Enlightment Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

If the greatness of a philosophical work can be measured by the volume and vehemence of the public response, there is little question that Rousseau's Social Contract stands out as a masterpiece. Within a week of its publication in 1762 it... more

If the greatness of a philosophical work can be measured by the volume and vehemence of the public response, there is little question that Rousseau's Social Contract stands out as a masterpiece. Within a week of its publication in 1762 it was banished from France. Soon thereafter, Rousseau fled to Geneva, where he saw the book burned in public. At the same time, many of his contemporaries, such as Kant, considered Rousseau to be “the Newton of the moral world,” as he was the first philosopher to draw attention to the basic dignity of human nature. The Social Contract has never ceased to be read in the 250 years since it was written. Rousseau's “Social Contract”: An Introduction offers a thorough and systematic tour of this notoriously paradoxical and challenging text. David Lay Williams offers readers a chapter-by-chapter reading of the Social Contract, squarely confronting these interpretive obstacles, leaving no stones unturned. The conclusion connects Rousseau's text both to his important influences and those who took inspiration and sometimes exception to his arguments. The book also features a special extended appendix dedicated to outlining his famous conception of the general will, which has been the object of controversy since the Social Contract's publication.

Micromégas est un court conte philosophique de Voltaire, paru pour la première fois en 1752 , bien que sa rédaction première remonte vraisemblablement aux années 1738-1739. – On le voit notamment aux éléments contextuels étant cités,... more

Micromégas est un court conte philosophique de Voltaire, paru pour la première fois en 1752 , bien que sa rédaction première remonte vraisemblablement aux années 1738-1739. – On le voit notamment aux éléments contextuels étant cités, comme par exemple l’expédition de Maupertuis au Pôle Nord de 1636 à 1637, réalisée dans le but de confirmer les théories de Newton.
Le texte brille par la satire efficace qu’il effectue et projette sur nos sociétés. Celle-ci remet tout en cause, de nos conceptions métaphysiques sur l’homme, à sa place au sein de l’univers. Car c’est bien là la question majeure à laquelle tente de répondre Voltaire. Sous-couvert d’exotisme, de voyage interplanétaire et de gigantisme, l’auteur nous confronte ainsi à la richesse potentielle d’un univers dont nous ne constituons que l’infime partie – malgré ce que pourraient rétorquer les docteurs de la Sorbonne. C’est là tout l’Esprit des Lumières : goût de la découverte, rigueur scientifique, anéantissement des préjugés, quête de la vérité.
À travers la théorie de la relativité, Voltaire nous remet donc à notre juste en place en tant qu’hommes, mais avec calme, avec courtoisie et avec humilité. L’Homme est à sa juste place, entre l’infiniment grand et l’infiniment petit, sans que cela n’ait à causer ni peur, ni angoisse existentielle, comme cela le faisait encore au siècle précédent chez Blaise Pascal.
C’est ainsi sur une note optimiste et confiante, et sous la tutelle du géant Micromégas, que le texte peut s’achever. Soulignant comme vaine la spéculation métaphysique, il n’y a qu’un livre vierge qui dicte à l’homme sa destinée, – autrement dit ce qu’il est vraiment. Loin du péché originel, ou des théories déterministes qui encore pullulent au siècle des Philosophes, Voltaire espère que l’Homme, grâce aux progrès qu’il promeut en tant que penseur, pourra enfin commencer à écrire sa propre histoire, – chose que le bon géant avait bien comprise et espérait lui-même.

