E-Procurement Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

In Italia, vasti fenomeni di riforma hanno interessato, in anni recenti, l’organizzazione e la gestione delle pubbliche amministrazioni, introducendo strategici modelli organizzativi di riferimento, idonei meccanismi in grado di operare... more

In Italia, vasti fenomeni di riforma hanno interessato, in anni recenti, l’organizzazione e la gestione delle pubbliche amministrazioni, introducendo strategici modelli organizzativi di riferimento, idonei meccanismi in grado di operare accurate valutazioni, nonché automatismi previsti per intervenire mediante specifici correttivi, tutti funzionali ad assicurare che la risposta della Pubblica Amministrazione ai bisogni della collettività sociale potesse risultare sempre più improntata a criteri di efficienza. I processi di riforma cui ci si riferisce sono da doversi inserire in quella più ampia fase di sviluppo e di cambiamento che ha rappresentato ragione sostanziale d’avvio a radicali modifiche degli organismi istituzionali, nell’ambito dello Stato, delle Regioni e degli altri enti locali, oltre che nel quadro complessivo
in cui si muove l’Unione Europea.Questo percorso evolutivo assume un ruolo primario nella crescita della competitività e della capacità potenziale dell’economia italiana; trattasi di una riforma ormai necessitata alla luce della attuale situazione di congiuntura economica
al fine di uscirne cogliendo le opportunità di ripresa che attenti economisti hanno individuato. Il saggio ricostruisce il percorso evolutivo della digitalizzazione della Pubblica Amministrazione in Italia, delineando i principali interventi pubblici nel settore dell'innovazione tecnologica e mettendo in rilievo la necessità di nuove logiche produttive e nuovi modelli comportamentali per realizzare una amministrazione efficiente e flessibile. In tale prospettiva viene messo in rilievo l'ambito (e, soprattutto, le peculiarità) del concetto di managerialità tra pubblico e privato e la trasformazione degli enti locali e delle Regioni in luoghi di programmazione controllata.

4735 sayılı Kamu İhale Sözleşmeleri Kanunu'nda sözleşmenin feshedilmesinin koşulları ve sonuçları hem yüklenici hem de idare bakımından ayrı ayrı ele alınarak açıklanmıştır. Ancak yüklenicinin sözleşmeyi feshetmesi konusundaki... more

4735 sayılı Kamu İhale Sözleşmeleri Kanunu'nda sözleşmenin feshedilmesinin koşulları ve sonuçları hem yüklenici hem de idare bakımından ayrı ayrı ele alınarak açıklanmıştır. Ancak yüklenicinin sözleşmeyi feshetmesi konusundaki düzenlemenin, yüklenicilere işlem ve süreç bakımından ilave yük getirdiği buna rağmen herhangi bir avantaj da sağlamadığı görülmektedir. Diğer taraftan 6098 sayılı Türk Borçlar Kanunu hükümleri uyarınca yüklenicinin sözleşmeyi haklı bir nedene dayanarak feshetmesi de mümkündür. Bu durumda da ilk aşamada yüklenicinin, teminatın gelir kaydedilmesi veya kamu ihalelerine katılmaktan yasaklama gibi yaptırımlarla karşılaşması kaçınılmazdır. Ancak yargılama süreci akabinde elde edilecek sonuçlarla birlikte ele alındığında bu olasılığın, gerek sürecin daha hızlı ilerleyecek olması gerekse sağlayacağı avantajlar bakımından nispeten yüklenici lehine olacağı değerlendirilmektedir.

Platforma sau reţeua PLAN - Procurement Law Academic Network este o reţea globală de cercetători şi cadre didactice interesate în domeniul achiziţiilor publice şi a politicilor din materie. Reţeaua are membri din toate disciplinele... more

Platforma sau reţeua PLAN - Procurement Law Academic Network este o reţea globală de cercetători şi cadre didactice interesate în domeniul achiziţiilor publice şi a politicilor din materie. Reţeaua are membri din toate disciplinele relevante – cum ar fi drept, economie, management, politici publice, ştiinţe
politice. În acest moment, reţeua este finanţată de Grupul de cercetări al achiziţiilor publice din cadrul Universităţii din Nottingham (Directorul Grupului este Sue Arrowsmith), cu sponsorizarea Achilles Group. Sue Arrowsmith este şi editorul Public Procurement Law Review.
Revista AEXA februarie 2016 - aexa.eu

In Morocco, public procurement represents 17.4% of GDP, equivalent to 195 billion dirhams in 2018 (Maghreb Arab Press, 2018), which makes it more exposed to unhealthy practices that can be engaged both by officials and operators across... more

