Watergate Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

On this day in history August 8, 1974, the 37th President Richard Nixon in a televised address announces to the American public that he is resigning the presidency as of noon on August 9, because of lack of support in upcoming impeachment... more

On this day in history August 8, 1974, the 37th President Richard Nixon in a televised address announces to the American public that he is resigning the presidency as of noon on August 9, because of lack of support in upcoming impeachment proceedings Congress was taking against him over his role in covering up the Watergate break-in scandal. To avoid the House of Representatives’ impeachment trial, Nixon decided to become the first president in history to resign from the office, when he did on August 9, 1974, over two years after the Watergate burglary began the president’s descent into a cover-up that consumed his presidency and launched the nation into a Constitutional Crisis. It would take less than a month later when on September 8, his successor Gerald Ford, would pardon Nixon and the “long national nightmare” would truly be “over” left for history to judge the legacies of Nixon and Ford.

The Tramp Shot theory of the Big Event

CIA’s political warfare and US war crimes.

The American Bar Association’s (“ABA”) practice of requiring students to purchase the Model Rules of Professional Conduct is exploitative and unethical. The ABA uses its role in training lawyers to create a situation which all but... more

In his entire political career, and especially the Watergate debacle, Richard Nixon manifested tragic flaws of the type that dominate Greek and Shakespearian tragedies: hubris, jealousy, and excessive ambition. He was an extremely... more

In his entire political career, and especially the Watergate debacle, Richard Nixon manifested tragic flaws of the type that dominate Greek and Shakespearian tragedies: hubris, jealousy, and excessive ambition. He was an extremely intelligent man, a brilliant if particularly vindictive politician. But it would not be outside enemies that destroyed him. The enemies that undid Nixon were the demons within the man himself.

In defending Queen Caroline in the House of Lords, Henry Brougham declared, “[a]n advocate, by the sacred duty of his connection with his client, knows, in the discharge of that office, but one person in the world, that client and none... more

A través de siete apartados se analiza la cronología de Star Wars, el contexto histórico-social que la determina y cómo se evidencia en la saga. También por qué se puede considerar Star Wars como un mito moderno y cómo refleja el viaje... more

A través de siete apartados se analiza la cronología de Star Wars, el contexto histórico-social que la determina y cómo se evidencia en la saga. También por qué se puede considerar Star Wars como un mito moderno y cómo refleja el viaje del héroe. Son estudiados aspectos religiosos que gira alrededor del concepto de la Fuerza, los aprendizajes biopedagógicos, la interculturalidad manifiesta en la saga y los elementos que ésta posee para que se desarrolle un nuevo camino espiritual llamado jedismo.
Abstract Through seven sections the chronology of Star Wars, the historical and social context that determines it and how is evident in the saga are analyzed. Also in which way Star Wars is a modern myth and how the hero's journey is reflected. Eeligious aspects that revolves around the concept of the Force, the biopedagogy learning, interculturalism manifested in the saga and the elements that this series of films has to develop a new spiritual path called jedism are studied.

When the Judiciary Committee initiated its impeachment inquiry of Richard Nixon for his complicity in Watergate, it was the first time that the House of Representatives had commenced such a proceeding against a president since Andrew... more

When the Judiciary Committee initiated its impeachment inquiry of Richard Nixon for his complicity in Watergate, it was the first time that the House of Representatives had commenced such a proceeding against a president since Andrew Johnson in 1868. Johnson’s impeachment and subsequent Senate acquittal was widely regarded as an example of Congress run amok, its partisanship so blatant and its failure so grand that many Americans assumed that presidential impeachment had become obsolete. But impeachment, by its nature, is political, and each Congress defines the bounds of high crimes and misdemeanors in light of the current political climate. For the House in October 1973, Nixon’s Watergate scandal threatened to breach those limits.
From the outset, Judiciary Chairman Peter Rodino recognized that if his Committee were to recommend impeaching President Nixon without bipartisan support, the American public would interpret it as another Johnson-like fiasco, and a threat to the constitutional system of government. To thwart suspicion that the Democratic majority would impeach Nixon exclusively for its own political gain, Rodino preached fairness to the President, even as Nixon refused to comply with the Committee’s investigation. Despite Rodino’s assurances, however, his procedural proposals—designed in consultation with the Committee’s Special Counsel, John Doar—did not always seem fair enough to many Republicans. At the same time, many Democrats believed that Rodino and Doar had already accorded Nixon too many rights, which encroached upon the House’s constitutionally guaranteed “sole power of impeachment.”
Ultimately, Rodino conceded that he could not marshal a bipartisan majority without making compromises with members who expected more fairness than he and Doar had initially offered. Despite pressure from their congressional leadership, constituents, and the White House, seven southern Democrats and moderate Republicans formed a “Fragile Coalition” to vote their conscience in favor of three articles of impeachment. In doing so, they convinced a fearful and cynical American public that impeachment could be just, and in the case of Richard Nixon, necessary.

