Nonprofit Organizations Research Papers - (original) (raw)
The Economy of Endowments: the case of Roman associations,” In Koenraad Verboven, Katelijn Vandorpe and Véronique Chankowski-Sable (eds.), ‘Pistoi dia tèn technèn’. Bankers, loans and archives in the Ancient World. Studies in honour of... more
The Economy of Endowments: the case of Roman associations,” In Koenraad Verboven, Katelijn Vandorpe and Véronique Chankowski-Sable (eds.), ‘Pistoi dia tèn technèn’. Bankers, loans and archives in the Ancient World. Studies in honour of Raymond Bogaert, Studia Hellenistica 44. Leuven, Peeters, 2008: 231-256. For reviews of the book, see, e.g., Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.05.02.
Given the preferential tax treatment afforded nonprofit firms, policymakers and researchers have been interested in whether the nonprofit sector provides higher nursing home quality relative to its for-profit counterpart. However,... more
Given the preferential tax treatment afforded nonprofit firms, policymakers and researchers have been interested in whether the nonprofit sector provides higher nursing home quality relative to its for-profit counterpart. However, differential selection into for-profits and nonprofits can lead to biased estimates of the effect of ownership form. By using "differential distance" to the nearest nonprofit nursing home relative to the nearest for-profit nursing home, we mimic randomization of residents into more or less "exposure" to nonprofit homes when estimating the effects of ownership on quality of care. Using national Minimum Data Set assessments linked with Medicare claims, we use a national cohort of post-acute patients who were newly admitted to nursing homes within an 18-month period spanning January 1, 2004 and June 30, 2005. After instrumenting for profit status, we found that post-acute patients in nonprofit facilities had fewer 30-day hospitalizations and greater improvement in pain and ADL functioning.
Abstract Even though the topic of ethical leadership has drawn many research studies in the literature, little has focused on the effect of ethical behavior and practice specifically in nonprofit organizations, on organizational... more
Even though the topic of ethical leadership has drawn many research studies in the literature, little has focused on the effect of ethical behavior and practice specifically in nonprofit organizations, on organizational performance as perceived by members and stakeholders of the organization, which include the staff, the partners, and the volunteers who all contribute toward attaining the organizations’ goals. In order to better understand the effect of ethical leadership on nonprofit organizational performance, this paper examines the relationship between ethical leadership described as competencies and how the organization performs, based on the members perceptions. In other words, the study seeks to determine a correlation (positive or negative) between the two variables, ethical leadership and organizational performance. Using previous studies that focused on nonprofit governance, organizational competencies and ethics, this paper explores a comprehensive overview of previous articles and books identified earlier in this study and discussed in this writer’s research area of concentration and addresses the research methodology that is best to answer the research question, and finally presents the potential weaknesses of the method utilized.
Keywords: Ethical leadership, Leadership behavior, Competencies, Work ethics, Organizational performance, Board chair-CEO.