Der Artikel untersucht die Interpretation des Alten Testamentes während des späten 18. Jahrhunderts als den Hauptbereich, in dem sich dies ereignete. Er behauptet, dass die Idealisierung der Hebräischen Poesie die wechselseitige... more

Der Artikel untersucht die Interpretation des Alten Testamentes während des späten 18. Jahrhunderts als den Hauptbereich, in dem sich dies ereignete. Er behauptet, dass die Idealisierung der Hebräischen Poesie die wechselseitige Abhängigkeit von literarischer Interpretation und Theologie vorantrieb, indem die Lektüren jener Zeit des
Alten Testaments eine Vision eines geteilten Ursprungs der Menschheit
konstituierten, dessen Wiedererrichtung die Aufgabe aller Leser werden
würde – ungeachtet ihres religiösen Glaubens. Durch den Wandel des Lesens der Bibel zu einem Prozess, dessen Bedeutung in der Anregung des menschlichen Verstandes und Gefühls liegt, schufen die neuen ästhetischen Annäherungen an die Bibel eine universelle Vision hinter dem Lesen der Heiligen Schrift.

Dado que el método para interpretar la realidad condiciona sus verdades, la crítica de este método en torno al problema del conocimiento, constituye un compromiso insatisfecho en el curso de la historia de la filosofía occidental. En el... more

Dado que el método para interpretar la realidad condiciona sus verdades, la crítica de este método en torno al problema del conocimiento, constituye un compromiso insatisfecho en el curso de la historia de la filosofía occidental. En el período de la Ilustración, dicha crítica analiza el mundo cultural y social del hombre como parte de su pensamiento y su ser, y justifica el quehacer humano a partir de la auto-reflexión. En el siglo XIX, en Cuba este dilema gira en torno a la identidad del criollo y la realidad colonial. Para el presbítero José Agustín Caballero era necesaria una filosofía que representara su contexto, y que incluyera al hombre —activamente— en el proceso de conocimiento. Su reacción contra el escolasticis-mo simbolizó la oposición y la resistencia a determinadas “verdades” que, por su anacronismo y esterili-dad eran ineficientes para el desarrollo de una consciencia nacional en la Academia Cubana de la época. Así comenzó la crisis de la escolástica en la isla y el primer acercamiento al racionalismo y al empirismo. Sin adscribirse a una escuela filosófica en particular, y siguiendo el principio de la elección libre, Caballe-ro concilió sin subordinar la filosofía a la teología en un método propio: el electivismo. Sus postulados encubren además la intención de romper las relaciones de dependencia de Cuba con la metrópoli espa-ñola, e iluminar a la futura generación de pensadores —más comprometidos con la política y la socie-dad— hacia un proyecto independentista y de liberación nacional.

È grazie alla modernità se possiamo oggi riscoprire la natura storica di Gesù e del cristianesimo originario. Il cristianesimo non nasce con Gesù e, quando prende forma definita, appare come una religione avversa all’ebraismo. Gesù,... more

È grazie alla modernità se possiamo oggi riscoprire la natura storica di Gesù e del cristianesimo originario. Il cristianesimo non nasce con Gesù e, quando prende forma definita, appare come una religione avversa all’ebraismo. Gesù, però, era ebreo e non voleva fondare un’altra religione.
Il libro mostra dapprima l’azione critica esercitata dalle scienze storiche moderne sulla visione del modo antiebraica creata dal cristianesimo antico. Si riscopre ad esempio la natura ebraica della Bibbia che il cristianesimo antico aveva negato cristianizzandola.
I capitoli centrali mettono in luce l’impatto della scienza moderna sul sistema teologico cristiano. Sono le concezioni politiche moderne che denunciano la deformazione politica del cristianesimo. Le dichiarazioni dei diritti dell’uomo (emerse grazie all’illuminismo) hanno avuto un impatto trasformatore positivo non solo sulle diverse forme di cristianesimo, ma anche sull’ebraismo e sull’Islam. La sterminata ricerca storica moderna su Gesù, però, non è frutto di un atteggiamento anti-cristiano, ma delle molteplici e diversificate correnti cristiane che assumono volta a volta i diversi fattori culturali della modernità.
In sostanza, ebraicità di Gesù, nascita del cristianesimo antiebraico e impatto critico della modernità sono tre aspetti inscindibili che stanno al cuore dell’interrogazione contemporanea.