In Morocco, public procurement represents 17.4% of GDP, equivalent to 195 billion dirhams in 2018 (Maghreb Arab Press, 2018), which makes it more exposed to unhealthy practices that can be engaged both by officials and operators across all stages of the procurement process. Above all, such practices create a climate devoid of transparency and generates weaknesses in public procurement systems. It is, therefore, essential for the Moroccan administration to integrate anti-corruption measures into the procurement process. Among these anti-corruption measures, there is the " e-procurement " which all specialists in the field of public control unanimously assume that it has become key in the promotion of competition, transparency, integrity, simplification of procedures, and modernization of public expenditure execution processes. Moreover, they admit that it contributes to a large extent to reduce corruption without destroying it. To inquire about the veracity of the contribution of the e-procurement to the efficiency of public order, a questionaire was administered to four coordinators and four companies of different working fields in the city of Meknes. The objective is to explore the relationship between e-procurement and the fundamental principles of public control. Eventually, the results of this study revealed that e-procurement is determinant to the effectiveness of public procurement. Résumé Au Maroc, la commande publique représente 17,4% du PIB soit l'équivalent 195 MMDH en 2018 (Maghreb Arabe Presse. 2018), ce qui la rend plus exposée à des pratiques malsaines qui peuvent être engagé à la fois par le fonctionnaire et par l'opérateur, dans toutes les étapes du processus de passation du marché, chose qui engendre une procédure dépourvue de la

Birleşmiş Milletler tedarik zinciri sürdürülebilirliği için geliştirilebilir iş modeli geliştirmek.

Today, organizations are investing a lot in their IT infrastructure and reengineering their business processes by digitizing firms. If organizational employees will not optimum utilize its IT infrastructure, the productivity gain reduced... more

Today, organizations are investing a lot in their IT infrastructure and reengineering their business processes by digitizing firms. If organizational employees will not optimum utilize its IT infrastructure, the productivity gain reduced enormously. In Uttarakhand e-procurement system implemented by public sector under e-governance integrated mission mode projects. So, there is need to find the determinants which influence employee’s adoption and uses of e-procurement systems. This research study assesses the organizational and individual determinants that influence the use of e-procurement system in Uttarakhand
public sector. This study provides managers with the valuable information to take intervention programs to
achieve greater acceptance and usage of e-procurement system. Data collected for this study by the means
of a survey conducted in Uttarakhand state in 2011. A total 1200 questionnaire forms were distributed personally and online to employees using e-procurement system in Uttarakhand.

While strategic procurement and supply chain function had evolved to achieve a level of complexity that was deemed favourable for global value chains, much of the complexity was not fashioned to withstand global supply chain disruptions.... more

While strategic procurement and supply chain function had evolved to achieve a level of complexity that was deemed favourable for global value chains, much of the complexity was not fashioned to withstand global supply chain disruptions. Long hailed strategic procurement and supply chain practices as effective and cost-efficient collapsed in the face of COVID-19, leaving massive global supply chain disruptions. This paper: (i)identifies strategic supply chain management practices that increased firms' vulnerability to supply chain disruptions caused by COVID-19; (ii) reports the performance of strategic supply chain management under COVID-19 pandemic; and, (iii) identifies how strategic supply chain management may be refined post-COVID-19. This was achieved through a systematic literature review where two keywords namely supply chain and supply chain resilience, were used to search for empirical studies published between 2020 and 2021. The search was conducted on PubMed Central, Google Scholar, Taylor and Francis. The initial search in all the databases yielded over 200,000 articles, but only 125 articles containing at least the two keywords in the title were selected. Out of 125, only 69 were retained after eliminating duplicates, systematic literature reviews and articles not available in full text to the authors. A thorough review of the title and abstract was done on the 69 retained, and 21 articles were excluded based on title, while 25 on the abstract, leaving 23 articles. The remaining 23 articles were read in full and 21 articles selected due to their ability to answer the predetermined research questions. Four industry reports searched on google were also involved, leading to a total of 25 articles systematically reviewed. The findings indicate that post-COVID-19, firms are likely to embrace supply chain management practices that enhance resiliency over efficiency. As such, just-in-time may be replaced by just-in-case practices such as redundant inventory, extra production capacity, and multiple sourcing among others. Therefore, the study recommends that in the post-COVID-19 pandemic, companies should seek to balance efficiency with resiliency, rather than trading off one over the other.

Marketing function per se is undergoing a shift in managing transaction in a transparent e-marketing way (Kauffman et al, 2004) especially in Indian Public Sector Undertakings (PSU) – see Reynolds et al (2007). The assessment of... more