Introduzione In questo scri o presentiamo uno studio esplorativo sul sistema delle scuole di musica della provincia di Trento. Il nostro lavoro parte da una prospe iva socioeconomica e considera le cara eristiche delle scuole e del... more
Introduzione In questo scri o presentiamo uno studio esplorativo sul sistema delle scuole di musica della provincia di Trento. Il nostro lavoro parte da una prospe iva socioeconomica e considera le cara eristiche delle scuole e del sistema isti-tuzionale di cui esse fanno parte in relazione agli esiti che nel complesso riescono a produrre, non soltanto in termini di istruzione, ma anche di inclusione, partecipazione comu-nitaria, creatività ed espressività artistica. Ci interessa, in-somma, capire meglio quale sia il potenziale di produzione di esternalità immateriali del sistema di istruzione musica-le, motivate da una prospe iva in particolare, e cioè che-dove inclusione, relazionalità e espressione creativa trovano maggiore realizzazione-individui, gruppi, organizzazioni o comunità possono essere più vitali e dunque con possibilità di maggiore benessere (Sacche i, 2019). Quest' articolo, nello specifico, affronta il tema della collaborazione tra scuole di musica nonprofit e amministrazione pubblica, evidenziando gli elementi a supporto e a detrimento della produzione di valore per la comunità. Il Trentino rappresenta un contesto unico rispe o al resto del Paese per un motivo in particolare: ha sviluppato un sistema in cui l'istituzione provinciale e le organizzazio-ni private di Terzo se ore coordinano le proprie risorse in maniera sistemica con l' obie ivo di massimizzare l' accesso alla formazione musicale nella comunità, su un territorio costituito da zone urbane e rurali, a tra i piu osto isolate per via della morfologia territoriale. L'idea è di proporre in primo luogo un approccio conce uale generale a raverso il quale sia possibile poi interpretare il modo in cui l'istruzio-ne musicale si è andata evolvendo in provincia di Trento e, successivamente, presentare i risultati di alcune interviste esplorative, volte a fare emergere ulteriori categorie di ana-lisi e temi da approfondire con ricerche successive, anche in chiave comparata. In Trentino le organizzazioni nonprofit e for profit che offro-no servizi di formazione musicale sono numerose e diversifi-cate. Nel 1987 la Provincia Autonoma di Trento ha istituito il Registro delle scuole musicali trentine, al quale possono ade-rire le organizzazioni che presentino determinati requisiti e che acce ino di rispe are alcune dire ive poste dall' a ore pubblico, fra cui l' applicazione degli Orientamenti dida i-ci provinciali. Se queste condizioni vengono soddisfa e, la Provincia si impegna a finanziare i costi sostenuti, in gran parte per la remunerazione del personale, nell' ambito dell' e-rogazione delle ore di formazione musicale che seguono gli orientamenti dida ici. Gli Orientamenti dida ici provinciali sono stati originaria-mente stabiliti di comune accordo con le scuole e sono stati poi modificati nel tempo per essere adeguati ad alcune istan-ze avanzate comunemente dagli istituti. In generale, essi hanno l' obie ivo di uniformare la formazione su standard comuni. Le scuole sono dotate di una propria rappresentanza, la qua-le tu avia non raccoglie l' adesione di tu e e tredici le scuole comprese nel registro provinciale 1 .
Emerging at the end of the twentieth century, non-profit sector has taken on a new significance. Non-governmental organisations, health institutions, educational institutions and museums are examples for the variety of non-profit... more
Emerging at the end of the twentieth century, non-profit sector has taken on a new significance. Non-governmental organisations, health institutions, educational institutions and museums are examples for the variety of non-profit organisations. Museums are defined as the symbols of national cultures and bridges uniting the past with the present. However, it may be suggested that this definition has lost its validity on a large scale due to globalism that penetrated into our lives in the twentieth century. Globalism and multiculturalism played an important role in the industrialisation of culture, and being the symbols of culture, museums assumed the form of dynamics within this industry. Accordingly, the concept of museum leadership gained importance. The increasing competition amongst museums makes leadership more crucial. Compared to other sectors, museums have not been studied enough in terms of leadership and the late, but the necessary attempt to improve museum leadership is of vital importance for cultural industry. This study first discusses leadership and non-profit organisations separately, and afterwards, it investigates into leadership in non-profit organisations. Lastly, it elaborates on museum leadership, which is a popular concept of the modern day.
Traditional volunteer management is a bureaucratic process involving recruitment, screening, training, assignment, scheduling, recognition, retention, and reporting on volunteers. New workplace technologies provide ways to conduct these... more
Traditional volunteer management is a bureaucratic process involving recruitment, screening, training, assignment, scheduling, recognition, retention, and reporting on volunteers. New workplace technologies provide ways to conduct these tasks with greater efficiency and increased accuracy, thereby enhancing both the volunteer experience and the impact of volunteers on organizational operations. We review the literature regarding theories of technology acceptance and use, technology use in nonprofit organizations, and technology in volunteer programs. Three organizational case studies provide insights into both the promise and limitations of the adoption and use of Volgistics, a commonly used web-based software designed for volunteer management in nonprofit organizations. We conclude by discussing what these cases suggest for the challenges and promise of adoption of new technology in the management of volunteers.