O presente artigo pretende abordar as características essenciais do período histórico denominado iluminismo, relacionando-as com determinados artigos da declaração dos direitos do homem e do cidadão de 1789, no intuito de expor as... more

O presente artigo pretende abordar as características essenciais do período histórico denominado iluminismo, relacionando-as com determinados artigos da declaração dos direitos do homem e do cidadão de 1789, no intuito de expor as principais mudanças ocorridas na política e no direito europeu dentro deste contexto.

The aim of this essay is to frame and analyse the formation of a conscience of value and modernity of the Plan to renew the centre of Lisbon, promulgated in the spring of 1758, and of other associated plans intended for the whole city.... more

The aim of this essay is to frame and analyse the formation of a conscience of value and modernity of the Plan to renew the centre of Lisbon, promulgated in the spring of 1758, and of other associated plans intended for the whole city. Together I call them the First Lisbon Plan, or simply the Plan. I will then look at the method behind this urban-management instrument, the process which gave rise to it and to which it in turn gave rise, with a view to ensuring its future. In this way I will be able to explain the reasoning behind the exhibition especially the first two parts of the presentation which we have included therein. However, my approach will not be to describe. Descriptions can easily be found in various works detailed in the bibliography. Nor will I repeat the arguments already presented and developed in writings I have published on the subject.

Filologi merupakan ilmu yang mulai populer sejak abad 17. Di Indonesia Filologi dinilai sangat berguna untuk menggali warisan budaya yang berjenis aksara. Tulisan ini merupakan pandangan secara historis mengenai filologi pada masa... more

Filologi merupakan ilmu yang mulai populer sejak abad 17. Di Indonesia Filologi dinilai sangat berguna untuk menggali warisan budaya yang berjenis aksara.
Tulisan ini merupakan pandangan secara historis mengenai filologi pada masa Pencerahan di Eropa.

Tra i pensatori settecenteschi, Denis Diderot è senz’altro tra quelli di più difficile classificazione. Autore di romanzi, opere teatrali, testi scientifici e di critica d’arte, oltre che di filosofia. È difficile separare le sue opere... more

Tra i pensatori settecenteschi, Denis Diderot è senz’altro tra quelli di più difficile classificazione. Autore di romanzi, opere teatrali, testi scientifici e di critica d’arte, oltre che di filosofia. È difficile separare le sue opere propriamente “filosofiche” dal resto della sua produzione. Né, del resto, avrebbe senso farlo, perché la filosofia di Diderot emerge proprio dall’intreccio tra le molteplici sfere a cui egli si dedica. Il trentacinquesimo numero de Lo Sguardo intende indagare la figura di Diderot in tutte le sue diverse sfaccettature: filosofo, romanziere, drammaturgo, scienziato, critico d’arte, promotore culturale (con il grande progetto dell’Encyclopédie). Obiettivo della raccoltà è quello di indagare come interagiscono tra loro questi aspetti della sua opera e come contribuiscono alla filosofia che ne emerge. E ancora, stabilire cosa, ancor oggi, abbia da dire questa complessa eredità filosofica alla contemporaneità.

Der Zugriff von Monika Ficks Lessing und das Drama der anthropozentrischen Wende ist streng systematisch, obgleich das Buch aus elf Einzelstudien besteht, die über einen Zeitraum von fast drei Jahrzehnten entstanden und eine Vielzahl... more

Der Zugriff von Monika Ficks Lessing und das Drama der anthropozentrischen Wende ist streng systematisch, obgleich das Buch aus elf Einzelstudien besteht, die über einen Zeitraum von fast drei Jahrzehnten entstanden und eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Texte in den Blick nehmen. Ficks Deutungen der Dramen "Der Freygeist", "Miß Sara Sampson", "Minna von Barnhelm", "Emilia Galotti" und "Nathan der Weise", des frühen Gedichtfragments "An den Herrn M**", der "Laokoon"-Abhandlung sowie verschiedener religionsphilosophischer Essays der 1770er Jahre werden nämlich fest zusammengehalten durch den Begriff der „anthropozentrischen Wende“.

