Youth Employment Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Diseño curricular para Jóvenes Constructores El Salvador.
This qualitative study is part of wider project (Policies and Young People in Rural Development, hereafter designated PAYPIRD), involving researchers and “rural youth” in six other European Union (EU) member states: Austria, France,... more
This qualitative study is part of wider project (Policies and Young People in Rural Development, hereafter designated PAYPIRD), involving researchers and “rural youth” in six other European Union (EU) member states: Austria, France, Finland, Germany, Ireland, and the UK (Scotland). It has been developed and financed under the EU’s 4th
Framework Programme for Research, Technology and Development. The overall aim of the PaYPiRD project is to analyse the effects of policies on young people (i.e. aged 16-25)
across rural areas of Europe, focusing particularly on their integration into or exclusion from labour markets.
Interest in green jobs has grown dramatically in the last decade, and so has the number of studies around the world looking at the number and types of green jobs. Very few studies have looked at the demographics, however, of future and... more
Interest in green jobs has grown dramatically in the last decade, and so has the number of studies around the world looking at the number and types of green jobs. Very few studies have looked at the demographics, however, of future and current green jobs holders, and none has asked how many young people hold or might hold green jobs. This is in spite of an economic crisis in which youth unemployment has reached an all-time high in the United States of nearly 20%. By comparing the occupations with the most green jobs with those that employ the most youth, we find that there is a somewhat negative relationship: on average, youth jobs will likely not be green jobs. We conclude that about 11.3% of all green jobs in the U.S. are held by youth. In comparison, about 12.3% of all jobs in the U.S. economy are held by youth 16-24. However, this varies by occupation, with some occupations, particularly office and administrative jobs, having about 14% of all clean economy jobs and about 14% of all youth jobs. Also, since green jobs are expected to create more jobs overall in the economy compared to equal investments or policies designed to support fossil fuels, and youth have expressed a strong interest in renewable energy and fighting climate change, we expect youth to benefit nonetheless from green jobs programs. At the Rio+20 Earth Summit in June 2012, we recommend governments and other major actors commit to accounting for the employment potential among various demographics, including across different ages of workers, when designing green jobs policies and studies. We also recommend increased education, internship opportunities and support for youth
entrepreneurs, scientists and engineers.
Descent-based hierarchies shape the lives of members of 20 ethnic groups across West Africa and the Sahel. Yet, except for work on human rights violations against people of slave descent, little research investigates the experiences of... more
Descent-based hierarchies shape the lives of members of 20 ethnic groups across West Africa and the Sahel. Yet, except for work on human rights violations against people of slave descent, little research investigates the experiences of other groups within these hierarchies, or the influence of descent-based identities on wider development issues. Hence, this paper examines the intersecting influences of descent-based identity and gender on education and employment among the Haalpulaar’en in the Futa Tooro, northern Senegal, focusing on women of the dominant group, the Muslim clerics or tooroɓe. On one hand, their families’ privileged access to capital enabled their trajectories. However, patriarchal notions of honour and respectability, including expectations to marry young, limited their educational careers. Restrictive definitions of ‘noble’ work also reduced their employment options. Analysis of the occupation of hair-braiding unpacks how beliefs in supernatural forces underpinned these ideals and how women negotiated and sometimes challenged these norms.
It is required that all applicants submit their biometrics information (15 min identity check) at a Visa Application Centre within 30 days of submitting your application. This currently can only be submitted at an office in Sydney,... more
It is required that all applicants submit their biometrics information (15 min identity check) at a Visa Application Centre within 30 days of submitting your application. This currently can only be submitted at an office in Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland or Bali. (More locations available overseas if required). Steps will be explained in the process below.