Marketing function per se is undergoing a shift in managing transaction in a transparent e-marketing way (Kauffman et al, 2004) especially in Indian Public Sector Undertakings (PSU) – see Reynolds et al (2007). The assessment of e-marketing and disposal system of scrap and purchases in PSUs, namely NLC Ltd and Indian Railways, have been studied. The review of factors such as e-auction offers, time of auction, experience, security deposit (EMD), basic rate per unit, allotment of bid, acceptance of bid, payment and delivery of successful bids on select items in two PSUs over a period of three to five years have been presented. The study adds strength to the concept of e-marketing and e-procurement as well as to the theory of marketing. Assessing the e-marketing and e-procurement system covering e-auction/e-procurement offer, promotion, pricing, payment and delivery, transparency, wider
participation, bid price, win/lose, time saving has been improvement in the e-marketing and e-procurement
system has been focused in the study. It is understood that
the e-marketing process is in vogue and therefore it is imperative to describe in comparison with e-procurement.
Sample size of 100 each for both NLC and Indian Railways has been selected using simple random sampling method on cost basis depending on the distance of travel. Finally, the data collection spread in pilot as well as main study with field survey using questionnaire. The result of main study has been obtained with relevant statistical tool such as ANOVA, Cross Tabulation, Chi-square test, Correlation, Factor analysis and multiple Regressions. The results have been identified for both e-auction and e-procurement with a view to indicate, the similarity and dissimilarity existing among the factor proposed in the study.
Keywords: e-marketing , Marketing function , e-procurement .

This paper proposes to unravel what digital technologies have to offer using proven academic models, in order to make a distinction between what may be considered as evolution or disruption in Procurement. The evolution in value creation... more

This paper proposes to unravel what digital technologies have to offer using proven academic models, in order to make a distinction between what may be considered as evolution or disruption in Procurement. The evolution in value creation through process digitization is first of all quantified according to purchasing maturity, and two disruptions are then analyzed: the ongoing platformization of purchases and the upcoming use of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. At each stage, the operational consequences for the change management to be effected by CPOs are analyzed and discussed. Four tracks for future research in that direction are proposed.

This study aims to analyze the effect of e-purchasing implementation on the reduction of fraud in government procurements in Indonesia. This study also analyzes the role of market access in mediating the effect of e-purchasing... more

This study aims to analyze the effect of e-purchasing implementation on the reduction of fraud in government procurements in Indonesia. This study also analyzes the role of market access in mediating the effect of e-purchasing implementation on government procurement fraud. The study was conducted in all Procurement Service Units (ULP) of cities and districts in Indonesia. The questionnaires were sent electronically to 520 ULPs, but only 120 respondents could be used in this study. In analyzing data, the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used with the support of the program Partial Least Square (WarpPLS 7.0) to examine the relationship between variables studied. The results show that the implementation of e-purchasing directly reduces the level of fraud in government procurements in Indonesia. Other findings of the study also indicate that the implementation of e-purchasing expands market access. The rise of market access in implementing e-purchasing will affect the level of frauds relating to procurement practices in the Indonesian government.

In today’s highly competitive environment, business entities are forced to enhance efficiency by cutting down wasteful expenditure. This involves manpower and process optimization and cost reduction by realigning business processes to... more

In today’s highly competitive environment, business entities are forced to enhance efficiency by cutting down wasteful expenditure. This involves manpower and process optimization and cost reduction by realigning business processes to take advantage of technology. A lot of effort has been put in by the industry and government entities to automate/e-enable their processes pertaining to line and staff functions. Procurement is one such area which has seen rapid computerization. Against the backdrop of the prevailing corruption and inordinate delay in public procurements in India, e-procurement implementation becomes important. Shift from manual procurement to e-procurement has inherent benefits such as efficiency, effectiveness and transparency which have been validated in numerous studies. Studies on e-procurement implementation best practices are limited in scope and therefore lack specificity to the Indian context and public procurement policies. Difference in the enabling environment like IT infrastructure, internet penetration and IT literacy are hurdles to implementation of these practices in the Indian context. Therefore, specific e-procurement implementation of best practices specific to the Indian context needs to be evolved. On the basis of India: e-Readiness Report 2008, the e-procurement implementation by the Governments of Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh were selected as candidates for the qualitative case study. Qualitative and comparative analyses of the selected case studies were carried out using template analysis. The study brings out the impediments to successful implementation of e-procurement solutions specific to the Indian context, and thereafter covers the best practices.

The Public Procurement Act 2003 (Act 663) as amended in 2016 (Act 914) is the fundamental law that regulates public procurement practices in Ghana. This act establishes the Public Procurement Authority, and under it, the Entity Tender... more

