Architecture of Medieval Monasteries Research Papers (original) (raw)

The church of today’s Franciscan Monastery of the Ascension of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in the centre of Bač, organically fitting in with the mediaeval urban matrix. It is a building characterised by a continuity of use in its... more

The church of today’s Franciscan Monastery of the Ascension of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in the centre of Bač, organically fitting in with the mediaeval urban matrix. It is a building characterised by a continuity of use in its initial, sacral purpose from the Mid- dle Ages to the present day. Traditionally, on the basis of the notes from the chronicle of the monastery, which only started being kept from the end of the 17th century, it has been as- sumed that the oldest parts of this building date from the second half of the 12th century, but according to some other assumptions they were built even earlier. On the basis of everything presented in the text, for the time being it can be confirmed with a greater degree of certain- ty that two phases of the building of the church of the Franciscan Monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Bač occurred during the Middle Ages, that is, before the fall of VBieančna under Ottoman rule following the Battle of Mohács in 1526. On the basis of the material evidence available, the older construction layer could be dated as being from the second half of the 12th century, that is, from the period around 1169, as stated in the monastery chronicle, but the possibility of its being somewhat older cannot be entirely ruled out. It is to this period that the oldest painted layer belongs – a fresco depicting the Crucifixion of Christ, located in the south buttress next to the altar apse, which was most likely made soon after the building of the church. The later phase of the building should be placed either in the second half of the 13th or at the very beginning of the 14th century, after the church had been taken over by the Franciscans. After the church was renovated, its walls were painted with frescoes, for the first time most likely at the beginning of or in the first half of the 14th century, and for the second time somewhat later, possibly around 1370. One dilemma remains unresolved: whether the church dating from the 12th century was built on the foundation of an even older sacral object, which is what the bottom layers of the altar apse and the side walls of the choir might indicate. The greatest obstacle to resolving these problems is the exceptionally small number of original historical documents dating from the Middle Ages relating to this church, and also the fact that the church and the entire monastery complex have been insuf- ficiently explored in archaeological terms.

Annual reports of the Archaeological Service and the Preservation Service of the Grisons, 1996–2010: Excerpts concerning Müstair and Val Müstair. The annual reports give an overview over the research and restoration in the convent of St.... more

Annual reports of the Archaeological Service and the Preservation Service of the Grisons, 1996–2010: Excerpts concerning Müstair and Val Müstair.
The annual reports give an overview over the research and restoration in the convent of St. John in Müstair as well as special objects in the valley of Müstair. The focus lies on the archaeological excavations and observations of the monument. The descriptions of the investigated areas are accessible through an index.
Die Jahresberichte geben einen Überblick über die Forschungen und Restaurierungen im Kloster St. Johann in Müstair sowie an ausgewählten Objekten im Münstertal. Der Schwerpunkt liegt bei den archäologischen Forschungen im Boden und am Aufgehenden. Die Untersuchungsplätze sind mit einem Index erschlossen.

En 1509, Íñigo López de Mendoza, II conde de Tendilla, explicaba que la inclusión del cimborrio en la Capilla Real de Granada era una cosa que da[ba] mucha vista y ahermosea[ba] en gran manera la Capilla y [hacía] el edificio real y... more

En 1509, Íñigo López de Mendoza, II conde de Tendilla, explicaba que la inclusión del cimborrio en la Capilla Real de Granada era una cosa que da[ba] mucha vista y ahermosea[ba] en gran manera la Capilla y [hacía] el edificio real y magnifico. Para esas fechas tempranas del siglo XVI, el cimborrio se había convertido en un elemento dignificador de la arquitectura religiosa. Al alarde técnico que suponía su construcción, se unía su doble funcionalidad en el templo, ya que permitía aumentar la iluminación interior de los edificios –se trataba, en última instancia, de una figura de luces, tal y como lo definirá Simón García años más tarde–, que servía, a su vez, para subrayar el eje central del espacio religioso allí donde se cruzaban los brazos de la cruz. Estas razones prácticas y simbólicas favorecieron la construcción de este tipo de estructuras en toda la Europa cristiana a lo largo de la Edad Media y parte de la Moderna. El fenómeno también puede observarse en la Península Ibérica, donde comienza muy pronto, y se prolonga hasta fechas muy avanzadas. Trataremos de seguirlo a través de los ejemplos –y de los diseños– conservados.
Íñigo Lopez of Mendoza, the Second count of Tendilla, explained in1509 that the inclusion of the cimborrio in the Royal Chapel of Granada was a thing that gives many sight and embellishes in great way the Chapel and this inclusion transformed the building in to royal and magnificent. At the seearly dates of the 16th century, the cimborio had become a dignifying element of the religious architecture. The advantages were undoubted. First, the technical ostentation that supposed its construction. In addition, it had a double functionality in the temple, since it was allowing to increase the interior lighting and serves to underline the central axis of the religious space where the two parts of the cross were crossing. These practical and symbolic reasons favored the construction of this type of structures throughout the whole Christian Europe during the Middle Ages and part of the Modern one. The phenomenon can also be observed in the Iberian Peninsula; there it begins very early, and continues until very advanced dates. We’ll try to follow it through the examples –and of the designs– preserved.

