Viniculture Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Bekilli, Ege Bölgesi'nin Denizli Yöresi'nde (Büyük Menderes Ovası-Yukarı kesim) yer almaktadır. Doğal şartların uygun olması nedeniyle bağcılık yöre halkının uzun yıllardan beri önemli geçim kaynağı olmuştur. Üzüm sofralık tüketimi... more

Bekilli, Ege Bölgesi'nin Denizli Yöresi'nde (Büyük Menderes Ovası-Yukarı kesim) yer almaktadır. Doğal şartların uygun olması nedeniyle bağcılık yöre halkının uzun yıllardan beri önemli geçim kaynağı olmuştur. Üzüm sofralık tüketimi yanında (kuru ve yaş olarak) sanayide kullanılan (şarap, sirke, pekmez yapımında) besin değeri yüksek bir meyvedir. Dünya ve Türkiye ölçeğinde tütün üretim politikalarında meydana gelen değişimlerden doğrudan etkilenen Bekilli ilçesi belde ve köyleri, Ege Bölgesi'nin en kaliteli tütünlerinin üretildiği merkezlerden biri olmasının yanı sıra önemli bir bağcılık merkezi iken tütüncülük kademeli olarak önemini yitirmiş, yerine bağcılık tekrar önem kazanmıştır. İlçede, son yıllarda tütün tarımı yapılan araziler büyük ölçüde kekik ve bağ yetiştirilen alanlara dönüştürülmektedir. Bu tarımsal ürün değişimi, ilçenin tarım ekonomisinde dikkat çekici değişimlere yol açmaktadır. Çalışmalar sonucunda bağ alanları genişlemiş ve üretimde önemli artışlar olmuştur. Üretimdeki artışlar beraberinde bağcılığa dayalı atölye tipi imalat sektörünü ortaya çıkarmış, böylece bağcılığın ekonomik önemi artarak hâkim ekonomik fonksiyon durumuna gelmiştir. Buna rağmen bağcılık tümüyle geleneksel işletme yöntemlerinden kurtulamamıştır. Başta verim düşüklüğü ve pazarlama olmak üzere halen çözüm bekleyen önemli sorunlarla karşı karşıyadır. Yeterli bir ekonomik refah düzeyi sağlayamadığından halk İzmir, Manisa ve Denizli gibi yakın şehirlere göç etmektedir.

The complexity of regional study of municipal elites in the Greek part of the Roman Empire is commonly known. Nonetheless, many aspects of the Cretan notables' activity can be investigated, not only in the island but also in other regions... more

The complexity of regional study of municipal elites in the Greek part of the Roman Empire is commonly known. Nonetheless, many aspects of the Cretan notables' activity can be investigated, not only in the island but also in other regions of the Empire. Material is distributed among four large chapters: 1/ Polis and its organization, 2/ Cretan Koinon, 3/ Mobility of municipal elites in Crete, 4/ Economy. Yet again it is clear that one should regularly appeal to various types of evidence because inscriptions surely constitute material most abounding in first-rate information but often insufficient to obtain pertinent results. In every stage of the research one seeks to assess the degree of changes in comparison with Hellenistic epoch. In this way Crete appears to us as the land of old traditions which continued to exert great influence in Roman period. On the other hand, some forms, inherited from the remote times, received entirely new content, in conformity with general tendencies of the epoch.

Cultural history of wine and winemaking in the Tur Abdin region

RESUMEN El proceso de vinificación resulta especialmente adecuado para ser llevado a cabo como experiencia de laboratorio en asignaturas de ciencias en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria o en el Bachillerato, tanto por los contenidos... more

RESUMEN El proceso de vinificación resulta especialmente adecuado para ser llevado a cabo como experiencia de laboratorio en asignaturas de ciencias en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria o en el Bachillerato, tanto por los contenidos químico-biológicos del proceso, como por la importancia cultural y económica que posee en algunas regiones, como ocurre en nuestro caso, en la Serranía Norte de Cádiz. En este artículo presentamos un proceso detallado de elaboración de vino tinto enfocado para ser llevado a cabo en el laboratorio escolar. ABSTRACT Vinification: A chemical process of great cultural and economic transcendence. The chemical and biological contents of the winemaking process, with its cultural and economic relevance in some regions, like ours, in the mountainous part in the north of Cadiz, make of it an experience especially adequate to be carried on laboratories in Compulsory Secondary Education or in Spanish Baccalaureate. In this paper we present a detailed winemaking of red wine, focused to be carried on in educational laboratories.