This article critically examines the practice of unnamed sourcing in journalism. A literature review highlights arguments in favor of and against their use. The authors examine some common examples of anonymous sourcing using the lens of... more

This article critically examines the practice of unnamed sourcing in journalism. A literature review highlights arguments in favor of and against their use. The authors examine some common examples of anonymous sourcing using the lens of utilitarianism, the ethical model commonly used to justify the practice.We find that few uses of unnamed sourcing can be justified when weighed against diminished credibility and threats to fair, transparent reporting. The authors suggest specific guidelines for journalists that, if followed, would curb many of the pedestrian uses of unnamed sourcing but still allow for the practice in specific circumstances.

This introduction to the latest edition of Katharine the Great tells the story of how the first edition of the book was suppressed. The author wrote this piece based on documents she obtained during her lawsuit against the publisher,... more

This introduction to the latest edition of Katharine the Great tells the story of how the first edition of the book was suppressed. The author wrote this piece based on documents she obtained during her lawsuit against the publisher, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, for breach of contract and damage to reputation. The publisher withdrew the book in response to pressure from Katharine Graham, the publisher of the Washington Post, and Post executive editor Benjamin Bradlee.

This article examines how similar are the ex-president of US, Richard Nixon, and the Colombian ex-president Alvaro Uribe. They had not only a similar reelection campaign, but also a similar scandal related to call interceptions. These two... more

This article examines how similar are the ex-president of US, Richard Nixon, and the Colombian ex-president Alvaro Uribe. They had not only a similar reelection campaign, but also a similar scandal related to call interceptions. These two leaders also have similar personalities, strengths, and behavior. How was the role of mass media and justice in both cases?

In this article, I analyze the text of the Nixon Library’s original Watergate exhibit as Richard Nixon’s final attempt to speak in his own defense and eulogize his political life. To do this, the gallery narrative divided the events of... more

In this article, I analyze the text of the Nixon Library’s original Watergate exhibit as Richard Nixon’s final attempt to speak in his own defense and eulogize his political life. To do this, the gallery narrative divided the events of Watergate into a series of small, seemingly unrelated events that the liberal media and congressional Democrats used to undermine the president. At the same time, the text portrayed Nixon as an active leader defending the executive branch from congressional and judicial overreach. This analysis shows how Nixon relied on rhetorical strategies of differentiation and transcendence to resuscitate his status as elder statesman. It also suggests that critics should consider the apologic potential of other memorial sites, particularly presidential libraries.

When the American Bar Association (ABA) adopted its Code of Professional Responsibility at its annual meeting in August 1969, the American legal profession was a publicly respected and economically vibrant body. Lawyers, though always... more

When the American Bar Association (ABA) adopted its Code of Professional Responsibility at its annual meeting in August 1969, the American legal profession was a publicly respected and economically vibrant body. Lawyers, though always more feared than loved, became increasingly important in post-World War II America. The demand for their services exploded for a quarter-century, and lawyers assumed an increased role in the economic and political life of the United States. During the 1950s and early 1960s, the Cold War led American lawyers and other public figures to re-emphasize the rule of law as defining the difference between the United States and the Soviet Union. Relatedly, American lawyers argued they possessed a central role in maintaining the rule of law. From the 1950s through the mid-1960s, the popular image of lawyers may have peaked. It was at this time that the ABA began its work to update the 1908 Canons of Ethics. The ABA’s adoption of the Code of Professional Responsi...

When Watergate burglar James McCord died two years ago at the age of 93, his family wanted no obituary. So his death didn’t make national news until just a few weeks ago, when it was reported on the day the Mueller report was released.... more

When Watergate burglar James McCord died two years ago at the age of 93, his family wanted no obituary. So his death didn’t make national news until just a few weeks ago, when it was reported on the day the Mueller report was released. Given McCord’s pivotal role in bugging Democratic National Committee headquarters and exposing the Watergate coverup, the news could not have been more timely. Two years before his death, McCord shared a PowerPoint presentation with his family, revealing important details about his CIA career and his secret motivation for the break-in that were never revealed publicly.