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses,... more
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. Terms &
Nonprofit organizations are increasingly using Internet-based technologies to address accountability. This article presents a set of conceptual, theoretical, and empirical innovations to help understand this phenomenon. First, this... more
Nonprofit organizations are increasingly using Internet-based technologies to address accountability. This article presents a set of conceptual, theoretical, and empirical innovations to help understand this phenomenon. First, this article presents a conceptual framework that delineates two key dimensions of Web-based accountability practices: disclosure and dialogue. It then posits a four-factor explanatory model of online accountability incorporating organizational strategy, capacity, governance, and environment. Last, it tests the model through a content analysis of 117 U.S. community foundation Web sites combined with survey and financial data. The descriptive statistics show that the Web site has been more effectively used to provide financial and performance disclosures than to provide dialogic mechanisms for stakeholder input and interactive engagement. Our multivariate analyses, in turn, highlight capacity- and governance-related variables, especially asset size and board pe...
In recent years, some public officials and advocacy groups have urged that private philanthropies be subject to more uniform standards and stricter government regulation—ranging from board composition to grant distribution to... more
In recent years, some public officials and advocacy groups have urged that private philanthropies be subject to more uniform standards and stricter government regulation—ranging from board composition to grant distribution to philanthropies' charitable purposes. A major justification cited by advocates of these proposals is the claim that the charitable tax exemption and deduction are government subsidies, and thus philanthropic funds are "public money" and should be publicly controlled. Some advocates also claim that philanthropic assets are public money because philanthropies operate under state charters and are subject to state oversight. In the second edition of this monograph , legal scholars Evelyn Brody and John Tyler evaluate the legal basis of the "public money" claim. They conclude that it is not well founded in legal authority. State oversight of philanthropies is not based on an assertion that philanthropies are subject to state direction or that their assets belong to the public, they write. Similarly, the fact that philanthropies have state charters does not make them state agencies or subject them to the constraints that apply to public bodies. Finally, the philanthropies and their donors receive their federal tax benefits in return for the obligation to pursue public rather than private purposes and to comply with the laws designed to ensure the pursuit of such purposes. There is no evidence, Brody and Tyler find, that these benefits were meant to give government other types of control over philanthropies.
This article describes mortality patterns for nonprofit organizations in a major U.S. metropolitan area between 1980 and 1988. Twenty percent of the nonprofits in a paneZ ceased operations during this period. Mortality rates were found to... more
This article describes mortality patterns for nonprofit organizations in a major U.S. metropolitan area between 1980 and 1988. Twenty percent of the nonprofits in a paneZ ceased operations during this period. Mortality rates were found to vary widely. In some instances, high mortality was found in parts of the sector that were growing rapidly. Overall, nonprofits that ceased to operate were younger and smallet; used fewer strategies to attract funders, and had less diversvied income streams than survivors. These patterns also varied substantially. The results point to the drawbacks of using limited or commonsense information and the necessity of theory-based research. HILE there has been an increase in scholarly interest and writing on the subject of organizational decline (for exam-W ple, Cameron, Sutton, and Whetten, 1988), little of this focus has dealt systematically with nonprofit organizations (Cameron, Kim, and Whetten, 1987; Singh, House, and Tucker, 1986; Selle and Oymy-r, 1992 are exceptions). This lack of attention is unfortunate because the nonprofit sector has recently faced a series of financial constraints brought on by cutbacks in public expenditures during the Reagan administration, continued low levels of public expenditures during the Bush adrmnistration, and recessions in the early 1980s and 1990s. In addition, the sector's mission and accountability have increasingly been scrutinized by the public, government, and business (Estes, Binney, and Bergthold, 1989; Goss, 1993), and major institutional funders have, in some cases, reevaluated and changed their funding priorities (Millar and Moore, 1991; Millar, 1991).