Rapor şu şekilde yapılandırılmıştır. Öncelikle dünyada ve Türkiye’de yenilenebilir enerji sektörü istihda- mıyla ilgili literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Ardından Türkiye’de meslek ve teknik liseleri mezunlarının istihdama katılımı ile... more
Rapor şu şekilde yapılandırılmıştır. Öncelikle dünyada ve Türkiye’de yenilenebilir enerji sektörü istihda- mıyla ilgili literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Ardından Türkiye’de meslek ve teknik liseleri mezunlarının istihdama katılımı ile ilgili çalışmalar taranmıştır ve sözkonusu liselerde eğitim müfredatında ye-nilenebilir enerji teknolojilerinin nasıl yer aldığı incelenmiştir. Yenilenebilir Enerji sektöründe mesleki standartların nasıl geliştiği ve ilgili resmi ve sivil kurumların çalışmaları ele alınmıştır. Projenin yerel ayağının yürütüldüğü Çanakkale’de 10 teknik ve mesleki liseden 325 öğrencinin katılımıyla bir anket uygulaması yapılmıştır. Anket, öğrencilerin yenilenebilir enerji sektörü hakkındaki genel bilgilerini ölçmek; yenilenebilir enerji sektörüne dair derslerin ne ölçüde müfredatta yer aldığını belirlemek ve sektördeki istihdam olanaklarının bilinirliğini ölçmek amacıyla hazırlanan sorular- dan oluşturulmaktadır. Bu raporun ana gövdesini ise yenilenebilir enerji sektöründen rüzgar ve güneş firmaları ve sektörel dernekler ile görüşmelerin sonuçlarını oluşturulmuştur. Yenilenebilir enerji sektöründe faaliyet gösteren rüzgar ve güneş şirketlerinden insan kaynakları yöneticileri, saha operasyon yöneticileri ve pazarlama temsilcilerine üç temel alanda sorular yöneltilerek görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Görüşmelerin ilk bölümünde rüzgar ve güneş firmalarının yenilenebilir enerji sektörünün genel istihdam yapısı hakkındaki görüşleri, ikinci bölümünde bu şirketlerin istihdam ettikleri genç teknik personelin mesleki becerileri ve onlara sundukları staj ve kariyer olanakları ve işe alım kanalları, üçüncü bölümünde ise şirketler açısından istihdamın önündeki engeller ve çözüm önerileri yer alacak şekilde yapılandırıldıRaporun sonuç kısmında ise gerek geçmişte yapılmış çalışmaların gerekse sektörel görüşlerin ışı- ğında yenilenebilir enerji alanında genç istihdamı konusunda mevcut problemlerin tespit edilmesi ve alternatif modellerin geliştirilmesine yardımcı olabilmek için politika önerilerine ayrılmıştır.
En muchos países de la región se observan dos procesos paralelos. Por un lado, un incremento de lo que podemos denominar la informalidad residencial (el crecimiento de sectores urbanos con falta de acceso a servicios públicos y derechos... more
En muchos países de la región se observan dos procesos paralelos. Por un lado, un incremento de lo que podemos denominar la informalidad residencial (el crecimiento de sectores urbanos con falta de acceso a servicios públicos y derechos de propiedad). Por otra parte, un incremento de la informalidad laboral (el crecimiento de sectores laborales caracterizados por bajos ingresos y falta de protección frente al desempleo, enfermedad y/o jubilación). Sin embargo, sabemos relativamente poco sobre la relación causal entre estas informalidades: ¿Son los mismos individuos los que tienden a caracterizarse por una u otra forma de informalidad?. ¿Son las dos informalidades consecuencia de algún fenomeno más amplio?. ¿Alguna de las dos informalidades tiende a generar la otra?. Si este fuera el caso, ¿cuáles son los micro mecanismos operantes?. Este artículo presenta datos originales sobre segregación residencial e informalidad laboral para evaluar estas preguntas, para el caso de Montevideo, Uruguay
Unemployment among youth in Uganda is on the rise. This Conference paper examines ways through which youth can be rendered economically viable through practical skilling, changing their mindset, and vocationalisation. The paper was... more
Unemployment among youth in Uganda is on the rise. This Conference paper examines ways through which youth can be rendered economically viable through practical skilling, changing their mindset, and vocationalisation. The paper was delivered at an international Youth conference organized by Buganda Kingdom in 2011.