The first Cisterian church of Lubiąż is believed to be the oldest fully brick building in Silesia. It was a small Basilica with wooden ceiling, almost devoid of stone detail, sponsored by Prince Bolesław the Tall in 1175. It was built... more

The first Cisterian church of Lubiąż is believed to be the oldest fully brick building in Silesia. It was a small Basilica with wooden ceiling, almost devoid of stone detail, sponsored by Prince Bolesław the Tall in 1175. It was built with bricks approx. 6.2–7.5 cm high, of the North Italian (Lombard) provenience, which replaced small bricks (height approx. 3–4 cm) so‑called “Byzantine” or “Ruthenian plinta”, occasionally used during the Romanesque period in Wrocław. The high brick from behind the Alps got to Silesia indirectly‑via Saxony; through religious workshops‑Cistercian or Norbertanian. In addition to the church in Lubiąż early brick appeared in the gigantic 18‑side building of the castle in Wroclaw (4 quarter of the 12th century), as evidenced by the identity dimensions of bricks in both structures. The third building, built from the bricks of similar sizes, especially of average height of 7.5–8 cm, is a bottom part of St. Peter's tower, a huge family of the castle in Legnica. Perhaps, too, the object was created in 12th century. Probably Prince Boleslaw the Tall, the founder of the abbey in Lubiąż, was responsible for the transfer of the brick to Silesia as it was the most technologically advanced material at that time.

Toda actividad desarrollada por los Reyes Católicos respondió a una estrategia política, por lo que su promoción artística formaba parte del aparato propagandístico al servicio del poder y reflejaba la idea del Estado que querían... more

Toda actividad desarrollada por los Reyes Católicos respondió a una estrategia política, por lo que su promoción artística formaba parte del aparato propagandístico al servicio del poder y reflejaba la idea del Estado que querían conformar. En este sentido, la reforma religiosa promovida por los monarcas se imbrica en un programa que buscaba una unidad política y religiosa. Isabel y Fernando apoyaron a la Orden de Predicadores mediante la financiación de obras en sus conventos, pero también se apoyaron en ellos como un brazo ejecutor de buena parte de las reformas religiosas. La principal herramienta controlada por los Dominicos fue la institución de la Inquisición. La relación entre Dominicos, Monarquía e Inquisición se ve reflejada desde el punto de vista plástico y simbólico en los tres conjuntos estudiados mediante unos hilos conductores: la ostentación de la heráldica regia, la carga simbólica de los sepulcros y el papel de fray Tomás de Torquemada como ideólogo e iconógrafo, que recupera la imagen de Santo Domingo de Guzmán, fundador de la Orden, para legitimar la actividad inquisitorial promovida por los monarcas.

Zum Aufbau und Erhalt sowie zur Erfüllung ihrer sozialen, politischen, ökonomischen und liturgischen Aufgaben und Pflichten bedurften und nutzten monastische Gemeinschaften im Mittelalter eine Vielzahl an Ressourcen. Dabei spielten nicht... more

Zum Aufbau und Erhalt sowie zur Erfüllung ihrer sozialen, politischen, ökonomischen und liturgischen Aufgaben und Pflichten bedurften und nutzten monastische Gemeinschaften im Mittelalter eine Vielzahl an Ressourcen. Dabei spielten nicht nur natürliche Rohstoffe wie Wasser, Holz und Stein eine Rolle, sondern auch immaterielle Ressourcen wie Spiritualität, Bildung und soziale Beziehungen. In dem vorliegenden Tagungsband zeigen Archäologen, Historiker und Kunsthistoriker in detaillierten Studien die Relevanz dieser Ressourcen im klösterlichen Kontext auf. In drei Sektionen wird nach ihrer Bedeutung bei der Nutzung von Räumen, der Umsetzung von Reformen, aber auch nach den ökonomischen Zwecken gefragt und das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Kloster und Außenwelt beleuchtet.