Purpose This paper aims to explore how volunteers choose one nonprofit organisation (NPO) rather than another. It identifies the drivers of choice, and the relationship between them, to enable NPOs to strengthen their volunteer... more
Purpose This paper aims to explore how volunteers choose one nonprofit organisation (NPO) rather than another. It identifies the drivers of choice, and the relationship between them, to enable NPOs to strengthen their volunteer recruitment. Design/methodology/approach A total of 51 service-delivery volunteers were interviewed, drawn from 5 leading NPOs. A laddering technique was used to understand the context in which the choice of organisation was made and the underlying personal needs and goals. The data was analysed using means-end chain (MEC) methodology to uncover the relationships between, and hierarchy of, the decision drivers. Findings Brand, cause, and role were found to be important in meeting personal needs and goals through volunteering. The paper makes three contributions. Firstly, it presents a clearer understanding of NPO choice through adopting an integrated theoretical perspective. Secondly, it identifies the decision-making process and key relationships between the...
This paper applies Narver and Slater's (1990) conceptualisation of market orientation to nonprofit organisations. The study constructs a reliable and valid scale of the market orientation in nonprofits in order to test the relationship... more
This paper applies Narver and Slater's (1990) conceptualisation of market orientation to nonprofit organisations. The study constructs a reliable and valid scale of the market orientation in nonprofits in order to test the relationship between nonprofits' market orientation and their performance outcomes in the context of a developing country. We surveyed 211 Indian nonprofits and received 102 usable responses. We used principal axis factoring with oblique rotation to analyse the data. The scale was tested for its dimensionality, reliability and various validities. The findings show a positive link between nonprofits' market orientation and their performance in the context of a developing country. Market-oriented nonprofits were found to be more effective in achieving their organisational mission, beneficiary satisfaction and peer reputation than those that were less market oriented.
Many low-income countries are implementing non-profit medical insurance to increase access to health services, especially among low-income households, and to raise additional revenue for financing public health services. This paper... more
Many low-income countries are implementing non-profit medical insurance to increase access to health services, especially among low-income households, and to raise additional revenue for financing public health services. This paper estimates the effect of insurance on outof-pocket health expenditures using the Vietnam Living Standards Surveys for 1993 and 1998 and appropriate models for panel data. Our findings suggest that health insurance reduces health expenditure when unobserved heterogeneity is accounted for. Failure to capture unobserved heterogeneity produces contrary results that are consistent with previous cross-sectional studies in the literature. After accounting for unobserved heterogeneity, we also find that the reduction in expenditure is more pronounced for individuals with lower incomes, but the benefits are modest in the range of 17 to 20%.
In present-day Russia, the government's approach towards the non-profit sector is in many ways ambivalent and contradictory. The Russian government follows two opposing strategies: it largely suppresses independent and potentially... more
In present-day Russia, the government's approach towards the non-profit sector is in many ways ambivalent and contradictory. The Russian government follows two opposing strategies: it largely suppresses independent and potentially critical NPOs, while at the same time co-opting those that function in line with government priorities. The essay analyses the ways in which NPOs have perceived the dual nature of governmental policies and how these policies have affected the non-profit sector in Russia's regions. The essay argues that, by creating divisions between different types of NPOs, government policies have exerted a negative influence on the internal solidarity of the Russian non-profit sector.