This study sought to assess youth engagement in agriculture and agribusiness in Malawi. Specifically, the study was aimed at answering questions surrounding knowledge and perceptions of the youth towards agriculture and agribusiness, and... more
This study sought to assess youth engagement in agriculture and agribusiness in Malawi. Specifically, the study was aimed at answering questions surrounding knowledge and perceptions of the youth towards agriculture and agribusiness, and attendant challenges that hinder adequate youth engagement in agriculture and agribusiness in Malawi. The study was descriptive in nature and employed both qualitative and quantitative approaches to investigate key objectives, using youth-centric structures at district level as the sampling frame. The sampling techniques employed included a combination of purposive and simple random sampling. SPSS was used for statistical analysis and graphical representation of quantitative data, while qualitative data was analysed using thematic content analysis. The results showed that the youth held high positive perceptions with respect to profitability of agriculture and agribusiness, decent job creation in the sector and career development. Based on a five-point Likert Scale of 'agree', 'strongly agree', 'disagree', 'strongly disagree' and 'no opinion', a considerable majority of the respondents viewed agriculture and agribusiness as a profitable sector in the Malawian economy. The study also revealed the following challenges hindering youth engagement in agriculture and agribusiness; inadequate skills, lack of markets and market information; and the hanging negative perceptions on agriculture and agribusiness.
Psikolojik, sosyolojik ve politik olarak işsizlik ülkelerin en önemli göstergelerinden birisi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Genç işsizliği ise yarattığı sonuçlar açısından en önemli işsizlik türlerindendir. Genç işsizliğini özellikle... more
Psikolojik, sosyolojik ve politik olarak işsizlik ülkelerin en önemli göstergelerinden birisi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Genç işsizliği ise yarattığı sonuçlar açısından en önemli işsizlik türlerindendir. Genç işsizliğini özellikle eğitimli gençlerin işsizliğini önlemede ve gençlerin kariyerini geliştirmesinde eğitim aldıkları üniversite önem arz etmektedir. bu anlamda üniversite rektörlüklerine bağlı kariyer merkezleri özellikle önem taşımaktadır. Hem kamu hem vakıf üniversitelerinde kariyer merkezleri gözde “tabir yerinde ise moda” bir merkezdir. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı üniversite kariyer merkezlerinin internet siteleri üzerinden içerik fonksiyon taraması yaparak ne kadar aktif ve etkili olduklarını mercek altına almaktır. Gençlerin kariyer yönlendirmesinde bu denli önem arz eden bir merkezin çalışma etkililiği ve etkinliğini tartışmanın genç ve eğitimli işsizliğinde olduğu kadar, doğru kariyer yönlendirmesinde dolaylı olarak kaynak israfını önlemede oldukça mühim olduğu açık bir gerçektir. Bu çalışmada temel amaç Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren kamu ve vakıf üniversitelerinin internet siteleri üzerinden bir araştırma yaparak Kariyer Merkezlerini ele almaktır. Çalışmanın niteliksel olarak internet sitelerinin kariyer merkezinin etkiliğini anlamada önemli bir veri sağlayacağı kabul edilmektedir. Bu anlamda kariyer merkezlerinin internet adreslerinden etkinlik takvimi yoğunluğu, aktiflik, güncellik, çalışma şekilleri (randevu sistemi mevcut mu), kariyer planlama hizmeti, yönlendirme hizmeti mevcut mu gibi sorulara yanıt aranacaktır. Elektronik iletişimin özellikle genç ve üniversite öğrencileri arasında bu denli yaygın olduğu günümüzde internet sitesinin bir kurumun fonksiyonlarını ve etkililiğini anlamak için doğru bir araç olduğu varsayılmaktadır. Türkiye’de kamu istihdam hizmeti kurumu olarak İŞKUR’un değişen yapısının önemli kaldıraçlarından birisi de üniversitelerle yapılan işbirliğidir. Çalışmada İŞKUR‘un değişen ve dönüşen yapısının üniversitelere ve onların kariyer merkezlerine ne kadar yansıdığı önemli araştırma sorularından birisidir. Kariyer merkezlerinin İŞKUR ile işbirliği ortak çalışma kültürü oluşturulması İŞKUR’un yoğunlukla mavi yakadan oluşan istihdam profilinin dönüşümünde önemli bir adım olacaktır.