Catálogo de la exposición Goya, viajero y artista del Grand Tour, en el Museo de Zaragoza, dentro de los actos en conmemoración del 275 aniversario del nacimiento de Francisco de Goya. La muestra analiza el viaje que el pintor emprendió a... more

Catálogo de la exposición Goya, viajero y artista del Grand Tour, en el Museo de Zaragoza, dentro de los actos en conmemoración del 275 aniversario del nacimiento de Francisco de Goya.
La muestra analiza el viaje que el pintor emprendió a Italia entre la primavera de 1769 y mediados de 1771. Se trata de un periodo determinante en su formación que enriqueció notablemente la manera en que se confrontaba con la realidad y sin cuyo conocimiento es muy complejo comprender su proceso de maduración artística e intelectual.

Bu araştırma, ilk defa David Hume'un tartışmaya açtığı problem olarak bilinen 'Olgu-Değer Problemi' veya diğer bir ifadesiyle 'Olan-Olması Gereken Problemi'nin tarihsel ve kavramsal incelemesini içerir. Bu bağlamda, ilk bölümde... more

Bu araştırma, ilk defa David Hume'un tartışmaya açtığı problem olarak bilinen 'Olgu-Değer Problemi' veya diğer bir ifadesiyle 'Olan-Olması Gereken Problemi'nin tarihsel ve kavramsal incelemesini içerir. Bu bağlamda, ilk bölümde 'olgu-değer ayrımı' isimlendirmesiyle ahlâk felsefesine kavramsal olarak tartışmaya açan David Hume'un ahlâk felsefesi ve olgu-değer problemini tartıştığı pasaja yer verildi. Yine bu bölüm içerisinde, Hume'a hiç atıf yapmadan olgu-değer ayrımına benzer bir şekilde iyi kavramını inceleyen George Edward Moore'un ahlâk felsefesinde, olan-olması gereken ayrımının ne şekilde ele alındığı incelendi. İkinci bölüm, olgu-değer probleminin çağdaş ahlâk felsefesinde nasıl ele alındığına ayrılmıştır. Hume'dan tevarüs eden bu problemin, çağdaş ahlâk filozoflarının yoğun ve ciddi olarak gündemlerinde olduğu görülmektedir. Bu minvalde, öne çıkan bazı filozofların olgu-değer problemine ilişkin metinleri incelendi. Son bölümde ise, çağdaş ahlâk felsefesinin önemli isimlerinden Alasdair MacIntyre mezkûr problem etrafında incelenecektir. Bu bağlamda, öncelikle MacIntyre'ın ahlâk anlayışına, erdem ahlâkına, giriş yapıldıktan sonra MacIntyre'ın olgu-değer problemine olan yaklaşımı, gerek kitapları gerekse probleme ilişkin yazmış olduğu makalesi üzerinden takip edilecektir. Bu bölümün son kısmında ise, bu problem etrafında MacIntyre'a yöneltilen değerlendirmelere, eleştirilere yer verildi.

Discorremos, neste trabalho, a respeito dos componentes teóricos fundamentais da filosofia política de Edmund Burke, pensador irlandês que advogou por uma conduta política regulada especialmente pela virtude da prudência, que considerava... more