The objective of this paper is to analyze and discuss the role of volunteers in decision-making within the for-profit and non-profit organizations. According to Lawrence and Weber (2011), volunteers are “people who assist others in the... more
The objective of this paper is to analyze and discuss the role of volunteers in decision-making within the for-profit and non-profit organizations. According to Lawrence and Weber (2011), volunteers are “people who assist others in the community through unpaid work.” Volunteers are, according to Ellis (2003), the organization’s unpaid human resources department, the organization’s spokespeople, the community outreach department, and the fundraising department, and they contribute their energy and skills to benefit the organization because they believe in the organization’s mission and vision. Ellis (2003) goes on to state that “Volunteer is a pay rate not a job title."
Community Health Insurance (CHI) in Uganda faces low enrolment despite interest by the Ugandan health sector to have CHI as an elaborate health sector financing mechanism. User fees have been abolished in all government facilities and CHI... more
Community Health Insurance (CHI) in Uganda faces low enrolment despite interest by the Ugandan health sector to have CHI as an elaborate health sector financing mechanism. User fees have been abolished in all government facilities and CHI in Uganda is limited to the private not for profit sub-sector, mainly church-related rural hospitals. In this study, the reasons for the low
This Article combines an analysis of documents submitted in connection with Chapter 11 cases filed by religious organizations with the results of in-depth interviews with these organizations’ leaders and their bankruptcy attorneys to... more
This Article combines an analysis of documents submitted in connection with Chapter 11 cases filed by religious organizations with the results of in-depth interviews with these organizations’ leaders and their bankruptcy attorneys to assess whether reorganization has the potential to offer an effective solution to these debtors’ financial distress. In doing, it makes three contributions. First, it identifies a subset of organizations that seemed more likely to turn to bankruptcy: small congregationalist and non-denominational churches, often with predominately African-American membership. The Article pinpoints salient questions about these churches’ access to credit and use of bankruptcy for future study. Second, it highlights practical considerations for the attorneys, judges, and parties who will be involved in future cases filed by faith-based institutions. Third, it tracks the post-bankruptcy outcomes of a portion of the religious organizations and finds that 64% remained operating either in their original building or in a new location months after the closing of their bankruptcy cases, outcomes which are important to ongoing debates about business bankruptcy policy.
This chapter presents an action research study for the integrated management of ICT and standards compliance. The case reports on a technological institute with multiple certifications. There are an increasing number of nonprofit... more
This chapter presents an action research study for the integrated management of ICT and standards compliance. The case reports on a technological institute with multiple certifications. There are an increasing number of nonprofit organizations that adopt international standards such as ISO9001. ICT becomes critical in this context and must be integrated with the standards requirements, the stakeholders' needs, and the organizational processes. Moreover, combining digital-and paper-based compliance brings challenges to the organizational users and to external auditors. The proposed approach guides ICT management in highly regulated contexts. In the practical case, ICT and compliance become two sides of a single coin. The findings may assist nonprofit organizations in dealing with the increasing pressure of regulations worldwide.
- by Paulo Rupino da Cunha and +2
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- Information Systems, Quality Management, ICT, Regulation
How are nonprofits using information technology (IT) to enhance mission-related outcomes and boost organizational performance? In this paper we examine large-scale survey data of nonprofits’ technology planning, acquisition, and... more
How are nonprofits using information technology (IT) to enhance mission-related outcomes and boost organizational performance? In this paper we examine large-scale survey data of nonprofits’ technology planning, acquisition, and implementation to assess the strategic use of IT in these organizations. We further evaluate their strategic technology-use potential through an examination of those IT-related competencies and practices that the literature deems critical for the successful strategic employment of technology resources. We find several promising developments alongside significant deficits in the strategic utilization of IT, especially in the areas of financial sustainability, strategic communications and relationship-building, and collaborations and partnerships. To boost IT’s mission-related impact, nonprofits will have to enhance their organizational capacities in long-term IT planning; budgeting, staffing, and training; performance measurement; Internet and website capabilities; and the vision, support, and involvement of senior management. Accordingly, we end with recommendations for overcoming some of the most pressing challenges.