- by İdil Işık and +5
- •
- Youth Employment, Public Employment Services
Poverty has been a huge challenge to Nigeria for a long time as majority of Nigerians live below poverty line. Successive civilian and military governments in Nigeria agreed on the need to eradicate or alleviate this ugly situation. In an... more
Poverty has been a huge challenge to Nigeria for a long time as majority of Nigerians live below poverty line. Successive civilian and military governments in Nigeria agreed on the need to eradicate or alleviate this ugly situation. In an attempt to ameliorate the situation, they introduced a number of schemes and programmes. The apparent failure of the various schemes and programmes and the resultant citizen discontent led to the creation of the National Poverty Eradication Programme, NAPEP, in all the states of the federation and the Federal Capital Territory. The broad objective of the study was to empirically evaluate the impact of NAPEP towards poverty eradication in Abia state, through the provision of youth employment. The structural-functionalist theory was adopted with an interrogation of relevant documents on financial flows, projects and programmes. The findings suggest that youth unemployment was pervasive. Again, the poverty reduction or alleviation efforts were fraught with corruption. To correct these, the work recommended disbursing monies to beneficiaries through banks. It also suggested, among others, that future efforts should be rural-centred, instead of urban-centred.
This article puts forward two main arguments. First, it highlights the relation between different phases of neoliberalism in Morocco together with the specific methods and techniques of urban government that were deployed in efforts to... more
This article puts forward two main arguments. First, it highlights the relation between different phases of neoliberalism in Morocco together with the specific methods and techniques of urban government that were deployed in efforts to govern the slums and their populations. A period of roll back neoliberalism during the 1980s generated reforms that tried to increase government control over the urban territory to compensate for the negative social outcomes of structural adjustment. The subsequent period of roll out neoliberalism coincided with the attempt to manage and regulate the slum population as such, through new modalities of state intervention. Secondly, while evolutions in neoliberal government reflected a gradual process, this transition in Morocco was accelerated by security concerns following two severe moments of urban violence: the 1981 riots and the 2003 suicide bombings in Casablanca. Therefore, Morocco’s recent political transformations cannot be understood in terms provided by the mainstream narrative linking economic liberalization to democratization. Rather, it reflects a profound shift towards intrinsically authoritarian modalities of neoliberal government which are clearly revealed at the urban scale.
The study aimed at investigating the effect of economic growth on Uganda’s tax revenue. Specifically; it aimed at performing a time series analysis for the relationship between economic growth (GDP) and Uganda’s tax revenue (TR), testing... more
The study aimed at investigating the effect of economic growth on Uganda’s tax revenue. Specifically; it aimed at performing a time series analysis for the relationship between economic growth (GDP) and Uganda’s tax revenue (TR), testing whether GDP and TR series are stationary in Uganda’s economy and to test the direction of the causality relationship between GDP and TR in Uganda.
The study was based on time series data from 1983 to 2013 obtained from Uganda Revenue Authority. The Augmented Dickey Fuller test and Philips Perron tests were used in testing for stationarity of the variables. The study was based on the vector error correction model.
It was observed that GDP and Tax revenue series are stationary. It was also established that that GDP and Tax revenue are cointegrated and hence a long run dynamic relationship between the variables exists. Tax revenue responds to the changes in economic growth (GDP) but however after a lag. Finally, the study found a causal relationship between economic growth and Uganda’s Tax revenue.
GDP growth has a positive effect on Uganda’s tax revenue since it attracts more investors and widens the tax base. Hence the government should work on tightening the taxation system in order to gain from its growth. There is also need for the government to reduce on supplementary budgeting financed by foreign grants and borrowing as it still poses a threat.
The main objective was to determine how the National Youth Employment Programme could be transformed into a sustainable employment agency using strategic marketing principles. This study was a descriptive research conducted at Osu... more
The main objective was to determine how the National Youth Employment Programme could be transformed into a sustainable employment agency using strategic marketing principles.
This study was a descriptive research conducted at Osu Klotey, Asawase and Aboabo communities in the Accra, Kumasi and Tamale metropolis. Necessary data were collected with the use of structured questionnaires. A sample size of 294 residents was randomly selected from the targeted household of one thousand (1000) in the communities. Statistical Product for Service Solution (SPSS) was used to analysed the data.
The result gathered revealed that significant number of persons were either aware of the Programme or have benefited in varied ways from the Programme in the communities where the study was conducted. It was further revealed that the Programme was faced with challenges threatening its sustainability. This was attributed to absence of legal status and the limited application of marketing concepts and approaches in the management of the Programme. It was recommended that the Programme should be covered by a Legislative Instrument (LI), and transformed into a market oriented institution using marketing approaches in all its processes. Over all, it is hoped that the findings of this research will add relevant information to our knowledge to transform the Programme into a sustainable and better funded employment agency.