Analizamos los principales hitos de la historia de la vitivinicultura en el territorio de la actual Denominación de Origen Cariñena, en Aragón (España). La investigación en la larga duración (siglos XII-XX) revela períodos decisivos en la... more

Analizamos los principales hitos de la historia de la vitivinicultura en el territorio de la actual Denominación de Origen Cariñena, en Aragón (España). La investigación en la larga duración (siglos XII-XX) revela períodos decisivos en la creación y consolidación del viñedo y la vinicultura de la región. Así, la expansión de la vid por los más diversos terrazgos es el resultado de la apuesta por este cultivo hecha por los poderes políticos medievales para colonizar económica y socialmente este territorio y construir espacios vitícolas allí donde los condicionantes de clima, relieve
y suelo dificultaban el asentamiento de pobladores. La información procedente de fuentes archivísticas, tratados económicos y relatos de viajes se hace eco de los procesos de creación y consolidación de una tradición vitivinícola y de un paisaje
que se transformó a partir del siglo XVIII gracias a la progresiva aplicación de las ideas ilustradas y a la paulatina introducción de modernas técnicas agrícolas. Desde la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, cultivadores y productores se centraron en renovar las plantaciones, en la vinificación y en la comercialización. La llegada del ferrocarril (1887), la conquista de nuevos mercados, la rápida superación de la crisis filoxérica y, ya en 1932, la creación de la Estación Enológica acabaron por sentar las bases de una especialización vitivinicultora que es motor de desarrollo en
la actualidad."

Ancient Roman wine is found outside of the borders of the Roman world as a result of the Roman influence, trade and political relations. In our project, we decided to extensively research and recreate the ancient method of wine making in... more

Ancient Roman wine is found outside of the borders of the Roman world as a result of the Roman influence, trade and political relations. In our project, we decided to extensively research and recreate the ancient method of wine making in order to understand ancient viticulture and viniculture as it could have been if implemented outside of the borders. The objective was to recreate roman wine using ancient methods based on ancient texts (such as Columella, Pliny the Elder, Cicero, Cato the Elder, Galenus and Mago). The wine was made using modern grapes grown on lands considered by the Romans as barbaric (i.e., outside the Roman Limes), in modern Poland. The aim of the project—except for the wine making itself—was to measure the level of alcohol created through fermentation process. Ethanol levels in samples were obtained using gas chromatography (GC).

In this text we explore the relationship between vitiviniculture and environment, observing the current conjuncture in which environmental problems are worsening. Taking as a baseline a survey of the literature and as a time frame the... more

In this text we explore the relationship between vitiviniculture and environment, observing the current conjuncture in which environmental problems are worsening. Taking as a baseline a survey of the literature and as a time frame the 1970s to the present, we begin by examining the development of vitiviniculture from the wider perspective of the contemporary global agrifood system, highlighting in particular the environmental impacts generated by this system. Next, taking into account the panorama of vitiviniculture in Brazil, we turn our focus to notions of sustainability with the aim of outlining possibilities for a reconfiguring of this issue and, at the same time, contextualizing the extent to which the country has been pursuing this direction. We conclude that the future of winemaking depends especially on a more harmonious intervention of human beings in the environment.

A napsütéses domboldali és dombháti magaslatok ökológiai adottságait kihasználva, a falvak határában lévő erdei irtásterületeken már a középkorban is szőlőhegyeket telepítettek szerte a Délnyugat-Dunántúlon. A falvak belső telkeitől és az... more