Discorremos, neste trabalho, a respeito dos componentes teóricos fundamentais da filosofia política de Edmund Burke, pensador irlandês que advogou por uma conduta política regulada especialmente pela virtude da prudência, que considerava indispensável a legisladores e estadistas em geral. Ao criticar a Revolução Francesa de 1789, Burke denuncia a impetuosidade e os erros da ideologia que serviu de combustível para aquela insurreição. Ele adverte, nesse contexto, que não são os princípios abstratos fabricados pelo intelecto que devem reger a ação política, mas sim a consideração realista e ponderada das circunstâncias particulares de cada tempo e lugar. Antevendo, já em 1790, que o regime jacobino acarretaria em violências ainda maiores posteriormente, Burke discute os dogmas da mentalidade revolucionária, questionando inclusive a acuidade da razão pretensamente esclarecida dos philosophes iluministas. Burke contesta as noções iluministas relacionadas a um estado primitivo e a direitos primitivos dos homens, bem como a ideia de que a natureza humana, sendo plástica e perfectível, poderia ser artificialmente melhorada por um Estado esclarecido. O seu ceticismo diante das utopias revolucionárias e seu apreço pelas instituições tradicionais levaram as gerações posteriores a nomeá-lo pai do conservadorismo moderno. O pensador irlandês sustenta a convicção de que há uma Ordem e uma Lei Natural acima do Estado e da sociedade com a qual as instituições humanas devem conformar-se progressivamente para alcançar a realização de seus fins. A observância das doutrinas encontradas nas fontes cristãs da Revelação divina e a valorização da tradição moral, institucional e espiritual que os antepassados nos transmitiram seriam os meios mais seguros para manter os laços entre o que é temporal, contingente e humano e o que é eterno, natural, e divino. Burke defende, ainda, que um estadista prudente deve sempre levar em conta as experiências passadas, aprender com erros e com os acertos dos ancestrais e estar disposto a preservar as instituições salutares legadas pelos antepassados, sem deixar de melhorá-las quando as circunstâncias permitirem. Diante de estruturas e sistemas que se tornam ineficazes para atender as necessidades dos cidadãos, Burke propõe, como alternativa ao método revolucionário, a reforma gradual, paciente e orgânica, que permite conservar o que permanece vantajoso nas velhas instituições e fazer reajustamentos posteriores para melhor adequar as mudanças políticas ao todo do organismo social.

Post modern criticism destroys the stereotypes and prejudices of modernism. The renaissance is closely related to modernism, but whenever talk about “Muslim Renaissance” it does not favor of modernism. In nowadays Muslim renaissance... more

Post modern criticism destroys the stereotypes and prejudices of modernism. The renaissance is closely related to modernism, but whenever talk about “Muslim Renaissance” it does not favor of modernism. In nowadays Muslim renaissance became the object of incisive commentary as it is the byproduct of European 'enlightenment' and post colonial intellect. This paper discuss the Recent issue related to the opening of Ijthihad, by which the terrorists’ attack is justified, so this include the source of ideas to Al Qaeda and the problem is either related to opening of Ijthihad or not. Women empowerment ,annihilation of Arabic – Malayalam, resistance or unislamic traditional festival and others are become the challenge of reformative (Islahi) organizations, especially, in Kerala.



Among the eighteenth-century thinkers, Denis Diderot is certainly one of the most difficult to classify. He authored novels, theatre plays, science and as well as philosophy essays. It is difficult to separate his properly "philosophical"... more

Among the eighteenth-century thinkers, Denis Diderot is certainly one of the most difficult to classify. He authored novels, theatre plays, science and as well as philosophy essays. It is difficult to separate his properly "philosophical" works from the rest of his production. Nor, moreover, would it make sense to do so, because Diderot's philosophy emerges precisely from the intertwining of all these different spheres of interest and work. The thirty-fifth issue of Lo Sguardo intends to investigate the figure of Diderot in all its different aspects: philosopher, novelist, playwright, scientist, art critic, cultural promoter (with the great project of the Encyclopédie). The aim of the issue is to understand how these features of his work interact with each other and how they contribute to the philosophy that emerges. And finally, to establish the meaning that this complex philosophical heritage can have for today

Exposición celebrada en el Palacio de los Virreyes de Barcelona entre el 29 de junio y el 17 de octubre de 2017 en conmemoración del 300 aniversario del nacimiento de Carlos III (1716-1788), Duque de Parma, Rey de las Dos Sicilias y Rey... more

Exposición celebrada en el Palacio de los Virreyes de Barcelona entre el 29 de junio y el 17 de octubre de 2017 en conmemoración del 300 aniversario del nacimiento de Carlos III (1716-1788), Duque de Parma, Rey de las Dos Sicilias y Rey de España y las Indias.