The Public Procurement Act 2003 (Act 663) as amended in 2016 (Act 914) is the fundamental law that regulates public procurement practices in Ghana. This act establishes the Public Procurement Authority, and under it, the Entity Tender committees, Tender Review Boards are formed. Goods, works, and services procurement processes and procedures are detailed in this act. The concept of Sustainable Procurement includes environmental, economic and socio-cultural considerations. Sustainable procurement relates to the practical improvement of sustainable goals and objectives through the procurement and supply chain management. Researchers have identified public procurement as one of the major activities of governments as it has to do with the usage of public funds, advancement of governmental service advantage, and a sustainable environment for the development of the entrepreneurial sector, the procurement route still suffers a lot of inefficiencies. Contract award is mostly based on lowest evaluated bids without attaining environmental and sustainability tenders are the most important basis for contract ward, without considering environmental and sustainability issues such as teenage pregnancy, child labour, health, working conditions, pollution and environmental degradation, which has adverse impact on the tomorrow’s generation. Both private and government organizations procure goods, works and services, while much consideration is not given to the effect of such procurement on the environment and sustainability. Policy makers, contractors and suppliers who engage in public procurement will use the study alongside the public procurement act to ensure sustainability of procurement products on monetary management. There are no clearly stated sustainability procurement laws in Ghana, this makes the implementation of sustainability difficult. The Public Procurement Act (663) of 2003 as amended in 2016 (Act 914), have not mentioned clearly sustainability matters to attain green procurement, thereby making the procurement entities flout over environmentally sustainable procurement guidelines. Whereas sustainable procurement focuses on the effects of procurement on the society, environment, and the economic life of a nation, green procurement relates the effects on the environment and the cost of acquiring the product

The objective of this study was to enhance the careers of women in Ghanaian Organizations. The study did indicate that career women face several challenges in the pursuit of their chosen professions, notable among such challenges being... more

The objective of this study was to enhance the careers of women in Ghanaian Organizations.
The study did indicate that career women face several challenges in the pursuit of their chosen professions, notable among such challenges being discrimination. It seems, we have not totally rid our mindset off the ancient and traditional perception that the woman is best at being a reproductive agent and caretaker of the home. The study further found out that for a career woman to be able to succeed, there is the need to plan their career from the onset and to also look out for an understanding partner. But, not all respondents agreed to this assertion. But 100% of the respondents did indicate that they believe legislative provisions that seek to protect women and for that matter the career women are not adequate. It is therefore recommended that government and stakeholders make an effort to resolve the situation as it stands and for families to appreciate the dynamic role of the woman of the 21st Century.

In the present scenario of global business competition, web-based technology is of great importance. It has become an extremely important criterion where businesses are now adopting e-commerce such as electronic procurement for the... more

In the present scenario of global business competition, web-based technology is of great importance. It has become an extremely important criterion where businesses are now adopting e-commerce such as electronic procurement for the operation management of their organization. Despite this, they are still experiencing slow adoption of e-procurement. The main objective of this study was to determine the extent of e-procurement implementation in Malaysia organization as well as identify the relationship between the e-procurement system and supply chain performance among organizations in Malaysia. The study anchored on relevant theories on e-procurement which was Technology Acceptance Model. This study used descriptive research design. The population of this study was the employees from the manufacturing firms in Malaysia. A questionnaire was used to collect data. Data collected was analyzed quantitatively through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The procurement processes include E-ordering, E-sourcing, E-tendering, E-reverse auctioning and E-informing. The findings indicated that the firms had implemented E-procurement to a moderate extent. The respondents indicated that E-tendering was highly implemented in the organization in order to improve the supply chain performance to a large percentage (M=3.92, SD=0.701). The results also identified that the e-procurement system was positively associated with the supply chain performance of the organization. This study provides insights into manufacturing firms regarding the importance of E-procurement technologies.

E-procurement gains its popularity through people’s trends of using the internet. Transparancy factor of e-procurements is expected to reduce corruption in government projects, as an effort to achieve good corporate governance (GCG). The... more

E-procurement gains its popularity through people’s trends of using the internet. Transparancy factor of e-procurements is expected to reduce corruption in government projects, as an effort to achieve good corporate governance (GCG). The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of e-procurement in PT. PLN (Persero). Impacts were assessed by conducting structured interview to the people who were involved in procurement process, such as procurement committees, senior manager of e-procurement applications, business process owner, and developers at PT. PLN. This study focused on the gap analysis of conditions in PT. PLN before and after the implementation of e-procurement. This study concluded that the implementation of e-procurement in PT. PLN gave significant impacts on the total cost of acquisitions, organizational characteristics, governance structure, pre-sourcing business processes, and procurement quotation.

Online reverse auctions are receiving attention as an effective strategy for reducing the price of purchased goods and services. The efforts to understand the G2B reverse auctions has been lacking despite the online auctions being an... more

Online reverse auctions are receiving attention as an effective strategy for reducing the price of purchased goods and services. The efforts to understand the G2B reverse auctions has been lacking despite the online auctions being an avenue to create an efficient and transparent public sector. As governments around the world are moving from paper-based to process-based information technology (IT) infrastructure, reverse auctions are beginning to replace traditional paper-based manual procurement transactions. Effectively, the importance of the reverse auctions to the public sector further is underscored by projections indicating that the economic potential benefits include significant deficit reduction as percentage to GDP of 16%, and potential cost savings of 7% to GDP for Malaysia (Settoon and Wyld, 2003). The aim of this study is then to fill this gap. In this paper, literature and published research stream on G2B reverse auctions is reviewed including the eBidding, the Malaysian G2B reverse auctions market. To date, explanations of why public sector procuring officials decide to adopt the reverse auctions strategy are incomplete, as such future research is needed to explore the antecedents of the G2B reverse auctions system.

