-2008). In the remaining two cases we compare technology transfer in railways using private licensing agreements between of Hiroshima LRT & Siemens (Germany) and India’s Integral Coach Factory & SWS (Switzerland). The conclusion is that the effectiveness of ODA in technology transfer depends to a large extent on how recipient governments encourage indigenous research & development institutions, as well as competition & collaboration amongst domestic engineering firms.
The aim of this research is to unravel and interrogate critically the recent histories of the production and reproduction of Castlefield, Manchester. This unravelling is accomplished theoretically through the historicised application of... more
The aim of this research is to unravel and interrogate critically the recent histories of the production and reproduction of Castlefield, Manchester. This unravelling is accomplished theoretically through the historicised application of Lefebvre‘s spatial triad. Production of space histories and Castlefield‘s ‗regeneration‘ are revisited principally through archival and interview evacuations of the neglected years of the 1970s. Urban public space is seen as the key city synecdoche. The thesis argues against what is called the ‗dominant academic narrative‘: challenging the narrative where it ignores or downplays the role of counter-representations and counter-projects in the production of urban public space. The empirical research is based mainly on archival data and complimentary interview and visual data; the analyses are qualitative. Visual representations of space largely neglected in the literature are foregrounded throughout the empirical research. Spaces of representation and spatial practice are interrogated from the perspective of public space analysis which emphasises the importance of the contested nature of representations of space within the public sector and the vulnerable and unstable character of some official representations of space. The thesis therefore does not seek to reproduce what might be called a ‗traditional‘ Lefebvrian analysis which counter-poses repressive official representations of space against quotidian heroic, poetic spaces of representation. The research challenges oversimplified characterisations of Castlefield as a space simply of heritage, leisure and exclusive residential enclaves. A dynamic, complex spatial portrait is revealed whereby ludic, ‗natural‘ and abstract space rise and fall though intricate spatial layering as time unfolds. Urban differential space and ludic space are found to emerge through the interstices of abstract space as key outcomes of the contestation of space. The thesis concludes that the potential for differential urban public space exists through the production of new spaces and their diverse politicised appropriation.
Universiteti i Prishtines "Hasan Prishtina"
Fakulteti i Inxhinierise Mekanike
Departamenti Komunikacionit
El libro relata la historia de cuando el ferrocarril se inauguró en San Luis Potosí en 1888 por el presidente Porfirio Díaz. Fueron muchos días de fiesta y la ciudad de San Luis se preparó desde mucho tiempo antes para celebrar la... more
El libro relata la historia de cuando el ferrocarril se inauguró en San Luis Potosí en 1888 por el presidente Porfirio Díaz. Fueron muchos días de fiesta y la ciudad de San Luis se preparó desde mucho tiempo antes para celebrar la inauguración de la línea férrea de México a Laredo que uniría a la capital del país con Estados Unidos. La estación del Ferrocarril Nacional Mexicano se construyo en la Alameda que se trasformo en el prototipo del paseo moderno y la portada de la ciudad, pues sería lo primero que los viajeros de fuera verían al llegar a San Luis. A partir de la década de 1880 se colocaron gradualmente muchos monumentos en ese jardín donde se realizaban desfiles y ceremonias a la patria con poesías, música y festividades públicas hasta que la Alameda se convirtió en el lugar de celebración pública más importante donde confluían medios de comunicación urbanos y foráneos. Todas estas transformaciones urbanas y de mentalidad se abordan en el libro como una proyección simbólica del ideal de modernidad, de progreso y de orden fomentada por el régimen porfirista. como parte de las estrategias utilizadas por el Estado, en conjunción con la élite local, encaminadas a institucionalizar cualidades y valores ideales en los ciudadanos. Esta historia ayuda a entender como las regiones se insertaron dentro de un proceso mayor: la institucionalización del Estado mexicano sobre el ciudadano en las diferentes localidades durante el porfiriato.