Organizational life cycle refers to different stages of operations, spanning from concept and founding to decline and closure. " Life cycles have been used to describe the development needs and life chances of both public and private... more
Organizational life cycle refers to different stages of operations, spanning from concept and founding to decline and closure. " Life cycles have been used to describe the development needs and life chances of both public and private organizations. Life, product, and technology cycles are frequently invoked in business studies, but the notion of life cycles or stages is also common in the study or discussion of public-serving organizations, typically nonprofit organizations. This chapter discusses the life cycles notion generally, but gives special attention to the life cycle idea as it has been applied to nonprofit organizations and social-entrepreneurial action.
Wildlife rehabilitation centers are tasked with the difficult challenge of providing medical care to wildlife while limiting human contact to ensure a successful transition into the wild. Building off of interviews with volunteers and 6... more
Wildlife rehabilitation centers are tasked with the difficult challenge of providing medical care to wildlife while limiting human contact to ensure a successful transition into the wild. Building off of interviews with volunteers and 6 months of participatory observation work, we present a smart habitat design for the rehabilitation of Virginian opossum joeys. Using maker technology, we crafted a prototype utilizing sensors, a microcontroller, and an android application. We then discuss the future direction for this project including improvements and a field deploy.
Charitable crowdfunding is a global and rapidly growing new method for raising money to benefit charities and individuals in need. While mass fundraising has existed for more than a hundred years, crowdfunding is distinguishable from... more
"ABSTRACT In an effort at theoretical clarification, the authors reviewed 45 recent articles reporting empirical research employing the concept of `social capital'. The literature is roughly equally divided between those who treat social... more
In an effort at theoretical clarification, the authors reviewed 45 recent articles reporting empirical research employing the concept of `social capital'. The literature is roughly equally divided between those who treat social capital as an independent variable and those who consider it as a dependent variable, and between those who operationalize the concept principally in terms of norms, values and attitudes and those
who choose a more social structural operationalization, invoking social networks, organizations and linkages. Work on social capital as a mainly normative variable is dominated by political scientists and economists, while sociologists and a wide range of applied social scientists utilize more social structural understandings of the term. We find little to recommend in the use of `social capital' to represent the norms, values and attitudes of the civic culture argument. We present empirical, methodological and theoretical arguments for the irrelevance of `generalized social trust', in particular, as a significant factor in the health of democracies or economic development. Social
structural interpretations of social capital, on the other hand, have demonstrated considerable capacity to draw attention to, and illuminate, the many ways in which social resources are made available to individuals and groups for individual or group benefit, which we take to be the prime focus and central attraction of the social capital concept. The paper concludes by elaborating a context-dependent conceptualization of social capital as access plus resources, and cautions against `over-networked' conceptualizations that equate social capital with access alone."
This paper discusses various issues and challenges facing philanthropy and nonprofit organizations in the United States of America. This report presents effective fundraising strategies and discusses management techniques employed by... more
This paper discusses various issues and challenges facing philanthropy and nonprofit organizations in the United States of America. This report presents effective fundraising strategies and discusses management techniques employed by veterans in the nonprofit sector. Additionally, descriptions of each of the nine major areas associated with foundation funding are summarized, and certain grantsmanship practices are highlighted. Finally, this report will discuss seven basic components necessary for writing a successful grant proposal.
Ground-breaking examination of organizations founded on a social mission – social enterprises, non-profits, co-operatives, credit unions, and community development organizations. The second edition contains six new case studies as well... more
Ground-breaking examination of organizations founded on a social mission – social enterprises, non-profits, co-operatives, credit unions, and community development organizations. The second edition contains six new case studies as well three new chapters addressing leadership and strategic management, and human resources management.