VISI, MISI & STRATEGI PERUSAHAAN. Dalam mencapai tujuan, organisasi atau perusahaan memiliki rencana strategi. Tiga komponen utama untuk membuat rencana strategis organisasi adalah: 1. Menentukan tujuan dan misi 2. Menetapkan tujuan 3.... more

Dalam mencapai tujuan, organisasi atau perusahaan memiliki rencana strategi.
Tiga komponen utama untuk membuat rencana strategis organisasi adalah:
1. Menentukan tujuan dan misi
2. Menetapkan tujuan
3. Merumuskan strategi untuk mencapai tujuan
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa adalah kegiatan pengadaan barang/jasa oleh Kementrian/Lembaga/Perangkat Daerah yang dibiayai oleh APBN/APBD yang prosesnya dimulai dari identifikasi kebutuhan, sampai dengan serah terima hasil pekerjaan.Sumber : Perpres No 16 Tahun 2018 Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah.

Introduction: In contemporary corporate scene, one of the most essential and prevalent needs is to satisfy the request of the client in a timely manner. This need has brought about the incorporation of eSupply Chain Management process in... more

Introduction: In contemporary corporate scene, one of the most essential and prevalent needs is to satisfy the request of the client in a timely manner. This need has brought about the incorporation of eSupply Chain Management process in business strategy. This is especially prevalent following monumental improvements with incorporating technology into business operations, replacing the previously prevalent and hectic traditional concepts. Considering this, the study explored the various concepts associated with the eSupply Chain Management process, such as its key factors, the various components of the process as well as the various benefits and drawbacks of the process. Lastly, the future scope of the process has also been established in this study to provide recommendations regarding the way in which organisational efficiency can be improved through the incorporation of eSupply Chain Management process rather than the traditional supply chain management process. Methods: A review of case studies and publications on supply chain and eSupply chain management processes, factors, advantages and disadvantages was carefully done to provide a good understanding and comparison of both systems and understand the impact of eSupply chain management on businesses. Results: The effective management of information, material and financial resources flow was seen to be important to both traditional and eSupply chain systems, but more critical to eSupply chain systems. Conclusion: eSupply chain management facilitates the efficiency of other business processes such as procurement and distribution just in time to satisfy customer's expectations.

ABSTRACT Procurement strategically over time has played a dominant role in the world’s business structure, and as such should be considered a priority in the management of every organisation. The competitiveness of the global market has... more

Procurement strategically over time has played a dominant role in the
world’s business structure, and as such should be considered a priority in the
management of every organisation. The competitiveness of the global market has
pressurised most organisations to adopt advanced technologies in minimising
waste to maximise profit in the long run. In the absence of clear procurement
strategies and policies, organisations are not necessarily able to assess the
economic risks involved in any tendering, procurement and contracting processes,
no matter how low the risks that are involved. This paper provides a review of
strategic procurement through focusing on procurement strategies, purchasing,
procurement forms and methods, buyer-supplier relationship, supplier selection,
procurement types, procurement relationship in industry, and the sourcing team.
KEYWORDS: strategic procurement, purchasing, supply-chain management

Aktivitas pembelian merupakan salah satu aspek yang sangat penting untuk dikelola secara sungguh-sungguh oleh sebuah perusahaan, karena ruang lingkup proses ini tidak hanya sebatas pada bagaimana manajemen berhasil menerapkan suatu... more

Aktivitas pembelian merupakan salah satu aspek yang sangat penting untuk dikelola secara sungguh-sungguh oleh sebuah perusahaan, karena ruang lingkup proses ini tidak hanya sebatas pada bagaimana manajemen berhasil menerapkan suatu mekanisme pengadaan sebuah barang secara tepat waktu, sesuai dengan spesifikasi yang dimaksud, dan pada kisaran harga yang diinginkan semata, namun lebih jauh lagi adalah bagaimana menentukan suatu strategi kemitraan antara perusahaan yang efektif.
Walaupun secara sekilas isu di sekitar proses pembelian terkesan cukup sederhana, namun di dalam kenyataannya terdapat sejumlah variabel yang perlu diperhatikan sungguh-sungguh, terutama yang berkaitan dengan karakteristik barang dan faktor- faktor eksternal di sekitar perusahaan. Persoalan ini menjadi semakin kompleks ketika ditambah dengan kenyataan akan tingginya dinamika persaingan di bisnis pengadaan yang memaksa perusahaan untuk benar-benar memikirkan, mempertimbangkan, dan memutuskan sebuah strategi yang jitu dan efektif.
E-Procurement merupakan sebuah mekanisme pembelian masa kini – atau dapat dikatakan sebagai teknik pembelian moderen – dimana perusahaan berusaha menerapkan prinsip-prinsip keterlibatan sejumlah aplikasi dan teknologi informasi (komputer dan telekomunikasi) sebagai enabler dalam menjalankan proses terkait. Hampir seluruh perusahaan-perusahaan besar di dunia – terutama mereka yang berhasil masuk ke dalam deretan perusahaan Fortune 500 – menerapkan beragam aplikasi terkait dengan konsep e-procurement ini.
Buku ”Dasar, Prinsip, Teknik, dan Potensi Pengembangan E-Procurement” ini berisi prinsip dasar mengenai konsep e-procurement dan bagaimana potensi pengembangannya bagi perusahaan. Kehadiran buku ini selain diharapkan menambah khazanah referensi buku manajemen dan bisnis di tanah air, dapat pula menjadi buku pegangan atau panduan para manajer maupun pimpinan perusahaan yang sehari-harinya terlibat dalam aktivitas pembelian.