Íñigo Lopez of Mendoza, the Second count of Tendilla, explained in1509 that the inclusion of the cimborio (crossingtower) in the Royal Chapel of Granada was a thing that gives many sight and embellishes in great way the Chapel and this... more

Íñigo Lopez of Mendoza, the Second count of Tendilla, explained in1509 that the inclusion of the cimborio (crossingtower) in the Royal Chapel of Granada was a thing that gives many sight and embellishes in great way the Chapel and this inclusion transformed the building in to royal and magnificent. At the seearly dates of the 16th century, the cimborio had become * Los autores desean mostrar su gratitud a todas las personas que, de una manera u otra, han colaborado en la redacción de este trabajo: a María Josefa Tarifa Castilla, Carlos Becerril Rodrigo, Jorge Martín Marco, Ismael Piazuelo Rodríguez, Juan Escorial Esgueva y Elena Martín Martínez de Simón, que nos han facilitado el acceso a fuentes bibliográficas y de archivo; a María de los Desamparados Cabanes Pecourt, Asunción Blasco Martínez, Pilar Pueyo Colomina, Jorge Andrés Casabón, y Esther Casorrán Berges, sin cuya ayuda no hubiera sido posible la transcripción de los documentos que se publican en este artículo; a J. Fernando...

As a result of a new interpretation of the 12th century epigraphic and figurative setup in the abbey of S. Clemente a Casauria (Abruzzi), this article attempts a comprehensive reconstruction of the message addressed by the Benedictine... more

As a result of a new interpretation of the 12th century epigraphic and figurative setup in the abbey of S. Clemente a Casauria (Abruzzi), this article attempts a comprehensive reconstruction of the message addressed by the Benedictine community and of the communication strategies used to make it effective. Through an almost theatrical set, the visitor is invited to attend three main acts: the first one, played on the porch facade, alludes to God’s will to create an ideal island – insula Piscarie paradisi floridus ortus – destined to harbour the monastery. The second one is related to the main door and tells the history of the monastery since AD 872, when Louis II and Hadrian II decided to found it; in such a story, the main role is played by saint Clement’s relics, which legitimate the earthly power of the abbey. The final act is played in front of the altar, where a monumental inscription informs the visitor to be in front of the holy relics of the saints Clement, Peter and Paul. As the inscription significantly specifies, Peter “holds” the rights of the monastery (iura tenentis).

La campagne archéologique de 2013 : présentation générale Conformément aux prescriptions, les objectifs de la campagne s’orientaient vers trois directions : • Comme la campagne 2012 pour la zone 1, l’aspect terrain consistait en la... more

La campagne archéologique de 2013 : présentation générale
Conformément aux prescriptions, les objectifs de la campagne s’orientaient vers trois directions :
• Comme la campagne 2012 pour la zone 1, l’aspect terrain consistait en la reprise de la zone 2, son nettoyage et l’enregistrement des derniers vestiges présents avant la fermeture de la zone.
• Les données stratigraphiques abondantes de la zone 1 n’ayant pas pu apparaître dans le dernier rapport faute de temps de traitement des données, elles ont été traitées cette année et figurent dans le présent rapport, ainsi qu’une partie importante des inventaires non fournis jusqu'à présent.
Pour une meilleure compréhension d’ensemble les données stratigraphiques des deux zones (1 et 2) seront présentées en parallèle.
• La poursuite de l'archéologie du bâti avec l'étude du reste du mur gouttereau nord de l’église et l'étude du mur d’enceinte primitif du monastère.

El monasterio cisterciense de Santa María de Rioseco, situado en el Valle de Manzanedo, Burgos, ha sufrido durante muchos años un gran abandono desde que finalizó su uso monacal. Sin embargo, hoy en día vuelve a recuperar parte de su... more

El monasterio cisterciense de Santa María de Rioseco, situado en el Valle de Manzanedo, Burgos, ha sufrido durante muchos años un gran abandono desde que finalizó su uso monacal. Sin embargo, hoy en día vuelve a recuperar parte de su identidad como conjunto monástico gracias a las labores de consolidación y difusión promovidas por la Asociación Salvemos Rioseco. La siguiente comunicación se basará en documentar todo el proceso llevado a cabo en la intervención sobre el arco existente que conforma la puerta de entrada oeste, explicando desde el trabajo inicial de toma de datos hasta el proceso de intervención y consolidación de la estructura, pasando por la construcción de la cimbra necesaria y la labra de las nuevas dovelas.