Free Expression of Religion and Freedom of Speech or Not, That is the Question
With newly commissioned contributions from an international set of scholars at the forefront of nonprofit management research, this volume provides a thorough overview of the most current management thinking in this field. It... more
With newly commissioned contributions from an international set of scholars at the forefront of nonprofit management research, this volume provides a thorough overview of the most current management thinking in this field. It contextualizes nonprofit management globally, provides an extensive introduction to key management functions, core revenue sources and the emerging social enterprise space, and raises a number of emerging topics and issues that will shape nonprofit management in future decades. As graduate programs continue to evolve to serve the training needs in the field, The Routledge Companion to Nonprofit Management is an essential reference and resource for graduate students, researchers, and practitioners interested in a deeper understanding of the operation of the nonprofit sector.
Tento text ze sborníku "Dobrovolnictví a nestátní neziskové organizace při řešení následků povodní v ČR" přináší informace o aktivitách ADRA o. p. s. v kontextu mimořádných událostí, zejména povodní. Zabývá se rolí organizace ADRA v rámci... more
Tento text ze sborníku "Dobrovolnictví a nestátní neziskové organizace při řešení následků povodní v ČR" přináší informace o aktivitách ADRA o. p. s. v kontextu mimořádných událostí, zejména povodní. Zabývá se rolí organizace ADRA v rámci pomoci při mimořádných událostech a činností, které ADRA v jejich průběhu vykonává, ať už jde o zprostředkování finanční, materiální či dobrovolnické pomoci. Důležitou součástí činnosti jakékoli organizace v krizovém řízení je spolupráce, proto se jedna část textu zabývá také spoluprací organizace ADRA s ostatními zainteresovanými subjekty. Zahrnuta je také problematika získávání zdrojů (finančních, materiálních i lidských) na aktivity organizace ADRA v krizovém řízení a také dosavadní vývoj ADRA o. p. s.
Based on the county-level longitudinal data in the USA, this study finds that racial diversity is positively associated with the nonprofit sector size. We further find that the share of children below poverty level is negatively... more
Based on the county-level longitudinal data in the USA, this study finds that racial diversity is positively associated with the nonprofit sector size. We further find that the share of children below poverty level is negatively associated with the size of nonprofit sectors. Our findings support the government failure theory. Random effects models also show that federal funding and local funding are positively associated with the size of nonprofit sectors, which confirms interdependence theory. Lastly, we do not find statistically significant relationship between social capital-measured by the number of associations-and the nonprofit sector size. Résumé Fondée sur des données longitudinales nationales américaines, la présente étude démontre que la diversité raciale est positivement associée à la taille des secteurs sans but lucratif. Nous découvrons de plus que la part d'enfants vivant sous le niveau de la pauvreté est négativement associée à la taille des secteurs sans but lucratif. Nos découvertes appuient la théorie de l'échec gouvernemental. Les modèles à effets aléatoires prouvent aussi que les financements fédéraux et locaux sont positivement associés à la taille des secteurs sans but lucratif, ce qui confirme la théorie de l'interdépendance. Nous ne décelons enfin pas de relation statistiquement importante entre le capital social, mesuré par le nombre d'associations, et la taille des secteurs sans but lucratif.
- by Kwang Bin Bae and +1
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- Nonprofit Studies, Nonprofit Organizations
Use to analyze a nonprofit's financial health quickly and visually.
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social sciences, and this volume gives readers for the first time a set of studies exemplifying what applied phronesis looks like in practice. The reflexive analysis of values and power gives new meaning to the impact of research on policy and practice. Real Social Science is a major step forward in a novel and thriving field of research. This book will benefit scholars, researchers, and students who want to make a difference in practice, not just in the academy. Its message will make it essential reading for students and academics across the social sciences.