A napsütéses domboldali és dombháti magaslatok ökológiai adottságait kihasználva, a falvak határában lévő erdei irtásterületeken már a középkorban is szőlőhegyeket telepítettek szerte a Délnyugat-Dunántúlon. A falvak belső telkeitől és az egyéb határbéli művelt területektől elkülönülő, gyümölcsösökkel, kaszálókkal, veteményesekkel is vegyesen művelt paraszti szőlőhegyek rohamosan fejlődésnek indultak a török időket követően. Ez a 18. században kezdődő fejlődés egészen a 19. század közepéig tartott. Oszkóban a legrégebbi ismert szőlőhegyi présház mestergerendáján is az 1762-es évszám volt olvasható. Az egykor kézi munkaerővel és kézi szerszámokkal fenntartott paraszti szőlőhegyeken a hegygazdák ugyan külön művelték saját szőlőbirtokaikat, azonban a szőlőhegyek egésze a szomszédságokból szerveződő, önrendelkező, valódi közösségeket alkotott. Vasvár környékén minden falu igyekezett külön, önálló szőlőheggyel is bírni azokon a határbéli területeken, amely alkalmas volt a szőlőtermesztésre. A falvak határában lévő kisparcellás szőlőhegyek saját közigazgatással is rendelkeztek. A hegybéli közösségek elöljárói voltak általánosságban a megválasztott hegybíró, a hegymester és a felfogadott hegypásztor. A hegygazdáknak a városi kézműves céhekhez hasonlóan saját ládájuk és pecsétjük volt, valamint írott és pontokba szedett hegytörvényeik (artikulusok), hegykönyvük (protocollum).

Encounters of Production and Consumption in Viniculture: Identity Construction, Expert Knowledge, and Narrative Propagation ____________________________________________________ Wine is more than a commodity and has been given a life of... more

Encounters of Production and Consumption in Viniculture: Identity Construction, Expert Knowledge, and Narrative Propagation
Wine is more than a commodity and has been given a life of its own, owing its survival and success to the millions of people who produce, purchase, consume and otherwise participate in its advancement. A quality wine is the product of centuries of inherited wisdom about grapes, microclimates, taste reception, and of trial and error on a massive scale. Here, I have looked at the ways that human encounter has shaped and been shaped by viniculture. I also ask whether trust in expert judgments of quality reflect accuracy or merely reflect economic motivations or market authorities of the wine market, and look at the ways that situated, local, and partial constructions of narratives have been harmful to Portuguese cork farmers. Employing methods of map, media, and interview analysis and making use of the theories of several outside scholars, I have aimed for a breakdown of the reticulation of knowledge, culture and environment as well as a look at the spectrum of actors that are involved in the formation of socioeconomic realities of viticulture. Importantly, what can be gained and concluded from this work is an understanding of the relationship between wine and those immersed in its culture as reciprocal. ______________________________________________________
KEY WORDS: viniculture; expert knowledge; narrative; discourse; identity; wine; cork; Californ

A través de esta comunicación realizamos un análisis y descripción de un conjunto de construcciones vernáculas relacionadas con el cultivo tradicional del vino en La Mancha. Estas construcciones se erigen en un valioso legado no sólo por... more

A través de esta comunicación realizamos un análisis y descripción de un conjunto de construcciones vernáculas relacionadas con el cultivo tradicional del vino en La Mancha. Estas construcciones se erigen en un valioso legado no sólo por sus características formales, sino también como representación de una forma de vida y de un modelo de explotación del territorio.
En este sentido, también queremos denunciar la seria amenaza que representan los cambios experimentados en las últimas décadas en el modelo productivo rural, y que suponen una destrucción progresiva de este patrimonio. Ante esta situación se hace imprescindible el respeto y la puesta en valor de este patrimonio, ya que forma parte de un bagaje cultural y social en riesgo de desaparición.

The paper discusses the mustard plant and its place in the material culture of the Land of Israel during the Hellenistic and, most notably, the Roman period. The unique characteristics of the plant, its pungency and the minute size of its... more

The paper discusses the mustard plant and its place in the material culture of the Land of Israel during the Hellenistic and, most notably, the Roman period. The unique characteristics of the plant, its pungency and the minute size of its seeds, made it a common motif in the genre of parable in the ancient East and the Mediterranean basin, as well as in the rabbinical literature. The beginning of the paper illustrates the mustard and its uses, with an emphasis on Mishnah, Shabbat 20.2. The focus of the discussion is the clarification of the term מסננת של חרדל and its association with Roman viniculture. Accordingly, the terms יין חרדלי and יין גורדלי are discussed. On the basis of this analysis the final part of the paper is devoted to the origin of the Hebrew word חרדל. Consequently the name Ardala/ חרדלא, which occurs in the accounts of Flavius Josephus and in a recently discovered Aramaic inscription in Jerusalem,
is elucidated and set in its historical and social context of the late Second Temple period.