In traditional writings about the Cistercians, the aspects relating to their hydrophilia are still little known. With this work, we intend to counteract this “hydraulic illiteracy” and show that the “white monks” also reached an... more

In traditional writings about the Cistercians, the aspects relating to their hydrophilia are still little known. With this work, we intend to counteract this “hydraulic illiteracy” and show that the “white monks” also reached an indisputable competence in the area of survey and economic uses of water. Such competence was decisive for the scope, extended and fruitful, of their medieval communities. In order to work on proper health and hygiene conditions, the monasteries needed a solid and technically efficient hydrosystem, both in its shape and network, going from the water intake, transport and distribution within the cenobia, to the evacuation of household waste and rain water. This venture led to elaborated and strenuous works, some of them prior to the raising of community buildings. In the wide range of its tangible results, the history of medieval Cistercian monasteries is also a history of a long and close relationship between man and water. These are two topics of study as vast as meaningful in its religious, cultural and socio-economic context and relevance. The contents of these actions and objective reasons authorize, perhaps without exaggeration, the argument in favour of an intuitive “model” of Cistercian hydraulic architecture, which constitutes an open field of privileged study and discussion.

"Situata nel cuore della Basilicata, la media valle del Sinni è tutt’oggi una delle aree meno conosciute in tutta la regione per quanto riguarda le evidenze di età medievale. È ormai trascorso più di un decennio dal primo ed ultimo... more

"Situata nel cuore della Basilicata, la media valle del Sinni è tutt’oggi una delle aree meno conosciute in tutta la regione per quanto riguarda le evidenze di età medievale. È ormai trascorso più di un decennio dal primo ed ultimo censimento delle evidenze archeologiche confluito nella Carta Archeologica della valle del Sinni, l’archeologia medievale, in particolare, è ancora del tutto sconosciuta e i pochi dati archeologici noti, quasi sempre frutto
di rinvenimenti del tutto casuali, indicano un territorio di estremo interesse ma poco indagato nella sua struttura insediativa. In età medievale il territorio compreso tra i fiumi Sinni e Agri, era il centro politico della vasta Contea di Chiaromonte, signoria di origine normanna. I ruderi di quello che in età medievale fu una delle più importanti istituzioni ecclesiastiche dell’intera regione, il monastero cistercense di S.M. del Sagittario fondato, , agli inizi del XII sec. dalla famiglia dei Chiaromonte, sono ancora conservati a pochi chilometri da Chiaromonte. Tra le proprietà del Sagittario compaiono 3 mulini, il primo è ubicato presso la grancìa del Ventrile, situata a valle alla confluenza del Frido nel Sinni, attestata come una delle dipendenze dello stesso complesso già agli inizi del XIII sec. I dati, del tutto preliminari, presentati in questo contributo sul complesso monastico di S. Nicola del Ventrile indicano come l’ambiente circostante, il bosco ed i corsi d’acqua, abbia avuto un peso rilevante nelle vicende degli insediamenti."

En el presente estudio se analizan las características arquitectónicas, los autores y las circunstancias constructivas del conocido como "monasterio nuevo" y de la sacristía del monasterio cisterciense de Santa María de Veruela, en la... more

En el presente estudio se analizan las características arquitectónicas, los autores y las circunstancias constructivas del conocido como "monasterio nuevo" y de la sacristía del monasterio cisterciense de Santa María de Veruela, en la provincia de Zaragoza, obra del siglo XVII dentro del marco de la renovación de la Orden tras la formación de la Congregación Cisterciense de la Corona de Aragón.

L'articolo descrive il progetto di studio archeologico e bioarcheologico del sito di Badia Pozzeveri (LU), sede tra XII e XV secolo di un'importante abbazia camaldolese, posta lungo la via Francigena a oriente della città di Lucca e ai... more

L'articolo descrive il progetto di studio archeologico e bioarcheologico del sito di Badia Pozzeveri (LU), sede tra XII e XV secolo di un'importante abbazia camaldolese, posta lungo la via Francigena a oriente della città di Lucca e ai limiti settentrionali del Lago di Bientina. Nel testo ci si sofferma in particolare sulle problematiche storico-archeologiche legate all'evoluzione del complesso architettonico aggiornate ai rinvenimenti di scavo del 2014.

U radu se predstavljaju dva benediktinska samostana smještena u papučko-psunjskom gorju, opatije sv. Mihovila na Rudini i sv. Margarete u Bijeli, izgled njihovih arhitektonskih sklopova i posjeda od osnivanja do napuštanja u prvoj... more

U radu se predstavljaju dva benediktinska samostana smještena u papučko-psunjskom gorju, opatije sv. Mihovila na Rudini i sv. Margarete u Bijeli, izgled njihovih arhitektonskih sklopova i posjeda od osnivanja do napuštanja u prvoj polovici 16. st.. Samostan na Rudini predstavlja zanimljiv romanički sklop koji je nastao krajem 12. st. dok je bijelska opatija svoj vrhunac doživjela tijekom 14. i 15. st. razvijajući se iz priorata u bogatu opatiju.