Media pada hakikatnya adalah sebuah sarana yang dibuat sebagai penyalur informasi bagi masyarakat. Oleh karena sifatnya yang merakyat tersebut media sering disebut sebagai media massa. Media massa tidak memiliki arti sempit hanya dalam... more

Media pada hakikatnya adalah sebuah sarana yang dibuat sebagai penyalur informasi bagi masyarakat. Oleh karena sifatnya yang merakyat tersebut media sering disebut sebagai media massa. Media massa tidak memiliki arti sempit hanya dalam televisi, atau radio, dan juga koran. Namun media massa merupakan istilah yang mencakup keseluruhan bentuk dari fasilitas informasi masyarakat. Melalui media, masyarakat memenuhi keinginan untuk mengetahui keadaan, situasi dan informasi tentang negara mereka. Di masa modern, media juga memiliki peran politik yang mampu memicu kebingungan massa, jatuhnya sebuah rezim, dan menurunnya kepercayaan terhadap pemerintah yang berlaku. Susan Pharr, seorang pengamat Jepang mengemukakan empat pandangan bagi media yang saling berlawanan, yaitu: pertama media sebagai penonton (spectator); kedua, sebagai penjaga (watchdog); ketiga, sebagai pelayan (servant); dan keempat, sebagai penipu (trickster). Pharr memandang media sebagai penipu, dengan istilah yang dibuatnya karena Pharr memandang media adalah partisipan aktif dalam proses politik. Dampak dari peran penipu ini adalah pembangunan perspektif baru dalam masyarakat yang mampu menghasilkan komunitas atau kubu-kubu baru dalam masyarakat.

Der Politthriller ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN (Alan J. Pakula, 1976) über die Watergate-Berichterstattung der beiden Washington-Post-Reporter Carl Bernstein (Dustin Hoffman) und Bob Woodward (Robert Redford) wird hier narrativ und motivisch... more

Der Politthriller ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN (Alan J. Pakula, 1976) über die Watergate-Berichterstattung der beiden Washington-Post-Reporter Carl Bernstein (Dustin Hoffman) und Bob Woodward (Robert Redford) wird hier narrativ und motivisch als “Mastertext” des modernen Journalismus-Films gelesen.

This book takes up two questions revolving around the sovereign people in a liberal democracy as a collective agent. First, can we talk about "the people" as an agent with its own morally important integrity? Second, how should we... more

This book takes up two questions revolving around the sovereign people in a liberal democracy as a collective agent. First, can we talk about "the people" as an agent with its own morally important integrity? Second, how should we understand ownership of public property by "the people"? After developing philosophical answers to both of these questions, I go on to illustrate their practical value in thinking through a variety of real-world policy problems, ranging from the domestic and international dimensions of corruption, through transitional justice issues, to ethnic and religious divides that threaten liberal democracy.

The delayed sentencing of former national security adviser Michael Flynn — for lying to investigators about “sensitive matters” discussed with the Russian ambassador to the United States during the Trump presidential transition — leaves... more

The delayed sentencing of former national security adviser Michael Flynn — for lying to investigators about “sensitive matters” discussed with the Russian ambassador to the United States during the Trump presidential transition — leaves unanswered questions about alleged collusion between Flynn and the Russians during the 2016 campaign. It also evokes parallels with another former national security adviser, Richard Allen. Allen played a leading role in the Anna Chennault affair, a secret plan formed by Richard Nixon’s campaign to collude with the South Vietnamese government during the 1968 presidential campaign and sabotage Vietnam peace talks in Paris to ensure a Nixon victory.

1976 senesinde, basın dramalarının altın standardını belirleyen Alan J. Pakula klasiği-ki skandal kelimesini heyecanla telaffuz etmemize sebep olan az sayıda filmden biridir- “Başkanın Bütün Adamları”, geçtiğimiz ay, halefi “Spotlight”’ın... more

1976 senesinde, basın dramalarının altın standardını belirleyen Alan J. Pakula klasiği-ki skandal kelimesini heyecanla telaffuz etmemize sebep olan az sayıda filmden biridir- “Başkanın Bütün Adamları”, geçtiğimiz ay, halefi “Spotlight”’ın naçizane reveransıyla yeniden hatırlandı. Pakula’nın şaheseri, Watergate hırsızlığını çevreleyen cevapsız soruları yanıtlama ateşiyle haber peşinde koşan idealist gazetecilerin, yolsuzluk tenceresini karış karış yokladığı, gerilimin ve ince detayların filmiydi bir bakıma. Amerikan bürokrasisinin, politikacıların ve onları yaratan çarpık sistemden nemalanan hatırı sayılır derecede kalabalık bir kitlenin varlığına işaret ederek, siyaset, seçimler ve demokrasi hakkındaki yerleşik algıları kökünden sarsmıştı.

In anticipation of the Mueller report, political commentators and historians have drawn numerous parallels with Watergate and the impeachment proceedings against President Richard M. Nixon. A month after Nixon’s resignation in August... more

In anticipation of the Mueller report, political commentators and historians have drawn numerous parallels with Watergate and the impeachment proceedings against President Richard M. Nixon. A month after Nixon’s resignation in August 1974, President Gerald R. Ford pardoned him. But history has forgotten the only other man granted a presidential pardon for his role in the Watergate crimes, and why the pardon was given.

Dirty Tricks provides the first detailed analysis of the CIA’s recently-released internal history of Watergate, documenting the backgrounds of the burglars and their associations with the Agency in unprecedented detail, and how the Nixon... more