The work Notitia Hungariae novae historico-geographica by Matthias Belius as a versatile source of information on individual Hungarian counties often offers in the plane of selected towns or villages mentions on the topic of viticulture... more

The work Notitia Hungariae novae historico-geographica by Matthias Belius as a versatile source of information on individual Hungarian counties often offers in the plane of selected towns or villages mentions on the topic of viticulture and its various aspects. In the fifty-five villages that fell within the Nógrád County in the Modrý Kameň district, Bel mentioned the cultivation of vineyards or wine production in up to forty of them. Often these are just strict references to the fact that there were vineyards in a certain locality and whether or not fertile grapes were born there. Sometimes, however, these passages are supplemented by knowledge of the terrain on which people tried to plant new vineyards or cultivate already used areas; which conditions helped the growth of the vine and which harmed it; in which localities wine production was the main livelihood; what variety people grew; which wines excelled in their quality or where the inhabitants located the construction of their cellars. References to the history of viticulture of the municipalities of the studied area are obtained from Bel not only to the current Slovak localities such as Veľký Krtíš, Malý Krtíš, Dolné Strháre, Pôtor, Žihľava, Veľké Zlievce, Malé Zlievce, Bušince, Čeláre, Glabušovce, Potôčik, Olováry, Malé Straciny, Veľké Straciny, Obeckov, Nová Ves, Sklabiná, Želovce and Vrbovka; but also to contemporary Hungarian villages such as Szügy, Csesztve, Bodony, Szátok, Patak, Borsosberény, Horpács, Bánk, Felsőpetény, Alsópetény, Legénd, Galgaguta, Felsősáp, Alsósáp, Nézsa, Agárd, Nőtincs, Diósjenő, Verőce, Kosd and Rád.

The Cretan economy (or rather economies) should be considered from a much broader perspective than that which is used in the interpretative pattern of agrarian economy. And in fact, according to several pieces of epigraphical as well as... more

The Cretan economy (or rather economies) should be considered from a much broader perspective than that which is used in the interpretative pattern of agrarian economy. And in fact, according to several pieces of epigraphical as well as numismatic evidence, it seems feasible to prove that as early as the end of the archaic and the beginning of the classical period the Gortynian economy reveals a few relevant features of a mixed system where the old agrarian parameters coexist perfectly with the new commercial ones. On the one hand, some epigraphical sources – which are particularly related to the issue of local slave system – suggest that at the turn of the 6th to the 5th century BCE the Gortynian economy is “modern” in nature on the level of urban activities and, at the same time, “primitive” in nature on the level of rural activities, because while the urban sector would largely resort to chattel slavery, the rural would mainly continue to use traditional serfdom. Such a long-lived dichotomy would persist apparently until the end of the classical period. On the other hand, the numismatic evidence points out clearly that a regular monetary circulation starts in Cretan poleis a little later than in the most advanced commercial places of the Greek world like Aegina, Corinth, Athens or Samos and coastal cities of Asia Minor, but much earlier than in Sparta. It may be implicitly stated once again that the controversy over the dominant character of the Greek economy, in other words the sharp antagonism “modernism vs primitivism”, seems rather useless and sterile. At Gortyn the classification would depend dialectically on the sector of the local economy. Taking all this into account, the present paper aims firstly to determine the main trends in the development of both types of Cretan slavery, i.e. serfdom and chattel slavery, in their reciprocity, from the archaic to the Hellenistic period; then to identify its economic factors, against the background of socio-political dynamics; and finally to draw a fundamental functional distinction between serfdom and chattel slavery. Online publication:

Indagare la storia del vino e dei vitigni italiani nel mondo attraverso i tanti religiosi nostri connazionali che hanno avuto e hanno tutt'ora un ruolo diretto nella diffusione e nella coltivazione della vite fuori dal nostro Paese è una... more