- by Bent Flyvbjerg and +1
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- Screenwriting, Critical Theory, Critical Theory, Critical Theory
This article describes the application of activity-based costing (ABC) to calculate the unit costs of the services for a health care provider in Peru. While traditional costing allocates overhead and indirect costs in proportion to... more
This article describes the application of activity-based costing (ABC) to calculate the unit costs of the services for a health care provider in Peru. While traditional costing allocates overhead and indirect costs in proportion to production volume or to direct costs, ABC assigns costs through activities within an organization. ABC uses personnel interviews to determine principal activities and the distribution of individual's time among these activities. Indirect costs are linked to services through time allocation and other tracing methods, and the result is a more accurate estimate of unit costs.
British professional football clubs mostly began as mutual, membership clubs, then converted to limited companies, with shares to buy and sell, in the late 19th century. In January 2000, Supporters Direct was launched to promote... more
British professional football clubs mostly began as mutual, membership clubs, then converted to limited companies, with shares to buy and sell, in the late 19th century. In January 2000, Supporters Direct was launched to promote democratic representation of supporters in clubs, backed by the Government, with cross-party support. Supporters' Trusts, some of them newly formed, became the saviours of last resort for several stricken clubs following the 2002 collapse of ITV Digital. However, the battle to compete financially, against clubs subsidised by wealthy backers, has seen several cede ownership back to single businessmen. These recent events have led academics to suggest that the trust movement is at a crisis.
This paper addresses the very different business and financial management issues faced by Brentford F.C. In 2009, Brentford F.C. adopted a supporter owned business model in League One. The case of Brentford F.C. provides a thorough insight of the operational and governance structures required to succeed as a mutual football club. The paper examines the range of potential and actual management responses of Brentford F.C. to financial pressures supplemented by empirical case study analysis. The club struggled to increase ‘much needed’ alternative revenue streams and consequently, in 2013, the Trust reduced their majority share to 51% in order for the club to operate under a hybrid business model. This paper discusses some of the barriers Brentford F.C. experienced whilst adopting sustainable financial management strategies, and evaluates the future role that the Supporters Trust movement can play in ensuring financial prudence.
Úvodní příspěvek ze sborníku "Dobrovolnictví a nestátní neziskové organizace při řešení následků povodní v ČR". Cílem příspěvku je uvést čtenáře do problematiky nestátních neziskových organizací a dobrovolnictví při povodních v ČR,... more
Úvodní příspěvek ze sborníku "Dobrovolnictví a nestátní neziskové organizace při řešení následků povodní v ČR". Cílem příspěvku je uvést čtenáře do problematiky nestátních neziskových organizací a dobrovolnictví při povodních v ČR, definovat základní pojmy a zmínit základní souvislosti. Příspěvek obsahuje základní přehled činností jednotlivých nestátních neziskových organizací (NNO) v souvislosti s mimořádnými událostmi a krizovými situacemi. Také se částečně věnuje právním a ekonomickým aspektům činnosti NNO a dobrovolnictví. Nabízí širší kontext pro další kapitoly, zabývající se jednotlivými organizacemi, případně typy dobrovolnictví.
This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more
This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot contribute to scientific development; (c) the case study is most useful for generating hypotheses, whereas other methods are more suitable for hypotheses testing and theory building; (d) the case study contains a bias toward verification; and (e) it is often difficult to summarize specific case studies. This article explains and corrects these misunderstandings one by one and concludes with the Kuhnian insight that a scientific discipline without a large number of thoroughly executed case studies is a discipline without systematic production of exemplars, and a discipline without exemplars is an ineffective one. Social science may be strengthened by the execution of a greater number of good case studies.
Во овој извештај се анализирани наодите од анкетата „Општествената одговорност на граѓаните“ која беше спроведена по четврти пат на национален репрезентативен примерок на граѓаните на Република Македонија. Цел на истражувањето беше да се... more
Во овој извештај се анализирани наодите од анкетата „Општествената одговорност на граѓаните“ која беше спроведена по четврти пат на национален репрезентативен примерок на граѓаните на Република Македонија. Цел на истражувањето беше да се испита граѓанската одговорност за општествените прашања во Македонија.