Rwanda Biomass fuel supply baseline
In 2050, the amount of waste generated in sub-Saharan Africa is projected to triple current levels. Waste disposal coupled with urbanisation has led to environmental and social issues in rapidly developing African countries. An analysis... more
In 2050, the amount of waste generated in sub-Saharan Africa is projected to triple current levels. Waste disposal coupled with urbanisation has led to environmental and social issues in rapidly developing African countries. An analysis of production and consumption taking into account the local conditions and cultural context is the first step in developing a suitable waste management strategy for a given region. This study focused on the composition and treatment of household waste in urban areas of Niamey, Niger, and assessed how household waste collection in Niamey City reflects the climate and local consumption. The current method of waste collection was examined with consideration of the quantity and types of household waste generated. The availability of locally made tools and an abundant labour force, as well as the willingness of residents to pay for disposal services, were the key factors influencing waste collection in Niamey. Due to deficiencies in public solid waste management services, and with the increasing number of young seasonal migrants in search of jobs, the importance of private individuals providing door-to-door household waste collection in Niamey has increased.
Forthcoming in Critical Sociology: In the wake of the global financial crisis, societies across the world are attempting to manage potentially destabilizing levels of youth unemployment and underemployment. New terms have entered the... more
Forthcoming in Critical Sociology: In the wake of the global financial crisis, societies across the world are attempting to manage potentially destabilizing levels of youth unemployment and underemployment. New terms have entered the popular lexicon such as ‘generation jobless’, ‘the new underclass’, and ‘the precariat’ in order to describe a generation of young people struggling to acquire secure livelihoods in the most dismal labor market since the Great Depression. This article draws on analytical resources from critical sociology of education and heterodox political economy in order to critique orthodox economic diagnoses of generational precarity as a human capital problem. It argues that while neo-Keynesian accounts provide an important corrective to certain aspects of conventional (neoclassical/neoliberal) viewpoints, they ultimately fall short of the explanatory power of Marxian analysis, particularly concerning the primacy of class relations and the contradictory role of employment within an increasingly crisis-ridden global capitalism.
Current discussion among federal policy makers regarding the expansion of the U.S. apprenticeship system draws on the example of apprenticeship expansion in England. Often, this does not reflect a clear understanding of the current... more
Current discussion among federal policy makers regarding the expansion of the U.S. apprenticeship system draws on the example of apprenticeship expansion in England. Often, this does not reflect a clear understanding of the current English Apprenticeship system. This paper aims to inform federal and state administrative policy makers and legislators, program administrators, and the staff of training and apprenticeship organizations who are interested in understanding the features and performance of the current English system. This paper describes the English apprenticeship system and summarizes current research on the outcomes of that system.
In Italia, sempre di più i giovani sia diplomati che laureati lamentano la mancanza di opportunità e progettano di spostarsi in altre regioni o addirittura all’estero, allo stesso tempo artigiani, imprese e commercio sono alla ricerca di... more
In Italia, sempre di più i giovani sia diplomati che laureati lamentano la mancanza di opportunità e progettano di spostarsi in altre regioni o addirittura all’estero, allo stesso tempo artigiani, imprese e commercio sono alla ricerca di professionalità che non si riescono a reperire. Per tanti giovani alla ricerca di lavoro, partire sta diventando un obbligo, non più una scelta. Purtroppo questa mobilità europea, che dovrebbe favorire l’arricchimento personale, formativo e professionale è un viaggio di sola andata.
Tuttavia non è sempre cosi. L’economia sociale in Italia ha dimostrato di essere un settore resistente alla crisi e che investe in formazione occupazione e nei giovani. Tra il 2010 e il 2013 il profit ha perso occupazione mentre il no profit ha aumentato l'occupazione e per questo, sostiene Caselli, il welfare non è solo coesione sociale ma strumento per creare nuova occupazione. L'Emilia-Romagna è una regione ad alto livello di capitale sociale, un fattore che consente alle province del territorio di avere un livello elevato di sviluppo rispetto a territori meno dotati di capitale sociale.