An introduction to the study of financial accounting

to think ‘out of the box’ and implement measures to reduce the cost of their operations. The Government of India directed all departments and ministries to implement austerity measures, including making the public procurement system... more

to think ‘out of the box’ and implement measures to
reduce the cost of their operations. The Government
of India directed all departments and ministries to
implement austerity measures, including making the
public procurement system more efficient.

AHSP Untuk daerah DKI Jakarta

The purpose of this study was to assess the factors influencing implementation of e-procurement in public entities: a case of Tanesco Arusha region, Tanzania. The specific objectives were to investigate the influence of top management... more

The purpose of this study was to assess the factors influencing implementation of e-procurement in public entities: a case of Tanesco Arusha region, Tanzania. The specific objectives were to investigate the influence of top management commitment on implementation of E-procurement, to assess the influencing of supplier capacity on implementation of E-procurement and to examine the influence of information systems infrastructures on implementation of e-procurement.
The researcher used descriptive design which involves observed and described the behavior of a subject without influencing it in any way. Simple random sampling techniques was used to select respondents and questionnaires were developed and distributed to all members who were involved in the study. Data was collected using questionnaire distributed to a sample of 100 respondents, and the entire questionnaire was returned. The data was analyzed through multiple regressions by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 25 for windows.
The study findings showed that top management commitment, supplier capacity and information systems infrastructures influence the implementation of e-procurement..
There is a need of conducting more research on the factors that influence implementation of e-procurement in the private entities.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License subject to proper citation to the publication source of the work. Disclaimer: The scholarly papers as reviewed and published by the OIRC... more

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License subject to proper citation to the publication source of the work. Disclaimer: The scholarly papers as reviewed and published by the OIRC JOURNALS, are the views and opinions of their respective authors and are not the views or opinions of the OIRC JOURNALS. The OIRC JOURNALS disclaims of any harm or loss caused due to the published content to any party.

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is studied within the public construction procurement scenario, analysing the current situation and further development possibilities, especially how to adopt Model Checking in Tendering. Results can... more

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is studied within the public construction procurement scenario, analysing the current situation and further development possibilities, especially how to adopt Model Checking in Tendering. Results can help both public clients and bidders to find out new strategies to improve efficiency. In the future the BIM-based approach needs to be integrated in e-Procurement process to fully take advantage of its potentialities.

The 21st century has seen migration of many governance functions and services to Internet. The terms like e-Governance and m-Governance are no more unfamiliar words but are political reality. The adoption of e-procurement by government... more

The 21st century has seen migration of many governance functions and services to Internet. The terms like e-Governance and m-Governance are no more unfamiliar words but are political reality. The adoption of e-procurement by government entities to optimise and economise public procurements has been the buzzword of transparent governance. In fact e-procurement has been touted as panacea for corruption and bureaucratic red-tapism. Literature is replete with studies which underline numerous benefits of migration of procurement functions to Internet. However, e-Government procurement has not taken off in India through it is an Integrated Mission Mode Project as a part of National e-Governance Project (NeGP) launched by Govt of India in 2006. A recent review of the e-procurement implementation by DIT, Ministry of Communication & IT brought out that the progress e-procurement project implementation has been dismal. In this backdrop, we undertook study of contemporary research literature to identify Critical Success Factors for e-procurement project implementation. The research methodology followed included analysis based on an elaborate study of e-procurement literature, pertinent government orders and multinational/ international agreements to identify Critical Success Factors. The study concludes that existing literature indicates flat nature of CSF i.e. there is no relation with the stage of e-GP implementation vs significance of a CSF. Therefore, existing CSFs and their study models do not aid managerial decision making by project managers. Finally, the paper brings out research gaps and suggests direction for future research for making e-GP a success in India.

