Viniculture Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The work Notitia Hungariae novae historico-geographica by Matthias Belius as a versatile source of information on individual Hungarian counties often offers in the plane of selected towns or villages mentions on the topic of viticulture... more

The work Notitia Hungariae novae historico-geographica by Matthias Belius as a versatile source of information on individual Hungarian counties often offers in the plane of selected towns or villages mentions on the topic of viticulture and its various aspects. In the fifty-five villages that fell within the Nógrád County in the Modrý Kameň district, Bel mentioned the cultivation of vineyards or wine production in up to forty of them. Often these are just strict references to the fact that there were vineyards in a certain locality and whether or not fertile grapes were born there. Sometimes, however, these passages are supplemented by knowledge of the terrain on which people tried to plant new vineyards or cultivate already used areas; which conditions helped the growth of the vine and which harmed it; in which localities wine production was the main livelihood; what variety people grew; which wines excelled in their quality or where the inhabitants located the construction of their cellars. References to the history of viticulture of the municipalities of the studied area are obtained from Bel not only to the current Slovak localities such as Veľký Krtíš, Malý Krtíš, Dolné Strháre, Pôtor, Žihľava, Veľké Zlievce, Malé Zlievce, Bušince, Čeláre, Glabušovce, Potôčik, Olováry, Malé Straciny, Veľké Straciny, Obeckov, Nová Ves, Sklabiná, Želovce and Vrbovka; but also to contemporary Hungarian villages such as Szügy, Csesztve, Bodony, Szátok, Patak, Borsosberény, Horpács, Bánk, Felsőpetény, Alsópetény, Legénd, Galgaguta, Felsősáp, Alsósáp, Nézsa, Agárd, Nőtincs, Diósjenő, Verőce, Kosd and Rád.