Il lavoro qui presentato ha avuto l’obiettivo di analizzare le politiche e i nuovi programmi UE 2013-2020 che, in riferimento ai giovani e all’occupabilità, rientrano nel campo d’azione dell’economia sociale. Sono stati dapprima analizzati i nuovi programmi UE destinati ai giovani nel campo della formazione, mobilità e inserimento lavorativo, successivamente è stata esaminata la situazione dell’economia sociale in Europa e in Italia, con un particolare riferimento all’innovazione. Questo report è stato realizzato grazie ad una borsa di Studio Spinner, dedicata all’On. Guido Fanti e svolta durante un periodo di tirocinio a Bruxelles presso gli Uffici della Regione Emilia-Romagna.
Luego de esta breve introducción, el documento se organiza de la siguiente manera. En el segundo apartado se analizan los estadios de tránsito hacia el trabajo decente de los jóvenes. En el tercero se estudian las principales barreras... more
Luego de esta breve introducción, el documento se organiza de la siguiente manera. En el segundo apartado se analizan los estadios de tránsito hacia el trabajo decente de los jóvenes. En el tercero se estudian las principales barreras que se les presentan en dicha transición, y se examinan por separado la situación de los adolescentes (16 y 17 años), más ligada con la finalización de la educación obligatoria y la participación en empleos precarios, y la de los jóvenes de entre 18 y 24 años, para quienes los déficits en formación, participación laboral y acceso a un trabajo decente adquieren relevancia. En la cuarta sección se analizan las acciones que deberían incluirse una estrategia integral para abordar la problemática de los jóvenes a partir de la Resolución adoptada en la Conferencia Internacional del Trabajo (CIT) de 2005 y el debate de la CIT 2012. En la quinta sección se examina el rol de las garantías de ingresos y otras prestaciones de la protección social, a partir de la estrategia implementada en los últimos años en la Argentina a partir de tres políticas públicas de alta cobertura para adolescentes y jóvenes. Estas políticas públicas son la Asignación Universal por Hijo (AUH), el Programa de Respaldo de Estudiantes de Argentina (PROGRESAR) y las acciones para la mejora de la empleabilidad (servicios para el empleo) implementadas desde el Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social (MTEySS). En el sexto apartado, se presentan algunas reflexiones sobre el rol de las instituciones laborales en la inserción laboral de los jóvenes. Finalmente, a modo de conclusiones, la séptima sección contiene una síntesis y un conjunto de reflexiones finales.
Free trade, globalisation, national politics, national community. What is wrong with this picture? Simple, these four terms are not mutually complementary. With no political imagination or ‘chutzpah’, we of the First World now lie... more
Free trade, globalisation, national politics, national community. What is wrong with this picture? Simple, these four terms are not mutually complementary. With no political imagination or ‘chutzpah’, we of the First World now lie prostrate before the ‘Masters of the Universe’ on Wall Street. To them everything and everyone is a commodity to be traded...
The level of youth unemployment is high in most countries regardless of the level of development. Youth employment is given high priority for reasons of fairness, security, utilization of development resources and inclusive participation... more
The level of youth unemployment is high in most countries regardless of the level of development. Youth employment is given high priority for reasons of fairness, security, utilization of development resources and inclusive participation of the youth in economic development. The main objective of this research is to assess the determinants of youth employment in Rwanda from the demand supply, and general labour market sides. Analysis of data shows that the skills gap is most critical to employment creation and transition from school-to-work seem problematic. Furthermore, questions remain about what factors influence youth employment in Rwanda and how youth employment is related with poverty reduction and the distribution of income. A multinomial logit model is used to shed lights on the determinants of youth employment status. Data is obtained from the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda. The paper attempts to verify how the current status of youth employment in Rwanda evolved over time and based on the findings provides policy recommendations to promote youth employment. The Research found that youth employment in Rwanda is influenced by gender, age, education and geographical location.
Key words: Entrepreneurship, human capital, labour supply, Rwanda, Youth employment.
doi:10.4314/gjds.v9i1.6 In order for the people of a country or district to achieve their individual aspirations and collectively contribute toward development they need to be entrepreneurial. This requires some form of training and... more
doi:10.4314/gjds.v9i1.6 In order for the people of a country or district to achieve their individual aspirations and collectively contribute toward development they need to be entrepreneurial. This requires some form of training and education in order to develop the relevant skills, knowledge and attitudes requisite for meaningful employment. Using descriptive statistics, this paper examines the links between unemployment situation and youth enterprise in the Ajumako-Enyan-Essiam District (AEED) in the Central Region, one of the four poorest administrative regions of Ghana. It found that majority of the youth had at most secondary education, and were unemployed, under-employed or self-employed in informal micro-enterprises. Though entrepreneurial opportunities existed in the District, the youth were adequately involved in the requisite entrepreneurship training programmes that would enable them to take advantage of the existing opportunities in order to reduce youth unemployment or ...