E-Procurement is a procurement process that implemented electronically (Web-Based). The presence of e-Procurement is intended to minimize the weaknesses in the procurement process with conventional system. With the implementation of... more

E-Procurement is a procurement process that implemented electronically (Web-Based). The presence of e-Procurement is intended to minimize the weaknesses in the procurement process with conventional system. With the implementation of e-Procurement, business process will run more effectively, efficiently, and can save costs. As the progress of the restaurant business, the utilization of information technology on business process is substantial assessed. Oenpao Asian Food Restaurant, as one of the growing restaurant, is recommended to implement e-Procurement. By applying e-Procurement the company is expected to simplify in the process of procuring goods. To achieve these objectives, the research conducted at Oenpao Asian Food Restaurant. This research is used for the author as the final project. The methods, which are used in this research, consist of 4 phases. The first phase is the study of literature that aims to deepen the knowledge about the topic. The second phase is a field study, which aims to obtain the data directly from the company. The third phase is the analysis of the company by using analysis SWOT, SWOT Matrix, Matriks IFE, Matriks EFE, Matriks IE, Matriks QSPM, and Value Chain. The last phase is the design of e-Procurement by applying OOAD (Object Oriented Analysis and Design) and using UML notation (Activity Diagram, Event Table, Usecase Diagram, Usecase Description, Class Diagram, Sequence System Diagram, User Interface, Navigation Diagram). The results of this research are expected to be beneficial for the company as an alternative to the development of procurement system that already exists.

The main objective of this study was to assess the user perception of electronic procurement in public organization a case of TANESCO in Iringa region, this study has been conducted for three main specific objectives. The first one was to... more

The main objective of this study was to assess the user perception of electronic procurement in public organization a case of TANESCO in Iringa region, this study has been conducted for three main specific objectives. The first one was to assess the influence of management performance in using electronic procurement at TANESCO, second specific objective was to examine the need of computerized system and its contribution on the perceived ease of use of electronic procurement at TANESCO, and the third objective was to assess employee competence influence on the use of e procurement at TANESCO in Iringa Region, Tanzania
The study adopted both research methods, qualitative and quantitative approaches. They were both used so as to help the researcher to complement the weakness of each, therefore provide an extended room for triangulation of both instruments for data collection and approaches. The sample comprised of 50 respondents. Data was collected through questionnaires, both open ended questionnaires and open ended questionnaires. The quantitative data was analyzed with the help of Microsoft Excel 2010 and Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software program version 22 and were summarized in tables of frequencies, percentages, correlations, regression and charts.
Study findings unveiled that management performance and availability of computerized system lead to the minimization and reduction of errors in local purchasing orders, increase speed of work, simplify procurement processes hence allow storage of data and documentation for a long time and most of all increase accuracy of work in TANESCO. Also Employee competence influence E-procurement.
Thus the study recommends that employees who are authorized to operate E-procurement system should be closely supervised so as to ensure that they do not get opportunity to misuse the system and perform duties for their own benefit. Also TANESCO should review their policies governing regularly and make sure that E-procurement system placed cope with the current technology.

Tahun 1970-an, perusahaan cenderung menilai bahwa bagian pengadaan memiliki peran pasif dalam organisasi bisnis, dan pada dasarnya adalah kegiatan administratif dan tidak memiliki banyak muatan strategis Dalam Manajemen Pengadaan terdapat... more

Tahun 1970-an, perusahaan cenderung menilai bahwa bagian pengadaan memiliki peran pasif dalam organisasi bisnis, dan pada dasarnya adalah kegiatan administratif dan tidak memiliki banyak muatan strategis Dalam Manajemen Pengadaan terdapat sebuah aplikasi pendukung proses administrasi, aplikasi tersebut disebut E –
Procurement. E – Procurement merupakan sebuah aplikasi Internet untuk keperluan proses pengadaan. Dengan Internet perusahaan bisa mengirim Request For Quotation dan Purchase Order ke supplier, melakukan lelang secara elecktronik (online) membagi informasi- informasi yang kritis, dan sebagainya. E-procurement atau disebut juga
sebagai Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektronik (SPSE) merupakan sistem pengadaan barang atau jasa dengan menggunakan media elektronik seperti internet atau jaringan komputer. Dengan adanya e-procurement, proses pengadaan barang/jasa menjadi lebih efektif, terbuka, bersaing, adil akuntabel, meningkatkan transparansi, juga memberikan efisiensi yaitu dalam hal harga yang lebih rendah, biaya transaksi yang lebih murah, layanan publik yang lebih baik, dan siklus pengadaan yang lebih pendek. Dalam prakteknya, e-procurement mengurangi penggunaan
kertas, menghemat waktu dan mengurangi penggunaan tenaga kerja dalam prosesnya. Memang dibutuhkan investasi untuk menjalankan e-procurement. Akan memberikan profit jika diaplikasikan dengan benar dan menjalankan prinsip-prinsip e-procurement.