Indagare la storia del vino e dei vitigni italiani nel mondo attraverso i tanti religiosi nostri connazionali che hanno avuto e hanno tutt'ora un ruolo diretto nella diffusione e nella coltivazione della vite fuori dal nostro Paese è una prospetitva inedita, Accanto alla ricostruzione delle attività dei missionari che hanno agito tra il 1850 e il 1900, si è pensato di dar voce, infatti, a esperienze attuali riportando la testimonianza di iniziative vitivinicole che vedono protagonisti religiosi italiani, Ne sono l'esempio la cantina Cremisan in Palestina e la vinha Maria Chaves nell'Isola di Fogo a Capo Verde, due progetti molto diversi tra loro per contesto ed epoca storica, ma che condividono il medesimo uso della vite quale strumento di valorizzazione del territorio, di aiuto alla comunità locale e di autofinanziamento di progetti di valore sociale e culturale, Con la scoperta del Nuovo Mondo la presenza cattolica si modificò in seguito all'espansione coloniale, contribuendo, in questo modo, a trasformare la distribuzione della coltivazione della vite e della produzione del vino, A sancire questo legame, a un primo sguardo non evidente, fu la figura del missionario e delle missioni religiose che nacquero nelle nuove terre dal momento in cui, con il Trattato di Tordesillas nel 1494, il mondo venne diviso fra le potenze iberiche, affidando loro la cristianizzazione dei selvaggi, Se si intende, infatti, l'opera del missionario strettamente connessa all'apostolato del Vangelo, prima, o all'assistenza religiosa dei connazionali poi, senza prendere in considerazione le molteplici attività che i religiosi svolsero e svolgono tutt'ora all'estero, non potremmo comprendere il ruolo prezioso che essi hanno assunto nella diffusione della viticoltura, NEL SOLCO DEGLI EMIGRANTII vitigni italiani alla conquista del mondo

The settlement of ancient Lete was inhabited almost continuously, from the end of Early Neolithic period to the Late Antiquity. In this paper we attempt to reconstruct the settlement evolution during the Neolithic period. Part of two... more

The settlement of ancient Lete was inhabited almost continuously, from the end of Early Neolithic period to the Late Antiquity. In this paper we attempt to reconstruct the settlement evolution during the Neolithic period.
Part of two ditches mark the habitation area of the flat and extended settlement during Liti I (Middle Neolithic period). The ditches were constructed in two different techniques, by chains of pits or in a continuous V-shaped profile. Their depositions included large quantities of pottery and other finds and among them a large group of feet belonging to clay tables, which were related to cooking activities. Two separate settlement areas were investigated; the first was situated to the NW of the modern Liti and the second in a distance of 850 m, near its center.
The two areas display differences in pottery groups that are related mostly to the decoration of pot surface, while the shapes and the typology are similar. Both groups are dated during the same period (Middle Neolithic) and the differences might be related either to the slight chronological variations, or possible alternative choices, related to the social identity and use of each era.
The Neolithic depositions of property no. 7 were interrupted by series of ditches related to viniculture. The ditches were situated in rows of two, oriented in NW-SE direction, in a distance of 1,90 m between them. They measure 2,20X0,35 m and are 0,40 m deep. This is a common system of viniculture in the Greek world. The ditches date after the 4th century BC. Vine was produced for local consumption, not for trade or exports.

In this text we explore the relationship between vitiviniculture and environment, observing the current conjuncture in which environmental problems are worsening. Taking as a baseline a survey of the literature and as a time frame the... more

In this text we explore the relationship between vitiviniculture and environment, observing the current conjuncture in which environmental problems are worsening. Taking as a baseline a survey of the literature and as a time frame the 1970s to the present, we begin by examining the development of vitiviniculture from the wider perspective of the contemporary global agrifood system, highlighting in particular the environmental impacts generated by this system. Next, taking into account the panorama of vitiviniculture in Brazil, we turn our focus to notions of sustainability with the aim of outlining possibilities for a reconfiguring of this issue and, at the same time, contextualizing the extent to which the country has been pursuing this direction. We conclude that the future of winemaking depends especially on a more harmonious intervention of human beings in the environment.

Sulphur was one of the main raw materials to be traded in the Roman period. The high request had to encourage the production of the mineral industry of Agrigento. To have an approximate estimation of sulphur need for a vineyard, we tried... more

Sulphur was one of the main raw materials to be traded in the Roman period. The high request had to encourage the production of the mineral industry of Agrigento. To have an approximate estimation of sulphur need for a vineyard, we tried and reproduce Cato’s recipe of a sulphur mixture, used to defeat some insect attack. In Marcus Porcius Cato, De Agricultura, 95, written in 160 BC c., we can find the exact recipe to produce a mixture used on the grape plants to defeat an insect. As first result, we can say that 8,5 liters of mixture (1 kg of sulphur) was enough for about 25-30 plants; we can evaluate that you need about 250 kgxhectare. It is quite evident that the request of sulphur had to be very consistent, as much as the one of bitumen, especially from the areas with the higher wine production.