This work investigates the structuring character of the rail system in the urban configuration process of the cities of Uberaba, Uberlândia and Araguari and its potential for landscape qualification and restructuring. The implantation of... more
This work investigates the structuring character of the rail system in the urban configuration process of the cities of Uberaba, Uberlândia and Araguari and its potential for landscape qualification and restructuring. The implantation of the railway companies in the region of the Triângulo Mineiro in the nineteenthtwentieth century has designed the new urban landscape in the indicated cities. In the 1970s, the deactivation of the old systems and the construction of new equipment on the urban borders triggered intense reconfigurations of the landscape, both centrally, with the opening of new free spaces, as well as in the periphery, with the presence of new infrastructures that connect and, at the same time, they break the territory. The systems, both deactivated and in use, are surrounded by urbanization, but have little relation to other urbanized spaces. They are managed in an uncoordinated manner and without an intervention plan. The thesis is presented that the rail systems of the three cities have important latent potential for restructuring the urban landscape and that their qualification is an element for the valorization of the public life sphere. These systems must be urbanized as they are hybrid spaces, since besides their logistic function, they enhance the appropriation when properly qualified. The thesis is based on the assumption that in proportion to the problematic character of rail areas in urban areas, their potentialities lie. From the characterization of these areas through the analysis of Landscape Units applied to the railways, it was possible, in addition to raising the needs and conflicts of urbanization that surround them, to recognize their potentialities as places capable of increasing the daily open space systems, thinking not only of what is possible but also necessary for democratic living.
In this dissertation, the use of model based filtering techniques for wheelsets of railway vehicles is presented. Especially, this dissertation provides the application of a parameter estimation scheme by using dynamic response of a... more
In this dissertation, the use of model based filtering techniques for wheelsets of railway vehicles is presented. Especially, this dissertation provides the application of a parameter estimation scheme by using dynamic response of a conventional wheelset, a vehicle and a tram wheel on a test stand with a novel methodology. In the context, firstly, an
introduction is reported. Afterwards, a review of the related literature in the thematic area is demonstrated along with the current state of the doctoral dissertation. Third section includes the objectives of the dissertation where the aim of the dissertation clearly emphasized. The following section describes the methods and models in details which are used in this work. Throughout the succeeding sections contributions of the dissertation for related literature, a conclusion for dissertation, bibliography, and the publications of the PhD student are given, respectively.
Observaciones, comentarios y propuestas colectivas alrededor de la MIA Tren Maya, Fase 1 Palenque-Izamal
The aim of this research is to unravel and interrogate critically the recent histories of the production and reproduction of Castlefield, Manchester. This unravelling is accomplished theoretically through the historicised application of... more
The aim of this research is to unravel and interrogate critically the recent histories of the production and reproduction of Castlefield, Manchester. This unravelling is accomplished theoretically through the historicised application of Lefebvre‘s spatial triad. Production of space histories and Castlefield‘s ‗regeneration‘ are revisited principally through archival and interview evacuations of the neglected years of the 1970s. Urban public space is seen as the key city synecdoche. The thesis argues against what is called the ‗dominant academic narrative‘: challenging the narrative where it ignores or downplays the role of counter-representations and counter-projects in the production of urban public space. The empirical research is based mainly on archival data and complimentary interview and visual data; the analyses are qualitative. Visual representations of space largely neglected in the literature are foregrounded throughout the empirical research. Spaces of representation and spatial practice are interrogated from the perspective of public space analysis which emphasises the importance of the contested nature of representations of space within the public sector and the vulnerable and unstable character of some official representations of space. The thesis therefore does not seek to reproduce what might be called a ‗traditional‘ Lefebvrian analysis which counter-poses repressive official representations of space against quotidian heroic, poetic spaces of representation. The research challenges oversimplified characterisations of Castlefield as a space simply of heritage, leisure and exclusive residential enclaves. A dynamic, complex spatial portrait is revealed whereby ludic, ‗natural‘ and abstract space rise and fall though intricate spatial layering as time unfolds. Urban differential space and ludic space are found to emerge through the interstices of abstract space as key outcomes of the contestation of space. The thesis concludes that the potential for differential urban public space exists through the production of new spaces and their diverse politicised appropriation.
This paper discusses an English–Egyptian Arabic–Standard Arabic vocabulary of words and phrases related to railways and trains. This booklet, titled "English-Arabic vocabulary compiled in connection with the Egyptian State Railway... more
This paper discusses an English–Egyptian Arabic–Standard Arabic vocabulary of words and phrases related to railways and trains. This booklet, titled "English-Arabic vocabulary compiled in connection with the Egyptian State Railway Signalling School Lectures" was published by the Egyptian State Railways in the late 1920s or the early 1930s. The vocabulary includes many general, well-known vocabulary items such as ‘exit’, ‘goods’, ‘work’, etc., which are obviously all needed when working in the railways, but not of great interest. However, the vocabulary items that concern us here are those that are specific to railways, trains, train signals and train stations. While some of these can be found in the Egyptian–Arabic dictionary of Badawi and Hinds (1986), many others, especially the more technical terms, are not mentioned therein. Some other terms that are mentioned in Badawi and Hinds are still of interest to us, for instance because their etymology can tell us something about how the vocabulary used in the railways came about and how it was connected to the different foreign nations that had some involvement in the history of the railways in Egypt. For this purpose, a short history of Egypt’s railways will be given. The paper will then look at the technical vocabulary given in the booklet, focussing on the etymology (loanwords from English, French, Ottoman Turkish and Italian), calques/loan translations, and semantic extension.