This article looks at the manner in which knowledge of slums in Delhi has been collected, assembled and circulated in two different moments of urban improvement to explore the relationship between calculation and governmentality. Based on... more
This article looks at the manner in which knowledge of slums in Delhi has been collected, assembled and circulated in two different moments of urban improvement to explore the relationship between calculation and governmentality. Based on an extended study of slum enumeration and the politics of slum demolitions in Delhi, I show that each of these two moments relied on an epistemologically different set of calculative practices - one statistical, the other aesthetic - to render the slum intelligible and secure rule. I specifically show how the statistically rigorous calculative practices of the first moment encountered various technical difficulties and political challenges in producing a governing intelligibility, thus leading to the unruliness of slum space. In response, a new set of governmental techniques operating through the dissemination of aesthetic norms and codes re-secured rule over slums. I describe this shift in governmental technique to demonstrate that the dissemination of aesthetic norms can be both more governmentally effective and practically implementable than the statistical deployment of governmental truths. This suggests the need to expand our understanding of the epistemology of government to include attention to a more diverse array of governmental technologies, some more aesthetic than strictly calculative.
This report examines the large and complex youth employment challenge in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Côte d’Ivoire, where there is an “urgent need to create employment for 4.5 million youth” and where over half of all youth lack... more
This report examines the large and complex youth employment challenge in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Côte d’Ivoire, where there is an “urgent need to create employment for 4.5 million youth” and where over half of all youth lack proper work. Mindful that much of the region’s youth cohort is restive and unemployed, Liberia’s ‘rebel behaviour’ and ex-combatant youth among them, the report will also consider the implications of providing ‘productive and decent work’ for youth; that is, work that promises to put youth on the road towards acquiring respect and professional development as well as compensation. The report will conclude with a description of an employment programme for some of the region’s most marginalized and overlooked: poor, unemployed urban youth.
La revitalización económica posterior a la crisis de principios de la década de 2000 dio lugar al incremento de la ocupación general. Paralelamente, las reformas recientes en el sistema educativo promovieron la formación e inserción... more
La revitalización económica posterior a la crisis de principios de la década de 2000 dio lugar al incremento de la ocupación general. Paralelamente, las reformas recientes en el sistema educativo promovieron la formación e inserción laboral de jóvenes en actividades técnicas, modificando el rumbo planteado durante la década de 1990.
El objetivo del trabajo es analizar y comparar aspectos de la inserción laboral y continuidad educativa de los egresados de escuelas medias de educación técnico-profesional (en adelante ETP) y de quienes egresan de las otras modalidades del nivel secundario, para conocer si existen diferencias entre ellos, si poseen distintas tasas de ocupación y de desocupación, si hay diferencias en la calidad de los empleos a los que acceden, si siguen o no estudiando, etc.
A tal fin, se utilizarán datos de la Encuesta de Seguimiento de Egresados realizada por el Instituto Nacional de Educación Tecnológica (INET)2 en el año 2013 y datos de la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares (en adelante EPH) realizada por el Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos (INDEC) del mismo año, considerando a los jóvenes del mismo tramo de edad con nivel secundario completo (de todas las modalidades) en Argentina.
An emerging orthodoxy suggests that agriculture is the key to addressing the youth employment challenge in Africa. The analysis that informs this orthodoxy identifies a number of persistent barriers to increased productivity ; and the... more
An emerging orthodoxy suggests that agriculture is the key to addressing the youth employment challenge in Africa. The analysis that informs this orthodoxy identifies a number of persistent barriers to increased productivity ; and the programmes that work to get young people engaged with agriculture make assumptions about the young people's interests and behaviours. In this paper we report results from a study with secondary students in Ghana using Q Methodology. The objective was to determine to what degree the students' perspectives were aligned with the main tenants of the emerging orthodoxy. Results show that different perspectives on the two questions (What explains young people's attitude toward farm-ing? What should be done about young people and farm-ing?) can be identified. There are a number of points of convergence between the students' perspectives and the new orthodoxy. However, two important points of divergence were also identified, and the impications of these are discussed.