Este trabalho procura dar um contributo para a melhoria e competitividade do sector vitivinícola em Portugal. Nesse sentido, recorrendo ao estudo de casos, procura-se descrever as práticas em matéria de contabilidade de custos, referentes... more

Este trabalho procura dar um contributo para a melhoria e competitividade do sector vitivinícola em Portugal. Nesse sentido, recorrendo ao estudo de casos, procura-se descrever as práticas em matéria de contabilidade de custos, referentes a duas empresas daquele sector, para depois apresentarmos uma proposta de modelo de custeio aplicável ao sector. No modelo de custeio proposto merece especial destaque a opção pelo custeio baseado nas actividades (ABC) para imputação dos custos de transformação aos objectos dos custos.

Este trabalho tem por objetivo fazer uma análise de como a história da vitivinicultura são-roquense foi grandemente influenciada pela imigração portuguesa e italiana. Na primeira fase do trabalho faço uma análise do período da fundação da... more

Este trabalho tem por objetivo fazer uma análise de como a história da vitivinicultura são-roquense foi grandemente influenciada pela imigração portuguesa e italiana.
Na primeira fase do trabalho faço uma análise do período da fundação da cidade, mas já apresentando características que futuramente justificariam a boa aceitação climática da cultura da uva e por conseqüência a fabricação do vinho, mostrando que mesmo o fundador da cidade, Pedro Vaz de Barros, já tinha por hábito o cultivo da uva, até então somente para consumo próprio. Logo após esse período, talvez pela falta de documentação, encontra-se uma grande lacuna de informações quanto à produção de vinho em toda região. Preferindo não fazer qualquer tipo de conjecturas, não me atrevi a escrever sobre esse período, o qual merecia uma monografia específica de um pesquisador que se ativesse a escrever não somente sobre a indústria vinífera, mas sim sobre a toda a sociedade são-roquense durante os séculos XVI e XVII.
Em seguida, apresento o que seria uma segunda fase: o ressurgimento da cultura da uva, o que justamente coincide com o início do período da imigração italiana e portuguesa, porém com a produção do vinho ainda realizada de maneira amadora, artesanal, quase que tão somente para consumo familiar.
Somente então entramos na fase de profissionalização, o que acontece basicamente a partir do início do século XX, e mais fortemente a partir da década de 1920. Apresento alguns dados estatísticos e também gráficos, com os quais demonstro que a partir desta década ocorre uma verdadeira alavancagem a nível industrial, com o qual o leitor poderá verificar que isso se justifica por ser um período em que os imigrantes já estão basicamente acomodados e bem estabelecidos na região, apresentando condições de aprimorar o processo de fabricação do vinho.
Em resumo, pretendo com esse trabalho organizar esse link de como os imigrantes foram imprescindíveis nesse processo, pois até então a cidade vivia em total estagnação; quais foram os benefícios para toda a região e focar as principais fases do desenvolvimento produtivo da indústria vinífera são-roquense, desde os primeiros produtores até sua decadência.

Sulphur was one of the main raw materials to be traded in the Roman period. The high request had to encourage the production of the mineral industry of Agrigento. To have an approximate estimation of sulphur need for a vineyard, we tried... more

Sulphur was one of the main raw materials to be traded in the Roman period. The high request had to encourage
the production of the mineral industry of Agrigento. To have an approximate estimation of sulphur
need for a vineyard, we tried and reproduce Cato’s recipe of a sulphur mixture, used to defeat some insect attack.
In Marcus Porcius Cato, De Agricultura, 95, written in 160 BC c., we can find the exact recipe to produce
a mixture used on the grape plants to defeat an insect. As first result, we can say that 8,5 liters of mixture (1
kg of sulphur) was enough for about 25-30 plants; we can evaluate that you need about 250 kgxhectare. It is
quite evident that the request of sulphur had to be very consistent, as much as the one of bitumen, especially
from the areas with the higher wine production.