My article aims to interrogate the tension between space and time in Diderot’s philosophy starting from the tableau of the imagination and its specific functioning. By examining the category of ragoût –a culinary... more

My article aims to interrogate the tension between space and time in Diderot’s philosophy starting from the tableau of the imagination and its specific functioning. By examining the category of ragoût –a culinary preparation that, during the 18th century, became an expression of an aesthetic of the relationship and harmony between the parts and the whole –I will show how it plays, between the Lettres sur les souds et muets, the Essais sur la peinture, the Salonsand the Regrets sur ma vieille robe de chambre, its central role in defining an idea of dynamic spatiality, within which reality and representation coexist in relationships of mutual tension and correspondence. In fact, the ragoût reveals a conception of conveniencewhich, by interweaving space and time, recalls the processes of human reason and interrogates them in pictorial and real space, making it habitable and comprehensible: if a detail always reveals a totality, activating a process of orientation in reality, when the relationship between the parts and the whole breaks down, the world itself falls apart. It is the law of convenienceand ragoût that regulates the world: to change one’s dressing gown is to redefine one's life entirely. If this does not happen, if the relationship between the fragment and the whole is broken, as in La Grenée painting exhibited at theSalon 1767, Penelope appears more suited to a beer hall than to the majestic but sober palace of Ithaca.Keywords: ragoût, anachronism, imagination, space-time.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, A Mystic? Mysticisim is usually the last thing that one associates with major representatives of the European Enlighenment. Yet Rousseau not only had strong spiritual experiences, but these were formative moments of... more

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, A Mystic? Mysticisim is usually the last thing that one associates with major representatives of the European Enlighenment. Yet Rousseau not only had strong spiritual experiences, but these were formative moments of his intellectual life that seem to have inspired his political philosophy.

When we talk about religion, it is equally important that we understand the concept of secularism. This is especially so since secularism is seen as a key feature of modern society. This writing examines how secularism emerged as a key... more

When we talk about religion, it is equally important that we understand the concept of secularism. This is especially so since secularism is seen as a key feature of modern society. This writing examines how secularism emerged as a key concept in understanding the relationship between religion and society and more specifically the relationship between religion and the state. It also look at the challenges to the idea of the secular and what it looks like in contemporary society.

By attempting to put an end to religious war between Catholics and Protestants, which since two centuries were perturbing the European continent, proto-Enlightenment and Enlightenment thinkers introduced and spread the idea of religious... more

By attempting to put an end to religious war between Catholics and Protestants, which since two centuries were perturbing the European continent, proto-Enlightenment and Enlightenment thinkers introduced and spread the idea of religious toleration in Europe and America. This research proves that the idea of toleration has been recovered by modern thinkers from Classic literature and the customs of Greeks and Romans. The rediscovery of Pagan values by Enlightenment philosophers explains the process of secularization much better than the theory of the slow evolution of Christian evangelic ideas, or the theory of secularization as an absolutely novel phenomenon. An entirely different matter is whether the Illuminists were right in presenting the ancient Romans as the champions of religious toleration. This thesis is supported by a large part of contemporary historiography, but—as is well known—Christian apologetics has proposed a completely different narrative, emphasizing persecutions such as those promoted by Nero and Diocletian. However it is beyond the scope of this research to decide who is ultimately right in this debate. Here the goal is only to prove that some fundamental Enlightenment theses have been elaborated thanks to the intentional revitalization of Pagan ideas, regardless of the degree to which they were actually propagated in the Ancient World.