- by Spors Joachim and +1
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- Metropolitan Planning, Tramways, Railways, Demiryolu
Οι απαρχές για την κατασκευή σιδηροδρόμων στην Κρήτη, σε επίπεδο μελετών, ανάγονται στις αρχές του 20ου αιώνα, στην περίοδο της Κρητικής Πολιτείας. Ενταγμένα μέσα στη γενικότερη εξυγχρονιστική ατζέντα του αυτόνομου καθεστώτος που... more
Οι απαρχές για την κατασκευή σιδηροδρόμων στην Κρήτη, σε επίπεδο μελετών, ανάγονται στις αρχές του 20ου αιώνα, στην περίοδο της Κρητικής Πολιτείας. Ενταγμένα μέσα στη γενικότερη εξυγχρονιστική ατζέντα του αυτόνομου καθεστώτος που περιλάμβανε μεταξύ άλλων μία πληθώρα δημοσίων έργων στο νησί, βρίσκονταν σχέδια για σιδηροδρομική ένωση των κυριότερων πόλεων και περιοχών οικονομικής σημασίας, καθώς και τη δημιουργία δικτύου τροχιοδρόμων (τραμ) στα Χανιά. Τα σχέδια αυτά ωστόσο ήταν αρκετά μαξιμαλιστικά σε σχέση με τις δυνατότητες του νησιωτικού κράτους. Ακόμη και έπειτα από την Ένωση με την Ελλάδα δεν είχαν συγκεκριμένη προτεραιότητα. Χωρίς συνεπώς να είχε εγκαταλειφθεί οριστικά η ιδέα για Κρητικό Σιδηρόδρομο, τουλάχιστον μέχρι την περίοδο του Μεσοπολέμου, κάτι τέτοιο de facto δεν κατέστη δυνατόν. Η Κρήτη έχει παραμείνει μέχρι τις μέρες μας χωρίς ουσιαστικά κάποιο σιδηροδρομικό δίκτυο, ενώ στην τοπική κοινωνία έχει επιβιώσει απλά μία θολή ανάμνηση όλης αυτής της φιλολογίας για την κατασκευή σιδηροδρόμων στο νησί.
Είναι όμως αυτή η πραγματικότητα; Παρά την απουσία σιδηροδρομικών έργων μεγάλης κλίμακας και δημόσιου χαρακτήρα στο νησί, στην Κρήτη κατασκευάστηκαν αρκετά μικρά δίκτυα, στην πλειοψηφία τους για μετακίνηση βαγονέτων, βιομηχανικού γενικά χαρακτήρα, σε μεταλλεία, ορυχεία, λατομεία και λιμενικές εγκαταστάσεις. Μία ξεχωριστή κατηγορία, παρόμοιου τύπου δικτύων, ήταν όσα κατασκευάστηκαν στον Β' Π.Π. για στρατιωτική χρήση. Από το σύνολο των βιομηχανικών σιδηροδρομικών δικτύων της Κρήτης, το μοναδικό δίκτυο μεγαλύτερης κλίμακας και ουσιαστικά διαφορετικής κατηγορίας ήταν ο Βιομηχανικός Σιδηρόδρομος Ηρακλείου.
În zona trecerii de la construcțiile de pământ la lucrările de artă se ajunge la deformări și odată cu aceasta la discontinuități ale nivelului căii. Proprietățile diferite de deformare ale celor două lucrări apar din cauza tasărilor mai... more
În zona trecerii de la construcțiile de pământ la lucrările de artă se ajunge la deformări și odată cu aceasta la discontinuități ale nivelului căii. Proprietățile diferite de deformare ale celor două lucrări apar din cauza tasărilor mai mari și a modulelor de deformare ale terasamentului față de construcția podurilor și a tunelurilor.