O cultivo de produtos orgânicos, bem como seu consumo, desperta o interesse de indústrias alimentícias, como é o caso de vinícolas situadas na Serra Gaúcha. O objetivo do presente estudo é identificar e analisar os custos e os resultados... more

O cultivo de produtos orgânicos, bem como seu consumo, desperta o interesse de indústrias alimentícias, como é o caso de vinícolas situadas na Serra Gaúcha. O objetivo do presente estudo é identificar e analisar os custos e os resultados de um produto orgânico desde o cultivo da matéria-prima até sua completa industrialização, e compará-los com um produto do mesmo segmento, produzido de forma tradicional, em uma vinícola da Serra Gaúcha. A metodologia utilizada foi estudo de caso, descritivo e qualitativo. Os dados constituem-se dos custos incorridos nos cultivos de uvas orgânicas e tradicionais, com base em um ano safra, e dos custos relativos aos produtos orgânicos e tradicionais elaborados por uma vinícola. Os resultados revelam que o cultivo orgânico possui um custo mais elevado que o tradicional, porém gera mais lucro, pois a uva orgânica é vendida por um valor maior que a convencional. Nos produtos fabricados pela vinícola, constatou-se que, em razão do maior custo de aquisição da matéria-prima orgânica, o produto tem custo superior ao do produto tradicional. No entanto, o preço de venda praticado no orgânico é mais elevado, fazendo com que a lucratividade dele seja superior se comparada com o produto em seu formato tradicional.

Paphlagonia was an ancient region on the Black Sea coast of north central Anatolia, bordered by Bithynia to the west, Pontus to the east and Galatia to the south. Between 2005 and 2008 an archaeological team from the Dokuz Eylül... more

Paphlagonia was an ancient region on the Black Sea coast of north central Anatolia, bordered by Bithynia to the west, Pontus to the east and Galatia to the south. Between 2005 and 2008 an archaeological team from the Dokuz Eylül University in Izmir carried out archaeological field surveys and excavations in the southwestern part of Paphlagonia, especially on the site called "Hadrianoupolis" that situates on the principal western route from the Central Anatolian Plain through the mountains to Bartın and the Black Sea. This site is located 3 km west of the modern town of Eskipazar, near Karabük, in Roman Paphlagonia. Hadrianoupolis and its extensive chora situates between the mountainous areas of the western coastal Black Sea region and fertile Central Anatolian plateau. Numerous Roman and Early Byzantine roads and routes were connected this region with other parts of Asia Minor and Hadrianoupolis was not difficult to be reached. During the Roman and Early Byzantine period the area had an agriculture-based economy and an extensive land use, especially viticulture. Sherds of ribbed storage jars are indeed found at several of the surveyed sites in the region that are clearly connected with the agricultural activities, especially local viticulture . The number of storage vessel finds, especially pithoi, is remarkable at the churches, especially at the Church A; this should be due to the possible viticultural activities in the surroundings of both churches. Perhaps ecclesiastical structures in southwestern Paphlagonia had their own viticultural production during the Early Byzantine period. The hilly areas of Kimistene around the Roman temple should have offered good conditions for viticulture in this landscape. In this paper whole evidences in the relation to ancient viticulture in the area are presented.

Actualmente, en los territorios agrarios vitivinícolas de Chile se constatan dos nuevos tipos de movilidades residenciales: uno, de habitantes rurales hacia las cabeceras comunales, y otro, de habitantes de sectores metropolitanos... more

Actualmente, en los territorios agrarios vitivinícolas de Chile se constatan dos nuevos tipos de movilidades residenciales: uno, de habitantes rurales hacia las cabeceras comunales, y otro, de habitantes de sectores metropolitanos periféricos y pobres hacia sectores urbanizados de comunas con vocación productiva agroindustrial. Esta imagen evidencia la separación definitiva de los espacios productivos y reproductivos, situación que incide en la transformación de los modos de vivir y en nuevas condiciones de desigualdad social en estos territorios.
A partir de una metodología cualitativa, basada en entrevistas en profundidad, se observa cómo surgen distintos escenarios de inclusión y exclusión social, respecto a la accesibilidad a la que pueden optar los diferentes trabajadores/habitantes agrarios dependiendo de la ubicación de su lugar de residencia.

Sulphur was one of the main raw materials to be traded in the Roman period. The high request had to encourage the production of the mineral industry of Agrigento. To have an approximate estimation of sulphur need for a vineyard, we tried... more

Sulphur was one of the main raw materials to be traded in the Roman period. The high request had to encourage the production of the mineral industry of Agrigento. To have an approximate estimation of sulphur need for a vineyard, we tried and reproduce Cato’s recipe of a sulphur mixture, used to defeat some insect attack. In Marcus Porcius Cato, De Agricultura, 95, written in 160 BC c., we can find the exact recipe to produce a mixture used on the grape plants to defeat an insect. As first result, we can say that 8,5 liters of mixture (1 kg of sulphur) was enough for about 25-30 plants; we can evaluate that you need about 250 kgxhectare. It is quite evident that the request of sulphur had to be very consistent, as much as the one of bitumen, especially from the areas with the higher wine production.