Analyse renouvelée de l'architecture des parties romanes de l'église abbatiale Sainte-Marie de Saintes (Charente-Maritime). Retour sur les parties les plus anciennes de l'édifice et sur les questions de circulations et de répartition des... more

Analyse renouvelée de l'architecture des parties romanes de l'église abbatiale Sainte-Marie de Saintes (Charente-Maritime). Retour sur les parties les plus anciennes de l'édifice et sur les questions de circulations et de répartition des espaces dans le contexte d'un monastère féminin.

The book was published in Kutna Hora, publisher,, bookshop and book printing Karel Šolc "in 1886

At the end of the Middle Ages, the Benedictine Monastery of St. Margaret, on the western slopes of Papuk, was one of the order's most important centers in medieval Slavonia. Although the exact date of construction of the monastic complex... more

At the end of the Middle Ages, the Benedictine Monastery of St. Margaret, on the western slopes of Papuk, was one of the order's most important centers in medieval Slavonia. Although the exact date of construction of the monastic complex is still unknown, Bijela Monastery has the best recorded history. The number of known documents mentioning the Monastery (10 in the 14th century) increases significantly in the 15th and 16th century (to a total of 70).
Archaeological research has been carried out in the southern part of the entrance complex to the monastery church, the so-called empora. Many architectural mouldings of windows and doors connecting the empora and the nave have been found, belonging to the end of 14th end beginning 15th century.
The mentioning of the Monastery's ruinous state and the fact that Bishop Ivan Alben bequeathed money for its repairs leads us to believe that the discovered architectural elements date to the church restoration phase in the first quarter of the 15th century. These short surveys can link site stratigraphy and stylistic features of findings with written sources as well as highlight architectural restoration as part of the activities of one monastic community in late medieval Slavonia.

The Birgittines and their images present result from several research projects about the late medieval monastery in Vadstena by the art historian Eva Lindqvist Sandgren. The presented material is based on a study of the nuns' bookmaking,... more

The Birgittines and their images present result from several research projects about the late medieval monastery in Vadstena by the art historian Eva Lindqvist Sandgren. The presented material is based on a study of the nuns' bookmaking, a study of the abbey's textiles, and a further study that examines the different spheres of view that different church visitors could take part in (or were excluded from) by dividing the church room into three clearly separated spatial units: the nuns' raised and fenced choir, the monks' choirs, and the lay people's fenced-in area in the middle of the large church room. The author uses a material that ranges from the church's limestone walls down to the stitch level in the embroideries.

The book was published in Chomutov (Regional Museum) in 1974.

Partendo dalla puntuale analisi delle fonti documentarie, da una sistematica catalogazione dei siti, dall’analisi delle tecniche murarie, fino a giungere ad una più globale lettura archeologica della forma dell’insediamento (dislocazione... more

Partendo dalla puntuale analisi delle fonti documentarie, da una sistematica catalogazione dei siti, dall’analisi delle tecniche murarie, fino a giungere ad una più globale lettura archeologica della forma dell’insediamento (dislocazione delle architetture, viabilità, cinta muraria), il progetto ha come finalità l’individuazione di un “percorso” costruttivo nei differenti periodi storici, e del suo legame con le diverse committenze, per comprendere come il sistema di gestione del territorio e l’organizzazione-evoluzione del paesaggio si siano articolati nella media Valle del Sinni durante i secoli centrali del Medioevo. La scelta di questo ambito territoriale e dei relativi siti, è dipesa dalla necessità di costruire una banca dati pertinente un territorio culturalmente e politicamente omogeneo, che di fatto costituisce un valido campione di indagine. Come esemplificazione si redige un elenco di alcuni degli insediamenti che verranno indagati: Episcopia, Chiaromonte, Noepoli, Valsinni (castello di Isabella Morra), il monastero cistercense di S.M. del Sagittario (Chiaromonte) con relativa grancia di San Nicola del Ventrile, il monastero certosino di San Nicola (Francavilla), Castronuovo, Teana, Fardella, il monastero di S. Anastasio e S. Elia di Carbone, Senise, il casale abbandonato de Rubeo (Chiaromonte), Roccanova, Castrovetere, oltre a diversi casali fortificati abbandonati e numerose pertinenze ecclesiastiche urbane ed extraurbane.