E-procurement merupakan intergrasi dan manajemen elektronik terhadap semua aktivitas pengadaan termasuk permintaan pembeli, pemberian hak, pemesanan, pengiriman dan pembayaran antara pembeli dan pemasok. Sedangkan menurut Davila, Tony,... more

E-procurement merupakan intergrasi dan manajemen elektronik terhadap semua aktivitas pengadaan termasuk permintaan pembeli, pemberian hak, pemesanan, pengiriman dan pembayaran antara pembeli dan pemasok. Sedangkan menurut Davila, Tony, Mahendra Gupta, dan Richard Palmer dalam “Moving Procurement Systems to The Internet” menyebutkan eprocurement adalah Teknologi yang dirancang untuk memfasilitasi pengadaan barang melalui internet, Manajemen seluruh aktivitas pengadaan secara elektronik. Aspekaspek fungsi pengadaan yang didukung oleh bermacam-macam bentuk komunikasi secara elektronik.

Eine weltweite B2B-Handelsplattform, die auch von Produzenten aus Industrienationen eingesetzt wird, hätte enorme Auswirkungen auf den Absatz- und Beschaffungsmarkt deutscher Unternehmen. Die Voraussetzung hierfür, wäre allerdings eine... more

Eine weltweite B2B-Handelsplattform, die auch von Produzenten aus Industrienationen eingesetzt wird, hätte enorme Auswirkungen auf den Absatz- und Beschaffungsmarkt deutscher Unternehmen. Die Voraussetzung hierfür, wäre allerdings eine sehr gut lokalisierte und an den Zielmarkt angepasste Version der Plattform für jedes Land. Außerdem müsste eine solche Plattform optimal an vorhandene ERP-Systeme angebunden werden können und das Problem der Sprachbarrieren, insbesondere bei der Verhandlung und Vereinbarung von Konditionen und Lieferverträgen, lösen.
Grundsätzlich ist eine Disintermediation des Beschaffungsmarktes für deutsche Unternehmen zu begrüßen, denn daraus ergeben sich unter anderem Preisvorteile, kürzere Lieferzeiten und flexiblere Bestellzyklen. Allerdings spielt die individuelle Fertigung eine ebenso große Rolle im B2B-Handel, wie der Support und Service bei Fragen und Problemen, welche für eine internationale Plattform eine große Herausforderung darstellt. Wie eine reine Vermittlungsplattform und die ausländischen Unternehmen in Sachen Produkthaftung und Gewährleistung agieren würden, ist ebenfalls als unsicher einzustufen. Allerdings sind diese Effekte ohnehin als Teil der Globalisierung in weiten Bereichen der Wirtschaft angekommen eine Plattform wie Alibaba.com beschleunigt diesen Prozess höchstens noch.
Sehr nachteilig wäre eine derartige Plattform für reine Handelsunternehmen, die bislang davon leben, Waren vom Hersteller zu den Endkunden zu vermitteln. Die Anbieter selbst würden ebenfalls deutlich mehr Wettbewerb, Preistransparenz und Vergleichbarkeit erleben. So könnte beispielsweise ein deutsches Traditionsunternehmen wie Fischer Dübel auf der Plattform als der teuerste Anbieter wenig Aufträge anziehen und seine Stärken in Sachen Produktqualität und Innovationsfähigkeit kaum ausspielen.
Deutschland ist laut dem Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Gerrit Heinemann in einem Interview mit dem Handelsblatt nach wie vor ein digitales Entwicklungsland, insbesondere bei der digitalen Infrastruktur, bei der Deutschland auch in einem OECD-Vergleich schlecht abschneide. Wegen der hohen Wettbewerbsdichte und großen Marktmacht von Amazon, Google und Ebay lohne sich der Markteintritt für die Chinesen nicht. „Alibaba geht in die Wachstumsmärkte nach Afrika und Lateinamerika“, erklärt Prof. Dr. Heinemann weiter. Gerade durch das Business-to-Business-Geschäft habe sich Alibaba laut Prof. Dr. Heinemann einen Wettbewerbsvorteil erarbeitet. „Das ist ein Trend, den Amazon und Ebay lange Zeit vernachlässigt haben“.
Scott Kessler, Aktienanalyst bei S&P Capital IQ in New York, hält laut einem Zeit-Artikel eine Expansion in den nächsten Jahren ebenfalls für unrealistisch: „Alibaba ist ein Unternehmen, das sehr in der chinesischen Kultur und den chinesischen Strukturen verwachsen ist.“ Neben enormen Kapital- und Personalaufwendungen würde Alibaba einen langen Atem benötigen, um es mit Amazon oder Ebay, insbesondere in deren Heimat, aufzunehmen. Doch die Chinesen hätten grundsätzlich die nötige Geduld und das Selbstbewusstsein, glaubt S&P-Analyst Kessler: „China war schon einmal Technologieführer – auch wenn das ein paar Tausend Jahre her ist.“