By Erkan Aktaş; Abstract: Bu çalışma ilk olarak, bağcılığın ülkemiz açısından önemi ve tarihsel açıdan bağcılığın gelişimini incelenmektedir.

En los últimos años el vino mexicano se ha posicionado en el gusto del consumidor local y extranjero. Los productores del país realizan su mejor esfuerzo para ganar clientes en un mercado competitivo que dominan los vinos importados.

No tempo da vendima, as terras de Galicia énchense de colleiteiros. Aínda que colleitar uva non se usa só para a produción de viño (para uvas de mesa, como as de fin de ano ou para pasas, ou como líquido para mosto e vinagre ou para... more

No tempo da vendima, as terras de Galicia énchense de colleiteiros. Aínda que colleitar uva non se usa só para a produción de viño (para uvas de mesa, como as de fin de ano ou para pasas, ou como líquido para mosto e vinagre ou para outras bebidas alcólicas como brandy, mistela ou vermú), no noso caso é unha produción especialmente vinífera. O Dicionario dá conta desa forte orientación: fronte a xenéricos como uveira, vide, videira, viña, bacelo, cádavo, acio, hai no Dicionario específicos como bagazo, pampo, vendimiño. Así como noutros campos da agricultura a selección xenética permitiu conformar evolucións específicas de froitas e verduras, tamén na uveira se foron escollendo as variedades que máis interesasen, tanto brancas coma tintas (non negras), comezando dende o bacelo e rematando no bagazo. Á ciencia actual que estudia as castes chámase ampelografía, e un dos campos máis frutíferos é a súa filiación.

Sulphur was one of the main raw materials to be traded in the Roman period. The high request had to encourage the production of the mineral industry of Agrigento. To have an approximate estimation of sulphur need for a vineyard, we tried... more

Sulphur was one of the main raw materials to be traded in the Roman period. The high request had to encourage the production of the mineral industry of Agrigento. To have an approximate estimation of sulphur need for a vineyard, we tried and reproduce Cato’s recipe of a sulphur mixture, used to defeat some insect attack. In Marcus Porcius Cato, De Agricultura, 95, written in 160 BC c., we can find the exact recipe to produce a mixture used on the grape plants to defeat an insect. As first result, we can say that 8,5 liters of mixture (1 kg of sulphur) was enough for about 25-30 plants; we can evaluate that you need about 250 kgxhectare. It is quite evident that the request of sulphur had to be very consistent, as much as the one of bitumen, especially from the areas with the higher wine production.

At first the author deals with history of harvesting of grapevine and with legal framework in this aktivity in Czech Republic and Slovakia. In the other part she compares accounting procedures related to harvesting of grapevine in Czrech... more

Au XIXe siècle, de nombreux étrangers ont voyagé en Géorgie. Guidés par une simple curiosité ou par des objectifs scientifiques, ils parcouraient le pays en décrivant les us et coutumes de la population locale. Il s’avère que parmi eux,... more

Au XIXe siècle, de nombreux étrangers ont voyagé en Géorgie. Guidés par une simple curiosité ou par des objectifs scientifiques, ils parcouraient le pays en décrivant les us et coutumes de la population locale. Il s’avère que parmi eux, ce sont les voyageurs français qui s’intéressent davantage à la vini-viticulture de la Géorgie. Des dossiers d’archives conservés dans différents musées ou établissements culturels français témoignent de cet intérêt et nous livrent certains détails – les voyageurs recueillaient non seulement l’information ethnographique sur place, mais aussi des échantillons de différents cépages de vignes, envoyés ensuite en France pour les futures recherches ou, peut-être même pour en assurer la production. Avec le développement de la photographie, les récits de voyageurs s’illustrent par des images fascinantes détaillant les procédés de viticulture.
Le choix, pour la présente exposition, a été porté sur une trentaine d’images, prises par deux voyageurs français – Joseph de Baye et Hugues Krafft. La plupart d’entre elles sont accompagnées par les témoignages ethnographiques de Joseph de Baye. Présentées pour la première fois au public, ces photographies nous font voyager dans les temps et nous racontent la méthode ancienne de vinification (d’ailleurs toujours utilisée en Géorgie de nos jours), ainsi que les traditions et les mœurs liées avec la culture du vin.