In this article I examine the concept of enthusiasm through the lens of Publius Ovidius’ (43 BC-17 AD) myth of Pygmalion, where ‘inspiration’ and the ‘god within’ are fundamentally thematised1. Humanism and the Enlightenment see the... more

In this article I examine the concept of enthusiasm through the lens of Publius Ovidius’ (43 BC-17 AD) myth of Pygmalion, where ‘inspiration’ and the ‘god within’ are fundamentally thematised1. Humanism and the Enlightenment see the connection between Pygmalion and enthusiasm as a captivating aesthetic paradigm. During the Renaissance, the concept of enthusiasm attaches itself to the paragone: the competition between painting and sculpting as art forms. During the Enlightenment, Pygmalion becomes an exemplum for the divine creativity of the artist. Moreover, in the 18th century, the concept of enthusiasm will also develop from a gendered perspective.

This article offers a new interpretation of Kant's cosmopolitanism and his anti-colonialism in Toward Perpetual Peace. Kant's changing position has been the subject of extensive debates that have, however, not recognized the central place... more

This article offers a new interpretation of Kant's cosmopolitanism and his anti-colonialism in Toward Perpetual Peace. Kant's changing position has been the subject of extensive debates that have, however, not recognized the central place of colonialism in the political, economic, and military debates in Europe in which Kant was writing. Based on historical evidence not previously considered alongside Perpetual Peace, I suggest that Kant's leading concern at the time of writing is the negative effect of European expansionism and intra-European rivalry over colonial possessions on the possibility of peace in Europe. Because of the lack of affinity between colonial conflict and his philosophy of history, Kant must adjust his concept of antagonism to distinguish between war between particular dyads, in particular spaces, and with particular non-state actors. I examine the implications of this argument for Kant's system of Right and conclude that his anti-colonialism co-exists with hierarchical views of race.

Yakın çağa damgasını vuran bir düşünür olarak Kant'ın ortaya koyduğu görüşlerin hukuksal anlamda batıda yükselerek dünyaya yaptığı etkilerin bir değerlendirmesi denemesidir. Kısıtlı süre içinde hazırlanmasından ve yeterli geri dönüşle... more

Yakın çağa damgasını vuran bir düşünür olarak Kant'ın ortaya koyduğu görüşlerin hukuksal anlamda batıda yükselerek dünyaya yaptığı etkilerin bir değerlendirmesi denemesidir.
Kısıtlı süre içinde hazırlanmasından ve yeterli geri dönüşle karşılamamasından ötürü eksik bir yazıdır.
Okuyucuların yapacağı eleştiriler doğrultusunda geliştirilecektir.

Este trabajo plantea una aproximación diferente a la trayectoria vital y profesional del pintor Juan Ventura de Miranda y Cejas (1723-1805), incidiendo en su dedicación continua al retrato. Trata por primera vez algunas obras que pueden... more

Este trabajo plantea una aproximación diferente a la trayectoria vital y profesional del pintor Juan Ventura de Miranda y Cejas (1723-1805), incidiendo en su dedicación continua al retrato. Trata por primera vez algunas obras que pueden vincularse con su arte, junto a otras atribuidas o documentadas en el pasado. El objetivo radica en resaltar la contribución del maestro a este género artístico y, en última instancia, reivindicar su protagonismo como hábil fisonomista de la sociedad canaria durante el siglo XVIII.

La fin du XVIIIe siècle fut la période où s'opéra, dans le théâtre français, une forme de "transfert de sacralité" (P. Frantz) : des drames comme celui d'Anarchsis Cloots, entre autres, tentèrent de fonder à coups d'hagiographies sans... more

La fin du XVIIIe siècle fut la période où s'opéra, dans le théâtre français, une forme de "transfert de sacralité" (P. Frantz) : des drames comme celui d'Anarchsis Cloots, entre autres, tentèrent de fonder à coups d'hagiographies sans religion un panthéon des figures emblématiques du mouvement des Lumières. Le "Voltaire triomphant", qui met en scène la mort victorieuse de Voltaire sur les prêtres qui ont tenté de le convertir dans les dernières heures de sa vie, le fit de manière exemplaire : cet essai tente d'en éclaircir les principaux enjeux.